Andrey Streltsov football player. Andrey Streltsov apologized for the scandalous interview about Russian football. Lifting distance not completely

Andrey Streltsov: Spartak used to play with one touch, now it doesn't

Former red-and-white midfielder Andrei Streltsov spoke about the delights of working as a football agent.

Streltsov is only 33. He is the 2001 Russian champion with Spartak. Fans probably remember him from his performances for Anji. But Andrei has already completed his playing career. Even a few years ago.


- We haven't heard from you for a long time. What did you do with your boots on a nail?
- After completing my career, I worked a little in the structure of the Federal Migration Service. When the service began to move to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I left. Just at that moment, my friend from Kharkov arrived, and we took up the football theme with him.

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Why didn't you go straight away? football way, and chose the civil service?
- I didn't try to go somewhere special. There were just good friends who offered to try themselves in a new capacity. Without thinking twice, I agreed. I was tired of football and everything connected with it. So that job was something new for me.

- How quickly did you manage to adapt to a new profession?
- Every athlete should be able to do this. I didn't have any problems, the management helped me in every possible way. As well as in football club and build relationships within the team. In any structure there is a team where everyone helps each other.

- Did the team know that you are a football player, and even the champion of Russia?
- Yes, they knew. There was one football in the work book. Many, of course, were taken aback: they say, how is it, a football player? They never had that.

- Then, after all, you were drawn to the old craft?
- Certainly. All my life was spent in sports, my whole family is sports. My father worked in the selection department at Zenit and Dynamo. I introduced him to Kostya Sarsania. Here he worked with him for a long time. At some point, my father and I talked, and he advised me to return to football, because the civil service is not mine.

I decided to go to agents. We turned to Alexei Safonov, who suggested how and where to start.

- You are the owner of a legendary football family. Has it helped you in life?
- Everyone asked if I was a relative of Eduard Anatolyevich. Of course, it's nice when you are compared with the players who have written their name in the history of world football. To say that it helped me in some way? I think no.


- Why did you choose agency activity?
- My father works in the breeding service and, accordingly, knows all of Russia. I sincerely want to help athletes, arrange them. And carry on with their careers. And not like some: attached and forgotten. As a player myself, I went through all this, so I know what I'm talking about.

- Do you already have success as an agent?
- Yes, my partner Alexander Shekhovtsov and I have done a lot of work. Some got settled, some have yet to go to the clubs.

No rollback no rollback?

Football player Andrei Streltsov spoke about how he played for money - he allegedly paid himself to get into the team.


It’s just that some coaches say right away - it’s necessary, it’s necessary, - Streltsov cuts the truth in an interview with Soviet Sport, talking about how football players get into the team. - This is the entire Russian championship knows. What is there to say? So what? Like no one knows? For the coach, it's like a bonus to take a player to the team.

Who is Streltsov, who blows up football? Played in major league in Spartak (the same one that was still headed by Oleg Romantsev) and Rubin. Neither Spartak nor Rubin did particularly well.

The guy is talented, the speed is very high, but the character was not enough, - says his then agent, and now coach Konstantin Sarsania.

We ask Andrey Streltsov about football kickback technology.

- And how did it look - did you give cash, transfer it by card?

No, they just said you have to pay to play. And I said - no question.

- And Sarsania says that you are lying and that you didn’t have enough character when you were hired by Rubin.

Kurban (Berdyev - the ex-head coach of Rubin. - Ed.) Said that I played softly, then and there. And when he started playing hard, he already said something else. They started to remove me from training, and I’m already saying that this is not serious, it was agreed that way, but it turned out like this.

So you paid him to be on the squad? If Berdyev sues you tomorrow, what will you prove? You do not have a video recording, how did they give you?

And who said that I gave?

- That's what you said before.

I said that they demanded of me - when they give me an nth amount, I must pay it back.

- So you didn't give it away?

So I left Rubin. And they didn't give me the full amount. I said take it for yourself.

- Lifting given not completely?

Yes, part was paid, part remained there.


Andrey Streltsov, having already finished his career, became a star football Russia after your interview. At the same time, the ex-player, after loud statements, suddenly starts to play up, smooth out the corners ... If you remove everything superfluous, the picture turns out to be simple - Streltsov did not pay money specifically for each match, but gave someone part of the lift. Rather, the amount was negotiated, but he received less. And the rest, as it were, he paid for being taken to the team. In Rubin, by the way, Andrei played only one match.


The story that happened to Andrei in Bryansk, where he played in Dynamo, is somewhat different.

Some of his agent or someone else came up there and says that you have a big salary, you have to share it, ”says Streltsov. - And I say - in the sense of sharing? And he says that it is necessary to share with the coach, all the players share. I say that I have a salary, I will not share. If you want, I say, give or rent, or in general, but I will not share.

Who specifically told him that he should share, Streltsov cannot remember: “Yes, some kind of peasant with a mustache. I didn’t understand if he was or like a sports director.”

Word to the coach

But the coach of the then "Dynamo" (Bryansk) Valery Petrakov threatens to sue.

It's just some kind of mockery, - says Petrakov. - You understand, I have not even heard of such a football player Streltsov. My people play the ones I trust. If for some reason a person does not qualify for the main team, believe me, it's not my fault. You should consult with a lawyer before taking any steps. Let's discuss it, and if there is such a need, I will use it, just to punish this person. So that he knows how to publish such statements and make such slander.


