Skating skiing. Horseback riding: how to learn to skate style. The history of the appearance of the move

They have been in existence for several centuries, and their technique is constantly evolving in different categories. The most common is classical skating, in which the legs move parallel to each other. However, the most intense and fastest way to ski is skating.

The specifics of this technique

If you want to understand how to learn to ski skating, then keep in mind the idea that while doing this you need to literally push yourself forward by pressing one foot diagonally outward. Then do the same with the other ski. This method imitates ice skating. The heel is free from binding, which allows you to move the ski forward.

In the picture you see two athletes using two different styles. Left - classic move along the laid track, on the right - skating along the processed track.

The importance of choosing the right equipment

In order to understand how to learn to skate, one important technical issue must be resolved. First you need to get the right equipment. as a rule, shorter than the classic ones, and are characterized by the absence of specific cuts on the reverse side. The grooves are there to keep the skier from sliding backwards and also from shifting body weight, but skating skis simply won't function properly with grooves. However, as with the application of any sticky wax. On such skis, sliding wax is applied to the entire surface in such a way that they glide much faster than the classics. In addition, their length depends on the weight of the athlete.

Skating is extremely strenuous physical activity. All muscle groups of the body are involved. requires the ability to balance on one leg, therefore easier for those who have a good sports training or skiing experience.

But what about those who stubbornly skipped winter physical education lessons at school and did not learn to distinguish between classical and skating?

To study! Cast aside all doubts!

So how do you learn to skate ski? Is it possible to do this without a professional trainer, say, at home?

Answer: definitely yes!

It is only necessary to work out three points:

1. Set aside time for classes.

It is enough to devote the New Year holidays to this to understand how to learn how to ski in a week.

If we consider ordinary everyday life, it is advisable to allocate twice a week, for example, in the evening after work. There is a plus here for those who are somewhat embarrassed to train in front of other skiers. Although it is better to immediately discard all doubts and concentrate only on your own sports achievements. It is also logical to take two days off for training.

2. Provide for yourself correct skis corresponding to the requirements of skating.

Their characteristics have been described above. How to learn to ski with a skate? To achieve this goal, it is not necessary to go to the store and immediately buy expensive equipment. You can use rental services. Or buy used equipment. Once you have mastered the technique, have a taste for skating, and understand your preferences, then it makes sense to go for shiny new skis.

Make sure the track you will be on is well prepared. This means that it is cleared of snow. If the track is in poor condition, results can be achieved for a very long time, which means that motivation will suffer. It is logical to train in the same place where athletes do it. At the same time, looking at them, you can get a couple of ideas on how to learn to ski quickly.

3. Follow the instructions below.

This article does not pretend to be a scientific presentation of the technique of skating. It offers simple and usable instructions in terms that your friend would use.

Human instruction for beginner skiers

Many people ask how to learn. Skating is easy. Before proceeding to the description, it should be noted that during training it is better to leave aside. At first, it is very important to find the balance of the body with an unusual movement for the body. And the sticks here will only interfere.

Leaving your arms free, relax your shoulders and you will feel them begin to move on their own to help you roll forward. In a word, trust the body.

Then you need to choose a flat area for training. You don't need a 5km track, pick up a snow-cleared flat about half the size of a standard high school stadium. This is where you will practice the following movements.

A simple diagram explaining the mechanical aspect of skating

In the photo above, you can see that both legs simultaneously perform different functions. This is the main focus. While one foot is pushing off the surface (usually more active in this process involved inner part feet), the second takes advantage of the moment and slides through the snow. All our weight, diligently accumulated at the desktop, we resolutely transfer to the limb that slides. Note that these movements are not performed in parallel, but diagonally!

Let's say you shift your body weight to the left, push off with your right foot and slide on your left. Try to slide as long as possible. For what? In order to have time to rest before the next push with the left foot. At first, do the exercises slowly and smoothly. When you learn well, then you will move on to work on developing speed. So, we pushed off with the left ski, shifting our weight to the right, and we slide with the right. Thus, we alternate pushes with the left and right foot. Reminds me of ice skating, doesn't it?

