Gymnastics for sick bronchi. Relieving breathing exercises for bronchitis and pneumonia are therapeutic exercises for your lungs. Types of massage: vibration and drainage

Therapeutic Physical Culture with bronchitis.

Bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. There are acute and chronic course of the disease.

Acute bronchitis - diffuse acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree. Refers to frequent diseases (accounts for 35% of all diseases of the respiratory system). Often observed with influenza, measles, whooping cough, etc.

Tasks of exercise therapy:

Reduce inflammation in the bronchi

Restore the drainage function of the bronchi

Strengthen blood and lymph circulation in the bronchial system, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchiectotic disease

Increase body resistance

Improving the work of the CCC, increasing efficiency

Contraindications for the appointment of exercise therapy:

Respiratory failure grade 3, lung abscess

Hemoptysis or its threat

Complete lung atelectasis (recession)

Accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the pleural cavity.

LH technique:

During the 1st week from the onset of the disease, static and dynamic breathing exercises in combination with general strengthening (1:1, 1:2, 1:3) with an emphasis on exhalation, exercises for coughing up sputum, to increase the mobility of the diaphragm. The technique of LH is similar to that used in acute pneumonia.

Motor modes: bed, ward, free.

Forms of exercise therapy:

LH, UGG, dosed walking, swimming, rowing, skiing.

Types of exercises: ORU, breathing.

With purulent chronic bronchitis, drainage exercises and postural drainage (3-4 times a week) are of great importance - they should contribute to the effective removal of purulent sputum from the bronchi

Approximate complex LH exercises in chronic obstructive bronchitis with impaired ventilation


    I.p. - sitting on a chair, legs extended, arms to shoulders, take your hands to the sides, up, bend over, inhale - 2 s, return to ip. - exhale - 4 s, breathing through the nose, deep, the pace is slow. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - too, hands down, raise straight arms up - inhale, return to sp. – exhale for 4 s. The pace is slow. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - sitting, brushes to the shoulders, rotation in shoulder joints back and forth, repeat 3-4 times in each direction. The pace is slow, medium.

    I.p. - too, hands on the belt, body turns to the right (left), reaching the back of the chair with the elbow. Repeat on each side 2-3 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

    I.p. - too, left hand on the chest, right on the stomach, diaphragmatic breathing, inhale - 2s, exhale - 4s, pause on exhalation - 4s. Repeat 2-3 times, after exercise, free, voluntary inhalation and exhalation 1-3 times.

Main part:

    I.p. - sitting, spread your arms to the sides, inhale - 2s, raise the leg bent at the knee to the chest, clasp it with your hands and press it to your chest - exhale with the pronunciation pfft for 4s. Alternately with each leg, repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - too, arms bent at the elbows. Raise your elbows up - inhale 2s. Lower them down and slightly compress the chest - exhale through the lips, folded in a tube, lasting 4 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - standing, walking hands through the sides - inhale - 2 steps, lower your hands - exhale - 4 steps, pause - 4 steps, 3 - 4 times.

    I.p. - standing, raise both hands to the sides, up - inhale - 2s, lean forward and reach the floor with your hands - exhale for a long time with the pronunciation pfft - pause - 4s. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - standing, hands on the bottom chest- deep breath, exhaling with pronunciation x-x-a brushes compress lower part chest. Repeat 1-2 times.

    I.p. - standing, medicine ball weighing 1 kg below, lift up - 4s, lower down - inhale. Repeat 4-5 times. After each exercise, inhale and exhale freely.

    I.p. - standing, raise your hands with a medicine ball up, tilt your body to the side - exhale for 4 seconds, straighten up, inhale - 2 seconds. Tilt in the opposite direction - exhale - 4s. Repeat 2-3 times. After each exercise - voluntary breathing.

    I.p. - standing, hands on the stomach, deep diaphragmatic breathing with protrusion of the abdominal wall forward - inhale for 2 seconds, press with palms and draw in the abdominal wall - exhale for 4 seconds, pause - 4 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.

    I.p. - kneeling, raise the stick up - inhale, exhale sharply - sit on your heels. Repeat 2-3 times. The pace is slow, then medium.

    I.p. - standing, kneeling, stick down, lift the stick up - inhale, sit on the carpet to the right, stick to the left - exhale. Also on the other side. Repeat 3-4 times. The pace is slow, breathing is arbitrary.

Final part:

    I.p. - standing, slow walking with arbitrary breathing exercises and relaxation exercises, lasting 60 - 90 seconds, the pace is slow.

    I.p. - standing, arms down, normal walking, walking with the movement of the arms up - inhale, lower the arms down with muscle relaxation - exhale. Duration 1 - 2 minutes, the pace is slow.

    I.p. - standing, swaying arbitrarily while walking.

    I.p. - standing, alternately swaying the legs with muscle relaxation. Duration 1 - 2 min. The pace is slow, breathing is arbitrary.

Chronic bronchitis accompanied by cough, weakness and difficulty in breathing is familiar to many people. A sluggish disease reminds of itself with frequent relapses and especially dangerous complications. The work of the lungs and heart is disrupted. Illness needs to be treated! The therapy of chronic bronchitis is complex, doctors pay special attention to breathing exercises.

Competently and regularly performed breathing exercises can do a lot. In her power:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • stop puffiness;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • increase hemoglobin levels;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • develop and strengthen lung function;
  • saturate bronchial tissues with oxygen;
  • increase the functionality of the pectoral muscles;
  • translate a dry cough into a productive (wet), which is important if diagnosed;
  • thin and remove mucus from the bronchi, it is sputum that worsens the condition, especially if present.

