Bcaa during cardio. Amino acids bcaa (bcaa) and how to take them. What is hidden under this mysterious abbreviation

    Those who are seriously involved in sports and, at least once, were interested in sports nutrition, have definitely heard the term "BCA". Among all the variety of nutritional supplements for athletes, this one is perhaps fanned by the largest number of rumors and speculation. So what is this sports supplement how to take BCAA and what is the benefit for athletes - let's try to understand in detail in this article.

    BCAAs (branched chained amino acids) are amino acids with a branched side chain. In fact, this is what is called three amino acids "in one bottle":, and. All of them are indispensable. Moreover, it is believed that these amino acids are presented in the diet in a minimal amount, while how exactly they affect the speed and intensity of protein synthesis in the first place. However, this is not quite the way it is commonly believed.

    The most important of the three listed acids is leucine. Its importance lies in the following:

  1. It is he who is a powerful energy substrate for maintaining muscle function in conditions of limited glucose intake (for example, during a strict diet).
  2. From leucine, our body synthesizes - a substance that supports our immunity against a background of high intense training.
  3. Protein synthesis without essential amino acids in the body is impossible, which means that without leucine there will be no muscle growth.

The only disadvantage of leucine is that in its pure form it is not very well absorbed due to its rather low bioavailability. But in combination with isoleucine and valine, the percentage of digestibility increases dramatically.

Another important factor in favor of taking branched chain amino acids is their beneficial effect on the liver. , large amounts of food, hard training (essentially oxidative stress) have a very adverse effect on our main detoxification organ. BCAAs taken in higher dosages (relative to the standard diet) can help restore liver cells, making it much better and more effective than modern hepatoprotectors.

Supplement Forms

There are a fairly large number of BCAA release forms. Each athlete can find the most acceptable option for himself. In addition, the pharmacological form affects how long before training you need to drink BCAAs, because tablets, capsules and liquid solutions have a different digestibility period, respectively, the desired effect also occurs after a different period of time.

BCAA tablets

Tablets are the most unfavorable type of BCAA for the consumer. In fact, it is a compressed protein. How much active ingredient they contain is not known, and the quantity and “quality” of impurities is a big question. The only plus of supplements in tablets is the relatively low cost.

Another relative "plus" of this type of BCAA can be considered a long time for the release of the active substance from the tablet. When taking this pharmacological form of the supplement at night, you have every chance of avoiding pronounced nighttime catabolism, especially while on a diet. To figure out how to take BCAA tablets, you need to carefully study the instructions for them and the composition of each tablet and, based on this, determine the dosage. In this matter, it is better to trust an experienced specialist.


Capsules are a very good pharmacological form of BCAAs with excellent bioavailability and, moreover, in an enteric coating - they do not increase the acidity of gastric juice, are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and begin to act 15-30 minutes after ingestion. Respectively, optimal time taking the supplement before training - half an hour before it starts.

As for how to take BCAA capsules, this, again, depends on the amount of active substance (leucine and valine with isoleucine) contained in each capsule. In addition to this, you also need to know your weight, because the more the athlete weighs, the more capsules he will need to take at a time. For example, with a leucine content of 500 mg in one capsule for an athlete weighing 90 kg, a single dose of the supplement will be 6 capsules, since 36 mg of BCAA per 1 kg of weight is considered the optimal amount. Reliable manufacturers, as a rule, clearly state all these details in the instructions for use.

liquid form

The liquid form is the champion in speed of absorption and onset of action. Any liquid begins to be absorbed even in the oral cavity, so the time for which amino acids enter the bloodstream is calculated in a matter of minutes. This is especially true for those who conduct high-intensity training against the background of a caloric restriction of the diet - in preparation for the competition or when trying to "climb" into a smaller category. In these situations, taking liquid BCAAs immediately after training and during it (no earlier than an hour from the start of training) will help to avoid large losses. muscle mass due to catabolism. The only disadvantage of liquid BCAAs is the high cost.

Powder Form

The powder form of the supplement (bcaa powder) is used to make a drink. Accordingly, it, like the liquid form, is absorbed quickly enough. There are two types of powdered BCAAs - flavored and unflavoured. There is one nuance here. Adherents healthy lifestyle life and naturalness will immediately rush to buy amino acids without any impurities. However, we strongly advise against doing this. Unflavored powders, so to speak "natural" BCAAs, are very bitter. Their taste and smell are so specific that no matter what you dissolve it in, the drink will be hopelessly spoiled. And one more important point regarding how to take BCAA powder.