Pay attention to the fact that the leg on which we slide is slightly bent at the knee. Imagine that this is a spring on which your weight is placed.

Practice at home!

If you have problems maintaining balance, then in order to better understand how to learn to ski in skates, you can practice alternate standing on one leg at home. 12 seconds each with a change, 4 sets in total.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to watch the competitions of professional athletes, for example, in biathlon races, you can even watch them on TV. This makes it much easier to absorb visual information about how it should look, and then understand what exactly is required of you.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and give the body time to master new movements, and then everything will definitely work out. And next year, you yourself will be explaining to your friends how to learn to ski in skates.

Many novice skiers who have already mastered the classic move are interested in how to learn to ski in skates. Of course, the help of a coach increases the chances of getting good result but you can learn everything on your own. It is important to purchase or rent special skis that are slightly shorter than the "classic" ones, and they also have a rounded nose. One more important point- sticks for this style should be high and it is better if the handle reaches the shoulder. If you do not want to change equipment, then keep in mind that the study will be complicated.

How to learn to ski fast with a skate?

Let's start with the basic principles of this style, which distinguish it from others. It is necessary to push off the ground with an edge, and the weight during movement should move from the right to the left leg. To gain speed, you should help yourself with sticks, pushing them off the ground. Understanding how to learn how to ski with a skate, it is worth saying that the “Herringbone” on the descent should be narrower, and on the ascent, on the contrary, wider. Performing a leg during the repulsion ride, it must be completely straightened. Another important point - the body should be slightly shifted forward.

Understanding how to learn how to skate cross-country skiing, let's move on to technology. Start the movement with a push with one foot to the side, transferring body weight to it. Remember that the ski must be mounted on edge. Immediately after this, the ski must be lifted a little while moving the weight to the other side, and then, push with the other leg, etc. It is important not to jerk, because the movements must be smooth. If sticks are used, then it is worth leaning forward a little, setting the acceleration, pushing with your hands and exhaling. The most difficult thing in mastering this technique is to keep equilibrium. Another important point is to coordinate the movements of the arms and legs.

When figuring out how to learn how to ski to skate, you need to pay attention to information regarding the correct entry into turns. In order not to fall and fit into the turn correctly, you need to push off the ski several times, which is located with outside turn. To maintain balance, it is recommended to slightly bend your knees.

Experts recommend paying attention to the most common mistakes. It is important not to set the skis too wide and immediately on the edge. Do not raise your leg after the push too high. Do not lean forward too much or lean back because you will lose.

The skating technique is never perfect, because each person has his own body structure. All the great skiers and biathletes had their own skating technique - remember the technique of bjorndalen, legkov, nortug, domracheva, colony, fourcade. Be prepared that every skier and trainer you know will have their own point of view on technique. All advice needs to be comprehended and applied taking into account your own characteristics, and not break yourself for the sake of following the recommendations. Therefore, do not pay attention to any subtleties, catch general principle movements and you will succeed.

In the article, we tried to collect the best video tutorials for self-learning the technique of skating. We analyzed the types of skating moves, the main mistakes and exercises to correct them.

Skating technique. Source:

Types of skating moves, requirements, main mistakes

There are 3 types of skating skiing:

  • Elevating skating

What do you need to master the technique of skating?

  • Prepared back muscles and abs, strong arms and legs.
  • General endurance.
  • Equipment: properly sized skating skis, skating boots and poles. On classic, combined or soft skating will be much more difficult.