I remembered Streltsov "Spartak". There, he says, the coach was drinking. The same Oleg Romantsev, the legend of Russian football.

Romantsev didn’t go into a binge, he just didn’t want to show that he was drinking, - says Andrey. - He just put on glasses so that it was not visible. What is it, just in such stressful situations. Moreover, he has both the national team and Spartak. Either way, you need to drink. There were a lot of foreigners in Spartak, it was hard. He looked around like that - damn it, he says, how can I explain something? And with the translator still explained.


It is not clear why Andrei suddenly undertook to reveal the ins and outs of our football. Now he works in the Federal Migration Service in Khimki. It is clear that there is nothing in our football. But it seems that once again it will not be possible to transfer the case from the category of rumors to the category of litigation. Once again there is smoke, but no fire...

Note that in the "Rubin" Streltsov played one match. For Spartak, the defender played in 2001-2002 and became the champion of Russia (2001). He also played for Neftekhimik (2004), Dinaburg (2005), Anzhi (2006-2008, 2010), Luch-Energia (2008), Khimki (2009), Dynamo Bryansk (2011 ).

“Berdyev did not demand any money”

Andrey Streltsov apologized for the scandalous interview about Russian football.

Former football player of Spartak, Rubin, Khimki and other clubs Andrei Streltsov apologized for his scandalous interview about Russian football. In it, the athlete, in particular, accused Kurban Berdyev of the fact that the specialist took money from the players for getting into the squad. The latter promised to sue Streltsov for libel

Andrey Streltsov's interview with literally blew up the media sphere in Russian football. The former defender of "Spartak", "Rubin", "Anji", "Khimki" openly revealed to readers the whole ins and outs of the national championship.

Among the most important accusations of Streltsov, now working in the Federal Migration Service, was the statement that the ex-head coach of Rubin Kurban Berdyev, for whom the footballer played in 2003, took money from the players for getting into the squad.

“He told Kostya (the player’s agent Konstantin Sarsania. - Gazeta.Ru): “As soon as he is given the amount, he must give a part.” I say: "Not a question." I trained, sat in theoretical classes, but did not play either for the double or for the base. I called Kostya: “What the hell?” - "Now you will receive the amount, give it to him and you will play." I gave the money, but Berdyev still wouldn't let me out. He referred to the fact that I played softly in training, ”said Streltsov.

According to Andrey, not only Berdyev took money from the players for a place in the squad, but also Valery Petrakov, whose last place of work is the Moscow Torpedo. Allegedly, when he was the coach of the Bryansk Dynamo, the coach demanded a “kickback” from Streltsov, but he flatly refused to give the money and soon left the club.

Petrakov was the first person involved in the scandalous interview to declare his desire to sue the former ward and "punish him for slander."

Soon, other heroes of Streltsov's stories told about a similar desire. Omari Tetradze, another coach, Andrei accused of complicity with the Georgian players, and also spoke about a fight with a specialist that occurred when he worked at Anji Makhachkala.

Streltsov reproached his agent Konstantin Sarsania for wanting to cash in on the players. According to the player, Sarsania tried to organize as many transfers for him as possible in order to earn money from transfer fees.

Finally, Streltsov accused ex-president of Spartak Andrey Chervichenko of the fact that the functionary did not allow him to move to the Italian Milan, asking the Rossoneri for too much money, and the former coach of the red and white Oleg Romantsev of drunkenness.

“When drunk, he puts on black glasses and sits so that it is not visible. We played once with Torpedo. Romantsev called me to replace him: “So, Andryukh, you go on the attack” - “I’m actually a defender.” - "Yes? Okay". As a result, he released into midfield, ”said the athlete.

Streltsov's interview caused a serious outcry, revealing dirty secrets Russian football. However, the rhetoric of the hero of the conversation became less and less accusatory. Later, in an interview with Sovetsky Sport, Andrei did not deny what had been said earlier, but answered all questions with obvious caution.

“I'm talking about my experience. When I arrived, it was like this in Kazan. Why not give back when you are taken? Normal phenomenon... No, it was, as it were, at the same time ... And what they wrote there, that Kurban takes from everyone, added a little from himself ... Heh. And who said that I gave? - literally quoted Streltsov "Soviet Sport".

At the same time, Andrei denied the story of a fight with Tetradze, noting that there was only a small brawl.

After a couple of days, Streltsov's rhetoric changed dramatically. The ex-football player himself called one of the Russian sports publications and apologized for what was said earlier. The journalist who interviewed Streltsov was to blame for everything.

“I confess, I did not expect that everything I said would cause such a resonance. Only now I realized how wrong I was when I responded to the request of those who persuaded me to give this interview. It is clear that they pursued some of their own goals, trying to discredit normal people with my help, ”Sport-Express quotes Streltsov.

Therefore, first of all, I want to apologize for my words to Konstantin Sergeevich Sarsania, Valery Yuryevich Petrakov, Kurban Bekievich Berdyev, Omari Mikhailovich Tetradze and all those whom I unwittingly offended in my interview. All of them are exceptionally decent people devoted to football. I declare: I did not give any money to any of them and no one demanded it from me. And the journalist with whom we spoke did not quite understand me correctly. I myself, in turn, did not bother to check what he wrote.

