What protein to drink before training. How to take protein principle of work and dosage calculation. We use sports nutrition for our purposes

Balanced - this is the foundation of the foundations, which allows the body to function correctly, which makes it possible to fully and for a long time without diseases. In a professional way, it helps to achieve the necessary results in the shortest possible time. When regular food fails to do its job, the athlete is in dire need of additional food additives, without which in the modern world it becomes almost impossible to gain the desired shape.

He is engaged in solving the problem of nutritional deficiencies, among which he has gained the most popularity. Protein mixtures make it possible to create strong and voluminous muscles, maintaining the correct balance of the body between lipids and other components. This makes it possible to abandon harmful ones, using only useful components.

However, even today, many athletes feel the lack of sports information on the correct use of proteins, and the question of how to drink protein is becoming more acute every year. In this article, we will try to bust all the myths and provide only the right way to achieve healthy fitness.

Main types of protein

Protein, or protein, is the basis, therefore, no matter how exhausting and correct, without the necessary amount of digestible protein, muscle growth will be slow and almost impossible.

The human body is not able to consume with ordinary food the necessary norm, which is described by sports nutritionists. In this case, protein is consumed in a concentrated form, among which all several types have gained particular popularity.

Fast proteins (whey)

Important!When using casein for weight loss, it is important to remember that this is a rather high-calorie substance. Its nutritional value is 360 kcal/100 g dry matter.

When to drink?

When losing weight, this protein is taken 2 to 4 times a day in the morning, between meals and at night. When dialing muscle mass it is recommended to take casein once a day and only at night, which helps to reduce the processes of denaturation of protein compounds in the body during sleep.
This is the only recommendation for the correct use of this protein for muscle gain, as drinking casein protein just for gaining muscle mass is a useless exercise. Muscle growth requires exceptionally fast-digesting proteins.

How to breed?

A protein-rich casein shake is prepared following the same procedure as a whey shake. About how to breed a protein with, or, it was written above, so we will not dwell on this in detail. Recall that all components are placed in a special shaker or bowl for a blender and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. It is advised to take the finished cocktail immediately and no more than a few hours after preparation.

Multi-component or complex proteins are taken as the main nutrient or in case of nourishing the body between workouts.
In addition to the complex effect, this type of sports nutrition offers ease of use, since using such a protein for weight loss can be just as effective as for gaining muscle mass. At the same time, one should not forget about fast proteins, despite the fact that when you buy a complex protein, you get the richest substance.

How much to take?

The norm of taking multicomponent proteins is 30-60 g at a time. This range is due to the fact that various kinds of proteins in the mixture are absorbed within 1-6 hours. Apply this sports nutrition can be no more than 3 times a day on a normal day, and on training days the dose is increased.

Time of receipt

The ideal time to apply protein is half an hour before. This procedure will allow the body to recover in time and eliminate the negative effect of the hormonal system on muscle mass.
It is also helpful to drink a multi-component protein shake 2 hours before training. This will help the body stock up on additional amino acids. It is useful to take a complex protein between meals, it perfectly satisfies hunger and supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients.

Did you know? Only 30 g of complex protein can replace a full meal by the amount of nutrients. This property is used by many athletes in the fight against excess weight.

Cooking methods

The method of preparation of a complex protein does not differ from those described above for whey and casein.

But main recommendation is that the right dose of powder must be mixed with non-greasy liquids - this main secret use of sports nutrition for weight loss.
Due to the fact that the complex proteins in the composition have a lot of lipids, excess fats can slow down the process of weight loss.

Where is protein found: a list of products

They are considered a traditional source of protein. Despite the quantity and quality of sports nutrition used, without correct results athletes will be small.

The richest sources of natural protein are:

  • Greek - 10 g / 100 g of product;
  • cottage cheese - 20 g / 100 g of the product;
  • Swiss - 30 g / 100 g of product;
  • beef steak - 40 g / 100 g of the product;
  • minced meat - 20 g / 100 g of the product;
  • pork - 30 g / 100 g of the product;
  • chicken breast - 30 g / 100 g of the product;
  • turkey breast - 30 g / 100 g of the product;
  • yellowfin tuna - 30 g / 100 g of product;
  • halibut - 28 g / 100 g of the product;
  • octopus - 31 g / 100 g of product;
  • sardines - 25 g / 100 g of product.

It is also worth noting that beans, all kinds, wheat germ, peanut butter, basturma, roast beef are rich in proteins.

