Swords similar to katana. Traditional Japanese weapon. Blade hardening and polishing

Any story about historical edged weapons would be incomplete without a story about medieval Japanese swords. This unique weapon has faithfully served its masters for many centuries - ferocious samurai warriors. In recent decades, the katana sword seems to be experiencing a rebirth, interest in it is huge. The Japanese sword has already become an element of popular culture, Hollywood directors, creators of anime and computer games “love” the katana.

It was believed that the spirits of all its previous owners live in the sword, and the samurai is just the keeper of the blade, and he is obliged to pass it on to the next generations. The will of the samurai necessarily had a clause in which his swords were distributed among his sons. If a good sword had an unworthy or inept owner, then in this case they said: "The sword is crying."

Of no less interest today is the history of this weapon, the secrets of its manufacture and the fencing technique used by medieval Japanese warriors. However, before moving on to our story, a few words should be said about the very definition of the samurai sword and its classification.

Katana is a long Japanese sword, with a blade length of 61 to 73 cm, with a slight curve of the blade and one-sided sharpening. There are other types of Japanese swords, they mainly differ in their size and purpose. At the same time, the word "katana" in modern Japanese means any sword. If we talk about the European classification of edged weapons, then the katana is not a sword at all, it is a typical saber with one-sided sharpening and a curved blade. The shape of the Japanese sword is very similar to a sword. However, in the tradition of the Land of the Rising Sun, any type (well, or almost any) of edged weapons that has a blade is called a sword. Even a naginata, similar to a European medieval glaive, with a two-meter handle and a blade at the end, is still called a sword in Japan.

It is much easier for historians to study the Japanese sword than European or Middle Eastern historical edged weapons. And there are several reasons:

  • The Japanese sword has been used in the relatively recent past. Katana (this weapon had a special name gun-to) was massively used during the Second World War;
  • Unlike Europe, a large number of ancient Japanese swords have survived to this day. Weapons that are several centuries old are often in excellent condition;
  • The production of swords according to traditional medieval technologies continues in Japan to this day. Today, about 300 blacksmiths are engaged in the manufacture of these weapons, all of them have special state licenses;
  • The Japanese carefully preserved the basic techniques of the art of sword fighting.


The Iron Age began in Japan relatively late, only by the 7th century did Japanese blacksmiths master the technology of making weapons from laminated steel. Until that moment, iron swords were imported into the country from China and Korea. The oldest Japanese swords were most often straight and had a double-edged sharpening.

Heian period (IX-XII century). During this period, the Japanese sword gets its traditional twist. At this time, the central state power weakened, and the country plunged into a series of endless internecine wars and entered a long period of self-isolation. A caste of samurai began to form - professional warriors. At the same time, the skill of Japanese blacksmiths-gunsmiths increased significantly.

Most of the fights took place on horseback, so the place of a straight sword was gradually taken by a long saber. Initially, it had a bend near the handle, later it shifted to an area spaced 1/3 from the end of the shank. It was during the Heian period that the appearance of the Japanese sword was finally formed, and the technology for its manufacture was worked out.

Kamakura period (XII-XIV century). The great improvement in armor that took place during this period led to changes in the shape of the sword. They were aimed at increasing the striking power of weapons. Its top has become more massive, the mass of blades has increased. Fencing with such a sword with one hand has become much more difficult, so they were mainly used in foot fights. This historical period is considered the "golden age" for the traditional Japanese sword; later, many blade manufacturing technologies were lost. Today blacksmiths are trying to restore them.

Muromachi period (XIV-XVI century). During this historical period, very long swords begin to appear, the dimensions of some of them exceeded two meters. Such giants are the exception rather than the rule, but the general trend was clear. A long period of constant wars required a large number of edged weapons, often due to a decrease in their quality. In addition, the general impoverishment of the population led to the fact that few could afford a truly high-quality and expensive sword. At this time, the Tatar furnaces are spreading, which makes it possible to increase the total amount of steel smelted. The tactics of fights are changing, now it is important for a fighter to get ahead of his opponent in delivering the first blow, so katana swords are becoming more and more popular. By the end of this period, the first firearms appear in Japan, which changes the tactics of battles.

Momoyama period (16th century). During this period, the Japanese sword becomes shorter, a pair of daisho, which later became classic, comes into use: a katana long sword and a wakizashi short sword.

All of the above periods belong to the so-called Age of Old Swords. At the beginning of the 17th century, the era of new swords (shinto) begins. At this time, many years of civil strife ceased in Japan, and peace reigned. Therefore, the sword somewhat loses its combat value. The Japanese sword becomes an element of costume, a symbol of status. Weapons are beginning to be richly decorated, much more attention is paid to it appearance. However, at the same time, its fighting qualities are reduced.

After 1868, the era of modern swords begins. Weapons forged after this year are called gendai-to. In 1876, the carrying of swords was banned. This decision dealt a serious blow to the samurai warrior caste. A large number of blacksmiths involved in the manufacture of blades lost their jobs or were forced to retrain. It was not until the beginning of the last century that a campaign to return to traditional values ​​began.

The highest part for a samurai was to die in battle with a sword in his hands. In 1943, a plane with Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (the one who led the attack on Pearl Harbor) was shot down. When the charred body of the admiral was taken out from under the wreckage of the aircraft, they found a katana in the hands of the dead man, with which he met his death.

At the same time, swords began to be manufactured industrially for the armed forces. And although they outwardly resembled a fighting samurai sword, these weapons no longer had anything to do with traditional blades made in earlier periods.

