What muscles should be pumped. Which muscles should be trained together. Preparing for serious training

Performing exercises in fitness and bodybuilding is not easy. When doing exercises at home, there is no spirit of competition, motivating "magic kicks" of the trainer and a brand new shiny iron. Yes, you will have to be especially ruthless towards yourself, because a cozy homely atmosphere does not in any way encourage intensive work. But as soon as you start, you won't be able to stop, and this slight muscle tremor will become a pleasure. Regular physical exercises+ proper nutrition = the inevitable result, and you will definitely come to it. But there is one important nuance. Only correct technique doing exercises will give you the desired body. Do you want to achieve maximum effect? Stay with us .

Or maybe them, these exercises for training?

No no and one more time no. Of course, if you choose training in the gym, then home workouts may be superfluous: the muscles do not have time to recover. But if the gym in your own living room is the only type of exercise, by no means give up on this idea!

By choosing the right exercises and fitness at home, you become independent. You do not need to spend money on a subscription, travel time, or wait in line for a simulator. You do not have to be tied to the schedule of the sports club, and training will be possible at any time of the day or night. Make a schedule, increase the intensity, and go to your ideal body!

Doing the exercises: learn all the subtleties from A to Z

In the home workout section you will find the maximum useful information for those who are ready for serious work. The most effective exercises, bodybuilding both with and without equipment are presented. Even if only dumbbells are at your disposal from the entire arsenal of iron, you can achieve results. Exercises with dumbbells lead to the desired effect pretty quickly.

Choose an exercise in several ways:

  • difficulty level
  • equipment
  • muscle groups
  • mind (basic and isolating exercises)

Convenient filtering system will allow you to make right choice. And the ranking of the most effective exercises at home (according to the results of the popular vote) will give even more confidence.

Doing exercises at home: take action!

On the page with exercises there is not only a description of the technique for performing the exercise, but also tips from a practicing trainer. Photo and video training will help to avoid possible mistakes. Learn and act without delay.

Within a couple of weeks after you start exercising, fitness and bodybuilding will become as necessary to you as air. The body will get used to the loads, and you will get more and more pleasure from each workout.

“Real strength comes from the mind. She makes you go, even when the body wants to fall. Bear Grylls

One desire to have a beautiful embossed body is not enough. To achieve significant results allows exceptional perseverance and a clearly set goal, patience and determination, knowledge and avoidance of common mistakes. Beginning athletes quite often focus only on cardio, power loads or dietary proper nutrition. Such a one-sided approach will not bring the desired effect. We need to work in all directions.

If increased loads and hourly workouts in the gym do not bring the desired effect, then this is direct evidence that the chosen methods for building a pumped up athletic body are ineffective. The following tips and recommendations on how to build muscle in a short time without going to the gym allow you to correct the situation.

Starting training, athletes want not only to become bigger, but also to give their muscles a clear expression. Looking better and more attractive is the main reason why people go to the gym. This is the reason for the priority of finding the most effective way to give relief to the muscles.

Many beginners try to find supplements, exercise programs, diets and other means that allow them to achieve the desired relief on their own. However, for non-professional bodybuilders, you can try many methods and never find one that actually works. And in order not to waste precious time, get acquainted with three simple, but truly effective methods and secrets of how to pump up relief.

Strength Equipment Doesn't Guarantee Success

Weight lifting, exercise on simulators, regular visits to the fitness center are not priority areas in pumping up muscles. Embossed body can be built without the use of specialized power equipment, doing not in gym, but at home.

What needs to be done for this?! It is necessary to come to grips with aerobics, borrow exercises from rhythmic gymnastics for your training, do not forget about the importance of quality nutrition, without going beyond the recommended diet. If you strictly follow these recommendations, then one hundred percent result is guaranteed.

Three effective steps towards building a relief body

First step

If for some reason there is no opportunity to go to the gym, then this training will replace work on specialized sports equipment

Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, tilts, lifts and lunges of the torso are the most affordable exercises to do at home. To increase muscle mass, do rhythmic gymnastics three to five times a week.

Tip: Be sure to rest between workouts. With an increase in the intensity of everyday loads, the likelihood of burning fat is high. In order to build muscle along with burning fat and excess calories, you need to maintain the intensity of the rhythmic gymnastics performed.

step two

Get rid of excess fat easy and simple aerobics will allow.