What is the best protein?

To date, there is no need to talk about the exceptional importance of one type of protein over another. Depending on the properties, the athlete can independently determine the needs of a particular type of sports nutrition.

Whey protein is an essential pre-workout ingredient. With it, you can instantly get the required amount of the desired protein. Therefore, it is worth drinking every day before and before training, as well as after sleep.
Achieve without casein perfect shape it will be hard. Only with the help of this protein will it be possible to reduce hunger and protect from the destructive processes of catabolism.

Multi-component protein mixtures are simply indispensable for beginner athletes who have the goal of preparing for further grueling loads. Only this type of sports nutrition will help a beginner understand the need for certain nutritional components for building perfect body, and will also help you understand why and when you need to drink protein - before or after a workout.

Can everyone use the product?

There is an opinion that all proteins are harmful to the body to one degree or another. There are also many articles on the net about the dangers of sports nutrition on the kidneys.
There are even such absurd opinions that sports nutrition is addictive. But in fact, proteins are safe for the body. This kind of protein compounds can be drunk at any age both for sports effect and to enrich the diet.

The protein found in sports nutrition is of natural origin, having gone through many purification processes, the protein becomes the purest nutrient. At its core, this is a derivative of what we use every day.
However, one should not forget about the individuality of each organism. Very rarely, but still there are cases of protein intolerance. Clinical manifestations include diarrhea, so for any body disorders after applying sports nutrition, you should consult a doctor.

In this article, we looked at what protein sports nutrition is and how to use it correctly to gain muscle mass. Whatever type of sports protein you choose, the main thing is to remember: everything should be in moderation, and, in addition to fashionable and expensive drugs for sports, you must not forget about the rich, as well as the most important thing - the right training process.

The most backward sections of the population seem to have figured out how useful protein is in building muscle and standing in lines at sports stores. But not everyone knows how to drink protein in order to achieve their goals. Revealing the secrets of white powder!

  • when losing weight, to lose weight due to fat, not muscle;
  • at .

We hope one of the goals suits you.

How Much Protein Should You Drink?

For muscle growth, the minimum protein that you need to take is 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. A good indicator is 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

The problem with protein is that it can often be deficient in the diet. Our daily diet is much richer in fat and carbohydrates than in proteins.

To determine how much extra protein to take in, you need to know not only how much you weigh, but also how much protein is in your diet with regular food. On average, a person eats 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

You also need to know that there are not exactly as many grams of protein in a protein powder as there are in total in a jar. Usually in 100 g - about 70% of protein. This means that with a weight of 70 kg you need to take 100 g of 70% protein. Weigh more - receive more.

Another factor that will also matter is the intensity of the workout (or whether there is a workout that day).

Quantity daily allowance protein (grams)

body weight
% squirrel
50 kg 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
90% 56 67 78 89 100 111
80% 62 75 87 100 112 125
70% 71 86 100 114 128 142
60% 83 100 117 134 151 168
50% 100 120 140 160 180 200

Calculate how much extra protein powder you need based on the amount of protein you normally get from food. During the period of mass gain, a man needs 200-300 g of protein per day, a woman - 150-200 g. A measuring spoon, which usually comes with protein, is 30-50 g of powder.

How to take protein

In order to mix a protein shake with high quality, it makes sense to purchase a blender - this device will prepare you a cocktail completely without lumps. If you don't have a blender, use a shaker (a blender bottle - usually there is a whisking ball inside such a bottle that needs to be shaken properly). It is customary to mix protein with water or milk (some, by the way, use juice). The amount of water does not matter, usually the optimal amount of water for the 1st cocktail is written on the powder packaging. For example, take 30-50 g of powder and 300 ml of liquid (0.5% milk, water, kefir, juice). The only rule: mix the powder with cold water or water at room temperature. In hot water, the protein denatures (folds) and loses a number of its properties.

How to drink protein - before or after meals?

Protein intake is not related to meals and does not depend heavily on them - it depends on your goals. The daily dose is best divided into 2-3 doses - it will be difficult for the body to absorb such an amount of protein at a time. Take protein between meals. Best of all - at noon and immediately after training to close the protein-carbohydrate window. The secret: if you mix protein with creatine after a workout, muscle growth will be just explosive. You can also consume protein before training to create an amino acid pool that will allow you to train more efficiently.

If you're losing weight, then protein may be the perfect meal replacement for you. For example, use it instead of snacks or replace dinner with it. This will increase your daily protein intake without increasing your daily calorie intake.

