World Championships in fencing saber women. An injection to rivals: Russia leads the overall standings of the World Fencing Championships with three gold medals. Team Finals, Men's Foil & Women's Epee Team, online video broadcast

Schedule of the 2017 World Fencing Championships in Leipzig. 19-26.07. Composition of the Russian team.

World Fencing Championships 2017


Fencing World Championship 2017




The composition of the Russian team:



Dmitry Danilenko, Kamil Ibragimov, Veniamin Reshetnikov, Alexei Yakimenko, Vladislav Pozdnyakov.


Timur Arslanov, Alexey Cheremisinov, Timur Safin, Dmitry Zherebchenko, Dmitry Rigin.


Vadim Anokhin, Nikita Glazkov, Sergey Hodos, Pavel Sukhov, Anton Glebko.



Anna Bashta, Valeria Bolshakova, Yana Egoryan, Sofia Pozdnyakova.


Inna Deriglazova, Marta Martyanova, Svetlana Tripapina, Adelina Zagidullina.


Tatyana Gudkova, Violetta Kolobova, Tatyana Logunova, Daria Martynyuk, Yana Zvereva.

Schedule of the World Fencing Championship 2017 in Leipzig (time - Moscow time):

· 09:30 Men. Sword. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 13:30 Men. Saber. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 16:30 Women. Rapier. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 09:30 Women. Sword. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 13:30 Women. Saber. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 16:30 Men. Rapier. Individual Championship - Group stage, preliminary round with selection to the DE table for 64 participants

· 09:30 Men. Saber. Individual Championship - 64-player DE Table - Final

· 10:40 Women. Rapier. Individual Championship - 64-player DE Table - Final

· 10:00 Women. Saber. Individual Championship - 64-player DE Table - Final

· 11:10 Men. Sword. Individual Championship - 64-player DE Table - Final

· 09:30 Women. Sword. Individual Championship - 64-player DE Table - Final

· 10:40 Men Individual - 64 DE Table - Final

· 09:30 Women. Rapier. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

· 11:00 Men. Saber. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

· 09:30 Men. Sword. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

· 10:15 Women. Saber. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

· 09:30 Men. Rapier. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

· 11:00 Women. Sword. Team Championship - 32-man DE Table, Semi-Finals, 3rd Place Match, Final

DE- Direct Elimination, direct elimination

58 - Inside news page

The Russian fencing team at the World Championships in Leipzig, Germany, became the second in the medal standings, for the first time in six years, letting the Italian team go ahead.

4:52 27.07.2017

The Russian fencing team at the World Championships in Leipzig, Germany, became the second in the medal standings, for the first time in six years, letting the Italian team go ahead. After a successful performance at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the national team experienced a generational change that hit the saber team most of all, which did not win a single medal.

Revival of the sword

Russian fencers won six medals at the World Championships. Foil fencers were the most successful in the national team at the tournament in Leipzig, having won three awards. Gold on the account of Inna Deriglazova and Dmitry Zherebchenko, bronze in the asset of the women's team in team competitions. Tatyana Gudkova won the epee tournament. Bronze medals were won by saber fencer Kamil Ibragimov and the men's epee fencing team.

Particularly noteworthy is the success of Russian epee fencers, who in recent years have rarely shown high results at the main starts of the season, as evidenced by their performance at the Olympic Games in Brazil, where they did not reach the semi-finals in the team tournament, and no one reached the quarter-finals in individual competitions. Anton Glebko, Pavel Sukhov, Nikita Glazkov and Sergey Khodos were able to break the stagnation in the men's sword.

In the opposite direction, there has been movement in the saber team. “There was no plan for the World Championship, but it’s nice that we won six medals. Unfortunately, you can’t be happy for the saber, it was a weak World Championship for it. You need to analyze and figure it out,” said the head coach of the Russian national team Ilgar Mammadov.

The most obvious decline in results was for the women's team, which took three awards at the 2016 Games, two of which were of the highest value. Two-time Olympic fencing champion Yana Yegoryan in Leipzig failed to reach the quarterfinals of the individual championship, while the team did not make it to the semifinals. The men's team, which included Veniamin Reshetnikov, Dmitry Danilenko, Alexei Yakimenko and Kamil Ibragimov, took eighth place.

It's time to surprise

After the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the long-term leader of the saber team Sophia Velikaya suspended her career, Yana Yegoryan only recently healed a finger injury, but the head coach of the national team does not discount this, especially since the team became second at the June European Championship. The main problem, according to him, is that athletes have ceased to surprise their rivals with non-standard solutions.

