New rules for cycling. How should cyclists ride on the road. Hands act as car headlights

Almost any driver will say that a cyclist has no place on high road, they drive without protection, there is no bodywork and you need to go around it far so as not to hurt it.

In fact, a bicycle is a vehicle, which means that it is a full-fledged participant traffic according to the rules of the road.

The cyclist is the driver.

A cyclist driving a bicycle nearby is equated to a pedestrian and, accordingly, the rules of behavior of pedestrians on the road begin to apply to him. Thus, a cyclist can change his status on the road, which drivers of cars, motorcycles and other Vehicle.

Any vehicle entering the road must be technically sound. This is the very first rule of all drivers.

The driver - cyclist is supposed to check the condition of the tires every time before leaving, evaluate the serviceability of the brake system and the sound signal, make sure that the steering wheel and seat are secure.

It is also necessary to monitor the availability and serviceability of lighting equipment:

  • in front of a white lamp, headlight or retroreflector;
  • behind a red lamp, headlight or retroreflector.


  1. The movement of cyclists in dark time days and in conditions of insufficient visibility, without the presence of burning or serviceable lighting devices;
  2. Movement of cyclists with malfunctions of the steering and braking system.

Modern bicycles can be technically equipped with an electric motor up to 0.25 kW, and even an automatic engine cut-off when accelerating to 25 km/h or more. Such vehicles are allowed to move and are equated to the usual "great".

Age to ride a bike

Many people have never even thought about the question: “At what age can you ride a bike?” In our life, a bicycle is bought for a child, almost from birth: first a small one, three or four wheels, then a child, then a teenager. The technical capabilities of the "iron friend" grow with the age of a person.

If we talk about the presence of a cyclist on the roads, the SDA for cyclists clearly states that a cyclist under 14 years of age is prohibited from driving on the carriageways of the road and shoulders.

From the age of seven to fourteen, a bicycle driver can ride on sidewalks, on special pedestrian and bicycle paths, and in pedestrian zones, but he cannot enter the road.

Children under the age of seven are only allowed to ride a bicycle on the pedestrian and cycling sections of the road. And in general, for safety reasons, children under 7 years old should be supervised by adults and should not be left alone, especially in proximity to the road.

You can become a cyclist very quickly. A trip to the store - and in half an hour you are already on a horse, along with the drivers of any other vehicle, you are driving along the road. Accordingly, the rules of the road for cyclists must be absolutely observed, and everyone who participates or only plans to participate in traffic on the roads of our country should know them. Yes, one can only dream of bike paths in many, or rather in most Russian cities. They simply don't exist.

Unfortunately, many drivers will attest that cyclists on main roads often don't bother to learn the rules and think "they'll get passed anyway."

So, every bike rider should know that:

  • driving a bicycle or driving it next to you on foot is carried out only in the direction of travel;
  • if there is a specially allocated lane for cyclists (bike path), you should only ride along it;
  • it is allowed to move along the right edge of the carriageway (not further than 1 m from the edge) or along the roadside, only one in a row;
  • in the absence of the above places, you can move along the pedestrian zone or the sidewalk;

Features of the movement of a column of cyclists:

  • the movement of the column is possible in two rows with the permissible overall width of two-wheeled vehicles not more than 0.75 m;
  • with a single-row movement, the column must be divided into groups of ten cyclists, with a two-row movement, ten pairs each;
  • allowable distance between groups from 80 to 100 m.

Thus, it is understandable that most cyclists in cities violate the rules of riding. They drive more than 1 meter from the edge of the right lane of the carriageway, or on sidewalks. And most importantly, they do not even feel guilty and violators.

Crossing rules

Turning right is by general rules and priority marks. on a single-lane road, it is carried out along the full trajectory, in one step.

Turn left in other cases can be made:

  • as a pedestrian, that is, dismount and hold the bike next to you;
  • in two steps: driving straight ahead, stopping with a turn, driving straight ahead.

Cyclists and pedestrians - who gives way?

Based on the definition that a cyclist is a driver of a vehicle, he is obliged to give way to pedestrians at unregulated pedestrian crossings. And at pedestrian crossings equipped with traffic lights, allow pedestrians to complete the crossing of the carriageway, in accordance with the general rules.

