Football on a round field? Let's play Australian football! Australian Football Betting: Playing Against BC What is Australian Football

Australia is a distinctive country, which, like Japan, has a peculiar view of the world. It is not surprising that Australian football is wildly popular in the country, although outside it is practically of no interest to anyone. Australians are very gambling people, so a significant amount of betting on Australian football is made by amateurs.

Domestic bettors will like the Australian Football League because the terms of its holding cover the summer breaks in major football and hockey tournaments. At this time, you can switch to AFL in bets.

A bit of history

Australian football appeared at the end of the 19th century. It is a mixture of Gaelic, American and regular football with rugby. The first football league in Australia was created in 1897, but only in 2000 it was merged with the leagues of other states, resulting in the AFL.

In the country, Australian football is not just a game, but almost a religion. The average attendance of AFL games is about 40 thousand people, and up to a hundred thousand people come to individual playoff matches. Each of the Australian states has a league system that allows young players to grow and progress.

The best bookmakers for betting on Australian football:, And .

useful links

  • - everything you need to know about the world's premier Australian football tournament. Match reviews, team odds, news, videos, etc.
  • - Australian football standings, statistics, ratings and news.
  • is a simple website with good statistics, lots of news and ratings.

Basic rates


There are 36 players on the field at the same time, so the role of an individual player in this sport is not as big as in the same. Teamwork is much more important. Of the six main playing positions on the field, the “followers” ​​stand out, who do a lot of work. It is for these players that you should watch more closely.

A lot depends on the coach in Australian football. A large number of players allows you to use a wide variety of schemes in the game, so in many matches the role of a coach comes to the fore.

Australian football is a very fast and contact game. Weather conditions are unlikely to affect the outcome of the match, but rain, for example, significantly reduces the effectiveness of games. Therefore, it may be worth playing on TM if bad weather is expected for the duration of the game.

Although there are only 4 players on the stand-in, fresh forces are sometimes very necessary for the team, so explore the possibilities of team rotation.

Betting Features

The AFL has distinct home and away teams. For example, the Richmond Tigers team has won 23 wins and 10 losses in the past three seasons away, and in home meetings it has only 19 wins and 14 losses (regular season matches are taken into account).

Despite the fact that teams play only 22 games in the regular season, even the best teams go through it with 4-5 defeats in their assets. If in the first part of the season the players can still afford to relax in individual matches, then in the playoffs they are concentrated until the last minutes.

Australia is a very wealthy country, so its citizens can afford to bet large sums on the matches of their favorite teams. This only plays into the hands of professional bettors, who are just waiting for distortions in the line due to the large amount of “amateur money”. At the same time, such offices give very high odds for Australian football, so it is even easier to look for value bets in the line. In any case, first of all, study the rules well and only then start betting.

Australian football is extremely popular in its homeland and is one of the three most visited games in the world. In our country, the exotic type of competition has not become widespread, so the interest in it from the side of the fans is extremely low. But betters do not miss the opportunity to make money on Australian football (also known as Australia Rules or Footy), so the main points and features of the sport have been thoroughly studied. In this article, we will look at how to bet on Australian football in order to beat bookmakers.

At first glance, the rules are complex and confusing, at the same time similar to handball, rugby and regular football. But in fact, Australia rules is a very exciting game, it has a lot of unique details and interesting moments. There are 36 people on the field at the same time, including the goalkeepers of both teams. They protect the double gate (the larger one contains a smaller structure). The number of points earned by the team depends on where exactly the ball hits. You can pass it to each other with both hands and feet. In Australian football, fighting for the ball using hard moves and blocks is allowed.

The key to a correct bet on the game is a thorough analysis of the team's previous performances, the study of information about the lineups (possible injuries, substitutions, the acquisition of new athletes by clubs) and an assessment of motivation for a future match.

Australian Football Betting Today (Australia Rules)

Fans love this sport for the adrenaline rush, strong emotions, intense competition for the ball with the physical use of aggressive force. The feeling of excitement and struggle is in the air and gives an incredible emotional charge to both the players and the fans, awakening the primordial beginning in them. That's why a truly masculine sport is so popular and attracts thousands of stadiums for every game. For example, a rulez player runs more than 20 km per match, in contrast to regular football, where athletes cover a maximum of 9 km. And the opportunity to bet on Australian football further enhances all these feelings.

However, betters have little time to indulge in surging emotions, they need to think with a cool head about the possible outcomes of the fights of future opponents. Bookmakers operating in Russia offer a good line for Australian football matches and, thanks to the good timing of the main tournaments (in the summer, when the main sports are off-season), they all cover them.

