Yakut horses run in winter. Yakut horse: characteristics, breeding and necessary diet. Insect protection

Met yesterday in the hunting shop Ohonoon, familiar from the Mountain Ulus. We got talking. The conversation, of course, went about the upcoming spring hunting. Ohonoon says: “There has been a lot of snow today, but there will be impenetrable mud everywhere. Neither cars nor tractors will be able to break through to the distant lakes. I rode a horse in March. This is the most reliable means of transportation.” So be it, I will tell a story about the Yakut horse.

The life of the Yakuts is unthinkable without a horse, this unique, extremely unpretentious and hardy animal. She is an indispensable companion and faithful friend for them, giving them everything they need for life.

Yakut horse, shaggy, squat, with a large head and strong legs, even in the most severe frosts, it is left to itself and forages by raking the snow with its hooves. And despite the frost, snow and poor nutrition, she is gaining more than 400 kg of live weight, of which meat and fat make up more than 80%.
Compared to horses of other breeds, the Yakut horse has exceptionally high adaptive qualities, the thickest skin, thicker and longer hairline, so it has perfectly adapted to the harsh climatic and poor food conditions of Yakutia. She is saved from the severe cold by the ability to quickly build up and deposit a significant amount of fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

According to the ideas of the Sakha people, the horse is a sacred animal of heavenly origin. “Dzhesegey ogoto” or “child of Dzhesegeya”, the patron god of horses and brave men, is what the Yakuts call a horse. He was worshiped for a long time, he was revered, the annual folk holiday Ysyakh was mainly dedicated to Dzhesegei and was accompanied by the traditional praising of the horse and treating everyone with koumiss.

In front of the houses and on Ysyakh, the Yakuts put hitching posts-serge with carved images of horses, endowed, in their opinion, with magical properties to bring them good and protect them.

The Yakut horse, with small stature, is very wide-bodied and massive in physique, with a well-developed chest, on short, bony legs. Her hairline is very thick, winter coat reaches 7-8 cm, there is an undercoat. The colors of the Yakut horse are predominantly light: gray, buckskin, savrasai, roan, mouse. Horses are very hardy to cold, they get fat well on summer-autumn pastures, and in winter they sniff.

Here is what V. Seroshevsky wrote: Yakuts passionately love horses; deprived of horses, they yearn for them, which is noticeable in the songs and legends of the distant northerners; their eyes always rest with delight on their favorite forms, and their tongues sing of them with delight. I didn’t see a Yakut beat or scold a horse. “Horses are smart like people: you can’t insult them. Just look how they walk through the meadows, they never trample in vain, like cows, they don’t ruin a pile, they save human labor. .." - the Bayagantai Yakut explained to me the behavior of the herds, carefully bypassing the ready shocks in the meadows, while the cattle constantly trampled them out of prank and scattered them with their horns. "The horse is an animal with gentle thoughts; he is able to appreciate good and evil!" (Bayagan st., 1886). “If you’re already talking, won’t I listen to you?” the hero says to his horse. Like the Arabs, the names and origins of horses that have become famous for something, the population keeps in memory for a long time and decorates them with fantastic inventions. And now the Nam Yakuts will willingly tell legends about the pacer Kökya, who belonged to the ancestor Chorbokh, a contemporary of the Russian advent; about the fugitive Siryagyas, the cause of the bloody feud between two Nam clans; about the Kusagannel Kutungai Boron g, on which no one could sit, as "it was thrown off by the wind of flight." The Vilyui Yakuts will tell you about the famous horse Malyar.

Yakut horses are widely used in winter in carts for the delivery of various cargoes to gold mines and places of development of other minerals, and in summer under a pack. With small stature, they carry a pack weighing 80-100 kg and travel up to 100 km a day, in winter they carry 300-350 kg of cargo on a sleigh, making 50 or more kilometers a day.

Yakuts ride horses to hunt. To do this, the horse is taken from the herd and "stands" for one or two days (that is, they are practically starved), briefly tied to a special post, so that the horse cannot bend over. This is done because the horse in the herd is very fat and unaccustomed to hard work. If you immediately start to rush through the forest on it, then it can get sick and even die. And if she goes hungry for two or three days, she will endure the long race very well. This method of "exposure" has been used by the Yakuts for many centuries.