Carried out according to all the rules physiotherapy with chronic bronchitis 3 times increases protective properties bronchial mucosa. This has a good effect on immunity and healing of the whole organism, which prevents the development of additional colds.

An important condition in the treatment of chronic bronchitis with breathing exercises

Breathing exercises in the treatment of chronic bronchitis should carry a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood. Otherwise, there will be no effect from the healing event. Before proceeding, consider the following rules:

  1. Do not force yourself to perform gymnastics through force.
  2. Do not start gymnastics if you feel unwell, have a temperature and are weak.
  3. Try not to miss classes, doing breathing exercises should be regular, seven days a week.
  4. When performing classes, carefully listen to how you feel, especially in old age and existing heart problems.

Respiratory gymnastics course in the treatment of chronic bronchitis designed for 3-4 weeks. Only in case constant training wellness procedures will bring the desired effect and have a beneficial effect on health.

Breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis

Beginning to carry out breathing exercises should be done from the very beginning of the disease. But you should definitely consult a doctor for possible adjustments to classes.

The given complex is standard, it suitable for any age.Gymnastics against chronic bronchitis requires adhering to the sequence of blocks. All exercises are performed in a cool room in clothes that do not restrict movement.

You can also use medicinal. Just brew them and create a healthy working environment.

Warm up. Begin classes with 3-4 deep, slow breaths / exhalations. Each of which must be repeated 10-15 times. Breathe alternately through your nose and mouth. Repeat 3 times with 10 second breaks.

Key Lessons. For the basic block of gymnastics, four types of exercises are offered. But, if discomfort arises, they can be reduced:

  1. Sipping. Clasp your hands into a fist. Inhaling as deeply as possible to stretch, stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Exhaling slowly, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Walking. Walk with your knees high for 5-6 minutes. As you walk, raise and then lower your arms. Breathe deeply and evenly.
  3. Tilts. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Slowly make inclinations of small amplitude. At the same time, stretch your arms parallel to the floor, taking a deep breath. Exhaling, rise and, leaning back slightly, put your hands behind your shoulders. Do 5 sets.
  4. Mahi. Stand up straight and swing your arms back and forth alternately. When doing this exercise, inhale through your mouth, exhale through your nose.

Attention. When performing swings with your hands, listen especially carefully to your well-being. At the slightest malaise, dizziness, stop the activity.

Conclusion. The task of the final stage of gymnastics in chronic bronchitis is to restore normal breathing. This complex should be done with breaks of 6-7 seconds after each set.

Stand up straight, feet together. Try to relax your muscles and slowly tilt your torso to the sides. Inhale while tilting your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do exercises smoothly, at a slow pace, 6-7 times on each side.

If there is no time

The modern, ever-busy person hardly has spare hours to devote to daily gymnastics. Especially for workaholics, pulmonologists have created express gymnastics, taking 7-10 minutes of time, but not inferior in effect:

  1. Inflate the balloon, but try to do it with a minimum of exhalations.
  2. Lightly pinch your nostrils and try to take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.
  3. Curl your lips and inhale through your mouth. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale.
  4. Opening your mouth wide, draw in the air, so that at the same time the stomach rises. Breathe out through your nose.
  5. With one nostril closed, take another deep breath. Exhale and repeat with the other nostril.

What else can you do

In order to achieve the greatest effect from the complex, combine breathing exercises with additional wellness methods. The best addition to the gymnastic course will be massages and exercise therapy.

exercise therapy. As a physical therapy, you can use normal walking. Step in one place rhythmically and quickly and preferably for about an hour daily. If you feel tired or have a problem with coordination, gradually slow down and finish the session.

Attention. In good weather, change the apartment conditions to walking in the park or near the river. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the condition of the bronchi and lungs. Such a walk improves the effect of exercise therapy, especially if diagnosed affecting the lungs.

Massage. Chest massage in combination with gymnastics is especially useful for chronic bronchitis. This procedure relieves the bronchial tract of accumulated sputum, clears the bronchi, improves breathing, stopping cough and shortness of breath.

Sternum massage is also good strengthens the muscular frame, which improves the tone of the body and helps restore healthy breathing. Massage as a preventive measure is also useful in the treatment of uncomplicated inflammation of the bronchi. goes much faster!

Good health to you!

Video about breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis

Breathing exercises are an important component of complex treatment for bronchitis. They increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, alleviate the patient's condition, accelerate the recovery of the body after a serious illness.

Bronchitis is caused by infectious microorganisms - pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, fungi. Inflammation, with which the body responds to the invasion of foreign flora, and the waste products of pathogens narrow the lumen of the bronchioles with sputum, which leads to a lack of oxygen, cough, and shortness of breath.

Obstructive bronchitis with impaired air permeability is especially dangerous for children, the infection occupies their tiny airways very quickly, shortness of breath increases at a hurricane rate.

Broncho-pulmonary diseases are also susceptible to:

  • people aged 50 and over;
  • heavy smokers;
  • chronic alcoholics;
  • employees of hazardous industries;
  • people with a large excess of normal weight;
  • population of ecologically unfavorable areas.