Streltsov's explanations, to put it mildly, raise questions. A couple of days ago, he did not deny what he had said before, and albeit with reservations, he fully confirmed all the accusations against Berdyev and the company.

Now the ex-football player has sharply realized that he was used for some selfish purposes. Streltsov, apparently, made his statements in delirium. The extreme, as already mentioned, was the journalist, who, it turns out, misunderstood what Andrei said.

It is interesting how Streltsov could give repeated interviews to the media, confirming his own words in them, if he had not previously " bothered to check what he (the journalist) wrote" ... An audio recording of the interview has already been posted on the website so that readers can be convinced of the authenticity of Andrew's statements.

One of the "heroes" of the sensational interview, Konstantin Sarsania, has already accepted Streltsov's unexpected apology, saying that he will ask his colleagues mentioned in the conversation not to take further action.

, "Anji", "Khimki" openly revealed to readers the whole ins and outs of the domestic championship.

Among the most important accusations of Streltsov, now working in the Federal Migration Service, was the statement that the ex-head coach of Rubin Kurban, for whom the football player played in 2003, took money from the players for getting into the squad.

“He told Kostya (the player’s agent Konstantin Sarsania. - Gazeta.Ru): “As soon as they give out the amount, you need to give a part.” I say: "Not a question." I trained, sat in theoretical classes, but did not play either for the double or for the base. I called Kostya: “What the hell?” - "Now you will receive the amount, give it to him and you will play." I gave the money, but Berdyev still wouldn't let me out. He referred to the fact that I played softly in training, ”said Streltsov.

According to Andrey, not only Berdyev took money from the players for a place in the squad, but also Valery Petrakov, whose last place of work is the Moscow Torpedo. Allegedly, when he was the coach of the Bryansk Dynamo, the coach demanded a “kickback” from Streltsov, but he flatly refused to give the money and soon left the club.

Petrakov was the first person involved in the scandalous interview to declare his desire to sue the former ward and "punish him for slander."

Soon, other heroes of Streltsov's stories told about a similar desire. Omari Tetradze, another coach, Andrei accused of complicity with the Georgian players, and also spoke about a fight with a specialist that occurred when he worked at Anji Makhachkala.

Streltsov reproached his agent Konstantin Sarsania for wanting to cash in on the players. According to the player, Sarsania tried to organize as many transfers for him as possible in order to earn money from transfer fees.

Finally, Streltsov accused the ex-president of Spartak of the fact that the functionary did not allow him to move to the Italian Milan, asking the Rossoneri for too much money, and the former coach of the red and white Oleg a in drunkenness.

“When drunk, he puts on black glasses and sits so that it is not visible. We played once with Torpedo. Romantsev called me to replace him: “So, Andryukh, you go on the attack” - “I’m actually a defender.” - "Yes? Okay". As a result, he released into midfield, ”said the athlete.

Streltsov's interview caused a serious outcry, revealing the dirty secrets of Russian football. However, the rhetoric of the hero of the conversation became less and less accusatory. Later, in an interview, Andrei did not deny what he had said earlier, but answered all questions with obvious caution.

“I'm talking about my experience. When I arrived, it was like this in Kazan. Why not give back when you are taken? It's a normal phenomenon... No, it was like at the same time... And what they wrote there, that Kurban takes from everyone, he added a little from himself... Heh. And who said that I gave? - literally quoted Streltsov "Soviet Sport".

At the same time, Andrei denied the story of a fight with Tetradze, noting that there was only a small brawl.

After a couple of days, Streltsov's rhetoric changed dramatically. The ex-football player himself called one of the Russian sports publications and apologized for what was said earlier. The journalist who interviewed Streltsov was to blame for everything.

“I confess, I did not expect that everything I said would cause such a resonance. Only now I realized how wrong I was when I responded to the request of those who persuaded me to give this interview. It is clear that they pursued some of their own goals, trying to discredit normal people with my help, ”Sport-Express quotes Streltsov. —

Therefore, first of all, I want to apologize for my words to Konstantin Sergeevich Sarsania, Kurban Bekievich Berdyev, and all those whom I unwittingly offended in my interview. All of them are exceptionally decent people devoted to football. I declare: I did not give any money to any of them and no one demanded it from me. And the journalist with whom we spoke did not quite understand me correctly. I myself, in turn, did not bother to check what he wrote.

Streltsov's explanations, to put it mildly, raise questions. A couple of days ago, he did not deny what he had said before, and albeit with reservations, he fully confirmed all the accusations against Berdyev and the company.

Now the ex-football player has sharply realized that he was used for some selfish purposes. Streltsov, apparently, made his statements in delirium. The extreme, as already mentioned, was the journalist, who, it turns out, misunderstood what Andrei said.

It is interesting how Streltsov could give repeated interviews to the media, confirming his own words in them, if he had not previously " bothered to check what he (the journalist) wrote" ... They have already posted an audio recording of the interview so that readers can verify the authenticity of Andrey's statements.

One of the "heroes" of the sensational interview, Konstantin Sarsania, has already accepted Streltsov's unexpected apology, saying that he will ask his colleagues mentioned in the conversation not to take further action.

You can get acquainted with other materials, news and statistics at the Russian Football Championship.

