How actor jason momoa trains. Jason Momoa's real barbaric workout. Thoughts and muscles

In 2017, a large-scale film is being prepared for release, based on many issues of DC comics. For the first time, iconic heroes including Superman, Batman and Aquaman will appear on the same screen. The last one was played by Hawaiian Jason Momoa, who surprised everyone not only with his acting, but also with his figure. With his height of 196 cm, he showed impressive muscle mass. Unlike many actors of our time, Jason boasts abs with a biceps volume of 46 cm, which is comparable to many experienced bodybuilders. StyleFitnes breaks down the nutrition and training of the future Aquaman.

Jason Momoa workout

The actor has been familiar with strength training all his life. Even in his youth, he tried to win fitness competitions. Jason approached his role of Conan the Barbarian thoroughly - he worked on the return of the former muscle mass and at the same time reduce the percentage of fat in the body.

Workout 3 times a week - perfect option for an experienced athlete in the past. Jason personally created a training scheme and diet for himself. Based on classical system from bodybuilding and fitness - from 10 to 12 repetitions without pronounced muscle failure. The total training volume was high, and in addition to the strength load, it was diluted with a ton of non-training load, among which snowboarding and rock climbing can be distinguished.

Jason Momoa Aquaman Workout

After the role of Conan the Barbarian and a small participation in the TV series Game of Thrones, Jason noticeably gained fat, but at the same time retained all the gained muscle mass. Before filming for Aquaman began, he needed to get in shape. The main requirement of the director was the brutality of the character, which cannot be achieved with a low body weight. Jason was forbidden to lose much weight. That is, it was necessary to remain with the same large silhouette, but at the same time acquire a muscular relief.

The actor's experience suggested that more activity should be added. He's lost weight this way before, without the usual cardio runs that make him uncomfortable.

Day 1

  • Pull-ups with own weight body 4x10
  • Rod pull to the belt, in an inclination 3x10
  • Bench press on an inclined or horizontal bench 4x12
  • Reduction of hands in a crossover, standing in an inclination 3x12
  • Military bench press 4x10

Day 2

  • Squats with a barbell 4x20 (working weight is small)
  • Deadlift 3x10
  • · french press with dumbbells, standing 3x10
  • Concentrated bending of the arms (alternately, first all the repetitions of one, then the other) 3x10
  • Mahi dumbbells to the sides 4x10

The division of muscle groups looks strange. Chest and back are antagonists, but they train on the same day. According to numerous interviews, Jason enjoys this scheme. The author of this technique is not him, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, who back in the 80s of the last century began to combine large muscle antagonists for one workout.

Day 1 and day 2 alternate. That is:

  • Mon – Day 1
  • Wed – Day 2
  • Fri – day 1
  • Mon – day 2

Thus, you have time to complete one type of training twice a week. The total number of trainings per week is 3. Days cannot be interchanged. Rest between training - 1 day.

Jason Momoa: nutrition

Jason personally monitors his nutrition, both during the off-season and in preparation for roles. He does not use the services of nutritionists, as he is personally familiar with this issue through fitness speeches in his youth.

The actor's attitude does not change. Even despite his goal to reduce body fat, Jason Momoa did not significantly change his diet. The actor is used to eating mostly lean meats, preferring beef, chicken and lean fish. He does not consume dairy products, and the amount of carbohydrates per day rarely exceeds 125g. This is due to the actor's dislike for such a group of nutrients.

Power feature Jason Momoa- daily presence of beer in the diet. To fit it into a calorie deficit, the actor counts all the calories eaten. many this process seems complicated and boring, and the future Aquaman fills out a food diary almost blindly. The sources of calories do not change from day to day, so keeping a diary is very easy.

The actor admits that in preparation for the role of Aquaman, it was difficult not to break loose. Often there was a desire to drink 1-2 bottles of your favorite Guinness more than it was supposed to.

“I knew that if I had one more beer now, tomorrow I would have to cut myself even more than today. So I gathered my will into a fist and tried to distract myself. Painting and creativity helped me a lot in this. But training and other activities, on the contrary, caused a strong desire to pamper yourself, ”says Jason.

Style total

Jason Momoa at 109 kg does not look full. On the contrary, he boasts an athletic physique, excellent strength indicators and a moderate percentage of body fat. Unlike many movie stars, he has been watching his figure since childhood, and therefore preparing for any role is not a significant difficulty for him. His nutrition and training schemes are more suitable for experienced athletes, and not for beginners who want to quickly gain muscle mass.