How long can you drink protein?

The good news is that protein is the equivalent of regular food and is not addictive. Drink it for as long as you like, it will not harm you.

What happens if you stop drinking protein?

Contrary to popular myth, your muscles won't "deflate" if you stop drinking protein. Just try to eat more food rich in protein - and that's it!

What protein should you drink?

If you are new to fitness, a complex multi-component protein is perfect for you. Most of these proteins For experienced athletes, one-component proteins are suitable - casein or whey.

Casein- a complex protein resulting from the enzymatic curdling of milk. Once in the stomach, casein forms a clot that is digested for quite a long time and provides the body with amino acids throughout this time. That is why casein is advised to drink at night in order to avoid catabolism.

Whey Protein is a whey protein that is digested very quickly, thanks to which amino acids enter the body quickly and in large volumes. Whey protein also has pronounced immune properties. Whey protein also contains large amounts of BCAAs, which are essential for protein synthesis. muscle tissue. There are two types of whey protein on the market - whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate.

Whey protein concentrate is not the purest product: it contains 40% to 80% protein. Whey protein isolate is a product that contains 90-95% protein. So we advise you to focus on the isolate as a better and more saturated source of protein.

Good luck with your protein intake!

Many people think that taking protein is only necessary when building muscle mass. However, recent studies in this area show that this is far from the case. Protein takes an active part in the construction of not only muscles, but also all organs of our body. Its deficiency causes the accumulation of fat mass, the body does not receive the right amount of building material, the hair becomes brittle, and the skin is flabby. Therefore, today many girls prefer to lose weight with the help of protein. About how to take it correctly, what types of protein are known, and how they differ, read below.

Benefits of Protein

Today, protein is available in several variations: powder, shakes, bars. If you want to lose a few pounds and not feel hungry at the same time, then this product is a must for you. However, just lying on the bed and drinking a protein shake will not get you into beautiful forms.

So, protein not only helps to form muscles, but also defeats hunger without harming the figure, speeds up metabolic processes and is involved in the process of fat destruction. Indeed, for the digestion of protein, the body needs much more energy than what it contains, so the body begins to break down fats, while receiving the missing calories, which leads to a decrease in volume.

The use of protein during weight loss will save you from sagging skin, split ends. Protein also influences the breakdown of carbohydrates by controlling the glycemic index.

Protein harm

Some are quite wary of sports nutrition and protein in particular. Questioning the benefits of its use. Attributing some negative qualities to the protein: a negative effect on potency, kidneys, liver. However, studies have shown that pure protein does not have any destructive effect on the body. On the contrary, it restores the work of organs, sponsoring the body with building material.

The exception is people with individual protein intolerance, but this is a rather small group, and if you are not included in it, then you can take protein at any age. The main thing is to pay attention to the rules for using the product. Indeed, depending on the goals, the protein intake schedule will differ.

Protein for weight loss

It should be used very carefully. They can replace one or more meals. After all, after drinking 200 ml of the drink, you will not feel hungry for 3-4 hours. Dropping extra pounds, in no case should you drink protein during a meal. This can backfire. If you have had something to eat, then wait 45-55 minutes before taking the protein.

Are there any other reasons to consume protein while losing weight? Of course have.

If you are on a diet, then, naturally, you reduce the amount of food you eat, which can lead to a lack of protein, and the body begins to borrow it from the muscles, which leads to their flabbiness, nails begin to exfoliate, hair split and break, the skeletal system becomes thinner.

Low caloric content of proteins and high energy consumption for its processing lead to a significant reduction in fat mass. After all, the lack of calories the body will borrow from the available fat reserves.

The best time to consume proteins for weight loss is 1.5-2 hours before the start of a workout, it is better if these are active aerobic exercises.

If you linger somewhere during the day, then without harm to external forms and health, you can have a snack with a protein bar, washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Today, there is a wide range of this product on sale. You can choose a dessert for every taste. A little lower we will talk about the types of protein, so when choosing a bar or any other protein product, pay attention to the type of protein used. This is what the cost of the dessert depends on.

