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Of the elements of acupressure and acupressure for angina, the most effective effect is on certain "vital points" of the body.

1. Point localization
The first point is located in the depression between the bones of the thumb and forefinger. The second point is located on the outer side of the thumb slightly away from the corner of the nail.
Impact technique
Massage the points with the thumb of the other hand until redness appears (2-3 minutes).

The pressure should not be rough and sharp, should not leave bruises. Allocate light superficial touch and deep pressure. Finger movements should be carried out clockwise without stopping for 1 minute. After a while, the impact on the points can be repeated. Apply 5-6 times a day.
More points:
Point No 1 - outward from the nail bed of the first finger by 3 mm,

point No 2 - in the center of the notch of the sternum,
point No 3 - on the back of the foot in the recess,
point No 4 - in the interval between the 2nd and 3rd toes.

Angina is an acute infectious-allergic disease, in which inflammatory changes are expressed mainly in the palatine tonsils. The inflammatory process can also be localized in other lymphoid tissues of the pharynx - in the lingual, laryngeal, nasopharyngeal tonsils; they correspond to lingual, laryngeal and retronasal (nasopharyngeal) tonsillitis.

Infection can be exogenous and endogenous (autoinfection). Exogenous infection often occurs by airborne droplets (from a patient, from a bacteriocarrier with close contact) or alimentary (through food - for example, milk from cows with streptococcal lesions of the udder). Endogenous infection occurs when there are foci of chronic inflammation in the oral cavity or pharynx (carious teeth, purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, etc.).

The main pathogens are pathogenic and opportunistic cocci: staphylococci, streptococci (including pneumococcus). In recent years, the number of tonsillitis has increased, in the development of which opportunistic bacteria of the genera Moraxella, Acinetobacterium, Klebsiella, Listeria, etc. take part. No less common are viral tonsillitis, the causative agents of which are adenoviruses and herpesviruses. Simanovsky's angina - Plaut - Vincent (Vincent's angina) is caused by a symbiosis of the fusospirillous flora of the oral cavity. There are also parasitic tonsillitis, the causative agents of which are amoeba of the oral cavity, and fungal tonsillitis (candidomycosis, leptotrichosis).

Most often, in the treatment of angina, fir oil is used, which is obtained from needles and young shoots of fir. This most valuable extract has long been used by people as a disinfectant and therapeutic agent of very high biological activity. This is the most environmentally friendly product, since fir can only grow in crystal clear air. In the treatment of angina, it is recommended to apply pure oil to the tonsils with a pipette, cotton swab, or irrigate them with a syringe. Repeat manipulations depending on the severity of clinical manifestations 2-5 times a day. With frequent sore throats, it is recommended to instill fir oil into the nose - 1-2 drops, symptoms of burning, sneezing, watery eyes, sputum discharge from the nose may appear, which disappear on their own after 15-20 minutes. For inhalation, it is recommended to add a few drops of fir oil to herbal decoctions.
It is not recommended to use it as remedy with individual intolerance and a certain allergic mood of the human body. The content of a large amount of extract substances can cause asthma attacks in persons with a certain hypersensitivity.
You should also be careful with herbal rinses. Individuals with a specific allergic reaction are advised to try treatment with a single herb rather than a mixture of herbs.
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If you clench your hand into a fist, then the pads of your fingers will involuntarily press on a point in the center of the palm, which is responsible for good spirits. Just a few massaging movements and you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

If you want to keep warm, a heat point will help. It is located on the pad of the upper phalanx of the middle finger. Exposure to this area will allow you to quickly "spill" the heat through the body.

In addition, this point is responsible for the feeling of anxiety. By pressing on it, the excitement will “disappear” and calmness and poise will take its place.

In total, there are about 700 biologically active points on the human body. The largest number of magical places are located on the hands, feet, and auricles. Each point is responsible for the work of a particular organ. As a result of acupressure (reflexotherapy), you can relieve pain, normalize work nervous system, stop inflammatory processes in the body and even increase resistance to viruses and infections.

According to doctors, this method of self-treatment can be used as first aid. You just need to know the correct location of the points and the pressure force. By the way, if you feel a slight pain or numbness during the massage of the "vital" point, do not be alarmed. This indicates that you are on the right track.

Dots or needles?

