Peru-Chile: South American Mysteries, Groups (12 nights). Peru - Bolivia - Chile Statistical preview of the match Peru - Chile

Travel concept

The trip to Chile is the biggest project I've ever taken on. When developing the route, I set myself the task of making an already expensive tour as economical as possible, but at the same time covering the maximum possible. During the trip, we will visit the main locations of the country: Santiago, Valparaiso, Atacama Desert and Patagonia. And the highlight of the trip will be the most remote island in the world - Easter Island! This means that we are practically the entire country from north to south and from west to east! It will be a grandiose trip that will be remembered for a lifetime!

Meeting at the airport. Check-in at the hotel and, depending on the schedule of arrival of the aircraft, dinner in a traditional cafe.

Day 2, 3 and 4 (optional). (9, 10 and 11 September) - Easter Island

Welcome to the most remote island in the world! We will travel around Easter Island for three whole days and get acquainted with its wonders and sights! The program includes obligatory observation of the stars, acquaintance with idols, wild beaches and much more!

Departure from Easter Island to Santiago. Meeting at the airport for tourists who booked only the main program. Check-in at the hotel and, depending on the schedule of arrival of the aircraft, dinner in a traditional cafe.

A full day trip to the city of the Chilean elite Valparaiso. We will walk along the cozy streets of this beautiful town, see the famous colorful houses and the world's oldest trolley bus, ride the funicular and enjoy the Pacific coast.

Sightseeing tour of Santiago. We will visit the main palace of the country - La Moneda and the central area of ​​the city, and then go to the mountain and the Sky Costanera observation deck (optional for those who wish) to enjoy the panorama of the city. We will also take a look at the most interesting quarter of Bellavista and, of course, we will taste national food and drinks in cafes during breaks between moving around the city. Overnight transfer to Atacama, dinner included.

It will take us all day to get to the Atacama Desert. Check-in at the hotel and rest. Visit to the museum of meteorites. Walk and explore San Pedro de Atacama.

Excursion to the Moon Valley in the morning. Then a visit to the meteorite museum in case we did not have time to see it the previous day. Interactive game "Chile" by teams in one of the cafes in the evening. A trip to the observatory to observe the stars! Chile has the brightest and most beautiful stars on our planet!

The next day, free time in San Pedro de Atacama or an optional full-day excursion: sunrise at the El Tatio geysers and swimming in thermal springs. By evening, overnight departure to Santiago, dinner included. In Santiago, check-in at the hotel and free time.

Flight to Patagonia. Arrival at Punta Arenas. Bus to Puerto Natales. Check-in at the hotel and rest.

We leave our bags in Puerto Natales and in the morning we go to one of the most beautiful places world - National Park Torres del Paine - the goal of our trip to Patagonia. Inspection of the three famous towers - the symbol of the park. Free time for walking.

The next day we again go to Torres del Paine to visit the Gray Glacier and sail to it right on the ship! Then we will continue our walk through the reserve.

Transfer to Punta Arenas. Walk through one of the southernmost cities in the world and see all the most interesting in the center. Then an optional excursion to the penguin colony, where they live in their natural habitat.

Early flight to Santiago. Check-in at the hotel and optional excursions to the famous Chilean vineyards with wine tasting at will.

Free time to explore those sights that we did not have time to see during our first stay in the city. In the evening flight home according to the flight schedule.

Important Points

During the author's trips, we always plan the time as it is convenient for us. I never drive anyone away and I don’t put in a time frame when people do not have time to take photos or enjoy this or that city. Together we decide how much time to spend on a particular attraction. The purpose of my trips is to create a friendly atmosphere within the team. Who wants to can always walk separately, but in most cases we rest together as a group, walk, eat - it will never be boring, even if you travel alone! On each trip, I make a selection of the cheapest, but rated cafes with good reviews to minimize the cost of food, but still taste the most delicious dishes. During the trip, I do not focus on historical references, but on how the country functions from the inside: we learn to use public transport, communicate with residents, learn the language and learn the traditions of the state. The program includes interactive game by commands, during which the participants of the trip will learn Interesting Facts about the country and its culture. For general convenience, the group has a shared taxi budget, which we use when needed to save time or make transfers easier.

NB! Dates of stay in cities can change plus or minus if the prices for flights vary greatly.

Time, cost and booking of the trip.