After the final defeat of the Japanese in World War II, the victors issued an order to destroy all traditional Japanese swords, but thanks to the intervention of historians, it was soon canceled. The production of swords using traditional technologies was resumed in 1954. A special organization "Society for the Preservation of Artistic Japanese Swords" was created, its main task was to preserve the traditions of making katana, as part of the cultural heritage of the Japanese nation. Currently, there is a multi-stage system for assessing the historical and cultural value of Japanese swords.

Japanese classification of swords

What other swords, besides the famous katana, exist (or existed in the past) in Japan. The classification of swords is rather complicated; in the Land of the Rising Sun, it belongs to scientific disciplines. What will be described below is just short review, which gives only a general idea of ​​the issue. Currently, the following types of Japanese swords are distinguished:

  • Katana. The most famous type of Japanese sword. It has a blade length of 61 to 73 cm, with a fairly wide and thick curved blade. Outwardly, it is very similar to another Japanese sword - tachi, but differs from it in a smaller bend of the blade, in the way it is worn, and also (but not always) in length. The katana was not just a weapon, but also an invariable attribute of the samurai, part of his costume. Without this sword, the warrior simply did not leave the house. The katana could be worn behind a belt or on special strings. It was stored on a special horizontal stand, which was placed at the head of a warrior at night;
  • Tati. This is a long Japanese sword. It has more curve than a katana. The length of the tati blade starts from 70 cm. In the past, this sword was usually used for equestrian combat and during parades. Stored on a vertical stand handle down in peacetime and handle up in war. Sometimes another one stands out from this variety of the Japanese sword - O-dachi. These blades differed in significant size (up to 2.25 m);
  • Wakizashi. A short sword (blade 30-60 cm), which, together with a katana, forms the standard weapon of a samurai. The wakizashi could be used to fight in tight spaces, and was also used in conjunction with a long sword in some fencing techniques. This weapon could be worn not only by samurai, but also by representatives of other classes;
  • Tanto. A dagger or knife with a blade length of up to 30 cm. It was used to cut off heads, as well as to commit hara-kiri, and for other, more peaceful purposes;
  • Tsurugi. A double-edged straight sword used in Japan until the 10th century. Often any ancient swords are called by this name;
  • Ninja something or shinobi-gatana. This is the sword used by the famous Japanese medieval spies - ninja. In appearance, it practically did not differ from a katana, but was shorter. The scabbard of this sword was thicker, the elusive shinobi hid a whole spy arsenal in them. By the way, they didn’t carry ninjas behind their backs, because it was extremely inconvenient. The exception was when a warrior needed free hands, for example, if he decided to climb a wall;
  • Naginata. This is a type of edged weapon, which was a slightly curved blade planted on a long wooden shaft. It resembled a medieval glaive, but the Japanese also refer to the naginata as a sword. Naginata fights are still held to this day;
  • Gun something. Army sword of the last century. These weapons were manufactured industrially and sent in huge quantities to the army and navy;
  • Bokken. Wooden practice sword. The Japanese treat it with no less respect than a real military weapon.

Japanese sword making

There are legends about the hardness and sharpness of Japanese swords, as well as about the blacksmithing art of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Armourers occupied high place in the social hierarchy of medieval Japan. Making a sword was considered a spiritual, almost mystical act, so they prepared for it accordingly.

Before starting the process, the master spent a lot of time in meditation, he prayed and fasted. It was not uncommon for blacksmiths to wear the robes of a Shinto priest or court ceremonial dress while working. Before the start of the forging process, the forge was carefully cleaned, amulets were hung at its entrance, designed to scare away evil spirits and attract good ones. At the time of work, the forge became a sacred place, only the blacksmith himself and his assistant could enter it. During this period, family members (except women) were forbidden to enter the workshop, while women were not allowed to enter the forge at all, fearing their evil eye.

During the making of the sword, the blacksmith ate food cooked on the sacred fire, and a strict taboo was imposed on animal food, strong drinks, as well as sexual contacts.

The Japanese obtained metal for the manufacture of edged weapons in Tatar furnaces, which can be called a local variety of an ordinary domnitsa.

Blades are usually made from two main parts: the sheath and the core. To make the shell of the sword, a package of iron and high-carbon steel is welded together. It is repeatedly folded and forged. The main task of the blacksmith at this stage is to achieve homogenization of steel and clean it from impurities.

For the core of the Japanese sword, mild steel is used, it is also repeatedly forged.

As a result, for the manufacture of a sword blank, the master receives two bars, made of durable high-carbon and mild steel. In the manufacture of katana from hard steel, a V-shaped profile is formed into which a bar of mild steel is inserted. It is somewhat shorter than the overall length of the sword and slightly short of the point. There is also a more complex technology for making a katana, it consists in forming a blade from four bars of steel: the tip and cutting edges of the weapon are made from the hardest steel, slightly less hard metal goes to the sides, and the core is made of soft iron. Sometimes the butt of a Japanese sword is made from a separate piece of metal. After welding parts of the blade, the master forms its cutting edges, as well as the point.

However, the "main feature" of Japanese blacksmiths-gunsmiths is the hardening of the sword. It is the special heat treatment technique that gives the katana its incomparable properties. It differs significantly from similar technologies that were used by blacksmiths in Europe. It should be recognized that in this matter the Japanese masters have advanced much further than their European counterparts.