Bicycle lanes remain the most controversial place for cyclists and pedestrians to stay together. There is a feeling that cyclists have advantages in this area. But the rules do not prohibit pedestrians from walking along these special lanes. And, therefore, pedestrians must give way to the bike path.

Modern bicycle models are often equipped with signal turn signals, and therefore the signals indicating the turn occur like any motor transport. If the bike is not equipped with turn signals, then signals about the planned maneuvers should be given in the old fashioned way, with your hands:

  • turn to the right, rebuilding - extend the right arm or bend the left at the elbow;
  • turn left, rebuild - stretch out your left arm or bend your right at the elbow;
  • stop - any hand raised up.

Cyclists, as full-fledged road users, must know and be able to use in the course of movement all road signs established for mandatory use by the rules of traffic rules. You should learn special road signs for cyclists. It is important to pay attention to prohibition signs and signs establishing the end of a special lane for cyclists.

It must be remembered that bicycles are strictly prohibited from being on the motorway.


Lighting devices must be available and work properly on all mechanical moving vehicles, for bicycles - these are headlights, lamps or retroreflectors.

The front lights are white. The back is red.

overtaking rules

The rules of the road require cyclists to overtake according to the general rules, on the left. Prior to the start of the maneuver, the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle must make sure that the intended action is safe, not interfere with other road users, and take into account their speed capabilities compared to their own.

Traffic on the roadway and sidewalks - what is the right way?

The requirements for bicycle drivers in 2019 remained the same as in previous years. However, the ever-increasing number of cars and bicycles on the roads, which complicates traffic, affects safety. Certainly the safest and the right way movement for cyclists is riding on bike paths.

But there are very few of them, and if a cyclist rides on the sidewalk, he interferes with pedestrians, and if on the roadway, he interferes with drivers.

Where can you ride a bike?

Lawyer's answer: It will be correct to ride on the right edge of the carriageway (1 meter from the edge), and if it is absent, then the cyclist can ride on the sidewalk!

No one should be allowed to drive after drinking alcohol. The fact is well known.

But, suppose that one tipsy driver, in the midst of the holiday, decided not to drive a car and, knowing about the responsibility, decided to drive to the nearest store on a bicycle. What punitive measures can he expect in the event of a meeting with the traffic police?

Let's figure it out. On the one hand, a person who sits behind the wheel of a bicycle is a driver, on the other hand, he does not have a special driving license, and is not required by law to have one. And everyone knows that the punishment for drunk driving is the deprivation of a driver's license from 1.5 to 2 years and a fine of 30 tr.

But few people know about the existence of Article 12.29, clause 3 of the SDA, which clearly states that a violation of the traffic rules (driving while intoxicated is a violation) by a person driving a bicycle is punishable by an administrative fine of 1 to 1.5 thousand rubles.

This means that in the event of a meeting between employees of the State traffic inspectorate and the driver of a two-wheeled vehicle in a state of intoxication (as a result of taking alcoholic beverages or drugs), the above norms will be applied.

What are the benefits for cyclists?

In addition to the familiar to many special lanes on the roads for cyclists, three years ago cyclists got the privilege of moving on those roads that are equipped with specially dedicated lanes designed for the movement of cyclists, minibuses and passenger taxis. Traffic on these special lanes can go both towards the general flow of vehicles, and along the way.

Not every city in Russia has such innovations.

But, most importantly, the attention of the legislative authorities has already been paid to the increasing number of people who prefer a bicycle as an environmentally friendly transport, and new laws have already been adopted for their safety.

Penalties for cyclists

Any penalties are a deterrent to committing an offense, and the most effective is the ruble punishment.

Therefore, for drivers - cyclists, the rules of traffic rules and the norms of administrative law are applied.


Road, electric, cyclocross, fatbike, touring, tandem, chopper and cruiser - these are modern bikes exist. We know little about many varieties, and we have not heard of others at all. For every taste, wallet and for any type of ride, you can pick up a “two-wheeled friend”. Many choose a bicycle - an environmentally friendly transport, cost-free, fairly cheap to maintain and repair, and also very healthy and good. physical form. If you properly understand the rules of the road and learn all the signs for cyclists before leaving the road, then cycling will be safe.

