Irina Chashchina Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament “Hope of Siberia. Regional competitions in rhythmic gymnastics "Hope of Siberia" named after the Honored Master of Sports Irina Chashchina

Irina Chashchina, although not a frequent guest in her native Omsk, still does not forget and visits - both for family and friendly reasons, and for sports matters. The purpose of her current visit is to participate as an honored guest at the memorial named after the master of sports of the USSR Galina Pavlovna Gorenkova in rhythmic gymnastics. From this start, her own sports career began at the time.

The Olympic champion is now history for Chashchina. In ordinary, post-sports life, Irina is the vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. She has already managed to get married, work in a public position, open a sports school in Barnaul, organize a tournament for prizes in her name in Omsk, help many children with advice and concrete deeds. She also acted in films, wrote a book, and participated in several TV shows, including Circus with the Stars. He says that he tries not to refuse any offers, because he understands: if you don’t remind yourself of yourself today, tomorrow you may be forgotten.

Omsk need not be reminded. Irina is the idol of many girls who come hand in hand with their parents to the threshold of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Center. Irina spoke at a press conference about how she left the sport and what she does today. Together with Irina Chashchina, Maria Titova, a member of the current Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, a candidate for the Olympic team, took part in the press conference.

— I try to come to Omsk several times a year. I was in March at the Hopes of Siberia tournament, now I have come to the memorial named after Galina Pavlovna Gorenkova. Here I have parents, friends, classmates with whom we meet. Emotions are always positive. In Moscow, everything is different, chaotic. And when you come home, you relax a little. Unfortunately, time is always short, only two or three days. But these days are like a breath of fresh air.

- You, like Evgenia Kanaeva, are vice-president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. What are your powers?
- This is a public position, it does not imply special powers. As vice-president, I go to competitions, I perform, so to speak, a controlling function. I attend some meetings at the Ministry of Sports. But I consider it my duty to help children. We communicate with them and with the coaches. Where - advice, where - explain the rules, answer questions, where else to help, suggest.

— Do you give master classes today?
- Yes, but now, of course, less often, because there are a lot of competitions, a busy schedule. Basically, I am invited to various sporting events, projects, programs. I try to live an active life.

- A year ago, a school named after Irina Chashchina was opened in Barnaul. Do you consider the possibility of creating such an institution in Omsk?
- We discussed such a prospect with the previous governor, there was a desire. But it did not grow together, and it turned out just a tournament for young children. This is also good, they have somewhere to come, try themselves. We have a lot of talented kids.

- What is missing in Russian rhythmic gymnastics today? She turns 80 this year. Our athletes are still world leaders, but there are problems too.
- All conditions have been created for the team. But in the regions, of course, there are not enough schools. There are enough of them in Moscow, and a lot of children come to study there. It often happens that they turn to me with a request to help place a child in a Moscow school. Now we still have the Irina Viner Academy, where boys and girls from the age of three can do general gymnastics for physical development. Omsk has a good base, competitions are held, the same can be said about several large cities. But things are not so successful everywhere.

- You once said in an interview about how hard it was for the period of leaving the sport and the need to start a new life. Do you think that some kind of state support is needed for those athletes who have earned glory for the country so that they do not lose them after the end of their career? After all, for example, they can become coaches in the future. As a rule, their achievements are forgotten.
Everyone talks about it, but no one can finish the job. Yes, there is a problem: an athlete ends his career and does not know where to find a use for himself. You can't do business or anything else while you're in the sport, it means to scatter your strength and not achieve a result. I immediately went to the civil service academy, trying to catch up. For two years I just tossed around trying to find myself. It's really very difficult. Roughly speaking, no one needs you right after the sport. As long as you bring medals for the country, everything is fine. And then you are on your own, and the country is on its own. Treat your physical injuries, mental pain. They say about athletes: strong. In fact, they are very vulnerable. Many get lost, some become coaches, some leave for their hometown. But in terms of financial support, it’s already better now, some grants are paid to athletes, there is at least some kind of base - on what to live on after leaving the sport. When I left, this was more difficult.

How are you being welcomed at home today?
- Well, I came from Barnaul, and my grandmother met me with pies, chicken and potatoes. I really love her dumplings. While you are in sports, you can’t do a lot of things, and then you eat even when you don’t want to. I think many athletes go through this. But at one fine moment you look in the mirror, and there comes an understanding: health is more important.

- How do you keep fit?
I don't have a specific diet. If I'm full, then I'm going to actively engage. Fitness, running, swimming. I do not have a daily hearty breakfast, and then the same obligatory lunch and dinner. I drank coffee in the morning. I often don’t have time to dine at all, I rush around Moscow for meetings and events. It happens at night and pulls to the refrigerator for sausage. We are people too! But of course I try not to overdo it.


