What muscles are better to pump. Which muscle groups are best combined on a training day? How to choose exercises in your training split

In bodybuilding, the split system is now widespread, its essence is that 2-3 muscles are worked out during training. The right combination is very important here. But there are many opinions on this matter. Some experts believe that training a large muscle group is best combined with a small muscle that supports it. For example, like chest and triceps. In this case, the main load should fall on a large muscle group.

Experiments among bodybuilders have shown that the muscles of the back and pectoral muscles you can train together, but the chest needs to be worked out first. And triceps and biceps, despite the order of their training, do not affect the loss of strength. As for the deltas, they behave like the pectoral muscles,.

The order of training muscle groups

The maximum amount of anabolic hormones is synthesized when you train at a regular weight with a large number of sets, involving 10-12 repetitions each, and resting for about 1.5 minutes. Anabolic hormones include testosterone, growth hormone, and an insulin-like growth factor. During the training of large muscle groups, there is a greater production of hormones than when training small ones, such as biceps or triceps.

What happens if we work them together? Will the effect be passed on from one to the other? In fact, everything is so! This has been confirmed in numerous experiments and studies. Here is one of them. Two groups of beginners trained: the first group worked out the biceps, the second group also trained the biceps, but after training the legs. The result of the experiment showed that the second group of people had a higher surge of anabolic hormones.

In the course of these studies, it was also revealed that when one side of the body is trained, the growth of the other part, which is symmetrical to it, is also carried out. For example, by training one arm or leg, you can slightly increase the volume and mass of the second limb. Everything is explained by the irritation of the muscle and nerve fibers, which cause both sides of the body to grow.

A common among bodybuilders is such a principle as “pull-press”, which involves working out the triceps in one workout, after the back muscles, and the next day you train the biceps after the pectoral muscles.

It is always better to start training with the study of large muscle groups. Firstly, working on them requires a lot of energy, and secondly, training in this order provides a higher hormonal surge.

We distribute large muscle groups by training days:

First training day- breast.

Second training day- legs.

Third training day- back.

Now you can supplement the main muscle groups with secondary muscles.

First day. First of all, we train the chest, which means that the triceps muscle will also be involved in the work, so we also work on it on this day. These muscles need to be significantly trained, and then they will have enough time to recover, since in the next two workouts they will not be involved in work, and this is of great importance when recruiting muscle mass.

Second day. First of all, we train the legs, then the shoulders.

The third day. We start the workout by working out the back, and end with exercises for the biceps, which is an auxiliary flexor muscle when performing many exercises for the main muscle group of this training day.

Another training scheme:

First workout. Working out the muscles of the legs, and in addition, you can use the lower back and lower part back. You can add bicep exercises if you have enough energy.

Second workout. We train pectoral muscles, front deltas and triceps, abs. Working on the pectoral muscles will also involve triceps with deltas, so they also need to be loaded. Press exercises are performed at the end of the workout.

Third workout. Pumping the entire back. The work of the upper back will also involve the biceps, so we also train it.

Fourth workout. Shoulder training engages the triceps. Also study of the trapezium, press and neck.

Here is an example of a split workout:

First day: chest, deltas, triceps, abs (upper);

Second day: back muscles, biceps, forearms, abs (oblique abdominal muscles);

The third day: muscles of the thigh, buttocks, lower leg, abs (lower).

There is no single training system. It all depends on features human body and its genetic predisposition, because the period of muscle recovery is different for everyone. The main thing is to choose the right combination of trained muscle groups and exercise 2-3 times a week.

Article last updated: 12/31/2014

Our body is made up of many muscle groups. AT training process they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and abs. Each of them contains a large number of auxiliary muscles that are included in the work along with large muscles.

Professional bodybuilders can afford to dedicate one day to training one main group to work it out and achieve maximum proportionality in order to show themselves in all their glory in competition. As you understand, the pros train almost every day. For beginners or gym enthusiasts, daily training will not bring any sense, since the body of a simple person will not have time to recover after training, which can lead to negative results. In addition, people who are engaged in bodybuilding at an amateur level have many everyday worries, such as work, study, etc. Because of this, a person is simply not able to fully devote himself to training. Whereas the pros make a living from bodybuilding, this is their main income and because of this, athletes go to the gym as if they were going to work.