Types of protein

Today, several types of protein are produced, each of them differs in its properties and degree of purification:

  • The most affordable is vegetable soy protein. It is often used to produce inexpensive bars that are consumed as snacks.
  • Casein protein is made from fermented milk, it saturates the body for more for a long time than the previous one.
  • By purifying animal protein, a whey concentrate is obtained, it is quite popular among people who want to permanently part with extra pounds because of its low cost. However, the percentage of digestible product in it is not more than 62-63%.
  • Highly purified protein is obtained from the production of whey isolate. Thanks to high-tech processes, the amount of digestible protein reaches more than 96%, while the amount of lactose in it is minimal.
  • The purest and most digestible protein is whey hydrolyzate. it the new kind protein, which is maximally absorbed and saturates the body. The relatively high cost is its only negative factor.

How to take protein

Before you answer this question, you should decide on the reason for the use of protein. If your goal is, then it is better to drink protein after a workout, and mostly power. But if you want to lose weight, then you can replace any meal with a prepared cocktail or drink a glass 1.5-2 hours before the start of the workout. Try to do more, it is this direction, combined with protein, that will help you get rid of extra pounds in short time.

Do not be afraid that by replacing, for example, dinner with a protein shake, you will remain hungry. The protein contained in the drink will saturate your body enough and at the same time will not spoil the figure.

In addition, the cocktail has a low calorie content, despite the wonderful creamy taste with numerous shades.

The general principle of losing weight with protein is as follows. The body simply needs carbohydrates to produce energy, and it is to them that it first of all turns for support. By replacing breakfast or dinner with a protein shake, you not only reduce the calorie content of meals, but also drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. With a lack of the latter, the body, not receiving enough energy, begins to take it from fat reserves. Consequently, the fat layer becomes thinner and disappears. However, this is only possible if cardio training is included in your schedule. Otherwise, the body has no reason to release extra calories.

Most importantly, do not forget one important principle. At one meal, your body can absorb about 40 grams of protein. Therefore, you should not consume large portions at a time. It is better to break them into several tricks. Drink the last portion of the cocktail no later than 2.5 hours before bedtime.

Where is protein found

You can saturate the body with protein not only by using special cocktails and bars. A lot of protein is found in everyday foods. Animal protein is found in meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. In addition to the animal component, you can supplement the diet vegetable proteins, these are peas, soybeans, asparagus, lentils, beans.

How to make a protein shake

You can make a drink not only using expensive special powders. At home, you can make a protein drink using a blender, whipping all the ingredients in it quite strongly. Here are some of these recipes:

  • 360 ml of low-fat milk, 125 g of natural yoghurt, a few fresh strawberries and a spoonful of flaxseed;
  • 260 ml of milk, 1 spoon of honey, banana, some ground oatmeal and natural yogurt;
  • 300 ml of milk, banana, 150 g of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, a spoonful of honey;
  • 200 ml of milk, banana, a pinch of cinnamon and honey;
  • 200 ml of milk, banana, 1 protein, 60 g of cottage cheese, a little fruit syrup.

And one more little tip. If you freeze the banana before eating, the cocktail will turn out to be thicker. Give preference to natural products. If you buy a powder in a store, pay attention to the ingredients included in it.

A single serving of the drink should not exceed 260-310 g. This is quite enough to kill the appetite for more than 3 hours.

You have probably already heard, more than once, the reviews of some disappointed athletes about the futility of taking protein mixtures. However, one must understand that in itself such an opinion is absurd, to enhance the growth of muscle mass, protein is an essential component.

Criticism of the additional consumption of this substance is most often associated with the fact that a particular athlete does not know how to properly take protein. As a result, it either has no effect or its effectiveness is practically not noticeable.

Therefore, there are certain rules for taking protein.

Proteins perform a wide range of functions in the body.. Without them, the vital activity of the organism would not be possible, since they contribute to all metabolic processes, perform a regulatory, protective, energy, building role. In addition, they form the basis of the structure of the entire human muscle structure.

Protein components are found in almost any food you eat daily. They are especially abundant in dairy products, meat, fish, rice, peas, soybeans, and so on. But why drink protein, if you can get protein from ordinary food, which, moreover, is also adapted for self-synthesis?

In a normal lifestyle, the regular breakdown of protein and its transport for various purposes is approximately equal to its consumption + reproduction. A person can meet the daily requirement for it (1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight), following a standard healthy diet.

However, intense exercise the athlete increases protein consumption by 2 times: for growth, regeneration and energy balance muscle fibers. Getting it from food does not make sense for many reasons:

  • Double the calories.
  • Slow and incomplete absorption.
  • Load on the digestive system during certain hours of protein intake, implying subsequent physical activity.
  • Protein deficiency, in turn, can lead to catabolism, muscle degradation and various diseases.