Irina Chashchina, graduate of SibGUFK, Honored Master of Sports. Silver medalist of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad in Athens (2004) in the individual championship. Repeated world and European champion in the team and in certain types of all-around: winner (2000, 2004 - in the team championship, 2001 - in the individual championship) and bronze medalist (2004 - in the individual championship) of the European Championships. World Champion (1999), silver medalist in clubs, bronze medalist in all-around and hoop exercises of the World Championship (2003), silver medalist in all-around and certain types of the World Championship (2005). Winner in two events and silver medalist in three events of the Goodwill Games (2001). Two-time absolute champion of Russia (2004) in exercises with clubs and ribbon. She completed her sports career in 2005. In the same year she was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Lives in Moscow.

Photo: Ilya Petrov, MKR-Media press center

Omsk gymnasts with a noticeable advantage won the regional competition "Hope of Siberia" named after the Honored Master of Sports Irina Chashchina.

For three days - from May 11 to May 13 - more than 500 athletes representing the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, the Republics of Buryatia and Sakha, Perm, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and, of course, Omsk regions took to the carpet of the Omsk Rhythmic Gymnastics Palace .

“I would like to thank all the participants and their coaches for coming to our tournament,” Dmitry Krikoryants, Minister for Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region, greeted the teams. - I wish you to show results on this carpet worthy of the name of Irina Chashchina, one of the brightest stars in the world of rhythmic gymnastics. It was with the victories of Irina that the great Olympic history of Omsk gymnastics began. Who knows, maybe this tournament will start a star journey for some of you!

The Krasnoyarsk Territory sent the most "weighty" landing of graces to the banks of the Irtysh - it was represented by about eight dozen "artists"!

- In recent years, we often come to Omsk - both for tournaments and training camps, - said Yulia Dyachenko, President of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. “There are excellent conditions here, wonderful coaches, a strong school. Our children learn a lot here. I am grateful to Vera Efremovna Shtelbaums, Elena Nikolaevna Arais - they always help with advice, in organizing the training process. Our gymnasts are growing very seriously thanks to Omsk!

The competition named after the famous Omsk gymnast, silver medalist of the Athens Olympics Irina Chashchina was attended by both the youngest and very experienced athletes, who had already “reached the ranks” of candidates for master of sports. Graces under the age of 15 performed in group and individual exercises.

- The tournament turned out to be interesting and representative, - says the chief referee of the competition Lyubov Belyaeva. - Omsk guys performed well. I really liked the teams of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk - talented girls arrived. Yes, it was not easy to work: the competitions went on from early morning until late evening. But it's nothing! I would like to note that it was not only athletes who improved their skills at the tournament. The judges also learned. Young judges from different cities worked in the team of referees. For some, this was the first serious competition.

In group exercises, almost all the gold medals went to the athletes of the Omsk Regional Center for Olympic Training in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Our compatriots became the strongest in the programs of the 3rd and 1st youth categories, in the 2nd and 1st "adult" categories, as well as among candidates for the master of sports. Among the most experienced group members, the pupils of Lyubov Belyaeva - Victoria Mikhailova, Arina Mezhina, Elizaveta Kureneva, Elizaveta Lantseva and Ekaterina Fattakhova - climbed to the top step of the podium. The Omsk team won in both types of all-around events - in exercises with ten clubs and five ribbons. One set of gold medals went to Tyumen - the team "Ryzhiki" became the strongest in the 2nd youth category. And in the competition of gymnasts of the 3rd category, the victory was won by "Dolls" from Krasnoyarsk.

As for the individual performances, here the Omsk players also felt like full-fledged mistresses of the carpet. Only one non-resident athlete managed to get to the first place - in the category "B" among the girls who performed under the program of the 3rd sports category, Eva Kononova from Tyumen won.

The rest of the "gold" of the tournament went to our compatriots. Eva Bulavchuk (I junior category, category "B"), Varvara Baranova (I junior category, category "A"), Ulyana Janus (III category, category "A"), Polina Soklakova (II category, category "B"), Ekaterina Timoshenko (II category, category "A"), Polina Moskvina (I category, category "B"), Maya Kolobovnikova (I category, category "A"), Valeria Korotaeva (CCM, category "B" ) and Anastasia Simakova (CCM, category "A"). Recall that our champions are trained by Vera Shtelbaums, Elena Arais, Oksana Kurganskaya, Marina Drozd, Tatiana Chernomazova, Olga Baranova, Elena Maryasova and Olga Tarasevich.

For 14-year-old Anastasia Simakova, this victory was the second in a row in the tournament. A year ago, the Omsk resident already received a personal cup from Irina Chashchina. This time, Nastya's advantage was noticeable to the naked eye. However, the gymnast herself was not completely satisfied with herself.

