Physical development lesson in the 2nd junior group. Synopsis of GCD on physical development in the second junior group “Teremok. Tasks in the field of fgos "physical development" for the preparatory group for the academic year by months

Olga Perepechaeva
Summary of GCD for physical development in the second junior group"Funny ball"

Open direct-educational activities for physical education« fun ball» in second junior group.

Tasks: teach children to walk one after another, exercise children to run with a stop at a signal, roll a ball, promote development arbitrariness of execution motor actions; the formation in children of the need for daily physical activity; development motor abilities, attention and dexterity.

ATTRIBUTES: - small balls - by the number of children;

Big balls - watermelons;

Inclined board;

Balls of different colors (green, yellow, blue, red).

Introductory part.

Children go into gym. Alignment.

caregiver: I invite children

Jump fun, walk.

I'll show you the exercise

And you need repeat.

Now you turn to the right (to the left, and our line will turn into a column. In the column, you stand behind each other. Remember who is behind whom, because we will walk one after another.

Rebuilding in a column. The teacher becomes the first in front of the line of children.

1. Walking after the teacher around the hall in a column along alone:


On socks, hands on the belt;

On the heels, hands at the shoulders;

With high knees.

2. Running in a column one after another.

4. Breathing exercise : hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale.

Main part.

outdoor switchgear (with balls)

The teacher distributes the balls.

1. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up; return to I. p. (4-5 times)

caregiver: We raise the ball easily

And calmly let go.

You can stand on your toes.

2. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball; return to I. p. (4-5 times)

caregiver: Come on, quickly bend over

And touch the floor with the ball.

Control that children perform inclinations

3. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands below. Crouch, ball in bent arms at the chest; return to I. p. (4-5 times)

caregiver: The ball is asked to play -

So let's sit down!

Squatting, try to maintain balance.

4. I. p. - kneeling (or sitting on your heels, hold the ball near the floor with both hands. Roll the ball around you to the right and then to the left. (2-3 times each side).

caregiver: Get on your knees.

Ball, don't roll away!

The ball was rolled in a circle -

We didn't drop it!

1. Rolling the ball to each other, sitting on the floor at a distance of 1.5-2m.

caregiver: Watermelons grew in the garden. They are so heavy

That it is impossible to lift them, but you can roll them.

The teacher sits the children in pairs and distributes watermelon balls (8 -10 times).

2. Rolling the ball and running after it.

caregiver: Watermelon rolled away,

He ran away from us.

We will run after him

And we'll catch up right away.

One by one (from starting lap) roll the ball and run after it. (3-4 times)

3. Mobile game "My happy ringing ball »

caregiver: My fun ringing ball,

Where did you jump off,

Red, blue, cyan,

Don't chase after you.

The teacher throws the ball, the children run after him, the first one who caught up with the ball brings it to the teacher. The game continues 3-4 times.

4. Breathing exercises "We believe"

One two three four five!

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher

And breathe easily.

The exercise is performed according to the lines of the poem.

Final part.

Finger gymnastics "Let's count the balls"

This ball is made of rubber

This ball is blue - blue,

This ball is big and red

This ball is so beautiful

We will ride it (circular motions between palms)

Let's play with him!

Perform gymnastics according to the lines of the poem.

Low mobility game: "Find the ball?"

caregiver: Green, yellow, blue, red balls are hidden in the hall. We need to find them.

(Children find balls). Guys, these funny balls are a gift to us!

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Summary of physical education in the first junior group on the topic "Mikhail Potapovich visiting the guys"

Material Description: I offer you a summary of physical education classes for children of the first junior group (3-4 years old) on the topic "Mikhail Potapovich visiting the guys." This material will be useful to educators of younger groups and physical education teachers.
Synopsis of a game lesson in physical education for children 3-4 years old.
Types of children's activities: game, communicative, cognitive and research.
Tutorials: To form the movement skills of the whole group, as well as in small groups in the forward direction, act on the instructor's command. Develop the ability to move from performing one movement to performing another.
Educational: Cultivate patience and kindness towards peers. To form elementary skills of self-organization in physical activity.
Developing: Develop coordination of movements. To promote the development of spatial orientations. Create conditions for the development of dexterity, flexibility, general motor skills. Strengthen walking and running skills; develop attention and observation.
Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; adequately perceives the comments of the teacher; performs running and jumping according to safety rules.
Equipment: Two ropes of 2 m each, a gymnastic bench, 4 flat cubes, 2 gymnastic sticks, a wooden arch, 70 cm high. Rattles according to the number of children.

Course progress.

Balance improvement in older women: the impact of exercise. Community-based group exercise improves balance and reduces exposure to high-risk older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Effectiveness of severe resistance training for active women over sixty: muscle strength, body composition, and program adherence.

