Protein-vegetarian diet. Plant-Based Diet: Lose Weight Without Harm to Health Plant-Based Protein Diet

Banana bread, oatmeal candy, and strawberry salad dressing are all foods that make even non-dieters salivate. Choose from 12 plant-based diets and lose up to 8 kg in 10 days!

This type of food is not only fortified and varied, but also differs from most in that it is great for people who adhere to a vegetarian diet. The results that can be obtained with the help of a plant-based diet are also amazing: in just 3 days you can get rid of 5 kg.

The plant-based diet is very close to the raw food diet, but is a less rigid version of it, allowing occasional consumption of steamed or boiled dishes. Some types of such a technique even allow for minimal consumption of meat, but only lean, with the preliminary removal of the skin and fat.

The presence of a large number of trace elements and vitamins make this diet for weight loss easily tolerated, not forcing you to be depressed and feel a breakdown.

This technique is actively used not only for body shaping, but also for stabilizing body weight during pregnancy, for deep cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, for normalizing intestinal microflora, etc.

This type of weight loss is designed for 10 days, during which the weight is easily reduced by 6–8 kg, and the repeated use of the course is allowed after 1.5 months.

The benefits of this type of food

The benefits of a diet based on fruits, vegetables, and herbs have been discussed by many nutritionists for decades. However, in our country this type of food is not yet generally accepted, although there are many arguments in its favor:

  1. Such a diet is rich in organic fiber, which allows short term activate digestion.
  2. Vitamins of vegetables, fruits, herbs and roots strengthen the immune system and strengthen the protective reserves of the body.
  3. Trace elements make hair and nails stronger, give freshness and radiance to the skin, and this helps not only to correct the figure, but also to become more attractive in appearance.
  4. Metabolism is optimized.
  5. Low calorie content with a sufficient amount of servings prevents severe hunger between meals.
  6. The composition of the products inherent in this diet helps to get rid of toxins, lowers phosphate levels in the urine, normalizes insulin levels and ensures good health.
  7. In connection with the transition to a diet rich in fiber, the expense item does not increase, and sometimes decreases, especially if weight loss is timed to the summer-autumn season.
  8. This approach fits perfectly for people with cardiovascular problems, as it limits the intake of purines and cholesterol.


The list of cons of a plant-based diet is extremely small, which indicates the safety of use:

  1. Since vegetable and fruit foods are absorbed very quickly, the feeling of fullness after eating disappears faster than with protein nutrition.
  2. The diet lacks the required amount of amino acids of animal origin. With long-term vegetarianism, their reserves help replenish specific microorganisms that settle in the intestines. For short courses, a prerequisite is the use of a complete set of multivitamins, which contain trace elements.
  3. During the cold season, the need for energy is especially high, and plants are not the best suppliers of it. Therefore, in winter period nutrition on plants can be more difficult to tolerate than in the warmer months.

Diet Features

Despite the name, the composition of the components of this system does not necessarily include only plant gifts of nature - they make up approximately 70% of the total diet. The rest is lean meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The main role in the processes of weight loss with this type of diet is played by fiber, which is found in sufficient quantities in fruits and vegetables.

The main rules of the technique for losing weight are as follows:

  1. Raw foods are the best, because it is known that the content of nutrients decreases during heat treatment. In exceptional cases, they can be cooked in a double boiler or boiled.
  2. Boiled fish, lean beef or chicken fillet are ideal for replenishing protein reserves.
  3. Sweets, fatty, smoked and salty must be removed from the diet.
  4. The technique does not welcome snacks, it is much better to organize dense main meals with this nutrition system.
  5. Every day you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of purified water without carbon dioxide (non-carbonated).

Preparing for a Diet

The preparatory phase should include one day of unloading fasting: this will allow weight loss to occur faster and easier. Unloading can be done on the water, or you can use 1 kg of green apples.

Even during this period, consultation with a doctor is necessary. This item should not be skipped, especially if drug therapy is used for any diseases. When taking insulin, the doctor may reconsider the frequency or dosage. The same applies to drugs for lowering blood pressure. But it is strictly forbidden to change the medication regimen on your own.


The healing properties of the diet are beyond doubt and are suitable for all categories of people, but subject to their absolute health. If a person has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of raw fruits and vegetables can provoke a sharp exacerbation, so they should be stewed, boiled or steamed.

But some conditions are absolute contraindications for such a technique:

  • increased pressure of intracranial cerebrospinal fluid;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • allergic to those vegetables and fruits that are required for a weight loss course.


The menu is designed for 10 days, after which you need to take a mandatory break, lasting 1.5 months.

The menu does not contain snacks, but if the hunger gets very strong, you can afford a small cucumber or an apple, this is better than breaking the diet.

Indicative daily menu:

  • Breakfast: should be the highest calorie meal of the day, as its purpose is to provide energy for the whole day. A vegetable salad and a slice of rye flour bread with bran will cope with this. For those who can not completely give up proteins, you can allow yourself a small piece of fish.
  • Lunch: as the first, vegetable broth or soup is suitable, for the second - a salad of raw vegetables with linseed or olive oil.
  • Dinner: should be light. To do this, you can prepare a fruit salad, and as a drink - herbal tea, a glass of milk or fresh juice. Potatoes for dinner are categorically not suitable, and bananas can be no more than 1 pc.

In order for fiber to successfully move through the intestines, you need to drink enough water.

Subject to good health, the diet can be extended for another 2-4 days.

Getting out of the diet

After the end of the body shaping course, you may feel a strong hunger, so during the first day you should not weaken control over what you eat.

During the first two days, some fermented milk products, such as low-fat yogurts or fresh yogurt, should be added to the diet. From the second day, you can add a piece of rye bread.

By the end of the week, you can gradually add lean meats and broths with crackers. A few days later, porridge is introduced.

If you neglect these requirements, then the result obtained during weight loss will disappear extremely quickly. Eating fast food and sugary sodas will further speed up this process.

During the exit from the diet, a visit to the gym or gym will be a reasonable decision - this will fix the result of losing weight and help stabilize the metabolism at the proper level.

Other plant-based diet options

There are many ways to lose weight with a plant-based diet. They pursue various purposes and therefore are widely used not only in the dietary, but also in the medical and health-improving sphere.

Milk and vegetable

It has several options, but all of them are quite strict and are characterized by a low daily calorie content. Therefore, they cannot be applied longer than a week, and some options are even shorter in duration.

Plant-based and dairy foods make no doubt about their benefits for the body, both of these components are often used in order to reduce weight.

Throughout the course, the following products are excluded from the menu:

  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • flour and pastries;
  • alcohol.

The entire daily volume should be divided into 5 or 6 servings. The diet is supplemented with two liters of pure mineral water.

In the case of lactose intolerance, this diet option is unacceptable.

Option 1

This diet is designed to reduce blood glucose levels. This option is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, focusing on the patient's state of health.

A daily set of products is indicated, from which you can prepare dishes to your liking:

  • 2 servings of milk, 250 ml;
  • 50 g low-calorie cottage cheese;
  • a cup of natural coffee;
  • Tea with lemon;
  • broth or compote without sugar;
  • 100 g of black bread with bran;
  • vegetable broth without salt;
  • 200 g of vegetables;
  • 250 g of fruit;
  • 15 g vegetable oil.

If you experience dizziness or a sharp deterioration in your condition, consult a doctor immediately.

Option 2

Duration - 1 week, during which you can become 3-4 kg lighter.