Some compare the method of pressure on biologically active points with acupuncture. Unlike needle treatment, acupressure does not require deep medical knowledge. It is enough to look at the picture with the points indicated and try the method on yourself. In addition, this procedure is painless and outwardly safe.

How to press on a point

The Chinese divide the degrees of action into healing points in three ways:

  • for acute pain and for primary treatment, the use of a light circular massage of the point is indicated, which is carried out with the tip of the index finger of the hand. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes;
  • at chronic diseases, however, depending on general condition of a person, it is best and more reliable to use acupressure of medium strength. Multiple massages throughout the day are recommended. Duration - up to thirty (depending on circumstances) seconds;
  • strong pressure is produced mainly with the help of the thumb. However, other options are possible in special cases. When the desired point is found on the body, lightly touch the skin with the tip of the index or thumb, then begin to produce circular motions finger, moving the skin relative to the skin or muscle tissue in a rhythm of two revolutions per second. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the finger always remains on one (necessary) point of the body. With symmetrical pressure on the points, you should be especially careful.


Look at your brush.
Thumb is the head and neck.
Palm - body and internal organs.
The index and middle fingers are a projection of the hand and foot.
In this case, the right hand is responsible for the right half of the body, the left - for the left.

heart point
You can normalize the heartbeat by pressing the pads of the upper phalanx of the little finger.

head point
If you have a headache, try massaging the area between your thumb and forefinger. Place the thumb on the back of the hand, the index finger on the palm (middle of the life line). To achieve a quick effect, you need to massage the point for 2-3 minutes with a certain force. If you feel pain when pressed, the point is found.

For toothache, try rubbing the point located on the back of your hand under your index finger. Massage will temporarily relieve the pain, but will not affect the cause.

point of sexuality
Oddly enough, but this point is located on ring finger right hand on which a wedding ring is worn. The place of pressure is just below the base of the nail. A light massage of the energy point will increase attraction to the opposite sex.

Point of the genitourinary sphere
For pathologies of the urogenital area, try to activate the point located between the tubercles of the ring and middle fingers. Soreness with pressure indicates the development of the inflammatory process.

Point of well-being
To restore general well-being, rub your wrists. Here are the points responsible for the balance of forces and energy in the body. Sometimes the impact on this point is compared with a contrast shower: such an effective effect.

To get rid of a runny nose, sore throat will help massage the fingertips. Just a few times of such a massage during the day, and you will feel how the disease begins to recede.

Point of view
The middle part of the middle finger is responsible for our eyes. During the day, especially if you work at a computer, massage these places. This will help relieve eye fatigue.


Ear massage is comparable to the rescue service: quickly and efficiently. Impact on the points will help to relax or cheer up, relieve fatigue or recover during a stressful situation.

wakeful morning point
Helps you wake up faster in the morning light massage ear shells. Add to it a warm-up of the lobes (pulling, circular motions) and you are more cheerful than ever.

T restful sleep point
Massage the lobe at its base (closer to the hard cartilage) clockwise for 3-4 minutes. Massage will allow you to calm down and relax.

Point of view
The central part of the earlobe is responsible for our eyes. Massage of this place contributes to the speedy rest and recovery after tiring work.

point of toothache
5 minutes of massage of the upper edge of the ear on the side where the tooth hurts, and the pain is gone.

Point of the heart and lungs
Finding these points is easy: inside the auricle, closer to the back of the head. Pressing the index finger on this place stimulates the work of the heart muscle and lungs. Massage is effective for arrhythmia, hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Point against smoking
Pressing on the cartilage at the bottom of the auricle, just above the earlobe, will help reduce mental addiction to nicotine. In addition, massage causes an aversion to tobacco smoke.


I think you have noticed how with a foot massage, you feel the relationship with certain organs. it normal phenomenon because the feet are the conductors of our body. The largest number of biologically active points is located here. Therefore, self-massage begins in the morning, when we get out of bed, and ends when we sit down or lie down.

Ear-nose-throat point
If your feet get wet, if you have a runny nose and a sore throat, massaging the forefoot and lateral surface of the foot will warm the body and help soothe the pain.

Maxillary sinus point
Warming up the toes (except thumbs) helps relieve sinusitis or sinusitis. Massage is especially useful during an exacerbation of the disease.