Crucian carp in April for what. Carp on a float rod in April and May. Choosing the best baits and baits

Finally, the first rays of the spring sun came out. The ice began to melt. All living things gradually wake up. Water begins to warm up in reservoirs, the first vegetation appears. In connection with the improvement of the oxygen regime, coastal inhabitants wake up and begin to swim closer to the sun. One of them is carp.

Fishermen, weary of the long winter fishing with a huge amount of weighty gear, they rush to open water in search of pleasant sensations from a good spring catch. The favorite target of anglers during this period is the crucian carp.

Fans of carp fishing often believe that the only successful period of such fishing is summer. But this is far from true.

In the life of a crucian there are 3 seasons of its greatest activity:

  1. The first season is summer. Undoubtedly, it is on warm days, having survived and recovered from spawning, crucian carp is most active and fishing for it is most pleasant and productive.
  2. The second season begins when the first ice appears on the water. During this period, crucian carp are looking for warm places, swimming in small bays, where they eat quite well. However, this period is not long at all, as soon as the frosts intensify a little, crucian carp will dig into the silt and will sleep until April itself.
  3. The third season comes in April. We will tell you about fishing this season.

What is it - crucian carp in April?

Carp is unpretentious. It can live in almost any body of water from calm rivers to swampy lakes. The life span of a crucian begins when the water in the reservoir warms up to at least +15 degrees. This happens towards the middle or end of April. It is this time that you should choose for fishing if your goal is a well-fed lazy crucian.

Looking for best place for fishing for crucian carp, it is worth remembering that the water warms up fastest in shallow creeks. In the same place, the first algae begin to sprout, small inhabitants are heated in them, which the crucian loves to eat so much. Therefore, for fishing, you should choose a quiet section of the bay with a depth of no more than 2 meters with islands of vegetation, preferably reeds or cattails, or near picturesque underwater cramps and branches of drowned trees.

However, it should be borne in mind that crucian carp does not like large vegetation that rises above the water level. In such places you will meet white fish, but not crucian. An excellent place for fishing will also be an exit from a narrow bay. It should be noted that crucian carp are more active during this period in river bays than on lakes.

When does crucian peck in April?

The lucky ones who have found places with a good bite, may note that the fish seem to obey the schedule. Usually, the period of greatest activity of crucian carp is in the morning: from 7 to 9 o'clock, or late in the evening, after 21 o'clock, but this is not for everybody. It is worth noting that the spring carp is not too active, therefore, you should not count on a bite every 5 minutes, you will have to wait. However, the expectation is more than paid off by the weight of the fish.

In April, crucian carp are the largest and hungriest. Large, since they usually spawn in May, and therefore all the little things have already grown up. Hungry, because the winter was long, and as mentioned above, May and spawning are ahead. However, he is very shy and not particularly active, but the size of the caught crucians compensates for everything. In April, you can catch crucian carp from 450 to 900 grams.

Tackle for April crucian carp

To begin with, we will discuss preparation for fishing, namely tackle. Here we need a float rod about 6 meters long, preferably a picket, since carp - fish shy, light rigs should be used. This will allow you to most accurately and silently deliver the bait to the desired fishing point of your choice. Also in this case, you do not have to change gear often, just remove or add a rod knee if you decide to change the fishing distance.

The fishing line should be chosen thin: from 0.14 to 0.18 mm with a tensile strength of up to 3 kilograms, since the fish during this period are really large. The hook is used alone. Choose a larger hook number from the fifth to the tenth number, since the fish comes across large and has a large mouth, respectively. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the hooks, since the weight of the fish is large, the bite is not too active, it can be extremely disappointing to miss the fish.

The float is the lightest. With this type of fishing, classic goose floats are the most popular. Their sensitivity is maximum, in good weather they can be seen at a distance of 20 meters, and the white color is neutral and does not cause a sense of danger in nature.

