Jumps - a jump with a change of legs forward. Physical education assignments. Gymnastics

Jump with change of legs forward. Leading exercise will be a jump with a change bent legs forward. 1. I. p. - arms to the sides. 1. Step left, bending the right forward, jump to the right, in the flight phase bend the left forward. 2. Attach the left to the right.

2. Alternating side step with a jump with a change of legs forward. 1-2. Side step left forward, arms to the sides. 3-4. Left step jump with the change of bent legs forward, arms with arcs downwards forward. Repeat several times with the same leg.

3. The same with the execution of the front circle with the hands down during the jump. The movement of the arms is free, helping to take off.

4. Alternating gallop or polka steps with a jump with a change of bent legs forward. Four forward gallop steps with the left, then a step with the left, two jumps with a change of bent legs forward, two polka steps forward with the left and a step with the right, two jumps with a change of bent legs forward, etc. A jump with a change of straight legs forward is performed in the same way, but for the height of the flight, the fly leg is brought forward more vigorously. After landing on the fly leg, lift the jog leg forward higher.

The jump can be combined with forward waltz steps, performing them at a fast pace, like a run.

Jump with a change of legs back (Fig. 80). You should start training with a jump with a change of bent legs back. The technique for performing it is the same as for the jump with a change

bent legs forward. 1. And p.-hands to the sides. 1. Step left forward, bend right back. 2. Jump to the right, bend the left back, etc.

2. Alternate jump with side steps forward and front circle with hands down during the jump.

3. The combination of a jump with a change of bent legs back with various dance steps.

4. Alternation of jumps with the change of bent legs forward and backward, performed in a stream. Building in a circle with the left side to the center. I. p. - hands to the sides. 1-2. Step left jump with a change of legs forward, arms with arcs downwards forward, head slightly lowered. 3-4. Step left jump with a change of bent legs back, arms with arches downwards to the sides, bend. Repeat the exercise 16 times, then go to a forward gallop and finish with a calm walk. Jumps with a change of bent legs back are performed with a slight abduction of the hips back.

5. And p. - facing the support at arm's length, the hands lie on the rail at chest level, the left leg forward on the toe. 1. With a half-squat on the right swing of the left back, followed by a jump with a push of the right. 2. right, catching up with the left, makes a swing back in the flight phase. 3. Landing on the left, right forward on the toe. The same with a push with the left and a swing with the right back.

6. The same with the help of a partner. Building in pairs with the left shoulder to the center. Hands standing in the outer circle to the sides, standing in the inner circle with the left hand, take the partner’s left hand, the right hand under his left shoulder. The exercise is performed by standing in the outer circle, standing in the inner circle help to lengthen the hang phase by supporting their partner under the arm. 1-2. Step left jump with change of legs back. 3-4 Side step left forward. The exercise is repeated several times with the same leg, then the partners change places.

7. Jump in the middle with the movement of the arms. I. p.-

hands to the side. 1-2. Step left jump with change

legs back, arms arched down forward-up, bend.

3-4. Side step left forward, arms arched down in

sides. Run 8 times with the left leg, then 8 times with

right. Land softly in a semi-squat. Before

push to squat deeper on the whole foot. Energetic

with a wave of hands to help take off. Takeoff run for this

jump can serve as a waltz run.

A step jump is performed with a push of one leg with a landing on the other. In the flight phase, one leg is forward, the other is back, the arms are opposite to the leg of the same name (Fig. 81).

Training sequence: 1. Moving in a circle, small jumps from the left to the right, straightening the legs in the flight phase. The direction of push is vertical.

2. Jumping from left to right through the "grooves" (drawn in chalk on the floor). Gradually increase the width of the "grooves". The task is performed in ranks of 5-6 people, moving from the upper half of the hall to the lower and back. Change the push leg.