"The women's saber has not shown itself in any way. It is necessary to change the repertoire, it is difficult to fence with one for the second four years in a row. You need to have new home preparations so that your opponents are not ready for what you are doing," Mammadov said.

The general manager of the Russian national team, Christian Bauer, will have something to think about in the coming year, evaluating the performance of the saber fencers and looking for reinforcements in the nearest reserve of the national team.

We managed to find hidden reserves in epee and foil competitions. Zherebchenko managed to adequately replace the Olympic champion Timur Safin, who finished the fight in personal competitions at the 1/8 final stage, while for the 24-year-old Gudkova gold became the first medal of the world championships.

In general, the foil team confirmed its high status. Olympic champion Deriglazova became the second at the European Championships, but at the main start of the season she managed to take revenge on Arianna Errigo in the semifinals, and in the decisive fight she defeated another Italian Alice Volpi.

Italy is the first

The winners of the medal standings were the Italians (4-1-4), who traditionally compete with the Russians in the fight for first place. The current success was the first for them since 2011, when the World Cup was held in their homeland - in Catania. At the 2015 World Championships in Moscow, the Russians won the overall standings (4-4-1). At the 2014 World Championship in Kazan, Russian fencers shared first place with them, and at the 2013 World Championship in Budapest they won.

FENCING, World Championship 2017 Leipzig, live online video broadcast day-6, final. Today we are waiting for team tournaments in the women's epee and men's foil, watch the live broadcast of the World Fencing Championship in Leipzig in a few minutes.

Men - TEAM Foil World Championship 2017 - 30 national teams take part, including the national teams of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Team of Ukraine in the toughest match of the 1/32 finals she defeated the team of Mexico and now in 1/16 she will spar with China, which had previously defeated India. The national teams of Uzbekistan and Belarus left the tournament at the stage of 1/32 finals. And the Russian team in 1/16 will fight with Hungary and will require satisfaction for yesterday.

Women - TEAM EPIE , WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP-2017 - 24 teams participate, including Estonia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and others.

Ukraine starts from the stage of the 1/8 finals with a match against Poland, Kazakhstani epee fencers finished the fight losing in the 1/32 finals to Spain, Estonia in 1/16 against Hong Kong and the Russian team against Hungary. Follow the results online at the link below.

Watch the live online video broadcast of the 2017 World Team Fencing Championships today live: Men "s Foil & Women" s Epee!

Fencing World Championship-2017, Women's EPIE, Men's RAPIRA, online broadcast, teams

1) Estonia
2) China
3) Poland

8) Russia
10) Ukraine

4) Russia
9) Ukraine

Team Finals, Men's Foil & Women's Epee Team, online video broadcast

LEIPZIG (Germany), July 26 - R-Sport, Alexander Rogulev. The Russian fencing team won three gold and three bronze medals at the post-Olympic World Championships in Leipzig, Germany, taking second place in the medal standings of the tournament after the Italian team.

Don't fall out of the top three

In recent years, the Russian fencing team has taught us that it is she who sets the tone in this sport. Since 2013, Russian saber fencers, epee fencers and foil fencers have consistently won the overall World Championship standings. The result of the four years was the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, where our compatriots won four gold, one silver and two bronze medals, ahead of all other countries.

However, in the first post-Olympic year, neither the leadership of the Russian Fencing Federation (FFR) nor the coaching staff of the national team expected that the team would continue to dominate. After the Rio Games, the national team was renewed by more than half: Sofya Velikaya and Artur Akhmatkhuzin completed or suspended their careers, and only Yana Yegoryan remained in the ranks of the golden saber team.

“Despite the current situation, we don’t want to fall out of the top three in the team competition,” said Ilgar Mamedov, head coach of the Russian national team, in an interview with the R-Sport agency. “It will be difficult. we have invariably won this standings and are used to victories, and somehow forgot that we have not won the Nations Cup for 11 years in a row since 2002. But we need to stay in the top three even now, and if we take first place, I will probably go crazy from happiness."

True, not everyone shared the position of a specialist who became famous precisely after the Games in Rio de Janeiro (in honor of the victory, Mamedov agreed to shave his head). “This is his opinion, and in general you need to contact him. In this case, I can only speak as a fan. And my opinion is that the Russian team has laid such a foundation over the past 15 years, when third place should not be considered a great success,” said on the opening day of the World Championship, President of the International Fencing Federation (FIE) Alisher Usmanov.