Use a deaf mount of the float, since crucian carp live almost at the very bottom, therefore, you will not often have to change the depth of fishing. The mount was standard and, if possible, as inconspicuous as possible.

Carp in April: what to catch?

There are no special secrets in the choice of bait. Hungry after the winter, crucian dreams of profiting from an earthen or dung meat worm, most often it does not matter, but it is desirable that it be full and mobile. There are among these fish and gourmets who prefer the monastery. It is worth considering that the taste preferences of fish in different reservoirs or even different parts of the same reservoir can be different. Therefore, if you find the right bait, you should not change it without changing the place of fishing.

It is better to feed crucian carp in the evening before fishing, but if this is not possible, it is worth feeding the fish upon arrival and before preparing the gear. At this time, crucian carp does not really respect vegetable bait, but a mixture of earth (taken from the bottom of the reservoir) and bloodworms will be to his liking. You can also try to pre-cook barley (I wrote about this in the article ""). There is another secret to feeding crucian carp if you have the opportunity to feed it in the evening. Loosen the mud with a shovel in the backwater where you are going to fish in the morning. In the mud live larvae of small insects, eggs, which is the best delicacy for this fish. Also, these tricks will create turbidity in the water, which the crucian loves very much.

How to catch carp in April

Playing this large, strong, but lazy fish is a great art. It is worth noting that the peculiarity of the crucian behavior is that the float does not sink when biting, but goes to the side. A cunning shy fish attaches itself to the bait for a long time.

After casting for at least 5 minutes, the float will be motionless, after which barely noticeable pokes from side to side will begin for about five centimeters with short time intervals (2-3 seconds). This can go on for several minutes, but the main thing in our business is patience. When, nevertheless, the float slowly but surely leads to the side, you need to cut. It is important to remember that crucian lips are tender, and if the cutting is very sharp, you can tear out his lips and only they will remain on the hook.

Large strong crucian becomes active after hooking. It is important not to allow him to move freely on the hook and to exhaust him, so that in the future, when the crucian is on the surface, gently guide him into the landing net. Perhaps the tactic is suitable for you, when for each “jerk” of the fish, the fisherman pulls the rod towards himself. And perhaps you will find your personal tactics in dealing with this interesting fish.

Video: Catching carp in April


The main disadvantage spring fishing on crucian carp is its low activity, you have to sit for more than one hour. They also often complain about disruptions due to the large weight of crucian carp. But, undoubtedly, it was during this period, starting from April, that crucian carp is the largest and it is not special work. We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

Happy fishing and good luck to you!

Spring is a rather difficult period for catching crucian carp. The fact is that the fish has just awakened from hibernation and has a hard time coming to its senses, often reluctantly interested in the bait. However, if April has come and with it a great desire to go fishing, then you should not deny yourself this. The main thing is to know and take into account a number of points that will help not to be left without a catch.

Despite the low activity of crucian carp in April, knowing some of the rules for catching it at this time, you can ensure a good catch.

April - it's time for the first fishing trip

In Siberia and in the north of our country, as a rule, almost until mid-April, all reservoirs are covered with ice. In these regions, the first thaws occur just at this time. Therefore, fishing open water starts no earlier than the first of May. Only the early arrival of spring can contribute to the fact that the inhabitants of these territories will be able to sit with a fishing rod on the pond at the end of April.

However, in the south and in the central part of Russia, April is a truly spring and warm month, when you can successfully catch carp. The water in rivers and lakes gradually warms up and is saturated with oxygen, which makes the fish begin to feed. But at this time, crucian carp are still inactively moving around the reservoir. They try to stay mostly close to the bottom and in those areas where they spent the winter.

Successful fishing for crucian carp in April depends on the right gear, the location found on the pond, food and bait.

Where is the best place to catch crucian carp in April

First of all, the spring sun warms up shallow water areas, where the depth varies between 30-70 cm. Here the first underwater vegetation appears, where the fish are looking for small crustaceans and insect larvae that have fallen into the water. Therefore, on float rod It is best to catch carp in such shallow water.