The main mistakes in the technique of skating:

  • Center of gravity between skis - you need to learn how to transfer body weight from one ski to another
  • Rocking the body - the torso should connect the movements of the arms and legs into one whole, and not bend under load
  • High leg raises - the root of the error lies in the transfer of the center of gravity and the work of the knees
  • Podsed - the same reason
  • Skating on straight legs - knees must constantly work like a spring, eliminated by skating without sticks

Leading exercises for skating

Anton Shipulin's master class on preparing skiers without snow lessons. Useful exercises for beginners and advanced skiers.

Technique and types of skating: video

We took examples of skating technique from the ski school of Simon Fourcade, a famous biathlete of the French national team, sibling Martin Fourcade.

Simultaneous one-step skating - a skate for every step

Points to pay attention to:

  • Body weight is completely transferred from one leg to another, and does not walk in the middle.
  • The leg is placed exactly under the center of gravity.
  • The carried ski is placed on the snow only after repulsion by sticks, and not simultaneously with them. Hands must pass the line of the pelvis, after which the weight is transferred to another ski.
  • Repulsion with sticks with the connection of the muscles of the back and abs, and not just with the hands.

Simultaneous two-step skating - skate through a step

It is used on the plain and gentle slopes. Allows you to maintain high speed and save energy.

Basic moments:

  • Shoulders and pelvis do not turn, look straight and are parallel to each other.
  • In the push-off phase with sticks, the weight of the body is transferred to another ski only after passing the hands of the pelvic line.
  • Repulsion with the second leg occurs during the removal of the sticks forward.

Elevating skating option

It is used on slopes, where the movement of a simultaneous one-step move is too energy-consuming. High-level skiers use this move only on steep slopes.

Basic moments:

  • The first repulsion with sticks occurs together with the repulsion with the foot. Repulsion with the second leg - during the removal of the sticks forward.
  • Shoulders should not rotate - the body looks straight.

Skating for steep climbs

One of the options for lifting skating, similar to a variable classic move. Amateurs use it in very steep climbs, professionals almost never use it. The exception is the final ascent to the Tour de ski, where even professional skiers in places went with variable skating.

Exercises for mastering the technique of skating

In this section, we have collected video lessons for learning to skate. These are mainly exercises for beginners, but experienced skiers will find something useful for themselves.

Exercise for setting the correct repulsion vector with legs

One of the first exercises that beginners should master. You need to push not to the side, but in the direction of movement. Such an exercise in the track will allow you to better feel the direction of repulsion in skating. Checking the correctness is very simple - if you push incorrectly, you will not go anywhere.

Exercise for shifting the center of gravity and proper footwork

Ski poles are held at shoulder level parallel to the ground. They serve as a guideline for the correct operation of the body - there should be no swaying and reversals. During the rental, try to parallelize the skis - this will help you feel the balance better.

Skating uphill: exercises for beginners

Tutorial video from the XC Ski Academy channel.

  1. 00:35 First try just pushing the skis out without shifting body weight. The center of gravity remains between the skis.
  2. 2:15 Now you can learn to transfer body weight from one ski to another.
  3. 3:00 Position of the body in relation to the angle of elevation and exercise to find the correct position of the body.
  4. 5:15 Connecting sticks. In the lifting skating course, the main load goes to one hand. At the same time, the second hand creates additional support for the body from twisting and pushes.

Analysis of lifting technique from Sakte&Classic.

Skating without sticks

A detailed explanation and a few lead-up exercises from the author of the Skate&classic channel.

A detailed analysis of the simultaneous one-step skating

A detailed analysis of the technique with an explanation of why you need to do it this way and not otherwise. Features of technique and frequency of movements in different situations. Exercises for the development of technology.

Exercises for beginners

Basic mistakes in technique and exercises to correct them.

About the turn of the body in the ridge course

Video for those who have already learned the basics of skating. If you have not yet mastered the transfer of the center of gravity and the work of the hands, it is too early to watch this video.

Skating on a hard track

A detailed explanation of the technique of skating on a hard track: why there is no stability, why skis slip and how to avoid it.