Before hardening, the Japanese blade is coated with a special paste made from clay, ash, sand, stone dust. The exact composition of the paste was kept a closely guarded secret and passed down from father to son. An important nuance is that the paste is applied to the blade unevenly: a thin layer of substance was applied to the blade and the tip, and much thicker layers were applied to the side edges and butt. After that, the blade was heated to a certain temperature and hardened in water. The sections of the blade covered with a thicker layer of paste cooled more slowly and turned out softer, and the cutting surfaces received the greatest hardness with such hardening.

If everything is done correctly, then a clear boundary appears on the blade between the hardened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blade and the rest. It's called ham. Another indicator of the quality of the blacksmith's work was the whitish shade of the butt of the blade, it is called utsubi.

Further refinement of the blade (polishing and grinding) is usually carried out by a special master, whose work is also highly valued. In general, more than ten people can be engaged in the manufacture and decoration of the blade, the process is very specialized.

After that, the sword must be tested; in ancient times, specially trained people were engaged in this. The tests were done on rolled mats and sometimes on cadavers. It was especially honorable to test a new sword on a living person: a criminal or a prisoner of war.

Only after testing, the blacksmith stamps his name on the shank, and the sword is considered ready. Work on mounting the handle and guards are considered auxiliary. The handle of the katana was usually pasted over with stingray skin and wrapped with silk or leather cord.

Fighting qualities of Japanese swords and their comparison with European swords

Today, the katana can be called the most popular sword in the world. It is difficult to name another type of edged weapons, around which there are so many myths and frank tales. The Japanese sword is called the pinnacle of blacksmithing in the history of mankind. However, this assertion can be disputed.

Studies conducted by specialists using the latest methods showed that European swords (including those of the ancient period) were not much inferior to Japanese counterparts. The steel used by European blacksmiths to make weapons turned out to be as refined as the material of Japanese blades. They were welded from many layers of steel, had a selective hardening. In the study of European blades, modern Japanese masters were involved, and they confirmed high quality medieval weapons.

The problem is that very few samples of European bladed weapons have come down to our time. Those swords that are found during archaeological excavations are usually in a deplorable state. There are especially revered European swords that have survived the centuries and are today in museums in good condition. But there are very few of them. In Japan, due to the special attitude to edged weapons, a huge number of ancient swords have survived to our time, and the condition of most of them can be called ideal.

A few words should be said about the strength and cutting characteristics of Japanese swords. Without a doubt, the traditional katana is an excellent weapon, the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of Japanese gunsmiths and warriors, but it is still not capable of cutting “iron like paper”. Scenes from movies, games, and anime where a Japanese sword effortlessly cuts through rocks, plate armor, or other metal objects should be left up to writers and directors. Such abilities are beyond the capabilities of steel and contrary to the laws of physics.

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Tati(jap.?) - a long Japanese sword. Tati, unlike the katana, was not tucked behind the obi (cloth belt) with the blade up, but hung on the belt in a bandage designed for this, with the blade down. To protect against damage by armor, the scabbard often had a winding.
It is usually longer and more curved than a katana (most have a blade length of over 2.5 shaku, that is, more than 75 cm; the tsuka (handle) was also often longer and somewhat curved).
Another name for this sword is daito(jap. ?, lit. "big sword") - in Western sources they sometimes mistakenly read as "daikatana". The error is due to ignorance of the difference between on and kun reading of characters in Japanese; The kun reading of the hieroglyph is “katana”, and the on reading is “that:”.
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Tanto(Japanese tanto, lit. "short sword") - samurai dagger. The length of the blade should not exceed 30.3 cm (otherwise it will no longer be a tanto, but a short wakizashi sword). Each tanto (as a national treasure) must be licensed, including the historical tanto found. The tanto was used only as a weapon and never as a knife, for this there was a kozuka worn in pair with the tanto in the same sheath.
Tanto has a one-sided, sometimes double-edged blade from 15 to 30.3 cm long (that is, less than one shaku).

It is believed that tanto, wakizashi and katana are, in fact, “the same sword different sizes»

Shin-gunto(1934) - Japanese army sword, created to revive samurai traditions and raise the morale of the army. This weapon repeated the shape of the tati's battle sword, both in design and in the methods of handling it. Unlike tachi and katana swords, which were made individually by blacksmiths using traditional technology, shin gunto was mass-produced in a factory way.

Tsurugi(jap.) - a Japanese word meaning a straight double-edged sword (sometimes with a massive pommel). Similar in shape to tsurugi-no-tachi (straight one-sided sword).

Uchigatana divided into two families along the length of the blade: more than 60 cm - katana, less - wakizashi (accompanying sword).