That is why athletes need additional protein nutrition from specialized mixtures.

For gaining muscle mass

Not every athlete knows how to drink protein to gain muscle mass for the most effective effect of the supplement. To get started, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you are unable to gain weight in any way, but are not an ectomorph, before taking high-protein mixtures, consult a doctor for a preliminary examination and the exclusion of diseases that accompany excessive thinness.
  2. If you don't have those, choose the right protein according to your weight gain program and physique. When gaining weight, they most often drink a protein concentrate (in accordance with an individually compiled caloric intake), containing residual components of carbohydrates and fats, or isolate, when there are enough calories from food and other additives (for example, gainers).
  3. Always take mixtures recommended by manufacturers' experts. This will help you to be confident in their professionally calculated composition.

As for how many times a day you need to drink a protein shake, then, of course, it all depends on the training program. But usually it is 4-5 servings per day:

  1. In the morning- when the body, after 8-9 hours of sleep, needs an urgent anabolic recharge. At night, the muscles go through a very complex recovery cycle, so in the morning they need to be fed with a portion of the protein mixture. Otherwise, the body begins to use its own energy resources as fuel, breaking down the reserves of glycogen and amino acids. And, in addition, in conditions of protein hunger, the synthesis of the hormone cortisol increases. The result is a catabolic reaction. To avoid this, drink a portion of a quick protein shake about half an hour after waking up.
  2. Happy, since the amino acid pool in the muscles must be constantly replenished. Between meals, you should drink 1-2 servings of isolate or slow, complex protein, in case you do not have the opportunity to snack on regular food for a long time.
  3. Before training very important, half an hour before class, take a quick protein mix- BCAA isolate or complex to maintain the level of amino acids in muscle tissues.
  4. After workout the body absorbs nutrients best of all, and in addition, this is the most risky period for the development of catabolism. At this time, glycogen stores are running out, the concentration of amino acids is significantly reduced. The body needs an immediate protein supply to repair muscle fibers and their growth, as well as to replenish energy reserves. When training for mass gain, the best option would be either a complex protein with a predominance of fast carbohydrates. But it is most expedient to drink a gainer with a predominance of simple carbohydrates - this is how you close the protein-carbohydrate window.
  5. For the night You also need to drink protein. After all, in a dream, all physiological processes only slow down, but do not stop, which means that the muscles will also starve. To ensure an influx of amino acids all night - drink casein protein, so it is absorbed within 8 hours.

For weight loss

Knowing how to drink protein in order to lose weight is especially important, since on this program, the body needs protein especially because of its deficiency caused by the diet.

Observe the following admission rules:

  1. For weight loss, you need to purchase 2 types of protein - fast isolate or hydrolyzate (preferably whey), as well as slow casein.
  2. Drink mixtures according to the same program, then with weight gain, with the difference that with weight loss, slow protein can be replaced with up to 2 standard meals.
  3. Be sure to follow the established training program, the protein itself will not help you find a beautiful relief body without playing sports.
  4. In combination with mixtures, you can use almost any other additives, including thermogenics and lipotropics.

How much protein to take per day?

First of all, before you start drinking mixtures, you need to calculate the individual weft dosage of protein. For this - a lot own body multiply by 2 ( 2 grams is the norm of protein for every kg of body weight). For example, you weigh 90 kg. So your daily protein dosage is 180 grams of protein.

How many times a day to take protein depends on the personal needs of the body, the amount of amino acids obtained from other products and the characteristics of the training. But usually this 3-4 times a day, 30-60 grams squirrel at a time.

At the same time, prot can be dissolved in almost any liquid, but if, for example, milk is used, follow the final calorie content.

And although with the help of the mixture you can make up for a full-fledged individual norm, it is still better if 50% of the substance comes from ordinary food.

When is the best time to take protein?

In fact, at what time you need to take a protein shake depends, first of all, on the type of substance in the composition of the mixtures and the training program.

Proteins have different speed assimilation. So there are the following main types:

  1. Fast, with an absorption rate of 40 to 60 minutes - whey, egg, meat, rice,
  2. Medium, with complete absorption at 6 hours - for example, soy
  3. Slow, up to 8-12 hours - casein

Thus, there is no need to take protein often so that the muscles do not “starve”, it is enough just to correctly combine the methods of different mixtures.
The main periods of application of the supplement on training days, according to the rate of assimilation, can be divided into:

On rest days, protein should not be stopped either. At this time, there is active growth and muscle recovery, requiring an additional portion of protein. Therefore, you need to drink it like this:

  • Morning - fast protein
  • Day - complex
  • Night - slow

If you are a vegetarian, fasting, or for some other reason do not want to drink animal products, get a quick rice protein and soy, as well as a complex bcaa amino acids and take them as directed above.