Important note

We must not forget about the various doping, which is used under the supervision of doctors. As a rule, illegal drugs are used by male actors to obtain a pronounced relief. Preservation of muscle mass, venousness, its separation against the background of a calorie deficit is a complex complex process that takes a lot of time. Actors in most cases are given tight deadlines, so they have no other choice. In the case of Jason Momoa, the fact of doping is unknown, but huge muscle volumes with vascularity and a low percentage of fat are available only to genetic uniques.

All this again demonstrates that you cannot completely copy the training and nutrition patterns of the stars. These are individual schemes that 100% take into account the individual characteristics of a person. Just because it worked on the screen hero doesn't mean it will work on you. Look for similarities with an actor or actress, study them training plan with a diet, and most importantly - analyze. You will certainly learn a lot of useful things for yourself, but we do not recommend mindlessly copying such schemes. These are excellent visual aids for a perfectly designed training and nutrition scheme, but not instructions for action.

Sometimes, in order to understand what real men dream of, I read Men's Health, a glossy magazine for boys. Strength in any of its manifestations has always interested the representatives of the stronger sex: cars with a lot of Horse power, biographies the mighty of the world this and... strength training.

I don't know how to quickly buy a Ferrari for three million dollars or build a billion dollar business quickly, but I definitely know how to build muscle fast because I have been specializing in this for more than a quarter of a century ...

After reviewing my favorite actor Jason Momoa's training article, I suggest you do the same with me to better understand how to gain 11 kg in 6 weeks.

The main secret

Most of all in the article I was inspired by the phrase "train 2 times a week and you are provided powerful hands and chest. "Jason gained 11 kg in 6 weeks with just 12 workouts. The actor grew 1 kg after one workout - it's just like in the movies! The author of the article writes that this is possible if you know main secret Jason - high reps and low rest time, besides...

There are two new concepts in actor training: active and passive rest. Passive is a traditional rest, when the muscles rest without a projectile in their hands. Leisure- this is a rest with a barbell in your hands. For example...

According to Jason's method, you need to shake the barbell while lying down 5 times and, without putting it on the racks, "actively" rest for 5 seconds. It's called a round. Five such rounds constitute one series. But...

In my understanding, this is simply a long set of 25 lifts. For a quarter of a century I have had the experience of such training. I had to lift 60% of the maximum for 25 times. Why 60%? Because the article says that Jason is working with 60% of his maximum weight. But...

The actor's set of exercises consists of 4 exercises; in fact, only 4 long sets. One exercise (long approach in my understanding) lasts about two minutes, then Jason rests for 2 minutes. Total: it takes him 4 minutes to complete one exercise, and the entire workout takes only 16 minutes. Let's round up to twenty. Attention, the question is: do you believe that a workout of 20 minutes will give an increase in 1 kg of muscle? This is the main secret that can be unraveled by someone who checks Jason's technique on himself, spending 6 weeks of his life on it, but ...

For a quarter of a century I have been reading magazines with training methods for the powerful, and then I try these methods on myself. I also saw people who try the methods of stars on themselves. I've seen a lot but I don't
saw miracles. If Jason's technique is not a miracle, but a trick, then what is his secret?

I do not believe that you can gain 11 kg in 6 weeks, but I believe that you can RESTORE them. Jason's form is not constant: it depends on the shooting and the course. This can be seen from the photographs. Of course, Jason has been training for many years and he does not owe his form to twelve training sessions, but ...

The photo shows how the screen form quickly disappears in ordinary life ...

The life of an actor is full of emotions and stresses that corrode the muscles, so the muscle mass of the star often disappears unexpectedly, but in right moment fast is reborn. To be able to restore 11 kg of muscle in 6 weeks, you must first increase your peak shape, and for this you need to know and be able to do more than they write in magazines for boys.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is coming to theaters soon, and one of its highlights is the presence of Aquaman, the barbaric king of the deep sea, played by Jason Momoa. You don't have to be in the gym for months to get into Momoa shape. The Conan the Barbarian star pumped up his muscles with this simple 30-minute, high-rep workout from trainer Eric Lacista. “You quickly gain muscle mass and burn a lot of fat,” says Momoa. If you are ready to test what you are capable of, try to gradually increase the weight from day to day. Fat is defeated. The muscle plateau has been overcome. Are you happy".


Each workout should take 30 minutes. Choose three of the five exercises below and take a day off between workouts. Try to lift about two-thirds of your maximum for one rep.