Aikuti(jap. - fitted mouth) - the style of rims of swords without the use of a tsuba (guard).
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ninjato(jap. ninjato), also known as ninjaken (jap.) or shinobigatana (jap.) - a sword used by ninja. It is a short sword forged with much less care than a katana or tachi. Modern ninjato often have a straight blade and a square tsuba (guard). Some sources claim that the ninjato, unlike the katana or the wakizashi, was used for cutting only, not stabbing. This statement may be erroneous, since the main opponent of the ninja was the samurai, and his armor required an accurate piercing blow. However, the main function of the katana was also a powerful cutting blow.
Ninjato (jap. ninjato-, also known as ninjaken (jap.?) or shinobigatana (jap.?) - a sword used by ninjas. This is a short sword forged with much less diligence than a katana or tachi. Modern ninjato often have a straight blade and square tsuba (guard).Some sources claim that ninjato, unlike katana or wakizashi, was used for inflicting only cutting blows, not stabbing.This statement may be erroneous, since the main opponent of the ninja was the samurai, and his armor required However, the main function of the katana was also a powerful cutting blow.
According to Masaaki Hatsumi (Japanese), ninjato came in all shapes and sizes. However, most often they were shorter than the daito used by the samurai. With a straight blade, but still slightly curved. A typical ninjato was more like a wakizashi, which had a handle like a katana and was housed in the same scabbard. This made it possible to draw the sword faster than the enemy and also fool him, since such a disguise in no way betrayed the true nature of the ninja. Free space in the scabbard could be used to store or hide other inventory or necessary things. Of course, a shorter blade in some cases was a disadvantage, since the enemy could significantly reduce the distance, but in a number of duels it was also an advantage, since the ninja could make full use of the small length of the blade, for example, in an iaido duel, when necessary draw the sword and strike the enemy as quickly as possible. Other researchers, however, believe that the shorter blade gave the ninja an advantage in that it was much easier to hide and, importantly, it gave an advantage in case of indoor combat: walls and ceilings significantly prevented the samurai from using katana in some tricks. attacks.
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There was another type of sword - chizakatana- a little longer than a wakizashi and a little shorter than a katana. The samurai was supposed to replace them with a zaisho (a pair of samurai swords, consisting of a seto (short sword) and a daito (long sword)) when approaching a daimyo or shogun.

Kodachi(jap., lit. "small tachi") - a Japanese sword, too short to be considered a daito (long sword) and too long to be considered a dagger. Due to its size, it could be drawn very quickly, as well as swordsmanship. It could be used where movement was constrained (or when attacking shoulder to shoulder). Since this sword was shorter than 2 shaku (about 60 cm), during the Edo period it was allowed to be worn not by samurai, but by merchants.
Kodachi is similar in length to wakizashi, and although their blades differ considerably in design, kodachi and wakizashi are so similar in technique that they are often confused. The main difference is that kodachi are usually wider than wakizashi. In addition, the kodachi was always worn in a special baldric with a downward bend (like tachi), while the wakizashi was worn with the blade curved upwards behind the obi. Unlike other Japanese weapons, the kodachi was not usually carried with any other sword.

Shikomizue(Jap. Shikomizue) - a weapon for a "hidden war". In Japan, it was used by the ninja. In modern times, this blade often appears in movies. Shikomizue was a wooden or bamboo cane with a hidden blade. The blade of the shikomizue could be straight or slightly curved, because the cane had to exactly follow all the curves of the blade. Shikomizue could be both a long sword and a short dagger. Therefore, the length of the cane depended on the length of the weapon.
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The outstanding qualities of samurai swords are legendary. Indeed, technology-forged Japanese blades are incredibly sharp. According to the legends, they can cut both iron and a sheet of paper in the air. Yes, a blade sharpened in a razor will easily cut even rice paper in the air, but chopping iron with such a sword means immediately spoiling it. To cut iron, the sharpening of the sword must be done at a large angle (as on a chisel), otherwise, after the blow, the cutting edge will have to be corrected, removing the nicks on the blade.

With the phrase "Japanese sword", most will immediately think of a katana. Indeed, a katana is a Japanese sword, but besides it, there were still quite a few varieties of samurai bladed weapons.

Daisho - a pair of samurai swords

If you look deep into history, you will notice that the samurai carried two swords at the same time. One was long and was called daito (aka katana sword), the second was short, called seto (wakizashi). If the long Japanese sword was used in battle or in duels, then the short sword served as a spare weapon when the katana broke. When fighting in a confined space, the wakizashi sword was also used.

When the samurai came to visit, he gave the katana to the servant at the entrance or left it on a special stand. In the event of a sudden danger, it was the short sword that could save the life of its owner, so a lot of time was devoted to the art of owning a short sword.

If the long sword was considered a privilege of the ruling samurai class and only they could wear it, then short swords were worn by wealthy merchants and artisans who tried to learn the art of swordsmanship from the samurai. It should be noted that such knowledge in medieval Japan was worth its weight in gold and was jealously guarded by clans. And if the master (for a huge price) agreed to show the technique, then he demonstrated it only once, after which, with a sense of accomplishment, he importantly took the reward.

Combat samurai sword - its parameters and varieties

The Japanese sword katana or daito had a length of 95 to 110 centimeters. The width of its blade was about three centimeters, with a blade thickness of 5-6 millimeters. The handle of the sword was wrapped with a silk cord or covered with shark skin to prevent slipping. The length of the katana handle was about three fists, which allowed them to work using a two-handed grip.

The Japanese seto or wakizashi sword is practically no different from a katana, except for the length. It is 50-70 centimeters. Naturally, the short swords of merchants and samurai differed significantly from each other in quality and finish. The short sword of the samurai, as a rule, was part of the daisho kit and was made in the same style as the katana. Even the tsuba of both swords was made in the same style.

Samurai swords were not limited to katana and wakizashi models. There were also such variants of this weapon:

  • The kokatana is a variant sometimes used in place of the short sword in a daisho kit. This sword was distinguished by an almost straight blade, in cramped corridors such a blade perfectly delivered stabbing blows (the legendary ninja sword may have come from this particular type of samurai sword). The length of the kokatana was about 600 millimeters;
  • Tachi is a Japanese sword common from the 10th to the 17th century. Tachi is a weapon older than the katana and was worn only by noble samurai. This sword was intended for equestrian combat. Its great length and curvature contributed to delivering a powerful chopping blow. Over time, the combat value of the tati was lost, and this sword was used as a ceremonial or ceremonial weapon;
  • Nogachi was a huge sword with a blade length of a meter or more. There were swords with a three-meter blade. Of course, such a monster weapon could not be controlled by one person. He was taken by several samurai and cut down by mounted troops. The most powerful warriors, who, as a rule, were the bodyguards of their master, were armed with standard nails;
  • Tanto or short sword. Despite the fact that now tanto is considered a knife, its name clearly indicates that this is a type of sword. Most often, tanto was used to break through armor or finish off a wounded enemy.

