"We moved to some other team." Tsvetkov shows a new form. Biathlon. Anna Lyubenkova presented a new form of the Belarusian national team - cornflower blue with an ornament The new form of biathletes is white without paraphernalia


Biathlon. Anna Lyubenkova presented new form national team of Belarus - cornflower blue with an ornament

2017-11-22 20:09:43

Commentator "Belarus 5" Anna Lubenkova presented a new form of the Belarusian national team for the 2017/18 season.

The design of the form is designed in the Belarusian style, the creation of which was inspired by the Slutsk belts - one of the national relics of the Belarusians, a wonderful example of arts and crafts created on our land.
As we know, the Slutsk belts were asymmetrical. The most valuable of them consisted of four different parts. The design of the jacket is based on this principle; it also conditionally consists of four parts.

Asymmetry is also maintained at the bottom of the trousers at the back. The Belarusian flag is depicted on one leg, and a floral ornament stylized as a calf muscle is depicted on the other.

The central part of the belts usually consisted of alternating stripes of floral and geometric patterns. This principle is preserved on the dark parts of the form. The ornament for them was borrowed from a belt kept in the Museum of Ancient Belarusian Culture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. By the way, this is one of the seven (only) solid belts kept in the museums of our country.

The main large floral ornament that adorns the edges of the Slutsk belt - the head, is called a "bouquet". When an athlete is wearing a racing vest, this ornament is slightly visible from under it. right side, as it would look with a real belt.
The edges of the form, collar and cuffs are decorated with traditional ornaments typical for hand embroidery. So our ancestors protected the edges of clothes from getting through them evil spirits.

The main color of the form is cornflower blue. This life-affirming noble color will remind our athletes on their long journeys of a bright summer, of their native nature. And it was the cornflower, according to the figurative description of Maxim Bogdanovich, that became the element that transformed the originally Persian product into a national Belarusian treasure, - reports BSE press office.

Comments (28)


Personally, I always pay attention to the face in the appearance of a woman in the first place. Although, for example, I categorically do not approve of the bust made.

string(10) "Oleg Shirko" string(17) "Nov 25, 2017 13:37" string(691) "

The form will be normal this season, the top model writes that she has become prettier, they know better, otherwise Anya has always been good, but in the category "for an amateur")

I don't like the shape of her nose.

oh, hospade ...) experts, damn it))
Is there anything to say on the matter? Or, as is often the case...?

Personally, I always pay attention to the face in the appearance of a woman in the first place. Although, for example, I categorically do not approve of the bust made. " Array

And the general plan was weak to give?

string(2) "Oz" string(17) "Nov 23, 2017 16:16" string(36) "Wasn't it a good idea to give a general plan?" Array

What an unprofessional shoot. Where are they studying to be cameramen now? And do they teach at all?

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I like it, but the main thing is on the scoreboard.

I am glad that we will not be similar to the USA.

Good, concise form. They would definitely get lost in blue... And, in principle, form is not the main thing... Good luck to the guys, patience and strength in this difficult season!

I like it.

Well, the national color is not only a tricolor, why not remember black and yellow, you can beat these colors very beautifully. And the inscription ADIDAS is larger than the coat of arms of the country, is this normal?

the national color is the colors of the flag blue-red-white. But this form this season - in bulk. Even Belarusians pulled themselves up to these colors. Here they praised the form of Slovenia. Well, there is nothing good about her. Same colors as above. I distinguished Nastya Kuzmina only by her height. Well, if we want to be like everyone else, then we had to leave the old form. It is easy to see that the blue color generally prevails this year. And rightly so, that this time they did not fall for him. And it's good that they took one color. Variegation and trickery generally go out of fashion. Complex colors are better, but without primitive combinations. It seems to me that our new form meets these criteria.

And God forbid that what happened to our footballers didn’t happen in this color uniform (it was the same color that our selections had at the European Championship) Very unfortunate.
But I want to, on the contrary, take the colors in which ours successfully performed at various major competitions

The form is about nothing, any team can have this. Damn, the Olympic season, where is the national flavor?

The shape is not bad, but in the evening lighting on the track it becomes completely dark, some kind of brown. Doesn't stand out in the crowd

Girls are more in uniform than boys.

I like! Almost like the Spartans. And in the subject - our circle is "cut", but they will not see blood!

No form. On TV, when the track is illuminated, it is impossible to understand where ours are. Now black, then cherry form. Without any difference. In short, a form that takes getting used to. Let's get used to it.