Daily menu:

  • Breakfast: cucumber, lettuce and zucchini salad, a slice of dried black bread.
  • Lunch: 250 ml yogurt.
  • Lunch: cabbage and cucumber salad, 1 toast, 250 ml of milk.
  • Snack: 1 grapefruit and 250 ml of milk.
  • Dinner: kiwi, apple and banana salad.
  • Before going to bed: 250 ml of yogurt.

If the diet is difficult to tolerate due to hunger, then you can add 1 tbsp to the first daily meal. l. oatmeal on the water

Option 3

Weekly alternation of fruit, vegetable and dairy discharges.

  • Monday: 0.6 kg of low-calorie cottage cheese and 250 ml of biokefir.
  • Tuesday: 1.5 oven baked apples.
  • Wednesday: 0.4 kg of low-calorie cottage cheese and 0.5 l of biokefir.
  • Thursday: 1.5 kg of vegetables in the form of a stew.
  • Friday: 1.5 liters of kefir and 0.3 kg of low-calorie cottage cheese.
  • Saturday: 300 ml of biokefir, 0.5 kg of fruits and 0.5 kg of vegetables.
  • Sunday: 0.3 kg of low-calorie cottage cheese, 0.2 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of tomatoes, zucchini and bell peppers, 300 ml of kefir.

Option 4

The basic principle is the separate intake of dairy and vegetable foods, they cannot be combined in one meal. The course is designed for a period of no more than 3 days and provides a result of 1-3 kg.

The daily diet consists of 500 g of fruits (except bananas) and 1–1.5 liters of dairy products.

Option 5

Duration - 1 week, weight loss, as in the previous version, is 3-4 kg.

Allowed daily products:

  • dairy products - 1 l;
  • fruits or vegetables - 0.8 kg;
  • hard cheese - 30 g (2 slices);
  • low-calorie cottage cheese - 150 g.

Indicative menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: tea with 10 ml of milk, 2 slices of cheese.
  • Lunch: any fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with leafy greens.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit platter.
  • Dinner: 150 ml of yogurt and 150 g of low-calorie cottage cheese.
  • Before going to bed: 300 ml of skimmed warm milk.


A long-term method, designed for a month (30 days), after which many come to such a diet on an ongoing basis. The foods offered by this diet are eaten raw, so a live diet can be the first step towards a raw food diet.


  1. If you provide a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, cereals and berries, then hunger will not accompany weight loss. In this case, the frequency of meals may increase.
  2. By the time of the second or third week, in most cases, there is a noticeable increase in working capacity and activity. This is expressed not only in a physical resource, but also in improving memory, the desire for creativity and the expression of inner potential. This condition most often persists for several more months, subject to a healthy diet.
  3. The duration of night sleep is reduced due to its improvement.
  4. For a month, digestion improves, the body is cleansed and gets rid of slag accumulations.

Allowed components:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • cereals (sprouted or soaked and crushed);
  • vegetable unrefined oils;
  • dried fruits;
  • natural apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar;
  • tea (green and herbal);
  • sea ​​salt.

Prohibited Ingredients:

  • fish, meat, seafood;
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • canned juices and drinks, coffee, black tea;
  • refined food;
  • alcohol.

As for water, it must be drunk in a structured form: melted water or spring water, from 2 to 3 liters per day.

Gymnastics should be carried out daily, which will strengthen the muscles and tone the thin body.

Indicative menu for the day:

  • Immediately after waking up 400 ml of pure water.
  • Breakfast: a portion of fruits or berries of the same variety, it is possible in the form of fresh juice.
  • After an hour: 400 ml of pure water.
  • Lunch: tea with 1 tsp. honey, nuts.
  • 30 minutes before lunch: 400 ml of water.
  • Lunch: a large portion of chopped white cabbage, carrots and cucumbers with butter and lemon juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 400 ml of water, 1 peach, nuts.
  • An hour after afternoon tea: herbal tea with mint and ginger.
  • Dinner: salad of celery, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers with unrefined oil and 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, 400 ml of water.
  • Before going to bed: nuts with honey - 2 tsp, herbal tea.

For a month with this approach, you can lose up to 6-7 kg, which is included in the norm. healthy weight loss. Reapplying a live diet is advised every 5 months.


Another example of a technique that is close in action to the “drying” used by athletes. Distinctive feature is that weight loss occurs due to body fat, while muscle tissue is not wasted. The diet lasts 10 days, during this decade you can become 4.5–6 kg slimmer.

During such a course, many of the usual components should be abandoned, so you need to correctly assess your strengths and ability to withstand such a system.

The whole diet consists of three different menus by day.

  • Days 1, 2 and 7: kefir.
  • No. 3, 6 and 8: protein.
  • No. 4, 5, 9 and 10: vegetable.

Menu of kefir days: 250 ml of bifidus or low-calorie kefir 6 times a day.

Protein days menu


  • Option 1: 2 slices of hard cheese, 1 whole grain toast, natural unsweetened coffee.
  • Option 2: 250 ml natural yoghurt, bran bread toast, green tea.
  • Option 1: 200 g boiled or steamed chicken, 250 ml chicken broth.
  • Option 2: 200 g boiled or steamed young beef, a serving of boiled green beans.
  • Option 1: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Option 2: 2 eggs and 250 ml of yogurt.
  • Option 3: 200 g of baked fish.

Plant days menu


  • Option 1: half a grapefruit, natural unsweetened coffee.
  • Option 2: fruit platter of kiwi and orange, green tea.
  • Option 1: vegetable stew with 1 tbsp. l. unrefined vegetable oil, 1 rye toast, 250 ml of tomato juice.
  • Option 2: lettuce, greens, cucumber and tomato mix with lemon juice and olive oil dressing, a handful of berries and 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Option 1: steamed broccoli and cauliflower, 2 juicy apples.
  • Option 2: 2 hard pears, 1 glass of apple juice.

In the first 2 days, the feeling of hunger often increases, but with the beginning of the third day, this feeling goes away, giving way to a feeling of lightness.

To cleanse the body

This plant-based diet is best suited for cleansing the intestines of toxins that interfere with normal digestion, and at the same time allows you to get rid of excess 3-4 kg in 4 days.

The menu is characterized by a significant decrease in calorie content, which can cause a feeling of weakness and fatigue. But for people who have skin rashes, circles around the eyes, problems with defecation and other symptoms that indicate the need for immediate cleansing of the body, the clear benefits of this technique will become visible in the first days.

It is very important to ensure that at this time there are high-quality fruits and vegetables on the table, grown without the use of pesticides and herbicides, which can accumulate in the cells of the body. These foods can be grown on your own or purchased from organic food stores.

It is impossible to get rid of all toxins in 4 days, so such cleaning should be carried out periodically, once every 3-4 months.

The main roles of such a course are assigned to herbal ingredients and herbal teas, which do an excellent job of cleansing. Before you start losing weight, you should purchase at least some of these herbs and roots of cleansing plants:

  • peppermint, burdock root and calendula - help in cleansing the liver;
  • nettle and echinacea - cleanse the blood;
  • sorrel root, licorice root and aloe vera leaves - cleanse the intestines;
  • ginger and calendula - cleanse the lymph.

Depending on your goals, you need to select herbal teas and infusions on the roots.

Approximate menu

  • Breakfast: 100 ml of yogurt with the addition of 200 g of fresh berries, tea or infusion.
  • Lunch: 30 g walnuts or flax seeds, steamed in boiling water.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup or stew with vegetable oil, 150 g of boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of berries and cleansing tea.
  • Dinner: stew of vegetables, garlic and herbs with 1 tbsp. l. unrefined olive oil and cleansing tea.