The katana sword and its varieties were worn on the belt or behind the back (the longest blades). For fastening, a sageo silk cord was used, which could be used to bind the enemy or for other purposes (sageo ninja were especially inventive). If the sword was worn behind the back, then a special design scabbard was used for this.

Katana - strengths and weaknesses of this sword

There are many myths regarding the quality of samurai swords:

  • Katana is made of steel, which is forged tens of thousands of times, while acquiring the qualities of real Damascus steel. In fact, the steel that was mined in Japan has never had outstanding characteristics. To give the necessary hardness, it had to be forged several thousand times. As a result of this, multi-layered blades were obtained, which had nothing to do with Damascus steels;
  • The katana easily cuts through any material, be it flesh or iron. In fact, Japanese armor has never been particularly strong, so it was not difficult to cut it;
  • A katana blade could easily cut through a European sword. This situation is absurd in itself. The European sword was intended for breaking through heavy iron armor, and the katana for accurate strikes. If European knights could block blows with swords, samurai evaded blows, since one single blow to the sword could chip the cutting edge of the sword. The sword fighting technique of the samurai was fundamentally different from the battle of the knights.

Most likely, the myth about the quality of Japanese swords came from the fact that the katana easily cut through the light swords of Europeans, who no longer had heavy swords in this era.

You can often hear the opinion that a katana can both cut and deliver effective stabbing blows. In fact, stabbing with a katana is quite inconvenient. Its shape emphasizes that its main purpose is felling. Of course, there are samurai swords that can cut iron, but these are single copies. If we compare them with the total number of European swords capable of the same feat, then the comparison will turn out not in favor of the katana.

The weaknesses of the samurai sword blade were as follows:

  • Since the katana is not designed for swordsmanship, its main weakness is its fragility;
  • Possessing great hardness, the katana blade can easily break from a blow to the plane of the blade, so in battle the samurai carefully took care of their weapons, which could cost the annual income of a large village;
  • By the way, the katana blade could be broken by hitting its flat side with nunchucks.

What are the parts of a samurai sword?

Any samurai sword, regardless of size, consists of the following parts:

  • Directly the katana blade itself, which is inserted and removed from the handle using special bamboo wedges;
  • The handle, the dimensions of which depend on the type of samurai sword and the personal preferences of the owner;
  • Garda, she is a tsuba, which has a more decorative role than a protective one;
  • Handle wrap. For this, a silk cord was used, which was wound around the handle according to a special pattern;
  • To fix the sword in the scabbard, a habaki clutch served.

The device of the sword is quite simple, but requires very careful fitting of parts.

Wakizashi - partner of the katana

A short wakizashi sword was worn paired with a katana. Its total length was 50-80 centimeters, of which 30-60 were on the blade. With his appearance, the wakizashi completely copied the katana, they only held it with one hand (although, if necessary, a two-handed grip could be used). For merchants and artisans, the wakizashi was the main weapon and was worn in tandem with the tanto.

Samurai used the short sword in castles or close combat when there was no room for a long sword. Although it is believed that the katana and wakizashi are a combat set, they were most often worn by samurai in times of peace. A more serious sword was taken to war - tati, which, in addition to length, was also a generic weapon. Instead of wakizashi, they used tanto, which perfectly pierced the enemy’s armor in close combat.

Since often the wakizashi remained the only weapon available to the warrior (since when entering someone else's house as a guest, the samurai without fail took off his katana). In this regard, a lot of time was devoted to the art of owning a short sword. Some clans even practiced fighting with a katana in one hand and a wakizashi in the other. The art of fighting with a weapon in each hand was quite rare and most often came as a complete surprise to the enemy.

Wakizashi samurai wore in Everyday life almost always. This sword was often called the "Guardian of Dignity and Honor", as it was constantly at hand.

How to properly wear a katana

The Japanese sword is worn on the left side (for left-handers it is allowed to wear it on the right) in a special scabbard. The scabbard is held by a belt called an obi. The katana is worn in such a position that its blade is directed upwards. This position of the sword allows you to pull it out and deliver a fatal blow in one movement (now there is such martial arts like yaido, where exactly this technique is honed).

When a threat appeared or surrounded by ill-wishers, the samurai took a katana in a sheath in left hand so that in case of danger, instantly get it with your right hand. If he wanted to show his trust in the interlocutor, then the katana was held in his right hand. When the samurai sat down, the katana lay within reach (if she did not give up at the entrance to someone else's house).

Katana fighting technique

Although formally a katana is considered a sword (even a two-handed one), by the principle of its action it is more like a saber. You should not think that Japanese swords were fenced, as shown in modern films. A real samurai had to kill the enemy with one single blow. This is not a whim at all, but the need to save expensive blades, since getting a new one was quite problematic.

The long blade of the samurai sword allowed for a wide range of different strikes. Since the katana was most often held with two hands, one blow could not only cut off a head or limb, but also cut the enemy in half.

There are three main stances in katana combat:

  1. Jodan - upper stance;
  2. Chudan - stand at the middle level;
  3. Gedan is the lower level stance.

To fight using a samurai sword, you need to take into account and analyze all the movements of the enemy and understand his fighting style. In accordance with this, one should plan his attacks, and the implementation should follow as quickly as possible.