3. I. p. - left foot forward on the toe, right hand forward, left back-to the side. 1. Step left into a half squat. 2. Jump to the right in a semi-squat, left back, in an arc downwards, vigorously change the position of the hands. 3-4. Straightening the right, left forward on the toe, arching the arms downwards in and. n. In the future, the exercise is performed on 2 counts.

4. A step jump combined with a side step forward. I. p. - the same. 1. Side step left forward. 2. Jump to the right, change the position of the hands. 3. Side step left forward, change the position of the hands.

4 4. Jump to the right, etc. After a few repetitions, change the push note. Always change hands with an arc downwards, in the flight phase, raise your head, slightly bending back.

5. Step jump training in the game "Wolf in the Den".

Preparation for the game: a “moat” is drawn across the hall

1-1.5 m wide. There is a “wolf” in the “ditch”. The players are located in a line behind the line in the upper half of the hall.

Description of the game: at the signal of the teacher, those standing in a line run to the opposite side of the hall, overcoming the "moat" with a jumping step. "Wolf" stains those jumping over the "ditch" without leaving it. The tainted are out of the game. On a new signal, the players run to the other side of the hall. The winner is the one who gets stained last.

Rules of the game: 1) running through the "moat" and not jumping over it is considered tarnished; 2) the manager counts up to three for the one who is delayed at the “ditch”, and if the latter does not jump over this period, he is considered spotted.

Jump with a push of two, bending your legs back, bend (Fig. 82). This jump requires a high reach. The leading exercise to it is a straight jump (see Fig. 17). Start learning to jump by bending your legs back should be at the support. 1. I. p. - standing facing the opdra, hands with a grip from above on the rail at waist level. 1-2. Half squat, followed by a jump with a push of two, relying on hands, bending back, legs together. 3-4. Landing in a semi-squat, followed by straightening the legs.

2. The same, bending the legs back (the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90 °).

3. Jump in the middle with a running start (see exercises for grades VII).

4. I. p. - hands to the sides. 1-"and" - 2-"and". Four steps of shallow running forward. 3. With a left step and a right swing forward and down, a jump into a semi-squat, legs together, arms back. 4. Jump straightening up, arms arcing forward to the side-up.

5. The same, performing a jump with legs bent back. In the future, easy running is replaced by waltz steps.

One leg swing forward with a 180° turn to balance. I. p. - hands to the sides. "AND". Step left into a semi-squat, hands down. 1. Jump on the left, throwing out

arms forward with a simultaneous swing of the right leg forward (Fig. 83). 2. In the flight phase, with a sharp movement, turn the body to the left in a circle (by 180 °), leaving the right leg behind, and land in a semi-squat on the left, arms to the sides - front balance. 3-4. straighten left leg, hold. The exercise is performed on the right and on the left leg.

The push, swing of the arms and swing of the leg must be energetic. Flying leg in flight turns in hip joint from knee up position 1 knee down position.

Lead-up exercises: 1. Paired exercise. The first numbers stand with their left shoulder to the support, left hand on the rail at waist level, right to the side. The second numbers stand facing the support on the side of their partner. The first numbers raise the right leg forward, the second ones bring their right hand under it at the ankle joint. 1-2. The first numbers, rising on their toes, turn to the left in a circle and put their right hand on the support, left to the side, keeping vertical position torso. The second numbers help to keep the right leg in the forward position and, turning it in the hip joint with the knee down, transfer it to the backward position. 3-4. The first numbers fall on the entire foot. 5-8. The same on the other side. Repeat the exercise several times with the right and left legs and switch roles.

2. And p.-stand facing the support, the right leg on the support at waist level, arms to the sides (Fig. 84).

1-2. Rising on the toe, arms up, turn left around with your back to the support, turning your right leg on the support with your knee down, arms to the sides. 3-4. Hold, torso upright, legs straight. 5-8. The same in the other direction, returning to and. P.