Throughout the cleaning cycle, there should be plenty of drinking in the amount of 2-3 liters of melted or table water.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Salt and spices in dishes should be minimized or completely absent.

For pregnant

The extra weight of a pregnant woman can become an obstacle to the normal bearing of the fetus, the development of the baby in the womb and the healthy process of childbirth. It is for this reason that during each visit to the antenatal clinic during pregnancy, the doctor controls weight gain.

If over the past period, weight gain has exceeded critical values, the expectant mother is recommended a diet on vegetables, fruits and proteins, which is safe and at the same time ensures a smooth reduction of body weight to normal.

Vegetable– protein diet for pregnant women, it does not provide for starvation, it simply limits the intake of harmful and high-calorie foods and teaches you to control portion sizes.

The following are under the ban:

  • sweets and confectionery;
  • fresh bread;
  • fruits high in sugar (grapes, melons, bananas);
  • fried food.

One-time volumes of meals should be reduced, while increasing their frequency. Periods of protein and plant foods alternate at intervals of 2 days. The total duration of the course is 8 days. During this time, the weight is reduced by 3-5 kg.

Self-administration of such a diet can lead to Negative consequences how to health future mother, and for the child, so you need to take the course only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Menu by day

  • First and second days: boiled fish and meat, 2-4 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Third and fourth days: a variety of vegetables (can be steamed or stewed) and fruits.
  • Fifth and sixth days: boiled fish and meat, 2-4 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water.
  • Seventh and eighth day: a variety of vegetables (can be steamed or stewed) and fruits.

The portion sizes are prescribed by the doctor, just like the frequency of repetitions, if necessary.


The duration of the diet is 5 weeks. During this time, the plumb line can be up to 20 kg.

basis this method became vegetable and sour-milk components with bifidobacteria contained in them. A common mistake is to partially replace fermented milk products with whole milk: you should not do this, because the pace of weight loss is disturbed.

For those who have experienced difficulty digesting milk protein or sugars, the system will not work, as this will cause gas and seething in the intestines.

Advantages of the technique

  1. Portion sizes are not clearly limited, which psychologically facilitates the process of losing weight.
  2. In 5 weeks, weaning from sweets occurs, the work of the pancreas is getting better, which makes it easier to maintain a healthy type of diet after the cycle is completed.
  3. The presence of useful proteins allows not only to effectively cope with overweight, but also increase muscle corset for those who accompany the process of losing weight by exercising in the gym.
  4. Due to the large proportion of raw vegetables, digestive processes are improved and the intestinal evacuation mechanism is normalized.

Menu by week:

  • 1st and 2nd weeks: raw vegetables without restrictions and 5% fermented milk products: biokefir, yogurt, 10% cheese, kefir.
  • 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks: it is necessary to reduce the share of dairy products and add 300 g of animal proteins - poultry, meat or fish in boiled form. Plant foods are still consumed indefinitely.

The peak of hunger comes by the end of the first week, and the weight during this period does not go away as quickly as we would like, because metabolic processes are just beginning to change their pace. But by the middle of the second week, the appetite usually weakens, and by the beginning of the third week, active fat burning begins, which continues for the rest of the time.

When choosing hard cheeses, you need to pay attention to the minimum salt content - this will not allow fluid to linger in the body, which can prevent active weight loss.

Do not forget that throughout the course you need to drink approximately 2 liters of liquid every day: tea, tea, coffee or just pure water. All drinks must be consumed without sugar.

Repeated use of the diet is allowed no more than 1-2 times a year.


A monthly course of such nutrition promises weight loss up to 10 kg.

The principle of this variant of the plant-based diet is based on the use of foods of the same color daily. From a dietary point of view, this is due to the presence of specific pigments that give fruits a variety of colors: melanin, anthocyanin, anthochlor, anthofein, carotenoids, chlorophyll, pheophytin, etc. All these substances are good for health and should be provided in the diet, so the color variety of foods in the diet allows not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to significantly improve well-being and appearance.

The main rules of this method are

  1. The sequence of days can be changed: this will not affect the rate of weight loss at all.
  2. Every seventh day must be unloading.
  3. Salt, sugar, fats, fried foods, potatoes are removed from the diet.
  4. Sometimes they allow you to alternate 2 weeks of a colored diet with a week on kefir.
  5. There is no serving size limit. However, do not lose your head: despite the lack of clear indications of volumes, it is better not to stretch the stomach.
  6. From the proposed range of products, you need to choose one or two and eat them throughout the day.

The color technique is not a means for drastic weight loss, but it makes it healthier and allows you to use it without risk to health.

Menu by day

  • Monday (white color): rice, coconut, onion, cauliflower, white tea, celery root, white beans. You can add suluguni or mozzarella, egg white, chicken white meat or white fish.
  • Tuesday (red): pomegranate, tomatoes, bell peppers, red berries and juices. You can add a glass of red wine, a small portion of red meat.
  • Wednesday (green): lettuce, onion feathers, kohlrabi, broccoli, leaf celery, kiwi, seaweed, green apples, cucumbers, spinach, purslane, dill, parsley, green peas, tarragon, green beans, avocado, grapes with green berries colors, pistachios.
  • Thursday (orange): pumpkin, mango, carrots, orange bell peppers, sea buckthorn, oranges, dried apricots, a slice of salmon.
  • Friday (purple): blackberries, grapes, blueberries, purple basil, eggplant, prunes and plums, blackcurrant, nightshade. Liver and lamb are allowed.
  • Saturday (yellow): peaches, yellow peppers, golden zucchini, corn, honey, pineapples, yellow cherries, lemon, yellow juices, mature cheeses such as Maasdam, Edam, etc.
  • Sunday (colorless): this is the day of complete fasting, when you can only drink water of medium hardness, so as not to create additional stress on the kidneys.

Experts recommend making a gap of at least two weeks between color nutrition courses.

Plant Nutrition Systems for Weight Loss

Such systems are used on an ongoing basis for a long time or throughout life and not only lead to weight loss, but also serve to improve overall health of all body systems. All of them are based on the predominant use of food of plant origin and imply unlimited use.

Whole Plant Diet (VD)

This type of diet is based on whole foods of plant origin along with the complete rejection of animal proteins. This system does not fully coincide with vegetarianism or a raw food diet.

Whole foods are foods that have not been pre-processed. That is, they are used in the form in which they grow in nature, without extraction or addition of other components. For example, an apple in its original form, instead of juice, or brown rice that has not been polished, after which it turned white.

According to scientists, a whole diet prevents the development of many diseases that civilization is susceptible to. Some of them are incurable, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, or diabetes. Such nutrition is the prevention of the occurrence of many diseases and serves to maintain health and activity for many years.

Advantages of the CRD:

  • adjusts weight to normal values ​​without feeling hungry;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol;
  • serves as a prevention, and sometimes treatment of diabetes ІІ and І degree;
  • reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • facilitates the processes of digestion;
  • slows down the development of autoimmune diseases;
  • eliminates skin problems (psoriasis, acne, eczema);
  • exhibits anti-cancer activity;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves asthma.

Eating with the help of the CRD does not mean a monotonous and boring menu. The list of products that are acceptable for eating allows you to prepare delicious dishes with different tastes.

Basic principles of the CRD

  1. Food that falls on the table must be in the form in which it is presented in the natural environment.
  2. The most diverse diet for the receipt of a complete list of necessary substances.
  3. The use of products that are grown in your region or in nearby areas.
  4. A complete ban on products grown with the use of growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, inorganic fertilizers.
  5. The main emphasis should not be on energy value, but on the quality and availability of vitamins and minerals in food.
  6. The ban on the use of products of animal origin.