Note! It is believed that when preparing a drink from powdered BCAAs, a film should form on the surface of the liquid - this is not entirely true. Modern powder additives dissolve very well in liquid media, so, rather, on the contrary, incomplete dissolution of BCAAs indicates not too much high quality raw materials. Or, that, in addition to BCAAs, your powder also contains creatine. So carefully read the label on the packaging with the product!

By the way, if you purchased an odorless powder, then, in addition to water, you can also dilute it with juice. As for how to drink bcaa in powder in terms of dosage, then the calculation is exactly the same as for capsules: we take 36 mg of the supplement per 1 kg (but not more than 12 mg at a time).

Chewable tablets

It is impossible not to mention another specific form of supplement. These are BCAAs in chewable tablets. This form has a number of advantages, including good bioavailability and a fast "onset of action". And, not least, these chewable tablets are a dietary product with a high content of essential amino acids, there are supplements where glutamine is added to the BCAA in the tablet.

This option is preferable, since when it is taken, all the leucine taken will be used for muscle protein synthesis, and will not be wasted on the synthesis of glutamine and glucose. Returning to chewable BCAAs, let's say that against the background of calorie and carbohydrate restriction, this product will help you follow a diet longer and cleaner, as it gives psychological relief - you can eat something sweet without damaging your own progress in fat burning.

Dosage and frequency of BCAA intake

The first and main advice on how to take BCAAs correctly is that the manufacturer's recommendations written on the package should be carefully studied and taken into account, but you do not need to blindly follow them. They are designed in such a way as to encourage you to use the drug as soon as possible and purchase the next cherished jar. Your task is to look at the content of one serving of the product, calculate the required amount of BCAAs relative to this serving, and then use the resulting dosage. We don’t recommend sticking to the products of a single brand right away - first try products from different manufacturers, listen to your body and choose the product that you “feel”.

As for when and how much to take BCAA, the amount of the drug will depend on the training schedule. The recommended dosage for BCAAs in training days is 10 g once a day. On training days, the supplement should be taken twice: before and after training. But at the same time, the dose must be determined individually, depending on the goal pursued and the weight of the athlete, using the above proportion. A third intake of the supplement is also allowed - directly during training process, but not earlier than 30-40 minutes after the start of classes.

This recommendation does not depend on the gender and age of the athlete. BCAAs are a stand-alone supplement and taking them can bring quite tangible benefits. However, we must not forget that without a thoughtful, well-balanced diet and a competent training system with a progression of loads, taking BCAAs will not give you anything. The exception is people with hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver - for them, taking BCAAs will be very useful in terms of improving the liver.

Combination with other additives

If you are interested in the question, do you need to drink BCAAs, if you drink or, then the answer will be yes. This is a very good idea, because in this way you will provide the process of muscle growth with an additional amount of essential amino acids, which with a 90% probability will be used by muscle tissue and specifically for the “needs” of protein synthesis.

The important point is that there are different composition protein blends and amino acid preparations. Speaking of proteins, we immediately mention soy protein and protein synthesized from wheat - the so-called "". So, any vegetable proteins inferior. This means that they do not contain the full range of essential amino acids and, accordingly, cannot provide full-fledged protein synthesis in the body of a trainee.

Just additionally taken BCAAs will help to fill the deficiency of the required essential amino acids. In general, speaking of vegetarians, the dosage of BCAAs should be increased by 2-3 times in order to compensate for the deficiency of essential amino acids in the diet.

Features of taking liquid amino acids

Another sports supplement often used as an alternative to protein is liquid bottled amino acids. This is not about sports drinks, but about concentrated solutions based on gelatin. This is, of course, an excellent product, but with an important flaw: since gelatin is used as a matrix, the amino acid profile is formed in such a way that histidine and arginine are even in excess in one serving, but valine, leucine and isoleucine are the same BCAAs. a clear disadvantage. Thus, taking BCAAs with liquid amino acids can provide significant benefits in terms of gaining lean muscle mass and accelerating recovery after hard training.

An important point when buying this sports nutritional supplement, pay attention to the ratio of acids in the preparation - leucine: isoleucine: valine. The optimal ratio is 2:1:1

BCAA is a complex of amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are essential, that is, those that our body does not synthesize on its own. Therefore, we can only get them from food. Saturated with amino acids protein products such as eggs, cottage cheese, meat, cheese, milk, fish, etc.

