Boris Budaev wrestler. Boris Budaev: “At school, I lost to almost everyone, but I trained the most. When was the last time you competed on the carpet

Soel village, Barguzinsky district, Buryat ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet athlete, Russian public figure. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1989). Honored Worker physical education Republic of Buryatia


Trained with an outstanding Buryat freestyle wrestling coachFyodor Nikolaevich Makhutov. In 1982 graduated from the faculty physical education Buryat State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1979, in Ulaanbaatar, he won the title of world champion in freestyle wrestling among juniors.

European Champion 1982,
Champion of the USSR 1985
World Champion 1989, winner of many international tournaments

Four-time champion of Russia
Winner of the World Cup "Grand Prix".
Winner of the International Tournament in London in 1995.
In 1996 he became the champion of Asia, a member of the Olympic team of Uzbekistan.
Winner of the international tournament of veterans of the planet in San Francisco in 1998, where he became the owner of the Golden Gate Cup and the Golden Cup.

Carries out a lot of public work to promote sports, provides material assistance and assistance in strengthening sports base schools, organizing training camps, freestyle wrestling tournaments.

In 1994, he was elected as a deputy to the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia.

Federation President wrestling Republic of Buryatia. The republic is international tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev. The tournament has the "Grand Prix" category and is included in the calendar international federation FILA wrestling.

Lives in the city of Ulan-Ude.

Married. Has three children.

Republican Agency for Physical Culture and Sports, honored coach of Russia in freestyle wrestling Vladislav Bumboshkin: “I wondered more than once why only he managed to climb the first step of the podium of the World Championship from Buryat wrestlers? - He rested most of all on the carpet, training to the seventh sweat, he came to training earlier than everyone else and left later than others and, overtaking everyone, was the first on the crosses. When Boris was an active wrestler, he was called a "machine": he maintained a high pace of wrestling all nine minutes of the fight. He fought in an attacking style, as the wrestlers say, "driving" his rivals. Almost none of his counterparts could keep up with the pace of the duel he proposed.”

Coach Fyodor Makhutov recalls his first meeting with a future pupil as follows: “Few sports fans know that Boris and I met on the carpet in 1976. At that time, I was finishing my way in freestyle wrestling, and he was just starting. If it had been a dumb experience (I took the lead from the first minutes of the fight), then he could have “driven” me.

Boris Budaev himself, in his book “Time to Live and Win,” addresses young wrestlers: “... high sports form must be maintained not from competition to competition, but constantly. I know from myself that in order to master one or another wrestling technique, you need to repeat it at least 500 times a day. If a young wrestler loses about 2.5 kilograms in weight during training, then this is normal, this is good wrestling work.

Each successful career necessarily carries elements of luck. In his case, it is a healthy heredity and a strong labor bone. Puzzles of parental genes have formed into an ingenious combination: physically - brutal, technically - perfected, psychologically - prudent. In a wrestling match, he was a powerful aggressor and a subtle grandmaster at the same time. He knew how to calculate the duel for many moves ahead, competently distribute forces at the "distance", beautifully and skillfully end the battle. Fights of this level are just “tin”: Boris Budaev fought for every victory so that steam came from the carpet. During his sports career, he performed mainly in the first welterweight (up to 68 kg). In the language of professionals, this is the “group of death”. In the freestyle wrestling of the Soviet, and then the Russian periods in this weight category- the highest density of champions. And if you become the champion of the USSR or Russia, then you will certainly become the champion of the world or the Olympic Games. Before the 1982 European Championship, the coaching council decided to hold a mini-tournament between Boris Budaev, David Gigauri and Magomed-Gasan Abushev. Boris passed this difficult exam. And in Varna, in fact, the final duel took place already in the second round - between him and the owner of the carpet, Valentin Yankov. Despite the fact that Yankov was furiously supported by his countrymen, Boris defeated him with a score of 10:0. He spent the Varna championship in one breath and defeated his competitors with a "dry" score. Apparently, this alerted the organizers of the European forum, and Boris was forced to undergo an unpleasant anti-doping control procedure. He did not take any stimulant drugs, so everything ended well ...

For several years, Boris Budaev was one step away from the desired goal. They have already begun to call him the “eternal second”: silver at the USSR championship, European and world championships. And on September 3, 1989, in the Swiss city of Martini, he is on the highest step of the podium. He recalls this main day in his life like this: “Finally, my dream came true. cherished dream and in my arms Golden medal the best fighter of the planet in weight up to 68 kilograms. I am on the top step of the World Championship podium. After the final fight with the Japanese Akaishi Kosei, I didn't have the strength to rejoice at the victory, because I gave them to the main fight of my life. For a long time I couldn't believe that I was the world champion."