The merit of the unpretentious, plain-looking Yakut horse in the development of the north of Siberia is also considerable. The Cossacks on them overcame the impregnable peaks of numerous ridges, with their help they made their way through impenetrable swamps. ” Yes, she is small, but ... strong, strong, steps evenly and confidently. And what would travelers do on badarans - swampy swamps stretching for tens of kilometers - without Yakut horses? What is Dzhugdzhur, what is a rocky road, - wrote Goncharov, the author of "Pallada", - in comparison with swamps! ... Meanwhile, the horse feels that it is deeply bogged down: here it begins to make desperate efforts and impetuously lifts up either the sacrum or the back , then head, Good at this time rider! Finally, having beaten, she lays down on her side, lie down as soon as you can: it is safer. That's what I did once."

Yes, the roads in Yakutia were not easy, and in the year of the horse, all participants in the great northern expeditions would remember the Yakut horse with a kind word, Commander Vitus Bering, heading the first expedition, arriving in Yakutsk, first of all demanded 600 horses.

The horses had to work hard. In summer with packs, in winter they dragged sleds with cargo along the frozen rivers. With vast distances and impassability, horse transport nevertheless carried out regular communication between Siberian remote villages and cities. “It may seem incredible,” the explorer of the North A.F. Middendorf was surprised, “that the Kolyma merchants annually, in the last days of October, send their goods in packs on the same horses to Sredne-Kolymsk, a distance of 2450 miles and that these horses reach there in mid-January, passing about 1,500 miles through desert places on pasture.Having stayed in Sredne-Kolymsk from January to May 20 and eating partly pasture, partly hay, the horses return in mid-July to Yakutsk, on the spring grass , swimming across many rivers and even rivers under a pack."

It was with such an assistant that Ochonoon gathered to hunt today. Well, well, with such an “all-terrain vehicle” he will have a successful hunt!

The Yakut horse (Yakut - sakha ata) is of interest to specialists due to its special qualities. Deserves the attention and care of a person.

Horses of the Yakut breed White horse stands Yakut horse Horse with a long mane Herd of Yakut horses
Yakut foal A horse with a dark mane and tail A horse in the steppe A herd of horses in the steppe A horse of Yakut origin

History of occurrence

Aboriginal breed of Yakut horses of ancient origin. When studying local animals, special genetic examinations were carried out, which proved its resemblance to horses of Asian origin.

The first description of the amazing aboriginal breed horses, the traditions of local horse breeders dates back to the 17th century. Disputes about the ancestors of the Yakut horse do not stop until now. Most of the assumptions about the origin of the breed are based on the legends and myths of the Yakut people.

The breeding of the breed was influenced by natural selection and folk selection. The creation of a special horse breeding farm for breeding horses in the 40s helped to avoid the extinction of the breed. the last century.


Sakha ata belong to the East Siberian group of aboriginal animals of the north. The influence of steppe breeds was most of all reflected in the exterior of animals. The horses of Yakutia are of a non-standard type, but they have the best horse characteristics.

The breed has special horse qualities, which were formed under the influence of the harsh climate of the northern forest zone. The exterior, behavior and performance were influenced by the conditions of detention, intended use.

Horses are adapted to sudden changes in temperature. This breed is bred only on the territory of the Republic of Sakha. Endurance, frost resistance of animals proved the ability of the breed to live and reproduce in difficult natural conditions.

They live in the open air, in small herds. Can easily travel long distances. In winter, most of the time is spent in search of pasture, breaking the crust with strong hooves. They live a long time, are used in work up to 27 years. The breed is considered the smallest of all local representatives of the northern forest zone.

Exterior and suits

Exterior evaluation helps to predict working qualities. The non-standard type of aboriginal breed is due to the geographical location of the area, the conditions for keeping animals.

The exterior features inherent in the Yakut breed of horses are as follows:
  • strong, muscular physique;
  • wide, straight back;
  • short stature;
  • wide chest;
  • thick skin;
  • thick coat;
  • short, strong limbs;
  • big head.

The growth of animals reaches 138 cm. Mares are short in stature, with a shorter body. The weight of an adult animal reaches 500 kg. The head is massive, the neck is short. The wide chest reaches 170 cm in girth. The limbs are short but strong. They are distinguished by a short step, strong hooves, which makes it easy to move in the snow.

