“Will you be Bashashkin? Anatoly Bashashkin Anatoly Bashashkin

    - (February 23, 1924, Reutov, Moscow region. July 27, 2002, Moscow), Russian football player (see FOOTBALL) (halfback, defender). Honored Master of Sports (1955). Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Troops ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Olympic football champion in 1956 (Melbourne, team captain), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1955), born February 23, 1924 in Reutovo, Moscow Region; graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces in 1963; 1945 1946 ODO (Tbilisi) ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

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    Bashashkin, Anatoly Vasilyevich Anatoly Bashashkin ... Wikipedia

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    A service list of articles created to coordinate work on the development of the topic. This warning is not installed on informational articles, lists and glossaries ... Wikipedia

    List of players of the USSR, CIS, Russia national football team ... Wikipedia

    The title "Honored Master of Sports" (since 1983 the official title "Honored Master of Sports of the USSR") was established in 1934. Among the first 22 of its owners were 8 football players, the badge with the smallest number (No. 4) was received by Mikhail ... ... Wikipedia

    Anatoli Bashashkin- Infobox Football biography playername = Anatoli Bashashkin fullname = Anatoli Vasilievich Bashashkin dateofbirth = 23 February, 1924 cityofbirth = Reutov, Moscow Governorate countryofbirth = Soviet Union dateofdeath = death date and… … Wikipedia

He studied football in the children's teams of the club "Trud" in the city of Reutov, Moscow region, then - in the youth team "Spartak" Moscow. He played for the teams of CSKA (1947 - 1952, 1954 - 1958), "Spartak" Moscow (1952 - 1953). Champion of the USSR 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953 USSR Cup Winner 1948, 1951, 1955 He played 21 matches for the USSR national team (including 10 for the USSR Olympic team). He also played for the USSR national team in 12 unofficial matches.


One of the last “lieutenants” who earned glory for the army and all domestic football on the green fields of Europe and the world has passed away. But his brilliant game, loyalty to his native club will forever remain in our memory and will serve as a vivid example for many generations of army men to follow.

After playing for a season and a half after the CDSA was disbanded in 1952 for the teams of Kalinin, Moscow Military District and Spartak, Bashashkin returned in 1954 to the revived army club and played for it until 1958. He said goodbye to the football field at the age of 34, making the longest career among his partners. This was not surprising, since Bashashkin was even a model for them in observing the regime, during his performances he practically did not drink alcohol - even on the occasion of the team winning championship gold, which fell to his share three times in the CDKA and once in Spartak.

The great Boris Arkadiev, who did not disdain to look through the players of district and even garrison teams, discovered Anatoly Bashashkin, a pupil of the Moscow Spartak school, in military service in the team of the Tbilisi House of Officers. Arkadiev immediately recognized him as a great central defender. But the CDKA in this position was out of competition with the mighty Ivan Kochetkov, the most authoritative player in the first army championship squads. And the newly-minted lieutenant had to play at first as a right midfielder.

In a high jump, captain of the Soviet team Anatoly Bashashkin

1952 Stadium "Dynamo". Match between Moscow and Poland. In the foreground, in a high jump, the captain of the Soviet team Anatoly Bashashkin.

When I first saw the famous Franz Beckenbauer, I immediately remembered Tolya Bashashkin, Valentin Nikolaev told the Tsedek "motor" of those years. - In terms of physique, style of play and behavior on the field, reliability and technique of playing in defense, speed, game thinking, if they were put side by side, it would be indistinguishable from each other. Of course, this only applied to defensive actions, attacking raids with the completion of attacks, which Beckenbauer brilliantly practiced, were not encouraged in our times. Bashashkin was also an excellent chess player, more than once came out as the winner of successive intra-team tournaments, which were followed with great interest by all the players.

The central defender in those days played strictly against the center forward of rivals, among whom there were a dime a dozen stars. But the army stopper was controlled by Dynamo player Sergei Solovyov, and torpedo player Alexander Ponomarev, and Boris Paichadze from Tbilisi, and Spartak Nikita Simonyan, and Vsevolod Bobrov after he transferred to the Air Force.

