Why is Bruce Lee unique? Celebrity Options. Celebrity Diets. Bruce the peacemaker

Hello dear readers. I think that any of you at least once watched a movie with Bruce Lee and involuntarily admired his unique skill and body relief. And, probably, many asked themselves the question: could I do the same? Well, today I will talk about what Bruce Lee's workout looked like and how the exercises he used are applicable for people with less physical fitness.

What do we know about this person? Interestingly, the moment of his birth - between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning on November 27, 1940 - fell on the year of the Dragon and the hour of the Dragon in accordance with the Chinese time system. So the popular nickname "Dragon" and the frequent appearance of this word in the titles of the actor's film is not accidental. By the way, Bruce's childhood name was Li Xiaolong, meaning Li Little Dragon.

Parents were Chinese-born Li Hoi Chen and Euro-Asian (half-German) Grace Lee. Actually, the fact of birth took place in San Francisco, where at that moment his father, a comedian of the Cantonese Opera, was on tour with his wife.

As an actor, Bruce Lee began his career at the age of three months, he was cast as a baby girl in the movie Golden Gate Girl. The next shooting was already at the age of six, in the film "The Origin of Humankind".

Despite the excellent physique of the body in adulthood, as a child and teenager, Lee was not so well developed physically. On the contrary, he was considered frail and weak. He tried to train since childhood, but special success didn't have. Active activities began only in 1954, but he became interested not in martial arts at all, but ... in dancing. Yes, yes, he was an excellent cha-cha-cha dancer. Even won the Hong Kong championship in this type of dance at the age of 18. In parallel, he took up boxing, which led to victory in competitions between schools. It was after this that he became interested in kung fu.

Martial arts classes began with the study of Taijiquan, then Bruce studied with the famous Ip Man the style of Wing Chun (Wing Chun), mastered the techniques of judo, jiu-jitsu, boxing. He mainly focused on combat without weapons, although he also owned them. Especially effectively - and effectively - she worked with nunchucks.

Bruce Lee's family and civil life developed quite smoothly. In 1959, he moved to the States to confirm his birthright citizenship. Lived in San Francisco, then in Seattle. Graduated from Seattle Technical School, enrolled at the University of Washington in Philosophy (not bad, right?) Department. It was there that he met his future wife, Linda. They got married in 1964, son Brandon was born in 1965, and daughter Shannon was born in 1969.

In the United States, the actor starred in TV shows, but not in the lead roles, and gave private martial arts lessons to ensure financial independence. Among his students there were many famous people, including basketball player Kerim-Abdul Jabar, with whom Lee later staged an interesting fight scene in the film The Game of Death.

Since 1971, Bruce moved to Hong Kong, where he began his career as an action star. The filming of the first film by the Golden Harvest studio, Big Boss, where the actor himself directed the fight scenes, brought a resounding success, reinforced by the already more budgetary Fist of Fury and Return of the Dragon. During his career, Bruce starred in 36 films, but only in the last five he played the main role.

The death of the actor happened in 1973, he was 33 years old ... It happened during the filming of the film "Death Tower". Under the new title "Game of Death", this picture was filmed five years after Lee's death, where two doubles were used instead of him.

Achievements of Bruce Lee

As already mentioned, the main successes of Lee as an actor include fame and solid earnings. At the same time, his films, unique for those times, served to actively popularize martial arts. It was then that he had a huge number of followers around the world.

The Jeet Kune Do system developed by Bruce Lee (“The Way of the Leading Fist”), based on the principle of advancing the blows of the enemy, is still considered one of the most promising and effective schools of martial art.

As an athlete and fighter, Lee has achieved impressive success. Among his records:

  • Highest hitting speed. It was not possible to shoot them using the usual speed (24 frames per second), for the battle scenes technology with 32 frames per second was used. A movement per meter was recorded in 0.02 seconds.
  • Unique endurance. He could hold his legs in a “corner” in emphasis on his hands for more than half an hour, held a 34-kilogram weight in one hand for several seconds.
  • Incredible accuracy of movements - the fighter managed to catch thrown grains of rice with chopsticks;
  • Force of impact - Lee pierced with his fingers the steel cans of Cola that were sealed at that time.
  • The incomparable strength of the hands and forearms of the hands - the actor did push-ups on two fingers and pulled himself up on the little finger of one hand.