Allowed products:

  • fruit;
  • inflorescences;
  • fruit;
  • roots;
  • stems and leaves;
  • pods (beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, chickpeas, etc.);
  • nuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • whole grains.

Occasional use:

  • refined carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, pastries, pasta, except for those made from whole grain flour);
  • vegetable oils;
  • fish.

Eliminate completely:

  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bird.

When using the CRD, weight is reduced to optimal values, well-being and appearance improve, therefore, more and more people come to such a dietary system every year.

Plant Based Diet by Lindsey Nixon

The author of this technique is Lindsey Nixon, who was able to change her weight by introducing whole plant foods into her diet and avoiding animal products. She wrote a book about her experience, The Plant-Based Diet. Say "Yes" to your health", in which she described all the nuances associated with the application of the method recommended by her.

In the book you can find:

  1. Justification for the need for this type of nutrition.
  2. Changes that occur with the body during the transition to this system.
  3. The possibility of its use for people of different categories (men, women, children, pregnant women, athletes, etc.).
  4. Possible problems that people face when switching to nutrition according to the Nixon method.
  5. How to effectively reduce weight using the Nixon method.
  6. Recipes for delicious healthy meals.

Nixon describes in detail the transition to a new type of diet, makes recommendations on allowed and prohibited foods, offers possible options for replacing ingredients that are banned with those that can be used for recovery.

For the diet, not only whole foods are selected, but multicomponent dishes are allowed, the recipe options for which are also indicated by the author of the methodology.

Followers of nutrition according to Nixon note rapid weight loss and stabilization of its indicators at a constant level.


This system involves a conscious rejection of meat.

Allowed products of this type of food are:

  • all plants and their products;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms.

The list of prohibited ones includes:

  • animal meat;
  • a bird;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • foods containing gelatin and glycerin.

During the scrupulous preparation of the diet, a person necessarily begins to monitor the quantity and quality of dishes, therefore, most often, with the onset of vegetarianism, overeating stops. This is facilitated by the low calorie content of the selected food, in comparison with food of animal origin, which, with an equal volume of servings, gives a significantly lower energy value.

Losing weight with the help of ordinary vegetarianism will not work very quickly, but the process will be easy, without hunger, weakness and bad mood, and the results of losing weight will become a constant value.

Benefits of losing weight with a vegetarian diet

  1. Getting rid of toxins and cholesterol on the walls of arteries.
  2. Establishment of digestion and the absence of constipation.
  3. Saturation of the diet with vitamins, micronutrients and amino acids.
  4. Versatility - suitable for adults, children, the elderly, athletes, pregnant women.
  5. Stabilization of blood pressure.

However, this system for weight loss has some disadvantages.

  1. Not all essential amino acids are present in this diet, so you need to organize their additional intake.
  2. Plant protein is digested worse, so its deficiency may occur.
  3. With vegetarianism, after 5-7 years of use, immunity sometimes decreases.
  4. A vegetarian diet is economically costly, since the list of products is very diverse, and the cost of these components is high.

The vast majority of people using the vegetarian method lose weight within the first year and maintain this result. Of the adherents of such nutrition, it is extremely rare for anyone to return to the classical diet, which is eloquent proof that a plant-based diet is easily tolerated and becomes the only acceptable one for its followers.

raw food diet

In a raw food diet, only foods that have not undergone preliminary industrial or heat treatment are used for food. Recently, more and more often this type of nutrition is chosen for permanent use, not only in terms of a healthy diet, but also as a method for correcting body weight.

Advantages of the technique

  1. There is no need to constantly count calories, because raw fruit and vegetables do not contain so much to prevent the acquisition of a slender figure.
  2. Overeating on such a diet will not work, so the frequency of meals is not regulated.
  3. Allowed foods are well saturated with liquid, so you can not track the amount of water you drink per day.
  4. With this diet, in parallel with losing weight, you can strengthen your health.

The method does not provide for meat, bread or dairy products.

With a raw food diet, the rate of weight loss depends on the initial body weight, age, activity, health status and other factors, so it is difficult to predict the time for which the desired result will be achieved. Empirically, average indicators were determined: 3–7 kg per month, while the main process will begin by the end of the first month.

In the first few weeks, the body will adjust to the processing of a large amount of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, seeds, and the lack of energy will be compensated from fat reserves. Most often, first of all, fat leaves the arms and chest, then - from the sides and buttocks, and after that - from the abdomen. Weight loss with a raw food diet is easy and gentle, without feeling unwell. In addition, a significant improvement is usually noticed at first. appearance: the skin becomes clearer and more even, and the nails and hair are strengthened.


banana bread

This recipe will help you make bread without using butter.


  • 1.25 part of a glass of whole wheat flour;
  • 1 cup flour from barley or spelt;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 0.2 l plum or apple baby puree without sugar;
  • 2-3 ripe soft bananas;
  • 1 st. l. flax seeds;
  • 0.5 cup brown raisins;
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 0.25 cups of almonds;
  • 15 ml lemon juice.

Fill the flax seeds with water to the top and let it brew for at least an hour.

In the first container, mix baking powder, soda, flour and cinnamon.

In the second, make banana puree with a fork. Add to it all the remaining ingredients, except for the dry ones in the first container.

Mix the contents of both containers and mix thoroughly.

Preheat the oven to 180°C, pour the mixture into a mold and place it in the oven for 70 minutes. After this time has elapsed, check the readiness of the bread with a wooden skewer or toothpick, if necessary, increase the baking time by another 10-15 minutes.

Salad with pasta

This dish can replace both the main course and the appetizer.


  • 450 g wheat or rice pasta;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 bell pepper green or red;
  • 0.5 bulbs;
  • 1 broccoli;
  • a can of canned beans;
  • a can of canned chickpeas;
  • 0.5 cups of olives;
  • 1 glass of yogurt;
  • salt pepper.

Tomatoes, peppers and onions cut into cubes; divide broccoli into separate inflorescences and boil; cut olives into rings.

Boil pasta, rinse and place in a bowl. Add all vegetable ingredients.

Season with yogurt, salt and pepper to taste.

Olives in this recipe are optional, they can be excluded from the composition of the dish.

Strawberry vinaigrette

It is used for dressing any salads, which are suitable for a sweet and sour note with a touch of peppery taste.


  • a glass of strawberries;
  • 0.25 cups of water;
  • 1 st. l. natural apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 st. l. finely chopped onion;
  • 2 dates with pits removed;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

Beat the pre-washed ingredients to a homogeneous mass using a blender. Fans of hot spices can replace black pepper with red.

Dessert from tangerine peels

The dessert is prepared from inexpensive ingredients, but has a high nutritional value and very palatable.


  • peel of 7 tangerines;
  • slices of 1 tangerine;
  • 30 g of ginger;
  • 1 tsp powdered cinnamon;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 1 clove;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1.5 walnuts.

Cut tangerine peels into longitudinal thin pieces, finely chop or grate ginger on a fine grater.

Put chopped peels, cinnamon, ginger, sugar, cloves and whole mandarin slices into a saucepan. Mix all the ingredients and pour boiled water. Cook over low heat for half an hour.

After cooling, beat the mass in a blender and add chopped nuts.

Oatmeal candies

This recipe is very quick to prepare, does not require expensive ingredients and will appeal to those with a sweet tooth.


  • 50 g oat flakes "Extra";
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 50 g of nut kernels;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa powder;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 ml of water.

Grind 40 g of nuts to a state of crumbs.