Randomized factorial trial of fall prevention among older adults living in their own homes. The American Geriatrics Society issues strong guidelines for pain management. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca. The workouts are focused on competitions held across the state, as well as a way to train and have fun.

Children enter the hall and are built in one line.
Instructor: Guys, do you know the forest dwellers? One of them came to visit us today! Guess the riddle and find out what kind of guest we have today.

Clumsy and big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will call?

That's right, well done! Today we have a bear as our guest, and his name is Mikhail Potapovich. (We show the children a big teddy bear)
He came to us to see how we play sports and teach our cubs to do exercises that help them become strong, courageous, strong and healthy like you and me!!! Shall we teach Mikhail Potapovich?
First, we will show how to do a warm-up: Give each child a rattle.
1. Walking on toes in a circle behind the instructor, hands up with a rattle, go and rattle the rattle.
2. Walking on heels in a circle behind the instructor, hands behind the back.
3. Light running in a circle behind the instructor, arms forward.
4. We get up in a circle, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down, 1-2 hands up, 3-4 hands to the shoulders. (4 times).
5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest, 1-2 bring the right hand forward, 3-4 - ip. 5-6 bring the left hand forward 7-8 sp.
6. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, 1-2 squat, arms forward, knees spread apart, 3-4 stand arms up, rise on toes, bend the back, 5-6 sp.
Now let's show Mishka what exercises he can do in the forest with his cubs:
In the forest, a lot of logs lie on the ground, let's show how we can walk on logs.
- Walking on the gymnastic bench, arms to the sides, back straight, 2-3 times.
How can you run on the path:
- Running between two ropes, 2-3 times.
How to jump over fallen trees:
- We put the cubes, put them on them gymnastic sticks and jump in turn through them 2-3 times.
Now look how you need to crawl under the bushes:
- We put an arch and crawl under it also in turn 2-3 times.
This is how Mikhail Potapovich you can teach your kids to do exercises, and we have finished our today's lesson, did you like it?
- Yes, very now we will also go in for sports together with my cubs.
Children line up in one line, say “Health is in order, thanks to the exercises” and leave the hall.

On the coldest week of the year, mid-Monday afternoon, if you had time to do whatever you wanted, what would you choose? Movements had just begun, coats, gloves, blankets and caps were left aside, and the cold was forgotten. Before the start of the match, several warm-up exercises, and when they get ready to play, they liven up the conversation. Each training is a reunion of friends. Upon arrival there were a few hugs and a combination of many other activities.

Friendship is on the sidelines when rivalry comes into play, and the desire to win is excellent on both sides of the court. John Batista, 57, is one of the members of the group who was not intimidated by the cold. He says that he is the coach of the team and that they prepare all year round for competitions that take place in several cities. In the state championship, which played in Ivoti, they took second place. We train once a week, always here in Azulao. It started with eight people, now, on average, it goes from 20 to each training, Batista notes.

Outline plan

physical education in the 1st junior group

Educator: Artamonova Alina Timofeevna.


    Learning to walk on a ribbed board.

    exercise children in crawling on all fours and crawling under the arc without touching it.

Target: formation of correct posture; prevention of flat feet; the ability to walk one after another without bumping; instilling positive emotions and positive relationships during exercise.

On the day that the report accompanied the training, due to the cold, only 13 members participated. Moreover, many of the band members played sports until old age. “So the exchange gives them the opportunity to keep competing,” Helio says. However, not all participants of the seminar participate in the championships. The important thing for active maturity is that they move, have social contact and stay active. And don't think it's all over, when the exchange shop is over, volleyball starts.

From walks to sports they do not stop. Active maturity is calculated on a more female group. In clashes, they are always the majority. But do not think that for this reason only the affairs of the house have space. They are always busy with their schedule.

Equipment: ribbed board, 2 cubes for each child, a mat, an arc, “aircraft” attributes, a Bear toy, a high chair, a large hoop.


caregiver: Mishka came to visit us and wants to see how we will do exercises to be strong and dexterous.


Walking one after another without bumping, running in a "flock", walking in the direction of travel, children take 2 cubes from the bench, building in a circle (a landmark is a hoop).

Ana Maria Herzer is one of the team members who is not hung up in the cold. Excited, she does not miss training and participates in competitions. I won't lose. This is a workout per week of physical activity. There are many activities, she says, listing the various activities the group members have at their disposal. There are so many that it's necessary. Someone who is sedentary, even if young, cannot stand it. Although sedentary, he withdraws from this group.


General developmental exercises. The children are holding cubes.

1 exercise"Show me the cube."

I.p. standing, the cubes in the hands behind the back were “hidden”.