How did Bruce Lee train?

Now the network presents a huge number of scattered and sometimes contradictory materials about the method of training an actor. After collecting and analyzing the main sources, I singled out the following main points.

  1. In vain they think that Bruce Lee was engaged only in martial arts. Bodybuilding, fitness - all this was in his career as an athlete.
  2. At the peak of his form, the athlete worked out with a load equal to or greater than his own weight. At the same time, he preferred to do bodybuilding at home, and not in gym, having all the necessary arsenal of pitching devices.
  3. The training consisted of isometric and static exercises, aerobic exercise and professional training - percussion techniques.
  4. Even on rest days, Lee did not stop exercising, speed, flexibility in parallel with reading and watching TV.

Principles and methods of training: thoughtful and exhausting

Personal records and videos, photographs taken at different moments of Bruce Lee's life, his communication with other athletes and journalists allows us to draw conclusions about the principles and methods of his training.

  • Absorb the useful and cut off the useless. These words are attributed to Lee, and although it is not known if he really spoke like that, his fighting style and training fully confirm the phrase. This style can be described as "instinctive".
  • Train to fight. Absolutely all the actor's classes were aimed at making the body as perfect as possible, a perfectly functioning mechanism. Strength training gave the necessary endurance and energy, aerobic training helped to improve blood circulation and reaction, combat training helped to hone the technique.
  • . As you know, Bruce Lee did sets and reps for speed and flexibility every day, worked with heavy iron at least three times a week.
  • Striking cannot be impersonal. Lee recommended imagining the most hated person in place of the punching bag or simulator and putting emotion into every punch.
  • Training must be progressive.

What colleagues and eyewitnesses say

The person closest to the actor - his wife Linda - claimed that she was amazed by her husband's ability to simultaneously perform many actions (watch boxing, read in between interesting moments and simultaneously perform kicks and pump biceps with a dumbbell). His fanatical attitude to training, everyday "torture" of his body, bringing it to unimaginable perfection was the most significant part of their family life. She also reported in her memoirs that Bruce devoted a lot of time to searching for information about new possibilities for improving the body and developing his own training systems, including meditating.

The US wrestling champion noted that weighing 40 kilograms less than him, Lee managed to defeat him in the fight on his hands, and without visible tension. Bruce's incredible physical strength is also noted by his colleagues John Lewis and John Rea. Herb Jackson, who designed new exercise machines for him, reported that wooden products broke instantly, and only metal-reinforced ones had a chance to hold out at least a few workouts.

Interestingly, Chuck Norris claimed that Lee did not use kicks above the waist, considering them impractical in martial arts. However, Norris managed to convince him of the effectiveness of such techniques on the screen, after which Lee mastered the full arsenal of high kicks for six months.

Technique and types of exercises

Reconstructing diary entries, the words of eyewitnesses and photos with Bruce Lee, experts came to the conclusion that he worked on the following physical training techniques:

  • Basic exercises for three sets with 15 ... 30 approaches, depending on the weight.
  • The alternation of exercises, in each workout they change.

One of the programs for training the press and leg muscles is shown in the photo.

The table below summarizes the basic principles of operation.

Workouts by day

Another photo from his personal notes:

Regarding the combat techniques, I managed to find the following program:

  • Punches on Monday/Wednesday/Friday - jab, cross, hook, cross from below, speed training, series. All exercises, except for high-speed ones, are done on a pneumatic bag, a punching bag, a regular bag and a wall cushion, speed exercises only on a pneumatic bag in the gym or at home.
  • Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Kicks – side, side, twist, heel, straight, and back hooks.

Records (not complete) for January 1968 report that there were training sessions per month: for stretching and practicing strikes - 15, for speed - 12, for twisting (including lifting the body) and lifting legs in the hang - 121 and 129 , for legs (squats and others) 19, running (including sprint) - 10 hours.