Mix cereal, cocoa, sugar and nuts. Add softened butter, mix. Pour in water and mix thoroughly again.

Form into small balls and roll them in the nut crumbs. Put all the balls on a plate or baking sheet and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Orange and Beetroot Salad


  • 1 boiled beet;
  • 1 orange;
  • 3 walnuts;
  • 1 st. l. sesame seeds;
  • 40 ml of yogurt;
  • parsley;
  • salt.

Cut the beets into cubes. Cut the orange into small pieces, mix both ingredients.

Add nuts, parsley and sesame, season with yogurt and salt to taste.

Optionally, you can add 0.5 cans of canned peas.

The difficulty lies in the fact that you will have to be patient for a whole month and make your own menu for every day from the list of allowed products. But this has its advantages - you yourself choose what you like. It is recommended to include low-fat products of animal origin in your daily diet.

And you also need willpower to refuse to take food after 18.00. In the evening it is allowed to drink juices, low-fat milk and kefir. When the body switches to an unusual diet, take vitamins to avoid stress.

Strict adherence to the diet for a month guarantees weight loss by 6-8 kg.

List of prohibited products: cereals and cereals; pure sugar and products containing it; bakery products; smoked meats (sausages, boiled pork, etc.); potatoes in any form; corn; boiled or fried carrots and beets; pickles, including sauerkraut; dried fruits; nuts; grape; bananas; raw onion and garlic; alcohol; carbonated drinks.

List of products for diet food: sucrose and sweets with a sugar substitute (you can buy them in the departments for diabetics); natural juices; fresh fruits, except for prohibited ones, and berries; raw vegetables, boiled or fried, but not pickled, except for potatoes; lean meat and fish without skin; mushrooms; legumes; unsweetened kefir, yogurt - 1%, cottage cheese - 0%; milk - 0.5%; low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream - a teaspoon per day; cheeses not more than 30% fat - 100 gr. in Week; eggs - 2 pieces per week; bran, which are sold in pharmacies.

Sample menu for the day. 07.00-09.00: low-fat cottage cheese - 100 gr.; a cup of low-fat yogurt, any fruit; coffee with milk with sucrose; options: boiled or stewed vegetables - 250 gr.; a cup of coffee or tea with sucrose; boiled meat - 100 gr., a cup of coffee or tea without sugar. 12.00-14.00: boiled lean meat or fish fried in its own juice - 150 gr.; for garnish, fresh vegetables poor in carbohydrates - 150 gr .; Cup of tea; as an option - fruits or berries - 200 gr.; low-fat cottage cheese - 100 gr. 17.00-18.00: vegetables and (or) fruits - 250 gr.

Diet with a secret

Diet with a secret. This is an easily tolerated and at the same time very effective diet, which, unlike many others, allows you to ... eat everything! (Feel the difference: eat, but don't overeat!). What is the secret, you ask? The fact that this diet alternates ordinary, omnivorous days with hungry days. That's why it's easy to carry. You know that today you won’t be able to feast, but tomorrow ... oh, tomorrow everything is possible! And this fact pleases and warms the soul.

Hungry day. You can choose one of the proposed options: kefir - 2 liters; or: low-fat milk yogurt - 4 packs; or: cottage cheese, also fat-free - 500 gr.; or: fruits - any, except for very nutritious ones, such as bananas or grapes.

Typical day. A mandatory rule is to know your reasonable limits and stay within them! We eat food in small quantities. Dinner - no later than seven o'clock in the evening.

The diet plan will be: 1st day - hungry; 2nd day - normal; 3rd - hungry; 4th day - normal again, etc. You can drink as much water as you like every day.

So, slowly, you will reduce the amount of food, but at the same time your favorite treats will remain on your table. The question arises: what if some holiday falls on a hungry day? Well, sit at the table like a beech, watching the guests deal with various goodies? We will not spoil the mood either for ourselves or for people. But immediately after the feast, we will spend not one, but two hungry days according to the above scheme, and thus we will catch up.

Tatyana Popova

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It often happens that successful result any diet very quickly comes to naught, and additional efforts are required to return suddenly lost forms ...

There is an opinion that getting rid of extra pounds is present only in women. We want to assure you that this is not quite the correct point of view. For men on this moment there is exactly the same problem as for women. More and more techniques are being developed that are also suitable for the stronger sex. Because the male half of the population also wants to look healthier and younger. For the most part, men are not indifferent to their figure.

And after analyzing the situation, they choose the most effective and safe way to lose weight. One of these methods is a plant-based protein diet. Of course, if a diet works for one, it doesn't necessarily work for another. In this case, it is best to take the advice of professionals. who developed methods taking into account individual characteristics human body. The proposed method of losing weight is just that.

A protein-vegetable diet, in most cases, is suitable for people with strong will who, no matter what, can endure for several days and not touch their favorite products, and even after the end of the course, support healthy lifestyle life. As practice shows, it will be hard for you only the first two days, during which the body will be cleansed.

Protein-vegetable diet: menu

  • 1-2 days - 1-1.5 liters of kefir per day. Divide into 6 doses.
  • Day 2-3 (protein diet) - 300 g of boiled meat or 400 g of boiled fish. 2-4 glasses of water. Divide everything into 6 receptions.
  • Day 4-5 (vegetarian diet) - Fruits and vegetables.
  • Day 6-8 (protein diet) - 300 g of boiled meat or 400 g of boiled fish. 2-4 glasses of water. Divide everything into 6 receptions.
  • Day 9-10 (vegetarian diet) - Fruits and vegetables.

Thanks to a protein-vegetable diet, in just 10 days you can lose 4 to 6 kg. However, you can repeat this course of weight loss not earlier than in a few months. Because it is a lot of stress for the body.

Protein plant-based diet for a month

Another method of losing weight is based on the use of protein and vegetable products. It lasts one month, but at the same time, you will be engaged in compiling your menu yourself, of course, taking into account the permitted and prohibited foods. This is the positive side, because in this case, your diet will be varied. But still, you will have to consume lean animal products every day. And do not forget to include fruits and vegetables in the menu. At least in a small amount.

It is important to remember that you will need to refuse food after 18.00. After this time, you can only drink juices, kefir and low-fat milk. Following these recommendations, within a month you will lose weight from 6 to 8 kg.

Protein plant-based diet: nutrition methodology

A plant-based protein diet is based on a protein-rich diet. Daily rate is about 65 g of vegetable or animal protein (for example, 100 g of boiled meat, or 1 egg and a small piece of fish, or 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 egg). Fat reserves will decrease only due to the expenditure of energy for the digestion of protein foods. The maximum amount of liquid consumed per day is 1.5 liters.

Limit also the consumption of fats (especially animals). That is, you should not use butter, sausages, smoked meats, sour cream. Replace them with vegetable ones. And do not salt abundantly cooked dishes. Also, you will have to exclude sweets, second-class pasta and potatoes.

The list of prohibited foods with a protein-vegetable diet includes:

  • cereals and cereals,
  • bakery products,
  • boiled or fried carrots and beets,
  • dried fruits,
  • grape,
  • raw onion and garlic
  • carbonated drinks,
  • sugar,
  • pickles,
  • sauerkraut,
  • nuts,
  • bananas.

You will need to eat in small portions. This reduces the feeling of hunger. Cook low-fat meals, preferably steamed. If you really want something sweet, it is best to make fruit jelly or soufflé. As you can see, a protein-vegetable diet really does not pose any difficult or difficult conditions.

P.S. If you liked the article, do not forget to leave comments!