All is well in the back

A successful career of a great athlete is also a reliable family rear. Here - "everything for the front, everything for victory!". The wife of the world champion Tatyana Budaeva says: “For all the years that we lived together, we had everything in life - ups and downs, and unpleasant situations. Borey and I went through a lot, because in his sports career there were not only victories, but also defeats. A difficult period in his life was in 1986-1987. Then he was well prepared, was in a great physical form, but he was not taken to prestigious competitions, relegated to the background. In such a situation, someone advised him to hang wrestlers on a nail. I then intuitively felt that Boris would have big victories, sooner or later his finest hour would come. He listened to my opinion, and in 1989 he became the world champion.”

Today Boris Budaev is over fifty. He was not affected by time and the harmful factors of civilization, there is almost no gray hair, he is fit and slender, and the muscular plasticity of an active wrestler is still felt in him.

After finishing his career in big sport he had no "difficulties in transferring" to another reality. While many former athletes found themselves in the position of "downed pilots", Boris Budaev successfully integrated into new life. Continues to develop freestyle wrestling. For 10 years he was the head coach of the republic's freestyle wrestling team. And a few years ago, at the moment when a “critical mass” had accumulated, together with a group of top managers of the largest commercial companies, with the support of the government and the People’s Khural of the Republic of Belarus, together with the Republican Agency for Physical Culture and Sports, he organized the Sports Development Fund named after Boris Budaev. This non-profit organization is designed to provide financial assistance to candidates for the Russian national team to participate in the world's largest competitions.

The Budaev family has three adult children. Next to the famous father, they did not become "majors" and secular party-goers. All of them have been involved in sports since childhood. The eldest son Zorigto is the champion of the city of Ulan-Ude in freestyle wrestling among youths. After an injury, he switched to football and became the champion of the zone of Siberia and the Far East.

The youngest son Aldar plays football. He is a student at Novosibirsk State University, a future economist.

Boris Budaev is very proud of the success of his children, he values ​​​​his family. Like everyone else, in their lives there were big troubles and small dirty tricks. But by the age of fifty, his perseverance and determination remained intact. He has no illusions. Today, more than ever, he understands that he must organize his fate, fight for every victory. It is only misfortunes that fall on their heads. Therefore, at the beginning of the third millennium, when a historical distance was formed from the time of his resounding victories, he did not “bronze”. Today, as always, he is on endless journeys, full of plans, hopes, and no one can say about him: "The game is over".


Boris Budaev

There is no need to introduce Boris Budaev. The famous wrestler, the hallmark of Buryat sports, the only world champion in freestyle wrestling in the republic. A living legend, a successful businessman and just the father of a family. A charming man who is celebrating his 50th birthday this year. In anticipation of this event, we decided to ask celebrities a few questions.

Boris Dugdanovich, what are you doing now?

A year ago, the Boris Budaev Foundation was established in the republic. Its goal is to support our promising athletes, create proper conditions for them and, in general, contribute to the development of such Olympic sports sports like freestyle wrestling, archery. There is a catastrophic lack of funds for all this, there are no normal conditions for training, there are no modern gyms, our promising athletes are experiencing both moral and material difficulties. But there are not so many of them. It is especially important to see this now, when the pre-Olympic year 2007 has come. The republican agency for the development of physical culture and sports has developed a grandiose plan in this regard, God forbid that it be realized. A board of trustees has been created in our foundation, it is headed by the mayor of the city Gennady Aydayev. We regularly hold expanded meetings of the foundation, under its auspices international competitions are held annually, we take part in many sports events. We were among the organizers of the traditional winter fishing competition. The popularity of this sport is extraordinary. In April of this year we want to hold a fish tournament in Maksimikha. Prize 100 thousand rubles. People just come to relax as a group, and that's great.

Among the firms that provide support to the Boris Budaev Foundation, such well-known ones as Titan, Stam, Bin, Darkhanstroy, Buryatenergo OJSC, Baris, Beer of Siberia can be listed for a long time. The organizing committee of the fund includes all the rectors of the largest universities in our republic: Vladimir Saktoev, Stepan Kalmykov, Alexander Popov. I believe we have created good team which will effectively work for the benefit of the republican sport.

From your point of view, what is the main problem of the sports world in Buryatia?

There are no trifles in sports, everything is important. Take, for example, coaching. Without it, there is simply no athlete. And our coach is the lowest paid category. Therefore, all those who remained to work with athletes are real fanatics of their work, but this is not enough for development. I am a world champion, I say this not without pride, I worked as a state coach for a long time, now I receive a pension of 2.5 thousand rubles. Is it possible to live on such money today? In neighboring Yakutia, the world champion receives a pension of 90,000 rubles from the local budget. In fact, there are few such athletes, but their names create the image of the region.