For you to understand, professional bodybuilders resort to the use of pharmacological support in order to recover faster, improve anabolic processes in the body, etc. Therefore, they go to the gym daily without harm to themselves.

In order to reach maximum effect from training, you need to break the training of the main muscle groups into separate days. However, here the question arises - which muscles to train together and how to combine them? To date, three day split is the most common among beginners and experienced athletes. That is, you break the workout into three days, let's say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is perfect option in order to build muscle mass as quickly as possible and fully restore the muscle. A little later, when you are more experienced, you can break the workout into four days, highlighting one day, for example, for training the arms or shoulders. For more information on how to properly compose a training program, see here.

There are several options, based on which you can understand which muscles to train together. Here is one of the most common examples today:

Example #1

This is a fairly widely used option, in which everything is quite simple and logical. Look, we're taking the major muscle groups and breaking them down into three days: day 1 - chest; day 2 - back; day 3 - legs. After that, we add smaller muscles that are directly involved in training the main muscle, with the exception of the combination of legs and shoulders. For example, take the same chest workout, which is based on repulsive exercises. That is, take the same bench press or dumbbell press and so on. All of them involve pushing (squeezing) the weight from the chest, and as we know, triceps is responsible for this function in the muscles of the arm. So he is directly involved in chest training.

The same goes for the back and biceps. If in a chest workout, we push (squeeze) the weight away from ourselves, then in a back workout, we pull the weight towards us, and, as you know, not only the back muscles are responsible for this movement, but also the biceps, which helps to attract weight and increase the amplitude movement.

As for the third day of training, the shoulders do not participate in leg training, but this is the only day that can be allocated for a quality pumping of the deltas. As you know, deltas consist of anterior, middle and posterior beams, if you want to pump up your shoulders, you need to train them together in one day.

Thus, combining training in this way, we are quite good at pre-tiring the secondary muscles, and then we work them out with high quality.

Example #2

The second option is less common, however, also has its fans. Many people think that training the main muscle and the secondary one, which is directly involved in the movement, such as the chest and triceps, back and biceps, is at least stupid, because having previously tired the secondary muscle (biceps or triceps), we will no longer be able to pump them normally . In principle, for some people this is quite relevant. Remember that everyone's body is different and everyone can react to a particular type of training in different ways, so you can experiment and try both sets to determine for yourself which one is right for you. In addition, the program still needs to be changed at least once every 1-2 months.


Many people think that antagonist training is the most effective way to build muscle, and this is true. Such training involves working out two antagonist muscles in one day. These are the muscles that are parallel to each other, that is, the back - the chest, the biceps - the triceps, the biceps of the thigh - the quadriceps. You can read more about antagonist muscle training here.

An example of such a training plan

Training according to this plan, I can say that this is a pretty good way out if you need to change the program, try something new. This complex is suitable for fairly experienced athletes, as it requires a lot of energy and strength to recover, and it is better for a beginner to train according to the first or second example.

Personally, I advise you to train according to the plan, which is presented below. He absorbed some of the antagonist training and the first standard plan. It can be used by experienced athletes with at least 1 year of experience.

The training plan for gym


In this option, you can combine all the muscles at the same time, only in a certain sequence. If you are a beginner athlete, you can take advantage of a workout that includes working out all the major muscle groups in one session. As you remember, at the beginning of the article we said, for beginner athletes the best option is to break the workout into splits, that is, train each major muscle group separately. As far as full body training goes, this is a fairly energy-intensive plan, but if you approach the process wisely, you can balance your workouts.

Whole-body training is needed in order to prepare a novice athlete, namely his muscles, for a further increase in loads, that is, to tighten the overall physical form. The training itself does not consist of twenty exercises, as you might think, it includes basic exercises, thanks to which we will be able to pump and use the main, secondary and various auxiliary muscle groups in the process. Training does not take much time if you train intensively, without half an hour of rest and hack work. You can read more about full body training here.

Find out which muscle groups are best combined in training to achieve the maximum effect in muscle growth.

The content of the article:

Many novice athletes are not satisfied with the results they get in training. By the way, it is the low rate of progress or its complete absence that pushes a person to use sports pharmacology. If in professional sports you can’t do without it, then at the amateur level it’s very possible, because health should be a priority, not muscle size.

