Yaroslav Evdokimov: “The experience in the KHL gave me a lot. Yaroslav Evdokimov: “The experience in the KHL gave me a lot And the special goalkeeping coach at the sports school was

We continue to introduce Molot-Prikamye players who came to the club before the start of the new season. Today the conversation will go with the guard of the last line of the Molotov defense - goalkeeper Vitaly Evdokimov.

Dossier: Vitaly Evdokimov (03/11/1980). Position - goalkeeper. A pupil of the Krasnoyarsk hockey. Played for: Sokol (Krasnoyarsk), SKA (Khabarovsk), Energia (Kemerovo), Amur (Khabarovsk), Sibir (Novosibirsk), Khimik (Mytishchi), Torpedo (Nizhny Novgorod), "Ugra" (Khanty-Mansiysk). In HC "Molot-Prikamye" he plays under the number 22. Married.

Vitaly, how did your hockey career start?

I started in hockey school"Torch", the village of Podgorny, near Krasnoyarsk. This is a closed city, there are only 6,000 inhabitants. However, there is a sports palace and a strong section. The first coach was Igor Feliksovich Vasiliev. Time passed - gradually grew to the team of masters of the Krasnoyarsk Sokol. But then there was a difficult period. The team in Krasnoyarsk broke up. And I, after graduating from school, moved to Khabarovsk at the age of 17. He was drafted into the army, in SKA he played several seasons for the farm club of the team of masters. Then he was sent on loan to Energia Kemerovo - he played there for two seasons. And then he returned to Khabarovsk and at the age of 23 he made his debut in the main team of Amur and spent several seasons for this team.

Is it your conscious choice to play in goal or the coach's decision?

Somehow it wasn't even discussed. I got up at the gate right away - no options. And somehow it worked out. Some people like to score goals, but I like to save when the opponent is attacking. In general, I immediately realized that the gate is mine.

A dedicated goalkeeping coach sports school was?

No, we did not have an accentuated goalkeeping training. You could say that I am self-taught. I spied something on the older guys, tried something myself. The first goalkeeping coach appeared in my career already in Khabarovsk. A Canadian specialist Gilles Lefebvre worked at Amur at that time. So he, in principle, put the equipment. Removed many shortcomings from my game. And then in the team of masters he worked with me former goalkeeper Oleg Filimonov. He also helped me a lot, and I am very grateful to him.

In Khabarovsk, there were also foreign goalkeepers ...

Yes. Then only foreign goalkeepers came to us. In the Far East, Steve Pluff was a pioneer. It was very interesting to watch the legionnaires. I also learned a lot from them. In general, I have a lot to do with Khabarovsk - my formation as a player, as a person took place there. I enjoyed playing there, spent a lot of time on the court. In this city I met my wife, and our daughter was born.

What then made you leave the banks of the Amur?

I was offered to stay, but I wanted to try my hand at a higher class team. And a few years ago, my journey to different clubs began.

You have played a lot. What season do you consider the most successful in your career?

Probably the 2008-2009 season in Nizhny Novgorod. Played in the KHL, at a high level. Played a lot, gained good experience. (According to the results of the ninth week of the championship, Evdokimov was recognized the best goalkeeper KHL - approx. auth.)

What match do you remember the most?

There isn't one like it. Matches are remembered when you win against strong teams such as Dynamo, Lokomotiv, Ak Bars. And when the gates in such meetings can be kept intact. It is very memorable.

You have an "unloved" player. The one who most often delivered or delivers trouble?

Yes, there are many such masters in the KHL (smiles). Not to say that someone in particular was uncomfortable for me. Although ... that was the case, we played two games with Avangard - no matter how hard we tried, Jagr scored three, gave away two. This is the forward of course ...

Competition doesn't hurt anyone. Healthy competition. It gives ground for growth. And the relationship in the team between the goalkeepers, as a rule, is friendly. Because we are doing the same job. The goal is the same - to benefit the team, whoever plays in goal.

And how are things in Molot?

Yes, everything is fine. I met Roma Kuzmin only this year, although we had crossed paths before. We now live in the same house with him. Neighbours. And I have known Kostya Chashchukhin for a long time, even from the Kemerovo Energia. Well last season we spent together in Yugra. We have normal friendly relations. That is, in terms of communication and mutual understanding, there are no problems. And who's in this moment takes a place at the gate, does not affect relations in any way.