Shallow breathing, which occurs with broncho-pulmonary diseases, opens air access only to the tops of the lungs. Alveoli (vesicles in the lung cavity, to which the capillaries are “connected”) are cut off from oxygen supply, the process of gas exchange fades.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis, asthmatic syndrome ensures the filling of the entire lung lobe. A wave-like breath first inflates the abdomen (air enters the lower lobes of the lungs), then expands the chest (the middle parts are filled) and finally the rising collarbones open access to the upper lobes.

Exhalation occurs in the reverse order - the shoulders fall, the chest falls, the stomach is drawn in.

Thus, each "pumping" of air purposefully works to cleanse the respiratory tract from stagnation of sputum, eliminate coughing, and intensively saturate tissues with blood and oxygen. combination with small physical activity on the press shoulder girdle limbs awakens the activity of immune and compensatory mechanisms.

The benefits of proper breathing in bronchitis and lung diseases

The therapeutic effect of exercises for the respiratory system has been confirmed by many years of medical practice. Doctors agree that medications alone, without regular sessions of deep breathing, are difficult to shorten the rehabilitation period, achieve a full sustainable recovery, and prevent relapses.

The following facts testify to the beneficial effects of exercise therapy:

With breathing exercises Without her
the diaphragm is strengthened, pushing the lungs from below to make a full inhalation-exhalationthe diaphragmatic muscle weakens, leaves the respiratory apparatus without mechanical stimulation, which leads to congestion, hypoxia
activates the cardiovascular systemthe heart and blood vessels under the influence of the disease reduce their functionality, impoverishing tissues with blood, nutrition, oxygen
accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses to organs and cellsin conditions of illness, the patency of neurosignals along the vagus and sympathetic nerves is disturbed, the regulation of bronchial tone worsens
decreased number of bronchospasmsthe smooth muscles of the bronchi reflexively contract, blocking the advancement of pathogens; as a result, exhalation, ventilation is difficult, edema occurs, increased concentration carbon dioxide and phlegm, lack of oxygen
mood improves - one of the important factors on the road to recoveryshortness of breath, cough, restless sleep are introduced into a depressive state

Gymnastics is useful, not only during illness, but throughout life.

Proper breathing ensures the coordinated activity of the whole organism:

  • stimulates the absorption of oxygen at the cellular level;
  • increases resistance to negative factors;
  • relieves excess weight;
  • heals with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • stimulates metabolism, excretion of toxins;
  • ventilates the entire volume of the lungs;
  • slows down the rapid heart rate;
  • dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure on the walls;
  • fights with fat reserves;
  • allows you to reduce the dosage of medications.


  • hyperthermia (fever);
  • high rates of ESR (more than 30 mm/hour);
  • bleeding;
  • tuberculosis, acute thrombophlebitis, oncological processes.

General rules for conducting classes for children, adults, the elderly

A patient with bronchitis can practice lying in his bed, sitting on a chair or standing, it all depends on how you feel. Exercise therapy complexes are basically universal, do not provide for age restrictions, with the exception of a couple of nuances: low inclinations are not recommended for older people, children need to arrange classes with game elements and more often be given the opportunity to rest.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis are carried out according to the following rules:

  • in the warm season, open the window (no drafts), in the cold - 10 minutes. pre-ventilate the room;
  • humidify dry air;
  • turn on quiet relaxing music;
  • engage in unburdened food stomach;
  • concentrate on a smooth full inhalation through the nose, exhale through the mouth slowly, without tension, with the thought that the bronchi are being cleansed, all bad things are leaving the body;
  • observe the rhythm of breathing and movements, stop for coughing and continue on;
  • perform the complex in several approaches, arranging short relaxations;
  • start each session with static exercises, only when the respiratory system warms up to start dynamic;
  • complete the complex with pats on the chest, back in the area of ​​the bronchi;
  • with increased feelings of weakness, dizziness, arrange unscheduled respite.

It will be fun for children and adults to inflate balloons together, to make the light boat move in the pelvis with the force of exhalation or to give acceleration to soap bubbles.

How often do you need to practice and how much time to devote to gymnastics?

It is necessary to develop stagnation of sputum twice a day for 30 minutes. The first signs of improvement will be noticeable around the end of the second week. It takes at least a month for them to become stable.

To avoid relapses, you need to practice all your life, combining, if possible, with other types of physical activity. It is believed that for young children during illness it is enough to breathe deeply in the morning and before going to bed for 10 minutes. with 1-2 pauses.

Popular techniques

The problem of combating broncho-pulmonary diseases affects the entire population of the planet, so over the years many international respiratory techniques have accumulated.

Dynamic exercises

With bronchitis, isotonic breathing exercises are performed with a clear rhythm of diaphragmatic or combined diaphragmatic-thoracic breathing.

  1. Standing hands, like spread wings, raise above the shoulders, gently lower as you exhale. Run 5-6 times to start, imitating the unhurried flight of a large bird.
  2. Network on a chair, hands on the waist. Inhaling, turn the body to the left with the arm of the same name extended to the side. On the exhale, return back. The same on the right side.
  3. The variation of flight on the run is characterized by smooth strokes in the phase of inflating the belly with air. Then the hands go down simultaneously with the retraction of the abdomen. Running gently gives way to slow walking. Do 5 short cycles.
  4. Perform an analogue of raising arms above your head, only in a supine position. The chest, the heart should be free and comfortable. Using a diaphragmatic breath, slowly put your hands behind your head, as you exhale, lower along the body.
  5. The same is a little faster moving the hands, alternately changing them at the moment of exhalation.
  6. Feet simulate the rotation of the pedals. Pause if you are short of breath. Repeat until tired legs.
  7. Lying face down, stretch your arms along the sides of the body, do not use them in the exercise. Gathering air into the chest, raise your head up to the stop, releasing air to return back. After several repetitions, connect your hands, stretching them to a virtual object.
  8. Turn on your side, bend your legs a little. Pull your arm up, providing maximum stretching of the joints, freeing up the internal space of the body. Likewise on the other side.