In bodybuilding, BCAAs are separated into a separate group from other amino acids. It is worth noting that almost half of them are muscle fibers (muscles are 35% composed of them). These amino acids contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue, take part in anabolic processes, while suppressing catabolic.

In this article, we will figure out how to take BCCA correctly: when is the best time to take it, in what quantities, and whether you need to take breaks.

BCAA as a supplement began to be used not so long ago. Recently, this supplement is considered simply magical. Those who received it

expect it to give a stunning effect. For this reason, it is worth reading it in more detail.

A little about the features of the supplement:

What is BCAA? As you already know, the supplement contains 3 amino acids, which are characterized by a branched bond: valine, leucine

and isoleucine. Thanks to these substances, the reactions of an anabiotic nature that occur in our body change for the better. Reactions are more intense. The main function of BCAAs is the use of these substances in combination to provide energy inflow into muscle tissue. Amino acids act as sources of energy flow.

The supplement prevents destructive processes in the muscles during sports and in the absence of food intake for a long time. The body receives amino acids from the outside, and does not produce on its own, which is why they take BCAAs. Substances come with food or with food additives This makes training more effective.

BCAA benefits and harms

Today, this complex is widely used in bodybuilding. Surely you know that muscle growth occurs not during training, but after it, and the faster the muscles recover, the faster they grow. Metal lovers love this supplement for its "golden" ability to quickly restore muscle and prevent muscle catabolism. During training, the body needs a large amount of energy, and it receives it from BCAAs.

Main Functions of BCAA Amino Acids

This supplement has the following properties:

  • increases endurance. Workouts are more intense and productive;
  • improves protein synthesis. Stimulates the endogenous level of anabolic hormones, which has a positive effect on the growth of muscle mass. However, this effect is not significant, and if the athlete consumes only this supplement, there will be no visible muscle growth;
  • stimulates the loss of adipose tissue. BCAA, or rather its component leucine, promotes the destruction of fat and its conversion into energy;
  • increases the amount of energy. The pathways of energy intake from amino acids and carbohydrates are different, this gives the body a higher amount of energy;
  • boosts immunity. This supplement compensates for the loss glutamine which is essential for a healthy immune system.

The most anabolic element in BCAAs is leucine. But without interaction with the other two elements, he cannot show his qualities to the maximum. Of great importance for the effective course of anabolic reactions is the proportionality of these substances. The amount of leucine is twice as much from the other two. The proportions are 2 (leucine): 1: 1.

If you decide to take BCAAs, carefully study what is included in the supplement and in what proportions, whether they are correct. Do not use a supplement with a very large amount of leucine.

Given the positive qualities and basic functions, the supplement should be used for any training (aerobic, strength and speed).

This supplement will bring more results if it is combined with other sports nutrition ( protein, gainer), because BCAAs are 3 amino acids, and protein (protein) is 20. For growth, the body needs all amino acids, because they also play a role in building muscle tissue. So remember, BCAAs do not replace protein, but are an additional source of 3 amino acids. If it so happened that you can get one thing (protein or BCAA), it is definitely necessary to give preference to protein (it is desirable that it be Whey Protein).

How to drink BCAA?

How to use bcaa amino acids correctly during anaerobic exercise? The choice of dose is directly dependent on how intense the load is of a power nature, how much protein you get from food daily and what is the mass of your muscles. Keep in mind that it is muscle mass that matters, not body weight.

When gaining muscle mass, you will get the greatest effect from BCAAs when consumed before, during and after training. During training, dilute these amino acids in a bottle of water, amino acids will gradually enter the body as water is consumed, feeding it with the necessary energy. It is also advisable to take this supplement in the morning immediately after waking up (this will help close the so-called " protein-carbohydrate window', suppress the morning catabolism).

On average, this supplement is taken 5 grams at a time. There is a lot of information that BCAAs need to be consumed in large quantities (15-20 grams at a time), but the effectiveness of this intake today does not have a strong evidence base. There is an opinion in the scientific community that the amount of BCAA that can be absorbed in the intestines at one time is 5-7 grams, so taking 15-20 grams of this supplement at a time is not advisable.

These amino acids are better absorbed when taken with fast carbohydrates(for example, stir them in grape juice, or immediately put a spoonful of amino acids in your mouth and drink it with juice, there is no difference).

BCAA for weight loss

They minimize protein breakdown, thereby reducing muscle loss. This is especially important during a low-calorie diet. During “drying”, these amino acids should be taken in the same way as when gaining mass (described above). You can add an extra meal in the afternoon between meals.