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The rules of the road still very conditionally regulate the life of a cyclist on the road. Driving normally around the city without breaking the rules is very difficult. Let's start with the fact that there is no normal bicycle infrastructure in the city. Like any Moscow cyclist, I sometimes have to break the rules. I would like not to do this, but every time I become a victim of circumstances. The most important thing to remember when you break the rules is safety first.

Sidewalk riding

Current traffic rules allow driving on the sidewalk. Of course, you must ride on the carriageway, but there is a clarification in the rules: “Cyclists are allowed to move along the sidewalk or footpath in the following cases: there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as on the right edge of the carriageway or curb"

What is "there is no ability to move on them," the rules do not specify, so everyone can perceive it in their own way. For some, this is a parked or uncleaned roadside, but for some it’s just scary.

I often drive on the sidewalk myself. The most important thing to remember is: you drove onto the sidewalk, do not interfere with pedestrians. Remember, on the sidewalk you are a guest, and you must behave accordingly! You can not rush along the sidewalk, signaling to pedestrians. You can overtake - overtake. If people are moving in a heavy stream, ride slowly behind them or get off your bike and roll it alongside. Sometimes, I politely ask people to give way if I see that the sidewalk ahead is empty and thank you later. But once again I try not to disturb pedestrians.

Terribly infuriates when some asshole on a bicycle starts pushing pedestrians in different directions. Normal cyclists never do that.

For this, by the way, in the SDA there is also clause 24.6. “If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount”

Zebra road crossing

Here is the story. You can not run over an unregulated zebra on a bicycle. I drove up to a zebra - get off and carry the bike. What happens to assholes who run over a zebra on a bike, you can see on YouTube, a lot of videos. If the traffic light is adjustable and I see that all the cars have stopped, then such a zebra can be run over. For example, long passages through the Garden Ring. Most importantly, for a motorist, your appearance at the crossing should not be a surprise.

Crossing the road in the wrong place

Yes, you heard right, often I cross the road on a bicycle in the wrong place. This is due to the lack of normal ground crossings. It is not always possible to drag a bicycle into the underpass. You have to cross the road. For example, there is a place opposite the Bolshoi Theater, where you can cross the road in this way. There, a traffic light stops the flow of cars going to Lubyanka, and you can safely cross the road. There is no question of crossing the road where you like. All cases are unique and must be considered individually.

Oncoming driving

In exceptional cases, I consider it acceptable to drive in an oncoming lane on quiet one-way streets in the city center. It all depends on the circumstances. If it is not possible to drive safely on the road, then it is better to go to the sidewalk. But in general, it is better to never drive in the opposite direction.

Sometimes I break the rules in clause 24.8. SDA

Cyclists are prohibited from:

“to control a bicycle without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand” - it happens that I release the steering wheel to stretch my back. Ashamed.

“turn left or turn around on tramways and on roads
having more than one lane for traffic in a given direction” - sometimes I turn left, first changing lanes for turning, if it is safe and does not interfere.

Well, a few tips.

Behavior on the road

The most important rule here is that all your actions should be as predictable as possible! There should be no unexpected maneuvers on the road, especially when you are a small defenseless cyclist. Show with outstretched hand if you are going to turn. Thank the cars that let you through.

Remember that for many riders a bike on the road is still an extraordinary phenomenon. Even if you're crossing an intersection and you're on a main road, it's best to stop and make sure no one is coming, and if they do, they let you through.

Remember important rule- if you drive along parallel parked cars, keep at least a meter away from them! Sometimes drivers open the door. This may come as an unpleasant surprise.

When driving on the road, you need to stay close to the side of the road so that you can be seen and that you do not interfere with anyone. This is not how you can do it:

3rd row of Moscow Ring Road. A photo: russo

Also remember that a car stops faster than a bike! It is very important to keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of assholes on the road. I run into this all the time. Some motorists for some reason begin to honk, cut or swear at cyclists. It is completely incomprehensible what is in their head. Several times some body drove up to me and began to yell what I was doing on the road. Once it was a traffic police officer who assured that cyclists should ride on the sidewalk if life is expensive.

Take care of yourself and be careful.

A bicycle is a convenient and environmentally friendly vehicle with which you can get to your destination as quickly as possible or just have a great time with friends outside the city. In order to ride it, there is no age limit. Toddlers with early age start pedaling. But unfortunately, not everyone knows the rules of the road for cyclists. But driving on the roadway can be very dangerous.