Play sports, move and travel! If you find an error or want to discuss the article - write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate. 🙂

Even before 1990, the form of skating skiing was included in the international Olympic program, and to this day is very popular among winter views sports. The name “skating” itself speaks of the style of movement of an athlete on skis, that is, a skier, moving, makes similar movements, as if he were skating.

The essence of the movement of skating is as follows. The athlete, starting to move, first pushes off inside skis with one foot, after which he immediately transfers all his weight to the other leg, and so repeats the movement of the legs in turn. As a result, the skier moves on the snow as if on ice.

Those who are good at skiing can easily learn this type of walking. But it is important to note that talent and physical fitness do not always contribute to learning, you also need the right equipment.

The main methods of movement when skating

  • semi-skating;
  • skate in two steps;
  • skating in a simultaneous step;
  • alternating skating.

Now let's take a look at them in a little more detail.


It is the simplest type of movement when skating on skis. The very method of movement consists in pushing with each hand and foot at the same time, moreover, when one leg rests, the second one goes towards the sunset. Semi-skating has found wide application on flat tracks with small ascents or descents. On the section of the track itself, for semi-skating, a ski track is needed, which will “help” the athlete to glide correctly.


The style of movement is completely like on skates, but without pushing with the hands. The move itself can be accompanied, both without waving the arms, and with waving. The very method of movement consists in performing a sliding step with a one-time repulsion of the legs to the sides. Skating, like semi-skating, is applicable on smoother tracks with small ascents or descents.

Skating in two steps

A very complex movement consists in moving from the left (or right) foot, while pushing off with the push of the right (or left) hand. Here, the movement on the left ski, with a one-time push of the right hand, begins after the push of the right leg, and ends after the right stick is torn off the snow cover. This type of walking is used already among steep ascents or descents.

Skating at the same time

This type of move requires good coordination. Here you need the ideal concentration of the athlete's movement. The move itself is performed by constantly extending the legs, forming a push, leaning the body forward. That is, with each next step, the repulsive leg unbends, accompanying the movement with the athlete's tilt forward and repulsion with sticks. This type of walking is used exclusively on slopes with steep slopes.

Alternate skating

On the mountainous sections of the tracks, athletes use alternate skating. The style of movement consists of two sliding steps, pushing off with sticks (two times on each hand). This move is often used on slopes with worse conditions, as well as if the skier gets tired and cannot push off strongly at one time.

Everyone can master any type of skating, but most choose one or two styles that are right for him. Of course, for competent training in skating skiing, it is better to first study the necessary exercises in detail, and then regularly perform practical exercises.

Where and how to learn skating?

For training and subsequent regular training on skis, first of all, you need to choose a flat track, and preferably a wide one. In this case, you should not choose sections of the tracks with an ascent or descent. Currently, almost all skis are made of plastic, which have a large sliding coefficient, which is why you should not train on hills when a beginner needs to maintain balance in the first place, and not maintain the very technique of skating.

For beginners, it is better to choose a snow surface that is slightly loose rather than icy and smooth, so it will be easier to learn how to push off. To begin with, it will be necessary to master the first pushes from a place, having learned to push off from a place - further training will be easier. To learn how to skate skiing as quickly as possible, there are exercises that have been developed for a long time. These standard exercises are almost always used by trainers around the world. Initially, any skating training begins without skis and sticks. After all, the future athlete must first imagine how the skis will glide, that is, master the theory.

Each type of skating movement has its own training nuances. For example, if you learn semi-skating walking, then first of all you need to try to imitate the movement. To begin with, the skier leans forward, and raises both hands to head height, after which he puts the supporting leg to the side and slightly forward, and then returns to initial position. Exercise should be done for both legs.

During the movement itself, repulsion occurs with one leg, and the other leg, at this time, should be in the fold. If, for example, someone decided to learn how to skate, then first you need to push off with the supporting leg, moving it to the side, put the second leg in front of you and to the side, immediately throwing all the weight on it. But, when moving on the rise, you need to move like a herringbone, actively pushing off with each ski.

