Olympic gold for next to nothing. Chernobyl of the Russian Cinderella Aleksey Voynich husband of Olga Korbut

In yesterday's issue of KP, her new husband Alexei Voynich spoke about his meeting with Olga and their life in America. Our conversation with Olya turned out to be purely feminine. She answered serious questions carefully. Still, this was the first communication with journalists after a six-year silence. Yes, even on the phone. “I'm sorry that I can't see your eyes and your reaction. It would probably be better if you drove up here, ”Korbut reasoned in a purely American way. Nevertheless, we chatted for an hour.

Olga, as I learned from Alexei, you quit coaching and are now engaged in fitness. - I moved away from gymnastics, but did not quit coaching. The motto of my fitness program is to keep your body in shape all the time. There is nothing difficult in it, I have been doing these exercises all my life. But since people are naturally lazy, it is easier for them to go to the gym than to study on their own. After all, the money has been paid ... Especially since we communicate in the hall, I talk a lot about diets and various secrets of proper nutrition.

- Do you eat only salads?

For the most part yes. I just love fresh vegetables and fruits. My psychology has changed so much over the years in sports that I just don’t want anything else. But if suddenly I want chocolate or bread, I eat. However, this happens extremely rarely.

- In that case, how much do you weigh now?

42 - 43 kilograms. During the Olympics in Montreal, I weighed 42 kilograms. It turns out that in my whole life I gained only one kilogram.

Wow! - Get away from flour products, replace meat with fish, and you will see what lightness and elasticity your body will acquire after a couple of months! But, of course, at least the most primitive, easiest exercises will have to be done every day.

Do you know what is the surest and easiest way to check what form you are in? If you walk easily, then you are fit. If you do not walk, but fly, you are in great shape!

So it happened, - Olga smiled enigmatically. - In general, I ask all my clients during the first classes: “How many times do you go to the doctor? fifteen? 20?" And I promise: "And now you will never come about problems with the body." They answer me: “Are you doing miracles?” And I have to explain that there is no miracle, I just give a part of myself.

After gymnastics, you took up equestrian sports and, they say, were preparing for the Olympics. But then they crashed ... - Oh, I was not going to the Olympics. Just with my characteristic perseverance, I learned to ride very well. I learned to ride horses, I can make a horse dance. The horse, which I rode during training, then became the champion of the USSR. I trained for two years. I spent all the time with horses - from 7 am to 12 am. Once, at a training session, my horse joined the mare in front and started flirting with love - reared up, jumped, squatted ... And I was not such an experienced rider and made progress in dressage only thanks to the sense of balance inherited from gymnastics. In a word, I could not cope with the stallion and got injured. Not that very serious, but she could not perform.

We were young and in love. We just got married and couldn't live without each other. As a director, I did not work that you! The guys just stood on the stage as if rooted to the spot. In those years, there was no way to move along with the music. And I saw that they all should move forward to their talent, beautiful songs. So it will be much more expressive! But then it was very new and was accepted with hostility. It was then that Alla Pugacheva and many other performers began to dance on the stage.

Did you have a hard time with your divorce from Bortkiewicz? - Not easy. Still 25 years old. Most best years... I left gymnastics and dedicated them to my family. Nevertheless, I am glad that Leni now has a new family, a son was born. We are friends, I will even say more - we are close friends. There are, of course, grievances. I gave myself. I am a giver, not a taker. Our family was good. But what to do? Do you know the specifics of musicians? They are creative people, addicted, they always need recharge from the outside.

- Olga, what happened then with the photocopies of dollar bills found in Richard's room? What did your detention at the supermarket mean?

- Have the three years that Richard was sentenced to have already passed?

He will be at home this summer.

- In 1991, you left for America because of the child?

I knew more about Chernobyl than most people, and I decided to take my son away for a while to our friends in New Jersey. But I became so bored ... And just on one of these nostalgic evenings, a job offer appeared in the state of New Jersey. The hall was in the same city where Ricky was, and I agreed.

- Did Richard visit Belarus as an adult?