On July 15, 1952, Anatoly Bashashkin led the revived USSR national team to the first match of the Olympic tournament in Helsinki as captain. And he finished the Olympics, like all his partners in the CDSA, demoted to the rank and file. He completed his performances in the national team on December 5, 1956 in Melbourne, having received, together with our other Olympic football players, the gold medal of the champion.

After the end of his career as a football player, Bashashkin entered the Academy of Armored Forces, with a diploma from which he worked in military specialty in Ukraine. Having gone to the reserve, he could not stand it, returned to football, headed the Tashkent Pakhtakor, the Moscow Krasnaya Presnya, worked briefly as an assistant to Konstantin Beskov in Spartak. It cannot be said that his coaching career was a success. The model for him was the army team, the colors of which he defended for almost 11 years, his comrades-in-arms Grigory Fedotov, Vsevolod Bobrov, Valentin Nikolaev, Alexei Grinin, their attitude to football, to training work. And with the new generation, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find a common language. When Anatoly Vasilyevich was approached by journalists for comments on a particular match, after a few minutes he went into memories on the topic "yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe: heroes - not you!".

Bashashkin, Anatoly Vasilievich. Defender. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1955, ZMS certificate No. 1000).

Born February 23, 1924 in the village. Reutov, Moscow province. Died July 27, 2002 in Moscow.

He studied football in the children's teams of the club "Trud" in the city of Reutov, Moscow Region, then - in the youth team of the Moscow "Spartak".

He played for the teams of CSKA (1947 - 1952, 1954 - 1958), "Spartak" Moscow (1952 - 1953).

Champion of the USSR 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953 USSR Cup Winner 1948, 1951, 1955

He played 21 matches for the USSR national team (including 10 for the USSR Olympic team). He also played for the USSR national team in 12 unofficial matches.

1956 Olympic champion. 1952 Olympic participant.

Head coach of the club "Pakhtakor" Tashkent. Head coach of the club "Krasnaya Presnya" Moscow. Coach at the club "Spartak" Moscow.


On February 23, Anatoly Vasilyevich Bashashkin would have turned 79 years old. The date is not round, but is that the case when it comes to an outstanding footballer? Here are the lines from a letter to the editor-in-chief of MK, Muscovite Gromashev Vadim Romanovich, a participant in the Victory Parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945: "I like the articles in MK about football players, hockey players, coaches of the post-war years. The younger generation should know about those who glorified the country and our sport. I beg you to tell us about Anatoly Bashashkin."

Well, with pleasure...

Olympic champion and great storyteller Valentin Bubukin recalls:

It may sound pathetic, but I think that it was with Bashashkin that a new era in the history of football began. I'm talking about the game of central defenders. After all, how did they play before Bashashkin? The central defender, having mastered the ball, did not philosophize and sent it away from his goal. And Bashashkin began to organize the attack of his team. Instantly assessing the situation on the field, he gave an accurate pass to a partner in a better position ... At the same time, he was one of those rare defenders who can play personally. Bashashkin never allowed himself liberties, playing in public. Football of the middle of the last century and today, of course, differ in many ways. But I am firmly convinced that Anatoly Vasilyevich would still be one of the strongest central defenders in European football today.

His partners were legendary people, stars of the first magnitude - Fedotov, Bobrov, Grinin, Nikolaev, Demin, Nikanorov, Solovyov, Chistokhvalov, Nyrkov, Vodyagin. But Bashashkin also knew his own worth: he did not even allow Bobrov to make any remarks in his address. The man was decent and extremely fair.

His popularity in the country - especially among men - was fantastic. And here's the thing. For most of our compatriots, drinking is a collective process. Dropped to "half a litre" is usually the three of us. So imagine: two at the store are looking for a third. And since our hero played under the third number, the appeal sounded like this: "Will you be Bashashkin?" This is recognition of popularity. And if you want - a tribute.

