Yoga for the female breast. Yoga for breast enlargement. To perform a cleansing breath

Breast augmentation is a very popular topic for many women. If you are not the owner of luxurious breasts and suffer from this, then there are various methods that will allow you to get what you want. To date, there are a huge number of methods and techniques for breast augmentation. These are plastic surgeries, and dietary supplements, and various devices, and special underwear, and medications, you can list indefinitely. However, from the point of view of improving the body and preserving its youth, exercises for breast enlargement are of the greatest interest. It must be understood that since the mammary gland consists of glandular and adipose tissue, it is quite natural that no physical exercise will not be able to pump up the mammary gland, as such. However, the whole trick is that under the mammary gland there is a large pectoral muscle, and with an increase in its volume, an increase in the mammary gland occurs. Another difficulty is that pumping up the pectoral muscle without increasing the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms is almost impossible, if only with the help of yoga. A remarkable feature of yoga is that thanks to this system of exercises, or rather the whole philosophy, there is a tightening of all the muscles of the body, without a hypertrophied increase in their volume. In fact, the female body acquires harmony and grace in combination with toned muscles.

The word "yoga", translated from Sanskrit, means "union" or "unity", yoga is the harmony of body and spirit. The emotional state of a person has a profound effect on our nervous system, which is reflected in the postures that a person takes in ordinary life. For example, sadness - a downcast head, lowered shoulders, a hunched back, etc. Increased stress sometimes leads to violations muscle tone to the point of trembling. And, on the contrary, joy is a lively posture, a raised head, straightened shoulders. During positive emotions, a person straightens up, straightens his chest, holds his head high. Yogis argue that the reverse process of the impact of postures, in particular, asanas, on the human psyche and emotions is possible, it is this property of the body that is used in yoga.

There are a large number of asanas (postures) that work great, including for effective increase chest. For example, Upward Facing Dog, Child Pose, Tree Pose, Sun Salutation, etc. In order to get the maximum result, it would be better to do at least five specific workouts within an hour per day. .

A set of asanas to strengthen the chest should be performed 2-3 hours after eating. In the process of exercising, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of breathing, bend your arms - while inhaling, straighten them - while exhaling. Pre-warm up the muscles with a simple warm-up. You can perform asanas to the sounds of quiet oriental music.

Vrikshasana - tree pose
Stand up straight, breathe deeply. Raise one leg and place its foot on inner part thighs of the other leg. Raise your hands slowly and close your palms above your head, forming the "crown" of the tree. Squeeze your hands as hard as you can and hold in this position for 20-30 minutes. Breathe in your belly. If it is difficult for you to stay on one leg, then you can stand on two - tension the right muscles it won't hurt. You can take this asana (pose) 4-5 times a day. If you find it easy to hold this position, you can increase the time you stay in it.

Bhujangasana - Cobra Pose
Lie on the floor, face down. The legs are straight, the palms are under the shoulders, the forehead touches the floor. Leaning on the palms, raise upper part body. The face should be directed upwards, the hips should rise slightly from the floor. Your body should form an arch by tensing your back muscles. At first, it may be difficult for you to hold this position, but with a little practice, you will be able to perform this exercise without problems. In this asana, you need to linger for 20 seconds, repeat the exercise 4-5 times. After a few weeks of daily exercise, you can increase the length of your stay in the asana.

Dvikonasana - Double Angle Pose
Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bring both hands back and connect your fingers. Bend your upper body, leaning forward, and at the same time raise your arms without disengaging them. Try to move the tension to the chest area. Keep your face in the correct position, raising your head slightly to maintain tension. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. The exercise is performed 3 to 5 times with a possible increase in exercise time after some practice.

Vajrasana - diamond pose
First, get on your knees. The toes are extended, the insteps are pressed to the floor. Keep your body straight, start to slowly lower yourself onto your heels, while keeping your palms on your knees. In this position, you need to linger for 20-30 seconds, and repeat it 3-5 times a day.

Ushtrasana - camel pose
In this asana, you begin with vajrasana (diamond pose), which is the foundation for many yoga exercises. So, you are sitting on the floor, the insteps are pressed to the floor, the back is straight. Lean back slowly, resting your hands on your heels. You should try to keep your body weight on your arms and legs. Make sure you are comfortable in this position and the tension felt in the body parts is painless.

If you can hold out in this position for 20-30 seconds, then this is a good result. The exercise should be repeated 3 to 5 times a day. Upon returning to starting position, don't rush and don't move fast. You can use hand support.