No, never was. He is 100% American.

Are you going to Moscow? After all, you and Alexei have been living in different cities for half a year already? - I haven’t been to Moscow for 20 years. Alexei says that I would not be able to live there. What he means I do not know, but I have no reason not to believe him. However, I am not a shy person.

- And if Lukashenko invited you to Belarus, would you go?

I don't think. The last Olympic Games were very sad. Just think: the country that gave the world two great gymnasts (Olga Korbut and six-time Olympic champion Vitaly Shcherbo, now living in Las Vegas), did not even pass the qualifying selection in Athens! And this despite the fact that our people are talented and hardworking.

- And you do not exaggerate about industriousness? Maybe this industriousness was only characteristic of you?

No, it's in America that kids are lazy. How to say it in Russian? Dissolute children. They live in abundance and do not want to strain, they want to get only pleasure from life.

- And what heights did your pupils reach?

In two years, one of my girls became an elite (performance level Olympic program American classification). She won the state championship, and then won the regional championship of the Western States. This is a great success - after all, only national and Olympic Games are farther!

- And why did they leave training and generally closed the gym?

In the case of this girl, I realized that this is the ceiling. But we communicate daily: more often by phone, sometimes I stop by the hall. I have a unique intuition - I instantly make corrections, which, if you reach with your mind, can take years. It is very difficult to find a girl in America who is ready to work hard and achieve high results.

- What if you find it?

No one can take away my ability. In the meantime, I begin to shake with the desire to work when I approach the hall. I've devoted my whole life to gymnastics. When I trained, I devoted days and nights to it. Coming from the gym, I came up with elements at night, drew on paper, played in my head, then worked them out in the gym so that it would not cause injuries, then developed lead-up exercises to make it easier to perform a new element.

- Can you make the Korbut loop now?

Now it is already impossible - even there are no such bars at the competitions. But if you get into a sports uniform (I have the same body), pull up your back, then, I think, it will work out. In fact, I haven't done it in 30 years.

Through the eyes of an adult, how do you look at your relationship with coach Renald Knysh? What was forgiven, what was not? - What we gave to each other is invaluable. Yes, there were violent relationships. Maybe it was a necessity. He is a creator. And all talented people have something in their character that is impossible to understand for an ordinary person. That's why I refuse interviews - journalists cannot understand some things and start inventing. If this happens now (the voice lost its way, it seemed that Olga was coping with tears. - Approx. Aut.), I will close for another 10 years. I understand that journalists make money on sensations. But why do these sensations always have to be bad? After all, we are all good people. We draw strength and energy from the good. From the bad energy is only lost. Won't readers rejoice when they read that I'm all right? For example, I was very happy the other day when Michael Jackson was acquitted. Wept with joy for him.

- As far as I know, you yourself watch the house: cook, clean.

And how do you spend your free time? - Both in the morning and in the evening I chat for a long time with Alexei on the phone. I miss him. Our animals are on my conscience (a cat and a guinea pig. - Approx. Aut.). And then I have to take care of myself in order to be an example in the hall. Do you want me to tell you a little beauty secret that costs nothing?

- And it can be told to readers?

Well, maybe you can. Every day I make a mask for the whole body: two yolks, two teaspoons of honey, two teaspoons of lemon juice (sometimes juice can be less). I apply this mask every day on my whole body, walk around the apartment, look in the mirrors, and smile to myself, and love myself. After 10 minutes, wash off with water without soap. This is just a wonderful mask! I tell everyone, but people are lazy. Another secret - I drink green tea. And every time Lesha's mother brings me magic celandine grass from Belarus, which can also be used to wipe the whole body, brewing a tablespoon for 2 glasses of water.

- How has your life changed with Alexei?

I love him very much. He is younger than me, and this also helps me to be young.

Photo by Alexey VOINICH and Alexander KONOTOP.

The son of the famous Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut, now living in the United States, was found guilty of counterfeiting money. He is charged with counterfeiting $20,000 bills. 23-year-old Richard Bortkiewicz was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for making counterfeit banknotes worth $20,000 and will serve time in a federal correctional facility, ITAR-TASS reports.