Sets, reps and rest

Do 7 reps on the first exercise. Rest 7 seconds. Do 7 more reps. Rest for 7 more seconds. And so on, until you do 7 sets of 7 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds. Then do a set of 6 reps: 6 sets of 6 reps with 6 seconds rest between sets. Finish with a set of 5 reps for a total of 110 reps. Take a short break. And then repeat all over again with the other two exercises. Battle cry and trident swing - optional.

1. Barbell Squats

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, holding the bar with an overhand grip on your shoulders (trapezius muscles) but not on your neck to engage upper part back. Slowly lower yourself into a squat, keeping your head and back straight, pushing your butt out. Lower yourself until your hips are at knee height, legs bent at a right angle. The lower the squat, the better, but work on strength and flexibility first. Push your heels into the floor to explosively rise back up. Keep your posture straight until you reach the end. This is one repeat

2. Military bench press

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Put your feet together and lift the bar to your shoulders, palms forward. Squeeze the barbell over your head in an explosive motion until your arms are fully extended, then lower it back in a controlled motion.

3. Incline Bench Press

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Lie down on an incline bench and raise the barbell to shoulder height, palms facing away from you. As you exhale, squeeze the barbell with both hands. Fully extend your arms and tighten your chest before slowly returning to the starting position.

4. Reduction of hands in the simulator ("Butterfly")

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Use the rope handles and upper cables of the machine. Grasp the handles, your arms should be extended and slightly bent at the elbows. Place one leg slightly forward, tighten your core and pull your arms down and across your body a little until your hands touch each other, then return to the starting position.

5. Pull-ups

Sets: 7, 6, 5 / Reps: 7, 6, 5 / Rest: 30 seconds between sets

Grab the handles of the pull-up machine, palms out, arms fully extended, about shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your shoulder blades, exhale and move your elbows towards your hips as you raise your chin over the bar. Lower yourself back down in a controlled motion.

Khal Drogo is one of the most colorful characters in Game of Thrones. True, we did not have long to enjoy his inflated torso - he was killed at the end of the first season. However, in the seventh season, Khal will most likely return to the series! Actor Jason Momoa has already hinted at this several times in his social networks - that's Drogo's name in real life. In this regard, we tell all fans of the Game of Thrones and not only how to get the same body as the leader of the Dethracians.

Jason Momoa is famous not only as Khal Drogo, but also as the heir to Arnold Schwarzenegger himself in the remake of Conan the Barbarian. The film failed at the box office, but Momoa's amazing form and his resemblance to the young Arnold were noted by everyone. With a height of 193 cm, Momoa weighed about 100 kg, a whole centner of well-dried muscles - one can only dream of such a body!

But few people know that the actor was not always such a thug. Before being approved for the role of Konon the Barbarian, he was an ordinary slender guy weighing about 85 kg. Momoa loved surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing and others. extreme views sports, so he was quite fit, but never trained with iron. He managed to create the form in which he shone in Konon and Game of Thrones in just a month and a half of hard training. So don't think that building a muscular body from scratch will definitely take you years - it all depends on genetics and perseverance.

Training program

In pre-production, Jason Momoa trained 6 days a week, but only two days were allotted for power loads, the rest of the time was occupied by cardio, which was necessary in order not to add kilograms of fat along with kilograms of muscle. We will focus on strength training actor, which were of incredible intensity.

The main rule that Momoa followed in order to gain 11 kg in a month and a half is as many repetitions as possible in as little time as possible. Yes, Khal Drogo did not emphasize big weight rods. In each exercise, the working weight did not exceed 60% of the maximum possible. At the same time, he preferred to perform the exercise not with classical approaches, but with whole sets, each of which combined several approaches at once with a short rest of 7-10 seconds between them. With each exercise, the actor did three such sets, after which he switched to next exercise. And there were only three exercises per workout.

Such intense workout took only 30-40 minutes. However, this type of load is not suitable for everyone - to perform such a volume of work, and even with little or no rest, you need very good endurance, as well as an absolutely healthy heart and breath.

Workout #1

Squats: 3 sets - each set consists of 5 sets of 5 reps with a rest of 7-10 seconds between sets.

Deadlift: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Leg press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Workout #2

Bench press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Pull-ups: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

As you can see, the actor divided all the muscle groups into two days - the day of the bottom and the day of the top. At the first training, the largest muscle group was pumped - the legs, and at the second, all the rest - chest, back, shoulders. Momoa didn't use arm exercises, since the biceps are already getting enough work during back exercises, and triceps are used during chest exercises.

by the most effective exercise to gain muscle mass, Jason Momoa calls squats with a barbell. They strengthen not only the legs, as many beginners believe, but the entire body, and also increase the secretion of testosterone, and muscle growth depends on the level of this hormone.