I had no difficulty identifying ours. No one else has similar jumpsuits. But there are a lot of blue ones this season. It is not clear where anyone. Last season, it was easy to confuse ours with amers, but now, it seems, there is no one with them.

The first starts showed that it is very difficult to “identify” ours. Here the Swedes have a uniform!).

The shape is terrible, no design, it does not look on the white snow, ours are like poor relatives in it, who did not have enough money for a brighter and more beautiful one ... just horror ...

After a couple of starts I'll get used to the new color. Until then, it's difficult.
If only the guys liked it and it was convenient.
The Swedes have completely turned into chickens.)) Ours still look better in burgundy.

Well, it’s necessary, a person with the avatar “Natalia” registered on purpose to leave such a nondescript comment. Looks like Dmitry Guberniev heard, a great connoisseur of beauty. :)) True, he always praises only what is beneficial to him personally. :)) I'm always wary of people who are afraid to seem old-fashioned. Over time, flirtatious old women grow out of them, whose laughter frightened Fazil Iskander so much. :))

The athlete himself must be swift, and the uniform must be decent, so that a person is not shy about it, like our previous uniform with pink pants and “shorts” at the back. Now the form is classic. And the classics are always in fashion.

At least it looks strange, some kind of senile. But, I want to say, over the years, almost all the teams' uniforms are getting weirder, but now ours is the worst of all, it's not "rapid" somehow, but "senilely stagnant"!

Photos - exclusive! All the boys and girls are amazing!
I'm cleaning my teeth.

In figs on the form, the main thing is a sports uniform at the top level.

For me, so MUCH! Well, if on business, then at least in a sweatshirt and felt boots on a bare foot, but if only they were on the podium. :))

Nina, I don't like the design. Or rather, its absence. Let's see the competition. The main thing, as already mentioned above, is that the physical form of the athletes is excellent)).

Let's get used to it. You can't please everyone.

Loktik, why is she "none"? At least it is noticeable and we will immediately snatch ours from the crowd of athletes somewhere in the mass start, pursuit or relay race. I think it looks quite elegant.

Shurminator, about AIT's fur coat amused :-))
Also a hat with badges a la Kostya Boytsov))
In the finish line, the merry Nedetskaya will look .. All ratings will go off scale))

Nina, but as a racing she is completely non-existent. Although, Adidas did no better for other countries. Only the colors are different.

Nina is really good. But this is not a racing form, as I understand it, but for training.

New racing form from Victoria Slivko. And it looks good! scontent-frx5-1.cdninstagram.com

In the photo from the reserve team, what handsome men are our biathletes))
For them, such a comic wish:

Always be successful in sports
And in love - a little sinful!
Traveling - inquisitive,
In front of a mirror - beautiful!
Being with friends is the most faithful,
This is a must!
Be a good dad with children
If you don't have kids, don't cry
Let everything go
You will have children later!
Be obedient to the coach
For success, you need it!
Be extravagant in fashion
At the table - always neat!
And since you are an athlete,
Physical education is waiting for you!
A lot of happiness and victories,
And leave a trace in sports!
To make everyone proud of you
You have learned everything!

Taking into account the raids on our athletes and the opinion of the AHR: “... A good gift to the patriots in the year of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Hurrah, comrades! the iconic color and shape design can be reconciled.

Marina Alekseevna, And for me, so that there are no pink blouses)). Especially for men
And so, the Adidas company tried not only for our athletes, but also for athletes of other teams. All are on an equal footing. The shape is a bit bland. But there are a lot of kits there: for training, for competitions, for awards, and even for recreation.
Well, okay. All the same, we will calculate our own immediately at the first stage of the KM.
The main thing is that the form brings them good luck both on the track and on the shooting range.

After pink speckled pants - I don't care ...

I remembered the memorable performances of DD at the 2016 World Cup.
The snow only enhanced the beauty of the form from the designer and jeweler.
The uniform of the athletes of the Russian national team at the 2014 Olympic Games is more to their liking.

yes, I would return Dima even for external data, and if Khovantsev competently trains him, it will be generally wonderful. Such beauties do not roll on the road. :))

Irina K.,
Yes, no one writes off. Let them try, achieve both the results and the beauty necessary for the form. Not forbidden. :))

Firstly, burgundy is very trendy this winter. I consulted on the Internet. And secondly, Dima, of course, is a very nice guy, but I would not write off all the others.))

Rosa R, glancing briefly, thought that the Austrians had a skeleton on their uniform, but no, but it's a pity))

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, you give Dima to the national team so that the work of designers is not in vain!))