Arrival date: main program September 12 - September 25 (14 days) or including Easter Island September 8 - September 25 (18 days)

The cost of travel:$ 1300 (main program) per person, subject to accommodation in duplicates together. In the case of single occupancy, additional payment for doubles or sharing.

Easter Island Program: In Progress

The cost of a trip to Chile includes:

* accommodation, escort along the specified route, meeting at the airport, interactive game in Chile

* excursions and entrance tickets: Santiago, Valparaiso, Moon Valley, Meteorite Museum and Observatory in Atacama, tickets to Torres del Paine National Park for two days

* all transfers between cities and public transport, including two transfers to Atacama and back with meals.

The cost of a trip to Chile does not include:

* International flight + domestic flight Santiago - Patagonia - Santiago (on this moment 170$)

* Additional program around Easter Island + flight to Easter Island (currently $470)

* Optional excursions and additional expenses in the Torres del Paine National Park (boat to the Gray Glacier, shuttles from Puerto Natales to the park and back)

* Food and total taxi budget as needed for convenience

Number of people in the group: maximum 12. I want to make this trip in a family and friendly atmosphere and I'm not going to chase the number, so as soon as 12 seats are booked, the group will be closed.

Trip booking: in order to register for a trip to Chile, you need to fill in the data in the form below. You will then receive an email notification with the next steps. The itinerary of the trip may vary depending on the preferences and wishes of travelers.

Group tour with Russian speaking guide in Peruand with an English-speaking guide on Easter Island

13 days / 12 nights

Route: Lima - Cusco (city tour, 4 ruins of Cusco, dinner) - Machu Picchu - transfer to Puno with excursions - Lake Titicaca (O. Uros, Chulpas Sillyustani) - Lima (city tour, gold museum) - flight Lima-Santiago - Easter Island (hotel accommodation, island tours) - Santiago (city tour)

Arrival date
in 2019: 09.02, 23.02, 09.03, 30.03, 28.04, 25.05, 15.06, 06.07, 20.07, 03.08, 17.08, 31.08, 14.09, 28.09, 12.10, 26.10, 09.11, 09.11

Day 1: Lima
Arrival in Lima. Meeting, transfer and hotel accommodation.

Day 2 : Lima - Cusco
Breakfast. Transfer to the airport for flight to Cusco. Meeting and transfer to the selected hotel.

In the afternoon - We will go to city ​​tour of Cusco with a visit to the “Korikancha” (Temple of the Sun) - a ritual center where the Incas spent the winter solstice. The Koricancha temple was almost completely destroyed by earthquakes several times. which was based on an elegant system of bandaging polygonal blocks.

FortressSaxaihuaman- an architectural complex with religious buildings, towers, canals, etc.,

Kenko - has the form of a cougar, one of the sacred animals of the Inca civilization. Consists of channels and stairs, some stones have engravings depicting animals.

PukaPukara - was an administrative and military center, consisting of platforms, stone stairs, arched passages and niches.

Tambomachay - known as the baths of the Incas, was the center of Inca worship of water.

In the evening - dinner in a restaurant with a folklore program. Dancers and musicians dressed in colorful national costumes.

Day 3 : Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco

Breakfast. Transfer to the railway station. Departure by train.

Arrive at the station in Machu Picchu and transfer to a stop where a small bus will take us to the entrance to the "lost city of the Incas", climbing up a winding road with breathtaking views of the Urubamba River (about 30 minutes on the way).

Guided tour. The most enlightened priests went to Machu Picchu after the fall of the Inca Empire; the Spaniards could not find this city. Machu Picchu was built from huge blocks of limestone without the use of a bonding mortar on top of a mountain surrounded by impenetrable jungle. In Machu Picchu we will see the agricultural sector (terraces) and the urban sector: ceremonial buildings: the temple of the Sun, "Inti Uatana" - a sundial, the "Three Windows" room, the Temple of the Condor and residential buildings. The strongest energy is felt everywhere here, and the views that open up are breathtaking.

Descent by bus along the serpentine to the town of Aguas Calientes

Lunch at a restaurant.

In the afternoon - departure by train back. Next - transfer to the hotel in Cusco

Day 4 : Cusco

Breakfast. Free day.

Day 5 : Cusco - Puno


07.00 - Transfer by bus to the city of Puno with excursions. Several stops along the way to visit the sights of this scenic route:

Andahuaillas - town 40 km from Cusco. On the Main Square there is a 16th century church built by the Jesuits. For the quality of the interiors, it is called the Sistine Chapel of South America.

Rakchi - Stop at the archaeological complex of Rakchi. Temple Wiracocha is made of mud walls connected at the top with stone arches. It was the religious and administrative center of the Inca empire. Lunch in the town of Sikuani.

La Raya - (4400 meters above sea level). There is a roadside market with beautiful mountains in the background where you can buy local handicrafts.

Pucara - It was the center of the pre-Inca culture of the same name (5th century BC - 5th century AD)

Arrival in Puno in the evening.

At 18.00 - arrival in Puno, accommodation in a hotel of the selected category.

The offered 4* and 5* hotels in Puno are perfectly located on the banks of the Oz. Titicaca

Day 6 : Puno - Lake Titicaca - Lima


Excursion to the highest navigable lake in the world - Titicaca. Ride on floating islands of Uros built from reeds. There are over 40 islands on Lake Titicaca. The Aymara Indians live here. Today's inhabitants of the reed islands live strictly following the traditions of their ancestors. They fish, hunt birds, use coastal vegetation, including reeds, to build houses, boats and the islands themselves.

visit Chulpas Silyustani(ancient burial towers) of a religious building of the era that preceded the rule of the Incas. These quadrangular and round buildings reach a height of 12 meters. The structures of these buildings are surprising in that the diameter of the base is less than top part the buildings. Sillyustani is located in one area of ​​a peninsular shape, surrounded by the beautiful Umayo lagoon, 34 km from Puno, then transfer to the airport for a flight to Lima.

Arrival in Lima. Meeting, transfer and hotel accommodation.

Day 7: Lima

Breakfast. Free day in Lima.

Day 8 : Lima - Santiago

Breakfast. Free morning.

Afternoon - Osightseeing tour of Lima , with an inspection of the ritual center of the pre-Inca era, Huaca Puklana, a walk through the heart of the city, which preserves the Spanish colonial heritage of the 16th-18th centuries. We will go to the historical center of the city. A peculiar charm of past colonial times that still exists today. Francisco Pizarro, the founder of Lima, identified the Plaza of Arms as the location of the structures. In the center of the square there is a luxurious bronze fountain dating from 1650. Around the square there is the Cathedral (1535) and the Government Palace. Let's go to the Monastery of Santo Domingo (1535), its construction began immediately after the founding of Lima, but was completed only at the end of the 16th century. The church has three naves and an impressive dome, it has beautiful carved chairs of choristers made of cedar, its dome is made in the same style. The monastery is decorated with Seville tiles. The interior of the church is decorated with many paintings illustrating the first years after the founding of Lima. It is also worth noting the rich library with twenty-five thousand books, many of which have been there since the first years of the founding of the city; exquisite carved cedar choirs and an altar with relics of three Dominican Peruvians who were canonized saints - these are Santa Rosa de Lima, San Martin de Porres and San Juan. It was here that the largest National University of San Marcos was originally founded.

Visit to the Museum of Gold. The exposition is represented by 8 thousand items made of silver and gold. Ancient Peruvian craftsmen used various techniques for their products - forging, lamination, filigree, polishing. Sometimes gold was mixed with platinum. Jewelry was worn by leaders, priests, warriors. Here are presented: gold death masks, tiaras, headphones, shoulder pads, ritual knives, ceramics belonging to the cultures of Chavin, Huari, Mochica, as well as a tunic covered with a thousand gold plates and a palanquin decorated with gold and silver of the Chan Chan lords. Also presented are gold plates, necklaces, crowns studded with precious stones, glasses, goblets.

At the end of the tour, transfer to the airport for a night flight to Santiago.

Day 9: Lima - Easter Island

Flight Lima - Santiago (turned off)

Connecting flight Santiago - Easter Island (turned off)

Arrival to Easter Island. Meeting at Mataveri airport and transfer to the hotel.
Afternoon excursion to Taay archaeological complex, Rano Kao volcano and the ruins of the city of Orongo. The tour begins with an ascent to the Rano Kau volcano, from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the entire island - its coastline, volcanoes and the village HangaRoa. Stop at the observation deck, from where you can see a giant crater (more than 1.5 km in diameter) of a volcano filled with water and a ceremonial village orongo. Continuation of the excursion to Ahu Vinapu. This place is one of the oldest on the island: its age is 600 years. The stone structures found here are of the same perfection of stone processing as the famous Inca fortresses in Cusco in Peru. Return to the hotel.

Day 10 : Easter Island

Breakfast. Full day tour to explore the monumental moai sculptures that made Fr. Easter.

Tour starts in Ahu Waihu Bay of Hanga Tee south coast islands. These places have not yet been restored and its ruins testify to the destruction during internecine wars on the island before the arrival of Europeans. The next stop is near Ahu Akahanga, also known as "The King's Platform". According to legend, the bones of the first king of Easter Island, Hotu Matua, are buried in this place.

Continuation of the tour to Rano Raraku volcano crater, the places where 95% of all the statues of mlai o were made. Easter. Today, 394 moai statues can be seen on the island. As we climb the slope of the volcano, we will see a large number of moai and a beautiful lake with cool water.

Next stop is Ahu Tongariki This magnificent platform is the largest and most famous on the island with 15 moai. This place was completely destroyed by the tsunami in 1960. The platform was restored in 1992/1995 with the participation of the Japanese government.

Next stop at Anakena beach, where according to local legend Hotu Matua landed for the first time on the land of. Easter. In this place you can see Ahu Nau Nau, partially restored in 1978. Local archaeologist Sergio Rapu. Nearby is Ahu Ature Huki. The moai towering in this place was the first one raised to the platform on about. Easter. Anakena beach - with pink sand and palm trees - is the place to swim and swim.

Lunch - picnic on the beach. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 11 : Easter Island - Santiago

Breakfast. In the morning - excursion to Ahu Akivi. On this platform are seven maoi statues - the only moai that look towards the ocean. This platform, dated by William Mallow to 1460, was completely restored in 1960. The last stop will be dedicated to Ana te Pahu. This picturesque lava cave served as a shelter for the ancient inhabitants of the island. Today, various types of plants "settled" in it.

Airport transfer. Flight Easter Island - Santiago (turned off).

Arrival, transfer to the hotel.

Day 12 : Santiago


Sightseeing tour of Santiago . The tour starts in the city center with a visit to La Moneda Palace Square, which is a historical monument, its building was erected in 1799 during the last years of Spanish rule to house the royal mint. It is made in the traditional neoclassical style. In the middle of the 19th century, the building was assigned to the government of Chile, since then the Palacio de la Moneda has been the seat of the government of the country. The further path will lie to the Plaza de Armas - the central square of Santiago. It was from her that the history of the city began. On the square are the buildings of the House of the Governors of Chile, the Municipality of Santiago, the General Post Office, the building of the Royal Audience and the City Cathedral. Then you will climb the hill of San Cristobal to the statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, from where a magnificent panorama of the whole city opens. Next, visit the modern quarters of Santiago: Vitacura, Las Condes and Providencia, drive along the Mapocho River and get acquainted with the majestic architecture of the main avenues of Santiago.

After the tour is over, return to the hotel.

Day 13 : Santiago

Breakfast. Transfer to the airport for international departure

The cost of the program per person in USD:

Lima Wasi 3* in Lima,

Kenamari 3* in Cusco,

Casona Plaza 3* in Puno,

Otai 3* on Easter Island,

Monte Carlo 3* in Santiago

1 person: SNGL - 3850

2 people: SNGL - 3690

½ DBL - 2979

Hacienda Miraflores 4* in Lima,

San Agustin Dorado 4* in Cusco,

Sonesta Posada del Inca 4* in Puno,

Torre Mayor 4* in Santiago

1 person: SNGL-4320

2 people: SNGL - 4190

½ DBL - 3170

Casa Andina Premium 5* in Lima,

Aranwa Cusco 5* in Cusco,

Libertador Lago Titicaca 5* in Puno,

Iorana 4* HB on Easter Island,

The Ritz Carlton 5* in Santiago

1 person: SNGL-6060

2 people: SNGL - 5907

½ DBL - 3990

Attention: due to changes in the schedule of flights to Easter Island, please coordinate with us the days of departure and arrival before purchasing tickets

The cost of the program includes:

· Domestic flight Lima-Cusco, Juliaca-Lima

· Transfers and transfers according to the program

· Accommodation in hotels of the selected category and meals according to the program

· Services of a Russian-speaking guide / translator (with the exception of Easter Island, where all excursions are group tours with an English-speaking guide)

· reinforced concrete class Expedition to Machu Picchu

· Entrance tickets to museums according to the program

Additionally paid:

· International air travel (from 1100 USD per person net - depending on the airline's availability on flights)

· Air flight Lima - Santiago - Easter Island - Santiago (from 850 USD)

· Entrance ticket to Easter Island National Park ($83, payment on the island only in cash in US dollars at the entrance to Orongo Park and Rano Raraku)

· Medical insurance - $1 per day

· airport taxes

· Optional excursions

· Payment for baggage reloading

· Meals not specified in the program

· Tips

- The order and sequence of excursions can be changed.
- It is possible to change hotels according to the program.
- Breakfasts in hotels are served according to the schedule of the restaurant of each hotel. Unfortunately, breakfast at the hotel is lost if the tour or transfer starts before the opening of the restaurant, without providing any compensation.

To book this tour, send a request by e-mail: [email protected]

example of an individual program

During the trip you will:

  • See with your own eyes the dawn above
  • Visit the capital of the ancient Inca Empire
  • Watch colonies of sea lions and penguins on
  • Fly in a small plane over the mysterious Nazca Lines
  • Visit the islands built of reeds off the shores of the highest mountain lake in the world - Titicaca
  • Wander on the boiling-white surface of the alpine
  • Get lost in the smoke of geysers at an altitude of 5 km
  • See trees made of stone and red lakes with pink flamingos on
  • Go down the bikes
  • Stay in and creative
  • Take a selfie in front of the idols

The first part of the program is almost identical to the shorter journey through.

Travel program

main impressions

Lima - Paracas

Arrive in Lima - the capital of Peru, from where all routes in this country invariably begin.

And although the architecture of the capital is unlikely to impress a sophisticated traveler, there are still places to go: for example, to a chic evening fountain show, to the gold museum or the museum of Inca antiquities.

Then head to the town of Paracas. Here we will book for you a boat tour of the Bayestas Islands, where there are colonies of sea lions and numerous birds.

Then transfer to the minibus for another tour of the Paracas National Park. The yellow sandy cliffs and red beaches here contrast unrealistically with the green water of the Pacific Ocean.

Swim in a quiet ocean bay , and then drive off to your next destination, Nasca.

Nazca - Cusco

In the morning, a driver will pick you up and take you to the airport, where you can load into a small airplane (do not forget to take a pill for motion sickness!) and take off over the mysterious Nazca lines.

But that's not all there is in Nazca! Have lunch and get into the buggy - a desert all-terrain vehicle. You will be shown ancient aqueducts, a pyramid of the pre-Inca era and, finally, high sand dunes, from which you can go down on a sandboard! This is actually one of the most vivid and emotional adventures of the whole trip. In a cheerful company, emotions just go wild.

Stroll through the ancient streets of this unusual city, which has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The main feature of Cusco is its architecture: Spanish colonial buildings are built on the foundations of ancient Inca temples. Yes, and here it is literally breathtaking: the city is located at an altitude of 3400 meters!

Sacred Valley of the Incas - Machu Picchu - Cusco

Get in the minibus and drive to Ollantaytambo, an ancient Inca settlement located in the Sacred Valley. Climb to the top of this ancient fortress and marvel at the strange shapes and fantastic fit of the huge stones that make it up.

And then jump on the train and go to Machu Picchu. Meet the dawn of the next day already at its top - maybe in an embrace with funny llamas.

But that mountain behind the ruins is called Wayna Picchu. And if such a passion for knowledge has seized you, then it’s a sin not to get there, although this work is sweaty and sometimes difficult.

Cusco - Puno

Well, enough of the Inca ruins. Let's go to the shores of Lake Titicaca! Along the way, you will visit the oldest colonial church in Peru, Andahuaililuas. The frescoes on the walls of this church cause very mixed reactions (often smiles) even among the most seasoned tourists, including me. It’s just that it’s strictly forbidden to take pictures of them - but it’s a pity!

Also stop by the temple of the god Viracocha near Rakchi, and take a selfie on one of the highest passes in Peru.

Say goodbye to Peru - you have already seen the most famous here, and go to La Paz - the actual capital of Bolivia. For some reason, this absolutely insane city leaves something in your memory that makes your lips fold into a smile. Go to the witch market, which sells the most unimaginable things such as dried llama embryos, buy colorful knitted scarves and hats at ridiculous prices.

death road

Well, who has not heard about this exciting adventure? To visit Bolivia and not go down the Death Road on a bike from an altitude of 4700 to 1200 meters above sea level is like flying to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. A fitting end to a wonderful trip!

jeep safari in the deserts of Uyuni

Someone thinks that one day is enough to visit the largest salt marsh in the world. And this is true: in one very busy day you will see a cemetery of old steam locomotives, and a psychedelic island with 9-meter cacti in the middle of a white desert, and the salt marsh itself with mosaic patterns made of rock-hard salt crystals. But outside of the salt marsh, Bolivia hides a lot, a LOT of unreal, surreal landscapes.


The safari continues: the heroes of today are the semi-active volcano Oyagu, surrounded by lava fields of absolutely unimaginable shapes, and black and white lakes with flamingo colonies.

After lunch - the desert of Salvador Dali, in which there is a stone tree (hurry up, it is destroyed every year!); a few more lakes with flamingos and Laguna Colorada - a large lake that changes color depending on the season from brick red to yellow-gray.


In the morning you will visit the Sol de Magna geyser, the highest point of the route - almost 5000 meters above sea level. The feeling of being on Mars. Here, between the soaring fumaroles, no one forbids walking yet, looking into their dark depths.

And then - crossing the border into Chile!

Santiago and Valparaiso

Back to civilization! Walk along the modern streets of the capital of Chile, go to the fish market to eat eel or crabs. Take a trip to the port city of Valparaiso, one of the favorite places of the poet Pablo Neruda, a city of funiculars and artistic graffiti on the walls of pretty houses.

Departure: March 31, 2018 (there are 2 people); 15 days / 14 nights
Lima - Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco - Puno - Lake Titicaca - Lima - Santiago - Balmaceda - Puerto Chacabuco - glaciers of the San Rafael Lagoon - Aiken del Sur Park - Lake. General de Carrera - Marble Cathedrals - Puerto Chacabuco - Balmaceda - Santiago
We invite you to visit two attractive and unique places in South America: the mysterious Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru and Chilean Patagonia. You will feel like pioneers when you see glaciers and iceberg falls up close, rocks that have kept their secrets for millions of years, protected forests with giant ferns, turquoise lakes and marble caves.
Combined group tour from 5 people! Excursions to Peru in Russian, in Chile - in English.
1842 c.u. 2-seater size + a / b, from 2 people. (!The cost of the package in Chile, the cost in Peru is being specified)

Peru and Chile. Tour program by day

1 day, Sat. March 31, 2018. Lima
Arrival in Lima - the capital and "gateway" of Peru.
A Russian-speaking employee of our agency will meet you at the airport. Transfer to the hotel.
Free time in the metropolis, surprisingly combining antiquity and modern way of life, nightlife.

Day 2, Sun. April 1, 2018. Lima
Breakfast in the hotel. City tour and museum visit (3 hours).
We will visit the romantic Park of Love with the sculpture "Pairs of Andean Lovers" and enjoy the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.
We will pass through the modern elite districts of Lima, visit the financial heart of the city - the San Isidro district, where we will see the pyramid of Huaca - an ancient pre-Inca sanctuary.
The peculiar charm of past colonial times persists to this day. The main square of Lima, the Cathedral, the presidential palace, the monastery of San Francisco will forever remain in your memory.
Overnight at the hotel in Lima.

Day 3, Mon. April 2, 2018. Lima - Cusco
Breakfast. Transfer from the hotel to the airport. Flight to Cusco. Arrival, meeting at Cusco airport and transfer to the hotel. Acclimatization at an altitude of 3200 meters above sea level.
In your free time, you can stroll through the colorful streets and squares of the former mountain capital of the Inca Empire. Indigenous people - Quechua - manage to preserve the authentic atmosphere of the Andes. The architecture of the houses of the historic center reminds of the Spanish conquest: many Spanish arches and squares, wooden balconies hanging over the cobbled streets. One of the iconic buildings of the city is the Cathedral, built on the foundations of the Palace of Viracocha, the eighth Inca.
In 1983, Cusco was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Day 4, Tue. April 3, 2018. Cusco - Machu Picchu - Cusco
At 05:00 transfer from the hotel to the railway station. Arrival in the town of Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu Pueblo), located at the foot of the peak of Machu Picchu.
Rise by bus to the ruins of the Holy City of the Incas (15-20 minutes).

Excursion to the lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, considered the most powerful energy center of South America. Passing through the Main Entrance, you will see the Temple of the Sun, the Sacred Square, where the Temple of the Three Windows and the Temple of the Maidens are located, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Intihuatana stone - the "tethering of the Sun", as well as the Temple of the Condor, living quarters and an observatory.
The Spaniards failed to discover this fortress. In 1911, during the expedition of Yale University, led by Hiram Bingham, among the impregnable mountain ranges of the Andes, one of the most mysterious archaeological discoveries of the 20th century was made - the city of Machu Picchu.
After the tour - lunch.
Descent to Aguas Calientes. Return to Cusco. Transfer to the hotel.

Day 5, Wed. April 4, 2018. Cusco
Breakfast. Free day. We suggest booking an optional tour.
On request, a folklore dinner at the restaurant "Don Antonio" (not included in the price).

Day 6, Thu. April 5, 2018. Cusco - Puno
Transfer by tourist bus to the city of Puno.
On the way stop: the Sistine Chapel of America - Andaguailillas, Rakchi - an archaeological complex dedicated to the god Huiracocha.
Lunch - buffet in the town of Sikuani.
Next stops: La Raya (4400 m) and Pucara where we will visit the Litiko Museum.
Approximately at 17:00 - arrival in Puno, a city located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, which is considered the highest navigable lake in the world.
It was on Lake Titicaca that Thor Heyerdahl built his famous Kon-Tike reed raft.
Transfer to the hotel. Hotel accommodation.

Day 7, Fri. April 6, 2018. Puno - Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca, located on the border of Peru and Bolivia, is one of the most unusual and mysterious places on our planet. It is the highest navigable lake in the world. It is located at an altitude of 3810 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is 170 km - this is the largest lake in South America. According to legend, the ancestors of the Incas came from the waters of Titicaca.
There are more than 30 islands on Lake Titicaca, the most famous of which are the floating islands of the Uros Indians. Today's inhabitants of the reed islands live strictly following the traditions of their ancestors. They fish, hunt birds, use coastal vegetation to build houses, boats and the islands themselves. the base of the island is being made local residents that weave mats from cane.
Next, you will get acquainted with the island of Taquile, whose inhabitants are famous for their unique weaving products and traditions. It is from the height of the hill of this island that the best panoramic views of Lake Titicaca are presented.
Dinner with folklore program. Hotel accommodation.

Day 8, Sat. April 7, 2018. Puno - Lima
Breakfast. At the appointed time transfer to the airport. Flight to Lima. Hotel accommodation. Free time.

Day 9, Sun. April 8, 2018. Lima - Santiago. Flight to Chile
Breakfast. Airport transfer.
Flight to Santiago de Chile. Meeting at the airport, transfer to the hotel.

Day 10, Mon. April 9, 2018. Santiago
Breakfast. After noon sightseeing tour around the city in Russian.
The tour starts with a walk through the historical center of the city. A monument to the founder of the city, Pedro de Valdivia, was erected on the square, and such buildings as the House of Governors, the Municipality, and the building of the Royal Audience surround the square.
Acquaintance with the majestic architecture of the main avenues Bernardo O'Higgins and Republica Palacio de la Moneda, Metropolitano Cathedral in Plaza de Armas.
The capital of Chile is located among the Andes. Magnificent view of the surroundings opens from San Cristobal mountains with a statue of the Virgin Mary, which rises 300 m above the city. We will climb to the top of the mountain to see the city in the evening light and a beautiful mountain valley.
Overnight at a 3+* hotel.

Day 11, Tue. April 10, 2018. Santiago - Balmaceda - (134 km, 2.5 hours) - Puerto Chacabuco
Breakfast in the hotel. Airport transfer. Flight from Santiago to Balmaceda (does not include airfare).
Arrival. Transfer to the Loberias del Sur hotel in Puerto Chacabuco along one of the most beautiful roads in Patagonia.
4* accommodation in Puerto Chacabuco.
Every evening, the hotel announces the start time of the tour for the next day.

Day 12, Wed. April 11, 2018. Puerto Chacabuco - Aiken del Sur Park - Puerto Chacabuco
Breakfast in the hotel.
At 10:30 we leave for the whole day on the Parque Aiken del Sur excursion program with a unique natural landscape and wild animals.
Return to the hotel at 16:00.
Dinner. Overnight at a 4* hotel.

Day 13, Thu. April 12, 2018. Puerto Chacabuco - San Rafael Ice Lagoon (cruise) - Puerto Chacabuco
Gathering at 7 am. Departure at 8 am Sea excursion across lagoons and fjords to San Rafael lagoon and sailing on the lagoon on the catamaran "Chaiten". Breakfast at 08:30 on board the cruise ship.
The lagoon is rightfully considered one of the unique and amazing creations created by nature. It is part of the Patagonian Northern Icefield and has been declared a World Biosphere Reserve. Swimming along it to the most ancient glaciers on earth is the most spectacular and unforgettable excursion of the region. Age of glaciers - more than 30 thousand years. We will see how icebergs form. On the rubber boats, lowered from the catamaran, those who wish will be brought up close to them, so that you can see and capture the "walls" of blue or blue ice at arm's length.

Excursion for the whole day, so breakfast, cocktail, tea, hot chocolate, open bar, lunch will be offered on board the catamaran. The catamaran bar will also serve you a cocktail with a slice of millennial ice iceberg.

Provided and sailing on Zodiac boats directly among the icebergs, but the possibility of swimming depends on weather conditions and the condition of the icebergs.

To participate in the tour, you will need clothes from.

Return by catamaran "Chaiten" to Puerto Chacabuco, to the hotel at 20:30.
Overnight at a 4* hotel.

Day 14, Fri. April 13, 2018. Puerto Chacabuco - Marble Caves - Puerto Chacabuco
After breakfast, we leave for the whole day on an excursion program in marble caves and unique Marble Cathedral of Lake General Carrera- the deepest, bluest and most transparent in Patagonia. The age of the blue "marble" of the caves - 6200 years. The water in the lake is deep blue and very clear. Such an unusual color is given to it by a certain composition of minerals and microalgae. In the range of colors of grottoes of various shapes and sizes, bluish hues predominate. And although they are called marble due to the coloring of the walls, in fact they are limestone formations.
The duration of the tour is 16 hours.
At 08-00 departure from the hotel, return at 24:00.

In the program: along the southern highway to the village of Cerro Castillo, the "Castle" nature reserve, coffee at the observation deck of Cerro Castillo, the observation deck of Lake General de Carrera. boarding boats in Mansa Bay in Puerto Tranquil0, sailing to the Marble Caves and the Cathedral, return to the shore, lunch, return to the hotel. Time for contemplation, observation and photography is included.
Overnight at a 4* hotel.

Day 15, Sat. April 14, 2018. Puerto Chacabuco - Balmaceda - Santiago de Chile
Breakfast. Transfer to Balmaceda airport. Flight to Santiago de Chile with flight LA ​​278 1423 1643.
Arrival. Connecting for a flight to Moscow.

Tour cost 1 person. (1 c.u. = 1 USD) package for Chile, cost for Peru is being specified

Due to fluctuations in the exchange rate, the cost is indicated in c.u. (U.S. dollars).
Payment in rubles by .

Included in cost:

  • Domestic flights Lima - Cusco - Lima;
  • Transfers airport – hotel – airport on international and domestic flights;
  • Accommodation in hotels according to the program;
  • Food:
    • hotels on the basis of breakfasts;
    • lunch on day 7 at Lake Titicaca;
    • on days of stay at the Loberia hotel - breakfasts, lunches (during full-day excursions), dinners;
  • Excursions to Peru and Santiago - in Russian, in Patagonia - in English;
  • Ticket for the Inca Rail tourist class/Peru Rail Expedición to Machu Picchu and back;
  • Entrance ticket to Machu Picchu;
  • Entrance ticket for a catamaran (without assigning a seat) to the San Rafael cruise;
  • Transport for excursions and other transfers according to the program;
  • Transfers to the beginning of excursions, where it is necessary according to the program.
The price does not include:
  • International flight Moscow - Lima, Lima - Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile - Moscow * ;
  • Domestic flight Santiago - Balmaceda - Santiago * ;
  • Bus ticket when climbing the ruins of Machu Picchu, payment on the spot - 20 usd (depending on the dollar);
  • Entrance ticket during the city tour in Cusco, payment on the spot usd 26 (depending on the dollar exchange rate);
  • Meals: lunches and dinners, not specified in the program, on all days, except for accommodation at the Loberia Hotel;
  • Payment for baggage reloading;
  • Cooling and alcoholic drinks not included in the program;
  • Tips;
  • Medical insurance (if you don't have your own for "Ves Mir", we offer "Sogaz" - the cost is 1 USD/day).
4. polar or fleece
5. T-shirts with long sleeves
6. sunglasses
7. sunscreen for face and lips
8. headgear that can protect the ears from the wind
9. gloves
10. raincoat