Weekly add a few repetitions, bring them up to 14. Hold the full load until recovery.

Light respiratory complex

The production of intrabronchial mucus during inflammation increases significantly. Sputum thickens, sticks to the walls, becomes difficult to remove. The vibration of the clots causes a painful cough, and evacuation does not occur. Stagnation is aggravated if the patient has bed rest.

Light breathing exercises will help to cope with clots:

Sound gymnastics

Breathing exercises for bronchitis will become more effective if accompanied by the pronunciation of various letters. Inward-directed vibration, resistance to blowing out, allows you to break up mucus stagnation into small lumps that are easier to evacuate with a cough. It is recommended to use whispering in chronic bronchitis, humming and buzzing sounds in asthma.

Sound breathing exercises are also used for bronchitis.
  1. Take a full breath, raising your arms up, stretched out on your toes. Gently lower yourself on your heels, releasing air with your lips with a tube with the sound "u". Repeat at least 5 times.
  2. Sit down, cross your legs as in meditation. Inflate the stomach to push up the fists. Pulling in the stomach, pronounce the sound "x" in a stretch.
  3. Sit on a chair or against a wall on a rug. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, lower - long breath with a snort of "f-f".
  4. Having approved the legs at a short distance, swing your arms forward and backward, combining them, respectively, with exhalation, inhalation and with the sounds “rr”, “zhzh”, “zz”.
  5. In the “legs together” stance, simultaneously with a breath, raise the right hand up, take the left hand to the side. In the phase of slow hissing exhalation "a-a" change the position of the upper limbs.

You can also choose effective sounds for yourself: oh, zhzhruh, dg, kch, prruhh, ssukhh, shh, mmm.

Drainage gymnastics

Positional removal of viscous or purulent mucus to the outside facilitates the condition in chronic broncho-pulmonary diseases. Drainage is carried out half an hour after receiving aerosols, endotracheal infusions, bronchodilators, expectorant teas.

Drainage exercises are done twice a day. The patient occupies a position that ensures spontaneous outflow of mucus closer to the trachea and its subsequent coughing up.

  1. From the stand with arms down, draw in air, counting first to 3, later to 6. To exhale, extend the count by 1-2.
  2. Lying raise your hands with a breath, stretch to the ceiling. Exhale, slowly lower.
  3. In a pose on the back, one hand lies along the body, the second is wound beyond the head. In free breathing mode, swap limbs.
  4. Back and feet on the carpet. Taking in air, raise your hips, releasing - return to the carpet.
  5. In a lying position, inhale, exhaling, stretch your hands to your feet. Lie back on the inhale.
  6. Roll over onto your stomach. Inhale to raise upper part body, bend to the waist, return with an exhalation.

Drainage exercises are combined with massaging the chest. With increased shortness of breath, classes are stopped.

Strelnikova complex

Author effective gymnastics singer A. Strelnikova, becoming a teacher, decided to help future vocalists master the techniques correct breathing protecting them from occupational diseases of the respiratory system.

To learn the basics of the technique, you need to put your hands on the sides at the waist and lightly press them under the ribs. Take a short breath through your nose, directing the air into your stomach. In this case, the waist should push the hands squeezing it. The diaphragm at this moment straightens springily, and returning to its normal position, stimulates the spontaneous complete expulsion of air through the mouth.

The number of accent breaths is a multiple of 4:

  • first, 4 noisy breaths;
  • as you master the practice - 8, 16, 32 each;
  • then they switch to the “Strelnikov hundred” - 32 breaths in 3 sets with pauses;
  • full load - from 1500 breaths for 2 classes per day.

The general rhythm of breathing should not be rapid, and the lungs should not be crowded. When the method becomes familiar, you can move on to the exercises. Their design is paradoxical - inhalation is performed at the moment of inclination, twisting, compression of the chest.

  1. Standing, sitting, or lying down to breed on the exhale bent arms to the sides, and while inhaling, hug yourself, but do not touch your forearms.
  2. Standing to do the slopes, the hands seem to move the pump handle below the knees. Mentally imagine the entry of air through the lower back. The exercise does not require full extension. About halfway through the lift, automatic exhalation should occur.
  3. To the rhythmic music, on the inhale, make turns with the upper part of the body. The arms are bent at the elbows.

Breathing exercises according to Buteyko

Physiologist K. Buteyko chose the opposite method - shallow breathing with the accumulation of carbon dioxide. It is recommended for daily use 3 times.

  1. Hold your breath as much as possible. Then breathe for a long time with a minimum amplitude.
  2. During walking, alternate the phases of lack of breathing with a full supply of air.
  3. Sitting, lying or standing, breathe according to the principle of fluttering a candle (minimum), bringing this ability up to 10 minutes.