In addition to the main bets on rules, such as the outcome, total over and under for the match and handicap for one of the teams, bookmakers offer to bet on the performance of each of the 4 periods, a win by points advantage or a temporary draw for half of the match or quarter, team leadership by periods, handicap with overtime, total even and so on. In order not to get confused in bets on Australian football on the BC website, use the filtering in the panel of the betting page.

Australian football betting strategies

Australian football is an unusual sport, and the strategy for betting on it differs from the generally accepted ones. An experienced better, analyzing the upcoming game, first of all pays attention to the physical form of key players and the desire to show themselves in front of the coach and fans.

The second important point to pay attention to is the venue of the meeting. For many teams, the factor of their field only prevents them from demonstrating their capabilities and giving out a truly successful game. Look at the statistics of home matches - this is important.

And further. Australians are very fond of national sports and are passionate fans of teams from their states, so they massively bet on them, without thinking about the possibility of making a profit. Therefore, attentive bettors can make good money on not entirely objective odds.

Australian football betting online (live)

The insane popularity of Australian football surprises Russian bettors, many of whom have not even heard of its existence until they saw the name of the sport in a bookmaker's office. Despite this, the exchanges are happy to expose the fullest line.

Australian football bets are different from the usual ones, here are the main ones:

At the end of the season(who will be the winner and who will leave the big leagues).

To the exact score of the meeting(you need to guess the interval in which the final result will fall on the scoreboard).

To compare players: the better is offered a pair of players (they can be from one or from rival teams), you need to determine which of them will perform better in the upcoming match.

For the best player following the meeting.

For the first and last goal(which team will score, athlete name, time, kick or arm, etc.).

Various types of handicap.

This is not a complete list of possible bets on which you can earn money.

How to bet on Australian football at a bookmaker's website

Before making predictions for Australian football, be sure to understand the bets presented in the office, they are not like the usual domestic bettors and they are calculated differently. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the selected bookmaker regarding disputable situations (match interrupted, refusal to play, technical defeat, etc.) and processing a refund on them. If everything suits you feel free to register and start betting. On our website, you can choose an official bookmaker that will be a pleasure to work with, because all the presented betting shops are registered with TsUPIS and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation. And this means that you can fully count on a fair resolution of any bet and on the timely and full payment of your winnings.

After passing the verification on the bookmaker's website (read how to do it in a separate article), you make a deposit. On the first deposit, please note that the bookmaker can charge a bonus or offer a free bet - fixed money for one bet. Pay attention to this in order to be able to earn even more by increasing the budget for the game. You choose the category “Australian Football” or “Australia Rules” in the line of sporting events (depending on the bookmaker) and analyze the current situation: are there any matches with clear favorites and underdogs, who is away to whom, what odds are offered, and so on.

After selecting each match, if a single bet is selected (one bet in one coupon), it is required to specify the amount and confirm the selected positions. If an express or coupon is provided in the system, then the bet amount is indicated only after all the necessary events have been selected.

The thrilling sport of Australia rules will appeal to fans of thrills, while betting on Australian football will add to the fullness of sensations and bring long-awaited profits.

Australian football (its other name is Aussie Rules) is a team football. It has incorporated elements of ordinary football, rugby, basketball known to us, it even contains some details of fights without rules. Its popularity has recently been growing all over the world.

The game starts after the referee throws the ball into the ground. After he rebounds, he is considered to be in play. It is this element that Aussie Rules football rules have in common with basketball.

For each team there is a goal: to hit the opponent's goal, moving forward along the field with the ball, and as a result, score more points. Each team has two pairs of goals, which are located on top of each other. They are at the ends of the field. In the area of ​​50 meters near the goal there is a zone in which it is forbidden to attack the player who received the ball. Hitting the ball into the big goal is counted as a goal and brings the team 1 point. In the case when the ball is kicked into the inner, narrower ones, 6 points are awarded for the goal.

The height of the goal is not limited in a game like Australian football. The rules govern the main points:

  • running with the ball in hand is allowed no more than 10 steps;
  • having run this distance, the ball is either given away or continues to move with it, be sure to hit it on the ground before that;
  • it can be passed in any direction with the feet or hands.

If an Australian football player passes with his foot and his opponent fixes the ball with his hands, then the latter has the opportunity and the right to take a free kick. During the struggle of athletes for the main trophy, if it was pressed to the ground, the judge stops the course of the struggle and throws it out. It is performed with the hands, the ball is hit with force on the ground. If Australian football players accidentally push him out of the field, then in this case the referee makes a release. He turns his back to the field and throws the ball over his head.