However, we digress, and today's article will answer the popular question, which muscles should be trained together and in the first place? There are many options for conducting classes and it all depends on your priorities, tasks, training experience, etc. Now we will consider the most popular options for combining training of muscle groups. Let's start with the simplest and finish with a complex system that will suit those who plan to achieve high results and possibly take part in competitions.

What muscles should be trained together?

As your level of training grows, it will become clear that it is necessary to increase the intensity of classes and introduces training program additional exercises. Now we will talk about the possible and most popular combinations in the training of muscle groups. We recommend that you start with the simplest and gradually move forward.


This type of combination involves training all the muscles of the body in each lesson. This system should be used by beginners, performing two or three sets in each movement. Do not be afraid of the relatively low intensity of such activities. If you have not been involved in sports before, then the body needs time to adapt to new living conditions. If you follow all the principles of bodybuilding, then at the first stage, the full body will be an excellent choice, and you will progress fairly quickly.

At first, your main task will be to teach the body the rational use of its own capabilities. We also recall that you should devote the first month of training to mastering the technical nuances of performing basic exercises. You should not immediately progress the working weight, because if the technique of performing movements is violated, then they will not be effective.

Classes should be carried out three times a week, giving the body about 48 hours to recover. Another reason for the low intensity of training on initial stage exercise is an opportunity to minimize pain in the muscles after the end of the workout. Choose one for each muscle group basic exercise and do it in two or three sets. The number of repetitions in each approach should be from 10 to 12.

Top bottom

This system is also called a two-day split. We recommend switching to it after fullbody. The essence of the system is simple - the body is divided into top and bottom. After that, in one session you work out the muscles of the upper body, and in the second you swing your legs. For each group, there are already two movements to be performed. And within a week you can train for five days. In each exercise, perform three sets, and the number of repetitions can be as follows:

  • For weight gain - from 10 to 12.
  • To increase power parameters - from 6 to 8.

3 day split

This training system will be your next step towards creating an attractive body. Each muscle group will be pumped three times during the week. The simplest division of the body into groups will be the following principle:

  • Pulling muscles.
  • Pushing muscles.
  • Legs.
As a result, you will have to alternate the training of the following muscles each session:
  • Shoulders, chest and triceps.
  • Legs.
  • Biceps and back.
The number of repetitions is similar to the previous scheme, and the number of sets in each leg exercise should be increased to four.

Four day split

This is already a fairly serious training system, involving a significant increase in the intensity of training. Fulfilling four day split over the course of a week, each muscle group will have about 72 hours to recover. The training schedule might look like this:

  • 1st day- biceps and back.
  • 2nd day- triceps and chest.
  • 3rd day- rest.
  • 4th day- legs.
  • 5th day- shoulders.
  • 6th and 7th days- rest.
For each group, we recommend choosing three or four movements, and for pumping the legs, it is worth doing five. The number of sets is three or four, and the repetitions are 6-15.

Five day split

This system will be an excellent choice for experienced athletes who can be called fans of the gym. It is very similar to the previous split, just the body is divided not into four, but five groups. You can alternate training throughout the week in the following order: back, chest, legs, shoulders, triceps together with biceps. The remaining two days are for rest. You may have noticed that in none of the systems we mentioned the press and calf muscles. This is because small muscles recover quickly and you can work on them every other day.

Which muscles should be trained first?

Today's topic, which muscles need to be trained together and first of all, we decided to divide into two parts. You already know the principles of building splits. By and large, the body must be pumped harmoniously. However, depending on gender, people try to give preference to one or another muscle group. It is quite obvious that girls pay special attention to the legs and especially the buttocks. For guys, chest, arms and abs are more important. The rules for training these muscles will now be discussed.


Today, many working professions are associated with sedentary work. This has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the muscles of the buttocks. Moreover, this statement is true not only for women, but also for men. Another thing is that girls during the training pay much more attention to working on this part of the body. Guys, in principle, it’s enough just to train their legs. But for girls who want to have elastic buttocks appetizing form, the following information will be very useful.

A great solution for you would be to combine hyperextensions and lunges in one series. Lunges can be considered one of the best movements for the muscles of the buttocks. This is due not only to their active work, but also to high-quality stretching. At the same time, quadriceps and biceps are worked out. Hyperextension, in turn, allows you to provide an isolated load on the buttocks.