Yakut horses have thick skin. The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, which in adults is at least 9 cm. The coat is thick and long. The mane covers the shoulders and neck. The tail is long, thick.

Among the physical characteristics that determine the breed, include the color of the animal. This is a hereditary sign of breed identification. The totality of the following color manifestations is evaluated:
  • skin color;
  • hair color;
  • eye color;
  • the presence of pigment;
  • uniform color distribution.

Horses are distinguished by the presence of special marks inherited from wild ancestors.

The owners of the mouse suit are ash-gray in color, often with a brown tint and characteristic marks. Savrasuya is characterized by black socks and a mane. Marked with specific stripes.

The behavior of the Yakut horse breed is determined by pedigree and upbringing, and the color complements the overall exterior.


breed native horses recognized as independent in 1987. Under the influence of the specific conditions of the area, several types of animals were formed. It is customary to distinguish between the main 3 types of native horses:
  • original northern;
  • large southern;
  • southern.

The large southern type was improved with the help of factory breeds. Representatives of the southern type were not crossed. There are also several subtypes, named after their habitats in the river valleys of the region.

The advantages of each type are considered to be increased endurance, adaptability, unpretentiousness.

The Megezhek breed of horses was bred relatively recently by horse breeders. Officially recognized in 2011


According to local horse breeders, the horses of Yakutia are smart and have a good disposition. They do not show aggression. They are smart, able to predict the development of the situation. Subtly feel the character of a person, understand the intonation of words, remember the voice. They quickly get used to the owner, family members, pets.

They have a developed instinct, they know how to navigate the terrain well. This makes it possible to use animals to transport goods over long distances.

Animals of walking breeds are characterized by a relatively calm reaction to external stimuli. They belong to the good-natured representatives of the horse breed.

Care and maintenance

V. G. Korolenko wrote that the Yakut horse is not particularly strong, but surprisingly undemanding. This breed does not need special care. Compliance simple rules maintenance provides animals with health and high performance.

Pastures of horse farms are considered the best option for content. Horses feel comfortable outdoors at any critical temperature. Having powerful hooves, they easily find grass under the snow in winter. Pens are prepared for them, where workers are fed.

In summer, Sakha Ata graze on pastures. People help to get rid of annoying insects using special repellent smokers.

Vegetables, sugar, apples are added to the diet of animals. Beetroot is considered a favorite delicacy. For feeding foals and mares, it is necessary to use high-quality feed.

Horse breeders of Yakutia perform all care activities. Conducted daily:
  • inspection;
  • combing hair;
  • hygiene procedures.

Be sure to check and clean the hooves. The veterinarian conducts an annual checkup.

Yakuts and horses

It is impossible to imagine the life of a Yakut without a horse. It is believed that they simultaneously appeared in the northern regions several centuries ago. locals horses are highly valued, they keep the ancient traditions of their ancestors.

These are hardworking people. Animal handling skills are instilled from childhood. Yakuts love to organize holidays in honor of their pets. We thank them for their invaluable qualities and help.

Horse breeding in Yakutia

In the livestock industry, horse breeding plays an important role. In the Republic of Sakha, horses are considered the most suitable animals for breeding.

Herds are concentrated in the river valleys of the region, each has its own habitat. Horse breeders come to these places to catch horses.

Herders inspect, check and distribute animals. Some of the captured horses are left for riding and work. The rest of the animals are selected for slaughter or released.


The people of Yakutia use native horses for riding and meat and dairy production.

Strong and hardy horses are able to carry goods over long distances, take part in races, expeditions, and hunting. Animals cope with these loads without harming themselves. Riding horses are never used for other purposes.

The breed is bred for meat and dairy products at stud farms or farms. For this purpose, the Yakuts use only those who have never known the saddle.

Marble meat is the most delicious national product. Milk is used to make koumiss, which has healing properties. Meat and dairy products are highly valued not only in Yakutia, but also abroad.

Yakut Ysyakh holiday in honor of the horse

The main holiday of the Yakut people is called Ysyakh. It is held throughout the territory of the Republic of Sakha in specially designated areas, on the day of the summer solstice. The Sakha people express their worship of the horse.

Accompanied by celebration folk games, dancing, competitions. Horse racing is a must. They arrange a plentiful treat, drink koumiss.

The holiday is not complete without a round dance. So the Yakuts pay tribute to nature. It is believed that the round dance energizes the dancers for the whole year. Aborigines of the northern territories decorate horses, houses, put on national costumes.

