Specifications of i6 bike computer download pdf. Installing and configuring a cycle computer on an E-Trail electric bike. Bicycle computer button functions and common operations

A bike computer is a device designed to measure speed, mileage and additional parameters when cycling. There are two types of mechanisms - wired and wireless bike computers. They differ in price and basic set functions, but assume the same principle of installation and configuration.

The principle of operation of the device

Before proceeding to the instructions for setting up the bike computer, you need to know general principle device operation.

In general, the measurement process is quite simple:

  1. A special magnet is fixed in the back area;
  2. A sensor is installed on the fork of the bicycle. In inexpensive devices - Reed switch, and in premium - Hall;
  3. The rotation of the wheel affects the magnet, which sends a signal to the computer. As the wheel rotates, the device calculates the distance and speed of the trip.

Installation instructions

Mounting platform - a panel that has two contacts and a lock for mounting the device. The first step is to install the panel on one of the standard sections of the bike:

  • Bracket (removal) of the steering wheel . The optimal place for a computer with large dimensions and several buttons for control;
  • Rudder center – a safe place that is ideal for a compact device;
  • The edge of the grips - allows you to place the bike computer close to your hands, which makes it easier to control the mechanism.

Regardless of the location of the platform on the steering wheel, care must be taken to avoid falling the computer.

In order to securely fix the platform in the steering wheel area, you can use disposable flagella, which require a strong tightening. This is due to the fact that when removing the device, the main load falls on the site. A rubber backing is used to ensure a strong hold. Such an element will prevent slipping on the surface of the steering wheel.

Sensor and Sensor Mounting

Installing the sensor and magnet is a complex process, in which errors are unacceptable. The acceptable distance between the system components and the wheel axle is 10 centimeters. This will reduce the measurement error caused by centrifugal force acting on the magnet.

The reed switch (sensor) is mounted on the suspension fork using flagella or metal clamps. Perpendicular arrangement of the Reed switch to the axis of the magnet is the most optimal solution for installing the sensor.

After mounting the sensor part on the spoke, you need to fix the magnet. We measure the exact distance from the sensor to the magnet. It should not exceed 2 mm, otherwise the error in the indicators will be large. We tighten the magnet so that the vibrations of the wheel do not displace it.

If the bike owner decides to mount the device on the rear wheel, then the main focus is on the length of the flagella. It is necessary to choose the length so that the contact between the elements is not lost due to wheel vibration.

Using the 2nd mounting option, when twisting the steering wheel, there is a risk of damaging the wire.

The advantage of attaching the sensor and magnet to the front is ease of installation and less risk of the wires breaking when the handlebar is twisted. If the computer is wireless, then by installing it on the front wheel, the owner significantly saves battery power.

The next step is to place the wire in such a way that the design looks aesthetically pleasing. It is important to correctly determine the length. This will avoid possible problems: hitting other structures, creating interference during movement, etc.

The length of the wire is determined as follows: we lead the wire to the bike computer without overloading the plug, with a margin of 10-20 centimeters. We fix the contacts and remove the rest. Installation is carried out by one of two methods:

  • By steering column . The wire is fixed on special flagella. An overlap remains at the bottom of the frame;
  • By brake line . It makes sense to lower the cable a little. It is not recommended to wrap the brake cable with wire. Such an action will not only spoil the view, but also make the dismantling of the structure difficult.

The way how to install the wireless type bike computer is easier. If the sensor and the magnet are placed in one housing, then to start work it is enough to lay a wire between them.

Deciphering indicators for customization

To make it easier for future device settings, you should pay attention to the decoding of the following indicators:

  1. Speed / SPD - speed at the time of the trip. Usually measured in miles/kilometers per hour;
  2. AVG / AVS - index average speed(0-th speed is not taken into account);
  3. TM / Time - the duration of the entire journey;
  4. DST is the distance traveled by the cyclist since the last reset;
  5. ODO - mileage. To reset the indicator, a special RESET button is used;
  6. Scan - demonstration of indicators. When a function is selected, each parameter will appear in turn on the cycle computer screen.

Setting up the bike computer

The first thing to start setting up a bike computer is to determine dimensions ( circles) wheels. This value directly affects the correctness of measurements and calculations of the device.

There are two ways to calculate wheel circumference:

  1. Classical . For measurement, a thread wrapped around the wheel is used. The method involves small errors, because during the movement the chamber is compressed under the influence of pressure.
  2. . For this, two points are drawn. One on the tire, the other on the road. The owner drives one revolution, after which the distance between the points is measured.

To set up some models of bike computers, you only need to know the size of the wheel, without calculating the length. Read the instructions carefully.