How did it happen that you decided to continue your career in Perm?

In the summer, an offer was received to go to Molot. At that time, my contract with Ugra ended. The agent called and offered. I took a day to think it over and gave a positive answer. The city is cool, I like everything. Constant moving is, of course, inconvenient, but you have to be prepared for this, and my family supports me in this.

Did the family move to Perm with you?

Yes, my family is with me. We rent an apartment not far from the Molot UDS. My daughter here in Perm went to school, to the first grade.

Vitaly, do you still have a hockey dream or have you already fulfilled everything?

Of course have. Otherwise, why play on? I want to win with the Hammer VHL Cup, with these thoughts and went here. Especially in that year, already experienced what it is. We won the championship with Ugra. I would like to raise "Bratina" here again. A heavy trophy, of course, well, it is very difficult to get it.

Unsportsmanlike conduct. youth player hockey team"Krasnoyarsk lynx" was beaten by a club partner. Yaroslav Evdokimov came to play with us from Chelyabinsk and claims that he was immediately disliked. However, those close to the team claim that they just want to quickly take Evdokimov from our club back to Chelyabinsk, and for this they go to extreme measures. The case has already been referred to the KHL Disciplinary Committee. Zakhar Written with details.

In what happened, a pupil of the Chelyabinsk hockey, now a player of the Krasnoyarsk “youth team”, Yaroslav Evdokimov blames CEO club "Falcon", which includes "Krasnoyarsk lynxes". According to the 19-year-old from Chelyabinsk, the Krasnoyarsk team does not like visitors. And from the first day, other athletes began to oppress him, along with the coach and management. And after a couple of unsuccessful games, the biggest player of the Krasnoyarsk lynx approached him.

Yaroslav Evdokimov, hockey player: “Of course, the biggest in the team. Yes, it was he who was told, the director himself told me, I told him to smash your face.

The news about the incident in Krasnoyarsk reached the federal level in a matter of hours. The headlines of the most famous online publications are full of loud statements of the victim. However, is everything so clear in this situation? People close to the Sokol team and the Krasnoyarsk Lynx say that Evdokimov himself is to blame for the situation. He was a bully, he did not establish proper contact with his teammates. Krasnoyarsk hockey veteran Yevgeny Gerich generally believes that there was no beating.

Evgeny Gerich, a veteran of Krasnoyarsk ice hockey: “He signed a contract a long time ago, and he didn’t like something, and wanted to leave for free, and his father often called: let my son go for free, but now other times, if he signed a contract, he must work out.”

Now the materials are being studied by the disciplinary committee of the Continental hockey league. Until the end of the investigation, they refuse to give any comments. Do not meet with journalists and the leaders of "Falcon". Krasnoyarsk sports officials are not in a hurry to draw conclusions, but they admit that this should not be the case in a close-knit team.

Sergey Kochan, head of the main department for sports and tourism of the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk: “It’s not normal at all, but there are some clashes in men’s teams, some misunderstandings, but I think it’s not like a man to wash dirty linen in public, it was necessary to figure it out inside” .

In any case, the situation is unpleasant. First of all, for Krasnoyarsk sports, and the Sokol club in particular. The reputation has been tarnished. At least until all circumstances are clarified.

Zakhar Pismennykh, Marat Mukhamedshin, Valery Chashchin

Attackof the capital "Nomad" Yaroslav Evdokimov in an interview with the press service of the club shared his impressions about past Universiade, the reasons for the defeat in the final match, spoke about his career stage in Kazakhstan.

A week ago, the Universiade was held in Kazakhstan, and you were also a participant, tell us how it all went?
- I'll start with the organization of the tournament, she was on highest level, looked perfect. Everything that the athletes needed was prepared, and if something was missing or something was required, it was done very quickly. In general, wonderful emotions remained. Of course, it's a pity that we lost in the final, we lacked quite a bit.