Denis Romantsov met with Andrei Streltsov, who played for Spartak Romantsev, scored for Milan and fought with the Anji coach.

Andrey Streltsov flashed in Romantsev's championship Spartak, went to the casting in Milan and Juventus, suffered from Kurban Berdyev, saved Anzhi from relegation, won the Latvian championship, and now, at thirty-one, works in Khimki in Federal Migration Service.

- I read that your father trained you as a child.

Yes. My father is still in football. He is the best junior selector in Russia, he was looking for Zenit players in 2008, when they won UEFA and the Super Cup, he worked at Spartak. My father has been working with Kostya Sarsania for seventeen years.

- How did they meet?

Through me I started in futsal. The coach of the national team offered to try himself on a large field. He performed the last defender - he was called to the Black Earth team. I played for them - the breeder of the Moscow "Nika" Guzikov approached me: "Come." I signed a contract with them, I was fourteen years old. Six months later, Sarsania was dragged to the Sportacademclub, which he collected. It was then that he met my father, who brought me to Moscow. In Moscow, I lived in a boarding school, then at an academy in Chekhov, then they began to ride around Europe - they wanted to sell us, but agent Vlad Svetikov fooled Sarsania.

- How?

Sarsania wanted to sell us to Milan, but Svetikov made a fuss and sold us and Danishevsky to Spartak. Kostya calls: "Tomorrow you fly to Italy." I told him: “Where? We are already in Tarasovka.”

- How did it happen?

Sarsania worked in tandem with Svetikov. Vlad told us: “I agreed with Kostya - you are moving to Spartak. We arrived at the office, signed a contract, left for the base, and in the morning Sarsania called: “You mean in Tarasovka?” - “Svetikov told us to sign with Spartak. - “Oh, this fat one! ...”

- Did the contract at Spartak differ from what it was at Sportacademclub?

In "Sportacademclub" I received a thousand rubles, and in "Spartak" - four hundred dollars. But before, thousands were enough for us - we spent two months at the training camp in Cyprus. We sit for ourselves and sit at the gathering - well, sometimes we'll go and grab something in the store.

- Have you ever been caught?

Two guys were caught in Cyprus - Sarsania had to pay nine thousand dollars for them at the police station. There, how it happened - the guys went into sporting goods store, put something on yourself, on top - your clothes - and went. Then they saw that the policeman was coming, and they began to throw off the stolen clothes in the trash. So, maybe nothing would have happened, but the police saw how they were undressing, and the guys were hit. They were even beaten in the precinct. These two guys did not open up in football - one came from Shakhtar and then left for Ukraine, and the second was from somewhere on the periphery, then went to the first league.

- Your first foreign trip?

With the youth team of Russia went to the tournament in Brazil. I was fourteen years old. We then just got to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Coach Smirnov allowed us to go and unwind. We went out in outfit - the locals joyfully met us, no one robbed. Then they swam in the ocean, bought figurines of Christ home.

- Was Sarsania a coach or a manager at Sportacademclub?

Manager. Trained us Lobkov. Terrible coach. We are fifteen years old, and we didn’t work with the ball at all, we just ran. We will come to some tournament - in the first half we are taken, we lose 0:3, and after the break we win 6:3. Opponents fell, and we, on the contrary, ran away.

- Why did Lobkov torment you like that?

To quickly prepare for the sale. "Sportacademclub" focused on the transfer of young players abroad. They hardly played football in training. Lobkov was still angry - he always threw at us everything that came to hand. As in the army, generally tin. How glad I was when I got to Romantsev!

Ivanych has no running job, everyone is with the ball, but one day he got angry and gave us the maximum speed for thirty minutes. We ran for about five minutes, and Romantsev stopped: “We take the balls!” Nobody wanted to run. “Running is not a Spartak theme,” said Romantsev. But Vyacheslav the Terrible is the opposite. When Ivanych left for the national team, Grozny made us run. Vasek Baranov told him: “Viktorych, what are we, athletes, or what?”

- With whom did you play in the Sportacademclub?

Danishevsky, Pavlenko, plus the guys who left for Juventus - Ilyas Zeytullaev, Vitek Budyansky, Seryoga Kovalenko.

- Pavlenko also managed to sell?

Yes, they went to Lausanne with Andryukha Popov. Already from Lausanne, Pavlenko came to Spartak. He is younger than Danishevsky and me. By passport. And so no.

- Did he change his passport?

- Did you come across similar cases among the African legionnaires of Spartak?

Was alone. Our doctors examined him, saw scars, scars, they say: "He is forty years old." And according to the passport - twenty-five. I don’t remember his name - of course, they didn’t take him to Spartak after such a medical examination.

- Did Spartak watch you before the transfer, or did Svetikov's agent just bring you to the office and they signed you?

We were watched in the championship of Moscow. At our age, Samedov and Torbinsky played for Spartak, but they still played poorly at that time, and they didn’t want to sign them as the basis, but Danishevsky and I were taken away right away. Vyacheslav the Terrible arrived: "These two - to us."

- "Spartak" took you to the base right away?

We trained with the base, but played for the double. And then at the age of seventeen I entered the Premier League and became the champion of Russia.

- How did you celebrate the championship?