Complex from Yuri Vilunas

Academician-historian Vilunas claims that his technique is able to completely heal the body, relieve any pain. He himself recovered from diabetes, ischemia, hypertension. In this "sobbing" way, patients were cured of bronchitis.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis according to Vilunas:

  • a short second breath (about half of a full breath);
  • a sharp half-second exhalation with a soft “ha”;
  • holding the breath for exactly 3 s.

For prevention, 1 cycle per day is enough. For treatment, you need to perform exercises every hour - first several times in 1 cycle, and at the end of the hour - 3 in a row.

Gymnastics according to Frolov

Biochemist V.Frolov created the TDI-01 simulator for breathing mountain-type air. The air-drop mixture forms rarefied, low-oxygen conditions as at high altitude. Due to this, the degree of oxygen absorption increases, moisturizing, lung massage, active sputum excretion, and bronchial tree cleansing occur.

For effective action hypoxia should:

  • holding the nose with a special clothespin, draw in humidified air from a tube connected to a small balloon, and release it there;
  • sharply draw in the balloon mixture (2-3 s), using the diaphragm;
  • exhale for 1-1.5 minutes, drawing in the stomach.

Sessions last 20-30 minutes. by feeling. Taking into account this factor, the water level in the cylinder and its resistance are regulated. Training is preferred on an empty stomach for a month. A positive mental attitude is very important. The device is approved for the treatment of children from 4 years.

A healthy person does not use all the incoming oxygen, exhaling the remainder along with carbon dioxide. With bronchitis, the percentage of residual oxygen is much greater. The symbiosis of breathing and gymnastics increases the amount of absorbed oxygen several times, while improving metabolism, the state of the blood, and effectively frees the respiratory tract from mucus.

Useful videos about various breathing exercises for bronchitis

Breathing exercises Strelnikova:

Gymnastics for diseases of the respiratory system:

An integrated approach in the treatment of bronchitis different kind can lead the patient to a speedy recovery and full restoration of respiratory function. Together with drug therapy, exercise therapy is required.

Physical exercises are aimed at the development and training of the muscles of the sternum, a more complete opening of the lungs, the release of bronchial tubes from sputum and the normalization of blood flow.

Breathing exercises allow you to saturate the tissues of the lungs with oxygen, and it is also one of the main parts of exercise therapy, along with exercise. It is required to be performed after drug treatment has been started, and it allows you to achieve such improvements as: acceleration of gas metabolic processes, activation and enhancement of blood circulation, full saturation of the body with oxygen.

The combination of breathing exercises with physical exercises leads to the fact that the patient feels a significant improvement in his general condition, and the next examination confirms a positive trend, as the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases.

Daily performance of the therapeutic and physical training complex, selected by a specialist, accelerates the healing process and enhances tissue regeneration, which prevents the progression of the pathology and prevents the formation of adhesions. What complex of exercise therapy is optimal for chronic bronchitis, the doctor will tell you.

Basic rules for performing breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics with diagnosed bronchitis is recommended for any of its nature and form of flow - both acute and chronic. A set of necessary exercises is selected based on the clinical picture of the patient by a specialist in therapeutic and physical education complexes.

However, a number of exercises are harmless and can be performed without the direct appointment of a specialist on their own.

But, it is imperative that when performing such exercises, unconditionally adhere to a number of rules discussed in the table:

Basic rules for doing exercises
rule Description
Regularity The intensity of training should increase gradually. All exercises should be done without overstrain, easily.
Regularity During classes, it is required to constantly focus on well-being and, if a feeling of weakness occurs, postpone the training for later.
Compliance with hygiene standards All exercises should be done only in a room that is well ventilated.
Well-Being Control Breathing exercises that require dynamic loads can only be performed at normal, not elevated body temperature.

Attention! The basic rule of exercise therapy for chronic bronchitis is that the patient should not feel tired, and his state of health should remain excellent. The instruction requires constant monitoring of the patient's well-being, especially this moment concerns children.

Several breathing practices, which are used during and as a restorative after the patient's recovery. It should be understood that each complex requires absolute adherence to the rules of the technique for performing exercises.

All stages of physical therapy complexes should not cause excessive overstrain or the occurrence of pain, especially breathing exercises during or immediately after bronchitis.

During classes according to exercise therapy, when exercises of any nature are performed, the patient needs to carefully control his own breathing. It should be rhythmic and even. At the same time, the breath is made sharp and strong, noisy.

Exhalation should be easy and free, it must be arbitrary. Depending on the exercise, inhalation can be done through the nose or mouth, in order to prevent the mucous membranes from drying out, it is recommended to alternate breathing through the mouth and nasal. Also, it should be borne in mind that often exhalation is performed exclusively through the mouth.

A certain complex is selected based on the current state of health of the patient. Part of the exercises from the physical therapy complexes can be performed in any position of the body, including lying or sitting. But, some of the exercises require a strictly defined body position.

Any breathing exercises with diagnosed bronchitis can be performed with the permission of the attending specialist (this is highly desirable - to prevent unexpected negative consequences) and they should start with a warm-up. After the warm-up, the patient proceeds to the main part of the complex. Exercise therapy cannot end abruptly; as a way out of the complex, either a certain massage (see) or special movements are always required.

As a warm-up, uniform, deep breaths and smooth free exhalations, which are performed alternately - through the mouth and nose, can act. For a full warm-up, you need to repeat these steps about 15 times, while the interval should be 3-4 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic exercise can be beneficial during the athermal period when body temperature returns to normal. They can be performed during treatment, as well as with its obstructive form.