Almost all exercises were performed at home - sport equipment for this, it occupied the entire house of the actor, and there were even simulators in the garage. Eyewitnesses report that dumbbells and a barbell were available wherever he spent at least half an hour - even in the office.

How Bruce Lee ate: a balanced diet

Throughout his life, Li preferred Chinese cuisine, including soy-based. Relatives claimed that he avoided flour - he ate only out of courtesy, at a party. Emphasis on protein products expressed in a large number of protein shakes, the actor drank them every day: with milk powder, eggs, bananas, peanut butter, wheat germ, brewer's yeast and lecithin. The composition was constantly changing.

Lee adhered to the principle fractional nutrition- in small portions five to six times a day. The diet was accompanied by energy drinks based on ginseng and honey, vitamins and nutritional supplements.

What Supplements Did Bruce Lee Use?

According to his wife and other eyewitnesses, he actively experimented with all synthetic vitamins, mainly groups B, E, C, constantly used rosehip syrup and bee pollen. As mentioned above, ginseng was on the menu every day in the form of drinks, as was honey.


It's hard to stop, because there is so much information about Bruce Lee, and so much benefit can come from using his methods and principles of life to improve our own lives. I will be very happy if you find something new and useful for yourself in this article, share useful tips in social networks!

In contact with

The legendary man, Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 in San Francisco, where his father, an actor in the Chinese theater, temporarily performed. His youth passed in the homeland of his parents, in China, Hong Kong. A remarkable fact is that, having barely been born, at the age of 3 months, baby Bruce starred in a film where his father played.

Bruce's life since childhood was connected with cinema, thanks to his parents. In total, Lee starred in 20 films before he was 15 years old. Of course, they did not bring him income, except for pocket expenses, but the creative experience acquired by Bruce during all that time was enormous.

At the age of 12, his parents sent Bruce to La Salle College, a kind of school for all-round development, both mental and physical. At 13, young Bruce Lee expressed a desire to learn kung fu, citing the fact that he could not stand up for himself in street fights. The parents liked the hobby of their son and they sent him to the legendary Wing Chun master Ip Man for training.

In addition to kung fu, Bruce went to dance classes, namely the cha-cha-cha dance, and soon became the winner of China. The excellent coordination of movements acquired in dancing helped Bruce reach unprecedented heights in kung fu.

In 1958, Bruce Lee won his college boxing championship by defeating a three-time, far-outweight champion. Lee began to fight more and more often on the streets, as the fame of his success in kung fu gave rise to envy among many of his peers. After another skirmish, in which, enraged by the actions of his opponent, Bruce knocked out several of his teeth, for which he was brought to the police, his father sent him to a friend in San Francisco to save the guy from a negative future.

Soon Bruce Lee moved to Seattle, where he got a job as a waiter, enrolling at the Edison Higher Technical School along the way. Meanwhile, he continued to practice kung fu, improve his body and come up with his own techniques in combat techniques. After graduating from technical school, Bruce entered the University of Washington at the Faculty of Philosophy.

In 1961, at the age of 21, Bruce opens his own kung fu school and, in addition, begins to lecture in many educational institutions on the philosophy of combat. Bruce Lee's kung fu school was different from all others in that it accepted people of all nationalities, while other kung fu masters in America recruited exclusively Asians into their ranks.

For this, Bruce was repeatedly called to fights, from which he always emerged victorious. Lee was incredibly fast and strong, his fighting tactic was to land as many hits as possible in a short amount of time. An ideal fight, according to Lee, should last no more than 5 seconds, after which the opponent should be defeated. This is what Bruce always went for, sparing neither himself nor his students.

In the records found after the death of Bruce Lee, it was said that he considers kung fu and ... bodybuilding to be the meaning of his life. Oddly enough, but Bruce Lee was very fond of this sport for its very idea. Building a perfectly folded obedient body - that was Bruce's main goal. However, he could not devote all his attention to bodybuilding for the reason that too much muscle mass could hinder his movements. And sharpness and strength - this was Bruce's calling card.