Girls training the buttocks should start with the implementation deep squats or leg presses in the Hackenschmidt simulator. Do two or three sets of 8-10 reps. After that, it's the turn of the superset:

  1. Lunges- two or three sets with 8-10 repetitions in each.
  2. hyperextension- 2-3 sets with 8-10 repetitions in each.
Recall that a superset involves performing two movements without a pause between them.


Do not assume that the pectoral muscles are important only for men. Girls should also pay attention to this group, because it allows you to lift the bust and make it more elastic. The muscles of the chest can be divided into three sections: middle, upper and lower. It is generally accepted that it is most difficult to pump the upper section with high quality.

The first will include the following movements:

  1. Dumbbell presses (barbells) on an inclined bench (the angle is directed upwards) - two or three sets with 1012 repetitions in each.
  2. Breeding-reduction of hands in a crossover- two sets of 10 repetitions each.
The second superset looks like this:
  1. Dumbbell row on an incline bench- one or two sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  2. Incline Dumbbell Presses, Reverse Incline- one set with 8-10 repetitions in each.

Abdominal muscles

The press is part of the core muscle group, which is responsible for stabilizing the body. Many athletes are sure that the more actively they pump the press, the sooner the long-awaited cubes will appear. But you must remember that the press will look beautiful only if there is a minimum amount of fat deposits in the abdomen. This suggests that you need to pay close attention to the training cream and the nutrition program.

In order for the training of the muscles of the press to give a result, we recommend using a few simple tips:

  1. In each set, you need to perform from 15 to 20 repetitions and no more.
  2. It is necessary to progress the load, using weights for this.
  3. Work on the muscle group once or twice a week, because the muscles must have time to recover.
  4. Work on your lower abs first.
The last point requires clarification. As you probably know, the press is one muscle and, in principle, it should not be divided into departments. Simply put, when performing any movement, the entire press is worked out. However, if you first perform, say, classic crunches, and then hanging leg raises, then the top of the press will get tired earlier and the bottom will not receive enough load, we recommend that you do the following:
  1. Hanging leg raises- two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions each.
  2. Classic crunches with the same intensity.


Another muscle group that is important not only for men, but also for women. If everything is clear with the guys, then by pumping their hands, the girls will be able to eliminate sagging skin. Despite some differences in physiology that exist between the sexes, the principles of training remain unchanged.

In this regard, I would like to once again remind the lovely ladies that you should not be afraid to pump pens. This is simply impossible due to the minimum content of testosterone in female body. In addition, there are differences in the composition of muscle fibers.

More on which muscles to train together and which ones first:

Hello. In today's article, I will tell you about the correct sequence of exercises in the gym for the most effective set of muscle mass and strength.

I will open the curtain: the correct sequence (order) of performing exercises in the gym directly depends on how your muscles will develop. And in order for them to develop as best (and faster) as possible, you need the right order (sequence) of exercises in training.

Therefore, we immediately remember the basic rule: you must start training with basic exercises (multi-joint), and finish (and that depends on the experience of this or that athlete) isolating (single-joint).

This is not done casually. Briefly, without going into details, compound exercises (multi-joint) are heavy basic exercises that build muscles much better than isolation exercises (single-joint).

In addition, strength growth is very important for gaining muscle mass in the body ... in other words, these two parameters are directly proportional. Do you understand? And what kind of strength can we talk about if you first tire one of the muscles that will participate in the basic exercise with an isolating exercise? … you just simply cannot give it your all and show the maximum result.

An example of the above: a person trained his biceps, after which he went to pull himself up, that is, to train his back. Everything, here it is a gross mistake. Having tired the biceps, he will not be able to properly train the back, because when we train the back, our biceps also work to their fullest. And many don’t know this ... so remember once and for all: we always start with large ones and end with small ones, for example: chest then deltas, back then biceps .. But, not vice versa, i.e. for example, deltas then the chest, or biceps then the back .. You see? It is not right!!!

Conclusion: Absolutely always start training with large muscles (such as: chest, back, legs, small muscles are: deltas, biceps, triceps, abs, calves, forearms) and absolutely always start training with basic exercises.

In special cases, you can start with isolation exercises.