Fulfillment: show the cube - the cube is forward, say - "Here." Cube back, say - "No" - 4 times.

2 exercise"Show me the cube."

I.p. Standing legs apart, cubes at the waist.

She says that nothing, not even cold, can keep her at home on the day of the stock game. In winter, in her opinion, it is even better. I warm myself up by playing. And in the summer it is very hot in the gym. It's better now, she says. All this movement is reflected in more health. Improves physical fitness.

I had pain in my back and knees and went away, everything got better. The most important thing for her is fun. This is a great vacation. We really miss it, and in the end everything works out, and we have fun, because we are all among friends. Sonya says that every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday they have group activities. And there is also travel planning. What kind of game is it? For those who have never heard of the exchange, know what it is volleyball game adapted to the elderly. Referee and ball are used by volleyball.

Fulfillment: turn to the side, show the cube, say - "Here", return to starting position.

The same in the other direction - 3 times.

Guidelines. Do not turn your legs, more turn left and right.

3 exercise"Hided."

I.p. sitting, cubes to the sides.

Fulfillment: cubes to the stomach, bend your knees, “close the cubes”, say - “No”.

There are several regular tournaments. The purpose of the game goes far beyond competition. This practice aims to enhance the quality of life through sport, to value coexistence, exchange of experience and forge new friendships between participants. The consequence of this is the expansion of the social relations of older people, which allows them to remain active and active in society.

The teams have 12 players with nine winners and three reserves. On the court, each team must always have six women and three men. The game is played over two 15-minute periods. At each step, the rotation takes place between the members of the team. Championships are divided into two categories: those under 60 and those who have already passed.

Straighten your legs, cubes to the sides, say - "Here."

4 exercise"Springs".

I.p. Standing, cubes below.

Jump up, you can knock cubes against each other. - 6 - 8 jumps.

Walking 6-8 steps - 2 p.

BASIC MOVEMENTS: performed in a streaming way.

    Walking on a ribbed board, arms to the sides, look at Mishka, who is sitting on a chair.

    For the elderly, activities of all kinds are offered. The list of activities available to seniors by active maturity is extensive. Each participant chooses the workshops that he likes best. In addition to the exchange and volleyball, walking, dancing and stretching are among the physical activities.

    Helio Silva also comments on some different projects, such as a sewing workshop in which, with donated fabrics, garments are donated. These are fabrics or woolen leftovers from the shops of the city, which already know our work and supply the material. Whoever receives the donation will change as needed. Babies are born and should receive clothes, - says the leader of the Active Maturity group.

Method. Directions: Watch your posture.

    Crawling under an arc on all fours, in a streaming way. Make sure that the children do not touch the arc, look ahead at Mishka.

    Repeat the game "Airplanes". Children to put on attributes "airplanes".

Purpose: to ensure that the children do not bump into, do not make “accidents”, listen to the signal of the teacher - “To land”.

In addition, other monthly social activities take place: fundraising for donations - clothing, food, school supplies, etc. - according to the needs of the moment. Another outstanding action is the "Meeting of Generations" project, which is held in the municipal school of children-educators. Encounters between the young pupils of the school and the members of the active maturity make it possible to conduct an interest between the two groups. This is an experience between the elderly and the young. We play games, history and more.

Both sides are having fun, Helio says. Everything always so that the elderly do not lose their social role. He worked, studied and took care of his family all his life. Now, in some cases, they feel more alone. Participation in active maturity is aimed at keeping them with the necessary - for them and for the whole society - action in society, emphasizes Helio Silva. Society cannot lose life experience that they bring.


Repeat the game "Bubble».

Purpose: to consolidate in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it. Involve children in repeating words after the teacher:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up, big one.

stay like this

And don't crash. - 2 p.

Verbal encouragement of children: “The bear is happy. You kids did a good job. The exercises were done well and beautifully.

There are currently 281 members in the group with members of Montenegro and Parechi-Novo. Since each senior participates in their preferences, new members can always be placed. There is no fee for the interested party. Functional training: a new concept physical education for the elderly.

Aging is an inevitable process associated with physiological decline and functional ability person. Functional training is evolving in the field of health, aimed at improving physical and motor skills, which contributes to the reduction of chronic diseases and increase their daily performance. This review was tasked to analyze functional training: a new concept of physical fitness for the elderly, so that we provide subsidies to develop further research on this issue.


Software content.

Exercise children in walking with movements in a circle and between objects; Learn how to crawl into the hoop sideways, without touching the edge of the hoop; Learn to jump, jump over barriers(hemp) different heights; Exercise crawling on the bench on the stomach,


Balls (diameter 10-12cm) by the number of children, 3 hoops, skittles, a bench, stumps of different heights. Mugs of different colors(larger - 6 pieces, small in number of children); red, yellow, blue, green, orange, brown. Musical accompaniment.