What protein to drink

All protein mixtures can be divided into mass gain supplements and weight loss mixtures (as well as shaping, drying). You can choose the best supplements from the rating of sports nutrition.

So, for example, it contains such isolates for weight loss how:

  1. Zero Carb by VPX
  2. ISO-100 by Dymatize
  3. Iso Sensation by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Varcil R2

Concentrates and complexes that should be consumed for weight gain:

  1. 100% Whey Gold Standard
  2. 100% Pure Platinum Whey (SAN)
  3. Pro Star Whey protein by Ultimate Nutrition
  4. Syntha-6 by BSN

As well as slow proteins that you need to drink on any training program:

  1. 100% Casein Protein by Optimum Nutrition
  2. Lipotropic Protein (LG Sciences brand)
  3. 100% Casein by Dymatize

Answers on questions

How old do you have to be to take protein??

The question of at what age you can take protein, one of the most popular among adolescent boys and girls. The answer directly depends on the amount of protein consumed from food. You can and even need to take supplements from the age of 14, 15, 16, if it is not possible to get the teenage norm - 1.5 g per kg of body weight, from food, or there is a protein deficiency according to the doctor's testimony. However, you should carefully study the composition and drink mixtures that are exceptionally pure, not containing any extra components, except perhaps vitamins and minerals.

How long can I take protein?

Many mixtures are recommended to be used intermittently, such as creatine, as regular use can interfere with the natural production of this substance. But whether it is necessary to take a break when taking protein depends only on individual medical indications, in particular, with an excess of protein in the body. However, preventive measures can be taken here - there are more vegetables and fruits, based on fiber. Also, you should somewhat refrain from taking the supplement at least once a year, during the week, during the training pause period, while not giving up high-protein foods. A rested body will be much more receptive to the renewed use of protein mixtures.

After taking the supplement, how long can you eat?

Protein is found in almost all conventional foods and food does not affect its absorption in any way, so you can drink protein and eat right away - there are no restrictions.

bcaaYears of experimentation, tons of protein intake have allowed scientists and athletes to come up with the most effective formula for how to properly take protein for muscle growth. This formula is followed by the vast majority of professional athletes. In this article, we will introduce you to its main ingredients.

Despite the complexity of the topic of sports nutrition, the answer to the question “how to drink protein?” can be formulated quite simply: calculate the amount of protein you personally need per day, eat them in 5-6 approaches; plan menus with use first, and use protein mixes as needed.

This formula is followed by the vast majority of modern professional bodybuilders. and it is backed up by scientific research. The secret of its popularity and effectiveness is simple: when you eat small meals often, you create the conditions for muscle growth by providing a continuous supply of nutrients to the muscles.

How NOT to drink protein correctly: 2 most common mistakes

First of all, in your menu should be and only if necessary (there is no way to eat, you do not get your daily protein intake) - sports proteins.

2 Eat small, frequent meals

Divide your daily protein intake into 5-6 servings with different time intervals between meals and eat them together with a small amount complex carbohydrates, which will optimally contribute to the growth of muscle mass.

3 Avoid eating exclusively protein foods with low biological value

(protein quality) determines how well it is absorbed and how complete its amino acid composition is.

The protein of most plant foods has a low biological value.

If you vegetarian, combine multiple sources of plant-based protein at every meal to ensure that all essential amino acids are delivered to the body.

4 The diet should contain a sufficient amount of not only protein, but also carbohydrates and fats

According to the results scientific research nitrogen balance can also be disturbed by a lack of carbohydrates and fats in the diet(even with adequate protein). This is explained by the fact that carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy; when they are not enough, the body has no choice but to cover its energy needs at the expense of its own cells, including muscle cells, destroying them. This leads to a state of negative protein (nitrogen) balance.

There is another mechanism for how carbohydrates affect protein digestibility. When we eat protein with food, it breaks down into amino acids that enter the bloodstream. Ideal is their maximum transportation to the muscles with subsequent assimilation. This is exactly what carbohydrates contribute to: when they are consumed, the level of insulin in the blood rises, which makes the process of assimilation of amino acids by muscle tissue more efficient.