In Buryatia there is no modern sports - health complex. With a good swimming pool, sauna, massage room, a well-thought-out system of rooms, fitness equipment. This issue is raised not for the first time, and in the near future our foundation plans to take the initiative to the People's Khural of the Republic of Belarus, the government of the republic. We do not have the conditions to "unwind" our sports achivments, create show programs, invite well-known athletes in the country and make joint sports and cultural programs. Those halls that are, small capacity, ticket prices for this reason are becoming unbearable for our residents. If a real cultural center were built in Ulan-Ude - sports complex, this issue could be resolved.

How are you going to celebrate your anniversary?

By this date, July 27, we are preparing an international freestyle wrestling tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev. This will be a real event for the sports republic. All my friends are invited, with whom I once competed on the carpet in the weight up to 68 kg, with whom I am friends. They promised to be 2-time Olympic champion Buvaisar Saitiev, 3-time Olympic champion, 7-time world champion, State Duma deputy Alexander Karelin, 3-time Olympic champion from Belarus, 7-time world champion Alexander Medved, 2-time Olympic champion, deputy State Duma Arsen Fadzaev, 2-time Olympic champion Sergei Beloglazov and others. Gave his prior consent to come to the tournament and Joseph Kobzon. In order to adequately receive guests, he built a conference hall and a hotel for 90 people on Baikal on his own.

Agree, it is becoming a rule that many athletes, finishing performing, go headlong into business, and they do it well.

Life just leaves them no choice. It is impossible to exist on a modest pension, but you have to feed your family. I would explain the secret of success in business as follows: similar laws apply here, even tougher. When I was an athlete, I thought that I would only have to fight opponents on the mat. It turned out that all life is a struggle, only in life it is much more difficult, because there is no judge, there are no rules, sometimes there is no time to prepare. But every time you get hit, like in sports, you keep it and move on. The most important thing here is to find yourself, to overcome, to understand that you are not only an athlete.

What are your children interested in?

I have three children and a grandson who is four years old. The eldest son works in the prosecutor's office. My daughter graduated from the Plekhanov Academy of Finance with honors, and is now studying at the International Academy of Finance in the Czech Republic. The youngest son is still a ninth grader, but he is already declaring himself with might and main. Recently became the winner of the economic forum among schoolchildren in grades 8-9-10. A very interesting young man, he reads a lot, he is interested in banking, insurance companies, he is already actively involved in the family business. Now, for example, he is developing a program for the development of tourism on Lake Baikal.

Boris Dugdanovich, on behalf of all the inhabitants of the Republic of Buryatia, let me congratulate you on the upcoming anniversary and wish you good luck, kindness and success in all your endeavors!


Budaev Boris Dugdanovich was born on July 27, 1957 in the village of Soel, Burguzinsky district. In 1976 he graduated from the Bayangol high school. From 1977 to 1981 studied at the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute. Since 1981, he served in the military in the Trans-Baikal Military District. Military rank - senior ensign. 1979 - World Junior Champion in freestyle wrestling. 1982 - European champion. 1985 - champion Soviet Union, 7-time silver medalist of the championships of the Soviet Union. 1989 - World champion. 4-time champion of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 4-time champion of the Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. 6-time champion of Russia. 1992 - silver medalist of the European Championship. 1996 - champion of Asia. World Champion among Veteran Athletes 1993 and 1998. 1996 - member Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA). 1994-1998 - Deputy of the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia. Honorary citizen of Ulan-Ude. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR. Honored Coach of Russia. Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Republic of Buryatia.

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On the eve of the XXV International Named Tournament and the 60th anniversary, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, world, European and Asian champion Boris Budaev tells who he considers promising wrestlers of the republic, talks about political plans and recalls the best sports years.

Boris Dugdanovich, everyone should look as good by the age of 60 as you look. Tell us how you maintain such a form?

The most important thing in human life is movement. I try to be active. I go to gym, I play football. My wife says stop playing football, play sports, it's time to take care of yourself. Two hours of running is a lot. Others walk already (laughs). Some of my friends that I used to wrestle with now weigh 135kg. See you recently.

- What is your weight now?

- when you're in last time compete on carpet?

In 2008 in Perm, at the World Championship among veterans. The head coach of the national team called me from Moscow. I was 50 years old, I turned 51 in July. I was resting on Lake Baikal then. Says they are recruiting strong team to win more medals, you are always in good shape with us, participate (smiles). Summer, guests, I weighed 91-93 kg. Competitions in two months. I say I agree. I put on my uniform and run cross country. As a result, he drove 17 kg and performed in the category up to 76 kg. Won.

"Count the pillars"

- How to cultivate such endurance?

Just force yourself to endure. I ran, and if I wanted to stop, I said to myself - a little more, a little bit left, you must run to the next post. You will run - you will become a champion! In Soel ( B. Budaev's native village in the Barguzinsky district - ed.) I ran 15 km from school in the 6th grade. He ran home, ate and ran back. Then back home, all wet. He put on a fresh T-shirt and helped carry water and chop wood. I worked like this for two hours, my mother said: “Lie down, rest a little.” I rested for 30 minutes and ran away to “count the poles”, and walked somewhere on foot. At that time, wolves roamed in the evenings. All the time was with a stick. He heard a sound in the bushes and ran even faster.