Course progress.

Educator: They say there is a magic flower of health. Whoever finds it and smells it will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly the healthiest person. This flower grows in the country "Neboleyka". Getting to him is not easy. How I would like to smell this magic flower at least once in order to always be healthy. Do you want to?

Children: Yes.

Educator: So, let's take this trip, shall we?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then let's not waste time - let's go! Music sounds.

I part. Children walk around the hall, performing movements.

  1. Walking on toes.
  2. Walking on your heels, keep your hands behind your head.
  3. Walking in a half squat.
  4. Snake walking.
  5. Run.
  6. Walking with breathing exercise.

Children stand in one line. The teacher shows signs with pointers:

“If you go to the left, you will fall into the sleepy kingdom.”

“If you go straight, you will find health.”

“If you go to the right, you will find a mountain of sweets.”

Educator: Which road will you choose?

Children: Are we going straight?

Educator: Or maybe go to bed or eat some sweets?

Children: No.

Teacher: Then go ahead.

II part. Children are built in three columns.

General developmental exercises with balls(ball)

  1. And, p .: the main stand, the ball in the right hand. 1-2-hands to the sides, up, shift the ball to the left hand; 3-4-lower your arms down, return to the starting position. The same with the left hand(5-7 times).
  2. I. p .: feet to the width of the foot, the ball in the right hand. 1-2 lift to the right bent leg, shift the ball under it to the left hand; 3-4-return to starting position. Also move the ball to right hand (6 times) .
  3. I. p .: feet on the width of the foot, the ball in the right hand. 1 - sit down, hands forward, shift the ball to your left hand; 2 - return to starting position(5-6 times).
  4. I. p .: kneeling, sitting on the heels, the ball in the right hand. 1-3-roll the ball to your right(in a straight line) ; 4 - take the ball, straighten up, shift it to your left hand. Also to the left(3-4 times).
  5. I. p .: sitting, legs together straight, the ball lies on the soles of the feet, hands in support behind, 1-2 raise straight legs up, roll the ball, catch; 3-4 return to the starting position. Performed at an average pace(5-6 times).
  6. I. p .: main stance, the ball in both hands below. Throw the ball and catch(2-3 times).
  7. I. p .: main stance, ball in the right hand. Jumps on the right and left legs with a turn to the right and left at the expense of the teacher 1-8(3-5 times).

The main types of movements

  1. Climbing sideways without touching the floor with your hands, in a row through three hoops set at a distance of 1 m from one another(2-3 times),
  2. Jumping over (stumps) barriers of different heights moving forward.
  3. Crawling on the gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with both hands(grab hands from the sides of the bench)-2-3 times.

Educator: Well done, you have overcome all obstacles. It seems to me that the magic flower of “health” is already very close.

Mobile game "Vitamins"

Hall (human organism). Children have circles of different colors. When you are sick, your mother gives you vitamins of different colors to strengthen your body, that is, to kill the microbes inside you. These vitamins(circles) located around the hall. And I'll be a microbe. Music sounds. You are vitamins, find your colors during the music, the music stops, the microbe wants to infect you with microbes. We will find out who is the most dexterous, fast, attentive.

Educator: Well done. I hear something. This flower of "health" has blossomed. Yes, not one, there is a whole meadow of wonderful flowers.(Shows flowers made from Kindersurprise containers with pieces of garlic in them). Smell them! (Children take flowers, sniff). What do health flowers smell like?

Children: Garlic.

Educator: The smell of garlic repels these wonderful flowers and no germ will come close to you.

III part. The game of low mobility "Sweet, sour". Children stand in a circle, pass the ball, name any object, for example, an orange. Children use facial expressions to show the taste of an orange.

Software content. To learn to walk in a column in one regular step, on toes, performing tasks at the signal of the educator, to run loose, to develop the skill of landing on half-bent legs while jumping forward, to exercise crawling on a bench on all fours with support on the palms and knees.

Develop dexterity when performing exercises, in outdoor games. To teach to act together, following the instructions of an adult and the rules in an outdoor game, to cultivate attentiveness.

Create conditions for positive emotions and feelings.

Benefit. Two flags for each child, three hoops, a bench (height 15 cm), an arc (height 50 cm), a bunny attribute for each child.

Course progress.

Mystery. Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail. Who is it? (This is a bunny).

Today you will be little bunnies, and I am a bunny mom.

Once upon a time there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest

Once upon a time there were bunnies

In a small hut.

Lie down on the mat.

The night has come

Darkness brought

The cockerel dozed off

The cricket sang.