The recommended training intensity is up to five times every seven days. It is best to start with thirty minutes. You can try brisk walking or cycling. If there is a need for a constant decrease in body fat, the intensity is increased.

Important to know: Low-intensity exercise burns fat calories, while high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting and running, burns calories. Knowing these nuances when performing cardio training allows you to maintain high level metabolism over a longer period of time.

Step Three

Eating five or six times a day may seem strange enough to many. However, those who want to gain muscle relief should adhere to just such a schedule. Moreover, the number of portions eaten is much more important than the content.

  • frequent meals in small portions can speed up metabolism and reduce hunger;
  • before and after each workout you need to eat proteins with carbohydrates;
  • make portions, including foods with healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, proteins.


  1. You need to eat foods that do not contain extraneous additives, ingredients such as fats, sugar, salt, which can lead to disruption of the overall plan for a healthy diet.
  1. Increased muscle growth leads to increased activity not only during periods of training, but also a mobile lifestyle throughout the day.
  1. Maintain a normal weight, avoiding problems with extra pounds allows the consumption of fewer calories than required. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive reduction in the nutritional value of foods can lead to loss muscle mass.

Four secrets to quickly pumping up muscles without going to the gym

A sculpted body is an achievable goal, but the path to it is quite complicated and requires incredible willpower. You need to adhere to strict discipline and remember that you can achieve something only after a certain period of time. However, there are ways to speed up this process. For anyone who wants to achieve quick results, it is recommended to resort to four "secret" exercises that are simple and easy to perform, and the effect is amazing.

The availability of any of the many types of push-ups to perform at home allows you to use all muscle groups in the training.

You need to do push-ups daily, as many times as your own training allows. You should not stop at the classic version. You can do push-ups on your fingers, on one hand, change the position of the arms in width.

No matter what push-ups are performed, they burn fat and build muscle.

The most important point for getting relief is burning fat. The best way to do this task is to jump with a regular rope. They do not require a lot of free space, but allow you to get high loads.

The most effective training will be with double jumps, turning into slow ones, performed backward with a light step. The number of approaches is unlimited.

An excellent exercise for developing back and bicep strength, especially with variations such as chin-ups and pull-ups. They allow you to work out the back muscles, but in a slightly different way. The first is performed in such a way that the elbows go down and back, that is, the muscles of the shoulder are stretched. The second is performed in reverse or with support - using the shoulder adduction.

The best result will give pull-ups with a combination of different grips.

Imitation of movement as when riding a bicycle is performed lying on your back with legs raised, bent at a right angle at the knees. Hands are behind the head, calves are parallel to the floor.

Tearing off the shoulders and head, they make a bicycle with their feet, touching the left knee with the right elbow, twisting lateral muscles, take their original position.

You don't have to chase quantity. Most importantly, focus on correct execution exercise that mimics cycling. The exercise is repeated several times in a row without taking a break.

The best strategy for getting relief

There is no opportunity to spend a lot of time in the gym and exercise on shells, but the desire to gain a muscular body is great? You don't have to give up. You can give your muscles the cherished relief without exercise equipment, and, most importantly, much faster than with many hours of training in a fitness center.

Everyone has muscles, but most of them are hidden due to the presence of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in the construction of relief only in conjunction with getting rid of body fat.

This will be done by focusing on two fundamental points:

  • diet food;
  • choosing the right exercise.

Pay attention to strength training

They don't require a lot of exercise. It is better to immediately choose a few of the most progressive trainings, increasing the weight every week.

Even the best cardio training will not help get rid of body fat if the nutrition is of poor quality. Without a properly composed menu, all workouts, loads and other efforts will be absolutely in vain. In other words, the effort and time expended will not bring results.

In order not to feel hungry, include complex carbohydrates in the menu, do not violate the established regular meal plan. To maintain muscle glycogen allows the use of five grams of carbohydrates for every two sets performed.

Do strength training

Especially important point for those on a strict diet. Strength exercises allow you not only to build, but also to keep muscles in good shape, without requiring any special effort.

It is enough to perform simple lifts two to four times a week. If this is the first experience for a novice athlete, you can choose basic program on strength training and master it.

Running does not take a lot of time, it easily fits into the routine of even busy people. Beginners who have never done any activity before should start running in slow pace. Weekly runs quickly burn fat, the disappearance of which allows the muscles to show their relief.