In some cases, it really makes sense to start training with an isolating exercise, and not with a basic one! The main thing is that you understand why you are doing this. And you can do this for two reasons:

No. 1. To specifically (consciously) preliminarily tire the working muscle.

This technique is most often used only by advanced athletes (consciously).

Example: a person has weak pectoral muscles, and strong triceps (typical me). Consequently, such a person can specifically tire his strong triceps (with an isolating exercise) in order to “break through” the pectorals in the base after loading them (pumping) as much as possible. Comprendo?

In other words, we do all this crap so that strong triceps do not steal the load from the chest. That's all! Here, for example, such a person does a bench press lying on incline bench, and first of all, it’s not the chest that works for him, but the triceps! As a result, they steal (steal) almost the entire load from the chest, preventing them from growing ... that's why a person can use this technique to tire a strong chest and pump his weak chest)).

No. 2. To warm up / warm up the working muscle, ligaments and joints, and prepare them for more strength work thereby minimizing the chance of injury.

A vivid example: do an isolating exercise - with light weight, in a large number of repetitions (20-30-40), thereby warming up / warming up the knee joints, and only after moving on to the basic exercise - squats with a barbell on the shoulders or.

Somehow like this. In other cases (and this is the majority), it is imperative to start training with heavy basic (multi-joint) exercises. And finish insulating, and then, not everyone can finish isolating, it all depends on your training experience. In other words, beginners can only concentrate on the base, and completely eliminate any isolation. Well, I’m not a newbie, but I still work this way)), seriously, there is no isolation at all - none !!!

More advanced (and more experienced) athletes, of course, decide for themselves, however, as a rule (as practice shows) they use one, maximum 2 isolating movements at the end of the workout.

Professionals (I mean, those who are under pharma) decide for themselves, but if it’s garlic, between us, then isolation can work a hundred times better for them than the base)). I'm serious.. but this is only for those who are under the drug, for straight people (those who do not use anabol.steroids) this definitely won't work 100%, so they need to concentrate on the base.

The sequence of muscle groups in training

Just in case, for those people who cannot correctly compose a split program for themselves (the correct sequence of exercises and muscle groups on specific days), I have compiled for you, “training schemes” (this is the first article, there are only compiled training programs without explaining what and how), and here is the second article (in which I explain in detail what and how to do, it’s better to read it): “The best bodybuilding training programs”<= переходите по ссылке и смотрите.

Antagonist muscle groups in training

Antagonists are called muscles that have opposite effects on a particular part of the body, you can read more about this in the main article: “What are antagonist muscles? ”

Examples of muscle ligaments (groups of antagonists):

  • Chest + back or vice versa back + chest (no difference)
  • Biceps + triceps (by the way, triceps + biceps = will not work (badly), because when bending the arm, you always have to overcome the resistance of the triceps, which is trying to contract, as a result, you will not be able to train the biceps with 100% return).
  • Legs: quadriceps + hamstrings

The only correct answer to the question: which muscles to train together does not exist. Depending on the goals set, they can be arranged within the framework in completely different ways. Moreover, each of the training split options will almost always have both pros and cons. About which muscle groups to train together, and which variations of their layout are the best for gaining mass, and which ones for losing weight, read on. The most interesting about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel https://t.me/bestbodyblog

Most training programs for gaining mass (I'm talking about) are based on the three-day split method. In this case, one large muscle group and one, rarely two, small ones are pumped in one session. For example, chest and triceps or back and biceps. A large group trains first, a small group after it.

Naturally, with this option, the main part of the load will go to the muscles that are loaded at the beginning of the lesson, and those who reach the hands at the end will get only crumbs. If you do the opposite, and load the chest after the triceps, and the back after the biceps, then it will not work normally to train large groups after small ones. How, then, to combine the muscles in training, so that they still grow?

Option 1. Pump large and small muscles together

Whatever conclusion you make after reading the introduction, but it is the arrangement of one large muscle group and one or two small ones that is the best option for a set of exercises for gaining mass. Yes, indeed, you need to download a large group first, then a smaller one, there are no options. And the fact that the triceps or biceps trained after the chest and back will have a lot less load is also true.

