Yulia Kovalchuk after surgery. “Plastic or photoshop?”: Yulia Kovalchuk surprised fans with a changed face. Drew Barrymore has plastic surgery as a sophisticated aristocrat

A radical change in image and the singer's unwillingness to discuss his new appearance gave rise to a lot of rumors about why Alexei began to look different. Note that the artist not only lost a significant amount of weight, turning from a full burly man into a very slender man, but also grew a beard. In addition, after the first appearance in public in a new look, Chumakov for some time appeared everywhere only in glasses that hid almost half of his face.

Many decided that the performer resorted to plastic surgery, and glasses and thick bristles allowed him to hide the traces of plastic surgeons.

However, the singer's wife, ex-"brilliant" Yulia Kovalchuk, decided to clarify the situation. The famous blonde admitted that the ongoing talk about the plastic made by Alexei angers her and outrages her. Julia gave an interview in which she said that they themselves had thrown the idea of ​​​​plastic surgery to the townsfolk, simply deciding to joke in this way. But for some reason no one took it as a joke.

“Somehow we had a get-together with friends and, for fun, began to make fun of people in the forum who were seriously discussing this topic. And the audience readily pecked, seduced!- said the singer, communicating with the publication "Collection of Caravan stories".

Kovalchuk claims that her husband's thick facial hair is not a disguise. Alexei wears a beard simply because she, Yulia, really likes this image. To those who believe that Chumakov went through an “upgrade” with plastic surgeons, the artist does not spare offensive words.

“We laugh at these assumptions. What fools one must be, believing that, having lost ten kilograms, he should look the same as before. It becomes scary what absurd things the level of intelligence of other participants in such discussions allows”, - Kovalchuk said indignantly.

Yulia Kovalchuk recently became the victim of a scandal. Her spicy photos hit the Internet. The most interesting thing is that this is happening for the second time in a very long time. a short time. Anyone could appreciate the charms of a completely naked artist.


It's no secret that Kovalchuk really likes to show off his figure. On the page on the social network Instagram, Yulia published photos with enviable regularity, in which she showed a chiseled body, dressed in the most seductive outfits and swimsuits.

However, something has changed recently. Numerous subscribers noticed that Kovalchuk suddenly stopped showing her figure. The performer began to publish pictures in which she is depicted in closed or loose or multi-layered clothing that hides all the details of the body.

Fans were intrigued by this turn. Particularly interested subscribers suggested that Yulia Kovalchuk might be pregnant. Note that rumors about the interesting position of the singer regularly pop up on the Web. Apparently, the fans can't wait for Julia to give birth to her first child to her husband, singer Alexei Chumakov.

In a recent interview, Kovalchuk admitted that she and her husband were literally tormented by questions about children. Recall that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov in May 2014 secretly got married in Spain, where they have their own apartments. The ceremony was attended only by the closest people. Interestingly, a couple of weeks before the wedding, the lovers asked the mayor of the city for permission to play music until three in the morning, and not until midnight, as is customary.

The performer was outraged by rumors that Alexei, who had sharply lost weight, hides the traces of the operation under a thick beard. The singer denied this information, explaining that the artist left the stubble on his face solely for the sake of his wife. According to Yulia, Chumakov had to noticeably lose weight not for the sake of beauty and sensational headlines in the tabloids, but specifically for filming the romantic comedy "I'll Get Married Urgently".


All the talk about the fact that the stubble helps Alexei hide the traces of plastic surgery, Yulia called fiction. "We laugh at these assumptions. What fools must be, believing that, having lost ten kilograms, he should look like before, - Kovalchuk shared her indignation with the publication "Collection of Caravan stories". - Somehow we arranged gatherings with friends and, for fun, began to make fun of people in the forum who were seriously discussing this topic. And the audience readily pecked, seduced! It becomes scary what absurd things the level of intelligence of other participants in such discussions allows.

Alexey was helped to lose weight by an individual diet based on his blood test, which showed the presence or absence of certain trace elements in it. Chumakov I had to completely abandon dinners, forget about sweet and starchy foods, switch to vegetables and chicken breasts and drink plenty of water. But the artist was allowed to drink whiskey and eat potatoes.

By the way, not only Chumakov and Kovalchuk make fun of Internet users shocked by his weight loss. Not so long ago, Comedy Club stars Pavel Volya and Garik Martirosyan joked about Alexei himself and his transformation. As they wrote Days.Ru, the showmen brought the performer to clean water and found out how he actually managed to decrease by several sizes.

“You look like George Michael, who was returned from 1989 ... from Tbilisi,” commented the stubble, trim figure and stylish dark glasses of the singer Garik. – Alexei lost weight for the sake of art. It now fastens the jacket in which Decl performed. Since our country is not interested in your work, tell us how you lost weight."

When the hall came to its senses after a fit of unrestrained laughter, Chumakov took the floor. “I didn’t lose weight. I just stopped eating a lot at night. I used to eat a lot before going to bed, I pulled everything from the refrigerator into my mouth. And then I stopped. And I had unique diet. My nutritionist allowed me to drink 100 grams of whiskey a day. And so I dropped ten kilograms!"- Alexey boasted. "There is no liver, not even ten kilograms," Martirosyan calculated.