Each team consists of 18 people, and the participants are divided into central players, backs, forwards and semi-forwards, halfbacks, followers (they take on the maximum load of running).

Australian football. Rules for the organization of the playing field and requirements for the ball

This game provide an oval field. It should have large dimensions: 185 m long and 155 m wide (small deviations are allowed). The center of the field is delimited by a rectangle with a circle drawn in it. occurs along the edges of the quadrilateral, and a ball is thrown into the circle. It has an oval shape. option and its weight is about 670 grams.

The match takes a total of 80 minutes. and consists of four periods. Each of them lasts 20 minutes. Only pure playing time counts. At various delays, the stopwatch is immediately stopped.

Australian football has been known for a very long time. It has been played since the 19th century. It's a pretty tough game. Being one of the most dynamic competitions, it provides for a power struggle. The match is rarely stopped, even if the player has been seriously injured.

In Russia, the Australian Football Federation was established in 2011. It includes players from Krasnoyarsk and Moscow. The national team was represented at the European Championship in 2011 and consisted of Russian and foreign participants. The game used modified football rules. According to the results of the last tournament, the team took 10th place out of the declared 18. She defeated Catalonia and Denmark and lost her positions to Croatia and Wales.

This year it is planned to create the first league in Russia with two Moscow teams included in it. On a permanent basis, 20 people are involved in Australian football in the country. The rest of the players are foreigners. The players are coached by Roger Scott, a visiting Australian expat.

Well, yes, Australians, especially those who live in the oldest state of Australia - Victoria (the capital of Melbourne) really consider Australian football (aka footy, aka Australofoot, aka, officially, Australian Rules Football) the greatest game and the greatest show on earth .

The largest field is an oval 180 by 150 meters. The largest number of field players in a team is 18 each. The longest duration is 4 halves of 20 minutes of NET TIME. Incredibly liberal rules. The referee generally intervenes in the game, as a rule, only if it is necessary to break through a controversial ball or throw in a ball from out of bounds. This is exactly what the judge does. Well, the judges also keep track of whether a goal is scored or not. This is the colossal difference between the same American football and Australofoot. Oh, and great attendance. In small Australia (population 20 million people), 40 thousand spectators consistently come to the matches and about 100 to the Grand Finale - the main match of the year.
Briefly about the rules. Due to the fact that they were formulated long before football and rugby (more on that later), they have features and archaisms that cause nothing but a desire to open your mouth wide and bat your eyes.

Briefly about the rules.

So two teams on a huge oval field. 4 halves of 20 minutes of pure time. The object of the game is to kick the oval ball into the goal with a kick. Any of the three. That's right - there are four racks on each side. There is no top rail. She appeared in normal football only in the 80s of the nineteenth century and did not get used to them immediately. In hockey, the crossbar began to be used only at the beginning of the last century. Roughly speaking - they stuck a few sticks - that's the gate.

Hit in the middle - 6 points. In the side - by a point. The ball can be transported around the field as you like. But if you carry it in your hands, then every 10 steps you need to hit it on the ground. No offsides, no forward passes, no tries or touchdowns. Only gates, only hardcore. Like in the original football.

If you are passed the ball with your foot, and you caught it in the air, you can take a free kick on goal. If a crowd of people has fallen on the ball and it is fixed on the ground, then the referee makes a throw-in with force hitting it on the ground. From the out, the referee also throws in the ball. Moreover, standing with his back to the field. The power struggle is practically unlimited, there are no protective devices on the players. During a match, an Australian football player runs an average of 22 kilometers. In normal football, about 9.

How it all looks can be clearly seen from this video. The last 5 minutes of the opening match of the current championship of the Australian Football League. The match takes place at the Melbourn Cricket Ground, the largest stadium south of the equator (the Maracanã is slightly smaller). There are almost 100,000 spectators in the stands, eating Australian meat pies with ketchup.

When you watch this video, you understand why the Australian army, even without nuclear weapons, has always been and is one of the best armies in the world. The descendants of the English Luddites simply have a hard time with brakes in the head and other parts of the body.

The most characteristic image of Australian football, analogous to the image of a quarterback preparing to pass in an amphote, flying over the end line of a rugby player or preparing to hit a football player in our football, is certainly the image of a player "intercepting" the ball - the most eerie technique in Australian football

During the interception, the player jumps on the back of the opponent's player, pushes off from it and goes high up, in order to then collapse onto the lawn with his back or even his head.

Another feature is the recording of match results. The result is written like this:

This means that Colingwood scored 16 goals in the center goal and 12 in the sides, scoring 108 points, and St. Kids, respectively, 5 and 9.