5 Eat a carb-protein shake immediately after training in order to saturate the muscles with amino acids.

6 Take "slow proteins" before bed to maintain a positive protein balance throughout the night

7 Avoid the state of overtraining, in which food protein can be used as an energy source to meet energy needs

8 Train so that use the maximum number of muscle fibers and minimize their destruction, which occurs under excessive loads. This type of training is the most optimal for a positive nitrogen balance and muscle growth. Short is ideal. intense workout, in which many muscles are involved with variable intensity. The optimal duration is 45-60 minutes.

For gaining muscle mass, the best is a short, intense workout that uses many muscles at varying intensities.

When should you drink protein?

Protein in the morning

From a bodybuilding standpoint, sleep is a time of recovery, as well as forced dangerous hunger, so dangerous that some people set alarms to get up in the middle of the night and eat, just so as not to lose muscle mass. But there is no basis for fear. Still, this is a natural phase of the daily cycle and regular sleep interruptions clearly disrupt the recovery and muscle growth processes, the intensity of which is highest during night rest. In addition, they interfere with the natural secretions that are active during sleep.

Regular interruptions of sleep in order to drink a serving of protein disrupt the processes of recovery and muscle growth, the natural secretion of growth hormone

When we sleep and immediately after waking up, the body uses energy from storage: liver glycogen, fat cells and sometimes muscle. If the energy reserve in internal storage is sufficient and you do not have the habit of skipping breakfast, then muscle cells will not be used (or only in a very small amount).

One of the recommendations is to consume a serving of "fast" protein immediately after waking up in order to saturate the blood with amino acids and prevent the process of muscle breakdown. Ideally, a serving of whey protein or isolate, since after 20-30 minutes the amino acids will be in the blood.

After that, you can start breakfast. Cook it with natural, low-fat foods that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Protein throughout the day

Choose small portions of natural foods, including a variety of sources of quality protein and complex carbohydrates.

Important : During the day, there is no need to take special sports protein shakes.

However, if it is not possible to eat regularly, a multi-component protein (a mixture of whey protein isolate or concentrate and casein, for example) is a good alternative, as it contains both "fast" and "slow" proteins.

During the day and before training, there is no need to take special sports protein shakes if you eat regularly natural food containing quality proteins in the quantities you need.

Protein before workout

In the case of regular meals, no need to take special sports protein mixtures immediately before training.

A “quick” protein shake or meal replacement that contains both protein and carbs can be taken 60 minutes before a workout if if you had to skip a meal. This will lead to an increase in the level of insulin (an anabolic hormone that enhances the uptake of amino acids by muscle tissue) and BCAA in the blood, which will promote the synthesis of muscle fibers.

Additionally, you can take BCAAs. In this case, they will be used in the process of muscle recovery between sets and immediately after the end of the workout.

Protein after workout

Important : Post-workout, nutrient and protein requirements are highest. For bodybuilder this meal is the most important(not breakfast). The body is especially sensitive to nutrients, the level of amino acids and insulin in the blood is lowered.

After training, the need for nutrients and protein is highest and eating at this time is the most important.

To restore a positive balance of protein (nitrogen), it is ideal to drink a whey protein hydrolyzate shake, which has the highest absorption rate of all proteins. If this is not done, with a high probability the body will begin to use BCAA from muscle fibers to restore, destroying them. A protein with a high biological value will lead to an increase in the level of growth hormone in the blood.

Which is better: Ener or protein after workout?

In order to stimulate the release of insulin, which enhances the effect of muscle cell synthesis, as well as to restore depleted glycogen reserves, it is recommended to add carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (maltodextrin or dextrose) to the protein shake after training or use a gainer.

Protein at night

The general opinion is that eating before bed is bad. But this rule doesn't work for bodybuilders who believe that eating right before bed reduces the period of hungry sleep. The best thing take a serving of "slow" protein, since amino acids from its splitting will evenly enter the bloodstream, and then into the muscles, for several hours. This effect can be achieved with a multicomponent protein (a mixture of whey and casein, for example) or with a small content of complex carbohydrates.

At night it is ideal to take a "slow" multi-component protein

Benefits of eating small meals often

The frequency of meals plays a very important role in building muscle mass.

Experiment: A study on young women who consumed 62 grams of protein per day (53 of which are animal sources), spreading it over three meals instead of two, showed an increase in the efficiency of amino acid utilization.