35-year-old Yulia Kovalchuk, however, still spends a lot of time with her little daughter, whose name she and her husband Alexei Chumakov still hide from fans.


But even being very busy and a catastrophic lack of time does not affect the sincere desire of the singer to communicate with her fans, so new photos of the blond Yulia regularly delight the eyes of her devoted public in in social networks.

However, fresh photo The artist caused mixed feelings among her subscribers, since many simply could not recognize the charming wife of Chumakov in the girl posing on the published selfie.


“There was a zest, peculiar only to Yulia Kovalchuk! Now - no ... What happened?

“I don’t understand ... But you don’t look like yourself. If you have already done a facelift, then do not get carried away, Yul "

“Changed so ... aged!”

"Something not like yourself..."

“Yulechka, do not get carried away with a facelift - everything is good in moderation”

"Plastic or photoshop?"

“Julia, you are completely different in this photo”

"Something has changed? Quite another"

By the way, Yulia Kovalchuk not so long ago and, probably, the singer shared a picture in which she posed after another sleepless night. This circumstance would explain the reason why the artist did not look the same in the photo as usual.

Shiny hair, snow-white and even teeth, radiant skin and toned bodies of celebrities - you might think that all celebrities were born like that. Of course it isn't! I doubt, of course, that Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) and Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) have ever been embarrassed by their appearance, but not all stars in childhood felt confident in their irresistibility, like this couple. We bring to your attention comparative photos of celebrities with adolescence and maturity. The contrast, of course, is palpable ...

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In her youth, the model Kelly Brook was hardly noticed by boys, as her millions of fans around the globe are doing now. Kelly is considered one of the most "natural" celebrities. True, in the early 2000s, she nevertheless underwent breast augmentation surgery, but a few years later she returned the bust to its place. Her current chest looks 100% natural, and this is due to the fact that the model has recently gained a little weight.

Bust with implants:

Victoria Beckham - the evolution of the ugly duckling

Surely you have already seen more than one photo Victoria Beckham in youth and adulthood. The contrast is impressive! Unlike Kelly Brook, Victoria Beckham had to make a lot of adjustments to her appearance, resorting to plastic surgery. First of all, with the help of rhinoplasty, she corrected the shape of her nose (the ridiculous “potato” turned into a miniature, neat, upturned nose). In addition, we all remember the unsuccessful operation to increase the breast of an ex-peppercorn, when Vika's bust looked like two soccer balls with whom her husband is “on you”.

Drew Barrymore made plastic a sophisticated aristocrat!

Unlike other colleagues in the shop, Drew Barrymore (Drew Barrymore) is not afraid to state in the press that she has repeatedly resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Looking at her photo of her youth, the metamorphoses of the actress's appearance are clearly visible. Firstly, rhinoplasty, which, as Drew herself admits, gave her more self-confidence. Secondly, the correction of the bust, which, as she thought at the age of 20, was too voluminous for her figure. Third, chin correction surgery. All these manipulations allowed, it would seem, a simpleton with a provincial appearance to turn into a luxurious swan.

Jennifer Aniston maturity did not play into the hands

Her age clearly didn't do her any favors. in her youth, Jen looked more sweet, attractive, fresher. Perhaps the whole point is in the current low weight of Jennifer Aniston (Jennifer Aniston), and the years take their toll - the gravity of the earth, under the influence of which the face of the actress sinks, has not been canceled.

“I am strongly against any interference in human appearance,” Jennifer cunningly. Mrs. Aniston, why do you want this role of hypocrite? Everyone knows perfectly well that you have had rhinoplasty twice (!) True, Aniston herself notes that these measures had to be taken based on medical indicators.

Taylor Swift's phenomenal transformation

“It’s hard to imagine that the 23-year-old country singer Taylor Swift (Taylor Swift) went under the knife of surgeons in such early age”, - Hollywoodlife journalists wrote about this a year ago. But to me, gentlemen, it’s not a bit surprising, but on the contrary, I even praise the green-eyed Taylor for such a correct act. Why complex about the zero size of the bust, if you can improve the natural attractiveness. By the way, this very nature can be wrong, and Swift is a vivid example of this! In 2012, she increased her bust to the third size. “I think it's obvious that she had a breast augmentation. Now she looks very cute and proportionate, ”says American plastic surgeon Richard Fleming to the press.

Avril Lavigne: turning flaws into virtues

The punk princess Avril Lavigne can be treated differently, but I personally don't like this singer very much. And it's not just about her monotonous songs! Stars who are unable to make their smile flawless always arouse suspicion: either they don’t give a damn about their own appearance and aesthetics, or in this way they want to attract maximum attention to themselves. In this case, rather, the second option. Indeed, why not attract the attention of the press not with a new hit, but with sharpened yellow-gray incisors that literally cry for aesthetic dentistry? And despite the fact that for many years the smile (if you can call it that) Lavigne has been included in the TOP of the most ugly and unkempt Hollywood smiles!