It is possible to perform the following exercises:

  1. Walking in place should be accompanied by breathing that matches the rhythm of the step. With a deep nasal inhalation, the arms rise and spread apart. As you exhale, lower your arms. The duration of the exercise is from 2 minutes.
  2. Sipping assumes that the hands are closed, on exhalation they rise above the head, the body is stretched and the patient needs to stand up on his toes, lingering in this position for a couple of seconds. This is followed by a calm exhalation, accompanied by the lowering of the limbs.
  3. Swinging arms, in which one of the limbs is laid aside, and the other is raised. While changing the positions of the hands, it is required to inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
  4. Waves with the arms back and forth are performed rhythmically, breathing to the beat - inhale through the mouth - forward, exhale through the nose - back. If suddenly dizzy, the patient needs to stop and take a deep and calm breath-exhalation.
  5. Tilts involve bending the body forward while inhaling, while the arms are extended in front of the patient parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position occurs simultaneously with exhalation. The second part of the exercise involves the deviation of the body while inhaling back, while the closed hands are wound behind the back. On inspiration, the starting position is taken. It is performed non-stop, 3-5 approaches are required to obtain the effect.

Important! The specialist should explain the basic rules for performing exercises to the patient. This is a necessary condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the complex. The price of non-compliance with such advice is the health of the patient.

As a completion, it is required to swing the torso, which has the form of shallow and smooth slopes. When performing the final exercise, it is required to perform alternate breathing through the mouth and nose.

Lightweight breathing exercises

In order to prevent exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, you can perform an elementary ten-minute set of breathing exercises.

It includes the following steps:

  1. Need to inflate a balloon, exhaling effortlessly, while it is important not to knock your breath - it should remain measured and calm.
  2. Take a deep breath through slightly compressed nostrils but cannot be closed completely. Exhalation is done through the mouth.
  3. Taking a deep breath through the lips, which are elongated with a tube, then the breath is held for a couple of seconds. After a slow exhale.
  4. Air is taken in with a wide open mouth, on exhalation, the stomach protrudes.
  5. It is required to clamp one nasal passage, and through the second inhale, the position changes and exhale is done.

The last exercise is forbidden to be performed with an intense cough or runny nose. Important! Each of the exercises must be performed at least 12 times. If you want to adjust the exercise for the child, then it is better to offer to inflate an imaginary ball, and exhale, for example, through a straw into a glass of water.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis helps to remove sputum from the lungs and bronchi, and also strengthens the muscles involved in breathing.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics (pictured) is one of the options for breathing exercises. A complete set of exercises does not take more than 10 minutes. All exercises should be performed in a well ventilated area.

Important! Ideal option for such exercises is fresh air. During the performance of gymnastic actions, you can take any position of the body that is convenient for the patient.

The whole point of this type of exercise is to pronounce certain sounds while performing a deep exhalation. In this case, the sound emitted should not be loud.

The exercises look like this:

  • inhalation through the nose;
  • pause, which should last a couple of seconds;
  • deep exhalation through the mouth with simultaneous sound accompaniment;
  • stop.

When performing this respiratory gymnastic complex, it is required to alternate sounds, alternately pronouncing consonants and vowels. Voice exercises provoke a slight vibration of the larynx, which subsequently indulges in the chest wall and gradually reaches the lungs, simultaneously causing the bronchi to vibrate.

Due to this, the viscous content is liquefied and its gradual discharge occurs. Such sound training is especially useful for obstructive bronchitis.

Drainage gymnastics

In order to improve sputum discharge in chronic bronchitis, it is possible to use drainage exercises.

Exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  1. The starting position of the patient is standing. While inhaling, you need to count in your mind to 4-6. Exhalation is performed at the expense of 5-7.
  2. In a supine position, you need to stretch your arms forward and reach after them, while taking a deep breath. Return to the starting position is performed on the exhale.
  3. In the supine position, on the back, the patient should spread his arms to the sides while inhaling. As you exhale, you need to group and clasp your knees with your hands.
  4. In the supine position on the back, it is required to put one hand under the head, and leave the other also extended along the body. The position of the hands slowly changes within 1 minute, while maintaining a uniform, measured breathing is required.
  5. In the supine position, on the back, it is necessary to bend the legs at the knees. Raise your pelvis while inhaling deeply. You need to go down on the exhale.
  6. In the supine position, you need to sharply wave your arms, making an attempt to sit down and touch the feet. The rise is made on the exhale, the lowering of the torso - on the inhale.
  7. Lying on your stomach, you need to raise the body while inhaling, while arching. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

All complexes of physiotherapy exercises for bronchitis of any nature, including chronic ones, are aimed at restoring the metabolic processes of oxygen, stimulating the immune system and increasing the general tone. Most of the exercises are exclusively restorative in nature, so they are suitable for many pathologies.

How to get kids interested in breathing exercises?

Since it is quite difficult to motivate children to perform full complexes breathing exercises, you can offer to repeat only some of them, which will take up to 5 minutes. Even such incomplete complexes can have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the child and speed up his recovery.

In order for the child to perform the exercises more willingly, it is possible to interest him by inviting him to dream up - what exactly he moves or breathes into himself. As a completion of breathing exercises, you can perform a light drainage massage, which consists in clapping on the back and sternum. Massage for chronic bronchitis is one of the conditions for successful recovery, the video in this article will acquaint readers with the basic rules for its implementation.