3. I. p. - stand with the left side to the support, right hand to the side. 1. Step left forward, right hand down. 2. Swing with the right foot forward, the right arm with an arc forward upwards. 3. Rising on the toe of the left, turn to the left by 180 °, turn the right leg with the knee down, the right hand on the support, the left to the side. 4. Get down on the whole foot. 5-6. Hold. 7-8. Put your right foot, hands down. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

4. The same for 4 accounts, combining the movements of two accounts into one.

5. The same with the jump on account 1 and the subsequent turn to the left in a circle. On the account 2-landing in the front balance on the push leg. All leading exercises are recommended to be repeated in the middle of the hall.

6. Combinations of this jump with various forms dance steps.

A valid combination without waltz. Building in a column of four, right side to the main direction. Interval and distance 1 m. With.


2. Step forward - a jump with a change of bent legs ("goat"), arms to the sides - a step forward - a jump with a change of straight legs forward ("scissors").

3. Lunge left (right), hands forward - somersault forward point-blank crouching.

4. Somersault back.

5. Roll back stand on the shoulder blades (hold for 3 seconds).

6. Stand on the shoulder blades of the legs apart (maximum spread), legs together.

7. Roll forward to stand on the left (right), the other forward on the toe, arms up.

8. With a swing of one, with a push of the other, a coup to the side (“wheel”) in a leg stand apart, arms to the sides.

9. Attaching the right (left) - semi-squat, arms back-down and jump up legs apart.


1. From the main stance, step forward, balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold for 3 seconds).

2. Straightening up, step forward, arms up - with a swing of one, a push of the other handstand (indicate).

3. Stand up in a handstand - crouching emphasis.

4. Force a stand on the head and hands (hold for 3 seconds) - emphasis crouching.

5. Somersault forward into a squat - arches outward arms up, tilt (hands touch the toe).

6. Somersault back in a tuck at point-blank crouching - rolling back, standing on the shoulder blades (hold for 3 seconds) - rolling forward, emphasis crouching - stand up, arms to the sides.

7. Step forward - push two jump in grouping - step forward - push two jump with legs bent apart (hands touch the toe).

8. With a swing of one, with a push of the other, two coups to the side (2 “wheels”) into a leg stand apart, arms to the sides.

9. Attaching the left (right) - jump up with a 360 ° turn.


Tests of girls and boys are carried out in the form of an acrobatic exercise, which is strictly mandatory. In case of changing the established sequence of performing elements or performing less than half of the assessed elements, the exercise is not evaluated, and the participant receives 0.0 points.

Exercises should have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed in a straight line with a change of direction, seamlessly, dynamically, without unreasonable pauses. Fixing static elements for at least 2 seconds.

If the participant failed to perform any element included in the exercise, or replaced it with another one, the score is reduced by the cost of the element indicated in the program.

The total cost of all completed elements is a base score of 10.0 points, from which deductions are deducted for errors made in the execution of individual elements.

The judges evaluate the quality of the execution of the combination in comparison with the ideally possible variant of the execution.

Participants are allowed only one attempt to complete the exercise.


I.p. - main rack

Step forward, arms to the sides - a 360˚ turn of the same name into a leg stance apart, arms to the sides (the free leg is bent, the toe is pressed to the knee of the supporting leg)


Step one, balance the arms to the sides (“swallow”), keep


Step one, jump with change of bent legs forward (thigh when changing legs is not lower than 90 º) - step one, jump with change of straight legs forward (change of legs is not lower than 90˚) - step and, putting the foot forward, crouching


Somersault forward at point-blank range crouching and, rolling back, stand on the shoulder blades (hold)


Roll forward at point-blank range crouching - stand up, step one and swing the other turn around in a handstand up


With a swing of one, with a push of the other, two coups to the side together (“wheels”) in a stand with legs apart, arms to the sides - placing the foot turn in the direction of movement, arms up


Roll forward and jump up arched


Jump forward roll and 360˚ up jump



I.p. - main rack

Leaving the right (left) to the side, wide leg stance apart, arms to the sides - leaning forward, bending over, indicate, and by force bending the stand on the head and hands, hold