But, nevertheless, this is the only sure way to pump muscles in a week, so as to load the entire body equally, and have time to recover between workouts. And most importantly - gain muscle mass. Why? I explain:

First. Weight gain occurs due to large muscle groups: legs, back and chest. If you want to get bigger, then first of all you need to download them. It will be easier to gain 2-3 kg of mass per month by squatting with a barbell than by swinging deltas with dumbbells. Of course, we also need it, but only they don’t give mass, but legs and back.

Deadlifts and squats are two keys to mass gain

Second. Muscle growth directly depends on the level of hormones:, and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor). So, doing basic exercises for large muscle groups, especially squats and deadlifts, stimulates an increase in hormonal levels better than other exercises.

That is, by pumping the biceps along with the legs, we deliberately load it on the day of increasing testosterone levels. We squat (and preferably get up) with a barbell - testosterone rises - both legs and biceps grow. The same scheme works on other days, when, for example, the back is loaded with triceps, and the chest along with the shoulders.

Third. Basic exercises for large muscle groups also load smaller groups: abs, back extensors, lumbar, gluteal muscles. They are also called. The effectiveness of the exercises for the arms and shoulders depends on their strength and endurance. To lift heavy (and most importantly, slowly lower) you need a strong lower back. To perform with a decent weight, you need a strong front delta, to shake the barbell from the chest while standing, you need strong extensors.

Basic exercises increase strength and endurance of the whole body

When compiling a training split, you must first place large muscle groups on the days of the week, and then “attach” smaller groups to them. How exactly? And here are the possible options:

Week 1
Monday Wednesday Friday
Legs + bicepschest + tricepsBack + shoulders
Week 2
Legs + tricepsBack + shoulderschest + biceps
Week 3
Legs + shoulderschest + tricepsBack + biceps

Note: legs in each of the options are the first. This is not necessary, but since there are two days of rest after the Friday workout, this makes it possible to better rest and load them more before pumping the legs. And the constant change of muscle groups trained along with the legs allows you to potentially accelerate the growth of each of them.

The advantage of such complexes for weight gain is as follows:

  • Emphasis on pumping large muscle groups, especially the legs
  • High levels of muscle stress
  • Sufficient time for recovery
  • Stable set of total body weight

Disadvantages? And there are none. In my opinion, the best system for entraining muscles (especially large ones) in volume has not yet been invented. Of course, these weekly training programs will not work for everyone, without exception, because each of us has our own genetic baggage. But, if you adapt them to your tasks, age and state of health, this will allow you to steadily increase muscle volume, regardless of genetics.

Conclusion: pumping large and small muscles together is best during the mass gain period. For such a purpose, such an arrangement is an uncontested option.

Option 2. Train pulling and pushing muscle groups together

This layout method is also called the push-pull training program. Pressing muscles include the chest, shoulders, triceps, and pulling muscles include the back and biceps. In this case, the weekly split would look like this:

  • Monday. Chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Wednesday. Back, biceps
  • Friday. Quadriceps, hamstrings

This option of building a training split is also a mass-gathering one, and has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage 1. The push and push groups are pumped only once a week, and in the following days they rest and recover.

Advantage 2. Legs are trained solo, therefore, the amount of load on them can be increased without wasting time pumping "kids".

Disadvantage 1. At each lesson, in addition to the target muscles, the assistant muscles are very heavily loaded. When performing pressing movements, a large load falls on the elbows. And when performing traction - on the lumbar and wrists.

Drawback 2. It is possible to pump muscle groups together within the framework of such a training split with a different frequency, but the very principle of its construction, unlike the previous scheme, has fewer compilation variations.

Conclusion: the push-pull training program allows you to pay more attention to the legs, leaving the load on other muscles at a high level.

Option 3. Train antagonist muscles together

Antagonist muscles are: chest-back, biceps-triceps, quadriceps - biceps femoris, as well as press - back extensors. But you need to be very careful when training the extensors together, since both of these muscle groups are body stabilizers and their simultaneous pumping can cause an overload of all the muscles of the core. When compiling a training program for antagonist muscles, it is worth concentrating on the first three pairs.

A training split for a week with such a combination looks like this:

What does the training of antagonist muscles give in one lesson? Firstly, they rest faster between sets, because in this case the mechanism of active recovery comes into play. For example, you can load them more than one by one. Secondly, the muscles are better filled with blood, the delivery of nutrients to them improves. Therefore, the chances of gaining mass increase.