In addition, he must pay almost five thousand dollars to two stores where he paid with fakes. According to local laws, Bortkevich could well be isolated from society for seven years.

The son of the famous gymnast admitted that for three months, using computer equipment, he was engaged in counterfeiting money.

The counterfeit currency was discovered in connection with an ongoing case involving the eviction of Korbut and her husband from their home due to delays in real estate payments. When a sheriff's deputy came to Korbut and Bortkiewicz's home to hand over the eviction papers, he saw a "large amount" of counterfeit $100 bills scattered across the floor.

The plastic bag lying near the computers was also stuffed with currency. In total, about 4 thousand fake dollars were found in the house.

Olga Korbut is a famous Russian gymnast, Honored Master of Sports. In 1970 she won the title of champion of the USSR and the world. Three-time winner of the Olympic Games in 1972 in Munich.

In 1991, she moved to Atlanta, where she took up coaching. Until recently, she lived in the state of Georgia, and recently moved to Atlanta. Her ex-husband Leonid Bortkevich returned to Belarus after the divorce.

In January of this year, Korbut was arrested for stealing from a supermarket. However, then the Georgia authorities released her, fined her $333 and ordered her to attend psychological rehabilitation courses. In addition, the gymnast was banned from appearing in Publix stores.

According to Kommersant, Korbut did not honor the court session with her visit, but sent a telegram to her son with words of support.


    Olga Korbut was born on May 16, 1955 in Grodno (Belarus). Four-time Olympic champion. One of the most complex elements is called the "loop Korbut».


    In the last year about Olga they began to write in connection with the new marriage and the birth of a son by her ex-husband - "pesnyar" Leonid Bortkevich. Like, myself Olga married a computer engineer from Belarus named Alexei.


    Olga called Alexey Voynich to America when she was very ill.


    Olga korbut Alex voynich. : Alexei Voynich, husband of the legendary Olympic champion in gymnastics... kp.ru. We talked with Olga and Alexei, and the horror stories about the great athlete seemed not so scary.


    They don't answer themselves Olga Korbut nor her husband, Alexei Voynich, nor her relatives ex-husband, Leonid Bortkiewicz, not her son, Richard Bortkiewicz, not her lawyer, Howard Weintraub, not her manager, Kay Weatherford, not even the sheriffs of Gwinnet County.


    "Miracle with pigtails", "Public favorite", "Russian sparrow" - so affectionately and gently called Olga Korbut her fans.


    Natalya Rudova, Alexei and Andrey Chadov, Nastasya Samburskaya, Elena... Gastronomic shopping by Dima Bilan.


    Olga Korbut, Kiev, Ukraine. Graduated from KEIM (Ekomen) in 2008. Log in or sign up to contact Olga Korbut or find more of your friends.


    Alex Voinich.


    Olga married a Belarusian Alexey Voynich, who is nineteen years younger than her, and has been in love since he, seventeen, first saw a thirty-six-year-old Korbut.

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In Dallas (Texas), the two-day Platinum Night auction ended, the main lots of which were named by experts as the medals of the famous Soviet gymnast Olga Korbut: Olympic Games 1972 in Munich and 1976 in Montreal. A total of 32 lots were presented, including order books Korbut, honorary awards of international sports organizations, a statuette marking the inclusion in the Gymnastics Hall of Fame, the badge of the USSR Master of Sports, presented to her in 1970, the windbreaker of the USSR national team, the first American passport received in 2000:

and a swimsuit in which she performed as part of the USSR national team at competitions in London in 1973:

For people of my generation, the name of the four-time Olympic champion Korbut is still covered with the glory of the distant 70s. She was born in the city of Grodno, Byelorussian SSR, in 1955. Already at the age of 17 she became a legend of gymnastics, having made a real revolution in this sport and raising its popularity to unprecedented heights. Despite the Cold War, even in the USA, her fan clubs were opened, and thousands of girls around the world went into this most difficult sport, dreaming of becoming “like Korbut”.