With best wishes,

A plant-based diet is a healthy and fortified diet that allows you to significantly lose weight and improve health thanks to vegetables and fruits.

Plant-based diet: essence, benefits and features ^

The essence of a plant-based diet is to eat only fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and roots, because. after heat treatment, they lose the bulk of their useful properties. The maximum that can be done with such products is to stew or boil, but it is best to eat natural food raw.

The uniqueness and benefits of a plant-based diet is that fresh ingredients constantly enrich the body with useful substances, which, in turn, perform certain functions:

  • Fiber normalizes digestion;
  • Vitamins increase immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair;
  • Trace elements stabilize metabolism and metabolism, relieve constipation.

Pros and cons

The benefits of a plant-based diet are clear:

  • Low calorie;
  • Maximum saturation with useful substances that remove toxins, lower the phosphorus content in the urine, normalize blood sugar levels, improve well-being and mood;
  • Low costs: almost all products can be bought for a penny.

A plant-based diet is suitable for absolutely everyone, however, there are limitations under which it cannot be used for weight loss:

  • Problems with intracranial pressure, frequent dizziness;
  • Childhood, adolescence and old age.

Most optimal time for weight loss on fresh vegetables and fruits - this is the period from 18 to 50 years, when the body is still full of strength and energy.

How much can you drop

This indicator directly depends on the duration of the diet: in one week, limited nutrition eliminates 5-6 kg from excess weight, for 14 days - up to 10 kg.

Rules for following a plant-based diet:

  • Due to the low protein content, it is recommended not to exclude meat completely - it is advisable to boil fish, beef, chicken breast or fillet;
  • Every day drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of fresh clean water without gas;
  • Remove sweet, floury, fatty and smoked meats from your diet.

Menu and popular recipes from herbal products ^

Plant based diet menu best recipes for weight loss

Dairy-vegetarian diet

For weight loss of 3-4 kg per week, this option, based on vegetables and milk, is suitable. Also, such a diet is recommended for diabetics: in just a week of observing it, the level of glucose in the blood decreases significantly.

Menu for every day:

  • In the morning we brew natural coffee, drink it without sugar, eat a sandwich with a piece of cheese;
  • After a couple of hours, we drink a cup of tea with lemon, eat half a pack of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • We have lunch with vegetable broth with salt, fat and spices, cook 2 potatoes;
  • We have an afternoon fruit compote without sugar, eat one apple or pear;
  • For dinner, we eat fresh or boiled vegetables (400 g);
  • 30-60 minutes before bedtime, drink a glass of milk or yogurt.

Protein-plant diet

A diet consisting of fermented milk products, vegetables and meat is suitable for those who want to lose 5-7 kilograms in 10 days and have great willpower. This regimen implies the rejection of all your favorite products, and you can repeat it no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Protein - vegetable menu for 8 days

First and second days:

  • We divide one and a half liters of kefir into 5-6 servings, drink it every day.

Third day:

  • We have breakfast with boiled meat (100 g) and a cup of milk;
  • After 2 hours we eat 100 g of boiled fish;
  • We have lunch with a portion of boiled chicken breast (100 g) and lean fish;
  • For an afternoon snack - brisket (100 g) and a glass of kefir;
  • At dinner, we repeat the breakfast menu;
  • We drink kefir at night.

Fourth and fifth days:

  • We have breakfast with vegetable salad and an apple;
  • For a second breakfast, we eat any fruit (2-3 pcs.);
  • We have lunch with a salad of vegetables or fruits;
  • For an afternoon snack - berries (70-100 g);
  • In the evening we eat boiled vegetables.

Sixth and eighth days:

  • repeat the diet of the third.

Ninth and tenth days:

  • we eat only vegetables and fruits, as for 4 and 5 days.

Plant based diet to cleanse the body

In order to remove all toxins and toxins, get rid of 3-4 kg overweight and improve well-being, this diet can be carried out 1 time in 3 months, and it lasts 4 days.

Sample menu for all days:

  • At breakfast, we eat 100 g of yogurt, berries or fruits, drink tea brewed with herbs;
  • After 2 hours we eat 30 g of nuts or seeds;
  • We have lunch with vegetable soup or stew of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic, cabbage, carrots and herbs, season with olive oil, eat with a piece of boiled fish;
  • We have an afternoon of green tea and fruit;
  • For dinner, we repeat the lunch diet, but instead of fish we eat chicken breast.

What herbs are good for cleansing:

  • Peppermint, calendula, burdock or dandelion root - cleanse the liver;
  • Nettle, echinacea, leek - for blood;
  • Lovage, calendula, ginger - for the lymphatic system;
  • Aloe vera, sorrel root - for the intestines.

plant-based diet for pregnant women

The appearance of excess weight during pregnancy often causes complications for both the mother and the child. In order to quickly and without harm get rid of 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight in 8 days, many doctors recommend the following regimen:

  • The first two days we eat boiled fish and meat (400 g daily), drink non-carbonated mineral water;
  • On the third and fourth day, we eat fruits and vegetables;
  • Then we alternate the menu every two days.

With strong bouts of hunger, a small retreat is allowed - you can snack on chicken breast or fillet.

Plant Based Diet for Urinary Tract Infection

If various infections of the urinary canals are detected, following this diet, which lasts a week and consists of milk and vegetables, contributes to the speedy recovery.

Sample daily menu:

  • Every 2 hours we drink milk, the norm per day is 2 liters;
  • Breakfast with cottage cheese casserole;
  • For lunch - vegetable stew;
  • We have a vegetable salad for dinner.

Recipe for vegetable stew in curd sauce:

  • Boil chopped tomatoes (100 g), broccoli (200 g), zucchini, basil, dill and pepper, salt;
  • Mix with low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).

plant fiber diet

This diet is suitable for losing weight by 3-4 kg per week (you can’t stick to it longer), and also stimulates the intestines, perfectly cleanses the body, reduces cholesterol levels due to the fiber found in vegetables and fruits.

Menu option for every day:

  • In the morning we eat a salad of peach and apple, diluted with 2 tsp. linseed oil and a glass of milk;
  • We have lunch with seaweed (200 g) and three potatoes in their uniforms;
  • We have dinner with fruit salad and stewed beans;
  • After each meal, drink a glass of any citrus juice.

plant protein diet for weight loss

This method of losing weight is best tolerated, and lasts no more than 7 days - it is during this period that you can lose up to 5 kg.

Sample menu:

  • We have breakfast with boiled chicken (150 g), eat sauerkraut (100 g), drink green tea;
  • We have lunch with boiled veal (150 g), we make a salad of greens, bell peppers and cabbage);
  • We have dinner with fish, a salad of boiled beets and two potatoes.

herbal diet for constipation

If you are concerned about constipation, then this seven-day diet, the diet of which consists of natural products, helps to normalize bowel function.

  • In the morning we eat buckwheat porridge on the water, drink tea or coffee;
  • We have lunch with low-fat boiled fish, sprinkled with salt, as well as vegetable stew;
  • For dinner, we grate fresh beets and season them with sour cream, eat with two boiled potatoes;
  • We have a snack with figs, dried apricots or prunes.

Reviews and results of losing weight ^

Doctors consider a plant-based diet unique in its kind: it allows you to lose weight without compromising your health, and also helps to quickly cure certain diseases, which cannot be said about most other diets.

You can resort to losing weight on natural products no more than 1 time in 2-3 months, and in between, limit yourself to eating sweet, floury, fatty and fried foods, and devote more time physical activity- Under such conditions, the weight will not increase.