Yakut horse in the folk epic

Olonkho is a collection of the heroic epic of the Yakuts. It consists of many legends that tell about the life and struggle of the Yakut people. Olonkho contains tens of thousands of poetic lines.

A great place in the Yakut epos is occupied by the heroic horse, which helps a person in his difficult fate. Goes through life with him.

The stories tell about the occupations of the Yakuts by cattle breeding, fishing, and hunting. Mention is made of breeding horses. Ancient legends glorify the horse, consider it a deity.

Yakut horses belong to the breed of centenarians. The endurance of animals that can maintain their working capacity for a quarter of a century is amazing.

Among all breeds, only aboriginal animals feed on pasture all year round, they are able to withstand severe frosts and sweltering heat.

Yakut mares tenderly care for their offspring. Not allowing the foal to lie down on the ground after birth, they protect it from freezing.

The meat and fat of animals have healing properties: they contain the necessary set of substances for human health.

Horses of the Yakut breed conscientiously serve a person. Thanks to its small stature and long hair, the animal helps people survive in the forest tundra, in the Far North, beyond the Arctic Circle. After reading this article, you will get acquainted with the characteristics of this species, character traits, care requirements, learn about the goals and objectives of breeding the Yakut horse.

Origin of the breed

This breed is considered one of the most ancient - such horses lived another 30 thousand years BC. e. It is assumed that their ancestors - ancient tundra horses. Due to their resistance to frost, they survived to our time and began to be used by people. But a more likely theory about their origin - folk selection.

Description of the breed

The Yakut horse, or, as they call it in Yakutia, sakha ata has distinctive features of appearance and character. Due to its uniqueness, it is used by people in those areas and under such conditions in which other species would not survive.

Appearance characteristic

Sakha ata - low, strong, with a wide back and a short neck. The straight back and wide back are well "attached" to stable legs, thanks to which they cover long distances. The body is covered with a thick layer of fat (5-9 cm), the mane is thick.

Learn more about appearance Yakut horse can be in the table below:

Height at the withers 143 cm
Body length 156 cm
Bust 187 cm
Suit Brown, bay, gray, mouse, savras, red, chubaraya
Head Medium size, straight profile
Ears Short
Eyes Medium size, widely spaced
Neck short, thick
Mane thick
Withers Low but wide
Croup Wide
Tail Thick and long
Back Strong and wide
Breast deep and wide
Legs Short and strong, short stride
Hooves No cracks

Scope of application and productive qualities

Horses of the Yakut breed are bred for work (cargo transportation), riding and for slaughter.

They are bred for the following reasons:

  • stocky physique makes the animal strong and hardy;
  • thick fat layer allows you to withstand strong cold weather;
  • animal meat is considered a delicacy due to its marbling;
  • hide and fur are valuable materials.

Did you know? horse hoof- not only the most sensitive part of the animal's body, but also responsible for blood circulation. The force of gravity applied to it causes the blood to move up through the vessels.

Features of temperament

This type of horse is known for its sharp mind and quick wit. Easily trainable. Not aggressive towards humans. Friendly and affectionate with people they trust.

Features of maintenance and care

Like other breeds, the Yakut needs proper care and maintenance. It is also important to remember about disease prevention and vaccination.

Requirements for the premises

In order for stallions and mares to be healthy and satisfied, you need to properly equip their stables. It is important to remember that horses - those animals, the content of which requires a lot of effort, money and time.

Important! The parameters of the stall area for an adult should be at least 9 square meters. m.


Yakut horses are unpretentious in food, they often get it themselves, even from under the snow. But to maintain health and strengthen immunity, it is recommended to monitor their diet and supplement it with vitamins and minerals. You can not feed the horse with fresh bread, vegetables (with the exception of carrots and beets), fruits (with the exception of apples and watermelon), cookies, chips, crackers. The ingestion of these foodstuffs into the body of an animal causes fermentation in the stomach, digestive problems. It is undesirable to include wheat, corn, and barley in the feed.

You can and should give hay, oat straw, stale bread, oats, grass (although horses often get it on their own), bran, carrots, sugar, beets, apples and watermelon. If necessary, use mineral and vitamin supplements. Biotin, calciferol, B vitamins, vitamin C, vikasol, retinol, tocopherol are considered essential vitamins for the body; minerals - iodine, iron, chlorine, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium. Often the above products are enough to provide a good nutrition.