Since crucian in April is looking for something to profit from near the coast, you can catch it with a bait

It is also good to find a small bay surrounded by reeds, cattail or last year's grass. Very fond of crucian snag, flooded trees or bushes hanging over the water. But on a windy April day, you can get the opposite effect. Since the fish will be frightened by the noise from the vegetation swaying in the wind.

Often in April, especially in the first half of the month, crucian carp still keep at a depth, away from the coast. It can be both large individuals weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg, and small fish collected in fairly large flocks. Hiding in pits and depressions at the very bottom of the reservoir, crucian carp can protect themselves as much as possible. Most of the fish avoid the coastal part, because the water at this time is quite transparent due to the lack of vegetation, and any predator (birds, pike, etc.) can easily notice it.

Tackle comes to the aid of the angler long-range casting. For example, which can be caught in areas of about 30-50 m from the shore. If real fishing for you is only fishing with a float rod, then in order to achieve good result You will have to pay special attention to equipment.

If in shallow water the crucian has not yet begun to peck, then feeder tackle is used to catch it at depth.

Tackle for fishing for crucian carp in April

In the middle of spring, lake fish are distinguished by increased caution. The slightest rustle or improperly assembled tackle can frighten her away. Given the following recommendations, you can effectively catch crucian carp even in early April:

  • Use light floats, weighing no more than 1.5 grams. The color is not very bright, especially at the bottom. In terms of shape, floats with elongated antennas (up to 20 cm) are recommended due to greater sensitivity and less resistance when biting. Thus, such tackle will be imperceptible even for very cautious fish.
  • So that fishing does not end due to a break in the equipment, choose a fishing line with a thickness of 0.14 to 0.18 mm. Tensile strength up to 3-4 kg. Of course, meeting a crucian of this size is a rarity, but catching a kilogram copy is quite real. Considering, moreover, that the fish resists extremely actively in the spring, such a thickness of the fishing line is just right.
  • Don't use a large sinker. To begin with, you can put a pellet weighing 0.3-0.5 grams. If there is no current, and the float does not blow to the side, then there is no need to add a large load. The lower the weight of the sinker, the more inconspicuous the rig is, and the bite itself is much more confident.

Properly selected tackle is the key to successful fishing

  • If you plan to fish with a float rod, then choose the length of the leash based on the strength of the current (if any) and the wind. It is best not to make them longer than 10-15 cm, because the crucian at this time keeps as close to the bottom as possible. The optimal thickness of the fishing line for leashes is 0.1 mm.

If you take into account all these tips, then April fishing will give you pleasure and will delight you with a solid catch.


Catching carp in April is a rather complicated process. The fish are not as active as in summer, so in addition to properly mounted gear and the chosen place, you will need a balanced bait. Otherwise, fishing may end in vain. The fact is that crucian carp can stay literally a meter away from the equipment, without paying attention to it without a bait field.

What is the most effective bait in April when catching crucian carp? What should be included in it? In fact, the same components as in the summer. The main thing is that they emit a pleasant and natural smell. For example, steamed millet, oatmeal, finely chopped canned corn, boiled potatoes, breadcrumbs, black bread, etc. Groundbait with sweet tastes and unusual smells is more suitable for the summer period.

Oatmeal can be used as a complementary food for crucian carp in April

If you use a dry store mix, then be sure to mix it with the ingredients listed above. The best bait has proven itself, made right on the shore with the addition of water from the reservoir itself, where you will fish. It has a more “native” smell for fish and will not scare away its unusual composition. If the bait contains a little bloodworm, maggot or chopped worms, then not a single crucian can resist such a “delicacy”.

Let's move on to one more important point. Bait when catching carp in April should be the same color as the bottom. That is, a little cloudy and dark. A few handfuls of cake or local soil can help with this. Naturally, the bait should not contain bright components, such as green peas, grated berries, etc. We have already said that fish are extremely shy in spring and objects of an unusual color at the bottom can confuse them.