- Young wrestlers ask: how to spend 10 days before the competition, how to eat, how to train?

Previously, before the competition, I always dropped 8-10 kg of weight. For 10 days I limited myself to flour, dairy food, ate less potatoes. Meals were 100 grams, but 5 times a day. Arrived in the correct shape very clearly. But 10 days is not enough, you need to start already in a month. At work: when there was a week left, I just gave myself a rest and spent game training so as not to eat and at the same time not to spend a lot of energy, otherwise there would be no “sprinkle”. Many load themselves, and then there is nothing to fight. We had an incomplete recovery, little sports nutrition. Today, our guys have more of it, but it is incomparable with other regions and countries. In China, the USA just drink pills by the handful, sports nutrition. For example, before weighing in at a competition, an athlete from the USA stood on the scales at 6 o'clock in the morning, he had an extra 4,200 kg. After 1.5 hours he is normal! How did he do it?! I always thought that Americans eat something like that, it just can't be like that. He won all our Soviet athletes later.

Conquering yourself

It's amazing, of course. How did you prepare for the competition? This question is also of interest to young wrestlers. They watch videos of your fights and are amazed at your pressure.

Many burn out before a fight. The jitters are a terrible thing. This fear must be eradicated. I didn't have this fear from a young age. When I was in the 4th grade, the seventh graders said - let's go fight! I answered - let's go! There was no thought that I would lose or be beaten. Only once did I experience fear. It was at the World Cup. I did not sleep all night, I fell asleep for 30 minutes and that's it. The shoulder was injured. I got up at 6 am, walked, had breakfast, did a warm-up. There was a crowd in the locker room: coaches, masseurs - you couldn’t get through. Everyone is talking, they don't let you tune in. I went to another place, but I heard the exits to the carpet being announced. Before my exit, there was one fight left, they started looking for me, they lost me. One saw me in the next room. What are you saying, the fight is coming soon. And I'm lying on the couch, singing songs (laughs). Nine minutes will still fight, I thought and lay.

- Was it difficult for you to become who you are? This question worries many young athletes.

Nobody has ever helped me. The basics of wrestling were shown by my first coach Viktor Ochirov, it was an impetus for my life. After leaving school, I moved to Ulan-Ude and trained with Fedor Makhutov. When he entered the BSPI them. D. Banzarova (now BSU) I was already a two-time bronze medalist of the USSR championship. With the coach began to achieve new goals. I became the World Youth Champion. I think that then there were guys much more talented than me. At school, I lost to almost everyone, but I trained most of all. When those guys left professional sports, I went further. I understood that the future depends only on me, work will lead to success. All year round did not allow himself to relax. Neither rain nor snow stopped me. My wife told me: “Are you sick or something! It's raining outside, you're running. Where are you running?!" And I won myself, this is the most important thing.

Tea for Yarygin

- Who has had the greatest influence on your life?

When I entered youth team USSR, I was settled in with Ivan Yarygin, a two-time Olympic champion. I made tea for him, washed things after training. For me it was generally “Wow!”. When he became the head coach, he always took me to competitions. Thanks to him, I got to my first World Championship.

For me always authoritative successful people. Ivan Yarygin, Roman Dmitriev, Alexander Karelin, Buvaisar Saitiev. Of course, the authority for me is Mikhail Mamiashvili, who leads the Russian Wrestling Federation. It is very difficult. On the one hand - Chechens, Ossetians, Dagestanis, there is a struggle between them, it is necessary to separate them somehow. On the other hand - Buryats, Yakuts. Being successful in such a situation is an art. These are the authorities in sports. In politics, those who have been stable for many years are authoritative for me - Evgeny Khankhalaev, for example. He supported my very first tournament in 1993. Bato Semenov, Vadim Bredniy, Valery Tsyrempilov, Bair Zhamsuev, Iosif Kobzon.

"Nothing to regret"

In one of the videos from the conference of the international networking campaign, you say that it is very important for a person to dream. What do you dream about when you are 60?

I believe that today my life is just beginning. In such years, I look at her from the other side of the coin. I analyze the steps I have taken. I took on the responsibility to carry the thrust of the leader, to lead people behind me and must comply. Therefore, my dream is to grow further, become the crowned leader of my company and help people. Help loved ones.

- Is there anything you regret?

I don't regret anything, I'm comfortable. From the age of 13 to 41, I was actively involved in sports. After 10 years, he performed at the World Championship among veterans. The only thing I regret is that I did not dream of becoming an Olympic champion. Therefore, it is important to set goals correctly. After all, when I was an athlete, I dreamed of becoming a world champion, but I never dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion and did not become one. There were three moments, but it was not possible to get to the Olympics. Once I got to the Games in Atlanta, but there were obstacles.