Important! It is forbidden to feed the Yakut horse with dried fruits- it is dangerous to the health of the animal.

Newborn individuals feed on mother's milk for up to six months, but from two months they are already fed with barley, oats, sunflower cake. Aged three months you can include hay and root crops in your diet, and even grass in summer. For the full development of foals, it is necessary to include minerals (salt, disodium phosphate, chalk) and vitamin supplements in their diet.

Care and hygiene

Horses need to be brushed daily. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of their hooves, check if they are cracked. You need to clean the boxes and the stable itself every day. It is advisable to change the bedding every time the box is cleaned. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the feeders and drinkers, wash them thoroughly.

Disease prevention

To maintain the health of animals and prevent diseases, the following actions are necessary:

  • ensuring the availability of an individual drinker and feeder for each individual;
  • proper diet and balanced amount vitamins in it;
  • timely cleaning of the premises and inventory;
  • Periodic disinfection of the stable.

Did you know? Horses that are considered wild today are actually only feral. The only type of horse that has never been tamed by man is the Asiatic wild horse.

Prospects and benefits of breeding the Yakut horse

Breeding the Yakut breed of horses is a promising occupation. Its representatives are distinguished by their strength, are considered centenarians. They are used for various purposes, they are unpretentious and can survive in extreme climatic conditions. Yakut horses are unique, because they live only in a small area of ​​Russia.
The Yakut horse breed is unique. Undemanding in nutrition, hardy in frost conditions, friendly to people. With proper care, breeding this breed is easy, promising and profitable.

The Yakut breed of horses, the most frost-resistant, has an undercoat and wool 8-15 cm long. Even in winter, it can feed on grass from under the snow, raking it with its hooves - to stomp. In Yakutia, horses live on outdoors all year round (at summer temperatures up to + 30 ° С and in winter up to −50 ° С) and they look for food on their own. Each leader keeps his own school: from 18 to 24 mares and foals, animals graze in such a family. In 1988, on a 160 km tundra site; a herd of Yakut horses was released, which successfully took root, it is used to test the theory of the possibility of partial restoration of the ecosystem of the "mammoth tundra steppes" of the Pleistocene.

Compared with Mongolian horses close to it in type, the Yakut horse is distinguished by its large growth and massiveness. Yakut horses are usually brown, bay and gray, less often savras and mouse.

Yakut horses are stocky, with relatively short legs and a large head.

At present, three types of Yakut horses have been formed in the Republic of Yakutia: the northern original type of Yakut horses (Middle Kolyma, Verkhoyansk horses), the southern, smaller type, which has not been crossed with factory breeds; southern large type, deviating towards factory breeds used to improve the local Yakut horse.

The size of the Middle Kolyma stallions (cm): height at the withers 139, oblique body length 148, chest girth 173, metacarpal girth 19.7, in mares - 137-145-171 - 18.1. The mass of six-month-old foals reaches 105 kg, at 2.5 years of age - 165 kg, in adult horses - 228 kg. The hooves are very stable. The step of the Yakut horses is short. At a gallop along a heavy snow path of 3200 meters they cover a little more than 5 minutes, they cover 1600 meters in about 3 minutes. Yakut horses are late maturing, but long-lived: reaching full development only by the age of five or six, they are often used in breeding and work up to 25-27 years.

The bulk of the Yakut horses are concentrated in the valleys of the middle reaches of the Lena River, as well as to the north, in the basins of the Yana, Kolyma and Indigirka.

Yakut horses are hardy and quick-witted, they are well oriented when running over rough terrain.

Traditionally, there are 2 directions for the use of "Yakut horses":
Horse. Despite the small stature and stockiness of the Yakut horses, they are often used as riding horses. Not a single Ysyakh holiday is complete without equestrian competitions, while riding horses are never used for other purposes.
Meat and dairy direction. The most massive. Mare's milk is used to make the traditional national drink koumiss, and the meat of Yakut horses is considered a national dish and is rated as a delicacy. A distinctive feature of the meat of the Yakut horse is the so-called marbling of meat, that is, inclusions of fat in the meat, due to which the meat acquires a special taste and softness, which is extremely appreciated by gourmets.