Now that Japanese fencing (kendo and yaido) is quite popular, it is easy to find a section where this exciting sport is practiced. Several such schools in Japan trace their lineage to the samurai clan schools of the Middle Ages. During the period of the ban on the wearing of swords, many schools disappeared, but some managed to preserve the ancient traditions of swordsmanship to the present day.

How was the sharpness of the katana blade achieved?

Although the Japanese metal was of rather low quality, the forging technique used by the blacksmiths of Japan made it possible to forge blades of excellent quality. Due to the many layers obtained during the forging process, the sharpness of the katana was at its best. Zone hardening and careful polishing gave the blade even more outstanding qualities.

Now in any souvenir shop you can buy a copy of the samurai sword, which is only suitable for decorating the interior. Real katanas are quite expensive. If you want to buy an inexpensive but high-quality replica of a Japanese sword, order it from a blacksmith who works according to ancient technology.

Types of Japanese swords

Large Nagamaki Swords Nodachi Odachi

Long swords - Katana Tachi Tsurugi

Short swords - Kodachi Wakizashi

Knives/Daggers- Tanto

Training Weapon-Bokken Iaito Shinai


Big swords-

1. Nagamaki

Nagamaki (jap. 長巻 - "long wrap") is a Japanese melee weapon consisting of a pole handle with a large tip. It was popular in the XII-XIV centuries. It was similar to the owl, naginata or glevia, but differed in that the lengths of the hilt and tip were approximately equal, which allows it to be classified as a sword.

Nodachi (野太刀 "field sword") is a Japanese term referring to a large Japanese sword. Some, however, are of the opinion that nodachi is a close synonym for odachi (大太刀 ​​"great sword", "o-tachi") and means a very large tachi. The term did not originally denote any kind of Japanese combat sword. large sizes(daito), such as tachi, but nowadays it is often (incorrectly) used in this way.

The Nodachi was used as an infantry weapon in combat. The use of nodachi indoors or other confined spaces presents certain difficulties. The main reason that the use of such swords was not widespread was that the blade is much more difficult to forge than the blade of a sword of ordinary length. This sword was worn behind the back due to its large size. This was something special because other Japanese swords such as the katana and wakizashi were worn tucked into the belt, with the tachi hung blade down. However, he was not snatched from behind. The Nodachi, due to its great length and weight, was a very sophisticated weapon.

Odachi (Jap. 大太刀?, "great sword") is a type of Japanese long sword. The term nodachi (野太刀?, "field sword") means a different type of sword, often mistakenly used instead of odachi.

To be called an odachi, a sword had to have a blade length of at least 3 shaku (90.9 cm), however, as with many other Japanese sword terms, exact definition there is no length. Usually odachi are swords with blades 1.6 - 1.8 meters.

long swords-

Katana (jap. 刀) is a curved Japanese sword.

Along with the short sword, the wakizashi was part of the samurai's carry kit, known as the pair of daisho swords.

Japanese swords were kept on a special stand - Katanakake.

The handle was covered with stingray, shark or other material and braided with silk cord. There are dozens of braiding methods. Particularly prized are katanas bearing "mei" - a signature with the blacksmith's name, often supplemented by the year of manufacture and the name of the province. However, even on the most valuable blades, the creation of which experts attribute to famous masters, "mei" is often missing.

Tachi, tachi (jap. 太刀) is a long Japanese sword. Tati, unlike the katana, was not tucked behind the obi (cloth belt) with the blade up, but hung on the belt in a bandage designed for this, with the blade down. To protect against damage by armor, the scabbard often had a winding. The samurai wore the katana as part of their civilian clothing, and the tachi as part of their military armor. Paired with tachi, the tantō were more common than the katana short sword wakizashi. In addition, richly decorated tachi were used as ceremonial weapons at the courts of the shoguns (princes) and the emperor.

Tsurugi (長剣) is a Japanese word meaning a straight double-edged sword. Similar in shape to tsurugi-no-tachi (straight one-sided sword).

It was used as a combat weapon in the 7th-9th centuries, before the appearance of one-sided curved tati swords, and later for ceremonial and religious purposes.

One of the three sacred relics of Shinto is the sword Kusanagi-no-tsurugi.

short swords-

Odachi (小太刀) - Literally translated as "little tachi", the tachi sword is shorter than usual.

2. Wakizashi

Wakizashi (jap. 脇差) is a short traditional Japanese sword. Mostly used by samurai and worn on the belt. It was worn in tandem with a katana, also plugged into the belt with the blade up. The length of the blade is from 30 to 61 cm. The total length with the handle is 50-80 cm. The blade is one-sided sharpening, small curvature. Wakizashi is similar in shape to a katana. Wakizashi was made with zukuri various shapes and length, usually thinner than that of a katana. The degree of convexity of the section of the wakizashi blade is much less, therefore, compared to the katana, this sword cuts soft objects more sharply. The handle of the wakizashi is usually square in section.

In a pair of daisho (the two main swords of the samurai: long and short), the wakizashi was used as a short sword (shoto).

The samurai used the wakizashi as a weapon when the katana was unavailable or unusable. In the early periods of Japanese history, a small tanto sword was worn in place of the wakizashi. And also when a samurai put on armor, instead of katana and wakizashi, tachi and tanto were usually used. Entering the room, the warrior left the katana with the servant or on the katanakake. The wakizashi was always worn with him and was only removed if the samurai stayed for a long period of time. The bushi often referred to this sword as the "guardian of one's honor". Some schools of swordsmanship taught to use both the katana and the wakizashi at the same time.