20 years away from home

- Let's talk about something else. Do you agree that for a man business is in the first place, and the family is only in the second place?

Family is the most important thing. We live for her, for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Family comes first. The family escorts to training, the family meets from training. Home is warm and cozy. When there is success, there is harmony at home. I haven't lived at home for almost 20 years. Competitions-gatherings-competitions-gatherings. My wife Tatyana and I have been together for 37 years, of which she was constantly waiting for me for 18-20 years. When I started doing network business and left the sport, we are always together, we go to conferences. At first she supported me, now I try to support her.

- You have three children. Tell us about them, please. What are they doing? Daughter in England, right?

My daughter - yes, works in England as an economist in a large company. The eldest son and his wife are lawyers. They have two children: the eldest, Boris Budaev, was born on July 26, and my birthday is on July 27. The same energetic, can not sit still. The youngest grandson, Arsalan, is engaged in wrestling, football, and is a good student. Very pushy. My son Aldar helps the family in the family business.

It is known that you provide assistance and assistance in strengthening the sports base of schools, in organizing training camps. What was the most enjoyable part of all of this for you?

I have always been indebted to my native school in the village of Soel. We suffered, we could not go anywhere, because there was no transport. I constantly thought about how to help. At the age of 50, I managed to do it. We bought a bus - GAZelle. They still ride it. I help to make major repairs at the school. I help a datsan in the Barguzinsky district, a Buddhist university. I used to have the Boris Budaev Foundation, and two months ago I opened a new public regional organization named after Boris Budaev. She will also help talented young athletes.

Make way for the young

- Which of the young athletes do you rely on today, who do you consider promising wrestlers?

Andrey Gataulin and Yuri Vlasko. These two guys are very promising.

- Regarding the Freestyle Wrestling Federation of Buryatia - why did you leave your post?

I decided to give way to the young, to see how they work. Everyone asked to stay, of course. But I can’t just work like that, I want everything to be fine, I am a responsible person. And then the crisis, I'm tired. I could not twist the arms of my partner friends, we barely survived the Olympic cycle. I decided that I am 60 years old soon, it's time to take a break and handed over the reins of power to the eminent wrestler, Honored Master of Sports Sergei Zambalov.

- What is the main problem in Buryat sports, in your opinion?

Today, local coaches work poorly. They don't have transport to go anywhere. This may not be their fault. Coaches go to the district administration, asking for money, but they are not there. Send to look for sponsors. What sponsors in the village! So they go to mow hay, dismiss the guys. Then comes the potatoes. In the summer, the guys do not train, they lose their skills. Someone gains weight, someone loses interest. Therefore, in such difficult conditions, a lot depends on fanaticism. In Bayangol, for example, strong wrestlers constantly appear, they work non-stop and, importantly, they have a bus.

“If asked, I will run”

- You were politically active in the 90s, you were elected to the People's Khural in 1994. Are you planning now?

If fellow countrymen from the Barguzinsky district ask, then I will run for the Khural, help people.

- Do you think this government plays a significant role, gives great opportunities to help?

I think it doesn't matter. No. Many people go to the Khural today because they lack something in their image, maybe. They want to be public. If you were elected as a deputy of your district, you should help as much as possible. There must be a resource for this. With bare hands there what to do!

They say about you: Your word is law. In Buryatia for sure. What would you say sports authorities Russia, wrestling federation?

I'm glad that they listen to my opinion and experience. I would like to see Buryatia turned its face. I meet, I talk about it with people. I spoke with the Honored Trainer of Russia, the first vice-president of the FSBR, responsible for women's wrestling Omar Murtazalivy about how to prepare for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo in Baikal, in Buryatia. I think there is interest in this issue, the climatic conditions are suitable. I would like everything to work out.

- Let's talk about your tournament. What guests of honor are you expecting?

There are a lot of them! There will be an Olympic silver medalist, two-time champion world champion from Mongolia Zevegiin Oidov, Vice-President of the Mongolian Freestyle Wrestling Federation, Honored Master of Sports of Mongolia, with whom we fought in the same weight, Buyandelger Bold. Will arrive double Olympic champion, First Vice-President of the Russian Wrestling Federation, responsible for freestyle wrestling, Arsen Fadzaev; Honored Trainer of Russia, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Yuri Avdeev; wife of two-time Olympic champion Ivan Yarygin Natalya Alekseevna. She is the president of the Ivan Yarygin Foundation, a member of the FILA bureau. A member of the FILA Bureau, a close friend of Natalia Yarygina, Rodica Maria Yaksi, also comes from Turkey. The head of the sports committee of the city of Hailar (PRC) will arrive; Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic medalist, three-time World Cup winner Stepan Sargsyan; bronze medalist of the European Championship, world champion among youth in 1979 Andrey Yartsev. In addition, the tournament will feature the Olympic champion of Montreal from South Korea Yang John Mo and many, many others.