Gold medals were awarded at the Crystal casino. I was a little late, all the seats were already taken. I was imprisoned with singers - Trumpeter and Moiseev. I tell them: “Do you know that my favorite song is “Float the boat”? You and Sarukhanov sing." - "Well, that's it, then let's go sing now." - "No, what are you." But I was dragged onto the stage - I was the only player who sang that evening.

- How did the Spartak veterans welcome you?

Reluctantly. Most of all, Ananko disliked us. Danya (Danishevsky - and I were high-speed, and Ananko constantly beat us. He was angry that he couldn’t catch up with us - we boys didn’t think then, we just ran. We beat Ananko, we ran away, and he beat us right away. Then he said about us: “Yes, they don’t know shit.” Yegor Titov and Dimon Parfenov were also coolly greeted, but then, when everyone dispersed to the clubs, they began to communicate as friends.

- Baranov something could not be cool to meet.

Vasek - yes, cheerful. At the training camp, he was a weirdo - he threw Kebe and Lawrence Adjey into the pool after gyms in Turkey. Well, Baranov and I played on the same flank. IN last game In 2001, I played with my hand, Lokomotiv scored against us and we lost. During the break, I sit in the locker room, I have no strength. Romantsev comes in: “Vasya, you help Andryukha, come back. Why is he running after you, and you are smoking bamboo. Vasek told him: “Why should I come back? He's doing just that." And I feel - I already have a pitchfork.

- Did you compete with Danishevsky in speed?

Grozny arranged for us somehow a competition - Lawrence Adzhey, Sonin and Danya and I. We ran three times and three times I came first. Grozny thought that Danya was the fastest running. But Danya runs when he accelerates, and short distances- not his.

- Did you communicate with the legionnaires of Spartak?

Certainly. I was asked to help all the foreigners who came to Spartak - to take them there, then here. First settled in a room with Essien Flo. A peculiar guy - they played badly, everyone is upset, but he doesn’t care, turns on rap and has fun. We communicated in English with him - I just learned the language with him. His English is a little broken - Nigerians swallow the endings and it's hard to understand them, you have to think them out.

- How weird was Kebe?

Didn't like doctors. Hiding from them in the toilet. In training, he started out of the blue and started to fight. Slightly hook it - it starts. He stayed away from everyone, only talked to me. Then Kebe and I played in Anji - they fought there with the Dagestanis and Georgians.

- Your position at Spartak was played by Jerry-Christian Tchuyse.

Although I played in his position, Chunya encouraged me all the time: “Andryukh, come on!” He spoke great Russian, thanks to his wife from Krasnodar he received Russian citizenship. Friendly guy. By the way, I still communicate on Facebook with all foreigners from Spartak - with Flo, Zoa, Kebe, Brazilians. Zoa once wrote: “Come to me in Cameroon!” As I looked, how long to fly there, and also to do vaccinations - well, them.

- How did you spend time with these guys in Moscow?

We hung out with Africans in clubs - they played tricks there, and I was their translator. Once they ran away from skinheads in Sokolniki Park. Let's go - me, Flo and Kebe. I see: skinheads are running after us. And Flo and Kebe look at them calmly. I told them: "Run!" Skinheads followed us right up to the entrance.

- "Spartak" was divided into groups?

Yes. Sonin, Pavlenko, Danishevsky and Kudryashov were in my company. In training, we always beat the old people, and they were unrealistically angry. There were fights. Especially with black veterans often fought. The Africans are crazy - they jumped from two legs, and the disassembly began.

- What surprised Romantsev?

He liked to drink. When drunk, he puts on black glasses and sits so that it is not visible. We played once with Torpedo. Romantsev called me to replace him: “So, Andryukh, you go on the attack” - “I’m actually a defender.” - "Yes? Okay". As a result, he was released into midfield.

- Did Sychev and Zhirkov come to Spartak with you?

Sychev came three times. They didn’t take him twice, I told him: “Don’t be upset, you’ll be back.” Yurets Zhirkov was weak then, he played only with one foot, he was not impressed with the coaches.

- Did you go to Milan?

Yes, but later. After the Commonwealth Cup, Franco Baresi came and invited me again. I was seventeen years old. When I left for Milan, Shikunov and Chervichenko said: “If they give me one and a half million, we will let him go.” I played two friendly games for Milan - I gave two goals and scored two. I did not differ at all from the Milan players, because Romantsev taught me to play with one touch, and two, and dribble. Serginho approached me: “What state of Brazil are you from?” Kakha Kaladze, who helped with the translation, explained to him: “He is not from Brazil, he is from Spartak. Serginho: "Wow, but you can't tell by technique."

- First impression of Milan?

As soon as I arrived, I lived for two days in the house of Baresi, then - at the base in Milanello. I go into the locker room - and towards Maldini. Kaladze and Kutuzov were always next to me - but Sheva was injured then. We only met at someone's birthday party on a boat. I also remember that all Milan training sessions were shown on club television. Come back to the room in the evening and look.

- Was it interesting to live in Italy?

Compared to Russia, it's boring. The training was over - I, Kakha, Gattuso, Rui Costa went to a cafe. They were with their wives, took wine, had dinner - and that's it, there's nothing more to do there. The youth of Milan, the primavera, walked around the clubs, but I did not go, because I talked with experienced players, and they did not advise me to go to the clubs.

What did Ancelotti tell you?

