Pool on Planernaya: reviews. Olympic training and sports center "glider" Sports center glider

Olympic training and sports center "Planernaya"

Olympic Training and Sports Center (OUSC) "Planernaya" Moscow Federation of Trade Unions - a multifunctional year-round training center for the Olympic reserve. Located in the Moscow region, in the city of Khimki (within the Khimki urban district) in the village of Spartak.



Among the major competitions held on the territory of the complex are the Ski Track of Russia (in recent years it has been held in Yakhroma) and the Moscow Ski Track (to the present).

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See what the "Olympic Training and Sports Center "Planernaya"" is in other dictionaries:

    The Moscow Federation of Trade Unions is a multifunctional year-round training center for the Olympic reserve. Located in the Moscow region, in the city of Khimki (within the Khimki urban district) in the village of Spartak. The center includes a ski base ... Wikipedia

    The Olympic Educational Sports Center (OUSC) "Planernaya" of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions is a multifunctional year-round training center for the Olympic reserve. Located in the Moscow region, in the city of Khimki (within the Khimki city ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Glider. Coordinates: 55°55′27.5″ s. sh. 37°22′51.4″ E  / 55.924306° N sh ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°55′26.66″ s. sh. 37°22′52.91″ E  /  ... Wikipedia

    Glidernaya (Planernaya): Glider railway platform in Moscow; Planernaya street street in Moscow; Planernaya street street in St. Petersburg; Planernaya metro station in Moscow; "Gliding" Olympic training sports ... ... Wikipedia

Winter in Moscow is long and cold. But it does not follow from this that the inhabitants of the city should be deprived of the pleasure of bathing in the open for a significant part of the year. This joy is given to them by heated pools, in which even in winter the water temperature is maintained at 28-29 ° C. The most famous of them was the Moskva pool. It has been gone for a long time, but Muscovites still have the opportunity to swim in puffs of steam in the bitter cold, surrounded by snow.

Sports complex "Chaika"

It is one of the oldest, built in 1957. It is located very conveniently, in the center, close to the Park Kultury metro station.

Photo - March 2019. Entrance from st. Ostozhenka

The complex includes two outdoor pools, one - 50 meters, depth from 1.5 to 3 meters, the second - suitable for jumping, 25 meters long and 5 meters deep. The pools have 8 lanes. In addition, there are exercise equipment, a fitness room, two paddling pools, a beauty salon, a SPA center, a bathhouse and a sauna, a cafe, and a fitness bar. There are water aerobics, swimming and diving classes.

In summer, podiums for sunbathing are equipped, there is a tennis court, mini-golf.

Pools open:

  • from Monday to Saturday - from 07-00 to 22-45;
  • on Sunday - from 8-00 to 20-45

Price one session:

  • for adults - 1500 rubles;
  • youth from 18 to 25 years old - 900 rubles;
  • children - 500 rubles.

The best vacation for the whole family is, without a doubt, sports. And, of course, it is difficult to come up with something as fun and enjoyable as swimming. Adults and children love to splash and develop in the water. This is both the most fun pastime and serious physical activity. Today we want to introduce you to the famous among on Planernaya. Perhaps it will become a favorite for your family.

How to get there

If you haven't bought your annual pool pass yet, we advise you to wait a bit with the final decision. The pool on Planernaya (in Khimki) can be a great alternative. Despite the fact that it is not located in the center of the capital, there will be no problems with transport. The sports complex is within walking distance from the Planernaya metro station, as well as the Aleshkinsky Les bus stop. Address: Vilis Latsis street, 8.

general description

In fact, this is an excellent sports complex where you can spend time with the whole family, experiencing a lot of positive emotions. The largest pool on Planernaya is called "Aquatoria". It differs, however, by far not the most convenient location. You still need to get to Khimki. However, this is offset by affordable prices and good quality service.