It should be remembered that the room in which breathing exercises are performed should be well ventilated, with an air temperature of 20-25̊ C, and humidity within 60%. Gymnastics is forbidden to be performed immediately after a meal, if you feel unwell and have an increased general temperature.

Such gymnastics is not allowed for bronchitis in patients with pathologies. of cardio-vascular system and high intracranial pressure. In chronic bronchitis with delayed sputum discharge, classes should begin with static exercises, it is possible to switch to dynamic exercises only after the cough becomes productive.

We often associate exercise therapy with a set of exercises that prevent, alleviate and eliminate diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such an effect on muscles and joints is beyond doubt. But the effectiveness of exercises against various diseases is often not believed. However, it has been proven that physiotherapy not only strengthens the immune system of the body and contributes to a comprehensive recovery, but is also effective for respiratory system, for example, with bronchitis.

Benefit and harm

To exercise therapy tasks in terms of combating chronic bronchitis include:

  • strengthening the body's resistance to manifestations of infections;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes in the bronchi;
  • preventing the occurrence of complications such as emphysema or respiratory failure;
  • improvement of respiratory muscles.

Such physical education has proven to be beneficial in speeding up recovery. What are the positive changes that affect the defeat of bronchitis, if you perform special exercises?

  • influence on the reflex excitation of the centers of respiration with the improvement of gas exchange;
  • increase in the general tone of the body;
  • creating more positive prerequisites for the use of all kinds of drugs;
  • improvement of blood circulation, especially for the pleura. There is a necessary resorption of sputum and its removal from the lungs;
  • prevention of a number of potential complications that, without active exposure, may occur in the pleural cavity. It turns out that exercise therapy is a kind of prevention of other breathing problems;
  • the ability to restore tissue elasticity. The benefit is that the lining of the lungs does not undergo atrophy, and the recovered patient can resume normal activities;

However, the appropriate technique also causes harm if you act on your own. After all, inflammation of the bronchi is a complex pathology that often becomes chronic and in the future brings a lot of trouble to a person. Therefore, any steps, including the use of a set of exercises, should be discussed and shown by a therapist or pulmonologist.

Indications and contraindications

Exercise therapy is indicated to complement the basic curation methods for diseases of the respiratory system. It improves the processes of gas exchange in the lungs, strengthens the muscles of the respiratory centers, restores the elasticity and firmness of the walls of the bronchial tree, regulates muscle movements, improves blood circulation, reduces the degree of complications, and accelerates the regeneration of the inner lining of the bronchi. The disease slows down the progression, the body is toned.

Important! This complex resists the disease, improves immunity, thereby preventing the appearance of concomitant diseases.

There are contraindications for the appointment of physical education:

  • the presence of respiratory failure of the 3rd degree and lung abscess;
  • expectoration of blood or its potential threat;
  • atelectasis of the lung in full;
  • the content of an excessive volume of fluid in the pleural region.

In the acute form of bronchitis, with a sudden exacerbation with the presence of high temperature and severe shortness of breath, gymnastics is also contraindicated.

For maximum effectiveness from therapeutic exercises, you should follow the basic rules:

  1. Exercise twice a day - upon awakening and shortly before bedtime.
  2. Evening exercises should not be carried out later than 60 minutes before the intended sleep in order to avoid insomnia.
  3. Organization in a quiet room with a feeling of freshness; the optimal temperature regime is 10-18 ° C.
  4. It is advisable to practice on an empty stomach.
  5. Combine exercise therapy and aromatherapy. Coniferous oils of spruce, fir, cedar, juniper remove sputum from the bronchi, expand their openness, reduce the inflammation process.

Attention! Droplets of oils are used in an aroma lamp with subsequent installation in the place of the intended occupation. We should not forget about the possible individual intolerance of a particular component, which imposes some limits on application.

A set of exercises

For adults

During the initial training, everything is done very smoothly so that the body goes through the first adaptation to such loads. The complex is best done slowly, with initial repetitions of exercises 5 times, slowly increasing their number to 14.

The implementation of exercise therapy for problems with the bronchi is usually preceded by percussion massage, which increases the effectiveness of future exercises. If it is not possible to do so, then an initial “warm-up” is carried out to further push the entire procedure.

"Warming up" to the main complex

1. To make breathing difficult, the nostrils are pressed against the nasal septum with the help of fingers. You should breathe in the next three minutes, thanks to the narrowed nasal passages.
2. Form the letter “o” from the lips and the interlabial gap. Breathe through your mouth for three minutes;
3. Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the resulting lips "with an expression of surprise." Then change the sequence - inhale through your mouth, and exhale through your nose.

Important! After all prescribed exercise options, a 20-second break is required. At this time, you need to breathe evenly and deeply.