There are many rumors and legends about the strength of Bruce Lee. His students said that sometimes Bruce showed them the wonders of his body in training. In addition to push-ups on one hand, on 2 fingers, Bruce also did incredible things with iron. For example, once he gathered all the wards around him and told them that he would show what he was capable of human body with proper development. At that time, his weight was 70 kg, he took a kettlebell weighing 37 kg in each hand and spread them apart. In this position, he stood for 20 seconds.

A friend of Bruce's jiu-jitsu coach said that once, meeting Lee at the airport, he witnessed how the 65-pound Bruce easily carried a suitcase weighing 100 kg.

Bruce Lee's strength was so great that he repeatedly knocked out many martial artists who surpassed him in weight and height. Once the winner of gold at the American Judo Games 100-pound Howard Nashioka met in sparring with Bruce. As a result, he was thrown several meters away from Lee's blow, after which he did not dare to rise.

On July 20, 1973, the world was shocked by the news of the death of a cinema and sports star, Bruce Lee. He died under rather strange circumstances in his room, during a break between the filming of his last film with the fatal name "Game of Death" from cerebral edema. More than 25 thousand people came to bury the people's favorite.

The founder of his own fighting style "Way of the Preemptive Fist", movie star, outstanding trainer and legendary fighter Bruce Lee, as they say, took the secret of his strength with him to the grave. He never revealed the final formula for achieving success in building such a strong and at the same time fast body, like his. However, one thing is indisputable - all this is possible only with the help of colossal efforts and truly "iron" willpower.

User comments

Only 2 pages 1

great person

+1 -1

I am one of Bruce Lee's fans. Bruce Lee is not only an actor, he is also a philosopher.

+0 -0

Bruce Lee 34 kg for the layout of dumbbells while standing and holding a few mints! Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Bolo Young, real masters!

+0 -5

With his own weight of just over 61 kg, Bruce held a barbell weighing 57 kg with straight arms in front of him! A blow to a boxing bag weighing 136 kg led to a stunning result, the bag hung on a chain flew off and hit the ceiling!

+0 -8

The greatest, real example of the will and striving for the goal !!!

+0 -0

I am one of the biggest Bruce Lee fans. And I'm glad to see there's more good people who appreciate the memory of great people!

+2 -1

"... once, meeting Lee at the airport, he witnessed how the 65-pound Bruce easily carried a suitcase weighing 100 kg." What are those suitcases at the airport? Or was he carrying 20 suitcases?

+3 -0

Man-Legend, I bow to his skill ...

+2 -0

If he knew now how he is respected and loved

When he was, they knew that he was, when he left, they began to appreciate, checked out

+0 -0

This often happens with artists, and with composers, in general with great people.

+0 -0

I was brought up on his films. After all, in the 90s, every kid wanted to master his hands and feet so masterfully. Which led many to the section martial arts.True master!

+0 -0

bruce lee is a man of legend

+0 -0

Truly, the man is a legend. Whatever the fact, everything looks like a legend.

There are no victories in official competitions, as I understand it. All information about incredible strength and dexterity is gleaned from Chinese-style feature films. Just fucking ... Boyarsky, in this case, the best swordsman ...

Oh, the idols of my childhood, why, with the passage of time, do you turn out to be completely different from what you seemed many years ago?

Yes, I also held dumbbells weighing 37 kg for 20 seconds. And the strongmen, these overweight dead men, for some reason perform a similar exercise with a weight of 16 kg and cramps reduce their muscles, and grimaces-faces. It can be seen, indeed, there are incomprehensible things in this world, actually just one..

+5 -0

Found here, for information: the full official list of victories of the "great master". Already 11 fights in a lifetime. I note that, for example, "boxing champion Gary Elms" (1958) does not exist at all in nature. The rest of the victories are known ONLY from the words of his relatives or friends. The word "unknown" next to the enemy's name looks especially funny. That is, the dude challenged Bruce Lee to a fight, got a kick and wished to remain anonymous.