To simplify the setting, below is a table of the ratio of marking and circumference:

In order for the computer to accurately show the results, it is recommended to use the following formula:

L 1 \u003d L 0 *S 1 /S 0, where:

L 1 - adjusted length;

L 0 - the given size of the wheel circumference;

S 0 - the distance shown on the cycle computer that the user has traveled;

S 1 - the distance measured by the owner himself. For example, a stadium circle or a straight track.

There is a circle equal to 300 meters. The user drives a distance with the device turned on. The bike computer gave the distance traveled equal to 305 meters. We substitute the parameters into the formula and get the corrected value.

The main functions of the cycle computer after setting up

The basic set of the bike computer includes 7 main functions:

  • Current trip speed;
  • Average speed (the possibility is not available in budget devices);
  • Maximum speed during the walk;
  • Distance traveled;
  • Distance traveled since the computer was installed (odometer);
  • Total travel time;
  • Watch.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the user can manually adjust the odometer parameters. This will avoid unpleasant situations when mileage is lost after replacing the battery.

In addition to standard features, advanced models have additional features:

  • The number of calories burned - the indicator is calculated based on data on average speed, distance traveled and heart rate;
  • The pulse is a useful feature for people who are not allowed to overload the heart.

Setting advanced features

In addition to the standard feature set, many models have a number of additional features:

  • Clock - are configured in accordance with the number of buttons available on the device;
  • Calorie counter - you must enter data on your own weight.

When setting up, you need to learn the units of measurement. Due to the fact that the circumference parameters in most devices are given in millimeters, weight values ​​\u200b\u200bare driven in pounds.

Possible problems

Sometimes bike computers fail. They are fairly easy to diagnose and fix. Two types of problems are common:

  1. The device does not turn on;
  2. Invalid speed data.

AT first If so, the problem lies with the batteries. Their charge is depleted quickly enough, which requires frequent replacement. In many budget models, after the battery is depleted, the parameters go back to the base values.

Second the problem indicates that the magnet and sensor are installed incorrectly. During the trip, vibrations occur in the wheels, which causes the magnet to move. This prevents the sensor from reading accurate data.

To solve the problem, it is enough to lift the wheel and follow the cycle computer by passing the magnet near the sensor. If the sensor reads information every other time, then the magnet must be corrected.

If the problem occurs during the trip, and in a static state everything is in order, then the problem lies in the wire. It must be studied and, if a problem is found, repair or replace.

Video installation and configuration of the bike computer

Video instruction with a detailed analysis of the process of installing and configuring a Chinese bike computer:

A bike computer is a handy gadget that will be useful to all bike lovers. cycling. The device allows you to fully control the process of the trip, showing the results that the owner has achieved. This will allow drawing conclusions and adjusting the cycling program to increase the effectiveness of classes.

In contact with

A bike computer is a very useful thing if you ride even a little further than to the store for bread / to the river to the beach / around the sandbox. The available features vary depending on the specific model, but the basic set of monitored characteristics can be considered as follows:

  • current speed;
  • average speed;
  • maximum speed;
  • current time;
  • travel time;
  • total distance traveled (odometer);
  • the distance traveled for the current trip (since the last reset);
  • watch.

It can also be a calorie counter, a thermometer, a heart rate monitor, a cadence counter,...

If you see all these parameters during the trip, then you can control the load not only by sensations, but also by exact values. Again, it is interesting at the end of the path to find out how many kilometers have been covered, and on some forum to boast of maximum speed.

As a rule, the cycle computer is supplied with installation and configuration instructions. But people tend to lose this instruction, and then look on the Internet for how to set up a bike computer, what rim length to enter, and other similar questions. Therefore, we will briefly answer such questions.

Tire size Length
700s x 40mm 2200
700s x 38mm 2180
700s x 35mm 2168
700s x 32mm 2155
700s x 30mm 2145
700s x 28mm 2136
700s x 25mm 2124
700s x 23mm 2105
700s x 20mm 2074
700s chamber 2130
26″ x 1.75″ 2035
26″ x 1.25″ 1953
24″ x 1.9″ 1916
650c x 23mm 1990
16″ x 2.0″ 1253
16″ x 1.5″ 1206
650c x 20mm 1945
16″ x 1.95″ 1257
27" x 1-1/4" 2161
27″ x 1-1/8″ 2155
26″ x 2.3″ 2135
26″ x 2.25″ 2115
26″ x 2.1″ 2095
26″ x 2.0″ 2074
26″ x 1.9″ 2055
26″ x 1.5″ 1985
26″ x 1.0″ 1913
20″ x 1-1/4″ 1618

Installing a bike computer

The counter, regardless of whether it is wired or wireless, usually consists of three parts: a sensor on the front fork, a magnet on the wheel spoke, and a bicycle computer on the handlebar. Places of installation - arbitrarily, at one's own choice. The only thing - it is necessary that when the wheel rotates, the magnet passes close (up to 5 mm) from the sensor. For everything else - common sense will help you! Obviously, it’s not good when the wire is hanging (if the bike computer is wired) - it’s natural to attach it to the brake cable and, if necessary, to the plug (duct tape, adhesive tape, wire, mounting ties). The sensor itself to the fork and the computer to the steering wheel are usually attached with ties or a special mount.