General provisions

There is an official definition according to which a bicycle is a vehicle on two or three wheels, propelled by muscle power. The official rules for cyclists describe all road users. Few people know that the person driving any vehicle is the driver. The term "cyclist" is not official. If a person rolls a vehicle along the road, and does not ride it, then he is a pedestrian. In addition, any road users who move on skis, skates, or with the help of any other sports equipment can be attributed to pedestrians. Pedestrians do not include people performing road repairs.

The traffic rules for cyclists also describe the zones into which the road is divided. The main element is a special track designed for driving a two-wheeled vehicle. This element of the road must be marked with an appropriate sign. Separately, a pedestrian road for cyclists is distinguished; this element of the road is described as a territory intended for pedestrian traffic. Exit and entrance to this zone is indicated by special signs. In some cases, riding on two-wheeled vehicles is allowed here. The element of the road that is adjacent to the carriageway is also called the sidewalk.

While cycling on the roadway, any unforeseen situation can happen. Before traveling for a long distance, you should check the condition of the vehicle. The bike should have a quality brake, a good handlebar and a loud horn. If you plan to drive at night, it is necessary to equip the vehicle with a reflector or a lantern. The rules for scooters and cyclists say that in the event of a malfunction, a pedestrian has the right to roll a vehicle only in the direction of other vehicles. It is forbidden to go out on a dark roadway without reflectors.

Basic for cyclists

Sometimes there is a special zone on the road for the movement of two-wheeled vehicles. In this case, cyclists should give preference to her. Cars move at an impressive speed, and even the most experienced owner of two-wheeled vehicles will not be able to safely maneuver between them. Those who still decide to drive on the roadway should stick to the extreme right lane. You can also drive on the side of the road, if this does not cause inconvenience to pedestrians and other road users.

The rules of the road for cyclists do not include the ability to travel on the motorway. Here it is forbidden to move pedestrians, riders, as well as any vehicles that are not able to reach a speed of over 40 kilometers per hour. Driving on the expressway can be hazardous to health and life.

When leaving a pedestrian or residential area on the carriageway, the cyclist must carefully examine the situation on the road. It is necessary to give way to those vehicles that are at a distance of no more than 100 meters. Pedestrians, cyclists and other road users must not cross the road.

There are special rules for cyclists who travel in groups. Such travelers need to be divided into several columns of 10 people. The distance between individual groups of cyclists must be at least 100 meters. Thus, the unhindered movement of other road users will be ensured. If there is an edge marking on the road, it should be located to the left of the group of cyclists. In this case, the distance between moving cars and two-wheeled vehicles should not be less than a meter. If a group of cyclists moves along the roadway at night, each vehicle must be equipped with lamps. The front light should be white and the back light should be red. This will help other road users to understand the trajectory of the group of cyclists.

Driving on a busy road

An adult cyclist has the full right to move on the carriageway within the city. At the same time, he must keep to the right side of the road. It is not recommended to travel further than 1 meter from the right edge. You can only do this to avoid any obstacles on the road. The rules of the road for cyclists prohibit the use of defective vehicles on the roadway. You can not move without keeping your hands on the steering wheel, and your feet on the pedals. It is not recommended to drive on a busy road in conditions of snowfall, reduced visibility (fog) or ice.

Particular attention should be paid to the movement of passengers. It is not recommended to transport someone on the frame. Children under the age of seven must be equipped with a special seat with seat belts. Drivers of this age are not allowed to drive on the road without adult accompaniment.

The rules for cyclists also describe the possibility of carrying goods. When driving on the roadway, it is allowed to carry luggage that protrudes beyond the vehicle by no more than 0.5 meters. In addition, you should not ride on a busy road if the load interferes with cycling. This may cause inconvenience to other vehicle drivers.

Correct passage of intersections

At every intersection classical rule priority. This means that a vehicle traveling on a secondary road must yield to a car or bicycle traveling on the main road. When turning right, the driver must give way to those driving straight ahead.

Much more difficulties can arise when driving through an unregulated intersection. In most cases, a cyclist must give way to a four-wheeler. The only exception is the carriageway with a specially equipped path. In addition, there are bicycle traffic lights on many roads. The rules for cyclists state that you must also obey the standard road traffic lights that regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

What signals should a cyclist give?