Undoubtedly, the unique taste of the meat of the Yakut horse is facilitated by the fact that only horses that have never known a saddle or stirrups are used for this. The meat of the Yakut horse is very fatty and its high-calorie production is now put on stream. In general, this is not surprising, since in northern conditions it is one of the few species of domestic animals adapted for breeding.

Yakut is one of the oldest breeds. The remains of these horses, found during excavations in the permafrost layer, date back to the thirtieth millennium BC. Many scientists (V.I. Gromova, M.F. Gabyshev and others) believe that the Yakut horse originated from ancient tundra horses, but, due to its valuable qualities - high endurance and adaptability to almost any conditions, did not die out, having survived to our days. Now it is bred mainly in Yakutia and Chukotka, in conditions of a sharply continental climate, where in winter frosts can reach -45-52 degrees, and in summer the heat exceeds +38 degrees, as a result, this is a strong undersized horse of a universal direction.
Exterior: large hook-nosed head, short neck, broad chest, low withers, straight back, short legs with strong hooves, thick mane and tail.
Height at the withers: 134-138 cm.
Color: light gray, buckskin, nightingale, savrasaya, mouse.
Features: very high endurance practically in any conditions.

There are many in the world. And almost each of them is adapted to the climate of a certain area. The Yakut horse is no exception in this regard. This breed just feels great even in 60-degree frosts and is the northernmost in the world at the moment.

History of the horse and distribution area

This breed, remarkable in all respects, has been bred by representatives of the northern peoples for thousands of years. At the same time, residents of the polar regions often used, among other things, artificial selection. However, centuries-old natural selection had the greatest influence on the formation of the Yakut breed.

Currently, these horses are bred in vast areas mainly above the Arctic Circle in the Northern Hemisphere. Most often, at the same time, Yakut horses can be found in the basins of the Lena, Indigirka and Yana rivers.

Northern horse exterior

The main distinguishing feature of the horses of the Yakut breed is thick wool. In winter, the length of the hairs covering the body of these horses can reach 8-10 cm. In addition, at this time of the year, the animals grow a fluffy and warm undercoat.

The skin of the Yakut horse is very thick. At the same time, there is also a layer of fat under it. All this allows the horses of this northern breed to easily endure frosts down to -60 C in the open air. Yakut horses are not afraid of heat at all. In summer, they calmly tolerate air temperatures up to +40 C without harm to health.

Additional heat in the winter period of time for the body of the Yakut horse is provided by the mane and tail. The latter in horses of this breed reaches almost to the very ground. The mane of the horses is very thick and covers not only the neck, but also the shoulders.


There are only three main types of Yakut horses:

  1. Northern original. This is a very powerful, massive variety.
  2. Southern is a smaller type. Distinctive feature of these horses is that they have never been used for crossbreeding with factory breeds.
  3. Southern large type. These horses were bred using factory breeds (in order to improve the ancient local variety).

In 2011, the presentation of another Yakut breed, the Megezheg breed, took place. She was bred at the stud farm. S. Vasiliev in the Nyurbinsky district of the Republic of Sakha.

Breed signs

The body of the Yakut horses is massive, and the legs are short. Therefore, representatives of this breed look squat and very powerful. The legs of these horses are also massive, and the hooves are wide and stable.

The color of the Yakut horse can be savras, gray or mouse. Sometimes there are bay, piebald, red or chubar horses of this breed. Despite their short stature, these horses look quite attractive. Their body is folded quite harmoniously.

economic value

Usually horses are kept in farms as only riding or working animals. Used in this way, of course, and the Yakut horse. Without fail, for example, these horses participate in the national traditional competitions of the northern peoples - Ysyakh. For this holiday, Yakut horses are specially bred. Such individuals are not involved in any other work.

However, horses of the Yakut breed are used not only as riding or working horses. Northern mares produce very tasty and high-calorie milk. This product is also used, of course, for the manufacture of koumiss. Also, the meat of horses of the Yakut breed is of great economic value for the northern peoples. Its output due to the massiveness of the horses is very large. In addition, the taste of the meat of Yakut horses is simply excellent.

Description of the breed of the Yakut horse: parameters

These horses look really massive. Their head looks disproportionately large in relation to the body. Girth same chest the Yakut horse can reach 171 cm. Experts estimate the step of this horse as short. These horses can gallop a distance of 3000 meters in about 5 minutes. This, of course, is a lot. The weight of adults is about 500 kg. The thickness of the fat of horses in the withers area is 9 cm. In foals, this figure is 5 cm.