Setting up the bike computer

The basic setting is to correctly enter the circumference of the wheel in millimeters. Based on it, the counter will calculate the speed and distance traveled. You can measure this value yourself or look at the size marking on the tire and set the value in accordance with the tuning table in the wheel size computer (shown on the right).

The values ​​are indicative and if you compare the instructions of different manufacturers, you will notice that for the same wheel size they may differ. In fact, the path traveled by the wheel also depends on the type of road surface, tire pressure, and the weight of the cyclist. In addition, any bike computer has some error, incl. an error of a few millimeters does not play a role in this value.

If you really want to achieve accuracy - adjust in accordance with the table, drive several tens of kilometers along the track with kilometer posts, compare with the meter reading, based on the difference obtained (if any), make an adjustment to the wheel circumference setting.

Work failures

At some point, the bike computer may start to fail. For example, the speed on level ground jump up to 98 km / h, or fall to zero if you accelerate more than 30 km / h. A significant part of such problems is solved by replacing the battery in the bike computer and / or sensor (in the case of wireless). It is also useful to make sure that the distance between the magnet on the spoke and the sensor on the fork has not increased (due to shaking, mud, snow, riding in thick grass, etc.). If it's not the batteries, the wire, or the distance to the magnet, then the problem is probably in the bike computer board - self-repair not subject unless you are a soldering iron virtuoso.


In conclusion, a few instructions in Russian from different bike computers (pdf format, you can download for free):

  • Ventura X (models 244550 and 244552)

UPD 2015

Since the initial publication, "Niners" and 27.5 "have become very popular, so I'm adding another plate for setting up a bike computer. In addition, in case your wheel size is not in the plate, and you are absolutely not friends with mathematics, the picture shows two a way to find out the circumference of the wheel, which must be entered as a bike computer setting:

a label from the SIGMA manual with typos

The most attentive may notice some difference from the table published earlier. What can I say, two centimeters is an error of 1%. Regardless of which estimated value is perfectly correct, real the distance traveled in one revolution of the wheel will be different (affects tire pressure, soil density,...). Therefore, the bike computer setting is always approximate and 1% does not play a role.

UPD 2016

The table taken in 2015 from the instructions for the Sigma cycle computer contained, as it turned out, an unacceptably many typos (at least two). Therefore, I had to make a sign without these errors with b about a large number of already calculated sizes (according to):

If your size is not in the table, here are two simple ways determine what value to enter into the bike computer:

If you already have a bike computer and you came here only to find out "what value to enter", then the tables above are enough for you. If you are just choosing a bike computer, then read under the spoiler.

Several Chinese bike computers

The price tags of hucksters in offline stores depress me. It is clear that everyone wants to eat, but selling a penny Chinese device is several times more expensive than they are buying - this is no longer "eating", but "eating". Moreover, it often turns out that cheap bike computers are not brought at all, but only expensive ones are offered. I have nothing against the products of Sigma, Cateye and other famous brands - they do great! Their top models for those who are seriously involved in sports are really good: in addition to basic functions, they have independent timers, stopwatches, a separate heart rate monitor, an altimeter, a cadence sensor, ... But for most fans, not to mention city skaters, all this is unnecessary, but in younger models are significantly overpaid for the brand. Therefore, if you really only need data on speed, distance and time, I recommend that you pay attention to the following models of bike computers in the dx.com online store.

- a simple "workhorse" that can do everything you need, is cheap, unpretentious to conditions, easily controlled by a couple of buttons. It is powered by one AG13 battery for a year or two. Communication with the sensor by wire. In addition to the required functions, it has a thermometer. Instructions for setting up, ties for fastening, a battery - everything, of course, is included.

There are several types of bike computers on the market today. Usually they are classified according to the type of connection.

Classification of bike computers

Two groups can be distinguished:

  • Wired computer, which is quite cheap and simple. However, it works like other types of devices. Only one problem can arise with them - installation, which is quite simply solved.
  • The second type is wireless. These bike computers are pretty easy to install. It can be put anywhere, up to the application on the phone. Of course, this type also has disadvantages. The sensor, which is attached to the wheel, must be powered separately. Also, these models are quite expensive.

This is the main difference between bike computers, but manufacturers have also divided them according to functionality. In new and expensive models, you can find many additional features. It can be training mode, GPS, distance memorization and others. The best models have a fairly wide functionality, as well as excellent appearance. Pretty good and budget model - Cyclotech i6. Consider the setup on the example of this computer.