The number of cardio loads directly depends on the genetic predisposition. Some people need little or no exercise to lose fat, others, on the contrary, have to make every effort. Regardless of this, it is the load received during running that allows you to throw off “excess fat” in a short time.

Never Forget Three Simple Truths

  1. strength training is needed to build muscles;
  2. to burn fat you need to run;
  3. to get a beautiful relief, you should follow a quality diet.

These simple recommendations will allow anyone who seeks to gain a relief and toned body to make progress in a few weeks. The main thing is to carefully monitor your diet and exercise. Go jogging, pump the press, do deadlifts, follow a diet, and in the near future demonstrate to others the exceptional relief of your body.

We pump muscles at home - Video

In this article, I will tell you how to properly compose a training program.

I advise you to take this article very seriously and carefully!

For the one who masters it (reads it) - 50% of the questions related to bodybuilding will disappear.

Very often, when newcomers come to the gym and start exercising, they jump from one split to another, thereby preventing their body from feeling the pros or cons of a particular program.

In order not to stagnate in one place, you need to make a training plan and constantly follow it, otherwise you simply won’t understand whether it is effective for you or not.

Well, how do personal trainers program?

Usually, every newcomer who comes to the gym, when he just starts exercising, wants to believe in some secret training methods and a miracle program, some magic pills, they say you drink proteins - a chemist.

This is complete nonsense, if you really want to achieve a result you will have to work hard on yourself.

Training programs and the trainers who make them up

Usually, trainers write the same programs for all beginners with slight adjustments to their taste. For example: if a skinny, novice teenager comes up, he may throw out some dangerous exercises.

You ask how it is, gives everyone the same thing? Is it bad? In fact, if the trainer is qualified and has his own ideas about training, he will give almost the same thing to all his clients.

For it is simply not possible to create an ideal personal program for you the first time!

Let's hope that the coach does not write complete nonsense. For example, a thin teenager came to the gym to gain muscle mass, and the coach made him do 30-40 repetitions and rest for 5 minutes at the same time.

In short, our main task in compiling a training program is to choose the right direction, and subsequently correct this direction for ourselves. Therefore, any program, even the most idiotic one, is still better than its absence (these are the so-called chaotic workouts).

How often should you exercise?

How often do you train or train specific muscle groups? We have:

  • big muscles(legs, back, chest).
  • small muscles (biceps, triceps, deltas, calves).

Large muscles recover much longer than the second ones, as you already understood because of their size. In other words, large muscles may need one more day of rest than small ones.

The next important thing is the volume that you completed during the workout. The longer and harder you train a muscle, the more time it takes to rest.

The next thing is just as important: your fitness. The longer you train, the more on the one hand you are adapted to carry the load and recover faster. On the other hand, the more muscles you have, the more time they need to recover. Here is such a paradox.

If you think about it that way, each coach has his own thoughts about the frequency of rest between workouts.

My opinion is that beginners can train often enough at a moderate intensity in order to get used to the loads and teach the muscles to contract with higher efficiency (efficiency is the brain-muscle connection for a beginner still does not work as efficiently as for an experienced bodybuilder), in addition, beginners have rather small muscles and they will recover faster than the pro athlete.

Conclusion: for beginners, 2-4 days are enough between workouts of one muscle group.

How long should the workout be?

The workout should last 45-60 minutes, of course, if you are straight (that is, do not use AAS).

Why exactly 45-60min? Training is a monstrous stress for our hormonal system and the body as a whole.

Training is the release of cortisol and other catabolics.

In other words, if you delay their release time, then recovery from this stress will slow down due to a slowdown in the release of anabolic hormones, in particular testosterone.

Accordingly, if you inject artificial hormones, you can train longer, because. it does not apply to you.

How much rest do you need between sets?

Usually in bodybuilding, on theory, rest between sets is advised to take one minute.

If you compare bodybuilding with powerlifting, then in powerlifting you need to rest for 3 minutes or more.

In our case, in bodybuilding, muscles grow most of all from volumetric work with medium weights.

Therefore, rest 1 max 2 minutes (if you are working on a mass of 6-12 reps) this will be enough to complete 5-6 exercises per workout to meet 40-45 minutes.

What to train with what and how to make a split?

