How to keep earthworms alive in winter. Storage in the heat of fishing. There are two main steps to be taken here.

Experienced fishermen know many ways to catch fish, how to lure them and what gear to use for this. And no matter how new products appear, no matter what new recipes are invented the most common bait for a 100% catch is a worm.
It is baited on a hook, while the point should be inserted directly under the skin and retreating 1-1.5 cm from the head. It is best to take a medium worm and a small hook. This is done so that the hook is not visible behind the body of the bait.
You can dig up worms in damp earth, under wet leaves, in a heap of old rubbish, a dung heap. It is best to use a shovel for this, sometimes even a pitchfork is useful. After rain, finding worms is quite easy, and you can dig them up right before fishing on the shore. But if the earth is dry, then the worms can only be obtained by digging the earth deep with a shovel.

Finding worms for fishing is not so difficult, but saving them can be difficult.

How to save worms for fishing in the heat

There are quite a few ways to save a worm before fishing in the hot summer months, and all of them have been tried and tested by fishermen:

  1. Use to store bait canvas mitt that comes as part of the overalls. The earth, along with the worms, is poured inside and all this can be stored there until the moment you need. It is only necessary to additionally sew a small ribbon on top of the mittens to tie it up. During fishing, when it becomes very hot for a worm in a mitten, you need to lower the pond, but not for long, since only the fabric should be wet, and not all the earth inside. Then, in the process of evaporation of moisture, the place where the bait is stored will gradually cool;
  2. Instead of a mitten, you can use the usual plastic bucket and preferably light colors. Earth is collected in it, dry grass and leaves are on top. Then the bucket must be wrapped with a damp cloth. You need to keep such a storage for the worm in the shade, where there is no wind. For example, you can put it all under the car. Gradually, the water will evaporate and the bait will remain fresh for a long time;
  3. Cold accumulator can help you out even on very hot days. If you put it in the freezer in advance and take it with you on a fishing trip, then a jar of worms on such batteries will not disappear for a long time;
  4. Waste Chinese thermos will be a great place to store. Such containers, as a rule, do not retain heat well, but something cold is easy;
  5. Worms that have just dug up can be folded in a small wooden box filled with wet moss. And when fishing, it is better to hang such a storage on a tree in order to save it from ants;
  6. Instead of wet soil, which is poured into a container with worms or poured into a mitten any herb can be used. It will create the same comfortable conditions for the worm;
  7. For short fishing you can take put the bait in a small glass jar and put it in the shade. Of course, it should stand in a pond, but at the same time, water should not fall into the jar;
  8. Can dig a small hole with a shovel, for example, in the reeds nearby. A jar, box or other container with worms is placed in this pit. From above it is necessary to cover with the usual burdock.

How to save earthworms for fishing?

Earthworms can be used as bait throughout the year. Practically any “peaceful” fish, such as crucian carp, perch, bream, carp, bites well on it. But other fish are caught on earthworm not so willing. This bait has a light color. You can find it under logs, stones, in lowlands and ravines after rain.
With earthworms, you will have to tinker longer before taking them with you on a fishing trip. First, they need to be placed in a separate container with wet grass or moss, sand. Then pour all this with vegetable oil or milk. In this solution, the worms need to stand for several days. During this time, the unpleasant smell that the fish does not tolerate will go away.
You can store an earthworm in the following ways:
put them in a separate box, which can be made of plastic, iron, or wood. At the bottom, first put a little wet moss, so the worms can lie there for 10 to 20 days;
can be stored in damp ground, which will be wrapped in a canvas or a bag is best. Any container, container and storage place for the earthworm must be well ventilated, so if there are no slots or holes, then you need to make several holes in them.

How to save dung worms for fishing?

The dung worm is the easiest to catch fish. They have a bright red color, a specific smell that attracts fish. In addition, they are very mobile, which also does not remain invisible to the inhabitants of reservoirs. You can find such bait near farms where animals are bred or in landfills. Also, their main habitats are dung heaps, rotten stumps, vegetable gardens.
Keep the earthworm separate tin can containing wet moss. At the bottom of such a container must be holes for ventilation. Do not keep this jar in the open sun or rain. Under these conditions, the worms will last for a couple of days of your fishing.

How to keep fishing worms at home, in winter, and what is the best way to keep them the longest?