- If you dwell on the final match in more detail, then what is this "slightly" that you lacked?
- Russia turned out to be stronger in a certain segment of the game. We made mistakes in the third period, violated game discipline. At the beginning of the period it was impossible to concede a goal, we didn't get the puck out - now I don't know how it happened. I watched this moment several times after the match: four of our players were at the goal, and the opponent finished off the puck. A shameful defeat, especially since we had many chances both in the first and second periods, we could score goals, but, alas.

There was a version that on the way to the final, the Kazakhstan national team did not meet worthy resistance, and this was reflected in the decisive match. I agree?
- No, I would not say that the matches were easy, except for the first with China. And with the Swedes and Czechs, especially in the playoffs, it was much harder. We played with the Czech national team in the quarter-finals, as they say, "bone to bone", we were the first to miss. With the Swedes in the semi-final two periods could not score. Then they scored one goal, then the second and the team became liberated, began to play their own hockey and everything worked out.

This season is very busy in terms of games, tournaments, you just returned from the Universiade without a break to the games, in a couple of days you will fly to the Asian Games, and again there was a busy schedule of matches. Where to get strength?
- The forces are slowly ending, we need a break, at least a small one, but we are given days off so that we can recover. So now I'm fine. A general physical training coach traveled with us to Almaty, and I feel very good after his exercises. I wouldn't say they're heavyweights with the goal of loading you up full program, but they are effective, exactly what hockey players need.

- Do you know anything about the opponents with whom you will play at the Asian Games in Sapporo, Japan?
- To be honest, I don’t even know what kind of teams are waiting for us, so it’s hard to imagine what will happen there, it’s very interesting to find out for yourself. For example, with South Korea we played at the Eurochallenge, a fast team, but they ran a couple of periods and that's it, so they can be beaten due to technique, accurate passes. In general, almost all Asian teams have this style: they throw the puck and run and run. But it’s still unpleasant to play with such opponents, because you don’t understand where they are running and what they want to do, sometimes it seems that they don’t even need the puck, just let them run around (laughs).

- You have been in Kazakhstan for the fourth year, and when you first went to Astana, did you not expect that everything would turn out like this?
- To be honest, I did not expect, even then there were no serious options to choose from. I was asked if I would go to Astana, of course, I agreed. Played half a season in the MHL for the Snow Leopards. I was noticed by the coaches, they called me to training, then the training camp, and eventually stayed in Astana, played a season for Nomad. That year we played well with Bulat Khammatov, a lot of things turned out well in a joint game, we scored a lot of points. After that, they took me to the training camp with Barys, and then it went on and on. All this is very unexpected, but it's good that in the end it all happened. Although at first I was just looking for a team in which I would have a lot of playing time, I went, first of all, for the sake of the game, and not for some far-reaching plans.

- How would you rate your Kazakhstan stage of your career: did you take a step forward in professional development?
- I will say this, I have become much more than I was - both physically and in skill have grown. To be honest, I thought that the level of hockey in the Kazakh league would not be so high, but in reality it turned out the other way around. At first, many foreigners played here, then experienced guys from the KHL and VHL appeared. Therefore, the first season turned out to be quite difficult, probably, only after the training camp with Barys did it become easier for me to play in the OCRC. So if you compare me at 19 and now, the difference is big. The experience in the KHL gave me a lot, I looked at the older guys, how they train, play, tried to reach out for them, grow further. But I myself am still standing in the Nomad (smiles)

Nevertheless, from season to season, you are in the lead in points, no matter what team you play for, both in Nomad and being on loan at Irtysh Pavlodar. How to develop such a sense of the moment? What's the secret?
- You need to feel a partner, if you played with him, understanding came, chemistry, then you already know where he will be, give the pass there, or he returns it to you, and somehow everything happens by itself. Although, of course, I am far from scoring like Mozyaka (Sergey Mozyakin).

In addition, all the partners with whom I played are technical guys of a playing, not a power plan, who love to play a pass, just like me. After all, why beat, break, when you can score a goal, recoup each other in a pass. It's very nice when, say, a partner scores into an empty net, and you took part in this.

- What are your next goals?

- To play at the highest level, I want to gain a foothold and play, progress, and not stand in one place, in one team, there will be no sense from this, maybe you can only last a year or two, and then everything: slow down, final (laughs).