The goal of cardio training, which professional athletes and ordinary people do, is to reduce the fat layer located under the skin (increased fat burning process). That is, cardio training allows you to distribute the load at intervals so that the fat burning process goes more intensively. For the first half hour, glycogen is burned, and then fat.

Such a load necessarily takes place in a certain place in order to ensure that the required amount of oxygen is available for oxidative reactions. There is one more detail, along with oxidative processes, muscle tissues are destroyed, they disintegrate. From the substances formed in the process of decay, the body receives energy.

Given this, people set themselves the goal of maintaining muscle mass and burning as much fat as possible. Although practice often brings the opposite effect.

In the process of destruction of muscle tissue, three amino acid substances are formed. If you drink bcaa before and during exercise, amino acids will protect muscle fibers from breakdown. If such a need arises, the additive will act as a source of energy reserves, preventing the breakdown muscle fibers.

If you take 10 g of the supplement before exercise, the blood will receive three amino acid substances. 10-15 g dissolve in one or two glasses of liquid. Drink this volume a quarter of an hour before the start of class. Drink slowly, in small sips. Drink also plain water, without additives, this is necessary to make up for the lack of water. Don't get dehydrated! Otherwise, you can cause great harm to the body.

Taking bcaa on rest days

As long as you take in more than 2g of protein on non-training days, there is no need to consume amino acids. This is due to the fact that any type of protein contains amino acids and the body receives them with food. Of course, if you don't know for sure that you're getting the right amount of protein, it's worth taking a supplement. Divide the volume into three parts and drink 20 minutes before meals. One serving is approximately 10 g or slightly less.

Most professional athletes mix amino acids with protein-containing substances. But what is suitable for a professional is not always well perceived by the body of an ordinary person. It is explainable. It takes about 10 minutes for amino acids to digest, while protein takes three to four times longer to absorb. When these substances are mixed, amino acids are absorbed more slowly, so it is undesirable to use them together.

How to take BCAA capsules?

In most cases, manufacturers make capsules containing amino acids in the amount of 3 g. It may seem that this is too small a dose. However, often this volume is enough to strengthen the body. The average non-strength-training person needs a much smaller amount of amino acids. Therefore, a dose of 3 g is sufficient. On the package with the drug, recommendations regarding dosages are given. The course of admission is two to three months. For those who do not train regularly, this is the best option.

Those who constantly train understand that the capsule option is not beneficial for them. Since in this case, they will have to drink dozens of tablets daily. In this situation, it is better to use a powdered supplement.

How to take BCAA powder?

BCAA powder may or may not taste good. But tasteless amino acids are actually bitter. Flavors give taste, thanks to them the additive seems pleasant, but in such BCAAs there is a much smaller volume of the active ingredient. In addition, flavored BCAAs are more expensive. In order not to overpay, give preference to tasteless additives. Please note that the powder does not dissolve in water, but gradually collects on its surface, forming a film.

To avoid the conversion of amino acids into an energy source for muscle tissue, drink them at the same time as carbohydrates. Add some sugar to the water.

When is the best time to take bcaa?

An 80kg person who is getting more than 2g of protein per 1kg of body weight per day of strength training should consume approximately 10-15g of the supplement prior to training. To avoid protein breakdown (catabolic processes) during exercise, you need to take 10 g of the supplement dissolved in a glass or two glasses of water. This amount of liquid should be slowly drunk in small sips during the session. And after the session is over, drink the same amount of liquid with the same volume of the dissolved additive.

If your diet contains a sufficient amount of protein substances, this amount of amino acids will be enough for the body.

BCAA is highly digestible, which is its advantage over other amino acids. In the process of passage through the gastrointestinal tract, it is practically not lost.

Professional athletes take from 20-50 g of amino acids at a time, you should not follow their example. For a person involved in sports at an amateur level, this volume should be divided into several times.

If the dose of BCAA you need to drink is approximately 25 g, divide it by half. Drink the first portion before training, approximately 10 minutes in advance, and the second after the training is over. The supplement is absorbed in about five minutes, if it is in powder form, it takes about a quarter of an hour to digest the capsule. After you take your second dose, you can have a protein shake to make up for the lack of protein.

Combining BCAAs with Other Supplements

They are excellent for all types of sports nutrition. They are wonderfully combined with, as well as AC. Between taking BCAAs and protein / gainer (for example, after training), you need to take a short break of 15-20 minutes. This is due to the fact that they different speed assimilation (in amino acids higher). If you mix this amino acid complex with a protein / gainer, then slow down the rate of their assimilation, therefore, the meaning of their use is lost.