Let's start with the positive. Why is this form good? Firstly, it is not pink, not raspberry, not yellow, not orange, etc. Secondly, no shorts, panties, breeches, diamonds, circles, arrows, bows, hearts are drawn on it, that is, it looks like a single suit, without vocational cheap stuff. She is single color. And that's good, "companions" are yesterday. :))

Now about the sad. Color. Yes, burgundy this season is definitely not a trend. But! It's not exactly burgundy, more of a burgundy brown. The color is complex, which gives hope. Although! It doesn't go to everyone. Dmitry Malyshko will definitely go. But he is not in the team, alas. The external data of other athletes is somewhat more modest. But! Recall the brown uniform of schoolgirls of the 50s-60s-70s. She adorned almost everyone. White collar played a big role. But here, during the season, white will also intervene - snow will be a constant background. And that means! It's not all that sad. :))

Besides! Pay attention to the color, color symbolism of the form. Red stripes make it red-brown. And this is exactly what Ida and I have been trying to achieve for several seasons. Our mournful work is not wasted. A good gift for patriots in the year of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Hurrah, comrades! :))

I watched a video on Instagram from Petukhov in a new uniform in the snow. By the way, it looks good) I mean the shape. Lesha is good in any form)
P.S. Rosa, the Austrians are more cheerful, of course.)

- Germany
- Ukraine

And who is better?


Natalya Anatolyevna, as exactly they said about Mina!
The form is not to your liking, not festive, not for the Olympic Games, sorry.

sometimes doing homework with a child, the question arises: WHAT do they smoke in the Ministry of Education? looking at the form, I came to the conclusion - along the way, all the ministries gather in one "smoking room" (((

Terrible form, faded, inexpressive.

Marinchik, I agree, the form is problematic.

Marinchik, some kind of dirty burgundy. The designer was drunk.

And whoever comes up with this form, he himself will want to wear something like that, one is worse than the other ...
This purple gangrene color is from the famous movie.
I saw pictures of a skier girl in Bordeaux were somewhere in the kitchen... olympteka.ru
They probably decided that the Russian Federation would not be allowed to perform under our flag, but here both yours and ours ...

Well, I don’t know... On a pedestal in any form, ours are good.. and the higher, the prettier.)

Latvian form.
And I agree with Natalya Anatolyevna: "... I also like the 2010-2011 uniform more, ..."

Here it is OUR:


The composition of the Russian team for initial stages Biathlon World Cup new season is determined.

Board of the Biathlon Union Russian Federation The line-up for the upcoming sports season has been finalized. To make such a decision, the management members studied and processed the proposals of the RBU Council on the composition of the instructor staff of the national teams, as well as the male and female staff for the 17/18 Cup. The city of central Sweden Ostersund will be the venue for the Biathlon World Championship in the 1st stage.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: selection criteria for biathletes

On November 26 of the current year, the Biathlon World Cup season begins. The competition is tough and for it to pass, athletes need to show high results. Men in the overall standings need to take one of the first fifteen places, women - up to a maximum of twentieth.
If these requirements are not met, the instructor staff has the right to supplement the teams at their discretion.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: male team

The other day, the coaches agreed on the staff of the biathlon team winter period. Seven athletes will compete from the men's team. These are Maxim Tsvetkov, Anton Shipulin, Anton Babikov, Alexey Volkov, Evgeny Garanichev, Matvey Eliseev and Alexander Loginov.

According to Ricco Gross, this decision was agreed upon by the entire coaching staff. The instructor believes that the presence of a reserve biathlete in Östersund is not necessary. Fans will be able to see the performance of Yuri Shopin at the 1st stage of the Cup International Union biathletes. The coach is sure that this is where the athlete will be able to practice and prepare for the performance in France, where will pass the Cup peace in December.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: female team

Sergei Konovalov, one of the coaches, reports a healthy rivalry in the team. The female part of the national team from Russia is represented by six biathletes: Tatyana Akimova, Daria Virolainen, Svetlana Mironova, Olga Podchufarova, Victoria Slivko, Katerina Yurlova.
This decision was made by the staff of the instructors of the team. As for Irina Starykh, she misses the cup in Sweden. Poor health and an operation before the Summer Cup championship weakened the athlete. "On the this moment the lack of speed indicators negatively affects the quality, so her skill is not perfect, ”says the specialist. The training camp in Austria, where Irina will go, will speed up the presence of the athlete in future periods of the Cup.
Also the team of athletes of the Cup of the International Biathlon Union, which will be held at the end of November, was announced the other day.

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