Not in the eyebrow, but in the nose: a guide to the martial arts sections of Pattaya. Thai boxing in thailand Muay thai school in thailand

To training - in Thailand!

Among the many Russian tourists visiting Thailand every day, a new layer is becoming more and more noticeable - people who specially come to Thailand not in search of sights and exotics of the East, but for serious training on Thai boxing (muay thai) . This is reminiscent of a time when many teenagers in Russia, after watching a video with Van Damme, dreamed of leaving for training in Shaolin. Now such undertakings are quite feasible. Many famous and not so schools muay thai muay thai Phuket, Pattaya and Chiang Mai offer foreigners unlimited long stays with training in their training camps.

Choosing a Muay Thai school

To get the best results in Thai boxing, foreigners need to choose the right muay thai school. The price in this case is not a determining factor. Much more important is the presence of attentive instructors and the correct setting of training goals.

Usually in Muay Thai camps, training takes place twice a day. The training program includes a lot of running, power training, sparring and bag work. Therefore, in order not to die at the very first lesson of Thai boxing, it is important to correctly determine your initial level.

muay thai training cost

Monthly price muay thai training course can range from 5 to 15 thousand baht (recall 1 baht is approximately 0.95 rubles). It depends on the number of coaches, the location of the camp, the density and severity of training. Often Muay Thai schools are required to field their fighters in specific Muay Thai competitions. If a beginner maintains such conditions, it will also affect the price of the muay thai training course.

Do not rush to pay the entire amount for the whole month. If you stop muay thai due to an injury, there is a chance that your money will remain in the school. In many Muay Thai schools you can take one-time trial daily workouts(price 300-500 baht).

Find out in advance about the prices for the purchase or rental of sports equipment: gloves, paws, protective belts, pads and other things - these amounts will also be added to the total costs.

Accommodation of athletes in the Thai boxing camp

Muay Thai training camps are located on the outskirts of towns and cities and have their own accommodation. The cost of living in the camp is calculated separately and can reach 2-3 thousand baht per month. Meals are usually included in the price. basic course Muay Thai.

AT good schools Muay Thai beginners should not be left to their own devices. The usual practice is one instructor leads a group of 2-3 students. It is advisable to find a Muay Thai school whose instructors are:

1. They themselves are speakers muay thai fighters with a specific track record.
2. Can communicate on English language, - otherwise the risk of overtraining or injury increases.

Is it possible to earn money by participating in Muay Thai competitions?

Many, having achieved some success in Thai boxing, are eager to compete in Muay Thai. With some luck and preparation, athletes can certainly earn money by participating in Muay Thai fights. The earnings of Muay Thai fighters, depending on the rank of the competition, experience and belonging to certain schools, range from 4 to 25 thousand baht. However muay thai fights are extremely traumatic, so beginners in Thai boxing should not count on competitions as a serious source of income for at least a couple of years.

muay thai schools

Lanna Muay Thai School. chiangmai
One of the most consistent schools in the north of Thailand. It is distinguished by thoughtfulness of methods, depth of technique development and victories of its champions in Muay Thai competitions.

Thai boxing is the national sport of Thailand. it the best place where you can learn this ancient martial art. Pattaya offers tourists a wide range of schools where they can get training, and also allows you to fully enjoy the professional fights that take place in the city regularly.

Muay Thai is the second name of Thai boxing. origins martial art lie in ancient times, the history of Thai boxing has more than two thousand years. In Thailand, Muay Thai became known in the 16th century, and in the 20th century it spread all over the planet.

Initially, Thai boxing was a very cruel sport: the vanquished was carried out of the ring either dead or beaten. Now the rules have been relaxed. Previously, Thai boxing was just a way to get out of poverty and earn a living, now it is a prestigious and elite sport in which Thai boys are sent as early as five years old.

Now about 130 thousand people are engaged in Thai boxing in their homeland, of which only 10 thousand are professionals. And this is not counting the military and law enforcement officers: they have Thai boxing included in the mandatory training program.

Muay Thai traditions are also very interesting: for example, prayer and ritual dance that precede each fight. The fighters also have special prajata and mongkon amulets that carry a sacred meaning. The fight itself is always accompanied by ritual music, and the fighters follow a special code of honor that requires respect for their opponent.


It is better to start acquaintance with Thai boxing from visiting fights. There are several stadiums in Pattaya that periodically host competitions and shows where you can see famous fighters and champions from different countries and see for yourself what an unusual and beautiful sport it is.