What is the best bite in April for crucian carp? Naturally, these are animal nozzles - maggot and worm. Bloodworm is sometimes an ineffective bait due to the fact that it is present in any pond in fairly large numbers. Often in April, it’s good to catch a “sandwich” - corn + worm or maggot. Large carp are often attracted to bait in the form of small pieces of fat on the hook.

In April, crucian carp will be well caught on maggots

From vegetable baits, we single out bread, in which you can add a few drops of valerian or flavoring with a natural smell - garlic, dill, anise, etc. Rarely, but it happens that at this time the crucian pecks on the dough with the addition of semolina or on the so-called "talker" . A lot depends on the water and the weather. When the water has had time to warm up to 10-15 ° C, then fishing is no longer different from summer fishing. You can try to catch crucian even on pearl barley or steamed peas.

Features of April fishing for crucian carp

If you are going to sit with a fishing rod on the pond, remember that in April, unlike in summer and late spring, crucian carp are not so active in the morning and evening. Best of all, he pecks during the day, when the sun is shining brightly and the weather is warm and calm. It doesn't matter if you fish small pond or a large body of water, bites will be very discreet, in many ways barely noticeable even with a light rig and a sensitive float.

Crucian in April most often attaches itself to the bait for a long time, tasting it. Therefore, the float can swing or sink a little for several minutes, and then rise up again. Be ready to hook the fish, but take your time. In 80% of cases, crucian carp will slowly but surely drown the float and lead it to the side. Do not make too sharp hooking, and the fish will definitely be on the hook.

An important point is the correct fishing of crucian carp, because. he can break easily

I would like to immediately warn you that fishing for crucian carp in April requires special endurance from the angler.

At this time of the year, you should not expect a stable and active bite. Even optimally matched gear, effective bait and a whole arsenal of bait will not insure against the fact that all fishing will be reduced to the painful expectation of a bite. But the result is not important, but the process itself!

Be sure to be patient and remember that fishing in April is notable for what you can catch large carp, which will take a special place among all your trophies.

About spring fishing for crucian carp will be discussed in this video:

Catching carp and carp in the spring spring time directly depends on the weather, so few anglers go to catch them in April. However, these fish often peck actively even last ice. After opening the ponds and adding melt water, catching any fish is difficult - it needs time to get used to the new conditions. But soon, as the water clears and warms up, crucian carp and carp begin to feed intensively. In this topic, we will talk about fishing for crucian carp and carp in the spring in April with a float rod.

From this article you will learn:

Carp fishing in April

AT middle lane In Russia, if the spring is early and friendly, the biting of crucian carp in ponds and quarries begins as early as mid-April; with a prolonged spring, but with a sudden warming - by the end of April. If the weather is stable, with insignificant fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, then the bite of crucian carp at this time becomes constant and active.

I always strive to get to the first days of the crucian bite, which sometimes continues without interruption throughout the day. This can last a week or two, but then everything subsides. When the water is still cool enough, it is better to search for crucian carp in deep places: closer to the pond dam, in a flooded channel. Here he is caught with a match rod, various bottom gear, fishing with an open feeder is especially successful.

When feeding crucian carp in early spring, you must follow the rule: a small amount of bait, very weakly flavored. AT cold water crucian carp is very distrustful of third-party odors, so it is important not to feed the fish and not oversaturate the bait with smelling mixtures.

In the spring, too odorous additives should not be added to bait mixtures, and it is even better to give crucian bait on a live basis. For example, if they are caught with feeder tackle with an open feeder, then the bloodworm or maggot should be mixed with a small amount of a mixture of breadcrumbs and ground oatmeal. Some types of large feeders allow you to deliver a mixture of coastal soil and small mobile worms, earth or dung, to the place of feeding the fish.