Egoryan was left without medals

Despite everything, already on the first "medal" day of the championship, the Russian team won two medals at once. And in the tournament of saber fencing, by and large, few people expected her. The bronze medal was brought to Russia by the national champion Kamil Ibragimov, who reached the semi-finals. Moreover, on the way, the Russian knocked out the leader of the world ranking and the champion of the last two Olympiads, the Hungarian Aron Siladya, which remained the main sensation until the end of the tournament.

“For Ibragimov, bronze is a good result, but he is capable of more. I can say this without a twinge of conscience. He could easily win gold now,” Russian Federation President Alexander Mikhailov assessed the performance of the Russian. If Ibragimov reached the semi-finals, then the other saber fencers of the Russian team Alexei Yakimenko, Veniamin Reshetnikov and Dmitry Danilenko remained outside the top eight.

Alas, this bronze remained the only one among the saber fencers in Leipzig. In the individual competition among women, where the favorite was the two-time Olympic champion Yegoryan, the best of the Russians was Sofia Pozdnyakova, who was only among the top 16. Egoryan, Anna Bashta and Valeria Bolshakova retired even earlier. As for Yegoryan herself, her preparation for the World Championships was crumpled due to a broken finger. Perhaps this left an imprint on her performance in Leipzig.

“The injury has nothing to do with it. I underestimated my opponent and didn’t understand the refereeing,” Yegoryan herself said. “Since I’m quite emotional and explosive, I already fought not with my opponent, but directly with the judge. to know. But what can I say? I didn’t train, I didn’t do anything, that’s why this result. Of course, there was a desire to come and win, but when you don’t work, then you don’t get a medal. That’s how it happened with me. "

"You should worry about the saber now"

In team competitions, both saber fencers and saber fencers also faced failure. The men's team arrived in Germany in the status of European champions and was considered as one of the contenders for medals. The leader of the team was the 8-time world champion Yakimenko, who returned after a failure in Rio de Janeiro precisely in order to leave the team behind. Alas, the Russians did not even reach the semi-finals: in the match for reaching the top four, Yakimenko and Co. lost to the Americans and dropped out of the tournament.

“A mistake was made in management,” Mammadov said sharply. “The team cannot be divided into “our” fencers and “foreigners.” If you do this, then there is no team. This is a manager’s mistake. Healthy competition creates a strong team. Artificial blockade of someone or something at the start of the first important start of the new Olympic cycle is wrong.Since the season in men's saber is over, you need to analyze this performance, hold the necessary conversations, identify both the positive aspects of this world championship and the negative ones.Not everything is so perfect and smooth in all types of weapons.

The saber fencers lost at the same stage to the Japanese national team, and Yegoryan, who was the leader of the team, lost her first fight in the match with a score of 1:6. “Nerves, stress, nowhere without it, I try to somehow cope. I understand that I’m not at the peak of my form, it happened, alas. And everyone understands the reason why I lost,” said Yegoryan, and after, already on camera, even tried to be happy with the fifth place, but she didn’t succeed either.

“It’s already worth worrying about the saber, there’s no point in waiting for the next world championship,” Mikhailov said. “We must definitely draw conclusions after such a result. Perhaps we need to introduce some elements into training, perhaps select a slightly different squad, bet on young guys in the men's saber. You can't go anywhere in the women's saber, there this path is inevitable. We need to attract the most worthy juniors to the adult team. Of course, there will be a conversation with (general manager Christian) Bauer, we need to resolve this issue collectively and as soon as possible."

Deriglazova tickled the nerves

But without serious victories in saber, the Russian team was "pulled out" by their colleagues - epee fencers and, especially, foil fencers. Immediately after Ibragimov won bronze, the World Cup final was won by Inna Deriglazova, who confirmed her status as an Olympic champion. The Russian in the decisive match was leading with a score of 11:3, but managed to lose all her advantage. As a result, the fate of the gold medal was decided on a priority, where luck nevertheless returned to Deriglazova.

“I understand that such finals are good for the audience and the public, because they are spectacular and bright,” Mammadov shared his impressions. one of the coaches could have said with the score 11:3: “Oh, that's it.” But I perfectly understood that there was more to come, we had seen it many times already, and it started… Inna had a heat stroke, she was in prostration. Thank God it ended like this."