Bruce Lee has NEVER competed. That is, when an event is held under the auspices of the federation, they gather famous fighters, the fight is conducted in the presence of spectators, judges and reporters. Filming is underway. Then after the fight panel of judges makes a decision that is known to everyone, you just need to look into the archives of the federation. The average boxer has dozens of such fights. And a kungfu master has only 11. In his entire life.

1955: William Cheung, Hong Kong....Exch.

1957: Wong Shun-Leung, Hong Kong....Exch

1958: Pu Chang, Hong Kong....KO 2

1958: Yang Huang, Hong Kong....KO 1

(Amateur Boxing Tournament)

1958: Lieh Lo, Hong King....KO 1

(Amateur Boxing Tournament)

1958: Shen Yuen, Hong Kong....KO 1

(Amateur Boxing Tournament-Semi Finals)

1958: Gary Elms, Hong Kong....KO 3

(Amateur Boxing Tournament-Finals)

1960: Unknown, Seattle, Washington....KO 1

1960: Uechi, Seattle, Washington....KO 1

1963: Unknown, Hong Kong....KO

1965: Wong Jack-Man, Oakland, California....KO 1

+2 -1

Petrovich, do you want to say that there is a smell of KURITSINS here?)))

+1 -0

No, what are you. Kuritsin is our asymmetric answer to all this. He is both an actor and a bodybuilder, it would be better to elect him as governor and OK. No, the point is different. Namely, how easily the gullible masses swallow the most incredible information, which is brought to their attention

I must say right away that I did not practice kung fu and have nothing against Lee. I am against the wave of misinformation that various storytellers cover us with famous people

+1 -1

I don't know what to believe anymore.

+0 -0

Concerning the unsurpassed martial artist bruce lee There are many stereotypes and judgments that, to put it mildly, are not entirely true. This is partly due to elementary ignorance, partly to forgetfulness about certain facts. In particular, it is considered that above all in the training process the legendary dragon put exercises on the concentration of efforts, dynamics, speed. Strength training was allegedly not held in high esteem by him. But an attentive viewer must have noticed that, unlike many aces of martial arts, Bruce Lee's body could well be a visual aid to the study of the anatomical atlas in terms of muscles - literally every muscle stood out so prominently on it. Is this possible without strength training? Hardly.

And indeed, not so long ago it became known (from the materials of the personal archives of the famous athlete) that he was passionately fond of not only karate; bodybuilding was also included in the scope of his interests and the attitude of the master towards him was more than serious. In addition to the purely sporting aspect, another point is also important here: in order to successfully act in films (of the corresponding genre), the body must look spectacular - this is an important success factor. Such entertainment is almost impossible without bodybuilding.

Therefore, the eternal debate about whether athletes whose specialization in martial arts needs heavy strength training or can be limited to the development of flexibility and dynamics, from the point of view of the example of Bruce Lee, are resolved unequivocally: they are needed, necessary. Objections regarding muscle enslavement, a decrease in muscle reactivity as a result of bodybuilding, can only be partially accepted. It's all about the right combination of strength and other exercises, the selection of the optimal training regimen.

Colleagues tell

Let us turn to the testimonies, as they say, eyewitnesses. John Lewis (one of the students of the invincible dragon) recalls how once Bruce Lee weighed himself before starting training (he weighed about 70 kg), then picked up two dumbbells for himself, each of which was approximately half his own weight in mass (37 kg). With the next step, he took dumbbells, spread (very slowly) to the sides of his arms. In this position, he held training shells for twenty seconds. J. Lewis noted to himself that not every bodybuilder weighing even about a hundred kilograms could repeat this.

Another American specialist in martial arts and their apologist John Rea claims that Bruce Lee really appreciated muscle strength. According to him, the dragon was very strong, Ri did not meet similar strength in anyone of those with whom he was familiar. In the presence of John, Bruce did multiple push-ups from the floor (including on one hand and, finally, on one finger in general).