How to check BCAA for authenticity?

Throw a teaspoon of these amino acids into a glass of water. They should form something like a film on the water. Next, stir them with a spoon, while stirring, BCAA should not completely dissolve. They are bitter in taste.

BCAA side effects and harm

bcaa amino acids practically do not harm the body. That is why the supplement is so popular, and the reviews about it are almost all positive. Its use has a positive effect.

It is impossible to choose the exact dose in the process of strength and cardio classes. Going in for sports, you will understand how many amino acids your body needs. It all depends on the rate of muscle growth, proper nutrition. Only by experimenting can you calculate the optimal volume.

A volume of 3-4 g is enough for a person who does not practice power loads. A professional athlete needs a larger amount of the substance in order to have a result. There is no need for breaks, the course of admission is not limited in time.

It is important to understand that many foods contain BCAA amino acids (meat, cheese, etc.), they are necessary for normal life. Therefore, in reasonable doses, this supplement is safe for health.

BCAA is a complex of three amino acids that contribute to the rapid regeneration of muscle fibers and muscle growth. It is used by girls, men and professional athletes for weight gain or weight loss. There are three forms of release funds. The positive effect of the drug has been confirmed by numerous studies. Before use, read the instructions. It should not be taken if there are contraindications, otherwise it is fraught with negative consequences for the body.

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    What is BCAA? Composition and forms of release

    BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids)) is a preparation consisting of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are considered the most important for building muscle mass. Valine is a component for the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If an athlete trains intensively and uses heavy loads, then tears occur in the muscles, and when they overgrow, muscle growth occurs.

    The use of this amino acid reduces the period of muscle healing. Valine improves the nitrogen balance in the body. This allows the muscles to grow faster and prevents protein breakdown.

    Thanks to leucine, there is a decrease in blood sugar levels and an increase in the production of growth hormone. This substance is also involved in the processes of tissue regeneration of muscles, skin and bones. Isoleucine normalizes sugar levels, increases the body's stamina and enhances the process of fat oxidation (oxidation). Also takes part in the restoration of damaged muscle tissue.

    most powerful amino acid for athletes is leucine. If it is taken together with the other two, then this enhances the effect of the first substance several times. The optimal ratio is 2:1:1, i.e. 1 mg of valine and isoleucine accounts for 2 mg of leucine. BCAAs are not recommended for people on a high protein diet.

    BCAAhas three release forms:

    1. 1. Capsules.
    2. 2. Tablets.
    3. 3. Powder.

    The most common form is capsules.

    This form is convenient to use, and the taste of the drug is neutral. Capsules containing from 250 to 1250 mg are available from 60 to 1000 pieces per pack. The disadvantage is the high cost and at the recommended dosages one package will last only a few weeks.

    The tablet form is a compressed powder. The negative quality is that they are digested for a long time, as they slowly dissolve in the stomach. Powder is the most economical form of release. Of the minuses, poor solubility in water and a bitter taste can be noted.


    Benefits for the body from taking BCAAs:

    • acceleration of metabolism;
    • increased protein synthesis;
    • protection of muscles from catabolism (the breakdown of complex substances into simpler ones);
    • acceleration of regeneration;
    • qualitative growth of muscle mass.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of BCAAs, which have been confirmed by numerous studies.

    pros Minuses
    Facilitate the conversion (transformation) of each amino acid into energy thanks to branched chainsDecreased vitamin B levels, leading to poor health and affecting arousal processes, cognition, and resistance to food cravings
    Start protein synthesis and reduce muscle cell damage
    Muscle growth in people who train on an empty stomach and perform long heavy exercise, if it is impossible to eat before or after training, as well as among vegetarians, because seeds, soy and vegetables contain less leucine than eggs or meat
    Energy production during exerciseDecreased levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for good mood, stable emotional background and sleep
    Reduced soreness in muscles from intense training, increased water content in them, which reduces damage, increases the sensitivity of the contracting muscle along with the intake of taurine (amino acid)
    Reduced fatigue during prolonged exercise, i.e. there is a reduction in CNS fatigue

    Method of application, dosage

    Due to the fact that the body of a training person feels a different need for fast amino acids on rest days and on training days, the dosage regimen is different. When an athlete trains, muscle growth occurs in his body, that is, not only anabolic processes are activated, but also catabolic - destructive ones. The task of BCAA in this case is to stimulate anabolism and inhibit catabolism.