Through yoga, you can not only increase your breasts, but simply improve your health, reveal your femininity. If you start training immediately, the results will not be long in coming, you will be able to observe some pleasant changes after two to three weeks.

Whatever the advertisement claims, increase or decrease the volume female breast can only be done surgically. But to make it more taut under the power of anyone who wishes. The review will show simple exercises from yoga and Pilates workouts that will help make the bust more toned and elastic. You can do them at home every day for just a few minutes.

You need to sit on the floor in any comfortable floor, for example, in Turkish or in the “half lotus”. Then you need to perfectly align your back. A good helper in this will be a mirror. After the back is completely aligned, it is necessary to withdraw chest forward. It is necessary to lean on the palms, looking fingers forward, slightly behind the pelvis. The load on the chest will be felt immediately. This simple technique is the best simulator for a sports bust. Asana holding time is not limited.

It will be very useful to combine this exercise with breathing practices. You can breathe with a compressed glottis (with a wheezing) or breathe under the count - inhale for 4 counts, and exhale for 6. You can also hold your breath - with an open chest, this is very useful and is a prevention of diseases associated with the functioning of the lungs and bronchi .

dog looking down

This is one of basic asanas yoga. Its influence on the body is comprehensive. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it works out almost all the main muscles of the body. But the impact on shoulder girdle and chest - especially high. There are certain recommendations for implementation. First, the legs must be straight. If this is not available at first, you need to tear your heels off the floor. But you don’t need to bend your legs - the effectiveness of the exercise will go away, and finding the body head down, in turn, can cause dizziness and discomfort.

The most important thing in the asana is the opening of the shoulders - they must be “turned” up so that the shoulder blades are clamped as much as possible. Thus, the work of the muscles of the thoracic region is stimulated. It is easy to feel during the exercise. Hold the asana for at least 30 seconds. Daily performance will give a more elastic bust in a few weeks.

Rest on the ball

It is not difficult to get an elastic ball in a family with children. If there is no ball, then buying it in sports purposes hardly hit the pocket. The ball should not be too soft - the elasticity should be medium. This exercise is extremely simple: you just need to lie on the ball and lie on it. The illustration shows that the ball is under the thoracic region. Thus, without doing absolutely anything, you can pump up the muscles of the chest and back and improve your well-being.

You can lie on the ball for 10-15 minutes. After such a rest, the aftertaste will be enchanting - a feeling of lightness, lack of clamps. Attention: after the first performance, slight pain in the muscles of the torso should be expected after 48 hours. With regular use, the symptoms will disappear.

This asana is very beneficial for women. It is very effective for working out the muscles of both the chest and back. It is not necessary to throw your head back - this condition is met by well-being. First you need to kneel, then lean back with your body and feel your heels with your palms. The toes rest on the floor in a light version of the camel pose, and in a more difficult version, the toes are extended. Hips need to lean forward, as if in an effort to press them against an imaginary wall in front.

For absolute beginners, it is reasonable to bend the toes so that the heels become higher, and the backbend is less deep and the exercise does not cause unpleasant sensations of discomfort or fear. A tighter bust with regular performance is a guaranteed result. After performing the asana, it is good to tilt to straight legs - as a compensation for back bending.

Puppy Pose (Eased)

This is a very useful asana for women for a number of reasons: it helps to relax, relax, and distract from disturbing thoughts. Exercise is indicated for pregnant women. It helps relieve neck and shoulder pain seated life. In addition, this is one of the most effective asanas for an elastic and toned bust. For beginners, it is sometimes not clear how to accept it.

The procedure is the following. First you need to kneel, then put your hands on the floor - support on 4 points. After that, you just need to slide your palms forward on the floor, and your knees should remain where they were originally. You should not change the position of the knees when it will no longer be possible for the hands to slide forward - you need to stop in the version that is accessible and comfortable.

Yoga asanas are a great way. And it will take quite a bit of time.

Yoga is a universal tool with which you can improve in many ways, both physically and spiritually. Today we decided to dedicate the yoga page of our electronic edition to such a common female problem as maintaining breast elasticity.

Unfortunately, with age, many ladies notice how their breasts lose nice shape and treacherously sags. First of all, this unpleasant and unaesthetic process is affected by the size of the bust (the larger it is, the more difficult it is to keep the chest up) and the elasticity of the skin. The latter, alas, is lost with age and after the birth of a child. In order to keep the elasticity of the skin as long as possible and thereby prevent sagging breasts, it is necessary:
- ;
- stop smoking;
- less likely to be in the sun and in every possible way to avoid intense sunburn;
- apply moisturizing and nourishing creams;
- do self-massage and hydromassage of the chest;
- practice dousing the chest with cool water;
- engage in physical activity.