Among the foil fencers, one of the favorites was the Olympic champion Timur Safin, who nevertheless continued to perform after the victory in Rio. However, he could not justify the hopes, dropping out in a duel with the Japanese Toshiya Saito at the 1/8 final stage. But Dmitry Zherebchenko, on the contrary, knocked out both Saito, and the silver medalist of Rio Alexander Massialas, and Alexei Cheremisinov, as a result, sensationally becoming the world champion.

Alas, in the team competition, neither the women's nor the men's teams of Russia could bring additional gold. And if Deriglazova and her team brought bronze to the piggy bank, then Zherebchenko and her partners lost in the match for third place to the French. Nevertheless, it was the rapier that became the best type of weapon for the Russians in this tournament. This is not so surprising, given that the head coach of the national team Mammadov is a former foil fencer.

Gudkova won two injections, fencers lost

The amazing victories of the Russians were not limited to the triumph of Zherebchenko. The current European champion Violetta Kolobova went to Leipzig as the best Russian epee fencer. However, during the tournament, she dramatically lost in a duel to Tatyana Gudkova. Few could have imagined that this fight was a "hidden final" - Gudkova confidently reached the final, where she defeated the Polish Eva Nelip with a score of 11:9.

“I can’t stop crying with happiness,” Gudkova admitted after the award. “I still can’t feel like a world champion, I went to this for a very long time. I fought to the end and I’m glad that everything worked out. All the fights were difficult from the very first, won on priority. And the fight with Kolobova became decisive: after this fight, I realized that there was no turning back and I had to go to the end. And I did it. There are a lot of unexpected results. And for me it turned out, it seems very cool. "

Russian epee fencers failed in individual competitions, but initially they rode with an emphasis on team competitions, since back in June they quite unexpectedly won the European Championship. Pavel Sukhov, Nikita Glazkov and Sergey Khodos were very close to success: their semi-final match with the French went head to head, but the "tricolors" were two shots more successful, reached the final, and there they already beat the Swiss team. The Russians were only third.

Thus, for the first time since 2013, the medal standings were left not for the Russians, but solely for the Italians (in 2014, the teams shared first place). “We can say that the result at the World Championships is good,” Mikhailov summed up the tournament. “Three gold medals in individual competitions is just great. Women's sword, foil ... we can’t complain! We can say that the Olympic cycle started confidently. Of course, There are some problems, the roster is being updated, but despite this, the result has been very good."

Russian fencers have long taught everyone that in their field they remain the best on the planet. Since 2013, they have taken first place in the medal standings of all world championships. This was followed by a natural triumph at the Rio Olympics, when four victories were won in 10 types of the program (and two more took place in team events not included in the Olympic program).

This super-successful Olympic cycle has gone down in history, and now the Russian team is looking for new talents who will perform on the Tokyo stage in three years. A team went to the World Cup in Leipzig, in which there are many new names, and Rio veterans are far from always in the lead roles. This updated team already has something to brag about - according to the results of individual starts, three Russian fencers at once became world champions.

The beginning of the gold placer was put by the foil fencer Inna Deriglazova. There was no need to expect a place lower than the first from her, because she came to Germany in the status of an Olympic champion. This season, the 27-year-old athlete lost in the final of the European Championship to her main rival, the Italian Arianna Errigo, but in the semifinals of the World Championship, Deriglazova took a convincing revenge with a score of 15:6. It was not easy for the Russian woman only to fight for gold with the ambitious Alice Volpi. The champion of Rio led the Italian with a score of 11:3, but she was able to snatch victory only on priority - 14:13.

“To be honest, this victory was even more difficult than in Rio. Perhaps because there were two major tournaments in a row, and it is very difficult to win all the time. Actually, the World Cup showed it. This victory is no less memorable. Leading eight injections in the final tournament, let my opponent catch up with me ... Now I'm just jubilant. For the audience, such a final is more spectacular, but I would not mind finishing at least 15:5 than with an injection on priority, ”Deriglazova, who defended her world champion title, told R-Sport.

Although her victory was the decoration of the tournament that started, it should be noted that her teammates performed below expectations. Aida Shanaeva and Larisa Korobeynikova, with whom the Russian team was one of the most powerful for many years, were replaced by young Svetlana Tripapina and Marta Martyanova, who failed to go beyond the 1/8 finals. Slightly more experienced Adelina Zagidullina scored just one win in the main draw.