As a rule, the question of keeping the worm at home is mainly asked by fishermen who live in the city. And if for them in summer, spring and autumn it is not difficult to find and dig up bait for themselves, it will be much more difficult to do this in the cold season. And the prices for a worm in stores sometimes just go wild. Therefore, the easiest way is not just to find a way to store the worm for a long time at home, but to breed them yourself. This, as practice shows, the process is a little painstaking, but not so complicated. Yes, and it will cost a mere penny for an avid fisherman.
So, what you need to breed a worm: a plastic bucket, bowl or other container, for several liters, or tens of liters, this is optional; soil with a small amount of humus; the worms themselves. At the same time, you can take any, including different ones, to keep in one container; bottle with cap. In the lid, then you will need to drill holes for irrigation; a small spatula or stick for mixing the earth.

The whole process of breeding a worm begins with preparing a suitable container. It is very convenient to store everything in ordinary aquariums. Do not abuse manure for the earth, in order to create a more comfortable atmosphere and habitat. Over time, the worms themselves will saturate all the contents with the necessary amount of humus.

Worms need to eat like any other living creature, so about once a week you need to add food to the soil for them. Almost any food waste can be used here. Dairy products, bran, bread, cereals, oatmeal. The main thing is that such waste should not be too salty.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes / carps / breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Experienced anglers are always experimenting with lures, but they also have favorite baits that are always in the arsenal. These include the classics of the fishing genre - the worm. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fished on it, and fans of modern fishing continue this glorious tradition. It is not difficult to dig up worms - there would be a shovel, the appropriate season and desire, but it is at least difficult to do this before each fishing trip. Therefore, it is important not only to dig up plenty of worms, but also to keep them alive, suitable for fishing, form.

This nozzle is used for all types of passive fishing: on, and even. Both representatives of the carp family and the most notorious freshwater robbers like perch or a small pike can be flattered by a fat and appetizingly wriggling worm. However, for this it is important that it retains mobility and presentation for as long as possible. To do this, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions for his “temporary residence” both on the eve of fishing and during it.

Types of worms for fishing

Despite the mass of personal names, worms belonging to the same family are used for fishing. The first one worth mentioning earthworm. It is called differently: rain, creep, leaflet and so on. In fact, this is one species - earthen, just fishermen gave it a lot of names according to its location: in the ground, after rain on the surface of the soil or even asphalt, under rotten leaves.

Keeping an earthworm alive even for several days is not an easy task: it is very demanding on humidity, temperature, and oxygen saturation of the soil. In conditions of summer heat or winter frosts, this task is even more complicated. If the conditions of detention are far from natural, the creep will quickly fall asleep, and then it will go bad.

dung beetle- another species from the same family, successfully used in fishing. As the name implies, it can be found in stale manure, compost, rotting food waste. Its extraction is, frankly, an unappetizing business, but what can you not do for your favorite hobby!

The dung beetle, unlike its earthen counterpart, is much more unpretentious and demanding on the conditions of detention, however, you need to know some principles when handling this potential bait.

All earthen subspecies and the dung beetle do not get along together: they need different conditions content. In addition, the dung beetle is able to poison the earthen fellow with toxic secretions.

Home storage

The most common home storage method for worms is use of specially prepared containers filled with nutrient substrate. A wooden box would be an ideal container, but in the absence of it, plastic or metal buckets and basins can be used. In the latter case, it is necessary to say goodbye to the integrity of the container: it is necessary to make holes in it for air circulation. Worms need a large living space, so the larger the container, the better.

The container must be filled with a nutrient substrate. The simplest option: this is loose soil (for the dung beetle - food waste, manure) in half with fallen leaves. Peat, moss, hay, straw can also be used, chalk or eggshells can be used as a neutralizer. The resulting composition should be moistened - and residents can be settled. The container must be covered with something, otherwise you will collect creeps throughout the apartment. It is impossible to cork the "house": the tenants will suffocate. You can pull a piece of fabric or gauze over the top - it will be perfect.

The ideal storage temperature is 6-10 o C. You can use a balcony or loggia for this purpose, but in the summer heat this is not the best the best option. A cool basement or cellar is ideal, and in their absence, a household refrigerator. Just do not forget to enlist the support of household members: not every wife will be sympathetic to the neighborhood of a box of worms and a borscht pot.