Pattaya Boxing World

Coordinates: 12°57’18.8″N 100°54’30.6″E (12.955216, 100.908511)
Competition dates: Wednesday and Friday from 20:00 to 24:00.
Ticket prices: From 1000 baht (depending on location).
Address: 387 moo 6 Sukhumwit, Naklua, Muang Pattaya, Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-38-726-203, 038-726-20-34

Fairtex Thepprasit Boxing Stadium

Coordinates: 12°54’35.2″N 100°53’31.0″E (12.909764, 100.891939)
Competition dates: Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 20:00 to 24:00.
Ticket prices: 1000 baht (in the stands), 1200 baht (at the ringside).
Address: Thep Prasit 2 Alley, Muang Pattaya, Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-93-198-1378

Max Muay Thai Stadium

Coordinates: 12°55’43.9″N 100°53’56.9″E (12.928859, 100.899151)
Working hours: 10:00-22:00 (see the poster on the official website).
Address: 42/108 Sukumvit Rd. Moo.9 Nongprue, Banglamung, Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-038-416-999, 08-2495-5549


Having got acquainted with the history, traditions, having joined the Muay Thai culture, you can become a student yourself: in Pattaya there are several Thai boxing schools where recognized masters teach, there are programs for beginners and professionals, and the prices are very affordable.

Cho Nateetong Thai Boxing Camp

Coordinates: 12°57’53.8″N 100°54’47.1″E (12.964938, 100.913086)
Working hours: 08:00-20:00
Address: Sukhumvit-Phatthaya 31 Alley, Muang Pattaya, Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-92-624-9354

Club 107 Gym

Coordinates: 12°53’48.4″N 100°52’17.2″E (12.896784, 100.871452)
Working hours: Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 10:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00.

  • 300 baht - lesson with a group;
  • 500 baht - individual lesson;
  • 5500 baht - subscription for a month (1 lesson per day);
  • 9500 baht - subscription for a month (2 lessons per day).

Address: Soi Jomtien 7 Muang Pattaya, Amphoe Bang Lamung, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-61789-6620
Mail: [email protected]

Twin Tiger Muay Thai Training Camp

Coordinates: 12°55’21.7″N 100°52’56.1″E (12.922680, 100.882260)
Working hours: 08:00-20:00
Prices: From 300 baht per lesson.
Address: 313 Moo 10 3rd Road, Muang Pattaya, Pattaya, Chonburi 20150
Telephone: +66-87-136-3195

World Kumite Center (Shorin Kempo)

Coordinates: 12°56’00.2″N 100°53’44.7″E (12.933376, 100.895762)
Working hours: 08:30-22:00

  • 300 baht - one lesson;
  • 3000 baht - subscription for a month;
  • 30,000 baht - subscription for a year.

Address: 503/16 Moo 9, Pattaya Central Road, Chonburi 20150
Telephone: +66-38-374-116

Fairtex Sports Club and Hotel

Coordinates: 12°57’04.4″N 100°53’24.8″E (12.951213, 100.890216)
Working hours: Daily from 8:00 to 10:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00.

  • 800 baht for one lesson;
  • 4300 baht per night for two (Fairtex Residence + training).

Address: 179/185 212, N Pattaya Rd, Muang Pattaya, Pattaya, Chang Wat Chon Buri 20150
Telephone: +66-86-308-7031, +66-38-25-38-89

Kombat Group

You can fly to Thailand for a beach holiday and unbridled parties or immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a martial arts camp for two or three weeks. We continue to replenish the list of reasons to go to the other end of the world, at least a little different from the bored “well, just rest.”

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"Muay Thai" is translated as "duel of the free", and the main difference from other types of martial arts is the ability to inflict fast and pretty strong blows hands, elbows, shins and knees, for which he is also called eight-armed.

Now Thai boxing is practically the main sport in Thailand, which is sponsored by the government and involves a huge number of people. It is impossible to come, for example, to Phuket, and not meet a single school or ring - they are everywhere here.

And no one, except for the Thais themselves in their usual scenery, will explain to the young Padawans by their own example that Thai boxing is first of all about “have fun”, and only then everything else.

Why do I need Thai boxing?

  • You have always been attracted to the aesthetics and philosophy of martial arts.
  • You want to be able to defend yourself in the event of an attack.
  • You need to lose weight or just get in shape, and regular gyms and workouts seem boring.
  • You seek to bring the mind and body into harmony.
  • You are simply inquisitive - today you are surfing, tomorrow you are yachting, and the day after tomorrow you started knitting sweaters.

And where to go?