Road users will be able to move safely if they use a special signal language. Motorists give various signs through headlights. Cyclists, on the other hand, communicate their intentions through hand movements. If the cyclist, moving along the roadway, intends to turn, he must extend his straight arm in the direction of the turn. When moving to the right, we extend the right hand, to the left - the left. What to do if, by coincidence, there is no way to signal a turn right hand? There is an exit! You can bend the arm opposite to the turn at the elbow and stretch it up.

Every cyclist on a busy road must also inform the rest of the traffic of his intention to stop. To do this, you just need to stretch any hand up. for cyclists, they say that any signals should be given no later than a minute before a certain action on the road is performed.

What can cyclists not do?

Road rules for cyclists are not created at all in order to violate them. They allow drivers of two-wheeled vehicles to reach their destination safely without causing additional disturbance to other road users. Bicyclists are not allowed to ride on the roadway if there is a specially equipped bike path nearby. It is not recommended to drive a damaged vehicle. The movement of cyclists on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths is allowed only in extreme cases. At the same time, the driver must adhere to the minimum speed so as not to endanger other road users.

Driving on a busy highway is prohibited without special protection elements. These are the helmet, elbow pads and knee pads. Persons under the age of 14 can only travel on the road if accompanied by adults. Everyone must ride a bicycle holding the handlebars firmly with at least one hand. It is forbidden to transport passengers or oversized cargo on the frame. Children under the age of seven ride in a specially equipped seat with seat belts. Bicycles cannot be towed on the road. A defective product can only be transported manually.

If there are several lanes in the direction of the cyclist or if there is a tram line nearby, it is forbidden to turn around. The road rules for cyclists are the same as for cars. You can turn only on a special section of the route. A road that has several lanes in one direction at once can be a high-speed one. Cars here move at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour. Failure to comply can lead to disastrous consequences. The rules for cyclists on the road are quite simple. Following them is a guarantee of the safety of road users.

Mass bike promotions

More and more representatives of the younger generation prefer environmentally friendly two-wheeled transport. Bicycle enthusiasts hold a lot of promotions. They gather people with the same views. All bicycle promotions are a beautiful and spectacular event. However, it is not so easy to achieve order in a large group of people with their vehicles. In addition, many participants in such events do not know at all what rules for cyclists exist. It is wrong to assume that safety and order at any event is a matter of qualification of the organizer. The organizer of this or that event only creates the conditions for its participants to have a fun and useful time. Those who do not know the elementary rules should not visit such actions.

The main thing for cyclists at such events is the knowledge of the elementary aspects of movement within a large group of people. It should be noted that there are no age restrictions for participation in promotions of this kind. Even a child can come in his own vehicle. But no one canceled the rules of a cyclist for schoolchildren. It is better if a child who is under 14 years old is accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 10 are not recommended to take the bike share. The kid can get lost in the crowd and will create obstacles for other road users.

Basic rules of conduct at mass cycling events

Safety rules for cyclists are not a guarantee that the event will be held without incident. In addition to the requirements regarding movement, you must follow the unwritten laws of interaction with other participants in the action. First of all, you must always keep your distance and move straight along the track. If the movement is carried out in a column, it is impossible to overtake its participants. Those who want to go with a friend, neighbor, mother, need to get close at the very start. Moving between the members of the column, the cyclist creates serious obstacles for the rest.

The organizers of the action may create new rules for cyclists who wish to become participants in the event. They are definitely worth following. You need to move without deviating from the trajectory of the main mass. If the column follows the roadway, you should not go onto the sidewalk. The only exceptions are cyclists under the age of 14. It is allowed to move on the pedestrian zone only at low speed.

When moving in a group of cyclists, it is necessary to take into account their interests. Do not smoke while driving a vehicle. It should be remembered that not all participants of the action have Cigarette smoke can be simply unpleasant for someone. In addition, there are a lot of emissions on the road without it. It is undesirable, moving in a column, also to talk on the phone. This distracts the attention of the driver of the vehicle, as well as other road users. The cyclist may accidentally press on. This will lead to a fall and also interfere with others.

Any maneuvers on the road while driving in a group should be coordinated with other road users. This applies to turns and stops. The DD rules for cyclists describe special gestures with which a road user can inform others of their intentions. Before turning, you should move your arm horizontally in the appropriate direction. A raised hand indicates that the cyclist plans to stop.