It is clear that Bruce Lee is a unique athlete with outstanding natural abilities. At the same time, arrogance was not in the least characteristic of him, and he attached great importance to constant training (and especially strength training). This is evidenced by the entries in the athlete's personal diary. Another fact that speaks about Bruce Lee's attitude to strength exercises: the famous master owned a collection of posters, photographs with images of famous representatives of bodybuilding (among them is a photo of Dave Drapper, and not too famous back then).

Bodybuilding in the life and career of Bruce Lee

In a word, it is not difficult to conclude that the dragon was not at all a "stranger" person in bodybuilding; on the contrary, Bruce was well versed in its intricacies and loved this mixture of art and sports. It is known from open biographical sources that back in 1969, the outstanding master of martial arts “befriended” Jimmy Lee, who was seriously engaged in bodybuilding. Friends often trained together; Bruce at that time participated in training and, together with other fairly significant figures in the world of bodybuilding. At the same time, he showed awareness in theory and noticeable skills in practice. Now there is information that the dragon was previously fond of exercises that develop muscle strength. In particular, new data indicate that in 1965 (not yet living in the United States), the athlete was actively working in the gym. Then he usually performed a set of twelve exercises (ten of them using the superset method). However, at that time the athlete had not yet reached his best condition.

At the beginning of his career, Bruce Lee often felt a lack of stamina and strength, although from the outside it was mostly invisible. But the wife of the athlete, Linda, said that in fairly long fights, Bruce clearly felt a lack of energy for a worthy end to the fight; this fact greatly disappointed and upset him. Indeed, the final phase of the duel is the most important, decisive for the outcome of the battle. It was during this period that Bruce Lee turns to the help of bodybuilding. He carefully studies the theory of the issue using established literature and new publications (in particular, in the journals "Bodybuilder and Strength", "Mr. Olympia"), tries many methods and techniques in practice, chooses the most suitable ones for himself. Having already moved to Los Angeles, again according to Linda's recollections, Bruce continued to look for literature of interest to him on various issues related to bodybuilding (nutrition, training, regimen, recovery, etc.). After the tragic death of the famous master, his son inherited an extensive library of specialized literature, which included many works on martial arts and about one hundred and forty works on bodybuilding.

Also in the house of Bruce Lee were the necessary shells for strength training- barbells, heavy weight dumbbells, dumbbells in a set (total weight - 50 kg), racks for bench presses. The outstanding athlete's training regime is now known: he did (only strength exercises) three times a week. In addition, there were daily aerobics and flexibility classes. Details, schemes of classes in our time are easily available on the Internet or in special publications. Interested in Bruce Lee and methods of dealing with deposits subcutaneous fat; he bought various drugs recommended in the literature and tried their effects on himself. Unfortunately, on these issues, his conclusions remained unknown.

Own system of diverse training

Bruce Lee finally embodied his concept of the training process methodically around 1970. Its basic position was the search for an individual approach based on trial and error, intuitive findings, confirmed by practice.

IN personal system training of an athlete, bodybuilding has taken its strong place, has become an integral part of it, although a little earlier it acted as a temporary assistant in maintaining and developing muscle strength. Until the end of his life, the martial arts genius showed an invariable interest in new methods of strength training; on the basis of some of them, he improved his own training regimen. In particular, one of his characteristic techniques was the use of the amplitude section, in which the muscles contracted as much as possible. This technique, according to Bruce Lee, perfectly contributes to the development of concentrated, "explosive" strength.

According to Linda Lee, her husband as a result regular classes bodybuilding achieved outstanding athletic performance. Amazing speed, lightning-fast reaction, masterful concentration of efforts, incredible physical strength, remarkable theoretical knowledge and the highest combat skills - these are the main components of the invincibility of the famous dragon.