How did such a controversial (even fatal cases are not uncommon in the provincial leagues) sport arise? At the beginning of the 19th century in the UK, USA, Ireland and France, the situation with football was as simple as a Bedouin song - in every village, town and college they played as God put it on their souls. There were even situations when the rules were agreed right before the match.

At the same time, there has already been experience in codifying the rules of sports games on the continent. First, the rules of Jeu-de-paume were adopted in France (in England it was called Real Tennis). This happened back in the 18th century and for many years this sport (tennis (lawn tennis) and squash grew out of it and became the main sports game of the privileged classes of Europe. The organizers of the Revolution of 1789 in Paris gathered in the hall for playing this game before the storming of the Bastille, in In the same hall, Popov demonstrated his lightning detector in St. Petersburg in 1894. Once jeu-de-paume ("ball game") was even an Olympic sport.

A little later in Germany and Italy, the great poet Heine finally codified the rules of the game of fistball, the forerunner of volleyball, which was born as an urban version of fistball, played on a small area covered with paving stones, not grass.

Why is coding necessary? Very simple. By the end of the 18th century, numerous canals were cut through England, along which, in more or less comfortable conditions, it was possible to move relatively quickly around the country. Before that, of course, there were no such opportunities. In addition, the population of the country grew rapidly and the tiny village of Manchester, as it was at the beginning of the 18th century, a hundred years later was already one of the largest industrial centers of the main economy of the world. New towns were also built. And if earlier two local teams played their football at the fair, now it has become possible to visit neighbors. And when, at the beginning of the second quarter of the century, rapid railway construction began in Great Britain, the topic quickly became very relevant.

Another reason for the need for uniform rules was ... the invention of the lawn mower in 1830. Imagine - while Pushkin was fucking another "girlfriend of harsh days", the British were inventing another useful thing. Thanks to this invention, it became possible to prepare many fields of almost the same quality.

The history of football rules codification is long and interesting. As a rule, several groups in each of the countries concerned promoted their own sets of rules, gradually finding a common language (Sheffield Rules and Association Rules), diverging (Association and Rugby), or trying to create something new on the basis of several established principles. It happened in Australia, where in 1858 they adopted their own rules of the game. Their adoption was held under the slogan - "No, we want our own football." It is believed that Australian football was formed as a symbiosis of rugby ("Father of Australian football" Tom Wheels played Rugby directly before moving to Australia), Sheffield football, Irish kyde (Gaelic football later grew out of it) and local Australian football games.

The rules were very different from today. Suffice it to say that the first official game according to these rules was played on a field (attention) 800 meters long, without sidelines, by teams of 40 players each for three days. Every day the game began at one o'clock in the afternoon and ended at sunset. The junior teams of two Melbourne colleges played. Two goals were scored in three days.

Until now, historians of Australian football are breaking spears over the question of the timing of the creation of the first Australofoot club. The documented date is the beginning of 1860, when the club was founded in Melbourne, even the founding documents have been preserved. At the same time, other clubs are mentioned in Australian newspapers from the early 50s, but no documents belonging to them have been preserved.

Despite the popularity of the game in Melbourne and the state of Victoria, its development in other regions was not so fast and took place separately. Only in 1877 did the first match between the teams of the colonies take place. In Melbourne, the Victoria team played the South Australian team from Adelaide and won 7-0.

In 1897, the Victorian Football League was created from 8 clubs in Melbourne and the surrounding area. This league became de facto the Australian Championship. In 1925, the number of clubs reached 12, and Aussie Rules overtook cricket in terms of cumulative popularity. In 1980, the Australian Football League (AFL) was created on the basis of the VFL. In addition to it, the country has several leagues of regional importance in each of the provinces, the champions of which play the Foxtel Cup.

There are 18 clubs in the current AFL, 10 of which are located in Melbourne and the surrounding area, 7 in other provinces of the country, and one club in New Zealand, in Auckland. An interesting feature of the championship: five Melbourne teams share the Melbourne Cricket Ground, with a capacity of 100,000 people, and another five Docklands Stadium, with a capacity of 56,000. Also, several strong teams from Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide play their home matches in Darwin, in the very north of the country.

There are 23 rounds in the regular season, just like in the English Football Premier League or the NFL, with an interval of a week. But each tour is spread over the entire weekend, starting Friday.

The top 8 clubs advance to the playoffs. The playoffs in Australia are archaic, something similar in Europe was before the Second World War.

First, the so-called preliminary or liquidation finals are held. Team 1 of the regular season plays Team 4, Team 5 plays Team 8, Team 6 plays Team 7, and Team 2 plays Team 3.