- "Do not overexpose the ball, throw Inzaghi!" And he ran offside all the time. Well, it so happened that I just gave two assists to Inzaghi, and I myself scored two goals from Ibrahim Ba's passes. Friendly matches were played with Fiorentina and Chievo.

- What did Kaladze tell you about interesting things?

He said: "Here you can drink and smoke, no one is watching anyone." Gattuso came to practice in a Ferrari with a cigar in his mouth. The main thing is who shows himself on the field. It is much easier to play in Milan - you can take the ball, dribble around someone. In Russia, you beat someone, and he will jump at you from behind. In Milan, I played right lineman and they gave me forward passes without looking, because they knew that I should be there. If I had not been there, the coach would have asked why you were not there.

After two games, Ancelotti called me and said through Kakha: "Let's sign the contract." Sarsania gave this to Chervichenko and Shikunov, but they changed the conditions: “Let them give four million.” As a result, Milan bought Dario Simic for four million.

Konstantin Sarsania and Dick Advocaat

- And you?

Went to Juventus for one game. Juve said: "If he suits us, we will give four million." I again gave two assists - in a friendly game against Udinese. Marcello Lippi: “We like everything. But he's not Zidane to judge him by one game. Let him come." Sarsania to him: “How will he arrive? And so he flew to Italy almost on the sly. I had to change my passport so that no one would know about this trip.”

I returned to Spartak. I had a fight with Romantsev, he covered me a bit - before the trip to Italy, I constantly played for Spartak at the training camp. Then Yuran came to the double of Spartak and told me: “Andryukh, I will talk with Ivanych - everything will be fine.” So Romantsev brought me back to Spartak. Ivanovich called me: “Why don’t you want to play in Spartak? - “Yes, I want to, I just have such an agent - he takes me back and forth. I can't refuse him." After the season, Sarsania says: “I agreed with Kurban - let's go to Rubin. Then I still did not think - the agent spoke and I was driving. I should have stayed at Spartak.

- Did Chervichenko often communicate with you?

Constantly - and with Kostya Sarsania, and with my dad. Chervichenko asked me not to leave Spartak for Rubin, but Spartak did not want to raise my salary, and Rubin made a normal offer for those times. As a result, they didn’t sell it to Milan for one and a half million, but sold it to Rubin for four hundred thousand. And instead of four hundred dollars in Spartak, I began to receive fifteen thousand dollars in Rubin.

- Why do you regret leaving Spartak?

Since then, I have changed clubs almost every year. This is beneficial for Kostya Sarsania - he made money on it. And Romantsev treated me very well - even when he played for veterans, he took me, eighteen, with him. He was more comfortable with Russian football players to work, foreigners had several translators, but it happened that he explained something to them for a long time, but they still did not understand.

- Why did you quit football?

Ravil Sabitov invited me, Dima Polovinchuk, Seryoga Yashin, Eldar Mamaev to the Daugava. We became champions, but we were not paid money. We have contacted UEFA. While the trial is going on, the footballer has no right to play - and the trial is still going on. Only two years after leaving the Daugava, they sent me permission to show up somewhere. And where do I go after such a downtime? Second league? Ride across Russia by bus and kill yourself for the same 60-100 thousand rubles? There is no strong desire.

- Latvians owe a lot?

Thirty thousand euros. I had the same situation with Makhachkala - I left Anji, but they did not let me go. The contract was ending, Sulik Kerimov came, he wanted to see me in the team, but Gadzhiev didn’t care. We didn't get on very well with him. I was invited to Dynamo Moscow, where Kostya Sarsania and Bozovic were. I signed a preliminary contract, I was going to fly with Dynamo to the training camp, and they took me off the plane.

- How so?

At the last moment they said: you are not flying. I called Costa. He: "Now I'll figure it out." It turns out that he was fired from Dynamo, and Viktor Panchenko took his place, bringing in another right-back.

- Your actions?

Bryansk coach Alexander Smirnov, having learned that they did not take me to Dynamo, called me to his place. Smirnov's nickname is War, for some reason the players called him that. But I did not stay long in Bryansk. As soon as Petrakov appeared there, I immediately left.

- What's wrong with Petrakov?

He came and said that he needed to pay for me to play.

- Is this the first time in your career?

No. It was the same with Ruby.

- At Berdyev's?

Yes, he takes from everyone. Takes from the contract and from the salary. When I came to Rubin, I was not yet nineteen, and before that, Andryukha Konovalov was the youngest - at his thirty he always entered the square first, because the rest were even older.

- When did Berdyev tell you that he needed to pay for a place in the squad?

Right after I signed the contract. He told Kostya: "As soon as they give him the amount, he must give a part." I say: "Not a question." I trained, sat in theoretical classes, but did not play either for the double or for the base. I called Kostya: “What the hell?” - "Now you will receive the amount, give it to him and you will play." I gave the money, but Berdyev still wouldn't let me out. He referred to the fact that I played softly in training. When I started to play hard, Berdyev started kicking me out of training. There was Calisto, a left-back, we were hacking to death, and because of him Berdyev kicked me out.

- Did you give a significant percentage?


- Only gave Russian players?

Montenegrin Radosav Bulich said: “I see this for the first time. They come up to me and say that I need to pay the coach. This is not the case in Europe." “And here it is,” I say.

- What else surprised Berdyev?