As the water warms up to +14…+17 °С, the crucian shifts in search of food to shallow “tables”, closer to the coastal shrubs and snags, often begins to visit well-warmed bays in search of awakening food organisms. With the onset of spring rains, he is a frequent visitor to the wooded shore with fallen leaves, from under which the rain stream washes forest insects, their larvae and worms.

Here it can be perfectly caught with a short fly rod with the simplest equipment and a light float, using bait from a mixture of clay sifted through a fine sieve and bloodworms or chopped worms.

In fairly warm water, crucian carp respond well to various aromatic baits. After the rains, running fishing with a fishing rod equipped with a side nod and a mormyshka can be very productive. Crucian carp, getting used to the food washed off the shore, responds well to moving bait with replanting of a leafworm, a bunch of bloodworms or maggots.

It is better to use black or gray mormyshkas of the minimum size, oblong shape, equipped with a hook No. 15-18. The choice of hook depends on the size of the nozzle used. Sometimes accumulations of feeding carp can be found in the coastal snag.

For fishing in such places, you need to have enough powerful tackle. The fishing line on the bait with a nod is set with a diameter of 0.12–0.14 mm, and if bites are possible, then thicker, since you have to pull quickly to avoid hooks. In order not to break through the weak lip of the crucian, it is better to equip the mormyshkas with a hook made of not too thin wire.

With the appearance of shoots of young algae, crucian carp begins to look for food in the zone of their concentration. There are ponds where islets of young pondweed, sedge, uruti and other vegetation are located far from the coast. In this case, you will need tackle for long-distance casting, but it is better to use a boat, where it is not prohibited. Among the young shoots of algae, by the way, it is good to catch from a boat with a fishing rod with a side nod.

On many ponds and peaty quarries, crucian carp like to gather in flocks in supports. So, on peat checks in the Zabolotsky hunting farm (the catches here are simply breathtaking), crucian carp are caught from a boat with a tackle with a side nod, catching snags and islands of sunken bushes.

The tactic of catching is to constantly move from point to point. But if crucian carp is caught stably at a chosen point, its concentration can be maintained with dosed bait. Floaters, on the other hand, usually feed two or three places at once near some kind of support, and then, having determined the area where more fish, start fishing there.

As a bait, almost many carp hunters most often use a mixture of breadcrumbs and small bloodworms. Sometimes finely sifted clay is added to make the bait heavier. Some people add freshly ground seeds as an attractant.

The bait from crushed boilies works great, which pulls a large, capricious crucian to the place of casting. Boilies are packaged in a PVA bag, which can be bought at some carp fishing stores.

But, since the bag is very delicate, a careful short cast is necessary for such a rig. After casting to the place of fishing, the bag gradually dissolves in water, releasing the bait, which lies compactly on the bottom.

Carp fishing in April

A number of times I managed to catch carp on the last ice. There are periods when, in early April, carp suddenly begin to actively show enthusiasm for the bait. Maybe the oxygenated water makes them hungry, but as soon as I noticed that the carps suddenly start pecking in certain places of the reservoir.

Once, my friend and I, on one of the large ponds near Moscow, unsuccessfully tried to flash a perch. After some time, we approached a fisherman, near whom a carp of about 3.5 kg was lying on the ice. He said that he already had two cliffs, but he still managed to pull the third giant onto the ice with the help of a gaff.

Looking at our mormyshkas, he waved his hand, remarking at the same time: "Don't bother with such boogers - they will break." We began, following the prompts, “on our knees”, to make carp tackle. They put a fishing line 0.2 mm, a forged hook No. 8, the forearm of which was wrapped with copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm.

I had to wind two to four layers of wire around the forearm in order to load the hook in accordance with the sensitivity of the nod. Having made such an unusual mormyshka, we planted a large bunch of bloodworms on it and moved the bait near the very bottom. The game was very slow. But suddenly the nod twitched once or twice, for the third time already stronger, and finally there was a smooth deep tilt. I hooked. Carp - not moving, then began to give in slightly.