Chronic bronchitis: a basic set of exercise therapy exercises

First part
  1. With the location on a chair and outstretched legs, the hands are placed to the shoulder girdle. A deep breath with the removal of the arms to the sides, then up, then the deflection. Making an elongated exhalation, you should take the starting position.
  2. In the position described above, rotate the shoulders forward and backward 4 times.
  3. Hands are located on the sides of the body. While inhaling, pull them up, and during a long exhalation - lower them down.
  4. Find a chair with a back and sit on it, placing your palms on your belt. Turn the torso three times in different directions - in one and then in the other, and the elbow joint should reach the back of the chair.
The second part is the basic
  1. With the location on the chair, bend your arms at the elbows. During inhalation, the latter are lifted up with exhalation through the lips forming the letter "O". Further, the elbows descend to the body with a slight compression of the rib from the sides.
  2. From an identical position, the hands are taken to the sides. Inhalation involves pulling up bent leg to the chest, subsequent clasping with hands and pressing them, but not strong. The combination "pfff" - exit accompaniment.
  3. Performing steps in place with the fullness of the upper limbs through the sides above the head for a couple of steps while inhaling. During the period of four steps and exhalation, the hands are lowered and pause in the same four steps.
  4. Starting position - standing. The palms are placed on the lower ribs on both sides, followed by a deep breath. On the exhale, something like “xha” comes out and there is a kind of squeezing of the chest.
  5. Inhalation with stretching of the arms through the sides above the head. With an exhalation, bend forward, reaching the floor with your fingers. The soundtrack of exhalation is “pfft”.
  6. The hands are placed on the stomach. With a breath abdominal muscles bulge forward, and with an exhalation - abdominal wall in front is retracted and pressed with the help of the palms.
  7. Laying down with a prearranged gymnastic stick. On inspiration, the object is above the head, arms are straight, and on exhalation, you should sit on your heels and lower the stick.
  8. In the position of paragraph 7, the described object rises during inhalation. The exit assumes an alternate location to the right and left, with the removal of the object in the opposite direction.
The third part is the end
  1. Walk in place, while inhaling, pull the upper limbs up, and on the exhale - return down;
  2. Continuation of walking, performing in parallel the preferred breathing exercises at your own discretion.
  3. Stand and shake a little with one or the other shin. Muscles do not involve tension.

In such a complex, some changes are possible, which the attending physician must decide. And the beginning of such classes is possible already on the second or third day after treatment with medicines.

Breathing exercises option

This technique is based on inhalations and exhalations of varying degrees. It also includes three parts. The warm-up stage includes a dozen and a half breaths and exhalations through the nose and mouth.

Important! With a constant urge to cough, sputum is eliminated. AT starting position standing, with relaxed neck muscles and legs shoulder-width apart, light pressure should be applied in the navel area. When expectorating sputum, it is advisable to prepare a vessel with water.

Main part
  • stand with feet shoulder width apart; while inhaling, do pull-ups on toes, hands are located at the top. You need to exhale through the windpipe with the sound "y" and with your hands down;
  • two minutes to stomp with the breeding of hands. With a step, it is supposed to inhale, and with the foot on the floor, exhale;
  • in the lotus position while inhaling, clench your palms into fists, arms pointing up. Exhale calmly, without haste;
  • make hand swings. It is important to have deep and rhythmic breathing in time with the exercise;
  • with the drawing together of the lower limbs, place the right hand up, and the left hand parallel to the floor. Take slow exhalations with a change of hands in places;
  • doing inclinations with arms along the body. When inhaling, bend to one side, and when exhaling, to the other. Slow execution with measured breathing.

Swing and step exercises should last two minutes; all the rest - 5 or 6 times.

For kids

The main feature of bronchitis in children is the difficulty in the process of sputum separation. Therefore, exercise therapy for children will be an addition to improving the body. It is only necessary to remember to carry it out after the temperature drops to normal. Exercise will strengthen the muscles and optimize the process of sputum production. Ideally, if the child begins to engage with the participation of a specialist, although independent work at home will give the desired result.

Young patients will best perceive physical education in the form of games, for example:

  • inflation of balloons;
  • blowing soap bubbles, followed by blowing to keep them in the air;
  • the implementation of the movement of a paper boat through the water with the help of breathing.

Fact! Such fun exercises will give oxygen to the lungs and strengthen the muscles. respiratory organs. In terms of exercise time, a quarter of an hour is enough.

  1. “Crane”, in which, while inhaling, one should wave the arms up, and on the exhale, lower it with the pronunciation of the combination “ku” in a lingering manner.
  2. "Flight", which involves the imitation of bird movement with the help of hand strokes. The child begins to run with a smooth transition to a step.
  3. "Beetle", with the location on the floor, and the hands in the fists rest against the sides along the waist line. While inhaling, turn the body body with a parallel retraction of the arm back, at the exit - return to the starting position.

Each exercise is supposed to be repeated five times. To prevent whims, it is recommended to do everything together with your child.

When bed rest, stock up on a hose or tube. One end is placed in a vessel with water, the other is brought to the mouth. In a sitting position, take the deepest possible breath, and exhale slowly, at intervals of a quarter of an hour, while getting rid of mucus with the help of spitting into a tube.

Exercise Precautions

For better and safe exercise therapy, do not forget about the following recommendations:

  • engage in after the end of the acute period of the disease, with normalization of temperature and without unexpected coughing and loss of strength;
  • performance of all exercises clearly according to the instructions;
  • it is unacceptable to carry out such procedures through force and general poor condition, especially for older people with problems of the heart and blood vessels;
  • a systematic approach to classes - doing them every day, without breaks and days off for several weeks;
  • conducting all options for physical education in silence for a sense of personal breathing;
  • exercise on an empty stomach.

Attention! With an exacerbation of the chronic form of bronchitis, exercise therapy will be carried out after this crisis. And if the patient is in bed, all options are shown sparingly no more than four minutes a day.

The regularity and systematic organization of physical education and breathing exercises in chronic bronchitis open up a real prospect of getting rid of the disease. Such treatments can stop the development of bronchitis, reduce the number of relapses and potential complications.