Experiment: A similar result was observed in an experiment involving children. 8 children who consumed 63 g of protein per day (60% of which were animal). When distributed over four meals instead of two, the efficiency of protein absorption increased by almost three times! The results are similar to those obtained in an experiment on one person who took 1.14 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in 2 and 4 meals.

Obviously, the uniformity of protein intake throughout the day can improve the efficiency of its use.

1 The regimen of frequent meals is of particular importance, primarily from the point of view of protein supply, since, unlike carbohydrates and fats, we do not have mechanisms for storing it inside (carbohydrates can be stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, but where and there is no need to explain how fats are stored, we know from a young age;).

When we eat a serving of protein, it is broken down into amino acids (building material for muscle tissue and not only), which are in the blood for a very short time (they are in great demand there). muscle growth and recovery occurs only at a high concentration of amino acids in the blood. Accordingly, in order to ensure high levels of amino acids in the blood for a long time, it is necessary to eat food often and in small quantities to speed up digestion.

2 Maintenance high level amino acids are important for protect muscle tissue from destruction in the process of muscle catabolism, when the body begins to use muscle protein as energy, breaking it down. Often this is a consequence of the low calorie content of food, for example during "drying".

To avoid the negative processes associated with a lack of protein, you can eat 5-6 times a day, with 20-30 grams of protein in each serving (calculate how much protein you personally need, based on the above recommendation).

3 Another effect of the “often and a little” diet is stabilization of insulin levels. This is important, since the hormone insulin is actively involved in the growth of muscle tissue, as well as fat formation / burning.

4 Also small meals easier to digest our digestive system, and some studies suggest that in this mode, the metabolic rate increases, which accounts for the lion's share of energy consumption during the day: more calories are burned and, as a result, it becomes easier to lose weight.

Frequent meals in small portions provide favorable conditions for gaining muscle mass and maintaining it, because. improves protein absorption

Consider the nutritional value of the liquids you mix protein with

The nutritional value of a protein shake is determined, among other things, by the liquid that is used to prepare it from a dry mix. Below are the nutritional values ​​of the most common ones, with the exception of water (for obvious reasons). The calculation is made for 1 cup of liquid (240 ml).

Nutritional value of protein shake liquids

Pay attention to portion sizes:

Serving sizes vary widely in protein powders and drinks, ranging from 10 grams to over 90 grams per serving for powders, and from one cup (237 ml) to over two cups for drinks. Keep that in mind when you compare nutritional value and cost of various protein supplements.

How to Store Protein Properly

In dry powder form, the protein is enough stable and not destroyed unless subjected to heat above 46° Celsius.

When the package is opened, the protein is exposed to moisture. At air humidity above 10%, it begins to collapse. To reduce exposure to moisture, especially in humid climates, it is best to store powdered foods in several small containers, not one large one.

Protein should not be refrigerated, because when you take it out and leave it at room temperature, moisture accumulates on a colder object due to condensation.

On the other hand, liquid protein supplements such as ready-to-drink sports drinks tend to be heat sensitive: even at room temperature they become unstable and protein degradation occurs. If you live in a hot climate, refrigeration is preferable, especially after opening.

Protein warnings from scientists

Increasing the protein in the diet requires a lot of effort from the body to process it and, as a result, leads to an increase in the volume of urination. If at the same time you do not consume enough water, the result may be high degree of dehydration and, as a result, a significant decrease in training efficiency. Drink enough water, at least 8 glasses a day.

A diet high in protein can lead to increased loss of calcium from bone tissue. This can be avoided by increasing your daily calcium intake by 300 mg (about a glass of milk), above normal.

With protein nutrition, it is important to drink enough water (at least 2 liters) and take extra calcium

Often found in sports protein blends carnitine, the benefits of which in sports have not been proven.

Recent research suggests that carnitine consumption may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease in some people.

Interestingly, those who consume red meat (unlike vegetarians and vegans) have microorganisms in the intestines that convert carnitine into compounds that, after further transformation in the liver, contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (clotting of the arteries), preventing the body's normal self-cleansing process from cholesterol.

Addition to sports nutrition products can potentially promote the growth of these microorganisms and, accordingly, provoke the development of long-term cardiovascular problems. If for medical reasons you do not need to take carnitine, then it would be correct avoid its long-term use in large doses (several hundred milligrams). Likewise, it would be reasonable reduce red meat intake, which is the main source of L-carnitine.