You can also pump antagonist muscles together in the classic version: do an exercise set for one muscle group, relax and do a set for the second, or you can do it differently - with the help of supersets.

Mass supersets. chest-back

Supersets or complex sets are two exercises performed one after the other without rest. There are many options for supersets for antagonist muscles, but if we talk about gaining mass, then they should include mainly basic exercises. The most effective in this regard are the following mini-complexes:

Supersets for legs:

Supersets for chest and back:

Hand supersets:

  • narrow grip barbell press + standing barbell curl
  • push-ups on the uneven bars + lifting dumbbells with supination while standing

Note: to pump muscles in this way (especially the chest and back) was very fond of Arnold Schwarzenegger. But training antagonist muscles is still popular today. Many professionals, and even amateurs, and older ones, the same, train in this way.

Antagonist muscle training for mass gain fits very well

Advantages of the antagonist muscle training program: increase in the volume of work + shocking the muscles with an unusual load + accelerating their growth. The disadvantage is the maximum load on the articular-ligamentous apparatus and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, if we train muscles together in this way, then only for a short period of time.

Conclusion: training antagonist muscles has both potential benefits for gaining muscle mass and a high risk of overtraining. This system must be applied in a dosed manner.

Option 4. Pump muscle groups using the two-day split method

I want to clarify right away that a two-day split (the method is also called top-down training) does not mean at all that the muscles are loaded only twice a week. Although you can do that too. In this case, the two-day split should be regarded more as a training program for maintaining muscle volume, and not for rapid mass gain.

The top-bottom training program involves pumping the body in two times.

The main principle of such a distribution of muscles by day is that in two sessions the whole body is pumped, first the top, then the bottom. If you fit such a split into the usual, three-day scheme, it will look like this:

Note: an important condition for such a distribution of muscles by day is to change the set of exercises at each subsequent lesson. There should not be two identical workouts for each of the body parts.

The advantage of a two-day split is only one, but quite significant - each muscle group is pumped (depending on the week) twice in 7 days. Less in volume, because it should have time to recover, but exactly twice as often as usual.

Top-down workouts can also be classified as mass-gathering, especially when you consider that the priority in them, again, is given to the legs. The disadvantages of such a weekly program will be balancing on the verge of overload due to the frequent pumping of the same muscles and an extremely careful approach to the choice of exercises, especially for the legs.

Conclusion: top-down training can have a tangible effect in terms of gaining muscle mass. And a two-day split in the truest sense of its meaning is a way to maintain the gained volumes and maintain muscle density.

Option 5. Pump the muscles of the whole body at once (circular training)

The idea is that in one session you need to pump the muscles of the whole body, from top to bottom. Exercises for each of them can be performed sequentially or in a mixed order. Circular training is used for different purposes:

  • As a training program for a beginner
  • To return to the training process after a long break
  • As a Method to Shake Muscles and Overcome Mass Gaining Plateaus
  • To develop strength endurance
  • For accelerated fat burning

A circuit training program for men might look like this:

muscle group An exercise hiking Reps
LegsSquats3 10
leg press2 12
BackPull-ups in the gravitron3 10
Rod pull to the belt in Smith2 12
BreastDumbbell bench press3 10
Reduction of hands in a crossover2 12
ShouldersBreeding dumbbells standing3 10
BicepsStanding barbell lift2 10
TricepsNarrow Grip Barbell Press3 10

The full body training system is not a mass-gaining program, because each of the muscle groups receives too little load per session. But circular training can be safely called one of the best ways to reduce fat reserves without a noticeable loss of muscle mass. This is its main advantage.

Circuit training for weight loss

The full body also has one drawback - overworking the body if you work on it for too long. As with the previous two split options, circuit training (if you include mainly basic exercises in it) should not be used for more than one to two weeks in a row.

Conclusion: the circular training system implies that in one session you need to pump the muscles of the whole body together. For weight gain, full body is useless, but it is well suited for weight loss.


You can pump muscle groups together in a wide variety of combinations. None of the above schemes can give returns all the time. Therefore, your complex for gaining mass must be consciously and regularly changed. This will enable the muscles to be in a state of controlled stress and grow steadily. May the force be with you. And mass!