I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail. The fact is that here it is necessary to understand that intensive movements (running, jumping, etc.) can negatively affect the elasticity of the chest and further aggravate the problem. This does not mean that cardio loads should be abandoned, but in this case, the chest should be additionally supported with the help of special sports underwear. In this sense, a static yoga load is more gentle for the chest and does not lead to a loss of its elasticity. A number of yoga asanas for opening the thoracic spine improves its flexibility and helps to maintain a raised bust.

Let's see what these asanas are. Let's start in a standing position.

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

Place your legs wider than your shoulders, spread your straight arms to the sides. Tilt to the side, placing the body parallel to the floor. Grasp the ankle of the same leg with your lower hand. Body and head turn to the side upper hand. At this moment, you will feel the spine and chest stretch. Asana is asymmetrical. This means that it needs to be duplicated in the other direction.

2. Parivritta Utkatasana (Swivel Chair Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

Extend your straight arms out to the sides again. Place your feet together, bend your knees, lower your buttocks down, as if you want to sit on a chair. Tilt your body forward and turn it to the side. Look at the fingers of the upper hand, bottom hand grab the ankle of the opposite leg. Like the previous asana, it is asymmetrical. Therefore, repeat it with a turn of the body in the other direction.

3. Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

Standing straight, feet together, tilt the body forward, open the chest, rest your palms on the floor, lift your chin up.

4. (Downward Dog Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

This asana is easier to take from a kneeling position. Take your buttocks up, straighten your legs at the knees, rest on the palms of straight arms and feet along their entire length. Place your back and arms on the same line, and lower your head behind the shoulder line.

5. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

From the previous asana, return to the kneeling position and from there, bend the body back. Lower your hands to your heels.

6. Bhujangasana and Ardha Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose and Sphinx Pose)

Photo Grishko Natalia

Both asanas are performed lying on the stomach. The body must be raised above the floor and take emphasis on the elbows or palms.

7. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Pose of the King of Pigeons)

Photo Grishko Natalia

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee, pull its foot to the groin, take the other straight leg back and stretch it along the entire length on the floor. Bend the body back.

8. Ardha baddha padma pashchimottanasana

Photo Grishko Natalia

This is a kind of forward bend in a sitting position. In this case, you lean towards one straight leg, and bend the other leg at the knee, pull its foot to the inguinal region and lower the knee to the floor. Grasp the foot of a straight leg with your hands, stretch your chest to her knee. Asana is asymmetrical. Repeat it to the other leg.

This is not a complete list of asanas that help strengthen the thoracic spine and maintain the elasticity of the bust, but we tried to choose the simplest and most accessible even for a beginner. At the same time, the proposed yoga poses are aimed not only at solving the above problems, but at the same time strengthen other muscle groups and contribute to the achievement of a number of preventive goals.

Also, do not forget that - this is essentially a fatty layer. Therefore, losing weight, resorting to various debilitating diets, we provoke a decrease in this fat layer, which in turn causes a decrease in breast size and a decrease in skin elasticity in this area. That's why it's important balanced diet make it the norm of life and maintain weight at the normal level.

Lead healthy lifestyle life, do yoga regularly and your chest will be on top!

In the photo - Tatyana Kisil and Ksenia Reznik

We believe that everyone is capable of creating the body of their dreams. Introducing the most effective yoga poses that will not only improve your chest shape and lung capacity, but also make you feel strong and healthy.

Warrior Pose

Virabhadrasana, or the Warrior Pose, will not only make you feel your strength, but will also help you expand your chest:
Place your legs wide, parallel to each other.
Turn left leg 90 degrees to the left and inward to the right. Exhale and bend your left knee.
Your right leg should remain straight. Raise your hands, turn your head to the left, looking at your wrist.
Repeat 7-10 times, then do the same on the right side.

Triangle Pose

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, will loosen and strengthen your chest, stretch your spine, and improve blood flow:
Place your legs wide. Turn left 90 degrees and right 15 degrees.
Touch your left ankle with your left hand (in time you will be able to place your open hand on the floor) and stretch right hand up so that your arms make a straight line. Keep your knees and spine straight.
Turn face up and look at your fingers. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

cobra pose

Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, helps increase lung capacity, stretch your chest muscles, strengthen your abdominal muscles, and improve your posture:
Lie on your stomach and take a deep breath. Slowly raise your torso and at the same time hold lower part bodies on the floor. Balance on legs and arms.
Raise your head and look up.
Exhale slowly and take the starting position. Try to increase the time you stay in the pose with each repetition.