With great difficulty, it turned out to tear him off the bottom and slowly bring him to the hole. By the way, he did not riot at all and let himself be taken by a gaff. After some time, my friend was also lucky. It is curious that in the following days, on that pond, fishermen began to catch large crucian carp from the ice, but they did not take 0.2 mm on our fishing rods. When I changed the diameter of the fishing line to 0.14 mm, I managed to catch five crucian heels of 200–350 g each. But, of course, there was a risk of a break in the event of a carp bite.

Carp begin to move actively in search of food in the ponds near Moscow by the end of the first decade of May, when the water becomes quite warm. However, it has been noticed that carp wakes up earlier in paid reservoirs, sometimes they are caught with might and main already at the end of April, especially in trout ponds, where the water is well saturated with oxygen due to artificial aeration.

Carp constantly visits the well-known feeding zones of the reservoir: muddy ridges with bloodworm deposits, coastal cliffs with the release of aquatic larvae. Often a carp feeding site can be found by bubbles that float to the surface, indicating the location of fish burrowing in the silt.

In spring, its feeding trails often run along the coast itself. Anglers at this time have a saying: "Carp climbs into the shore." Sometimes, in muddy water, it even feeds under the feet of an unsuspecting angler. But still, taking into account that carp is a cautious fish, casting should be done further away from you, but along the coast. In late April - early May, the best nozzle is a bunch of bloodworms or medium-sized red worms.

With the rapid warming of the water, the life of food organisms in shallow water is greatly activated. All kinds of small crustaceans, nymphs, worms, awakening, appear from under the stones, from the rhizomes of plants, from the silt, so carp is a frequent guest in shallow snags, in small bays, near rapidly growing plants. Here he is caught with float rods, and if the bottom does not threaten with hooks, then on bottoms with feeders.

Fishermen are looking forward to the onset of the warm season - you can already fish in open water. You just need to know when a certain species rises to the surface after wintering. When does the crucian start pecking in the spring? There are different opinions on this matter.

When can you start catching carp

The most prolific and abundant fish - this is how S. T. Aksakov wrote about crucian carp. He also considered that in the spring crucian begins to peck later than other fish, because it rises from the silty pits, where it hibernates, only after the water has finally warmed up.

However, for many fishermen, fishing for crucian carp begins earlier in the spring. They go fishing even at the beginning of March. When crucian begins to be caught, ice can still hold on to the reservoirs, but the fish is already rising closer to the upper layers of the water.

In the northern regions of Russia, however, the features of catching crucian carp in the spring are highly dependent on air temperature. Winter can rule there almost until May, so when you can start catching crucian carp in the spring, the fishermen determine themselves.

Catching carp in March from the ice

Spring fishing for crucian carp is also an exciting activity in terms of fishing methods.

In many regions of Russia, ice on water bodies, especially with standing water, in early March, it still holds on and allows you to go out on it, however, with caution. However, ice fishing for crucian carp in early spring has its own characteristics:

  • closer to the ice drift, crucian leaves deep places; it is best to look for it near the shore or in old thickets of reeds;
  • fish at this time are especially fastidious; when fishing for mormyshka, you have to change its colors in different places of the reservoir;
  • it is better to use a fishing line with a thickness of 0.1-0.12 mm, tackle bigger fish scare away - she is no longer as sleepy as in winter, although not as active as in summer;
  • you can catch on bloodworms - 3 larvae on the hook is enough.

Catching carp in March on a float rod

How to catch carp in the spring with a simple fishing rod?

The methods of catching crucian carp in the spring with a float rod are not much different from summer ones, except perhaps nozzles should be applied gradually. Somewhere at first, the fish will peck at the vegetable, somewhere a worm or maggot will do.

Attention! When choosing a fishing spot, pay attention to the fact that crucian carp are close to the shore at this time. So do not go into the water, it will scare away the fish.