- What prizes await the winners and prize-winners of the tournament?

For 1st place - 50,000, for 2nd - 35,000, for two 3rd places - 20,000 rubles each. Champion coach - 10,000 rubles. Also, the partners of the tournament established special awards and prizes for top athletes in various nominations.

- Will the entrance be free?

Free admission! There will be a good concert program. The State Theater of Song and Dance "Baikal" will perform, as well as Chingis Radnaev. I invite all residents and guests of Buryatia!

The XXV international tournament in freestyle wrestling among juniors born in 1999-1997, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Boris Budaev, will be held on July 27 in the FSK in Ulan-Ude. Start at 9:00 am.

Boris Dugdanovich, everyone should look so good by the age of 60. How do you keep in such good shape?

The most important thing in human life is movement. I try to be active. I go to the gym, I play football. My wife says stop playing football, play sports, it's time to take care of yourself. Two hours of running is a lot. Others walk already (laughs). Some of my friends that I used to wrestle with now weigh 135 kg. See you recently.

- And what is your weight now?

- When was the last time you competed on the carpet?

In 2008 in Perm, at the World Championship among veterans. The head coach of the national team called me from Moscow. I was 50 years old, I turned 51 in July. I was resting on Lake Baikal then. He says that they are recruiting a strong team in order to win more medals, you are always in good shape with us, participate (smiles). Summer, guests, I weighed 91-93 kg. Competitions in two months. I say I agree. I put on my uniform and run cross country. As a result, he drove 17 kg and performed in the category up to 76 kg. Won.

- How to cultivate such endurance?

Just force yourself to endure. I ran, and if I wanted to stop, I said to myself - a little more, a little bit left, you must run to the next post. You will reach - you will become a champion! In Soel (the native village of B. Budaev in the Barguzinsky district - ed. note) I ran 15 km from school in the 6th grade. He ran home, ate and ran back. Then back home, all wet. He put on a fresh T-shirt and helped carry water and chop wood. I worked like this for two hours, my mother said: “Lie down, rest a little.” I rested for 30 minutes and ran away to “count the poles”, and walked somewhere on foot. At that time, wolves roamed in the evenings. All the time was with a stick. He heard a sound in the bushes and ran even faster.

- Young wrestlers ask: how to spend 10 days before the competition, how to eat, how to train?

Previously, before the competition, I always dropped 8-10 kg of weight. For 10 days I limited myself to flour, dairy food, ate less potatoes. Meals were 100 grams, but 5 times a day. Arrived in the correct shape very clearly. But 10 days is not enough, you need to start already in a month. At work: when there was a week left, I just gave myself a rest and spent game training so as not to eat and at the same time not to spend a lot of energy, otherwise there would be no “sprinkle”. Many load themselves, and then there is nothing to fight. We had an incomplete recovery, little sports nutrition. Today, our guys have more of it, but it is incomparable with other regions and countries. In China, the USA just drink pills by the handful, sports nutrition. For example, before weighing in at a competition, an athlete from the USA stood on the scales at 6 o'clock in the morning, he had an extra 4,200 kg. After 1.5 hours he is normal! How did he do it?! I always thought that Americans eat something like that, it just can't be like that. He won all our Soviet athletes later.

How did you prepare for the competition? This question is also of interest to young wrestlers. Everyone watches the video of your fights and is amazed at the pressure.

Many burn out before a fight. Trembling is a terrible thing. This fear must be eradicated. I didn't have this fear from a young age. When I was in 4th grade, 7th graders said - let's go fight! I answered - let's go! There was no thought that I would lose or be beaten. Only once did I experience fear. It was at the World Cup. I did not sleep all night, I fell asleep for 30 minutes and that's it. The shoulder was injured. I got up at 6 am, walked, had breakfast, did a warm-up. There was a crowd in the locker room: coaches, masseurs - you couldn’t get through. Everyone is talking, they don't let you tune in. I went to another place, but I heard the exits to the carpet being announced. Before my exit, there was one fight left, they started looking for me, they lost me. One saw me in the next room. What are you saying, the fight is coming soon. And I'm lying on the couch, singing songs (laughs). Nine minutes will still fight, I thought and lay.

- What memories of trainings, training camps are still fresh?

Our coach was constantly doing training on the bike - up 40 km. On the road, sometimes you spend the night. There was a winter hut in Bayangol. In the morning I woke up, I go out - the deer are standing. In the evening - bears walk. Just in case, we had a gun, but well-fed bears are not dangerous. When you sleep, it used to be that a mouse runs across your forehead (laughs). You light a match, you see how mice run along the logs.