As a result of a diet on vegetable fiber for weight loss, the following changes occur:

  • Decreased body weight;
  • Improves health;
  • It softens the course of many diseases of the intestines and urinary tract.

Feedback from our readers

Anna, 27 years old:

“I was very helped by a plant-based diet for constipation, when this misfortune tormented me for weeks. I didn’t think that everything was so simple: it was enough to eat right, and after 2 days the problem was solved”

Irina, 23 years old:

“When I needed to lose weight, I decided to try a plant-based protein diet. I endured it very easily, and lost 4 kilograms in a week, while the feeling of hunger never appeared.

Anastasia, 35 years old:

“The doctor recommended a plant-based diet for pregnant women to me when I gained more than 10 kg in a month - this is a lot. I did not endure it too easily, because. The menu is not replete with variety, and I'm used to eating hearty. But the weight really decreased by 5 kilos in a week, and now it’s even easier for me to walk.”

Eastern horoscope for May 2019

The protein diet has been one of the most effective diets for weight loss. The fact is that the diet menu is quite varied, satisfying; foods rich in protein, which ensures a persistent feeling of satiety and promotes recovery muscle tissue after playing sports. That is why professional athletes often use a protein diet. After all, no matter how sport, combined with proper and healthy nutrition, provides an ideal physical form? However, today you can find several options for protein diets, the menu of which is not always thought out correctly. To eliminate the unpleasant consequences of such "woe-diets", let's look at all types of protein diets in more detail.

For any diet, you need only quality products. Check them for non-spending. You can buy a nitrate tester from the links above,

Recipes for protein diets

In today's publication, we invite you to consider such types of protein diets as:

  • protein-carbohydrate diet;
  • protein-vegetable diet;
  • protein-fruit diet;
  • protein diet Malysheva;
  • Atkins protein diet;
  • protein-vitamin diet;
  • protein-vegetable diet;
  • protein-fat diet.

Moreover, we will also tell you about how to get out of the protein diet, as well as evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of such a diet. Well, shall we talk?

Video Light diet protein and vegetables. Learn how to eat on a protein-vegetable diet.

Protein-carbohydrate diet

The protein-carbohydrate diet belongs to the category of healthy and balanced nutrition, as it combines all the products necessary for the human body. It is this combination that allows us to effectively get rid of excess weight, while not experiencing poisoning with ketone bodies, as with a complete rejection of carbohydrate foods. Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend avoiding the scheduled diet of protein diets, in which there is not even a small amount of carbohydrate food. Such a diet causes disturbances in the functioning of the body, causes a constant feeling of hunger, as a result of which a person simply begins to consume twice as much food. Moreover, recent research has shown that effective weight loss It does not depend on the protein content in the body, but on the daily calorie content of the diet. Therefore, you just need to reduce the amount of complex carbohydrates consumed, eat often and little by little and not fill up at night.

Rules and menu of the protein-carbohydrate diet

The essence of the protein-carbohydrate diet is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. So, the nutrition plan for the week will be as follows: the first day is a mixed type of diet, after which two days are protein foods, and the next day is carbohydrate. Then you should return to protein nutrition for two days. The general nutrition scheme looks like this: 1 mixed + 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate + 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate. You can set the duration of the diet yourself.

As for the days of protein nutrition, then choose foods rich in protein with minimum percentage fat content. It can be fat-free cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, lean meat or fish.

Sample protein day menu:

  • breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese and tea without added sugar;
  • second breakfast: omelet from 2 eggs;
  • lunch: steamed tuna, you can add a couple of cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir;
  • dinner - chicken breasts steamed or boiled beef;
  • before going to bed: drinking yogurt without sugar and additives, or a glass of fermented baked milk.

During a carbohydrate diet, eat cereals, cereals, vegetables, durum wheat pasta.

Sample carbohydrate day menu:

  • breakfast: muesli, you can add skim milk and honey, or dried fruits;
  • snack: 1 pc., or a couple of apricots;
  • lunch: buckwheat, rice, pasta with tomato sauce or mushrooms, vegetable salad with olive oil, rye bread one slice;
  • afternoon snack - non-fat yogurt with honey and bread;
  • dinner - meat fried in olive oil or fish, with a salad of leafy vegetables;
  • 30 minutes before bedtime: a glass of curdled milk.

First day protein-carbohydrate alternation try to eat carbohydrate foods in the morning, combine protein foods with carbohydrates in the afternoon, and eat only protein foods in the evening.

Sample menu for a protein-carbohydrate day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, non-fat yogurt;
  • snack: ;
  • lunch: steamed fish, side dish of rice or buckwheat;
  • snack: a glass of kefir with honey;
  • dinner: stew, lentils for garnish;
  • before going to bed: drinking yogurt, or a glass of fermented baked milk.

Protein-vegetable diet

A protein-vegetable diet is also safe and effective way weight loss, during which you should give up just something from sweet foods, flour products, potatoes, legumes and fats, as well as beets and carrots. This diet is based on the alternation of days during which you will eat only protein foods and vegetable days. It is recommended to follow the diet for no more than ten days. Moreover, during this time you will not only lose, but also improve your body. On average, in five days you can get rid of four kilograms of excess weight.

  • meat and fish dishes;
  • salads from vegetables and fruits;
  • fat-free cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt;
  • pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini, bell pepper, cucumbers, eggplant, champignons;
  • herbal infusions and green tea.

For achievement maximum effect food should be taken as often as possible, in small portions. In this case, the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. Also, a fasting day on kefir, which should be carried out during the diet, will help to enhance the effect of losing weight.

Also, do not forget about the water balance, so try to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Sample menu of a protein-vegetable diet for 5 days

Day one: vegetables

On this day, you can afford fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables, a few slices of dietary bread and drink no more than 2 liters of tomato juice.

Day two: protein

Eat toast with a little butter for breakfast, and drink herbal or green tea without sugar. For lunch, cook chicken broth, and eat boiled chicken breast with bean salad. For dinner, you can boil two eggs or eat 200 grams of cottage cheese.

Day three: protein

The menu of this day is the same as in the second, only for dinner you can eat a piece of boiled meat or fish.

Day four: protein and vegetables

For breakfast, prepare 150 cottage cheese and your favorite fruit. Dine on a lean vegetable soup with a slice of diet bread. For dinner, eat vegetable fat, cottage cheese or yogurt, toast with cheese.

Day five: protein and vegetables

On this day, you can completely repeat the menu of the previous day, only instead of vegetable salad, cook vegetable stew.

If you want to continue the diet, then repeat the menu starting from the first day.

Protein-fruit diet

If you cannot live without fruits, but at the same time want to lose weight, then a protein-fruit diet is what suits you best. The fact is that a sufficient amount of protein that you will consume while adhering to the rules of the diet will make you feel great, and the carbohydrates found in fruits will fill your body with the necessary vitamins and give good mood and vitality. The combination of protein foods and fruits affect the metabolic rate, increasing it and allowing us to effectively lose weight.

The rules of the protein-fruit diet

Let's start with the fact that the duration of the protein-fruit diet is no more than 10 days, during which you should give up sweet, fatty and too salty foods. It is also recommended to abandon mayonnaise and sour cream. You should drink a lot, focusing on clean water, herbal infusions and green tea.

Sample menu of a protein-fruit diet for the day

  • Breakfast: 2 pcs. boiled eggs, green tea
  • Lunch:
  • Lunch: 200 g lean meat with soy sauce
  • Afternoon snack: 2 pcs. green apples
  • Dinner: 200g baked fish
  • Before going to bed: small.