It is inappropriate to show your acrobatic abilities when moving in a group. Riding on rear wheel and jumping over obstacles look, of course, spectacular. But such maneuvers can pose a danger to other participants in the event.

Organization of mass bicycle columns

The popularity of bicycle promotions is growing every year. All more people want to take part in such events. But a huge number of cyclists need to be properly organized. Today, there are entire firms that offer everything you need to carry out such actions. These are various reflective tapes and vests. It is possible to rent one or several vehicles at once. Volunteers also provide assistance. These are experienced cyclists who are ready to help beginners at any time.

The correct organization of the event depends on the guides, attendants and trailers. These are people who know and unquestioningly follow the rules for pedestrians and cyclists. Guide drivers of vehicles set the pace of movement of the entire column. The person assigned to this role should not move too fast. It should be remembered that the participants of the event can be people with different physical training. It should be comfortable for absolutely everyone - both beginners and experienced cyclists. The guides make sure that other participants do not overtake, and also warn if any obstacles are approaching. An escort car always moves next to the guide cyclists.

Duty drivers of two-wheeled vehicles move inside the column. They keep order. Most often, the attendants stick to the right edge. This makes it possible to also control cyclists who move outside the right lane. Duty participants in the movement often have a contrasting form. Therefore, it is easy to recognize them among the rest.

Trailing cyclists are required to ensure that the column does not stretch or break. Most often, radio contact is established with the guide cyclist. This allows you to control the speed of the entire column.

A responsibility

The movement of cyclists on the roadway is controlled Violation by an adult is initially punishable by a simple warning. If the driver continues to evade the rules, he faces a fine of 100 rubles. It is forbidden to ride a bicycle on the roadway while intoxicated. Such behavior entails a fine of 300 to without prior warning.

If the rules for cyclists for children have been violated, the parents take responsibility. At the same time, the police can report the misconduct to the educational institution where the offender is registered. If evasion of the rules led to an accident of minor severity, you will have to pay 300 rubles for the misconduct. If this caused harm to the health of other road users, the fine will be 1,500 rubles.

Compliance with the rules is a guarantee of safety. Therefore, before purchasing a bicycle, you should carefully study the traffic rules.

In this part, we briefly mention general rules for cyclists.

traffic lights

6.5. If the traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). At the same time, the green signal allows, and the red one prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size, supplemented by a white rectangular plate measuring 200 x 200 mm with the image of a black bicycle, can also be used.

Maneuvering signals

8.1. Before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are missing or defective - by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

The signal of a left turn (reversal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The right turn signal corresponds to the extended to the side right hand or left, extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by the left or right hand raised up.

8.2. Signaling by direction indicators or by hand must be done in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Light fixtures

19.1. At night and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of road lighting, as well as in tunnels, a moving vehicle must turn on the following lighting devices:

  • on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on the horse-drawn carts- lights (if any);
  • on trailers and towed motor vehicles - clearance lights.

What is the maximum speed of the cyclist?

The maximum speed of a cyclist is limited to the same extent as for other vehicles. In the city it is forbidden to exceed the established limit of 60 km/h, in yards and residential areas the speed limit is not more than 20 km/h. It is mandatory for cyclists to comply with the requirements road sign with speed limit.

In addition, a cyclist can reach speeds above 25 km / h only with the help of his own strength, since in accordance with the definition of “Bicycle”, the speed developed by a bicycle electric motor cannot exceed 25 km / h.

Location of cyclists on the road

The requirements for the movement of cyclists are set out in a special chapter of the Rules of the Road - “24. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers. This part requires special attention.

For cyclists over the age of 14

24.1. The movement of cyclists over the age of 14 must be carried out on a bicycle, cycle path or lane for cyclists.

Important. This paragraph establishes the obligation for cyclists over 14 years of age to move along a specially allocated section of the road, if available. Movement on other elements of the road is prohibited. All subsequent paragraphs establishing a different location of cyclists on the road are sequence of exceptions from the first paragraph.

Driving on the right side of the road

The first exception is that cyclists are allowed on the right side of the road- in the following cases:

  • there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no possibility to move along them;
  • the overall width of the bicycle, trailer to it or the transported cargo exceeds 1 m;
  • the movement of cyclists is carried out in columns;

And so, if there is no special dedicated section of the road for the movement of bicycles, the cyclist must first of all move along the right edge of the carriageway.