Now theorists see the main reason for the outstanding achievements of Bruce Lee in the fact that, unlike the great masters of martial arts, he took the liberty of somewhat departing from centuries-old traditions. The training system for fighters was fully developed already in the Middle Ages; she was sacred and for a long time was absolutely unchanged. With all its merits, it clearly sinned with conservatism - everything in the world should develop. Bruce Lee was not afraid to "shake" some of the age-old foundations, expand their scope, improve at the worldview level. His genius manifested itself in conceptual approaches to training process and let him unite strengths bodybuilding and martial arts. This combination made him great and invincible. Information from the previously classified personal training diaries of Bruce Lee fully confirms this point of view.

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At Faktruma there are as many as two dozen facts proving that Bruce Lee was not an ordinary person, but had truly phenomenal abilities!

Bruce Lee is a martial artist, instructor, philosopher, director and founder of Jeet Kune Do.

1. Slow motion

Photo source: Kulturologia.ru

Bruce Lee perfected his movements to such a speed that he could catch a grain of rice in the air using only chopsticks. He was so fast that the speed of shooting films with his participation was deliberately slowed down so that the audience could see his movements.

2. Coin trick

Bruce Lee could grab a coin lying on a person's open palm and change it to another coin before the person notices his movements and clenched his hand into a fist. He never stopped experimenting with his workouts to get the best results.

3. "Game of death"

Bruce Lee played a major role in the film "The Game of Death" after ... his death. The film contains footage taken at his funeral, with Bruce in the coffin. Since the actor died before filming was completed, some scenes were done with the help of editing and stunt doubles.

4. Don't piss me off

Bruce Lee hit his partner so hard that he broke his arm, with which he defended himself from the blow. It happened when Lee cut his hand with a bottle due to a mistake made by Bob Wall. So he hit him with the other hand in the next scene and miscalculated the force a bit. In fact, Voll was expecting a blow, but did not think that it would be so strong.

5. 11 seconds

In 1962, Bruce Lee managed to make 15 punches and send his opponent to a knockout in a fight that lasted 11 seconds. Also, Bruce Lee fans are still trying to replicate his famous one-inch punch.

6. 50 push-ups on one arm

Bruce Lee could perform 50 push-ups on one arm, resting on the floor only with his thumb and forefinger. He could also pull himself up 50 times on two fingers of one hand. Many of today's athletes are trying to master Lee's push-up technique.

7. Hong Kong Champion

Bruce Lee became the Hong Kong Cha Cha Champion in 1958. The legendary Bruce was only 18 years old.

8. Spinal injury

Bruce Lee managed to overcome a serious spinal injury. As a result of an unsuccessful training, his fourth vertebra was damaged. This meant the end of a career for any athlete, and doctors also said that Bruce would have to learn to walk again within six months and avoid stress for the rest of his life. But Lee proved to the doctors that they were wrong in their verdict. He developed his own therapy and was soon out of the hospital to become even stronger and faster than before.

9. Heaped on Jackie Chan

He once accidentally beat up Jackie Chan. In the movie Enter the Dragon, Jackie was hit hard in the face by a staff from Bruce, but turned the whole incident into a joke and just enjoyed the opportunity to meet and hug his idol.

10. Can of Coca-Cola

Lee could pierce a closed can of Coca-Cola with his finger. Moreover, at that time, banks were made of much thicker tin.

11. Boards are boring to beat

But he stated that “boards are boring to beat because they don’t resist” and preferred sparring with people.

12. Broken pear

While training with Coburn, Bruce Lee broke a 68 kg punching bag. James Coburn was one of the screen stars Lee taught martial arts.

13. Bruce is stronger than Chuck

Chuck does not like to talk about it, but he once admitted that his friend Bruce Lee could easily defeat him in battle.

14. Idol idols

Bruce Lee was a fan of The Great Gum, the only undefeated wrestler in the world. The career of the Great Gam lasted for 50 years.

15. Bruce is a peacemaker

In Bosnian Mostar, a statue of Bruce Lee was erected, because he was liked by all ethnic segments of the population living in this city. The statue was later destroyed by vandals.

16. Lee studied boxing technique

Bruce Lee was a big fan of Muhammad Ali and constantly watched recordings of his fights. Lee studied the movements of a boxer in great detail.