    Anabolic processes are activated on rest days, and catabolic processes are dangerous during training. During a period of increased stress, the body requires additional nourishment, and if it is not given from the outside, then it will begin to look for resources inside the body, i.e., the glycogen supply in the liver will be spent, and if they are not enough, the body begins to break down the amino acids in the muscles .

    Taking the drug on training days and during rest

    Thanks to BCAAs, catabolism does not develop during training, and amino acids affect the growth of muscle mass and the burning of fat cells. On training days, BCAAs must be taken beforehand (if a person has little glycogen in the liver, otherwise there will be an increased breakdown of amino acids) and immediately after it, because the level of glucose and amino acids drops sharply.

    If the training process takes more than 1 hour, then you can drink a small amount of amino acids during endurance training. BCAAs can also be taken at night, as this lowers cortisol levels in the body and fuels the muscles with amino acids. On rest days, athletes should take 0.5 of the standard serving between meals in the morning.

    Many professional athletes believe that for 1 kg of body weight you need to get about 33 mg of leucine per workout and this way you can easily calculate the dosage. That is, if a person's weight is 75 kg, then about 2475 mg of leucine should be taken for training, and with a standard ratio (2: 1: 1) - about 5 g. Knowing this formula, you can calculate the required dose of the drug, regardless of the form of release .

    For muscle gain and weight loss

    Optimal dosage BCAA applications in order to gain muscle mass is 4-8 g at a time. Professional athletes and trainers advise taking the drug three times a day. For weight loss, it can also be consumed 3-4 times a day:

    • on an empty stomach or before cardio training;
    • before training;
    • after training.

    Depending on the form of release and gender

    A powdered cocktail should be consumed with a spoonful of sugar so as not to feel a bitter taste. You need to dilute it in water and drink immediately. When the drug is diluted, a cloudy film forms on the surface. To increase muscle mass, take after waking up 30 minutes before meals and after exercise.

    The scheme of reception is painted on the packages. In general, you can drink up to 4-5 tablets per day: in the morning, before training, during work in gym and before bed. Capsules can be taken 2 pieces three times a day.

    The optimal dosage for girls is from 20 g, and for guys - from 30 g of the drug. On training days, take BCAAs in the morning, before exercise, during, after, and before bed. There are no other differences in taking the drug between men and women.

    Compatibility with other additives and products

    BCAA can be taken simultaneously with protein (protein-based sports nutrition). In this way, it is possible to provide muscle growth with additional essential amino acids, which are most likely to be used by muscle tissue for protein synthesis, but, in fact, they are one and the same. To accelerate the formation of muscle mass, you can take creatine in parallel. If a person wants to lose weight, then it is allowed to drink BCAAs in combination with L-Carnitine, because it supplies fats to the muscles and converts them into energy.

    It is safe to take them in combination with products. However, it is not recommended to combine with milk, since in this case an overdose of protein is possible. This is an additional burden on the kidneys. BCAAs are incompatible with alcohol, because alcoholic beverages disrupt or stop the production of enzymes.

    Contraindications, precautions

    Precautions are the need to know about the presence of allergic reactions of the body, chronic diseases when you start taking BCAAs. Drink amino acids according to the instructions on the package. If the state of health worsens, it is necessary to stop using it.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug are the state of hypoglycemia (low glucose levels in the body), kidney disease and the cardiovascular system. In the absence of this pathology and with proper use, negative reactions of the body are not observed. An overdose is not dangerous, because amino acids are excreted from the body and do not disturb the internal balance. BCAA is also contraindicated for use by persons under 16 years of age, since the organs of a teenager are not sufficiently formed, and by pregnant, lactating girls.

For an athlete, especially a bodybuilder, it is very important. What is it and why is it popular among bodybuilders?

Three amino acids combined: Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine and are a bcaa supplement.

Forty percent of human muscle tissue is formed due to the above three amino acids. They have a positive effect on anabolism in the body. The BCAA performs the main function of the use of three components in the form of a reserve source of energy expenditure by the muscles.

It does not allow muscle tissue to be destroyed during training time, and breaks between meals. Drinking bcaa is very important, because in our body they are not produced on their own, they are consumed together with food or in the form of supplements.

For meaningful results, they have big weight. At this stage, this drug has been improved and recognized as the best, because protein supplements for any athlete play an important role in the recovery process.