Bubukin recalls: “Bashashkin and the captain of CSKA, striker Alexei Grinin, lived in the same house on Sokol, where there is a grocery store on the ground floor. They come in and a man rushes to Bashashkin:“ Will you be Bashashkin? Of course, I immediately recognized the idol ... "

Boris Levin. "Moskovsky Komsomolets", 22.02.2003


One of the last “lieutenants” who earned glory for the army and all domestic football on the green fields of Europe and the world has passed away. But his brilliant game, loyalty to his native club will forever remain in our memory and will serve as a vivid example for many generations of army men to follow.

After playing for a season and a half after the CDSA was disbanded in 1952 for the teams of Kalinin, Moscow Military District and Spartak, Bashashkin returned in 1954 to the revived army club and played for it until 1958. He said goodbye to the football field at the age of 34, making the longest career among his partners. This was not surprising, since Bashashkin was even a model for them in observing the regime, during his performances he practically did not drink alcohol - even on the occasion of the team winning championship gold, which fell to his share three times in the CDKA and once in Spartak.

The great Boris Arkadiev, who did not disdain to look through the players of district and even garrison teams, discovered Anatoly Bashashkin, a pupil of the Moscow Spartak school, in military service in the team of the Tbilisi House of Officers. Arkadiev immediately recognized him as a great central defender. But the CDKA in this position was out of competition with the mighty Ivan Kochetkov, the most authoritative player in the first army championship squads. And the newly-minted lieutenant had to play at first as a right midfielder.

When I first saw the famous Franz Beckenbauer, I immediately remembered Tolya Bashashkin, Valentin Nikolaev told the Tsedek "motor" of those years. - In terms of physique, style of play and behavior on the field, reliability and technique of playing in defense, speed, game thinking, if they were put side by side, it would be indistinguishable from each other. Of course, this only applied to defensive actions, attacking raids with the completion of attacks, which Beckenbauer brilliantly practiced, were not encouraged in our times. Bashashkin was also an excellent chess player, more than once came out as the winner of successive intra-team tournaments, which were followed with great interest by all the players.

The central defender in those days played strictly against the center forward of rivals, among whom there were a dime a dozen stars. But the army stopper was controlled by Dynamo player Sergei Solovyov, and torpedo player Alexander Ponomarev, and Boris Paichadze from Tbilisi, and Spartak Nikita Simonyan, and Vsevolod Bobrov after he transferred to the Air Force.

On July 15, 1952, Anatoly Bashashkin led the revived USSR national team to the first match of the Olympic tournament in Helsinki as captain. And he finished the Olympics, like all his partners in the CDSA, demoted to the rank and file. He completed his performances in the national team on December 5, 1956 in Melbourne, having received, together with our other Olympic football players, the gold medal of the champion.

After the end of his career as a football player, Bashashkin entered the Academy of Armored Forces, with a diploma from which he worked in military specialty in Ukraine. Having gone to the reserve, he could not stand it, returned to football, headed the Tashkent Pakhtakor, the Moscow Krasnaya Presnya, worked briefly as an assistant to Konstantin Beskov in Spartak. It cannot be said that his coaching career was a success. The model for him was the army team, the colors of which he defended for almost 11 years, his comrades-in-arms Grigory Fedotov, Vsevolod Bobrov, Valentin Nikolaev, Alexei Grinin, their attitude to football, to training work. And with the new generation, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find a common language. When Anatoly Vasilyevich was approached by journalists for comments on a particular match, after a few minutes he went into memories on the topic "yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe: heroes - not you!".

And now another hero is gone. Blessed memory to him.