Only to Thailand. Fortunately, the path there has been trodden, airlines fly uninterruptedly, and you do not need a visa. But there is room for maneuver - you can go to noisy Phuket or Pattaya, quieter Koh Samui, Chiang Mai or even climb into a small village in search of maximum authenticity.

The sun, famous Thai beaches, fresh fruits, relaxing massage and a beautiful tan will be a bonus to training.

The peculiarities of training in Thailand are an amazing atmosphere in the gym, very warm, like a family. It's always a lot of fun, the Thais are all joking, caring, everything is done with a smile, and you yourself have a smile on your face throughout the entire workout. You feel like a member of this big and friendly family. Therefore, all visitors really like to train here, everyone wants to come again and again, they literally fall in love with the gym.

Katya Knysheva

PhuketTopTeam, muay thai fighter

Decided - I want! But can I?

Here you need to start with the fact that Muay Thai is a hobby equally for men and women. Many girls from Russia choose Thai boxing, preferring it to fitness.

For an introductory course in Thai boxing, you do not need a special physical training- It is important to choose a school or camp that has a course for beginners. In addition to the actual combat lessons, such a course necessarily includes a general load - running, stretching and strength training.

But if you are determined to dive into the world of Muay Thai, it will be a good idea to prepare a little in advance. This will reduce the risk of injury, help you learn technique more easily, get less tired, and keep up with others.

Many of us regularly engage in some kind of sport - go to the gym, run, perform functional training. This will be enough. If the sport goes in parallel in your life, we recommend that you join a little, starting at least a month before departure. Nothing special - standard general stretching and strengthening exercises muscle corset. If you decide to go to the gym, be sure to tell the trainer that you are planning to go to the Muay Thai camp. He will select the right load for you.

How are schools and camps organized?

Almost any Thai boxing school in Thailand is actually a school where active Muay Thai fighters themselves work and train, and a residential camp where you can stay for any period of time - from several days to several months.

There are no schools and camps where exclusively Russian tourists would get in Thailand, but this is for the best. Each training is like an international seminar, where representatives of various nationalities are gathered.

There are several options for coming to school:

1. If time is not very limited, fly to Thailand on your own, rent a hotel or guest house, and then ask the locals for recommendations. Here we still advise you to take in advance a list of those schools that you already have good feedback and compare the information received. Go see the training facilities for yourself - you can even visit one or two training sessions in each and choose what you like in the end.

2. If there is not much time, decide on the school and book the training course and accommodation in advance.

Here in our maze again 2 options. You can book any suitable hotel near the school or in another place suitable for you, or stay in a camp at the school - the conditions will probably be more spartan, but the prices will also be lower. But immersion in the atmosphere in the second case is guaranteed one hundred percent - athletes of the most different levels preparation, and you will always have the opportunity to ask questions and chat about what interests you.

Another advantage of camp life is that there are special programs weight loss, which include diet food or a detox course. In conjunction with physical activity it gives very impressive results - all more people go to muay thai camps in order to quickly and safely lose weight.

Package offers, which certainly include accommodation at the school, are not found here - the student is given complete freedom of action.

Thailand is on my schedule: twice a year. We spend two weeks there every six months. This is such a sanatorium: we go in for sports, change mental work for physical, sleep enough, eat right, get the sea, the sun, impressions, communication. For two weeks we are engaged only in ourselves: physically and spiritually. In Moscow, if you are not a professional athlete, sport goes by the wayside. Sometimes there is not enough time, energy, events or urgent matters happen. Not to mention the routine. Well, there is the spirit of sports in the air. He's charging! My dream is to go for 6 weeks.

Elena Kizyuk

PR director

How are the workouts going?

Some schools specialize exclusively in Muay Thai, but there are those that combine it with MMA training, classic boxing, grappling, brazilian jiu-jitsu and cross-fit. There are also yoga, fitness and meditation classes.

In any camp, there is constant movement. Someone is training, someone is hitting a bag, someone is chatting or relaxing after sparring. This is a large living organism, where everyone can find a place.

One day in the life of a school is usually two Thai boxing sessions - in the morning and in the evening.

One workout lasts about two hours - it includes a warm-up, shadow boxing in front of a mirror, pad and boxing work, bag work, sparring and final stretching.

How to choose a school?

At the end of the article there is a list of the most popular and proven schools, but for those who prefer to go their own way, we have collected a few recommendations from professional athletes:

  • Try to choose a school where the coaches speak at least a little English. This will save you from overtraining, excessive fatigue, injury and definitely add domestic comfort and peace of mind. It is difficult to study when you hardly understand the mentor.
  • Be interested in the level of professional athletes who train and train at school. The higher it is, the better and more solid the camp.