By force lowering into an emphasis lying down - a push of the legs, an emphasis crouching - stand in a rack, arms up


With a swing of one, with a push of the other, two flips to the side together (“wheels”) in a stand with legs apart, arms to the sides and, putting a leg, turn 90º with your back to the direction of movement - crouching emphasis


Somersault back and somersault back at point-blank range standing bent over, together - - straighten up in a rack, arms up


Step forward - balance the arms to the sides ("swallow"), hold - straighten up, put your foot


Two steps forward - a forward somersault with a jump and a jump in a tuck (hips not lower than the horizontal)


forward roll with a jump and a jump up with a 360º turn



1. Participants

1.1. Girls can be dressed in swimsuits, overalls or T-shirts with leggings. Separate swimwear is prohibited.
1.2. Boys may wear gymnastic shirts, leotards or sports shorts that do not cover the knees.
1.3. T-shirts and undershirts must not be worn over shorts, tights or leggings.
1.4. Exercise can be performed in socks, Czechs or barefoot.
1.5. Jewelry and watches are not allowed.
1.6. Violation of the requirements for sportswear is punishable by a deduction of 0.5 points from the final score of the participant.

2. Order of speaking

2.1. For testing, participants are divided into shifts in accordance with their personal start number.
2.2. All participants of one shift must be in a place specially designated for them. Their behavior should not interfere with other participants.
2.3. Evaluation of the participant's actions begins from the moment of acceptance starting position on the acrobatic track and ends with the fixation of the main rack after the end of the exercise. A signal of the participant's readiness for the beginning of the performance is a raised hand.
2.4. If the participant during the exercise made an unjustified pause for more than 5 seconds, the exercise stops and only its completed part is evaluated.
2.5. If an acrobatic exercise is performed for more than 60 seconds, it is terminated and only the completed part is evaluated.
2.6. The participant is allowed only one attempt to complete the exercise.

3. Replay performance

3.1. The performance may be started a second time if it was interrupted due to a defect in the equipment. A competitor's error is not grounds for repeating the exercise.
3.2. Only the Chief Gymnastics Judge can decide if a competitor can start again. In this case, the exercise must be performed from the beginning.

4. Warm up

4.1. Before the start of performances, participants should be given a warm-up at the rate of no more than 20 seconds per person.

5. Judges

5.1. The chief judge in gymnastics determines the composition of the judging teams that evaluate the performances of girls and boys.
5.2. It is recommended to include referee team two groups of referees, each headed by a senior referee. Group "A" evaluates the difficulty of the exercise performed by the participant and derives a base score. Group "B" evaluates the quality of the exercise and determines the appropriate deduction, which is then subtracted from the base score.

6. Test program

6.1. The competitor must perform a mandatory acrobatic combination.
6.2. It is forbidden to change the order of elements in a combination.
6.3. The total duration of the exercise should not exceed 50 seconds. If the duration of the exercise is more than the specified time, the exercise stops and only its completed part is evaluated if the participant has completed more than half of the assessed elements.

7. Performance evaluation

7.1. The exercise is evaluated if the total value of the completed elements exceeds 5.0 points.
7.2. The main errors that are punished with a deduction of the equal value of the element include:

  • violation of the technique of performing an acrobatic element, leading to a strong, beyond recognition, its distortion;
  • replacing one element with another, even technically more complex;
  • fixing a static element in less than 2 seconds;
  • loss of balance leading to a fall;
  • landing in a squat or on the back when performing jumps.

7.3. In case of an unjustified pause of more than 5 seconds during the exercise, it stops and is evaluated only if the participant has completed part of the combination total cost over 5.0 points.

8. Final score

8.1. The final score of the participant can be maximum 10.0 points.

9. Equipment

9.1. An acrobatic exercise is performed on a track or gymnastic carpet at least 12 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. Around the tumbling track there must be a safety zone at least 1.0 meters wide, completely free from foreign objects.

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