Roadside driving

The second exception is roadside traffic:

  • in the event that there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility to move along them or along the right edge of the carriageway;

Driving on a sidewalk or footpath

The third exception is on a sidewalk or footpath:

  • there are no bicycle and bicycle paths, a lane for cyclists or there is no possibility to move along them, as well as on the right edge of the carriageway or roadside;
  • the cyclist accompanies a cyclist under the age of 7 or transports a child under the age of 7 in an extra seat, in a bicycle carriage or in a trailer designed to be used with a bicycle.

As you can see, driving on a sidewalk or footpath is an extreme case for cyclists. Be careful to follow this sequence when defining a road element for cycling.

For cyclists aged 7 to 14

24.3. The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and bicycle paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under the age of 14 are prohibited from driving on the roadway and on the side of the road.

For cyclists under the age of 7

24.4. The movement of cyclists under the age of 7 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the side for pedestrian traffic), as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under the age of 7 must ride on the section of the road designated for pedestrian traffic.

Rules for the movement of cyclists on the roadway

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the carriageway in cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists should only move in one line.

It is allowed to move a column of cyclists in two rows in case if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.

The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of a single-row movement or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of a two-row movement. For easier overtaking the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Rules for the movement of cyclists on the sidewalk and pedestrian zones

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, footpath, curb or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and be guided by the requirements provided for in these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

On the pavement, pedestrians and other persons have full priority over cyclists. This also applies to crossing roads and crossing exits from adjacent areas when a cyclist is moving on a sidewalk.

Cyclists are not allowed

  • ride a bicycle, moped without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • to transport passengers, if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in this direction;
  • drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers).
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

Let us highlight the prohibition of turning left on roads with more than one lane in a given direction and the location of the cyclist before the turn.

Before making a maneuver, a cyclist who is a driver must take.

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction ...

Another important point Cyclists are not allowed to cross the road at pedestrian crossings. In case of violation of this requirement the cyclist has no advantage in traffic.

It is forbidden to tow bicycles and bicycles.

24.9. It is forbidden to tow bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing by bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

Motorway traffic is prohibited.

16.1. On motorways it is prohibited:

  • movement of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled machines, other vehicles, the speed of which according to technical specification or as less than 40 km/h;

Privileges for cyclists

April 15, 2015 in the Rules of the Road, allowing the movement of bicycles in a dedicated lane for shuttle vehicles.

18.2. On roads with a lane for route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, it is prohibited to move and stop other vehicles (with the exception of school buses and vehicles used as a passenger taxi, as well as cyclists - if the lane for fixed-route vehicles is located on the right) on this lane.

This right can only be exercised if there are no cycle and cycle paths or lanes for cyclists.

Will they lose their driver's license if they are caught drunk on a bicycle?

Many cyclists mistakenly believe that cycling is not responsible. Despite the fact that the regulatory authorities pay minimal attention to cyclists, the law still provides for liability for driving while intoxicated. At the beginning of the article, we noted that a bicycle is a vehicle, and a cyclist is a driver.

The rules expressly prohibit driving any vehicle while intoxicated.

2.7. The driver is prohibited from:

  • drive a vehicle in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or otherwise), under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety;

Can you lose your driving license if you are caught drunk on a bicycle? Let us turn to the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to which drunk drivers are punished:

1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of intoxication, if such actions do not contain a criminally punishable act, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to drive transport vehicles for a term of one and a half to two years.

At first glance it seems that the article is entirely suitable for cyclists and employees may try to draw on it. However, cycling does not require a special right to drive and obtaining, as well as the deprivation of such a right, is in no way connected with driving a bicycle. For cyclists, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a special article defining responsibility.

Please note that if you drive a scooter or moped while intoxicated, the application of this article is completely legal. The only exception for this article is cyclists.

Fines for cyclists

Article 12.29. Violation of the Rules of the Road by a pedestrian or other person participating in the process of road traffic

2. Violation of the Rules of the Road by a person driving a bicycle, or by a carrier or other person directly involved in the process of road traffic (with the exception of the persons specified in Part 1 of this Article, as well as the driver of a vehicle), -
eight hundred rubles.