It's getting late, son

Lie down on the barrel.

bye bye

Go to sleep.

In the morning, the hares woke up and the hare mother led them to the clearing to play and frolic.

Here comes the sun

It's better to bake

Stretched, smiled

Zaichikov calls to play.

I . Walking in a column one at a time with normal steps, on toes.

Bunnies, little bunnies

The kids are remote

Walk along the path

Stamp bunnies with scissors

Top, top, top.

Loose running. Calm walking.

Become bunnies in a circle.

II . General developmental exercise (with flags)

1) I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, wave them, lower them, return to their original position. (Five times)

2) I.p.: the same, flags at the chest. Sit down, tap the chopsticks on the floor, stand up, straighten up, return to the starting position. (Five times)

3) I.p.: sitting legs apart, flags in both hands at the shoulders. Bend over, put the flags at the toes, straighten up, put your hands behind your back; bend over, take the flags, return to the starting position. (4 times)

4) I.p .: legs slightly apart, flags in lowered hands. Jumping on two legs in place, alternating with walking in place. (2 times)

little bunny jumping

Near the rubble

Bunny jumps fast

You catch him

The main types of movements

Bunnies love to jump from bump to bump.

(The teacher reminds you to jump on your toes, it's easy).

Children help to remove hoops, sit on a bench.

The hare mother was very afraid for her children and taught them to crawl along the bridge (15-20 cm bench) quietly so that they would not be heard, the wolf would not notice.

Teacher display. (Back is straight, look forward).

Hares are jumping


To the green, to the meadow

Grass is nibbled, eaten.

listen carefully

Is the wolf coming?

(A wolf appears from the bushes. He growls. The hares run away home).

Crawling under the arc ("Doors to the house")

III . Attention game "Guess who's gone?"

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Lesson 5

Tasks. Exercise in maintaining balance when walking on a limited support area: develop the ability to land on half-bent legs in jumps.

1st part. Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher: "Frogs 1" - the children stop and squat down, then rise and continue walking; running in a column one by one and scattered.

2nd part.General developmental exercises.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Clap your hands in front of you, lower your hands, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you; return to starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. Tilt to the right (left) leg, clap your hands; straighten up, return to the starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Turn right (left), clap your hands; return to starting position (5 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs with a turn in both directions (3-4 times).

The main types of movements.

Equilibrium "Let's go on the bridge." From two parallel boards (width 25 cm, length 2 m) a "bridge across the river" was made. The game task after showing the teacher is performed in a column one at a time - the children walk along the first "bridge", then along the second.

Jumping. The teacher builds the children in two lines one opposite the other, puts a cord in front of each line and explains the exercise: “You need to come close to the cord, slightly spread your legs, bend them at the knees and jump over the cord, landing on half-bent legs.” Children jump over at the signal of the teacher, turn around and jump again 4-5 times in a row.

Exercises are carried out in a frontal way.

Mobile game "Catch the ball".

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time with the ball in hand.

Lesson 6

Tasks. Exercise in jumping with a landing on half-bent legs; in energetic repulsion of the ball while rolling to each other.

1st part. Walking and running in circles. First, walking is performed (about half a circle), then running ( full circle), transition to walking and stopping. Turn to the other side and repeat the task.

2nd part.General developmental exercises.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms to the sides, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, hands behind the back. Sit down, bring your hands forward, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt to the right (left), return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise the right (left) leg, lower; return to the starting position (4-6 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs with a turn around at the expense of the teacher (or under a tambourine).

The main types of movements.

Jumping from hoop to hoop. Children stand in front of the hoops (flat hoops made of plywood or cardboard), and the teacher explains the task: “Spread your legs slightly, bend your knees and jump into the hoop on half-bent legs gently, like bunnies.” The exercise is performed on command: "Jumped!", in a frontal way, that is, simultaneously by all children. Turning around, the children repeat the task several times in a row.

"Roll the ball." The hoops are laid out in two lines at a distance of 2.5 m. The teacher divides the children into two groups and invites each child of one group to take a ball (large diameter). Both groups take their starting position - sitting in a hoop, legs apart. At the signal of the teacher, the children, with an energetic movement of their hands, roll the ball to each other several times in a row.

The game "Nimble driver". Children are located randomly throughout the hall, in the hands of each child is a steering wheel (hoop). At the signal of the teacher: "Let's go!" - children-"cars" drive around the hall in different directions, trying not to interfere with each other. If the teacher raises the red flag, then all cars stop. If green, keep moving.

3rd part. Game task "The cars went to the garage."

Lesson 7

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running with a stop on a signal; crawling. Develop dexterity in the game task with the ball.