The swimming pool on Planernaya is also famous because on the territory of this sports complex there is an open water area where you can swim in the warm season. There is a shop on the premises. You can come here with the whole family and enjoy the blue sky and fresh breeze during water procedures. Of course, the pool on Planernaya is far from the only one where there is a separate open-air bowl. But most of them require a club card. Therefore, if you spontaneously decide to have a fun weekend, then you have little choice.

Main advantages

Having visited the pool on Planernaya for the first time, you will be pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness that reigns here. This can be explained primarily by the small influx of bathers, but to a greater extent, the work of administrators should be given their due. There is constant monitoring of the cleanliness in the locker rooms and showers, as well as medical monitoring of the health of bathers and water sampling for analysis. This is a new cozy complex with modern technologies for water purification, which is carried out by ozonation.

"Aquatoria" (pool on Planernaya) is primarily a large, year-round center for sports recreation. It includes a huge bowl of 25 meters with five lanes. There are very few vacationers here during the day, so all the paths will be at your disposal. The deepest part is 1.8 meters, the shallowest is 1.2 meters.

For everyone and everyone

Every person wants to experience simple human joys. Here, this was taken care of at the construction stage. The pool bowl and showers are equipped with special facilities so that the complex can be visited by people with limited mobility, hearing and vision impairments without any problems. There are devices for lowering and raising bathers, handrails in bathrooms and showers. Moreover, there are buttons for medical personnel around the perimeter. On the territory of the complex there are Attentive and polite administrators, as well as experienced instructors will be happy to answer all your questions and help make your vacation on the water enjoyable and rewarding.

Study groups

Here you can freely swim for your own pleasure or engage in special groups, as well as practice individual lessons with a coach. We advise you to visit the children's pool on Planernaya, as group classes are held here with schoolchildren twice a week.

All the time of work in the pool is divided into three groups of swimmers. These are children from seven years old, adults over 18, as well as people with disabilities. Separate time is allocated for pensioners and veterans. In each of these groups, the time is divided for those who attend training groups and those who just want to swim. In addition, water aerobics classes are held.

Opening hours and cost

The pool is open from 7:00 to 23:00, so you can choose any time that suits you. The duration of one session is 45 minutes. A single visit costs 300 rubles for adults and 150 for children, students and pensioners. Water aerobics costs 300 rubles for a one-time visit and 250 for a subscription. If you want to visit whenever you can, we recommend that you buy an annual pass. Its cost is 25,000 rubles. There are no restrictions on the time of stay.

Responsibilities of vacationers

They are quite strict about discipline here. For the first time, you will go through a briefing, where the instructor will tell you in detail what you absolutely cannot do. For example, dive from the edge of the pool, as there must be special towers for this, pull the legs of other swimmers.

To visit the pool, you must have a medical certificate. For adults, this will be the conclusion of a therapist, the validity of which is 6 months. For children from 7 to 14 years old, a similar document is taken from the pediatrician. Up to 10 years, you will have to update the certificate every 3 months, then the validity period is extended to 6 months.

Open water area

The open-air swimming pool on Planernaya is located right on the territory of the complex. Of course, this imposes certain restrictions on the time of its use. In fact, these are only three summer months, and even then in good weather. There is no recreation area around. Here you can only enjoy swimming. Of the benefits - no medical certificate is required, and you do not need to buy a subscription. We stopped, bought up and went on.

The outdoor pool on Planernaya (Khimki) has gained great popularity due to affordable prices. Today, such water areas are considered an exclusive offer and are much more expensive. A session for an adult will cost 250 rubles, and for a child - 150. This is a rather low price in the city.

Instead of a conclusion

Family complex "Aquatoria" on Planernaya is a great place for water sports. If the weekend is ahead, and you do not know what to do with yourself, then welcome. Here you will get the opportunity to combine business with pleasure. Judging by the reviews of regular visitors, the complex pleases with cleanliness, which is important. Polite and correct staff is another big plus.

A small minus, which is noted by regular visitors, is the overlays in time with social groups, which include pensioners and the disabled. Their classes often take place in the evening, when the majority of working people want to relax after a hard day's work. At this point, administrators should pay attention. Otherwise, the work of the complex deserves a really high rating.