When is the best time to start catching carp in this way? Most realistically, in second or third decade of the first spring month.

Top dressing in the spring is an amateur. Some fishermen believe that when using plant mixtures, crucian carp stop biting altogether. But it's worth a try. When fishing for crucian carp begins in the spring, the fish begins to actively feed, this should be used. There are many feeding options:

  • 1 kg of millet is poured with 3 liters of water and simmered until completely boiled; chopped worm is added to the resulting mass; small balls roll out of all this;
  • mix boiled potatoes, corn and oatmeal, pour all this with juice from canned corn;
  • in some places, crucian carp can be attracted with pieces of cookies or gingerbread;
  • normal bread is also suitable; on it, as on a nozzle, according to Aksakov, mainly yellow individuals peck; and the white crucian takes it only as a complementary food;
  • sunflower cake; there are entire reservoirs where crucian carp is accustomed to cake; but there are lakes where the fish are absolutely indifferent to it.

Keep in mind that catching crucian carp with bait in the spring is a long occupation; the fish does not approach it immediately and studies for a long time.

Catching carp in the spring on a cork on a pond in March

This type of fishing is also called fishing. "on the pacifier". Spring, fishing, crucian carp - these words will inevitably make the fisherman inventive.

This method is well suited for catching carp in a pond in March - there is stagnant water. The originality of the method combination of bait and top dressing at the same time. The cork is taken from plastic bottle, with the help of holes and fishing line is attached to the load. Inside this structure, a bait mixture is applied, in which the hooks are recessed. The fish, having found a cork with filling at the bottom of the reservoir, begins to suck it out and swallows the hook.

Attention! No need to use large hooks - this will scare away the already cautious fish.

Carp is generally afraid of noticeable and large tackle and too bright baits - do not overdo it.

April bite

When to catch crucian carp in the spring in April? Almost always. If the water has already cleared. Just keep in mind that the fisherman will now have to hide more reliably so that it cannot be seen from the water. In April, crucian carp are already gradually moving away from the shore, so the tackle for catching it should already be longer. You can already use boats.

Fishing at this time is good at snags, fallen trees, on the bends of reservoirs. It is good to choose places where there is a lot of aquatic vegetation. The methods of catching crucian carp in the spring at this time are varied. But float fishing rod many prefer. “Elastic bands” and even “muzzles” are also used - like a muddy fish, crucian carp often look for prey at the very bottom.

Catching crucian carp in the spring - fishing tactics

In addition to caution, the fisherman must also consider that nozzle variation- an indispensable component of successful fishing for crucian carp. They can be very diverse. Worm, maggot, sometimes even grasshoppers - these animal baits will attract fish, but they love crucian carp and vegetable bait: bread, semolina, corn, canned green peas. Some fishermen claim that he is not averse to eating even pieces of reeds.

Fishing tactics largely depend on the choice of nozzle. Using the worm, you can wait until the float goes to the side and lies down. Chatterbox requires a faster reaction from the fisherman.

As a rule, this type of fish, especially on a lake or a pond, is caught at once with several fishing rods with different depths and hooks. But where there are a lot of snags or a rocky bottom, you can easily confuse the fishing line.

In general, fishing for crucian carp on a pond in March or April is more successful than on a river, especially with a fast current.

Attention! Spring fishing for crucian carp is distinguished by the morning activity of fish from early dawn until noon. Evening bite is much weaker.

This fish should be fished without jerks.- the lips of the crucian are soft and thin and easily break off, while the fish comes off.


Let's stop, first of all, on a float fishing rod. In general, tackle for catching crucian carp in the spring is no different from the summer. The fishing line should be thin, but strong, hooks - 3-5 numbers.

You need to start by choosing a rod. Fishing rods are of different types:

  • bolognese- Today it is the most popular and inexpensive type of rod. Has built-in rings and coil. The ideal length for carp fishing is 4-5 m.
  • match- similar to the Bolognese, but must have a coil with a brake;
  • flywheel- simple, without rings and coils;
  • plug– fishing rod for professionals; the rod can reach 15 m; allows you to achieve particularly accurate and silent casting.