Unlike the katana, which could only be worn by samurai, the wakizashi was reserved for merchants and artisans. They used this sword as a full-fledged weapon, because by status they did not have the right to wear a katana. It was also used for the seppuku (hara-kiri) ceremony.


Anto (jap. 短刀 tan - short, then - sword) - an auxiliary short sword of the samurai.

“Tan to” for the Japanese sounds like a phrase, because they do not perceive tanto as a knife in any way (a knife in Japanese is “hocho”).

By modern rules in Japan, tanto is recognized as a national cultural treasure - one of the variants of the nippon-to or Japanese sword. Only certified craftsmen can make tanto, there are only a few of them in Japan, since it is very difficult to obtain such a right.

According to the rules of tanto, like a Japanese sword, it must be made of Tamahogane and have a characteristic jamon, a removable handle attached to the shank with bamboo sticks and a removable round tsuba guard; while the tanto must be less than 30 cm long (otherwise it will no longer be a short sword). Each tanto (as a national treasure) must be licensed, including the found historical tanto. At the same time, manufactured in en masse World War II tantos made of mass-produced steel are not subject to licensing and are destroyed, as they have no cultural value, since they have nothing to do with the national tradition, but are a legacy of the militaristic past.

Tanto was used only as a weapon and never as a knife, for this there was a kozuka worn in pair with Tan-To in the same sheath.

Tanto has a one-sided, sometimes double-edged blade 15 to 30 cm long (that is, less than one shaku).

It is believed that tanto, wakizashi and katana are actually "the same sword of different sizes." The first tanto appeared in the Heian era and were devoid of any signs of artistry. In the early Kamakura era, high-quality, finely crafted patterns began to appear, such as those created by the famous Yoshimitsu (the most famous master who made tanto). Tanto production, which reached significant levels during the Muromachi era, fell sharply during the Shinto ("new swords") period, and tanto from this period are quite rare. During the Shin-Shinto ("new new swords") period, they were again in demand, and production increased, but their quality was not high.

Tanto is usually forged in the hirazukuri style, that is, flat, without a stiffener. Some tanto, which had a thick triangular blade, were called yoroidoshi and were designed to pierce armor in close combat. Tanto was used mostly by samurai, but it was also worn by doctors, merchants as a weapon of self-defense - in fact, it is a short sword. High society women sometimes also wore small tanto called kaiken in their kimono belt (obi) for self-defense. In addition, tanto is used in the wedding ceremony of royal people to this day.

Sometimes tantō were worn as shōto instead of wakizashi in daishō.

A fake tanto with a wooden, plastic, and sometimes blunt metal blade is used for training in martial arts:

Training weapon-

Bokken (often pronounced as boken in Russian) (Jap. 木剣?) is a wooden model of a sword used in various Japanese martial arts, including aikido, for training.

Bokkens are made from oak, beech, hornbeam and other dense woods. Often they are impregnated with varnish, stain or wood resin, for greater density and weight.

The bokken must be strong enough to withstand strong blows on anything, as well as repelling an attack with a bokken or jo.

A well-placed bokken blow to a person can lead to death. The great Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645) often used bokken in real fights, in most cases killing his opponents. The tip of the blade is most dangerous when applying chopping blows.

In Japan, bokken are treated with great respect, almost like a real weapon. For example, when carrying a bokken on an airplane, the passenger must check it in as baggage.

Another name is bokuto (jap. 木刀 bokuto, "wooden sword").


"Male" (Jap. 男子木剣 danshi bokken?), It is distinguished by a relatively thick handle and "blade", straightness and a thick wooden guard.

"female" (Japanese: 女子木剣 joshi bokken?), the most commonly used variant. Differs in curvature, ease. Often used with a plastic guard and with a scabbard (for example, in iaido).

“training” (Jap. 素振木剣 suburi bokken?), characterized by a thickening on the side of the tip, thus imitating the balance of a real sword.

Iaito (居合刀, iaito is a Japanese training sword for iaido. Most iaito are made of an aluminum-zinc alloy, which is often cheaper and lighter than steel and complies with Japanese restrictions on the use of it as melee weapons, and such swords are not subject to restrictions on the transport of melee Iaito are made as exercise weapons and are not suitable for contact use Matching the length and weight of the iaito to the height and strength of the student is essential for safe and correct execution exercises.

In the manufacture of iaito, the model is often taken from real swords of famous sword masters, such as the sword of Miyamoto Musashi.

Another name is mogito (jap. 模擬刀 mogito, "imitation sword"). A distinction should be made between mogito made for iaido and mogito, souvenir crafts. Souvenir swords are generally not balanced and their details are poorly fixed. Using the latter type of mogito for training can lead to injury.

Shinai (Jap. 竹刀 - shinai, takemitsu, "bamboo sword") - a bamboo sword that is used for training in Japanese art kendo. There are also plastic swords that are used during competitions. They are also called "bamboo" - shinai.


The shinai consists of four bamboo strips (take) held together with two pieces of leather, a rope (tsuru), a handle (tsukagawa) and a tie (nakayu), as well as a protective device (tsuba) and its rubber fixer (tsubadome). Bamboo strips are fastened on both sides with leather handles and a tip, which, in turn, are firmly fixed with a rope. A tie is used to mark the striking part of the shinai and ensure a good tension of the rope.


The length of the shinai depends on the age of the fencer:

10-14 years - 109 cm;

14-16 years - 112 cm;

From 18 years old - 115-118 cm.

1. Naginata

Aginata (なぎなた, 長刀 or 薙刀) is a Japanese melee weapon with a long shaft and a long blade diverging to the tip, has a handle about 2 meters long and a blade about 30 cm. It is an analogue of a glaive (although often mistakenly called a halberd), but much lighter . The first information about the use of naginata dates back to the end of the 7th century. In Japan, there were 425 schools where they studied the technique of fighting naginatajutsu. It was the favorite weapon of the sohei, warrior monks.

In peacetime, the naginata was used by women from the samurai class to protect their home.

The katana samurai sword is not just a sword, but the embodiment of the Japanese spirit, the personification of historical culture and the pride of the people of the Land of the Rising Sun.

This weapon is considered a real symbol of the Japanese people, their fighting spirit and will to win. Since ancient times, it has been believed that there are three main Japanese treasures. These include a jasper necklace, a sacred mirror and a sword.

For a samurai, the sword was his life partner, and even on the verge of death, the warrior did not let go of it. Also, the katana reflected the social status of its owner, being the personification of purity, and - which is typical only for the Japanese - was considered the best gift in tribute. According to Japanese mythology, the sword is not a symbol of war and death, but rather a weapon of peace.

History of the katana sword

For a long time, participating in bloody battles, the Japanese used spears. But during the reign of the Tokugawa shogunate, the usual way of warriors changed. With the advent of the technical process, swords began to be used. The art of swordsmanship is called "kenjutsu". This is not just a set of military knowledge, but also spiritual self-improvement.

The emergence of the "weapon of the soul" is associated with the historical change of its more ancient ancestor - the tati sword, which is considered the traditional weapon of the samurai. The katana is not a native Japanese sword, because its formation was influenced by other Asian cultures. The sword received its final form during the Nara and Heian periods - it is a curved blade with the same handle, sharpened only on one side - this is how we can see it in our time. To create a katana, special techniques for forging and hardening iron were used, and the handle, as a rule, was wrapped with a silk ribbon. In rare cases, swords were decorated with engraving, usually such specimens were of particular value.

Wearing a katana

The samurai katana sword is worn on the left side in a sheath, which are located behind a special belt - obi. The blade of the sword, as a rule, is directed upwards - this way of wearing has been considered generally accepted since the end of wars in the Sengoku period, when the carrying of weapons took on a more traditional character than a military one. When the possibility of a threat arose, the katana was held in the left hand, and if they wanted to express their trust, then in the right. Sitting down, the samurai put the sword not far from him. If the katana was rarely used, then it was kept at home in a sheath made of untreated magnolia wood, which prevented the appearance and further spread of corrosion.

The corner where the sword was kept was called the tokonoma. And the special stand on which it was located - katanakake. During sleep, the samurai placed his sword at the head in such a way that it could be easily grabbed at any time.

Katana proficiency

A katana is a cutting weapon that can decapitate an opponent with a single blow. The main technique of holding a Japanese sword lies in the fact that the blow is not delivered at a right angle, but along a plane. Also, to simplify the application of cutting blows, the center of gravity was located closer to the blade.

The length of the katana allowed for various maneuvers. It must be held with both hands at once. The middle of the left palm was located at the end of the handle, and the second hand squeezed the area near the guard. Participation in the swing process of two hands at once made it possible to obtain a large amplitude, which intensified the blow.

There are three types of racks for katana fencing:

  • Jodan - the sword is at the top level
  • Chudan - in this position, the sword should be in front of you
  • Gedan - the sword is on the lower level

For the successful application of the mastered basics in katana fencing, you need to be able to anticipate all the movements of the enemy and in a short time plan your actions accurately.

Traditionally, training in fencing with a Japanese sword is divided into three levels:

  • Omote is an open level, there is no deepening in the "hidden" sword techniques
  • Chudan - Intermediate
  • Okuden - closed level

In Japan, many traditional schools that teach the art of swordsmanship have survived to this day. These schools were able to continue their existence even after the ban on carrying swords, which was established by Emperor Meiji.

How is the special sharpness of Katana achieved?

The katana is considered a unique edged weapon because it has a self-sharpening function. The support on which the sword is placed allows the blade to remain sharp for a long time due to the special movement of the molecules. The process of making a blade involves the use of special equipment. Grinding consisted of ten stages, thus reducing the graininess of the surface. The blade was polished using charcoal dust.

Lastly, the blade is hardened with liquid clay. It contributed to the emergence of a special strip with a matte surface, which symbolized the border between the mirror part of the blade and the matte part. Part of the blade was wrapped in clay, while the other half of the blade was hardened in water. In this way, a different surface structure was achieved. If the master was very popular, then at this stage of production he left his signature. But at this stage, the blade was not yet considered ready. The final polishing of the blade took two weeks. When the surface of the blade acquired a mirror shine, it was considered that the work was completed.

The metal involved in the manufacturing process of weapons had a special structure. Its feature is layering. There were several ways to obtain high-quality steel. They were determined under the influence of many external factors.

Samurai katana sword in our time

Having long lost its combat significance, the katana sword has become a real find for lovers of Asian culture. This weapon is the oldest handmade creation. Genuine copies, most often, are inherited and carry the function of a relic. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase the best katanas, since only a true connoisseur of edged weapons can distinguish a fake from the original. So how much does a real samurai katana sword cost? The cost of swords made in Japan is at least 1 thousand dollars, and the price of rarer specimens can reach up to 9 thousand dollars. Thus, the 13th century Kamakura sword, which was sold at auction for 418 thousand dollars, is considered the most expensive Japanese sword in history.