In the process, you need to monitor the moisture and oxygen saturation of the soil. The substrate should be periodically watered and mixed, but water should not be overdone: the soil should be moist, but not wet! That is why you need to store the worm in an unsealed container: excess water drains through the holes and oxygen enters.

With a long-term content of the "fish delicacy" you need to periodically feed (once a week is enough). For this purpose, you can use chopped banana peel, sleeping tea, cottage cheese, chopped raw potatoes, moistened paper without printing ink.

Handling bait in heat

In the heat, even an undemanding dung beetle becomes lethargic, so summer fishing special attention should be paid to the safety of the bait in its presentation.

If we are talking about a long fishing session, you can take with you a container with worms kept at home and put it in the most shaded place, in a draft. It is advisable to dig a hole under it: then it will be even cooler there.

It is possible and simple to save worms in a commercial form in the hole, and this method can be used both for fishing and at home in the presence of a cellar. To do this, you need to dig a hole, cover it with a layer of mosquito net or loose fabric (preferably burlap, but many even use ordinary tights for this purpose).

After that, you need to fill the makeshift container with soil of sufficient friability (you can add sand or sawdust), populate the worms there, and then tie the fabric into an impromptu bag. Alternative option- the use of a fine-mesh metal or plastic mesh as a "cover". If the pit is deep, well-laid to the top, and there is little substrate with worms, you can do without tying the fabric or other protection against spreading.

During storage, one should not forget about the periodic aeration of the soil with the addition of a sufficient amount of water to it. For supporting optimum temperature it is recommended to cover the hole from above with spruce branches.

Sometimes anglers use for similar purposes linen bags or regular work gloves filled with substrate. They are hung in the shade in the wind and periodically lowered into water to moisten. For a one-two-day session, this option is quite right to use.

Storing worms in frosty conditions

Some lovers winter fishing manage to stock up on a worm in the fall and keep it alive throughout the ice fishing season. On the one hand, it is easier to find a cool place, but this delicate bait dies from frost. Ideal for storage basement or cellar: when frost is usually stored there plus temperature. Fit and good insulated loggia. In other cases, you will have to run with precious cargo from the balcony to the apartment and back, or, according to tradition, occupy a home refrigerator.

When going fishing, the main thing is to prevent the bait from freezing. To begin with, it is worthwhile to pack it together with the substrate in several bags (to avoid tears), tie it up and put it in a fishing box. If the frost is small, and the box has sufficient thermal insulation, you can store bait there during fishing. Otherwise, you will have to follow the example of the anglers of the past and warm the precious bait with your own warmth, placing it under your clothes.

Please note that airtight containers and plastic bags are not designed for long-term storage: the worm does not receive enough oxygen, and the substrate is quickly compressed. To increase its viability under these conditions, you need to take fewer worms per amount of substrate and periodically let them “breathe” with fresh air.

And in the final of our publication, by tradition, we bring to your attention the advice of experienced anglers:

  • In dense clay soil, it is better to add peat, moss, sawdust for loosening. The substrate must be periodically loosened and mixed, ensuring its saturation with oxygen.
  • Before fishing, you can bring a potential bait into a “combat state”: adding crushed bricks to the substrate will give the bait an attractive bright red color, and cinnamon, vanillin, cake or unrefined vegetable oil will give a seductive smell.
  • For the dung beetle, the use of attractants is undesirable: the fish already considers its "aroma" extremely attractive.
  • If optimal conditions are created, the worms will not only survive, but also begin to multiply. Do not allow "overpopulation"!
  • No matter how and wherever you store the worm, you need to remember to remove dead individuals in a timely manner, otherwise the entire livestock will soon die.

In modern conditions, there is no need to bother with prey and ensuring optimal conditions for the "residence" of worms: in a specialized store you can buy not only, but also any bait. In a word, there would be a desire, but there will always be an opportunity to go fishing!

It's no secret that the dung worm is an excellent winter bait, especially on the rivers, and thrifty anglers traditionally stock up for almost the entire winter, having developed reliable storage methods.

The worm can be stored for a long time in great shape in a spacious wooden box filled with greasy soddy soil, well mixed with moss, cabbage leaves, wood chips, meadow grass roots, tops of various garden plants - an excellent "explosive mixture" in which dung beetles feel great. Already at the first laying, it is immediately clear which of them is a tenant, and which is “kapets” - the healthy ones gradually burrow, and it is better to discard the inactive ones remaining on the surface.