The winners of the first and last matches go to the third round of the playoffs, which they call the preliminary final (and in fact it is a semi-final), and the losers play with the winners of the second and third matches in repechage matches, they call the semi-finals, the winners of which go to the preliminary final . Well, then there is the struggle for the entrance to the Granf Finale and this match itself.

The Grand Finale is an incredibly pompous event, comparable to the SuperBowl in the USA, the FA Cup final at Wembley, the Gray Cup match in Canada. Leading local stars are invited to it, such as the great Australian band The Seekers, who performed before the 1994 final.

The biggest crowd at the Grand Final was in 1970 when Carlton won their 10th (of 16) title against Colingwood by 17.9(111) - 14.17(101). Then in the stands of the Melbourne Cricket Ground there were 121,696 spectators.

As you can see from the video, the Australian audience is very disciplined. They stand close to the field and it does not bother anyone. Or they could throw a firecracker, what ...

Outside of Australia, Australian rules are not very popular. The main problem is the cyclopean size of the field. In fact, the real conditions for the cultivation of australofut in its purest form are only in countries where there are cricket fields. But in the countries of Hindustan they prefer to play cricket all year round, and in Great Britain and South Africa there are enough of their varieties of rugby through the roof. In recent years, there have been some advances in the promotion of this sport. Firstly, the Australian Football World Cup is held, in which the Australians themselves do not play. Instead, the Irish, New Zealanders and Papua New Guineans light up. Secondly, for 30 years a match has been held according to the so-called International rules between the national teams of Australia and Ireland. Differences - teams of 15 players, gates as in Gaelic football, but with side additions as in Australian football, the goalkeeper is on the gate and the match is round as in Gaelic.

In addition, the USA and Europe have their own versions of futi - in the USA, Australian teams of 10 players play metrofoot on the American football field, and in Europe the European Championship is held according to the European version - 9 players on the rugby field. Under this case in Russia there is even a national team "Russian Tsars" of Krasnoyarsk and Moscow rugby players trained by Australians. It was even planned to hold the championship of Russia, but it seems that it has not happened yet.

Summing up - IMHO, quite a visual sport with some unique features that cannot but arouse interest.

Australian football

Australian football

Australian football - Aussie Rules or Footy- a team sport with a ball.

The goal of each of the teams is to move forward with the ball along the field, hit the goal of the opposing team and score as many points as possible. Each team has two goals located in each other, for a goal into a large goal, the team is awarded 1 point, for a goal with a foot into a narrower inner goal - 6 points. Gate height is not limited. With the ball in hand, you can run no more than 10 steps, after which you must either give the ball away or continue moving with the ball, be sure to hit it on the ground. The ball is passed in any direction. You can pass the ball with your feet and hands. If the pass was kicked, and the player who received it fixed the ball with his hands, then this player receives the right to a free kick. If in the fight for the ball it was pressed to the ground by the players, the referee stops the fight and immediately makes a throw-in. Throw-in is carried out by hands with a strong blow to the ground. If the ball went out of the field, then the referee also makes a throw-in, turning his back to the field and throwing the ball over his head.

Each team has 18 players. The field is oval, has a rather large size: length - 185 m, width - 155 m. The ball is oval, the average weight is about 670 g. The match consists of four periods of 20 minutes, a total of 80 minutes; only net playing time counts. Tough power struggle is allowed.

Australian football has been played since the middle of the 19th century. This game is considered one of the most dynamic team games. Stoppages in the match are extremely rare, the referee does not stop the game even when a player is injured.

Australian football is the third largest sport in the world by the number of spectators in the stands. The average attendance of an AFL match is about 40,000 people.

During the match, players run an average of 20-22 km, for comparison, in ordinary football - about 9 km.

Australian Football in Russia

In mid-2011, the Australian Football Federation of Russia was created. The federation includes players from Moscow and Krasnoyarsk.

In the 2011 European Australian Football Championship (a game with modified rules), a Russian team was provided, consisting of Russians and various foreigners. At the end of the tournament, the Russian team took 10th place out of 18 with victories over Catalonia and Denmark and defeats from Croatia and Wales.

Uniform of "Russian Tsars" - Russian Australian football team

In 2012, it is planned to create the first league in Russia, which will include 2 teams, both from Moscow. The teams consist of both Russian players and foreign ones. At the moment, about 20 players are involved in Australian football in Russia on a permanent basis.

The coach of the Moscow players and also the coach of the Russian team is the Australian expat Roger Scott. Paul Kube conducts training in Krasnoyarsk.



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