- Was it difficult for you to become who you are?

Nobody has ever helped me. The basics of wrestling were shown to me by my first coach Viktor Ochirov, it was an impetus for my life. After leaving school, I moved to Ulan-Ude and trained with Fedor Makhutov. When he entered the BSPI them. D. Banzarova (now BSU) I was already a two-time bronze medalist of the USSR championship. With the coach began to achieve new goals. I became the World Youth Champion. I think that then there were guys much more talented than me. At school, I lost to almost everyone, but I trained the most. When those guys left professional sports, I moved on. I understood that the future depends only on me, work will lead to success. All year round did not allow himself to relax. Neither rain nor snow stopped me. My wife told me: “Are you sick or something! It's raining outside, you're running. Where are you running?!" And I won myself, this is the most important thing.

- Who has had the greatest influence on your life?

When I entered the youth team of the USSR, I was settled in with Ivan Yarygin, a two-time Olympic champion. I made tea for him, washed things after training. For me it was generally “Wow!”. When he became the head coach, he always took me to competitions. Thanks to him, I got to my first World Championship.

Successful people are always authoritative for me. Ivan Yarygin, Roman Dmitriev, Alexander Karelin, Buvaisar Saitiev. Of course, the authority for me is Mikhail Mamiashvili, who leads the Russian Wrestling Federation. It is very difficult. On the one hand, there are Chechens, Ossetians, Dagestanis, there is a struggle between them, it is necessary to separate them somehow. On the other hand, there are Buryats and Yakuts. Being successful in such a situation is an art. These are the authorities in sports. In politics, those who have been stable for many years are authoritative for me - Evgeny Khankhalaev, for example. He supported my very first tournament in 1993. Bato Semenov, Vadim Bredniy, Valery Tsyrempilov, Bair Zhamsuev, Iosif Kobzon.

In one of the videos from the conference of the international networking campaign, you say that it is very important for a person to dream. What do you dream about by the age of 60?

I believe that today my life is just beginning. In such years, I look at her from the other side of the coin. I analyze the steps I have taken. I took on the responsibility to carry the thrust of the leader, to lead people behind me and must comply. Therefore, my dream is to grow further, become the crowned leader of my company and help people. Help loved ones.

- Is there anything you regret?

I don't regret anything, I'm comfortable. From the age of 13 to 41, I was actively involved in sports. After 10 years, he performed at the World Championship among veterans. The only thing I regret is that I did not dream of becoming an Olympic champion. Therefore, it is important to set goals correctly. After all, when I was an athlete, I dreamed of becoming a world champion, but I never dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion and did not become one. There were three moments, but it was not possible to get to the Olympics. Once I got to the Games in Atlanta, but there were obstacles.

- Let's talk about something else. Do you agree that for a man business is in the first place, and the family is only in the second place?

Family is the most important thing. We live for her, for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Family comes first. The family escorts to training, the family meets from training. Home is warm and cozy. When there is success, there is harmony at home. I haven't lived at home for almost 20 years. Competitions-gatherings-competitions-gatherings. My wife Tatyana and I have been together for 37 years, of which she was constantly waiting for me for 18-20 years. When I started doing network business and left the sport, we are always together, we go to conferences. At first she supported me, now I try to support her.

- You have three children. Tell us about them, please. What are they doing? Daughter in England, right?

My daughter - yes, works in England as an economist in a large company. The eldest son and his wife are lawyers. They have two children: the eldest, Boris Budaev, was born on July 26, and my birthday is on July 27. The same energetic, can not sit still. The youngest grandson, Arsalan, is engaged in wrestling, football, and is a good student. Very pushy. My son Aldar helps the family in the family business.

In one of the reports that journalists filmed during the fifth tournament for your prizes, a gift from the USA was mentioned - a uniform with the inscription "Boris Champion". Has she survived? Where do you and your family keep all the memorable awards and gifts?

Preserved, yes (smiles). It was a gift in 1990. There are many gifts from Japan, South Korea. The Americans also gave me a blanket with the inscription of the USSR and the USA, very good and warm. We don't use it, we kept it. Now we have made a museum at home. Everything is stored there.

It is known that you provide assistance and assistance in strengthening the sports base of schools, in organizing training camps. What was the most enjoyable part of all of this for you?

I have always been indebted to my native school in the village of Soel. We suffered, we could not go anywhere, because there was no transport. I constantly thought about how to help. At the age of 50, I managed to do it. We bought a bus - GAZelle. They still ride it. I help to make major repairs at the school. I help a datsan in the Barguzinsky district, a Buddhist university. I used to have the Boris Budaev Foundation, and two months ago I opened a new public regional organization named after Boris Budaev. She will also help talented young athletes.

- Which of the young athletes do you rely on today, who do you consider promising wrestlers?