We put the box in the basement of a garage or shed, where the temperature usually does not drop below 0 degrees, as a rule, potatoes are stored under such conditions, etc. During the entire storage period, it must be borne in mind that the substrate should not be excessively wet, but excess dryness is contraindicated for worms . Once a week it is useful to feed the worms with milk. Even more effective is meat broth, but it must be unsalted.

Personally, I now store the worm in a 40l plastic deep trough - I bought it at a hardware store. Plastic, perhaps worse than wood, is suitable for these purposes, but it is more hygienic, it can be washed well, it does not rot, it will serve properly for many years.

I make a dwelling for dung beetles in layers. First comes a layer of greasy garden soil, I put a layer of rotted leaves on it, then again a layer of earth, mixed with boiled mashed potatoes, I still put a layer of rotted leaves on it, then again a layer of earth mixed with boiled mashed potatoes, I still put it on it a layer of rotted leaves, then garden soil again, and so on to the very top of the box.

I launch worms, which soon go down. From above I cover everything with an old towel, which I periodically moisten cold water without letting the bottom layers dry out too much. Also, periodically, about once every 3-4 days, I add a little coffee grounds, pouring it under a towel. In the process of sampling a portion of worms for fishing, the layers mix up a little, but this is not so scary. The main point of the “layer cake” is that the soil is not too dense, giving the dung beetles maximum comfort.

I store the box on an unheated, but glazed balcony, where there is usually always a small plus - what you need. Only in especially severe frosts can the worms freeze, and then I wrap the plastic trough with an old wadded blanket. I'm afraid to bring it into the apartment, because worms, like live bait, are rather delicate creatures, and with strong temperature changes they can not withstand and die.

If kept warm, it is better immediately from autumn and all winter. But then the worm experiences a temperature shock already while fishing, and on the hook it will not be so mobile, and the fish bite much better on the fidgety one.

It's no secret that successful fishing, including fishing, always depends on several factors: the right gear and fishing technique, the vagaries of the weather, the baits used, and the experience of the angler in determining the place of fishing at a particular moment. Many will agree that the choice of the right bait, under other favorable conditions, will probably be the decisive factor influencing the bite of the fish.

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right bait before fishing and save it. Lures for catching fish are divided into artificial(mainly for predators) and natural, which in turn are divided into baits of plant origin - nozzles (mainly for catching peaceful fish) and animal origin - baits (almost all types of fish are caught on them).

Of course, the most versatile bait is worms. All types of peaceful fish are caught on them, including large bream, carp, crucian carp, chub, roach, sabrefish, etc. (except for white carp and silver carp), as well as medium-sized specimens of predators: perch, pike perch, bersh and catfish. There are a huge number of types annelids and they live in a wide variety of environments around the world: from the Arctic to the depths of the sea and the tropical jungle, but for fishing in our strip, several species are mainly used: red dung worm, earthworm, forest worm (subleaf), green worm and, less often used, creep and iron ore.

Types of worms used for fishing.

1 Earthworm
Earthworms or "garden" worms are ubiquitous, live in the turf, in the soil - they can often be seen on the pavement when they crawl en masse to the surface during rain. As a rule, an earthworm can also be found at a fishing spot near the shores of water bodies. In this case, the “local” origin of the worms will be a big advantage and they are preferable for fishing, as a minus - they are not very mobile.