You can train the whole body in a workout, or you can split muscle groups on different days (split). Split means to split and is usually more advanced and progressive because it allows you to work more concentratedly on each muscle.

In this section, there will be 2 rules for the training split:

  • If you are a beginner, then you need to split the body less on different days.
  • If you are already an experienced athlete and you have more muscle, the more training days you can do in your complex.

Now about these two rules. The basic idea is that the more muscle and fitness you have, the more training days will benefit your body. If you are a skinny teenager, your split, for example, on Monday, trained the whole body at a time, took a rest on Tuesday.

If you have some kind of preparation, then you can do a split on your body, for example, most often they train 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

Regarding training which muscle groups can be trained together, it is very important to consider recovery and the fact that many muscles are used indirectly when training other muscle groups.

This can affect recovery, and this in turn can affect performance.

In addition, some groups require more severe and long workout than other muscle groups. Let's look at what muscle groups exist.

There are so-called pushing and pulling muscle groups:

  • pushers are chest, triceps, deltas
  • pulling - this is the back, biceps, legs

For example: if you have trained your biceps, and then you want to train your back, this is a very bad idea, because the biceps and back are a pulling group, in addition, our biceps are weaker than the back.

And if you tire your biceps, you won’t be able to properly train your back. That's it. Another thing is if you train your back first, and then your biceps, it will be reasonable.

The main rule here is: when you train a bunch of muscles, always start with the larger muscle groups.

For example: First the back, then the biceps or first the chest, and then the triceps, etc.

This is a very important point: large workouts at the beginning, and small ones after.

What if I have multiple muscle groups in my workout?

Combining several large muscle groups in one workout is not recommended.

It is better to combine one large group with several smaller ones than, for example, chest and legs or back and legs.

This is too heavy a load (will limit your ability to train each group properly) and besides, you will have to drive blood from the upper body to the lower, which is not desirable because it will load your circulatory system.

An exception can be made for training the back and chest on the same day, because. they are antagonistic muscles.

What are antagonists? Many muscles perform opposite movements. pectoral pushing hands, and latissimus dorsi their backs pull, the biceps bends the arm, and the triceps unbends it, etc. These are the so-called opposite muscles - antagonists.

Very often it makes sense to train them together. Because when you, for example: do biceps curls, your triceps are also passively included in the work and are also stretched, in addition, the pumping effect is very pronounced, because. the blood isn't going anywhere.

About the legs. The legs are the strongest and largest muscle group in the human body. If you're moving on to more advanced splits, it's a good idea to set aside a separate day for leg workouts.

  • The best splits - Antagonists: Chest, Back - Deltas, Arms - Legs, 3 times a week.
  • Advanced split: Legs - Back - Chest - Deltas - Arms, 5 times a week.

As for the rest, everything is simple if you are not progressing, then you are either training too often or too rarely. More often than not, people will load their split of 7-8 exercises, 5 sets, etc. with not enough rest days. If you feel like you need a day off, it's best to do so.

How to choose exercises in your training split?

Everything is simple here. If you want big muscles, big muscle mass then do only the base.

What are basic and isolating exercises I advise you to read separately by clicking on the link.

In short, the base is those exercises that include several muscle groups at once.

Forget about isolated exercises and simulators in general, this is nonsense, they do not give growth at all. These things are designed for beauty and to attract new clients to the gym, not for the growth of large muscles.

So if you want mass (big juicy muscles, then your goal is hard work with a barbell and dumbbells).

What is the sequence of exercises in a split?

There are two very important rules. From hard to easy, and from bigger to smaller.

The more joints involved in an exercise, the earlier it needs to be performed (base).

For example: we train the chest, that is, we start with barbell presses and end up with easier shaping, for example, wiring or a crossover. If these are legs, then first squat and only then extension.

But here, too, there is one rule, for example, I have problems with my knees, I cannot do a squat as the first exercise, for this I set the leg extension while sitting and do preliminary fatigue, that is, I do it 20-30 times with maximum weight. I think you get the point.

For most, you need to start with more difficult and complex exercises, and finish with light (isolation exercises).

How many reps per working set?

This is a very long topic, in which I will not write very much.

In short, I will say that if your goal is mass, it will most effectively perform 6-12 repetitions.

It doesn't really matter, because best height observed if you reach positive failure after 10-30 seconds from the start of the exercise, and the interval of 6-12 repetitions allows you to settle into this interval.