Features of care

The Yakut horse is undemanding and hardy. Horses of this breed are kept outdoors both in winter and in summer. This is the only breed in the world adapted for year-round grazing. In winter, these horses are fed hay. But only those individuals who are involved in hard work.

The remaining representatives of the breed in the winter get their own food. The climate in Yakutia is sharply continental. Therefore, there is not much precipitation during the cold season. The legs of the Yakut horses are very powerful. And it costs them nothing to clear 15-20 cm of snow and thus get to dry grass. In the spring, these horses are usually herded on the southern slopes of the hills. Snow in such places melts very quickly.


The Yakut horse breed, which is easy to care for, is absolutely undemanding. These animals are usually kept not in stalls, but right on the street. In a herd, one horse always takes on the role of leader. The school he leads most often consists of 18-24 mares and foals. The leader takes "responsibility" for finding the richest pastures, and also protects his herd. It is known that not domestic, but wild horses usually behave in this way.

Yakut horses reach puberty late - by about 6 years. However, at the same time, they can bring offspring for a very long time - up to the age of 27 years. Foals are born healthy and very viable. The mare gives birth to them in the spring on her own - in the snow.

Thus, the Yakut breed of horses, the review of which was made above, is the northernmost and the only one in the world suitable for year-round grazing. In winter, these horses get their food from under the snow. An interesting fact is that in the cold season, horses work up especially big weight. In the summer, they usually, on the contrary, lose weight quite a lot. This is primarily due to the fact that in the hot season a lot of midges and mosquitoes appear on the northern pastures. These "bloodsuckers" do not allow horses to eat normally. In order to rid horses of insects, the inhabitants of the North burn smoking bonfires in settlements and pastures.

Another interesting fact is that the horses of this breed, being in a herd on free pasture, lose their shape very much. Hunters who use them in their business, having chosen a horse from the herd, tie it in a stall or on the street and do not feed it for several days. If you go hunting on a Yakut horse right away, it may not withstand the load and die. Starvation allows the horse to lose weight and regain the necessary shape. This is exactly what hunters do in the northern regions today. This is what their ancestors used to do.


Yakut horses graze, as already mentioned, in shoals consisting of one horse and a fairly large number of females and foals. Sometimes it happens that one herd comes across another in the steppe. In this case, the leaders will definitely start the battle. They fight until one of them leaves "in disgrace." The victorious leader takes the remaining mares for himself or drives them away along with the defeated stallion.

In terms of body weight in the northern regions, horses of the Yakut breed are not surpassed by many animals. Therefore, the leaders in the pastures are practically not afraid of anyone. The only animal they are wary of is the brown bear. When meeting with him, the horses begin to tremble violently. However, despite the fear, they try to keep the bear out of their school with all their might - sometimes even at the cost of their own lives.


One of the most interesting legends about this breed is connected with insects that prevent horses from eating grass. According to legend, the Yakut horses once came to the settlements of people themselves. They did this precisely in order to get rid of insects bothering them in the smoke of fires. It is in this way, according to legend, that the Yakut horses were tamed in ancient times. This interesting legend is confirmed by the fact that these horses still graze on their own and have a pronounced leader in the school. That is, in fact, they are semi-wild.

Is it possible to buy a foal

Yakut horses are bred for sale only in Yakutia. Outside of this region, even few people know about them. To buy such a foal, you will have to apply directly to one of the stud farms in Yakutia. There are several such farms in this region.

There is practically no information on the Internet about the cost of representatives of this breed and the conditions for their sale. The only thing is that you may be able to find out the exact price of the Yakut horse on any specialized forum by asking a question to a user from Yakutia. approximate cost an adult stallion of this breed - 80 thousand rubles. For a foal 3 months representatives of the northern nationalities are asking for about 30-50 thousand rubles.

In any case, experts usually do not advise transporting these horses to other regions. Outside of Yakutia, horses of this breed, unfortunately, may not feel too good. This is due both to the unsuitable climate and to the behavior of these horses. Rake even non-packed snow in the taiga or in any of the regions middle lane they simply cannot because of the significant thickness of its layer. It will be difficult to keep these horses in stalls in winter because of their freedom-loving nature.