2. Muckworm
The red dung worm reaches a length of 5-8 cm and lives in soil and substrate saturated with nitrogen: soil near cowsheds, rotted manure, straw bedding for livestock, garbage dumps. The dung worm is rich red in color, with clearly visible rings and has a pungent odor, and when the shell is damaged, it releases a yellow liquid. It keeps on the hook for a long time and remains mobile, and thanks to its strong smell it is best bait for catching fish. It is better to dig such a worm with a pitchfork.
3. Subleaf
Underleaf or woodworm lives under a layer of old foliage in forests and parks, it is brick red with a bluish tint. It is relatively small, the skin of the subleaf is weak, and therefore it holds rather poorly on the hook. The underleaf is very mobile, the fish bite on it perfectly, but at the same time it often breaks off the hook in vain. You can find underleaves under heaps of wet last year's leaves and under objects that have grown into the ground (logs, slabs, boards). You need to collect quickly, as they instantly hide in holes.
4. Crawl out
The creep or large earthworm lives very deep in the ground, it is the largest, light smoky in color with a pinkish tint. In length it can reach up to 15-22 cm with a thickness of up to 0.5-0.8 cm. The areas where creeps live can be identified by small piles of earth that remain near the holes. it good bait(bait) for fishing big fish on the bottom tackle: carp, bream and even catfish. When fishing on a float, the crawl is baited in parts. They collect a creep with a lantern at dusk or at night after rain - when the ground is wet, the creeps look out of their minks, but they do not crawl out of the ground entirely. Therefore, having noticed a worm, it must be quickly clamped closer to the opening of the hole and slowly removed so as not to tear.
5. Green worm
Large, up to 12-13 cm, very hard gray-green worm, covered with sparse villi and scales. These worms gravitate to waterlogged areas in floodplains, in water meadows. Up to the coastal silt in the reeds, where it can be obtained with bare hands. It keeps in the surface layer among the roots of near-water plants and shrubs. It is very tenacious, but small fish often treat it with suspicion, but carp will never refuse a green worm - this is its usual food.

6. Ironstone
Ironstone is a large worm, sometimes up to 15 cm long with a thickness of 0.6-0.7 cm, gray-smoky in color (the front part is dark, thickened, black-brown). It is found in clay soils. On the hook, iron ore keeps very well, remains alive for a long time, although it is not very mobile. You need to dig it with a shovel in places where moist clay soil comes out and collect it together with soil fragments. Suitable for catching all types of fish, including medium-sized whites (then pieces of large individuals are put on the hook).

The main ways of putting a worm on a hook are shown in the figure.


If you are going on a fishing trip far enough and for a few days, the burning question will definitely arise: how to store and transport such a valuable live cargo. The fact is that, depending on the season or the terrain at the place of fishing, there may simply not be worms there. Or maybe you don’t want to spend time searching and painstakingly collecting much-needed bait, especially in an unfamiliar place.

Several types of worms should not be kept together (!) - they have very different living conditions and one of the species will quickly die, in turn, killing ALL worms in the container with decomposition products.

For long-term storage of extracted worms, you need to use breathable containers (boxes) big size from natural materials (wood, burlap) with a volume of 2-3 buckets of earth. It is necessary to keep the worms in the same soil from where they were obtained (loam, rotten manure, black soil). Boxes with worms should be kept in a damp, cool place (basement, cellar, balcony) at a temperature of at least 1-2 degrees Celsius. So that the earth does not dry out, it is better to cover the containers with a dense, damp cloth such as burlap or linen and periodically moisten the cloth and soil with water.

Worms must eat, otherwise they lose weight, so it is necessary to use top dressing: potato and other vegetable peels, food waste, but not salty, not containing acids and alkalis (including ash), and other caustic substances.

Small numbers of worms can be kept in damp sphagnum (marsh moss) by using meat broth without salt in small quantities for feeding. By the way, this method of storage gives the worms additional elasticity.

Immediately before fishing, in 2-3 days, you can additionally process the worms: add dormant tea leaves, carrot cake, beets, coffee grounds, a sediment of unrefined sunflower oil - this will give the future bait an additional, attractive to fish, color and smell, and so It will also improve the vitality and elasticity of worms.

If possible, remove diseased and dead worms from the storage tank, otherwise you risk losing your entire local population. Never collect damaged or chopped specimens for storage.

Transport worms to the place of fishing, especially if it takes a long time, should be subject to the following rules:

Boxes made of wood or linen, canvas bags (even an old sock or construction mitt will do);

Keep the container in the shade and cool, do not overdry or overmoisten;

Remove dead worms immediately.

I hope these helpful tips will help you stock up on the best bait for exciting fishing on Akhtuba in the Three Rivers and keep it intact, since worms are always a problem in these places. By the way, you can not only dig up and collect worms yourself, but also buy them in fishing stores or order them online.

Happy fishing!

Fishing catch is directly dependent on the quality of the bait, so it is very important to properly store the worms. If the rules are not followed, they may die or lose their best properties and become unusable for fishing.