Very young, she performed the famous element, named after her “Korbut loop”, a combination invented together with coach Renald Knysh, which, besides her, only one gymnast, Elena Mukhina, was able to repeat (later she received a severe spinal injury and ended up confined to a wheelchair). When performing the “loop”, the athlete got up on upper part bars of uneven height and made a jump back, clinging to the upper bar with her hands, after which she grabbed the lower bars with her feet and without using her hands turned around them.

Currently, the "Korbut loop" cannot be seen on official competitions, since gymnasts are strictly forbidden to stand on the upper bars due to the excessive danger of the performed combination. Also in the history of the sport are such elements as the “flip Korbut” on a balance beam and the “flick-flyak Korbut” - a jump back from two legs.

In 1978, Olga married a famous musician, lead singer of the Pesnyary group Leonid Bortkevich, gave birth to a son, Richard, and after the collapse of the USSR, she and her family emigrated to the United States.

Apparently, the life of an outstanding ex-athlete overseas was not easy: she tried to coach, participated in various shows, but she could not achieve systematic employment. I recall a similar story told to me during an interview in the early 2000s with the famous Oksana Baiul, a Ukrainian single skater, world champion in 1993 and the 1994 Olympics, who also after sports success moved to America, where, unfortunately, she could not find a stable job and once, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, she provoked a car accident, ended up in court, was forced to undergo rehabilitation from alcohol addiction ...

Olga Korbut broke up with her husband in 1999 and lost her home in Atlanta due to huge utility bills. Bortkevich returned to Belarus, got married and still continues his singing career in his homeland. And Olga in 2000 received a passport of a US citizen and got married to Belarusian Alexei Voynich, who is 17 years younger than her. And two years later, the world gymnastics star struck the world when she was caught stealing food in an Atlanta supermarket - cheese, a pack of tea, a bottle of chocolate syrup, figs and peppers in the amount of ... 19 dollars. At that time, thanks to her former glory, Korbut got off with a fine, but literally a couple of months later, her 22-year-old son Richard, who had remained with her in America, was arrested for making counterfeit money. The guy spent 3.5 years in prison instead of the sentenced 7 years and was deported to Belarus. And Olga seems to have found a place in the USA as a coach on the road. sports school(according to other sources, she began to teach fitness in a sports club). In rare interviews with compatriots, she expressed a desire to return to Russia or Belarus, but did not advance in this direction beyond conversations.

And now, like snow on the head, - a message about the auction at which Olga Korbut sells rarities that she has kept since beautiful story“miracle with pigtails” (as the sports superstar was nicknamed by journalists in the early 70s).

The result of the auction: only a small part of the lots went for a total of $ 230 thousand, however, Korbut, taking into account the payment of commissions in favor of the auction house, will receive $ 183.3 thousand. for $66 thousand, being the most valuable trophy in the Korbut collection. The gymnast won this award together with Lyubov Burda, Tamara Lazakovich, Antonina Koshel, Elvira Saadi and Lyudmila Turishcheva. Golden medal of the same Olympic Games for floor exercises went at auction for $52.8 thousand, and silver on uneven bars - for $24.6 thousand. 6 thousand. In addition to medals, the Korbut tights, in which she performed in London in 1973 ($ 3 thousand) and her autograph on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine ($ 49), went under the hammer.

Another 26 lots have not yet found new owners. Among them are the last of the Munich awards (gold on beam), as well as two medals of the same value won at the World Championships in 1974 in Varna, and four silver medals from the same tournament. The badge of the master of sports of the USSR also turned out to be unsold. Other unclaimed rarities include a statuette from the Gymnastics Hall of Fame, the 1972 Man of the Year award from the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, and the first passport of a US citizen.

Living now in the city of Phoenix (Arizona) Olga Korbut has not yet commented on the history of the auction for the press.

Simonova Inna Anatolievna, cand. history Sci., member of the Council of Journalists of Russia, member of the Council of Journalists of Moscow