The effect of each of the three amino acids on the body

Minimizes the presence of sugar in the blood, increases the production of growth hormones, takes an active part in restoring muscle tissue, the epidermis - leucine acid.

The most active element during the regeneration of damaged tissues, which helps to improve the nitrogen balance, is malic acid.

Produces hemoglobin, quickly restores muscle tissue damaged during exercise - isoleucic acid. The most important amino acid for bodybuilders is leucine.

The effectiveness of taking BCAAs

  1. The rate of growth of lean muscle mass.
  2. Burns fat under the skin.
  3. Power indicators are noticeably increased.
  4. Protein synthesis is stimulated.
  5. The action of anti-catabolics.

Amino acids are needed constantly: during drying, weight gain, aerobic training.

While training to increase muscle mass, drinking bcaa does not make sense. If you are strong in medicine, then you obviously know that a loaded organism does not digest food. All food or supplements can only be digested after a workout that lasts about an hour. It is best to take bcaa after half of the performed strength exercises.

Amino acid intake per day:

  1. Morning time.
  2. Throughout the workout.
  3. At the end of classes.

It is advisable to dilute bcaa in sweet water, so it will enter the bloodstream very quickly. Cancel if desired excess weight, amino acids are used in the same order as above. You can add tricks between each meal.

How Much Vsaa Should You Take?

For a day you need to take from four to eight grams of the amino acid, regardless of whether you are gaining weight or losing weight. The number of appointments per day is three. The effect of a smaller amount is present, but does not fully satisfy the body.

The capsule type of amino acids is used as usual. Two capsules of the contents are washed down with plenty of liquid three times a day.

There is a tablet form of amino acids, it is less effective, but some bodybuilders use it. Reception occurs three times a day from four to six tablets. During fat burning, the same amount of the drug is used.

Amino acids in foods

All three components are present in large quantities in any protein products. The maximum content of these amino acids in dairy products and meat. Having consumed two hundred and fifty grams of meat, you provide the body with bcaa for the whole day.

Use of amino acids by beginners

The bcaa intake is offered mainly to professional athletes. Separate additives increase the duration strength training up to one hundred and twenty minutes. Runners long distances to stop the breakdown of muscle groups, they drink seven grams of dissolved acids during the run.

But this also applies to professionals, not beginners. The amino acids that make up the BCAAs bring real benefits to the body, but in the form of a separate supplement they are recommended only to bodybuilders. For a beginner, they will not play a big role in adding muscle.

Quality bcaa

How to avoid mistakes when buying an amino acid?

  1. The powder of this drug does not completely dissolve in water and a white thin coating forms on the surface.
  2. The acid must be bitter.
  3. The color of the powder must match the description on the package.
  4. The box is standard, hermetically sealed.
  5. It is advisable to purchase the product in verified places, and identify the release date.

How long before a workout should I take bcaa?

There are mixed opinions about this, but based on medical research, the correct intake of amino acids during exercise, immediately after it and in the morning.

Reception occurs three times a day for training. To burn fat, you can add amino acids between meals, they do not pose any harm to health.

Proteins are very important for humans, scientists have understood this for a very long time. The term was coined protein", from the Greek word " first". And this is true - for any athlete, and even more so for a bodybuilder, protein is a fundamental factor in all recovery processes.

As a rule, a protein is synthesized from 20 standard amino acids. And if the body can synthesize most of these amino acids on its own, then there are essential amino acids that must be supplied to the body from outside. The most important for building muscle mass are three essential amino acids with branched side chains: leucine, isoleucine and valine. It was these three amino acids that were combined into one drug, which was called BCAA(eng. branched amino acids)

Role in the body

  • Valine- One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If an athlete trains intensively and with high load, then in the muscles there are tears of the fibers. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs. Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, valine intake significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein breakdown.
  • Leucine- Lowers blood sugar levels, helping to increase growth hormone production. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and repairing muscle fibers after hard training is probably not supposed to be. Also, leucine is actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissues, skin and bones.
  • IsoleucineEssential Amino Acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, helps to increase the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

The intake of the BCAA amino acid complex gives a powerful acceleration of the recovery of muscle fibers, stimulates an increase in the production of growth hormone by the body and restores energy balance.

The most important amino acid in this trinity for a bodybuilder is leucine. During scientific research it was found that taking leucine together with isoleucine and valine greatly enhances the effect of the first. It is generally accepted that the optimal ratio of these amino acids is: 2:1:1. That is, for every mg of valine and isoleucine, there are 2 mg of leucine. But such proportions are not a dogma.