1st part. Walking in a column one at a time, in all directions, throughout the hall. At the signal of the teacher: "Dragonflies" - running, waving their arms like "wings"; transition to normal walking. On the next signal: "Grasshoppers" - jumping on two legs - "who is higher." The exercise is repeated.

2nd part.General developmental exercises with the ball.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, the ball in bent arms at the chest. Straightening your arms, raise the ball up, lower the ball, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is below. Sit down, the ball in bent arms to the chest. Straighten up, return to the starting position (5 times).

3. I. p. - sitting on the heels, the ball on the floor. Rolling the ball in a circle in both directions alternately (3 times) (Fig. 7).

4. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms along the body, the ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball in both directions (2-3 times).

5. Walking in a column one at a time with the ball in hand.

The main types of movements.

Rolling balls in the forward direction (Fig. 8).

Game exercise "Quick ball". Children stand on the starting line, indicated by a line or cord. In the hands of each child is a ball (large diameter). At the signal of the teacher, the children take their original position (after the show) - feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in bent arms at the chest. At the next command, the children bend over and, pushing the ball with an energetic movement, roll it forward, and then run after it. Return to the starting line in steps. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Crawling between objects without touching them.

Rice. 7

Rice. eight

Game exercise "Crawl - do not hurt." On the floor in two lines at a distance of 1.5 m from each other there are stuffed balls (4-5 pieces each). Children in two columns crawl between the balls on all fours with support on their palms and knees ("snake"). They rise, approach the hoop - step into the hoop and clap their hands over their heads. To repeat the exercise, children go around the balls with outside.

The mobile game "Grey Bunny washes." Children stand in front of the teacher in a semicircle and all together say:

Gray bunny washes
Bunny is going to visit.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
He washed his ear, wiped it dry.

In accordance with the text of the poem, children perform movements, jump on two legs, moving forward - “going to visit”.

3rd part. The game "Find a bunny."

Lesson 8

Tasks. Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, with a turn in the other direction at the signal of the teacher; develop coordination of movements when crawling on all fours and exercises in balance.

1st part. Walking in a column one by one in a circle, with a turn in the other direction at the signal of the teacher; running in a circle also with a turn. Walking and running are carried out in alternation, the pace of the exercise is moderate.

2nd part.General developmental exercises on chairs.

1. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Hands to the sides, to the shoulders; to the sides and to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - sitting on a chair, legs apart, hands on the belt. Hands to the side; tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the toe of the leg: straighten up, arms to the sides, return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

3. I. p. - sitting on a chair, hands on the belt. Hands to the sides, tilt to the right (left), straighten up; return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - standing behind the back of a chair, hands arbitrarily. Jumping on two legs around the chair in both directions (between the series of jumps there is a short pause).

The main types of movements.

Crawling "Crocodiles". Climbing under the cord (height - 50 cm from the floor line) (Fig. 9). A rack with a cord (you can put chairs instead of a rack) is placed so that all children can participate in the exercise. The start line is located at a distance of 1.5 m from the cord. Children-"crocodiles" must overcome an obstacle to get to their home (in the river). On the starting line, the children get on all fours with support on their hands and knees and crawl under the cord, trying not to touch it. Then they rise and clap their hands over their heads. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Equilibrium "Run - do not hurt." Walking and running between objects (5–6 pieces) placed in one line at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Children stand in two columns and, after showing and explaining by the teacher, they perform the exercise: walking between objects, then running. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Mobile game "Cat and sparrows".

3rd part. Walking in a column one by one behind the most dexterous "cat".

material to repeat

1st week. Game exercises"Mice", "Chickens" (cord height - 50-40 cm); with the ball - roll the ball to the skittles (to the cube). Outdoor games "My cheerful sonorous ball", "Catch a mosquito", "Run to me", etc.

Rice. 9

2nd week. Game exercises "Let's go along the bridge", "Let's run along the path" (walking and running between two lines), "Let's jump like bunnies (like balls)". Outdoor games "Train", "Cat and sparrows", "Find your house".

3rd week. Game exercises: jumps - "jump over the groove"; (jumping over a cord laid on the floor, ground); with the ball - “Roll to the skittles”, “Whose ball is next!”. Outdoor games "Train", "Let's find a toy".

4th week. Game exercises with the ball - rolling balls to each other, "Roll the ball along the track." Jumping forward. Outdoor games "Catch a mosquito", "Catch up with the ball", "On the bridge", "Hatch and chickens".

Lesson 9

Tasks. Exercise children in balance when walking on a limited support area, landing on half-bent legs in jumps.

1st part. Game building "Merry mice". Walking in a column one at a time. At the signal of the teacher: “Mice!” - children move on to walking on their toes with short, mincing steps, hands on their belts. At the signal: "Butterflies!" - to run. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

2nd part.General developmental exercises with ribbons.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, ribbons in lowered hands. Raise the ribbons up, wave them, lower them; return to the starting position (4-5 times).