  • having decided to engage in skating on skis, seriously approach the issue of buying skis and ski poles;
  • when training, the main thing is not to overdo it with your abilities, so as not to get stretched or torn leg muscles;
  • when exercising, always increase the load gradually, do not rush;
  • to maintain balance, exercise, use the most simple exercises, for example, the exercise "swallow";
  • never despair, if it doesn’t work the first time, try, train, work, and only then you will achieve the expected result and success.

Considering that the skating type of movement requires large loads on the joints of the legs (in the foot area), ski boots, for this type of movement, it is necessary to purchase only with high sides, for reliable fixation of the leg and heel itself. The skis themselves are chosen shorter in length than the standard ones. It will be good if the skis have rounded ends. Do not forget that ridge view movement is complex and therefore requires physical training And, of course, patience.

How to choose skis for skating

Now, in all sports shops There is a huge selection of cross-country skis. Usually, a novice who comes to the store for skis immediately "dazzles". Here are some nuances for choosing skis and poles for skating:

When buying skis and poles for them, do not try to save on purchases. The higher the cost of skis, the greater the likelihood that the product is not faked. As a rule, the more expensive skis are skis with different finishes of the sliding side, and higher durability. There are also cheap skis for sale, but such skis can break at the most inopportune moment, which will likely lead to injury.

Don't forget skiing is sport and sport is life! If you love skiing, be sure to try ice skating. Having learned this type of movement, you will be able to ski as quickly as possible in almost any terrain.

The technique of skiing will help amateurs and athletes to ride fast, enjoy and safely.

The basic technique is the classic ski run but there are many more varieties. Today we will talk about the most popular of them.

Skiing skating technique

Based on the name of this technique, one can guess that its execution involves imitation of skating. The athlete alternately leans on both skis, but pushes off the snow surface with their inner side. Almost always, the legs are in different areas.

It turns out that it is necessary to drive, trying to draw the most narrow English letter "V". One foot should slide forward and to the side, then repeat the same action with the other foot, trying to push off with the inner edge.

This technique is used when riding on a well-groomed ski track. Briefly, you can write its main features - this is a higher pace and load.

Types and methods of skiing

Ways of skiing, starting from the intentions, circumstances of their use and methods of implementation, are classified:

  • drill and applied exercises;
  • skiing;
  • restructuring with different moves;
  • climbing methods;
  • maneuvers on the spot and while driving;
  • stop options;
  • ski jumping;
  • passing ribbing during descent.

Alternate two-step stroke

It can be compared with the movements of a person, it is similar to walking with a sweeping step.

It is called alternating due to the fact that the hands work in turn. It is called two-step, as the athlete takes two sliding steps. Visualizing this move will help you learn its technique. It is used on a flat track.

To perform this move, you should bend down slightly and step with your left foot. It is necessary to move away with the right foot and in parallel to put forward the right hand with the stick straight. The hand should be opposite the shoulder, the stick is placed on the snow cover near the front edge of the shoe.

The left hand completes the repulsion, it is exposed back. As a result of repulsion, the ski moves away from the surface, the foot rises by 10 cm.

Sliding should be carried out alternately. The weight of the body must be slowly moved to the supporting leg and pushed back with pressure with the help of sticks.

At the same time stepless

This method assumes that the athlete is constantly gliding on both skis, maintaining the pace with powerful synchronous repulsions. Practiced when descending and on smooth slopes.

At the end of the push, the athlete, riding on 2 skis, brings the sticks in front of him. He directs them back and down. Starting position: hands opposite the eyes, slightly wider than shoulders; one stick opposite the other; elbows to the sides. During the repulsion, sticks are placed on the snow cover at the level of the front edges of the shoes. They must be pressed instantly upon contact with the surface.