3. Violation of the Rules of the road by persons specified in part 2 of this article, committed in a state of intoxication, -
entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

Violations of the Rules of the Road discussed in this article for a cyclist will cost 800 rubles, and in case of a violation while intoxicated, from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

A bicycle is a vehicle (not counting wheelchairs) driven by the muscular strength of a person who is on it at that time.

Pedestrian - a person who takes part in road traffic not on a vehicle and does not perform work on the road at this time. Pedestrians are equated with persons who move in wheelchairs without an engine, they drive a moped, a bicycle, a motorcycle, they carry a sled, a wheelchair or a baby carriage.

Roadside - an element marked out structurally or with a special marking line on the road highway, adjacent to the outer edge of the carriageway, located on the same level with it and not intended for traffic, except as provided by these Rules. The roadside is used for parking and stopping vehicles, the movement of pedestrians, bicycles (in the absence of sidewalks, bicycle or pedestrian paths or when it is impossible to move along them), mopeds, harnessed carts and sledges.

Rights and obligations of pedestrians

Pedestrians who carry bulky items or persons who move in wheelchairs without an engine or drive a moped, motorcycle, bicycle, carry a sled, if their movement along the bicycle or pedestrian paths or the roadside creates obstacles for other traffic participants, may move along the right edge of the road in one row.

Rules of the road for cyclists and moped drivers

1. Traveling on the roads on a bicycle is allowed for persons who have reached the age of 14, and on a moped for 16 years. For drivers of bicycles and mopeds, local authorities may introduce a special card that contains information about the driver, while the driver must carry the card with him.
2. Bicycles or mopeds must be equipped with sound signals and reflectors: white in the front, red in the back, orange on the sides.
3. When driving at night or in case of poor visibility on a bicycle, it is necessary to turn on the headlight, and on the moped, the lighting.
4. Drivers of bicycles and mopeds who travel in groups are obliged to ride one after another without interfering with other road users. A column of cyclists moving along the carriageway must be divided into groups, with a maximum of 10 people per group and a distance of 80 - 100 m between groups.
5. Drivers of bicycles and mopeds are allowed to carry only such loads that do not interfere with vehicles and do not interfere with other road users.
6. If the cycle path crosses the carriageway outside the intersection, the drivers of bicycles and mopeds are obliged to give way to other types of vehicles moving on the road.

Bicycle and moped riders are prohibited from

1. Riding a bicycle or moped with a faulty horn and faulty brakes. On a moped it is forbidden to move in the dark or in bad weather with the lights off, and on a bicycle without reflectors.
2. Bicycles are not allowed to ride on the roadway if there is bike path, as well as move on highways and roads for cars.
3. Prohibited movement on sidewalks and footpaths, with the exception of children under 7 years of age only under adult supervision.
4. It is forbidden to hold on to another vehicle while driving.
5. Cyclists are prohibited from moving without holding the handlebars with their hands or taking their feet off the pedals while driving.
6. It is forbidden to transport people on a bicycle, with the exception of children under 7 years of age with an additional seat, securely fastened to the bicycle and having footrests.
7. It is forbidden to tow bicycles or mopeds, as well as trailers that are not designed for this vehicle.

Location of vehicles on the roadway

Driving on the road on mopeds, bicycles, harnessed carts or sledges is allowed in one lane on the rightmost lane closest to the edge of the road, with the exception of the situation when detour. Left turns or U-turns are permitted on a road with one carriageway in each direction and no tram tracks in the middle. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if the traffic does not interfere with pedestrians.

Stop and parking

Vehicles on the roadway are prohibited from placing in two or more rows. Motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles without a trailer on the side are allowed to park in no more than two rows.


At unregulated and regulated intersections, a driver who is turning right or left must give way to pedestrians crossing the road he is turning into, as well as to cyclists moving in the same direction.

Light fixtures

In conditions with insufficient visibility, at night, as well as in tunnels, lighting devices must be turned on, regardless of the degree of illumination of the road.

Signs related to cyclists. In addition, for safety reasons, cyclists should also know other road signs.

Bicycle lane. Footpath. Bicycle traffic is prohibited.

Path for bicycles and pedestrians. Separate movement of bicycles and pedestrians.

Departure of bicycles on the road. Road for cars. Motorway.

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