For the match, the float is selected by weight in 5-10 gr; in fly fishing still popular goose feather- it is sensitive and stands out well on the water. Plug-in fishing rods are equipped with a float from 1 g - in this type of fishing, the absence of sounds is important.

Spring warming awakens an active desire to spend time near the water. will combine business with pleasure. After all, crucian activity is high at this time, and gastronomic qualities are known and respected by anglers.

It is very popular among fishermen to catch crucian carp in the spring. Since it is at this time of the year that crucian carp is one of the most common fish that can be caught in any water bodies.

Crucian carp is not picky fish, which is found in both small and large, both in clean and muddy water sources. Such fish as crucian carp can grow up to 2 kilograms in size. At the same time, it can be caught on a regular float fishing rod. Today, everyone can find any tackle in the fishing shop of their city, pick up a fishing rod and other tackle to their taste.

Where to look for crucian carp in April

When the ice melts in the reservoirs in early spring, the crucian swims away from the wintering grounds and begins to feed very actively. He really likes places with warm water and a lot of food. In early April, it can be found off the coast of a reservoir at a depth of 25-110 centimeters. If we talk about the second half of April, then the crucian swims further and further to the depth and moves away from the coast.

Where to catch crucian carp in April with a float rod:

  • Places overgrown with reeds and algae (up to one and a half meters deep)
  • In coastal areas heavily overgrown with grass or reeds that are prone to flooding during high water
  • curved, high places where crucian carp can find shelter in times of danger

The most frequent biting usually occurs before mid-May. After May, spawning begins at the crucian carp, and in the future, very small crucian carp come across.

How to equip a float rod?

The right gear and equipment greatly increases the chance of catching good crucian. Even an ordinary street with a float has various variations designed for different conditions catching fish.

Choosing a fishing rod

For catching crucian carp in April, there are four rods that are most convenient:

Also, when choosing a rod for catching carp, you should pay attention to what material the rod is made of. The material must be flexible and strong. For example, fiberglass.


Coil selection for catching carp in April on a float rod First of all, it depends on the rod on which you will put it. Any reel is suitable for a Bolognese rod. For match you need a reel that has a good brake.

fishing line

In early spring, crucian carp are always very careful, so you need to choose a very thin and inconspicuous fishing line. Most the best choice this is a fluorocarbon thread 0.12-0.16 millimeters.

Float selection, weight and hooks

  • For a match rod, you should choose a weight of 12 to 15 grams.
  • For plug and fly rods, floats up to one gram are needed, since noiselessness is very important for these rods.
  • Bolognese rods need floats from three to five grams.

In more detail

As a load, it is best to use a small lead shot, which should be fixed at the very end of the fishing line. Their weight depends on the float.

Hooks should be chosen not large, as large ones can scare the crucian. The best hook size according to the international table is ten.

Crucian eats absolutely everything, but in the spring in April it prefers high-calorie foods rich in protein.

Most the best baits for crucian carp in April when fishing with a float rod, this is:

  • red worm
  • Maggot
  • bloodworm

Herbal tips may also be relevant at this time:

  • dough
  • steamed grain
  • pearl barley

Technique for catching crucian carp in April

Fishing for crucian carp from April to mid-May is very simple. After choosing the place where you decided to catch crucian with a float rod

  • cast a baited rod
  • wait for the catch
  • you can fish with several rods, the main thing is to carefully monitor the floats.

The fish should be pulled out gently and slowly, as the crucian has soft lips and they break off easily. Be sure to have a landing net that is comfortable in length. The cage can be used both metal and from various nylon and synthetic materials.

Catching carp in April video

Video application "All about fishing"

Catching carp on a float rod in the spring video

Video application "Let's go fishing"

Fishing for crucian carp in the spring on a float fishing rod video: