Autumn fishing is prohibited. All about the spring fishing ban - how long does it last and what are the restrictions? Free and paid fishing

Keyword search results "Ban"

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Spring fishing ban 2019 - deadlines, restrictions on fishing gear, fines and other useful information. This type of ban is associated with spawning - it was introduced quite rightly, since this helps to somehow preserve the inhabitants of rivers and lakes in Russia, especially valuable breeds. Probably, every fisherman from year to year is convinced that the fish are biting worse and becoming smaller - and this is not only due to environmental degradation, but also to poaching. By catching fish with caviar with nets, with each individual, you reduce the livestock by hundreds, or even thousands of fry. So it is good form not only to refrain from fishing during this period, but also to suppress any attempts at poaching in your reservoir.

The timing of the spring fishing ban 2019 is different everywhere, they are negotiated by a separate order for the district. For example, in the Moscow region, the 2019 fishing ban was set from April 10 to June 10, and in cooling ponds - in more early dates. In the Tyumen region - from ice melting on May 20 on rivers and from May 15 to June 20 on reservoirs and lakes. Where to find information? In the order on the website of the administration, or by calling the society of hunters and fishermen in your city. In addition, there will also be indicated places where fishing is not allowed, for example, a list of wintering pits, individual sections. There may be a ban on certain fishing gear and certain species of fish.

In general, in Russia, from April 20 to June 20, there is a spring ban on fishing in 2019, if you start from these dates, you will not be mistaken. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to deprive yourself of fishing. The ban does not include fishing with a bait - with one hook, in the daytime, from the shore. That is, it is still possible to relax and catch fish with caviar, although, of course, it is better to refrain from this as well. There is also a ban on catching fish of certain sizes - there is a list in each order, but in general, the length should be more than 20 cm. For pikes - from 32 cm, for catfish - from 90 cm. So, of course, they can find fault with you. But usually fish inspectors have no questions about one fishing rod.

Now, about fines - how much does it threaten for illegal fishing in the spring? In fact, the upper bar is solid, if you are caught with a net during the spawning period, you will have to pay up to 300 thousand rubles. For a small pike with caviar, they will rip off from 500 rubles per individual. Usually, fishermen with several fishing rods hit big at once, that is, they are charged a fine of about 2,000 rubles, then another for an individual, for parking a car by the river (few people observe 200 meters), so half the salary flew away. And the malicious ones can end up in jail for six months.

Therefore, the spring ban on fishing in 2019 is a very serious matter, it is better to go with one fishing rod and only to very distant water bodies. And anyway, is it worth it? Wait two months, during this time you can buy equipment, fishing rods, a boat, and then fish for your own pleasure.

Prohibitions and restrictions for fishermen in the Moscow Region are established by legislative documents at the federal level. Fishing rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin were approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 453 dated 11/18/2014. (hereinafter - Fishing Rules). In 2018, FZ-475, a separate law “On recreational fishing…”, was adopted, which establishes restrictions on the extraction of water resources for ordinary fishermen. It comes into force in 2020 and confirms the legitimacy of the Fishing Rules.

This regulatory document not only introduces a ban on fishing in 2019 in the Moscow region, but also establishes other rules for the extraction of aquatic biological resources. From what date the ban is valid, when it ends, what types of fish are prohibited for fishing, what other restrictions apply regarding fishing methods and types of gear, more on this later in the article.

When is fishing prohibited in the Moscow region?

The spring spawning ban on fishing in 2019 in the Moscow region is part of public policy on the conservation of water resources. The term of spring restrictions depends on climatic features and the spawning period of fish species living in the reservoirs of the region. If spawning takes place in another season, such as for burbot, this feature is reflected in the legislative norms. This is a common practice, such bans are introduced for the entire period of the Fishing Rules.

However, legislative acts may be amended, therefore, in order to find out when the fishing ban in the Moscow Region begins in 2018, you should refer to the current, current version of the Fishing Rules. This document was last modified on November 6, 2018.

In accordance with the Fishing Rules, in some regions the prohibition period is introduced for specific fish species. In the Moscow region, such norms are established only for the extraction of burbot due to the period of its spawning, in other cases, the period of restrictions here depends on the location of the reservoir. Thus, the ban on pike fishing in the Moscow region, for example, does not apply, as in some other regions.

Other types of prohibitions for fishermen MO

Areas prohibited for fishing (clause 30.25.1 of the Fishing Rules).

Water District
On the Volga River in the city of Dubna Less than 1 kilometer from the dam downstream (the exception is the bay in the oxbow lake with right side from hydroelectric)
Pestovskoe reservoir Starting from the mouth of the Kokotka River up to the line (along the right bank) passing through the bay from the pier for boats of the “Rocket” type to the military hunting base “Barskiye Prudy” (located on the left bank)
The water area of ​​the Berezovye Islands at a distance of at least 0.5 kilometers from the water's edge
at a distance of less than 0.1 km from the water's edge and less than 0.5 km on both sides of the administrative boundaries of the village of Drachevo
Klyazma reservoir Bay Krasnaya Gorka
Lutosnya river and its tributaries Within the administrative boundaries of Solnechnogorsk and Dmitrovsky districts
Istra reservoir Water area of ​​the Kostyaevsky Islands (less than 0.1 km from the water's edge)
the water area of ​​the Istra River (right-bank part) from the mouth of the Chernaya River with a belt width of 50 meters for 1.1 kilometers towards Pyatnitsky reach

Types of biological resources prohibited for extraction (clause 30.25.3):

  • freshwater catfish;
  • white-eye;
  • lampreys;
  • sterlet;
  • grayling;
  • blue breeze;
  • bersh;
  • sterlet;
  • sabrefish;
  • trout;
  • podust
  • crayfish.

The minimum size of the extracted resources (if a fish of a smaller size is caught, it must be released with minimal losses) (paragraph 30.24.4):

  • pike perch - 40 centimeters;
  • ide - 25;
  • asp - 40;
  • bream - 25;
  • burbot - 40;
  • chub - 20;
  • carp - 40;
  • pike - 32.

What methods and types of fishing are prohibited

They are listed in paragraph 29 of the Fishing Rules. Prohibited types of gear:

  • networks of all types;
  • traps of all kinds and types, with the exception of crayfish;
  • firearms and pneumatic weapons;
  • bows and crossbows;
  • fishing rod and spinning rods, if the total number of all types of hooks exceeds ten per
  • one citizen;
  • sweeping and dredging tools;
  • traps;
  • catfish;
  • improvised tools with hooks;
  • spear-type stabbing implements, except for special pistols and guns used only in recreational and sport fishing;
  • rounding and net screening tools.

Prohibited types of fishing methods:

  • bagrenie, jamming, rutting;
  • lines (with a total number of hooks not more than 10 on all tools of one fisherman);
  • with the use of lighting fixtures and lanterns (an exception is made for spearfishing, crayfishing and fishing with a rod or spinning rod);
  • using a rowboat or water craft using more than two lures per boat. Thus, a ban on fishing from a boat has not been established, but the parameters established by the Fishing Rules must be observed;
  • for trolling - using a sail or a motor, if the number of lures also exceeds two per vessel;
  • circles and vents, if the number of hooks exceeds ten per citizen;
  • with the help of devices blocking the reservoir and preventing the free movement of fish;
  • gill method, if the number of hooks is more than two pieces;
  • crayfish, if their number exceeds three per citizen, while the diameter or other parameters (width, height, length) should not exceed 80 centimeters, and the mesh width - 22 millimeters;
  • crayfish wade by hand, as well as by diving.

Additional restrictions

They are established by the new fishing law. Recreational fishing cannot be carried out at the following facilities:

  • used for pond aquaculture;
  • provided for commercial aquaculture;
  • in places of mass recreation of the population.

Fishing may be limited in water bodies located on defense and security lands, as well as in facilities owned by citizens and legal entities. Extraction of water resources is carried out by agreement with the owner.

Under the ban for ordinary fishermen were the following means and methods of production:

  • networks (except for the regions of the North, the Far East and Siberia during a certain period and subject to marking);
  • chemical and explosives, electric current;
  • underwater mining method;
  • scuba gear and similar devices;
  • electronic means of searching for resources under water;
  • underwater devices above water.

Now the catch rate is set, in the Moscow region it is equal to 5 kg or one specimen if its weight is more than 5 kg.

Responsibility for violation of the prohibition

For violation of the ban on fishing in the Moscow region in 2019, a citizen may be brought to administrative or criminal liability. Penalties for an administrative offense under Art. 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses are provided in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. It is also possible to apply such punishment as confiscation of mining tools or a vessel.

For a crime under Art. 256 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation already provides for a fine in the amount of 300 to 500 thousand rubles, and the maximum possible punishment is imprisonment for up to 2 years. The objective side of this crime is fishing in spawning areas or on the ways to them, as well as in specially protected objects, using self-propelled watercraft or prohibited methods of mass extermination of fish. Also, a citizen can be held liable under this article in case of causing major damage (from 100,000 rubles).

Few people think about legislation when going fishing. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. Therefore, before folding hooks, uncovering spinning rods and digging worms, you should study where, how, with what and when it is allowed to fish. So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for a thinner wallet and spoiled rest. Fishing ban 2019, terms and penalties.

☸️ TAXES for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources are effective from November 3, 2018:

For 1 copy. regardless of size and weight:

  • beluga 206625 rub.
  • Russian sturgeon 138024 rub.
  • salmon Atlantic (salmon) 13675 rub.
  • nelma 10811 rub.
  • lampreys 5685 rub.
  • sima, brown trout 5128 rubles
  • zander 3305 rub.
  • grayling, asp, carp, carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, freshwater catfish 925 rub.
  • burbot, bersh, sabrefish, tench, ide, bream, silver bream, blue bream 500 rub.
  • roach, dace, crucian carp, chub, podust, freshwater perch 250 rub.
  • other types freshwater fish 100 rub.
  • cancer 115 rub.

Caviar / for 1 kg.:

  • beluga 82200 rub.
  • other sturgeon fish species 54910 rub.
  • salmon species of fish 27455 rub.
  • other types of fish 2288 rub.


When calculating the damage caused to aquatic biological resources during periods prohibited for fishing and (or) in areas prohibited for fishing, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Fishing and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", in addition to the rates provided for by this document, 100 percent of the fee for a copy (kilogram) of the corresponding species (subspecies).

For each kilogram of sturgeon caviar, in addition to the fees provided for by this document, 100 percent of the fee for a specimen of sturgeon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account, and for each kilogram of salmon fish caviar, 50 percent of the fee for a specimen of salmon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies).

Let's study the laws for anglers together!

☸️ What kind of fishing is considered illegal in the Russian Federation, and where you can’t fish?

You can learn more about prohibited fishing from the relevant laws. For example, from Federal Law No. 166 (note “On fishing ...”). According to this law, you can fish free of charge and freely if you do it on water bodies for which there is no special / mode of use. But even under these conditions, you may be affected by restrictions approved by law.

The main list of restrictions is regulated by the federal body - the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

☸️ These include…

  1. Prohibition of fishing in certain areas and prohibition of catching certain types of fish.
  2. A certain weight and size of fish caught.
  3. Number, type, size and design of fishing devices and methods of fishing.
  4. Permitted/prohibited periods for fishing.
  5. Sizes, number and types of vessels for fishing.
  6. Catch volume per 1 individual or 1 vessel.

…And other restrictions.

As for the permitted specific places for fishing in Russia, they are determined by each region independently.

☸️ Prohibited everywhere places are the following ...

  1. Near bridges, locks, near dams and hydraulic structures, near fish/factories and rearing cages.
  2. At water bodies of spawning farms.
  3. On the fairway from a boat.
  4. In reserves.
  5. In fish farms.
  6. In pond/fish farms.
  7. In spawning grounds during spawning.
  8. At the facilities of fish hatcheries during the release of "young animals".

☸️ Prohibited fishing gear - what can not be fished?

  1. Networks of any type / kind.
  2. Traps of any design/type (with the exception of crayfish).
  3. Passive tools for fishing (approx. - zakidushki, poking, etc.) on those rivers that are known for the habitats of salmon species.
  4. Pneumatic weapons (except for devices intended for spearfishing).
  5. Fishing rods / spinning rods of any type, system, design with a total number of hooks - more than 10 pcs per 1 person.
  6. Trawls, bottom seines.
  7. Hook self-drilling devices.
  8. Net devices / devices (nets and TVs, drills and capes, scarves, etc.).
  9. Elevators / scoops with a size of more than 1x1 m and a mesh pitch of more than 10 mm.
  10. Traps and catfish.
  11. Spears and other piercing tools for fishing.

☸️ Prohibited fishing methods - how not to fish?

  1. For cutting and lighting.
  2. Silencing fish.
  3. Trolling using a sail and a motor with more than 2 lures.
  4. Through barriers that become an obstacle to the free movement of fish (dams, etc.).
  5. With the help of circles / zherlits with the number of hooks - more than 10 pcs per 1 person.
  6. With the help of crayfish with more than 3 pieces per person, with a mesh size of less than 22 mm and a device diameter of more than 80 cm.
  7. Laying with the total number of hooks - more than 10 pcs per 1 person.
  8. By diving or manually wade when catching crayfish.
  9. On the close.
  10. Combines and bagasses.
  11. Descent of reservoirs.
  12. With the installation of huts on the ice.
  13. From ships and other watercraft that have not been properly registered and with missing statutory identification marks on board.
  14. Electric shock and firearms.
  15. Electric fishing rods.
  16. With the use of watercraft during spawning.
  17. Scuba diving, underwater.

☸️ Terms of prohibited fishing - when is it forbidden to fish?

As for the timing of the ban on fishing, they are set by the regions on an individual basis, and change every year, in accordance with the situation. For example, pike spawning - end of winter, beginning of spring +/- 2 weeks. And perch spawning begins after the water warms up to +7.

Be careful! Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited!

☸️ Changes in the legal framework of the fishing industry of the Russian Federation in 2019

In 2019, the fishing industry of the Russian Federation is waiting for serious changes. Changes to the federal fisheries law appeared back in 2016, but they will only come into effect this year. What do traders need to prepare for?

☸️ Massive changes

The amendments previously made to the law on fisheries are beginning to take effect. First of all, the revised quota system will be changed. There will be fishing quotas for investment purposes, with the help of which the authorities want to stimulate the creation of new enterprises for the processing of harvested aquatic biological resources and the production of fish products. In addition, they should "push" the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation to build new modern vessels at their shipyards. The function of distributing quotas for investments will be entrusted to the federal executive body exercising control in the field of fisheries and the preservation of aquatic biological resources. The provision of quotas for investment purposes will be regulated by agreements concluded for a 15-year term with owners or tenants of investment objects. In total, it is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts. In the near future the Government Russian Federation draw up and approve a list of water resources for all regions of commercial catch, requirements for investment objects, as well as the procedure for calculating and distributing the investment quota. It is already known that projects will be selected based on applications. If the requested limits exceed 100% of the share of the investment quota, then it is planned to conduct a selection based on fair competition. According to the assurances of the current head of the department, I. Shestakov, this procedure will be carried out as transparently as possible, under the supervision of representatives of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

☸️ Updated coastal fishing rules

Dramatic changes are expected in the field of coastal fisheries. Even during the discussion of the future law, "coastal" became perhaps the most acute topic. Numerous questions were raised, from limiting the size of boats to locking certain types processing of extracted resources directly on ships. For example, freezing of caught fish and reloading of catches will be banned. The authorities of one or another coastal region of the Federation will determine the place of unloading. In addition, in the coastal zone it was previously possible to extract not only aquatic biological resources that fall under the TAC (total allowable catch), but also those whose production is not subject to quotas at all. However, the new law leaves the "coastal" only the ODU species of fish. The federal security body of the Russian Federation will control the transportation and shipment of the caught biological resources, as well as the products produced on ships. The law provides for the deprivation of the right to catch for all violators, followed by the forced termination of their activities.

☸️ Distribution of investment quotas

Investment quotas are included in the Regulations on the distribution of TACs. This document regulates the procedure for the distribution of extracted resources in relation to the types of quotas. The list of limits includes quotas for investment purposes provided for industrial and coastal fisheries. Investment quotas will be distributed among those participants who already operate investment objects. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1154, this function is assigned to the Federal Agency for Fisheries. The principle remains the same: the share of the enterprise is multiplied by the TAC determined in relation to the investment quota. The deadline for approving such an allocation for a specific fishing period is 30 December of the previous year. After that, within 5 days, the department is obliged to post the results of the distribution on its own website. The resolution should come into force on April 1 this year.

☸️ Internal ODE

From January 1, the Rules for the distribution of quotas for inland water bodies began to operate. They do not apply to sea ​​waters and those objects for which the TAC is defined within the region. The Federal Agency for Fisheries will distribute quotas on the basis of proposals prepared by fishery research organizations and reviewed by experts from basin research and trade councils. When preparing recommendations, regional features of the water body, quotas for the previous period and the latest changes made by scientific organizations will be taken into account.

☸️ Types of bioresources subject to quotas in certain regions

Since the beginning of the year, Decree No. 764 of the Government of the Russian Federation came into force. The document approves a list of certain types of water resources produced in different regions of the country, in respect of which investment quotas are allocated. The list is made up of the most attractive commercial objects for investors. For example, the Commander squid in the North Kuril zone and the Petropavlovsk-Komandor subzone or the birdie snow crab in the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone.

☸️ No checkpoints

Vessels operating in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, according to changes in Decree No. 486, are required to deliver to the customs territory of the Russian Federation all caught water resources and products made from them. This innovation entailed the need to resolve the issue regarding the control points (points) that such ships passed without fail. This requirement has long been outdated, which has been repeatedly noted by the fishermen themselves. Thanks to the cancellation of the passage of checkpoints, they will be able to significantly reduce temporary losses.

☸️ New TSCs

In 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Order No. 294, which regulates the procedure for equipping fishing vessels with technical controls. According to this document, only devices of the INMARSAT satellite communications company (14 pieces) and the only domestic model of the Gonets system equipped with AIS (automatic identification system) are allowed for use on ships. They should replace all the others. technical means previously used. On ships with a displacement of up to 300 tons, not crossing the 75th degree of southern and northern latitudes, the installation of the AIS was supposed to be completed before January 1, 2018, but this period was extended for another six months. Later, the specialists of the monitoring center came up with a proposal to postpone the installation of permitted devices on such vessels until 2019.

The Fishing Rules for the West Siberian Fisheries Basin (hereinafter referred to as the Fishing Rules), approved by Order No. 319 of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of November 13, 2008 (as amended of March 21, 2012, No. 235), establish prohibited periods (periods) of fishing (catch) of aquatic biological resources in water bodies of fishery importance. We remind you of the bans coming in the period from September.

Harvesting (catch) is prohibited within the following periods:

Yenisei river basin:

Salmon and whitefish:

From the breakup of ice on November 15 in the Yenisei River from the mouth of the Sym River to the mouth of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River.

Whitefish species:

From September 1 to November 15 - in the Yenisei River with tributaries from the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station to the mouth of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River;

From October 15 to November 15 - in the Yenisei River above the mouth of the Khantaika River to the mouth of the Podkamennaya Tunguska River.

Grayling, lenok, taimen:

From September 10 to October 10 - in the tributaries of the Yenisei River of all orders to the south of the mouth of the Angara River (the settlement of Strelka), including the Angara River, tributaries of HPP reservoirs.

The Khantayka river basin, including the Khantay reservoir:

From September 10 to November 30 - in the Small Khantaysky (western) lake, a channel between the lakes Small Khantaysky and Khantaysky;

In the Boguchansky reservoir:

Grayling and tugun:

In the Krasnoyarsk reservoir:

From September 20 to June 30 - all types of aquatic biological resources in the bays of the Yenisei, Abakan, Tuba, Syda, Koma, Ubey, Derbina, Biryusa, Sisim rivers at a distance of less than 3 km from the variable (actual) backwater;

In the Sayano-Shushenskoye and Mainskoye reservoirs:

From September 10 to November 20 - all types of aquatic biological resources in the bays of the Khemchik, Kantegir, Kazyr-suk, Us, Bolshaya Ura, Shagonar rivers at a distance of 3 km from the variable (actual) backwater.

Basin of the Pyasina River:

All types of aquatic biological resources:

Basin of Lake Taimyr:

All types of aquatic biological resources:

Khatanga river basin:

Omul, whitefish, muksun, peled (cheese), tugun and vendace:

Ob river basin:

Tyva Republic:

Pelyadi (syrka):

The Republic of Khakassia:

Pelyadi (syrka):

The prohibition periods and water bodies of fishery significance and their parts, indicated above, do not apply to a citizen engaged in amateur fishing with one float or bottom fishing rod from the shore with a total number of hooks of no more than 2 pieces on fishing gear within the administrative boundaries of settlements and at a distance of no more than 0.5 km from these borders.

Article 18.5 prohibits having on the deck of the Vessel, other floating craft, fishing areas and in places of production (catch) (when fishing outside fishing areas) equipment for production (catch), the use of which in a given area and at a given period of time is prohibited;

In view of the foregoing, in order to ensure favorable conditions for the natural reproduction of aquatic biological resources and pleasant recreation on the river, we recommend that amateur fishermen comply with the Fishing Rules.