Berdyev did not forbid the players to hang out, we constantly gathered in restaurants, and took third place. The next year he banned it - and Rubin fell. Then he allowed it again - and Rubin became the fourth. In Spartak, for example, this was not the case - for the whole team to rest in one place, where the veterans considered themselves great and did not communicate with the young, and experienced Rubin players always called me with them.

- Berdyev was a candidate for the position of Spartak coach. How did they react to this?

If Berdyev had come to Spartak, he would have been a total kicker. He has a purely defensive style. On installations, he focused only on counterattacks.

– Maybe thanks to this, and managed to take third place in the first season in the Premier League?

Thanks to this and thanks to the money.

- Money - for the salaries of their players?

No, another team.

- In Tatarstan, you were sent to Neftekhimik. What do you remember about that time?

They flew out and several people from the Rubin were sent to rescue them. I scored the seven hundredth anniversary goal of Neftekhimik from the center of the field to Baltika, and I was presented with a music center and a TV.

- What other gifts did you receive?

In Makhachkala - Vertu phone. I saw such a phone from the director of Anji, Ilyas Magomedov, and said: “Come on, if we stay in the first league, you will give me Vertu.” - "No problem". In the end, I scored, we stayed, and Ilyas gave me a phone - it cost 500 dollars.

- How did you leave Rubin?

- Rubin owed me one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And he refused to let me go to another club. I suggested to them: "Keep this money for yourself, but let me go." Osman Kadiev, the president of Dynamo Makhachkala, pulled me out of Kazan, he was right hand Jap. Somehow, through the bandits, they agreed to let me go from Rubin. This Osman was friends with the president of the Latvian Dinaburg, where I went to get in shape after an injury. And then he got to Anji.

- Where did you live in Makhachkala?

The boys are at the base, and I am in the city. You won’t come to the base with a girl, nothing. True, in the city I fought with the locals twice - but then I made friends with the same guys. In Makhachkala, I made many friends - for example, the comedian Khalil from STS. Even now, when Dagestanis come to see me at the FMS and see my name on a sign, they start chatting with me about Anji.

- Why did they fight in Makhachkala?

Girls, singers, invited me to the club. The locals are all in black, but I arrived as a Muscovite. One comes up to me, drunk in crap: “We don’t like you. What are you doing here? - "In terms of?" - "You know who I am?" - "Yes, I'm on the drum." - "I'm a fighter." And he is drunk in the trash. He says: "Let's go outside." He went down, turned around - and wants to hit me. I kicked him off his feet. The guard came running: "What happened?" “A drunk fell off the steps,” I say. The ambulance arrived, gave him ammonia, his friends came running. I called our security: "I have problems, come." The guards arrived, knocked everyone down: “What, didn’t you know that this was the Anji footballer?” "He didn't tell us." Since then we have become friends. And the second time I fought with these guys against others.

Have you ever fought on the field?

In Latvia, they played with Skonto. Two were pushing, their player ran up, hit behind ours - and rushed. There was the main pile-small, and the goalkeeper and I fought in another place. At first I was not sent off the field, and then they gave me a seven-game suspension. And in Anji I once had a fight with Omari Tetradze.

Andrey Streltsov and Ivan Saenko

- How so?

There were nine Georgians in the team. Tetradze said: “When we get together, no one speaks Georgian.” But they did not listen to him and began to speak in their own way. I approached Tetradze: “We agreed. After all, they speak Georgian on the field.” - "That is none of your business". Then they played with Kamaz. I scored beautiful goal- the ball came from the left flank and I shot from the summer. 1:0, and then two missed and went on a break from 1:2. In the locker room - Georgian speech, then Tetradze popped on the Dagestanis. I told him: “What are you talking about, your Georgians Khojava and Arziani don’t run at all, they walk on foot.” - "What are you, blah?!" And we, in short, grappled with him. Tetradze: “Are you going to play with me any more?” Then the fans came to the president of Anji Magomedov, and he did not know at all that I had been suspended. Magomedov approached Tetradze: "Here I will decide who plays and who does not."

Tetradze did not love me, but he let me out. And he made me run from my own bar to someone else's - and he also complained that I did not close. I told him: “Mikhalych, you yourself played as an extreme defender and didn’t fucking run. How to create something in the attack, if there are no forces anymore? He ran into the attack - they didn’t give you a pass, you returned, you have a pulse of two hundred and you have to run forward again.

- Tetradze took teams out of the FNL twice, but he was not allowed to work in the Premier League. Why?

Anyone can be withdrawn from the first and second leagues. There you solved the problem with money, but you have to play in the Premier League.

- Georgian players were supplied by one person?

Mamuka. He was always close to Anji and decided who entered the field and who did not. Mamuka told me: "Sign a contract with me and you will play." - "Fuck you."

- How did you end up in Luch in Vladivostok?

I sued Anji at the FTC, Osman helped me again, and then moved to Luch. Luch's coach was Zoran Vulich - he knew which clubs I played in, asked me about training at Spartak and Milan. And then I got injured, the team flew away to the game, and I went to the clubs - I didn’t drink, but just rested with the girls. Vulich did not like it, he pushed me away. Vulich was replaced by Semyon Altman, and he returned me to the team. With Vulich, we trained once a day, and Altman decided to do more morning workout- at five in the morning in Moscow. Everyone fell asleep. The first month in Vladivostok it was even hard to breathe.