Dhanurasana, or the Worship Pose, is recommended for anyone with back pain. This exercise helps stretch your entire spine and shapes your breasts beautifully:
Lie on your stomach, exhale, bend your knees and lift them behind you. Try holding your ankles with your hands.
Now exhale slowly again, and stretch your legs and arms up as far as you can. Your hips and chest should rise off the floor and you should balance on your stomach.
Try to stay in this position for 30 seconds.

wheel pose

Chakrasana or Wheel Pose helps you stretch your chest, spine and neck, relieve fatigue and cure headaches:
Lie on your back and place your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart, then pull them up over your buttocks.
Place your hands behind the palms of your head with your fingers pointing to your back. Exhale and lift your chest and hips as high as you can.
Try to fully straighten your arms. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.


Salamba Sirsasana, or the supported stance, is beneficial for the ligaments and muscles of the spine and chest. It improves breathing and blood flow, but is recommended for the experienced:
Get on your knees and place your forearms on the floor. Insert your fingers together to form a bowl, then place the top of your head on the mat so the back of your head is in the "bowl".
Bend your knees, exhale and lift your feet off the ground.
Stretch your legs up and stay for about 30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your ability.

Camel Kiss

Eliminated or Kamel Pose is effective against back pain. It also increases lung capacity and strengthens the chest:
Get on your knees and join your legs.
Slowly lean back and place your hands on your heels. Then roll your back and stretch your ribs. Your head should be facing up.
Stay the same for 30 seconds.

What we have: yoga can improve circulation in the chest area, strengthen muscles and open up the chest (in every sense). Practicing some special asanas, you can not only improve the shape of the chest, but also increase the volume of the lungs, and also, dear yoginis, open the anahata chakra (the same heart chakra) and let joy and love into your life. That's it! What asanas to learn in order to make the chest beautiful, and yourself happy and serene, the Taste & Color project helped us figure it out.


From a standing position, spread your legs wide, parallel to each other. And now we remember the geometry: turn the left foot 90 degrees, and wrap the right foot inward 30 degrees. Bend your left leg at the knee, and do not let your right knee bend. Opening the chest, spread your arms to the sides, and stretch them, actively and decisively tearing the space. Move your gaze to the left hand. Maintain the pose for 10 breaths and then repeat on the other side. This position of the body will help to expand the cavity of the chest, and give it elasticity and mobility.


Sit on the floor. Stretch your legs in front of you, pull your toes towards you, and stretch your heels forward. Stretch your arms above your head, opening your chest. Continue pushing with your sit bones off the mat, and reach for the ceiling with your arms. With each inhalation, lift your chest higher, and with an exhalation, lower your shoulders down, and strive to connect the shoulder blades. Do not let the lower back fall, if it is difficult to maintain this position of the body - put a rolled blanket under the buttocks. Due to this position of the body, the chest is actively opened and the pectoral muscles are tightened.


Get on your knees and stretch your arms out in front of you. Push off the mat with your hands, push your pelvis up, stretch your body in one straight line. Pull your stomach up to your ribs, and use your arms and chest to push up off the mat and smile broadly. In the position of our favorite plank, the pectoralis major muscle is activated and a beautiful relief is acquired.

Ashtanga Namaskar

From the previous position - planks, lower your knees to the floor, without lifting the metatarsus of the foot from the floor, begin to slowly lower the chest to the floor, and then the chin. Point your elbows at the ceiling, directing them as close to the body as possible. Point your pelvis towards the ceiling, and push off the floor with your hands.


Lie on your back and spread your legs shoulder-width apart, place your hands behind your head, open your palm and point your fingers towards your feet. Push your pelvis and chest up as far as possible and try to straighten your arms. This asana opens and stretches the chest, transforming the shape of the chest like a magic wand.


Bend your legs under you, lower your pelvis on your heels, straighten up with your legs together or one foot wide, then begin to slowly lean back, lowering your hands to your heels. Push your chest up and tilt your head back (but only if there are no problems with cervical region). Ushtrasana increases the volume of the lungs and opens the chest.

Worked out? Now you can take a deep breath, praise yourself and eat the cake.