The main principle of this diet is the alternation of protein foods with fruits. As for protein foods, you can make up your diet, including lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, boiled sausage, cheese, etc. on the menu.

You can eat any fruit, with the exception of grapes, bananas, apricots and persimmons.

A protein-fruit diet will allow you not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to easily destroy traces of hidden edema. However, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then nutritionists recommend choosing a different protein diet option.

Protein diet Malysheva

Who does not know Elena Malysheva? Probably this wonderful host of the famous show about healthy eating everyone knows. Thanks to the advice of Malysheva, many women and men have gained harmony, lost weight and put their health in order. And it’s not at all surprising, because Malysheva’s nutrition system, which is also commonly called Malysheva’s protein diet, allows you to eat easily and healthy. Malysheva's diet is based on limiting the consumption of vegetable and animal fats, salt, flour products, potatoes, sweet pastries, and sugar. This diet is based on protein foods, however, foods that contain carbohydrates are also not excluded. That is why Malysheva's protein diet can be quite for a long time(2-3 months), but the effect of losing weight lasts up to two years.

So, let's look at the basic rules of Malysheva's protein diet:

  1. In no case do not starve and try to eat small portions 5 times a day. Breakfast should start from 7-8 in the morning, lunch from 12-13, and dinner from 18-19. Between the main meals, you can make a second breakfast at 10 o'clock and an afternoon snack - from 16 to 17, which is fruit food.
  2. To make your weight loss the most effective, Malysheva recommends counting the daily amount of calories that is acceptable for your age, gender and weight class. It is easy to calculate this formula using the virtual daily calorie requirement calculator.
  3. Be sure to believe in success and tune in to a positive intake of food. You should eat with pleasure and mentally imagine that all food is good for helping you lose weight and feel great at the same time.

An exemplary menu of the protein diet Malysheva

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt or yogurt
  • Second breakfast: two apples or tangerines
  • Lunch: boiled meat, fish or eggs
  • Snack: any fruit except grapes and banana
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled egg, kefir.

This menu is not a standard, so you can safely create your own food option, based on the above recommendations.

Atkins protein diet

Robert Atkins, who developed his nutrition system based on eating a large amount of protein food, was able to lose 28 kg. That is why the Atkins diet has been popular for many years among people who want to lose a rather impressive amount of excess weight.

The essence of the Atkins protein diet is the consumption of fish and meat, and, as a supplement, a small amount of vegetables and fruits. So, breakfast on the Atkins protein diet does not consist of oatmeal and a sandwich, but of scrambled eggs and ham. This allows you to have a fairly satisfying breakfast and at the same time completely eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates. Thus, by depriving your body of carbohydrate food, you ensure that it begins to “look for” them in previously stored fats. Naturally, it is impossible to completely exclude carbohydrate foods, since this is fraught with the development of many diseases, but it is quite possible to reduce their daily intake. The only thing to consider is that protein food is quite a heavy diet for our kidneys, so in order to help them, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible.

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese or yogurt, green tea
  • Second breakfast: apple or pear
  • Lunch: Steamed fish or meat or vegetable soup
  • Snack: apple, kefir
  • Dinner: oven-baked meat without skin, oil and salt,.

For the duration of the diet, give up vegetable and butter, flour dishes, sugar and salt. Before each meal, 30 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of water with lemon. This will allow you to adjust the body to a quality meal, strengthen the kidneys and lose weight even faster. The main thing in the Atkins diet is that the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be no more than 20 grams per day.

People with kidney problems and chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract Atkins diet is not suitable.

Protein-vitamin diet

Protein-vitamin diet - simple diet, which provides for a six-time intake of protein and vitamin food. At the same time, you should limit your sugar intake, reduce your salt intake, and avoid sauces and condiments. From the liquid, green tea, herbal infusions with a small amount of honey and pure mineral water are allowed.

Fats and carbohydrates are completely excluded on this diet, however, vitamin dishes that make up fruits and vegetables will make up for this deficiency, while preventing you from gaining weight. The only rule is that vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw, that is, prepare fruit and vegetable salads.

Alcohol, carbonated drinks and packaged juices are prohibited. It is recommended to follow the diet for no more than 10 days, since protein food is still a heavy product for our body.

The basic rules of the protein-vitamin diet:

  1. Food is recommended to be consumed every 2.5 hours, while the last meal can be at 20.00, because such a late dinner will be fruit food.
  2. Vitamin diet - fruits, you can eat any, except for grapes, persimmons, bananas and very sweet exotic fruits.
  3. Be sure to drink at least a glass of water between meals.

Sample menu of a protein-vitamin diet

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a small piece of cheese, green tea
  • Second breakfast: tomato or grapefruit
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled beef or liver
  • Afternoon snack: fresh carrots or 2 apples
  • Dinner: 200g boiled fish or boiled sausage

You can repeat the diet only after 2 weeks of good nutrition.

Protein-vegetarian diet

A protein-vegetable diet helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, thus achieving the best weight loss effect. Of course, this version of the protein diet is designed for people with strong will, however, you can set the duration of such a diet yourself, and if you wish, repeat it again if the result of losing weight is not yet ideal.

For the duration of the diet, you will have to give up smoked meats and alcoholic beverages, or at least minimize their consumption if you decide to follow a protein-vegetable diet for a long time. But eating after 6 pm is strictly prohibited. The only thing you can afford after dinner is milk, kefir and natural juices. In the first days of dieting, it is recommended to take vitamins so that the body more safely switches to a restrained type of diet.

In general, for a month of following a protein-vegetable diet, you can get rid of 6-8 kg of excess weight.

Rules for the nutrition of a protein-vegetable diet

  1. The daily norm of protein is 65 grams, that is, 100 g of meat, 100 g of cottage cheese and an egg.
  2. At least 1.5 liters of fluid should be consumed daily.
  3. Animal fats: sausages, smoked meats and butter should be excluded.
  4. Salt is limited.
  5. Potatoes, sweets, pasta, beets, carrots, bread, bananas, and sauerkraut are banned.
  6. You should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  7. Steam cooking is recommended.

Sample menu of a protein-vegetable diet

Day one and two - unloading

Day three - protein

Divide 300g of boiled meat or 400g of fish for the whole day. Also, do not forget about water - you need to drink about 4 glasses of liquid.

Day four and five - vegetable

These days you can safely eat fruits and vegetables that are allowed by the rules of the diet.

Thanks to this diet, you can lose weight in 10 days from 4 or more kilograms. It is recommended to repeat the diet no earlier than after two to three months.

Protein-fat diet

The main rule of the protein-fat diet is the psychological attitude to eating. The nutritionist recommends eating only in a calm environment, while chewing every bite thoroughly. At the end of the meal, it is advisable to take a 15-minute rest and only after two or three hours, if desired, go in for sports.

This diet is quite popular and is especially liked by people who cannot imagine their diet without meat. Moreover, Kwasniewski claims that it is those products that are easily absorbed by the body and give a burst of energy that are most beneficial for our body. That is why, on a protein-fat diet, you can afford meat, lard, eggs, milk, cream and not worry about fat content. The fatter the food, the better. But as for fruits and vegetables that contain water, they should be limited or not consumed at all. According to the nutritionist, these products once again load the stomach, so it is better to drink a glass of water. And you can easily get vitamins from meat and offal. The same applies to fiber, which is found in bread, bran and grains - it can be completely excluded from the diet for the duration of this diet.

The daily diet of a protein-fat diet is the use of at least 5 eggs, lard, meat, offal, cheese, cream. You can also afford small amounts of potatoes, bread, pasta and vegetables.