- How did you transfer the flights?

At first it was difficult, then they began to get acquainted with the flight attendants - and it was normal.

- With whom did you make friends in Lucha?

With Vitalik Bulyga we went somewhere every day. It was fun. I visit him and now go to rest in Minsk.

- Did Sarsania invite you to Khimki from Luch?

Yes. Once he was asked in an interview to make up his dream team, and he wrote me as a right-back. In the middle he put Tymoshchuk, in defense of Lombaerts with Krizhanac.

- After Khimki, what is your impression of Sarsania: is coaching his?

No. His vocation is a manager. He doesn't know how to train at all. He took the program of some Frenchman and works only according to it, he did not introduce any originality. Kostya asked my dad: “What do the guys say about my training?” - "Yes, they say - you give some kind of crap."

- The craziest match in your career?

We went with Khimki to Nalchik in 2009. Before the arrival of Sarsania, in the previous season, Spartak Nalchik agreed with Khimki that they would give them points. The management changed and when Nalchik reminded about the debt, Kostya replied: “Why should we give you points? You agreed with the previous management. We also need glasses." We arrived and the bus didn't even meet us. We traveled by hitchhike, who was on what, arrived half an hour before the game, changed clothes - and immediately on the field. And at first, only ten people entered the field, all the rest did not have time to start the match. We played a draw - the Nalchik leadership was raging, we again had to get to the airport on our own. Local Caucasians on their fives and sixes carried us into groups.

- Did you come to Zenit twice?

Yes, the first time to Petrzhela, but then I had an injury - the cartilage was inflamed above the knee and it was unrealistic to bend the leg. Even the injections did not help, I could not play at the training camp then. After Anji, he again came to Zenit for a tryout - to Advocate. At the training camp in the Emirates, I played all over the edge - both from behind and in attack. The lawyer said, "Don't waste your energy." I answered: "Yes, I have a lot of strength." And Vlad Radimov was so used to my connections that he shouted to me, receiving the ball: “Arrow, run!”.

Anji asked Zenit for four million for me. The lawyer said: "I will take him, but he will be second after Anyukov in the right-back position." But the leadership of Zenit decided: “Why do we need a spare for that kind of money?”

- Were you invited to the Russian national team?

The call came twice (when I was at Anji and Khimki), but due to an injury I couldn't go both times.

- Why didn't you have a relationship with Gadzhiev?

When he coached the Wings, he was offered to look at me after the injury. "Where will I take him? He's not ready." Then I came to Anji, told him about that story, but he didn’t even remember me. Because of this, there was tension - he didn’t want me, and his assistant Andryukha Gusin said that I needed to be put on. Gusin did all the training at Anji. Gadzhiev watched training on TV - so he could see better.

There was another case - they played with Dynamo. I didn’t hit the goal from two meters away and in Sport-Express they wrote: “A friend of Sarsania forgave the team of Sarsania”.

- Did Sarsania remain your agent until the end of your career?

After Rubin, I stopped communicating with him. He just called: "Come here, come there." It only made me worse. His father still works with him, because he is very faithful. He and Smolentsev called to Monaco - he doesn’t go.

- Where did you get the biggest salary?

In Vladivostok. There were big bonuses. Once, for a home draw with Dynamo, everyone was given twenty thousand dollars. We played a draw with Zenit during the flood, when it was water polo, not football - we got twenty-five each.

- What are you doing now?

I graduated from football three years ago, traveled for a couple of years, before there was no time. Bali, Maldives - it's boring, you lie like an amoeba, but I like to swim underwater, ride a jet ski.

For more than six months I have been working in the FMS, a service that no one can do without. Everyone is calling - asking for help with citizenship. The director of Monaco, Yevgeny Smolentsev, recently asked one Ukrainian player to help him obtain Russian citizenship, because a Russian club wants to buy him. I also play hockey with actors at Yantar. Basharov, Inshakov, Matrosov, Merzlikin. Maxim Konovalov from Boomer brought me to this team - we have a mutual friend in Tambov. Marat Basharov plays hockey best of all artists, he used to play professionally.

- Where did you meet your wife?

In Latvia. Wife is Latvian. My son has dual citizenship.

- Have you been invited anywhere besides the FMS?

Once I went into the Skylink office on 1905 Street, and Kolyukha Pisarev was sitting there. “Come to me - to the Russian national team beach soccer". - "No, not mine." I was still playing in Bryansk then.

I also wanted to open my own school in Khimki. I had friends here in the administration. The deputy governor offered to open a school, but they did not have time - he was fired, although he had worked here for ten years.

- And how did the FMS option come about?

I have many friends in the authorities. They always offered: "When you finish, come to work in the police." But I don't have legal education, and in the FMS it is not particularly required, only for the boss. I work as a deputy chief. Three hundred people pass a day - each with their own negativity, passports, citizenships, residence permits, you get more tired than after training. Some energy vampire will come in - and that's it, after him you can't work at all. In our area - two hundred thousand, and in our office - four people.

Oleg Ivanov recently visited. He had to enter the children in his passport. He says: "They called me to the national team - probably for show." - "Come on, you'll play." I tell him: “In our time, we didn’t run around the FMS - everyone did that to us.”

Denis Romantsov