“If the hoop, ball and maces turned out more or less decently, then this time the ribbon failed,” Anastasia admitted. This is what the judges noted. I got the lowest rating for the tape. Now Vera Efremovna also noted some mistakes, made several comments. But, in general, this tournament is, in a way, “correcting mistakes”. I'm happy that I managed to win. Thanks for this to my mentors - Vera Efremovna Shtelbaums, Elena Nikolaevna Arais, Marina Borisovna Drozd. Ahead of us is the international tournament in Astana - the final one this season.

Are you already thinking about rest?
- Of course, I want summer, the sun. We will have a couple of weeks to rest, then training camp. But, to be honest, we are already thinking a lot about the next season. It won't be easy. It is necessary to improve the programs with the ball and ribbon, completely change the program with clubs, add a jump rope (instead of a hoop). So, a lot of work!

The Omsk Rhythmic Gymnastics Palace hosted more than 150 participants of the traditional tournament - the open championship of the Omsk region "Hope of Siberia" named after the Honored Master of Sports of Russia Irina Chashchina. Young graces came to Omsk from ten Russian regions, as well as the Republic of Uzbekistan, to compete for the medals of these prestigious competitions.

Honored Coach of Russia, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Olympic Reserve Training Center in Rhythmic Gymnastics Elena Arais noted that the tournament is a showcase for promising athletes. Moreover, both from Omsk and from other cities who want to do rhythmic gymnastics with us. Perhaps that is why the organizers of the tournament decided to expand the age limits of the competition. If earlier only first-class women and candidates for master of sports competed for prizes, this time young gymnasts, performing under programs of lower ranks, took to the carpet.

– Athletes from 6 to 14 years old participate in individual and group exercises, where our girls are the undoubted favorites. Although the composition of the participants implies that there may be surprises, - says Elena Arais. - And they must be there so that we can see those athletes who in the future will be able to make the glory of our rhythmic gymnastics. Like Irina Chashchina, Evgenia Kanaeva, Ksenia Dudkina and Vera Biryukova.

Only guests from Nizhny Tagil managed to surprise the judges and spectators, who became the best among the youngest athletes in group exercises under the program of the second youth category, beating their rivals from Omsk and Tyumen. In other types of the program, the hosts of the tournament won.

So, in group exercises, the best in all-around among candidates for master of sports born in 2002 - 2004. were the pupils of Elena Arais and Oksana Kurganskaya - the team of CPC-1. First-class women born in 2005 - 2006 the strongest was "Fiesta" - the girls train under the guidance of Tatyana Alekseeva and Tatyana Galaydina.

In the competitions of the II sports category, the champion title went to the "Hipsters" of Ekaterina Lazareva. Among the athletes who performed under the program of the second sports category (born in 2007), the victory was celebrated by the “Brilliant”, who are trained by Marina Drozd and Elena Maryasova.

As for the individual program, here the Omsk graces collected the entire “golden reserve” of the tournament. Ulyana Janus (coach Marina Drozd) won among the smallest participants, performing under the program of the 1st youth category. Ekaterina Timoshenko (coach Tatyana Chernomazova) won the all-around among athletes of the III category. Sofia Yakovleva, also a ward of Marina Drozd, was the best in the second-class. The all-around of the 1st sports category was conquered by Ekaterina Panteleeva, with whom Marina Drozd and Elena Arais work. Another trainee of this coaching duo, Anastasia Simakova, won gold among the most experienced athletes in these competitions, who competed under the Candidate Master of Sports program.

All the winners and prize-winners of the competition were in for a surprise at the end of the competition: they were presented with original cups and medals, decorated with a portrait of our famous countrywoman Irina Chashchina, who this time could not come to Omsk, but promised to do so next time.

For three days - from May 11 to May 13 - more than 500 athletes representing the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, the Republics of Buryatia and Sakha, Perm, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and, of course, Omsk regions took to the carpet of the Omsk Rhythmic Gymnastics Palace .

The teams were greeted by the Minister of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region Dmitry Krikoryants. - I wish you to show results worthy of the name of Irina Chashchina, one of the brightest stars of the world rhythmic gymnastics, on this carpet. It was with the victories of Irina that the great Olympic history of Omsk gymnastics began. Who knows, maybe this tournament will start a star journey for some of you!

The Krasnoyarsk Territory sent the most "weighty" landing of graces to the banks of the Irtysh - it was represented by about eight dozen "artists"!