There are several ways to keep worms, they differ depending on the length of storage periods. Following these rules, you can not only save, but also increase their number.

Short term storage

Worms need to be prepared before use. Do not dig them right before fishing. In case of lack of time, you should at least try to collect the bait in the morning, if a trip to the reservoir is already planned for the evening. Keeping the bait for a short time period, a few hours or even days is a completely simple task.

To achieve a positive result, some actions are not recommended:

  1. 1. First, you can’t put worms together different types, such as rain and dung, as each produces a special excretion of waste products, which, as a rule, harm the other species.
  2. 2. Secondly, you should not place the bait in iron utensils such as tins, as beginner fishermen often do. The fact is that the smell of such containers repels fish, these containers tend to heat up quickly, which worsens the quality of the bait and causes the worms to stray into a lump, which is not so easy to break later.

It is best to use wooden packaging. But the bag too suitable choice, its size depends on the number of harvested invertebrates. On the earth can't skimp it is required to pour three times more than was the one from which they were excavated. The soil must be taken in the same area where the worms are taken from, this will help them quickly assimilate. The easiest way to save your fishing worms at home is to place your chosen container in the refrigerator. The most optimal place is downstairs or on the door shelf, since the temperature there is not so low, which allows you to maintain vital activity and not completely freeze the worms.

To increase the quality of the bait, there are several tricks:

  1. 1. Add moss to the container. This will help to get rid of the unpleasant odor and thereby increase the attractiveness to the fish. If it is not available, then you can use burlap or sand, but this is much less effective.
  2. 2. Add wet brick chips. When making contact and processing it, the worms acquire a bright red hue, this makes them more visible and increases the likelihood of a good bite.
  3. 3. Add sunflower oil. This will give a pleasant aroma that will help attract fish, especially large ones. You can put cake, food flavors and nut butter.

It is allowed to use cabbage for storage. To do this, cut off the top and place the future bait in the resulting hole, and then put it in a cool, damp place.

In the process of fishing itself, you need to leave the bait further from sunlight, especially in summer, hide it in the shade or in your pocket. If you have to fish for several days, then the best way out is to bury the container in the ground or sand, preferably in the shade. This will help to successfully preserve the content for the entire required period.

In winter fishing, it is necessary to protect the worms from frost, since under the influence of cold they become inactive and die quickly. Therefore, the container should be stored in especially warm places, for example, in the bosom of a winter jacket.

Long terms

The rules for long-term storage at home are somewhat different, since the task appears not only to preserve everything that has been dug up, but also to increase in quantity.

You should choose a suitable container, for example, you can take a wooden or plastic box. The bag is a completely unsuitable choice. At its bottom, you need to drill several holes so that excess water. Under the bottom you need to put a container with sand, which will absorb the descending water.

At the bottom, you need to pour 5 cm of sawdust or straw, then purchase biohumus at any flower shop and fill the box by another 10 cm. This is followed by a layer of food, which should take about 5 cm. vegetables, cottage cheese, broth, coffee grounds and other vegetable-type food waste. The last layer to the top of the container is covered with earth, it must be dug out from the same area where the worms were taken from.

From time to time, the contents must be watered with water, food should be added as the previously added is processed. This can be determined by the consistency of the earth, the processed soil is collected in small spools. From above, the box should be covered with either a cloth or damp cardboard and stored in a dry, cool place protected from direct sunlight. It is required to carefully monitor the temperature, the optimal values ​​​​are from 18 to 24 degrees, it is important to take into account the acidity normal for the soil and constantly maintain humidity, which ideally should be 80%. Thus, it will be possible not only to keep the bait in an attractive form for fish, but also to multiply the number of worms several times, since they have the peculiarity of multiplying very quickly. This, in turn, will make it possible not to worry about where to get the bait for the next fishing trip.

There is a way to store it in a special worm box, if there is space on the territory of a private house. It is necessary to dig a small trench about 50 cm deep and 2 m long. At the bottom, tightly compact a layer of clay 10 cm thick, then cover the ground by 20 cm and fill the remaining space with humus or compost. After that, you can release the worms, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the trench.

For the winter, so that the soil does not freeze, it is required to cover the worm with bags and sprinkle with a large layer of earth. If the weather is snowy, then fall asleep on top with snow. This will help protect the worms from the cold and store them for later use.