2. I. p. - feet at the width of the foot, ribbons in both hands at the shoulders. Sit down, knock with chopsticks on the floor. Rise, return to starting position (4 times).

3. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, ribbons at the shoulders. Turn right (left), right hand right (left). Straighten up, return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, ribbons below. Wave the ribbons to the sides, lower, return to the starting position (5 times).

The main types of movements.

Equilibrium "In the forest along the path." Two boards (width 25 cm, length 2–3 m) are laid parallel to each other on the floor - “paths to the forest”. Walking at a moderate pace on one path, then on the second, balancing with your hands to maintain balance.

Jumping "Hares - soft paws." Children-"bunnies" stand in one line. The teacher offers "bunnies" on soft paws to jump to the edge. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump on two legs to the edge (distance 3–4 m). Back to the starting line, the children return in steps.

Mobile game "Nimble driver".

3rd part. The game "Find a bunny."

Lesson 10

Tasks. Exercise in walking in a column one at a time with the completion of tasks; jumping from hoop to hoop, learn to land on bent legs; exercise in rolling the ball to each other, developing coordination of movements and an eye.

1st part. Walking in a column one at a time with a high raising of the knees, a wide free step; hands on the belt - "horses". Running, arms to the sides - "dragonflies". Walking and running in alternation. To perform general developmental exercises with a hoop, the teacher helps the children line up in the form of the letter "P".

2nd part.General developmental exercises with a hoop.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, a hoop in both hands on the shoulders - "collar". Raise the hoop up, arms straight, look into the hoop; lower it, return to the starting position (5 times).

2. I. p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides), straighten up, raise the hoop to the waist. Sit down, put the hoop on the floor, stand up, put your hands behind your back (4–5 times) (Fig. 10).

3. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, a hoop in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the rim of the hoop, straighten up, return to the starting position (5 times).

Rice. ten

4. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest. Turn right (left) in slow motion; straighten up, return to the starting position.

The main types of movements.

Jumping "Through the swamp". From 8-10 flat card hoops (or cords) with a diameter of 30–40 cm, “bumps” are laid out in a checkerboard pattern on two sides of the hall. Children stand in two columns. The teacher offers to cross the "swamp", jumping on two legs from one "hummock" to another. Jumps are performed alternately, one after another. The teacher reminds that you need to jump, bending your knees, and land on half-bent legs (there must be a certain distance between children).

After all the guys "get over the swamp", there is a short pause, and the game task is repeated. The number of repetitions depends on the conditions and physical fitness children. The pace of exercise is moderate.

Rolling balls "Exact pass". Children stand in two lines according to the landmarks (cord, colored marks). The distance between the lines is 2 m. One line receives the balls (or the children take the balls from the basket). At the signal of the teacher: "Let's roll!" - children roll the balls with an energetic movement with both hands towards a partner from the other line (pairs are determined in advance). The game task is repeated 8-10 times in a row.

Mobile game "Mice in the pantry". Children-"mice" sit in "minks" - on benches placed along one wall of the hall. On the opposite side of the hall, a rope is stretched at a height of 50 cm from the floor level, behind it there is a “pantry”.

To the side of the players sits the teacher - "cat". "Cat" falls asleep, and "matti" run to the pantry. Penetrating into the pantry, they bend down so as not to touch the rope. There they squat down and "nibble crackers". The "cat" wakes up, meows and runs after the "mice". They run away to the "burrows" (the cat does not catch mice, but only pretends to want to catch them). The game is restarted. After some time, when the game is repeated, the role of the cat can be played by the most prepared child.

3rd part. The game "Where is the mouse hiding?".

Lesson 11

Tasks. Develop the ability to act on the signal of the educator; develop coordination of movements and dexterity when rolling the ball between objects; practice crawling.

1st part. Game exercise "Your cube". Cubes are laid out in a circle (according to the number of children). Walking in a circle. After that, the children will go half the circle, the teacher gives the command: “Take the cube!” Children turn to face in a circle, each child takes a block that is closer to him and raises it above his head.

To the next command of the teacher: “Circle!” - children put the blocks in place, and walking in a circle in the other direction. The exercise is repeated. After walking, running in a circle is performed, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

2nd part.General developmental exercises.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your hands up, stretch, sit down, put your hands on your knees (5 times).

2. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands in support behind. Raise the right (left) leg forward and up; lower the leg, return to the starting position (3 times with each leg).

3. I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms bent at the elbows in front of him. To understand the hands forward and upward, slightly raise the legs - “fish”. Return to starting position (5 times).

4. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Tilt the torso to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position (3 times in each direction).

The main types of movements.

Game task with the ball "Roll - do not hit." Children stand in two lines, each child has a ball of medium diameter. The teacher lays out cubes (or stuffed balls) along the hall in two lines, at a distance of 1 m from one another (5-6 pieces each). One child from each line stands on the starting line and begins to roll the ball between the objects, pushing it with both hands, not letting go far from themselves. The teacher invites the next pair of children as soon as the previous children have covered a third of the distance, and so, one after another, the children perform the exercise. After completing the task, the children approach the hoop, take a step and raise the ball high above their heads. The child must return to his line from its outer side.

"Crawl - do not touch." Crawling on all fours (with support on the palms and knees) between objects without touching them ("snake"). The game task "Fast bugs" is performed in two columns (the organization is approximately the same as in the previous exercise, after crawling, stand up, straighten up and clap your hands over your head).

Mobile game "On a flat path." The teacher leads the children in a circle and invites them to play. Reading a poem:

On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
One, two, one, two
Stones, stones...
In the pit - boom!

Children perform walking, and to the words “on pebbles, on pebbles” they jump on two legs, slightly moving forward, on the words “into the hole - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the pit,” the teacher says, and the children get up. The game is repeated. In order to prolong this or that type of movement of children, the teacher can repeat each line of the poem several times.

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time or a game of low mobility at the choice of children.

Lesson 12

Tasks. Exercise children in walking with tasks, developing attention, reaction to the teacher's signal; in crawling, developing coordination of movements; in balance.

1st part. Walking in a column one by one with the task, running in a column one by one. The teacher explains the task to the children: to the word: “Frogs!” - sit down, put your hands on your knees, then get up and continue walking. The transition to running at the signal of the teacher and again to walking. To the word: "Butterflies!" - stop and wave your arms like wings. Walking and running are carried out in alternation.

2nd part.General developmental exercises with flags.

1. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, flags in both hands below. Raise the flags up, arms straight; lower the flags, return to the starting position (5 times).

2. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, flags at the shoulders. Turn to the right, right hand to the right, straighten up, return to the starting position. The same to the left (3 times in each direction).

3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with flags behind their backs. Lean forward and down and wave the flags to the right and left. Straighten up, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - feet on the width of the foot, flags below. Wave the flags forward, backward, forward. Lower the flags down, return to the starting position (4-5 times).

5. Walking in a column one at a time. Children put flags in the place indicated by the teacher (running with flags should be excluded due to possible injuries).

The main types of movements.

Crawl. Game task - "Spiders". Two boards are laid parallel to one another on two sides of the hall. Children crawl along the board in two columns, relying on their palms and knees quickly - “like spiders”. The teacher adjusts the distance between the children so that they do not bump into each other. After crawling, the child approaches the cord, steps over it and claps his hands over his head (repeat 3 times).

Equilibrium. On the side of each board, approximately in the middle, a cube (or any object) is placed on the floor. Walking is performed at a moderate pace at a short distance from each other - arms to the sides, freely balancing, helping to maintain a stable balance. Near the cube, you need to stop, do a squat (not very deep) and continue walking. The teacher reminds the children that at the end of the exercise, the board must be bypassed from the outside and go into your column (2-3 times).

Mobile game "Catch a mosquito". The players stand in a circle at a distance of arms raised to the sides. The teacher is in the center of the circle and rotates a stick with a long rope at a distance of about 120 cm from the floor in both directions, to the end of which a mosquito (cut out of cardboard) is attached. Children, as the mosquito approaches, jump up on two legs, trying to touch (catch) the mosquito.

3rd part. Walking in a column one by one behind the "mosquito". A stick with a “mosquito” is carried at the head of the column by a child who in the game more often than others managed to catch it.

material to repeat

1st week. Game exercises: climbing under an arc (cords); with the ball - “Roll the ball and crawl”, “Roll and catch the ball; balance - "Run along the bridge (along the path)". Outdoor games "Mice in the pantry", "Train", "On a flat path".

2nd week. Game exercises: balance - walking from hoop to hoop; jumping - “Jump from hole to hole (from hoop to hoop). Outdoor games "Hatch and chickens", "Catch the ball".

3rd week. Game exercises: jumps - to the cube, to the hoop, to the toy; "Jump over the stream"; with the ball - "Roll the ball to the pin and knock it down." Outdoor games "Catch a mosquito", "Cat and mice", "Find your house".

4th week. Game exercises with the ball - rolling balls in pairs; "Ride through the gate"; crawling - “Crawl to the bunny (on the palms and knees), climbing under the arc (“mice”, “kittens”). Outdoor games "Bubble", "Catch a mosquito", "Gray Bunny washes."