I'm going! How much money to take?

We will count in rubles - the baht is too encouraging with a low exchange rate - and 2 weeks of stay based on the arithmetic mean for schools. If you want to stay longer - multiply the prices by the required number of times and do not forget that they give good discounts for long-term accommodation and training in camps!

Subscription for a week of training "All Inclusive" (all school training: Muay Thai, boxing, fitness, jiujitsu, MMA, etc.)

15 000 rubles

Accommodation in a superior dormitory in the camp (private room with 1 double bed and shared shower)

13 000 rubles

Accommodation in a standard double room

26 000 rubles

Diet food in the camp

12 000 rubles

Regular cafe food (no alcohol)

16 000 rubles

Flight Moscow - Phuket

30,000 - 35,000 rubles on a direct flight of Aeroflot Airlines

Equipment (uniform, bandages, gloves and leg protection)

8 000 rubles

Additional expenses (transfers from the airport and back, souvenirs, trips around the island)

10 000 rubles

Total: about 95,000 rubles per person for 2 weeks of active training, warmth, invaluable experience and impressions and envious questions from friends “where is it? what is it? And how did you get there?"

This section is based on a five-year observation of the training of well-known Thai boxers in Thai camps. Here is a generalized analysis of the training of leading Muay Thai masters.
Thai boxers train in special camps, of which there are about two thousand in Bangkok alone. The camp is small complex from the area under a canopy directly for training, the rooms where the boxers live, and often the manager's house.
Each camp has from one to four rings, 2-6 bulk bags, bulk and pneumatic pears, stretch balls. By American and European standards, the camps look rather poor, but there are enough boxing gloves, masks, and paws. Usually 12-18 boxers are engaged in the camp, for which there are 1-3 trainers and 5-6 assistants. Thus, the classes outwardly look like a group, but in fact there is a constant individual work with each athlete. Boxers get up at 6 o'clock in the morning, have breakfast, and at 9 o'clock the first training session begins. A large amount of the time of this training takes, as they say in boxing, "work on the road." While working on the road, a boxer usually runs 5-8 kilometers with varying intensity. Despite the hot climate, boxers run around dressed in tracksuits. This is followed by a short work on the paws and the bag.
In some camps, boxers start training at 6 am. Jogging, shadow boxing and some special exercises last up to 7 hours.
The second training starts at 3 pm. Boxers usually do a run that lasts 15-30 minutes. Training in the camp begins with jumping rope or on tires from the wheels of trucks. Jumping takes 10-15 minutes. Followed by shadow boxing. It is held in a peculiar way, unusual for athletes involved in ordinary English boxing. Boxers move in the free area at a low pace and inflict various blows rather sluggishly. By the way, the boxers who train right there and perform according to the rules of English boxing are fighting with a shadow in the ring, which is familiar to us, representing an imaginary opponent. Shadow boxing lasts 3 rounds of 3-4 minutes.
Then begins the development of techniques on the paws. When working with the paws, the trainer or assistant imitates various blows, forcing the boxer to use various defenses and counterattacks. The work on the paws lasts 3-4 rounds.
Usually three times a week training fights are held. During them, boxers are used only. Athletes box in 12-16 oz gloves and very closed masks. The training fight is in full force, because if the boxer does not spar in full force, he, according to the Thais, will have. A training fight usually lasts 2-4 rounds.
after work on the paws or training fight, work on bags lasting from 3 to 5 rounds follows. Other shells (pears, stretch balls, wall pillows) are used by boxers individually and in a small amount.
When working in pairs, which usually lasts 2 rounds, boxers strike easily, often with their feet, which are completely unprotected by protectors. The essence of such a fight is to apply the right defense, to make a counterattack. The more variety and originality in the applied actions, the better. The last 2-4 rounds of training are devoted to wrestling in the clinch. Boxers easily throw knees to each other, the focus is on getting the partner off balance, using the best grips, knees at the moment when the partner is not ready to defend.
The training ends with exercises for the development of the muscles of the neck and abdominals.
In between rounds, boxers drink clean water to regulate the water-salt regime and restore some degree boxer strength. Training takes place within the boundaries of weight class. because a boxer, getting into the conditions of a competitive fight, calmly withstands high loads.
* Weight loss has a negative effect on the performance of the body.
Thus, in this article, five-year observations of the training of famous Thai boxers from the leading Muay Thai camps in Thailand are considered. Despite the insufficient equipment of the halls and financing only at its own expense, Thailand remains the mecca of the world Muay Thai and the leader of Thai boxing all over the world.