And G And G And G
1 11.05.1952 USSR - POLAND - 0: 1 d
2 14.05.1952 USSR - POLAND - 2: 1 d
3 24.05.1952 USSR - HUNGARY - 1: 1 d
4 27.05.1952 USSR - HUNGARY - 2: 1 d
5 11.06.1952 USSR - BULGARIA - 2: 2 d
6 18.06.1952 USSR - BULGARIA - 2: 2 d
7 24.06.1952 USSR - ROMANIA - 3: 1 d
8 29.06.1952 FINLAND - USSR - 0:2 G
9 06.07.1952 USSR - CZECHOSLOVAKIA - 2: 1 d
1 1 15.07.1952 BULGARIA - USSR - 1:2 n
2 2 20.07.1952 YUGOSLAVIA - USSR - 5:5 n
3 3 22.07.1952 YUGOSLAVIA - USSR - 3:1 n
4 08.09.1954 USSR - SWEDEN - 7:0 d
5 26.09.1954 USSR - HUNGARY - 1: 1 d
10 06.02.1955 INDIA - USSR - 0:4 G
11 27.02.1955 INDIA - USSR - 0:3 G
12 06.03.1955 INDIA - USSR - 0:3 G
6 26.06.1955 SWEDEN - USSR - 0:6 G
7 21.08.1955 USSR - Germany - 3: 2 d
8 16.09.1955 USSR - INDIA - 11: 1 d
9 25.09.1955 HUNGARY - USSR - 1:1 G
10 23.05.1956 USSR - DENMARK - 5: 1 d
11 01.07.1956 DENMARK - USSR - 2:5 G
12 4 11.07.1956 USSR - ISRAEL - 5: 0 d
13 5 31.07.1956 ISRAEL - USSR - 1:2 G
14 15.09.1956 Germany - USSR - 1: 2 G
15 23.09.1956 USSR - HUNGARY - 0: 1 d
16 21.10.1956 FRANCE - USSR - 2: 1 G
17 6 24.11.1956 WGC (Germany) - USSR - 1:2 n
18 7 29.11.1956 INDONESIA - USSR - 0:0 n
19 8 01.12.1956 INDONESIA - USSR - 0:4 n
20 9 05.12.1956 BULGARIA - USSR - 1:2 n
21 10 08.12.1956 YUGOSLAVIA - USSR - 0:1 n
And G And G And G
21 – 10 – 12 –

"Will you be Bashashkin?"



Anatoly Bashashkin has been the strongest central defender in our football for several seasons. Tall, imposing, he reigned in the penalty area, as if personifying a defender-wall against which waves of attacks break. Few people knew how to insure partners - defenders and midfielders like Anatoly. He skillfully interacted with his goalkeepers - Nikanorov, Chanov and Razinsky in CSKA, and in the USSR national team - with Ivanov and Yashin.

In defense, unlike his glorious predecessor Kochetkov, who sometimes allowed liberties in actions, Bashashkin was always strict and clearly followed the coaching instructions.

When 23-year-old Anatoly Bashashkin was accepted into the CDKA, the "team of lieutenants", he was put in the place of the left midfielder. This position was already familiar to him from playing for children's and youth teams, including Spartak, as well as for the Tbilisi House of Officers (a Muscovite, he served in the Transcaucasian Military District during the war).

At the first training sessions, Bashashkin felt like a complete novice - in bilateral games, his rivals were the best strikers in the country, led by Fedotov and Bobrov. And then there’s Boris Andreevich Arkadiev, who set two seemingly mutually exclusive tasks for the debutant of the army team: to take care of counterparts from the attacking team and at the same time act in the zone, in a certain area, supporting their attackers.

A year later, Arkadiev offered the left midfielder of the double a place as a central defensive player in the first team, where Bashashkin successfully replaced one of the most prominent "designers" of army football armor, Ivan Kochetkov.

After the defeat of the USSR national team at the 1952 Olympic Games, the CDSA team was disbanded. Anatoly ended up in Spartak, where he acted insecurely in some matches, making gross mistakes. The impact caused by the failure in the Olympic tournament, and the subsequent dispersal of the CDSA team, affected. But soon the club revived, and Bashashkin again put on a T-shirt with a red star. He was elected team captain. In addition, he wore the captain's armband in the Moscow team, until it was named the USSR team. The return of Bashashkin to the CDSA was the beginning of his new heyday. He was rightfully included in the USSR national team, which won the 1956 Olympics.

In the first post-war years, they went to the football players of the CDKA-CDSA, like to the theater, any of them was a star - Fedotov, Bobrov ... Bashashkin was also among them. His popularity was of a special kind - he entered folk mythology.