17 Equagesic

Bruce Lee died from an allergic reaction to painkillers. He died at the age of 32 from an allergic reaction to Equagesic.

18.0.05 seconds

The speed of Bruce Lee was officially registered: the reaction and impact from a distance of 1 meter took about five hundredths of a second (0.05 seconds). There is a fight scene where he took down 50 opponents in a few seconds.

19. A quarter German

His mother Grace Ho was half German and Catholic.

20. Yip Man and Bruce

Yip Man, the man who taught Bruce Lee martial arts, opened his own school to earn money for opium. Bruce Lee promised his teacher that he would keep the kung fu technique only for the Chinese and would never show it to foreigners, but he did not keep his promise.

"My muscles have developed mainly from training in hand-to-hand combat, which is different from training for large, extremely pronounced muscles."

Bruce Lee.

"I don't need any knife. Any part of my body is worse than a knife." These words are attributed to the legendary Bruce Lee. Being fanatically devoted to his work, exhausting himself with grueling many hours of training, he achieved unprecedented skill. Starting to practice traditional kung fu, in particular, Wing Chun, he practiced daily on the "mook jong" (a wooden puppet known from many films about kung fu), sometimes for several hours, practicing the same movements. Without stopping at this, he continued training to develop the technique of punches and kicks. Constantly raising the level of his skill, Bruce Lee included in his arsenal techniques from other martial arts. For example, in 1965, the "one-two" technique from English boxing and the "reverse fist" technique ("gwa choi") were added to their arsenal of Wing Chun style. And it was during this period that an event occurred that led Lee to strength training.

We are talking about the legendary challenge of Bruce Lee to a duel of one of the Chinese martial arts schools in Oakland, California. Having received a well-known scroll, almost an ultimatum, in which he was ordered to either stop teaching kung fu or fight the best Chinese fighter, a representative of the school that sent the challenge. Bruce was forced to agree and in just a few seconds of the fight " Chinese master“tried to flee. Lee was able to catch up with the enemy, knock him to the ground and admit defeat. However, Bruce Lee was discouraged by the fact that the duel, although it lasted no more than three minutes, took so much strength and energy from him.

After analyzing the duel, Bruce came to the understanding that some technical exercises not enough to develop the necessary strength and endurance. The best they have collected strength exercises helped to develop both muscle strength and endurance of the cardiovascular system.

Bruce Lee in the movie Way of the Dragon. 1972

The same movie. Development latissimus dorsi the back is impressive!

Thanks to a successful combination of strength and technical exercises, Bruce Lee had the following physical parameters.

Height - 171.5 cm.

Weight - 61.2 kg. (During the filming of the film "Dragon Island" Lee's weight was 56.7 kg.).

Waist: 76.2 cm at the top, 66 cm at the bottom.

Measurements of body parts

In 1965, with a dead weight of 63.5 kg.

Chest volume (before training): 99 cm (at rest), 105.4 cm (when inhaling).

Chest volume (after training): 109.2 cm (at rest), 111.7 cm (when inhaling).

Neck volume: (before) 38.7 cm. (After) 39.4 cm.

Left biceps: (before) 33 cm. (after) 33.7 cm.

Right biceps: (before) 34.3 cm. (after) 36.2 cm.

Left forearm: (before) 27.9 cm. (after) 29.8 cm.

Right forearm: (before) 29.8 cm. (after) 31.1 cm.

Left wrist: (before) 15.9 cm. (after) 17.1 cm.

Right wrist: (before) 16.5 cm. (after) 17.5 cm.

Left thigh: (before) 53.3 cm. (after) 57.1 cm.

Right thigh: (before) 54 cm. (after) 57.1 cm.

Left lower leg: (before) 31.1 cm. (after) 32.7 cm.

Right lower leg: (before) 31.7 cm. (after) 33 cm.

By the time the grueling filming of Dragon Island ended, Bruce Lee had lost a significant amount of subcutaneous fat. His chest volume decreased to 85 cm at rest and to 96.5 cm on inspiration.

Not enough strength? Did you eat a little porridge? Welcome!