In conclusion, I would like to say that individual training programs- this is very good. But! In order to compile it approximately, you need to know a lot about a particular person (his lifestyle, heredity, physical condition, etc.).

And who knows this better than you? The answer is obvious - you yourself. Therefore, I advise you to be patient, start a training diary, and then make an analysis of your achievements and programs - this is the most The best way create the perfect personal training program.

Sports nutrition in bodybuilding

P.S. In the same section, I decided to highlight a separate topic about sports nutrition, because most beginners believe in miracle pills that will get them pumped up. I assure you it is not.

They serve only as additions to the usual high-grade food.

That's why they are called additives, it's logical. Moreover, from the very beginning, you should know that sports nutrition is not chemistry. This is ordinary food.

Simply the main advantage of sports nutrition is that it is extremely convenient in terms of preparation and absorption, unlike regular food.

In bodybuilding, there are such types of supplements as:

  • Protein (protein)
  • amino acids
  • gainers, energy drinks
  • vitamins and minerals
  • fat burners
  • creatine
  • prohormones

Each of them is effective in its own way, if you wish (if necessary), you can fit your needs. I advise you to read more about sports nutrition. Therefore, do not wind yourself up, train and eat right and success will not keep you waiting.

A person has 6 main muscle groups, each of which needs to be worked out during training: calves and arms, chest, legs, back, shoulders. muscles abdominal cavity this is a conditional 7th group, but they are worked out even during basic exercises. There are many ways to make the most progress in as soon as possible, combining in one workout the study of several muscle groups. There are common types of programs from leading experts and their derivatives, which you should pay attention to at the beginning of your journey.

Is there a difference which muscles to train together

Muscle groups in bodybuilding

Each muscle group is designed to perform specific tasks. For example, one half of the muscles is designed to push, and the other is to pull. From here follows the standard division:

  • pulling muscle tissue - biceps and back;
  • pushing muscle groups - triceps, shoulders and chest.

Next come the legs, which include calf muscles, quadriceps and hamstrings. Each group consists of individual muscles, which together ensure the full functioning of the body and the movement of a person in space.

This division is rather superficial, but it allows you to understand which tissues are recommended to be trained in one day. For a high-quality study of the muscles of the chest and others, one condition is required - the technical and regular performance of isolating exercises.

The main principles of combination

Each person is individual, therefore, 1-3 workouts per week are enough for someone, and 5 lessons are not enough for some. There must be a measure in everything. After exhausting workouts, muscle fibers and bone tissues should fully rest and recover, otherwise you should not expect obvious progress.

The study of the press is recommended to be included at the end of each workout, therefore, in the diagrams below, exercises for its training will not be marked. To achieve the desired results, you need to take note of the correct sequence of exercises:

  • shoulders;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • trapezium and neck;
  • back extensors;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • legs (in this case we are talking about the buttocks).

The main rules for combining training

The basic rules of combination developed by professional athletes:

Training schemes, taking into account the main rules of the combination.

The listed examples of a combination of groups will allow not only to gain muscle mass, but also to lose weight, get rid of excess calories.

Examples of training schemes

Well-known experts have developed 4 main schemes for effective training.

Scheme Description
Push-Push Program The essence of this scheme is that pulling groups are worked out on one day, pushing groups on the other, and calf groups on the third. As a rule, the training session consists of more basic exercises, for example, pull-ups, squats with a barbell, deadlift and bench press.
Working out the antagonist muscles Antagonists are muscle tissues that relax while other groups are contracting. The main advantage of such classes is the minimum amount of stress.
Working out one muscle group in one training session Working out of one group in one training session. This type of circuit is most common among professional bodybuilders. To stimulate growth muscle fibers the optimal frequency of training is every 5-7 days.
Fullbody Working out of all groups in one training session. This is perhaps the most disapproving scheme.

Within each category, there are dozens of different variations and combinations of exercises designed to target specific soft tissues. The scheme should be developed on an individual basis, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body, its physical training, goals and amount of time spent in the gym.

If there are difficulties in self-selection of suitable exercises, it is recommended to seek the help of a professional.

Hi all. In today's article, I will tell you about the correct sequence of exercises in the gym for the most effective set of muscle mass and strength.