... The sufferers near the wine departments in the 50s, united in pairs, turned to almost everyone who approached the counter: “Will you be Bashashkin?” Not the third, namely Bashashkin. The fact is that then the central defender in any football team played under the third number.

Anatoly Vasilievich himself, a man of strict rules, who always strictly observed the sports regime, at first was indignant, until the army captain Alexei Grinin told him: “So this is the popular recognition of your class.”

... 40 days ago, at the age of 79, Anatoly Bashashkin, one of the last players in the legendary "team of lieutenants", passed away.

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Olympic football champion in 1956 (Melbourne, team captain), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1955), born February 23, 1924 in Reutovo, Moscow Region; graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces in 1963; 1945-1946 - ODO (Tbilisi), 1947-1953, 1954-1958 - CDKA-CDSA, 2nd half of 1953 - Spartak (Moscow); spent 184 matches in the championships of the USSR; champion of the USSR 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953; winner of the USSR Cup 1948, 1951, 1955; twice included in the lists of the best football players of the season (1950, 1956); champion of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR 1956; for the USSR national team in 1952-1956 he played 24 matches; participant in the 1952 Olympic Games (Helsinki); one of the strongest central defenders in the history of Soviet football; awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

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  • - genus. July 31, 1913 in Vitebsk. Composer. Nar. art. BSSR. In 1937 he graduated from Belarus. cons. according to class compositions by V. A. Zolotarev...

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  • - Soviet theater artist, People's Artist of the USSR. Member of the CPSU since 1945, candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan since 1967. He studied at the Art and Pedagogical College in Penza ...
  • - Soviet art historian, teacher and museum figure. He studied at the University of Tartu and the Pedagogical Institute. P. G. Shelaputin in Moscow. Professor at Moscow University...

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  • - Soviet composer, People's Artist of the BSSR. Member of the CPSU since 1954. In 1937 he graduated from the Belarusian Conservatory in the class of V. A. Zolotarev, since 1948 he has been teaching there ...

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  • - Russian theater artist, People's Artist of the USSR. He played an important role in the development of the Kyrgyz theatrical and decorative art...

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  • - Russian art historian, art critic, teacher. He developed the methodology of museum excursions, the principles of aesthetic education, contributed to the revival of the art crafts of Palekh and Mstera ...

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"Bashashkin, Anatoly Vasilyevich" in books

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Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky I would like to tell a few stories connected with the name of Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky, a man whom I loved. And I am proud that he treated me very well. Anatoly Vasilievich lived in a lane on the Arbat. In the one on the corner of which

Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilievich

From the book Silver Age. Portrait Gallery of Cultural Heroes of the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

Lunacharsky Anatoly Vasilievich 11 (23) 11/1875 - 12/26/1933 Critic, publicist, art critic, playwright. Publications in magazines and newspapers “Questions of Philosophy and Psychology”, “Russian Thought”, “Education”, “Herald of Life”, “Pravda”, “Freedom and Life”, “Struggle”, etc. Plays “Royal

Golitsin Anatoly Vasilievich

From the book of Tulyaki - Heroes of the Soviet Union author Apollonova A. M.

Golitsin Anatoly Vasilyevich Born in 1908 in the village of Petrakovo, Gavrilo-Yamsky District, Yaroslavl Region. He graduated from the 7th grade of a secondary school in the city of Kostroma. From 1923 to 1930 he worked at the enterprises of the Ivano-Voznesensk region. In 1930 he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army. In 1937

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Bogatyrev Anatoly Vasilievich

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Bogatyrev Anatoly Vasilievich Bogatyrev Anatoly Vasilievich [b. July 31 (August 13), 1913, Vitebsk], Soviet composer, People's Artist of the BSSR (1968). Member of the CPSU since 1954. In 1937 he graduated from the Belarusian Conservatory in the class of V. A. Zolotarev, since 1948 he has been teaching there (since 1960 he has been a professor). Pupils: G. M. Wagner, E.

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