Andrey Gataulin and Yuri Vlasko. These two guys are very promising.

- Regarding the Freestyle Wrestling Federation of Buryatia - why did you leave your post?

I decided to give way to the young, to see how they work. Everyone asked to stay, of course. But I can’t just work like that, I want everything to be fine, I am a responsible person. And then the crisis, I'm tired. I could not twist the arms of my partner friends, we barely survived the Olympic cycle. I decided that I am 60 years old soon, it's time to take a break and handed over the reins of power to the eminent wrestler, Honored Master of Sports Sergei Zambalov.

- What is the main problem in Buryat sports, in your opinion?

Today, local coaches work poorly. They don't have transport to go anywhere. This may not be their fault. Coaches go to the district administration, asking for money, but they are not there. Send to look for sponsors. What sponsors in the village! So they go to mow hay, dismiss the guys. Then comes the potatoes. In the summer, the guys do not train, they lose their skills. Someone gains weight, someone loses interest. Therefore, in such difficult conditions, a lot depends on fanaticism. In Bayangol, for example, strong wrestlers constantly appear, they work non-stop and, importantly, they have a bus. Boilers, food took, sat down and drove off. Parents help with gasoline. We arrived in Kizhinga, set up tents and mattresses. They have suites on the bus (laughs), the boards have been adjusted. They go to Baikal for training camps in the same way. There is constant work, results, the coach is interested.

They say about you: Your word is law. In Buryatia for sure. What would you say to the sports authorities of Russia, the wrestling federation?

I'm glad that they listen to my opinion and experience. I would like to see Buryatia turned its face. I meet, I talk about it with people. I spoke with Omar Murtazaliv, Honored Coach of Russia, First Vice-President of the FSBR, responsible for women's wrestling, about preparing for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo in Baikal, in Buryatia. I think there is interest in this issue, the climatic conditions are suitable. I would like everything to work out.

- Let's talk about your tournament. What guests of honor are you expecting?

There are a lot of them! There will be Olympic silver medalist, two-time world champion from Mongolia Zevegiin Oidov, Vice President of the Mongolian Freestyle Wrestling Federation, Honored Master of Sports of Mongolia, with whom we fought in the same weight, Buyandelger Bold. The two-time Olympic champion, the first vice-president of the Russian Wrestling Federation, responsible for freestyle wrestling, Arsen Fadzaev will arrive; Honored Trainer of Russia, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Yuri Avdeev; wife of two-time Olympic champion Ivan Yarygin Natalya Alekseevna. She is the president of the Ivan Yarygin Foundation, a member of the FILA Bureau. A member of the FILA Bureau, a close friend of Natalia Yarygina, Rodica Maria Yaksi, also comes from Turkey. The head of the sports committee of the city of Hailar (PRC) will arrive; Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Olympic medalist, three-time World Cup winner Stepan Sargsyan; bronze medalist of the European Championship, world champion among youth in 1979 Andrey Yartsev. In addition, the Olympic champion of Montreal from South Korea Yang John Mo and many, many others will be at the tournament.

- What prizes await the winners and prize-winners of the tournament?

For 1st place - 50,000, for 2nd - 35,000, for two 3rd places - 20,000 rubles each. Champion coach - 10,000 rubles. The tournament partners also established special awards and prizes for the best athletes in various categories.

- Will the entrance be free?

Free admission! There will be a good concert program. The State Theater of Song and Dance "Baikal" will perform, as well as Chingis Radnaev. I invite all residents and guests of Buryatia!

The XXV international tournament in freestyle wrestling among juniors born in 1999-1997, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Boris Budaev, will be held on July 27 in the FSK in Ulan-Ude. Start at 9:00 am.

Born into a large peasant family.

He trained with the outstanding Buryat freestyle wrestling coach Fyodor Nikolaevich Makhutov. In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1979, in Ulaanbaatar, he won the title of world champion in freestyle wrestling among juniors.

European Champion 1982,
Champion of the USSR 1985
World Champion 1989, winner of many international tournaments

Four-time champion of Russia
Winner of the World Cup "Grand Prix".
Winner of the International Tournament in London in 1995.
In 1996 he became the champion of Asia, a member of the Olympic team of Uzbekistan.
Winner of the international tournament of veterans of the planet in San Francisco in 1998, where he became the owner of the Golden Gate Cup and the Golden Cup.

Carries out a lot of public work to promote sports, provides material assistance and assistance in strengthening the sports base of schools, organizing training camps, freestyle wrestling tournaments.

In 1994, he was elected as a deputy to the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia.

President of the Wrestling Federation of the Republic of Buryatia. An international tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev is being held in the republic. The tournament has the "Grand Prix" category and is included in the calendar of the International Wrestling Federation FILA.

Lives in the city of Ulan-Ude.

Married. Has three children. Together with his wife, they develop the Amway business.