I will open the curtain: the correct sequence (order) of performing exercises in the gym directly depends on how your muscles will develop. And in order for them to develop as best (and faster) as possible, you need the right order (sequence) of exercises in training.

Therefore, we immediately remember the basic rule: you must start training with basic exercises (multi-joint), and finish (and that depends on the experience of this or that athlete) isolating (single-joint).

This is not done casually. Briefly, without going into details, compound exercises (multi-joint) are heavy compound exercises that build muscles much better than isolation exercises (single-joint).

In addition, strength growth is very important for gaining muscle mass in the body ... in other words, these two parameters are directly proportional. Do you understand? And what kind of strength can we talk about if you first tire one of the muscles that will participate in the basic exercise with an isolating exercise? … you just simply cannot give it your all and show the maximum result.

An example of the above: a person trained his biceps, after which he went to pull himself up, that is, to train his back. Everything, here it is a gross mistake. Having tired the biceps, he will not be able to properly train the back, because when we train the back, our biceps also work to their fullest. And many don’t know this ... so remember once and for all: we always start with large ones and end with small ones, for example: chest then deltas, back then biceps .. But, not vice versa, i.e. for example, deltas then the chest, or biceps then the back .. You see? It is not right!!!

Conclusion: Absolutely always start training with large muscles (such as: chest, back, legs, small muscles are: deltas, biceps, triceps, abs, calves, forearm) and absolutely always start training with basic exercises.

In special cases, you can start with isolation exercises.

In some cases, it really makes sense to start training with an isolating exercise, and not with a basic one! The main thing is that you understand why you are doing this. And you can do this for two reasons:

No. 1. To specifically (consciously) preliminarily tire the working muscle.

This technique is most often used only by advanced athletes (consciously).

Example: a person has weak pectoral muscles, and strong triceps (typical me). Therefore, such a person can specifically tire his strong triceps (with an isolating exercise) in order to “break through” the pectorals in the base after loading them (pumping) as much as possible. Comprendo?

In other words, we do all this crap so that strong triceps do not steal the load from the chest. That's all! Here, for example, such a person does a bench press lying on incline bench, and first of all, it’s not the chest that works for him, but the triceps! As a result, they steal (steal) almost the entire load from the chest, preventing them from growing ... that's why a person can use this technique to tire a strong chest and pump his weak chest)).

No. 2. To warm up / warm up the working muscle, ligaments and joints, and prepare them for more strength work thereby minimizing the chance of injury.

A vivid example: do an isolating exercise - with light weight, in a large number of repetitions (20-30-40), thereby warming up / warming up the knee joints, and only then move on to basic exercise- squats with a barbell on the shoulders or.

Something like that. In other cases (and this is the majority), it is imperative to start training with heavy basic (multi-joint) exercises. And finish insulating, and then, not everyone can finish isolating, it all depends on your training experience. In other words, beginners can only concentrate on the base, and completely eliminate any isolation. Well, I’m not a newbie, but I still work this way)), seriously, there is no isolation at all - none !!!

More advanced (and more experienced) athletes, of course, decide for themselves, however, as a rule (as practice shows) they use one, maximum 2 isolating movements at the end of the workout.

Professionals (I mean, those who are under pharma) decide for themselves, but if it’s garlic, between us, then isolation can work a hundred times better for them than the base)). I'm serious.. but this is only for those who are under the drug, for straight people (those who do not use anabol.steroids) this definitely won't work 100%, so they need to concentrate on the base.

The sequence of muscle groups in training

Just in case, for those people who cannot correctly compose a split program for themselves (the correct sequence of exercises and muscle groups on specific days), I have compiled for you, “training schemes” (this is the first article, there are only compiled training programs without explaining what and how), and here is the second article (in which I explain in detail what and how to do, it’s better to read it): “The best bodybuilding training programs”<= переходите по ссылке и смотрите.

Antagonist muscle groups in training

Antagonists are called muscles that have opposite effects on a particular part of the body, you can read more about this in the main article: “What are antagonist muscles? ”

Examples of muscle ligaments (groups of antagonists):

  • Chest + back or vice versa back + chest (no difference)
  • Biceps + triceps (by the way, triceps + biceps = will not work (badly), because when bending the arm, you always have to overcome the resistance of the triceps, which is trying to contract, as a result, you will not be able to train the biceps with 100% return).
  • Legs: quadriceps + hamstrings