First, pressure is done by tilting the body, then by extending the arms. During repulsion, do not bend your legs too much. The brushes go near the knees. It is necessary to bend the body forward and down with force. At the end of the push, the hand together with the stick form a straight line. The body is maximally directed forward (almost to a position parallel to the surface).

After repulsion, unhindered skating occurs, the body is gently straightened, and again the athlete pushes the sticks. Sudden straightening significantly increases the pressure on the skis, which causes a loss of skiing speed.

Alternate four-step skiing

It is quite difficult to perform. It is distinguished by a cycle of movements, which consists of 4 consecutive steps and 2 alternate pushes. Carrying out the sticks before repulsion is done in turn for the initial 2 steps.

It is practiced on flat tracks and when lifting. There are cases when experienced athletes choose this move for the purpose of climbing long climbs, while alternating it with an alternate two-step move. But professional athletes do not often use it in competitions, because it has an average speed.

In technical terms, this is the most difficult variant of skiing. But the key movements of the move were previously mastered in the performance of other techniques.

IN this method movement is done like this:

  1. The 1st move is made with the right foot, and the left foot completes the push. Moves forward in front of you left hand with a stick. The athlete switches to sliding on the right ski.
  2. Step 2 is done with the left foot. The right hand with a stick extends in front of you (the rings are directed backwards). The left one is displayed in a ring in front of you.
  3. Riding on the left ski means that the right stick is pushed forward in a ring.
  4. The 3rd move is done with the right foot. You need to place the left stick on the surface to push off.
  5. Step start with the left hand and finish with the push with the left hand.
  6. With the final step of the left foot, the right stick is placed on the snow cover, and the right hand does the push.
  7. After the completion of the previous move, the movement of the right foot and the extension of the left hand start.

In the process of becoming familiar with this technique, it is important to understand how to combine familiar actions at a new pace and think over your riding style.

Simultaneous One-Step Technique

It is the fastest because it allows you to ride at high speeds ( maximum speed 8 m/s). Its execution consists in the 1st sliding movement and a parallel push with sticks. Further sliding takes place on both skis.

This move should be performed according to the following rules:

  • at the end of the push, the athlete makes a slide;
  • he slowly stands up straight and puts sticks in front of him;
  • in advance transfers body weight to the left leg and makes a push with the same leg synchronously with the installation of sticks on the snow cover;
  • when the push with the foot ends, you need to start pushing off with your hands;
  • the athlete performs a slide on the right foot and does not stop pushing with his hands. Left leg with an energetic swing it moves forward and is placed near the support during the completion of the push with the hands;
  • the hand push is over, then the ride takes place on both skis.

It will be easier to understand this move by imitating it first without sticks. It is the most common.

Simultaneous two step

This technique is used when riding on a plain with high level sliding and downhill. It consists in 2 sliding steps and a parallel push with the hands on the 2nd step.

The main variant of the move is carried out according to the following rules:

  • at the end of the push, the athlete makes a slide on both legs in an inclined state. Further, slowly becomes straight and pushes the sticks forward;
  • the athlete squats a little. Concentrates the weight on the left foot and makes a move with the right forward, without stopping to take out the sticks. At the end of the push with the left, there is a slide on the other leg;
  • the skier squats and shifts the weight to the right foot. He pushes off with his right foot, and the sticks are carried out in front of him;
  • at the end of the push with the foot, the sticks occupy working position, and repulsion occurs with the use of hands;
  • this repulsion and sliding on the left foot does not stop. IN this moment right ski swoops forward;
  • at the end of the push, the right ski is placed on the supporting one, and the glide occurs on two legs. For a certain period, a person makes a slide without his participation on both legs. Then the cycle of actions is repeated.


All of these methods have similar characteristics. They involve pushing off the inside edge of the ski, and the weight is always transferred to the gliding foot.

Among the differences, one can single out the fact that they have different sliding speeds, and they are used when different conditions. There are the fastest, the most common, the most complex and the simplest. Therefore, each of them deserves attention, because the skating technique needs to be improved.