- In recent years, we often come to Omsk - both for tournaments and training camps, - said the President of the Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Julia Dyachenko. - There are excellent conditions here, wonderful coaches, a strong school. Our children learn a lot here. I am grateful to Vera Efremovna Shtelbaums, Elena Nikolaevna Arais - they always help with advice, in organizing the training process. Our gymnasts are growing very seriously thanks to Omsk!

The competition named after the famous Omsk gymnast, silver medalist of the Athens Olympics Irina Chashchina was attended by both the youngest and very experienced athletes, who had already “reached the ranks” of candidates for master of sports. Graces under the age of 15 performed in group and individual exercises.

- The tournament turned out to be interesting and representative,- considers the chief judge of the competition Lyubov Belyaeva. I really liked the teams of Tyumen and Krasnoyarsk - talented girls arrived. Yes, it was not easy to work: the competitions went on from early morning until late evening. But it's nothing! I would like to note that it was not only athletes who improved their skills at the tournament. The judges also learned. Young judges from different cities worked in the team of referees. For some, this was the first serious competition.

In group exercises, among the 1st sports category, the honorable 4th place was taken by the team "Olympia" Davydenko Evelina, Korobkina Alina, Ryabtseva Ksenia, Vaganova Elizaveta, Khoroshkova Uliana

10th place team "Melody" Elizaveta Saplinova, Arina Shakhmatova, Anastasia Chernyavskaya, Milena Tkachenko, Alina Porshukova

11th place team "Birches" Lidia Reyhert, Daria Mamergeli, Daria Verevkina, Victoria Astafyeva, Anastasia Potapova

Among the 2 sports categories, the 5th place belongs to the Shining team Anastasia Rukosueva, Amina Abdulzhelilova, Arina Varnakova, Zlata Talantova, Yana Shalonina, Alina Dorzhu

7th place team "Metelitsa" Elizaveta Medvedeva, Alina Dianova, Xenia Zaichenko, Victoria Mikhailova, Alina Serebryakova

9th place team "Dots" Gargalo Maria, Stupina Ksenia, Fedorenko Sophia, Nesterova Anna, Erakhtina Eva

Among the 3 sports categories in a stubborn struggle, the team "Dolls" Kachaeva Arina, Greb Veronika, Zaitseva Lika, Boyarova Anna, Sergienko Anastasia won the gold medal

5th place team "Smile" Vladislav Frantseva, Polina Zhuravleva, Uliana Vorobieva, Natalia Soboleva, Uliana Vasilyeva

6th place team "Rainbow" Dolbik Ulyana, Nesterova Kristina, Reshetilova Evgenia, Moroz Valeria, Selevanova Angela

Among the 1st youth category, the 4th place is the team "Iriski" Brovchenko Ksenia, Vyazmina Eva, Shaydulina Yulia, Sidorova Violetta, Kreschik Sofia

9th place team "Miracle-1" Alexandra Pishchikova, Sofia Petrova, Valentina Gorohova, Dinara Sagitova, Margarita Tairova

14th place team "Miracle-2" Mazur Nastasya, Shevyakova Taisiya, Vashchenko Irina, Kuzmenko Daria, Kozlova Galina

As for individual performances, here our gymnasts also gave 100%.

18th place Olga Koryakova

24th place Peredelskaya Tatiana

28th place Vyrastkova Valentina

12th place Sorokina Maria

10th place Yuliya Zberovskaya

21st place Shabanova Taisiya

25th place Chernyavskaya Anastasia

26th place Arina Shakhmatova

27th place Tkachenko Milena

29th place Bokieva Zarina

34th place Kazakova Kristina

37th place Saplinova Elizaveta

Bronze medal for Alina Porshukova

6th place Kazakova Maria

12th place Olesya Pozdnyakova

17th place Popova Ekaterina

19th place Laikevich Velislava

20th place Piskun Ustina

9th place Polina Zyabkina

17th place Gargalo Maria

19th place Erakhtina Eva

7th place Anna Nesterova

Kachaeva Arina made us happy with a silver medal

9th place Alisa Dmitrieva

11th place Greb Veronica

19th place Zaitseva Lika

20th place Karina Vasilyeva

10th place Alexandra Pishchikova

13th place Brovchenko Ksenia

16th place Shaidulina Julia

8th place Vyazmina Eva

10th place Petrova Sofia

11th place Violetta Sidorova

12th place Kuzmenko Daria

15th place Vashchenko Irina

16th place Galynskaya Angelina

The team of our school congratulates our gymnasts and the coaching staff of the girls who prepared the good results. Thanks to talent and determination, solidarity and hard work, you have achieved good results in competitions.

A good result in sports is not a happy accident, not luck or luck. This is always the result of colossal work, faith in one's own strengths. We wish that everyday training brings joy, faith in oneself saves in moments of despair, and a well-deserved victory is always a reward for work!

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