BCAAs - when to use and in what dosages.

The bodybuilder's body on training days and on rest days, when the body is recovering, has a different need for fast amino acids, the BCAA intake regimen these days is somewhat different.

On training days

When an athlete actively trains, not only anabolic processes (muscle growth) are launched in his body, but also catabolic destructive processes. The task is to stimulate anabolic processes and inhibit catabolic ones.

If anabolic processes are activated on rest days, then catabolic processes, on the contrary, are most dangerous during training. During intense exercise The body needs extra nourishment. And if you do not give this recharge from the outside, then he will begin to look for additional reserves inside the body.

First of all, the store of glycogen in the liver and muscles is consumed. If they are not enough, the body begins to actively break down the amino acids that make up the muscles.

In this case, the BCAA acts as an assistant. In order for the body not even to have a desire to start devouring itself, it needs to be allowed to “eat” something else. BCAA amino acids are perfect for this role! Due to the fact that amino acids with a branched side chain are instantly absorbed, they are actively involved in the process and not only prevent catabolism from developing during exercise, but also actively participate in building muscle mass and burning fat mass.

BCAAs should be taken immediately before training and immediately after. It would be useful to take a small amount of amino acids during training, if its duration exceeds 1 hour.

After training, when the glucose level is at a minimum, and there are practically no amino acids left, you should immediately replenish their supply. In this case, the metabolic processes, which will continue for some time at a frantic pace, will receive material for processing.

On rest days

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to take BCAAs on non-training days. This is argued by the fact that since there is no effect on the body, then there is no catabolism. And for the anabolic process, protein is enough from normal nutrition. This is not true.

Catabolic processes are most powerful immediately after sleep. If at this moment you get protein from ordinary food or take protein, then the body will take some time to break down the protein into amino acids. Taking BCAAs in the morning solves this problem - amino acids instantly get to the muscles. It is recommended to take 0.5-1 of the standard portion immediately after sleep.

Release forms

  • Capsules- The most popular form of BCAA release. For the first time, branched-chain amino acids began to be produced in capsules. The main advantage of this form of release is ease of use. The capsules are easy to take with you and can be taken anywhere as long as you have a glass of water on hand.
    Another advantage is the neutral taste.. Due to the fact that the powder is packaged in capsules, you do not feel the bitter aftertaste characteristic of the pure powdered form of branched chain amino acids.
    Capsules containing 250 to 1250 mg of BCAAs are available in 60 to 1000 capsules per pack. The main disadvantage of this form of reception is the high cost. At the recommended dosages, one package will last a maximum of a couple of weeks.
  • Pills— As a rule, they are pressed powder. The benefits are the same as the capsules. In addition to the above disadvantages, one can add relatively long digestibility, because tablets dissolve more slowly in the stomach.
  • Powder- The most economical form of release of BCAA. Until recently, powdered BCAAs were consumed mainly by those who wanted to save money. For the same price, you could get 1.5 times more BCAAs when you bought them in powder form.
    Cons: pure powder is very poorly soluble in water and has a rather specific taste. Therefore, it is advised to take it in this way: put a portion of BCAA in your mouth and immediately drink it with water so that the bitter taste is not felt for so long.
    In the last few years on the market sports nutrition a lot of powdered BCAAs have appeared, which quickly dissolve in water and have pleasant fruity flavors.

Optimal portion

Each manufacturer of sports nutrition indicates completely different dosages on their products, regardless of the athlete’s own weight. So how do you calculate the right dosage of branched chain amino acids for you? And how to measure it in capsules, tablets and powder?

Most professional coaches agree that for every kilogram of its own weight athlete must receive about 33 mg of leucine per workout. Thus, it is easy to calculate the right dosage for you.

For example, if your weight is 75 kg, then for training it is necessary to take at least 2475 mg leucine. With a standard ratio of 2:1:1, this will be approximately 5 grams of BCAAs. If your weight 90 kg, then take 6 grams branched chain amino acids during exercise.

Side effects

Despite the above, many people who start bodybuilding have a question: “ Are BCAAs harmful?". To dispel all doubts, we will answer it. Since amino acids with a branched side chain are essential for the functioning of our body, then with intense loads, additional taking BCAA will not cause any disturbances and negative reactions in the human body, but will only benefit. Do not be afraid of an overdose either: everything that does not have time to be absorbed will leave the body without disturbing the internal balance in the body.