On the first day of the World Championships, personal competitions of saber fencers also took place. Here in the Russian team there was no rotation, and the old guard arrived in Leipzig, which, if they had success in the current World Cup, only in some team competitions. This, as expected, led to mediocre results for most of the team - Veniamin Reshetnikov lost in the first round to the future world champion Andras Satmari from Hungary, Alexei Yakimenko, who defended the title, stopped in the second round, Dmitry Danilenko - in the third.

Kamil Ibragimov became a ray of light. During the tournament, he beat the two-time Olympic champion Aron Siladya from Hungary and reached the semifinals, where he lost to the South Korean Ku Bong Gil. The 23-year-old Russian won his first personal award at the World Championships - bronze. For him, this is an excellent result, but for a team that has given the world three different champions in the last three tournaments, it is somewhat depressing.

The same words can describe the performances of saber fencers, but there are several objective reasons for this, because of which it is too early for fans to fall into despair. Of the gold team that won the team Olympic tournament in Rio, only Yana Yegoryan remained in the national team, who performed after a broken toe. In the second round, she lost to the little-known Spaniard Lucia Martin-Portuges.

“Injury has nothing to do with it. I underestimated my opponent and did not understand refereeing. Since I am quite emotional and explosive, I have already fought not with an opponent, but directly with the judge. When you piss off the judge, it also makes itself felt. I didn’t train, I didn’t do anything, so this is the result. Of course, there was a desire to come and win, but when you don't work, then you don't get a medal. So it happened to me, ”explained Yegoryan.

Anna Bashta, Valeria Bolshakova and Sofia Pozdnyakova performed a little better - none of them managed to reach the quarterfinals. The daughter of the great saber fencer Stanislav Pozdnyakov scored a victory over a very strong American Dagmara Wozniak, but the achievements of the saber fencers in the individual tournament can be considered complete. But in the team tournament, young Russian girls can still be considered the favorites of the competition.

The new composition of the national team in the men's sword can be considered formed after the victory in the team at the European Championship in Tbilisi. But at the World Championships, this four, consisting of Vadim Anokhin, Sergey Hodos, Pavel Sukhov and Nikita Glazkov, did not pass the test - none of them managed to beat at least one foreign opponent. Only Sukhov made it to the second round thanks to a victory over Hodos, but immediately lost to the future winner of the competition, Paolo Pizzo from Italy.

After an unsuccessful second day of the World Cup, a super-profitable third came. In the women's sword, the main hopes were placed on proven fighters Tatyana Logunova, who won at the Olympics in Sydney, and Violetta Kolobova, who led the world ranking before the World Cup. But both of them lost in the quarterfinals.

The current champion Kolobova was knocked out by her teammate Tatyana Gudkova, and now she had to mine gold. The 24-year-old athlete, who won everything possible in juniors, coped with the new task - Gudkova became only the second Russian world champion in individual competitions after Lyubov Shutova in 2009. The young epee fencer was very pleased with her victory.

“Very happy, I can’t stop crying with happiness. I still can't feel like a world champion. I went to this for a very long time. I fought to the end and I'm glad it worked out. All the fights were hard - from the first, won on priority. And the duel with Kolobova became decisive: after that I realized that there was no turning back and I had to go to the end. And I did it. There are many unexpected results here. And for me it turned out, it seems very cool, ”Gudkova said after the victory.

Following her, a sensation with a plus sign was presented by the foil fencer Dmitry Zherebchenko. He was already in full view of the coaches of the national team a year ago and even went to the Olympics in Rio, but he did not become the Olympic champion in the team then - he needed to have at least one mini-fight so that the trio of gold medalists turned into a quartet. Now fate has returned the favor to him in the form of an award of the highest standard of the World Championship. On the way to the highest step of the podium, Zherebchenko defeated Alexei Cheremesinov and two-time Rio medalist Alexander Massialas from the USA. In the final, the Russian took revenge on the Japanese Toshii Saito, who left Timur Safin out of work.

“According to the score, it may seem that there were no special problems, because there was not a single fight with a difference of one shot. Nevertheless, each fight was not easy for me - starting from the first. I had no right to lose after the victory over Cheremisinov. It is a tragedy for the country when two athletes meet in the early stages. I did everything I could. And did. But I haven't felt it yet, to be honest. I put my career on hold. And I would not have believed that I would win the World Championship even after I resumed it. I was afraid to dream about it, this is such a serious result, ”admitted the athlete.

Three victories after six starts - this result can already be considered successful, given the fact that two gold medals for the Russian team were won by dark horses, from which it was not necessary to expect medals. Now ahead of the team competition, which can help to gain a foothold on the first line of the medal standings.