Mounting platform

First you will need to install the mounting pad. What it is? Computers are now made removable, that is, there must be some kind of mount to keep it on the bike. The mounting platform is a panel to which the necessary wires and fasteners are connected. The Cyclotech i6 cycling computer can be installed in several locations.

  • The steering wheel is a pretty comfortable place. You can mount any size bike computer on the handlebar mount. This is a fairly comfortable place to navigate while driving. Unfortunately, the computer will be prone to breakage due to being carried or dropped. Also, a navigator or smartphone is very often installed in this place.
  • Centered handlebar is the best solution if you have other accessories mounted on your bike. In this place, it is more difficult to hook the bike computer and break it. You can also take your eyes off the road slightly to look at the screen of your device.
  • The last place that people often use is on the edge of the flu. Of course, it will be easy to hook it, but at the same time, you will be able to quickly access the control of this device. It is located next to the hand, which makes it quite comfortable to change parameters while riding.

The Cyclotech i6 bike computer must be properly installed. You must make sure that all the bolts that are used to mount the fasteners are well tightened. The comfort of the ride and the integrity of the device will depend on this.

Installing the sensor and magnet

The next step in installing the Cyclotech i6 bike computer is mounting the magnet and sensor. The correctness of the readings will depend on the quality of the settings of these components. From sleeve front wheel it is necessary to retreat 10 centimeters, while the centrifugal force will not act on the magnet. The sensor and magnet can be installed on either side, it won't matter much.

To install the sensor, you need to take a few flagella with which you fasten this element. Next, you need to install it on the plug. The sensor must be mounted perpendicular to the wheel. The magnet and sensor of the Cyclotech i6 must be mounted perfectly perpendicular. Unfortunately, because of the spokes, this will be quite difficult to achieve. Try to get closer to the benchmark to get accurate information.

As you have already noticed, it is necessary to fix the magnet on one of the spokes of the front wheel. Install it perpendicular to the sensor. After installation, it is necessary to check whether the 2 elements collide. Remember that you need to install it with high quality so that during movement the magnet does not fly off the wheel.

Sometimes they install the necessary elements on the rear wheel. If it makes you feel better, you can try it too. Of course, you need to calculate the length of the wires for this. Installing the magnet and sensor is a little easier in this case, but you will need to attach the wires to the frame.

The wire

After installing all the elements necessary for work, you need to take care of the wires. They must be carefully placed so as not to spoil the appearance of the bike, and also so that they do not touch other mechanisms or interfere with repairs.

First you need to decide on the length. Pull the wire up to the sensor and add a little in length, as an error cannot be ruled out. The next step is to cut off the excess. After that, you can stretch the wire. To do this, you can use several methods, choose which one is more convenient.

  1. Laying contacts on the steering column. In this case, you will need to use zip ties to secure the wire to the frame. This is a very simple way, but many do not like it, since appearance plays an important role. But this is not the only negative, you can quickly ruin the contacts due to the twisting of the steering wheel.
  2. The second method involves laying a wire on a cable from the brake. This, of course, takes longer to do, but it looks much better. To secure the wire from the Cyclotech bike computer to the cable, you must use electrical tape.

If you are using a wireless computer, then there is no need to mess with the wiring. This greatly simplifies installation and looks better.

How to set up a bike computer?

Wheel circumference

When setting up, you will first need to enter the circumference of the wheels. This parameter is very important for the correct operation of the device, since it determines the accuracy of the results.

To determine the exact circumference, you need to put a dot on the tires with a marker. Then we mark the corresponding place on the asphalt. We make a full turn of the wheels and measure the distance traveled by the bike. This is the most efficient way.

You can also look at the wheel for its diameter and thickness and find a table that will provide the circumference for a specific model. In some bike computers, you only need to enter the wheel diameter, which simplifies the task.

Hours and other indicators

The Cyclotech i6 cycling computer not only allows you to determine the speed of acceleration and the distance you have traveled, but also allows you to use some useful additional functions.

  • The first and rather useful function is the clock. They are easy to set up and usually do not cause problems.
  • Counting calories. This is a useful parameter that is also popular. To set it up, you need to enter your weight. This must be done carefully, as different units of measurement are often used. Most people use pounds.

Possible problems

If you figured out how to set up a bike computer, then you can proceed to this. It will take a little time if everything goes well. This is not always the case. Sometimes, there are problems that need to be able to fix.

  • What should I do if the bike computer does not turn on? Usually it's the battery. She can sit down or move away. After replacing the battery, all settings will be reset.
  • The computer installed on the bike does not show the speed correctly. In this case, you need to return to the points on how to install and how to configure the bike computer. The problem lies precisely in this. Because you could specify the wrong wheel dimensions or make a poor-quality installation of the magnet and sensor.


If you decide to install a bike computer from Stels, Cyclotech or another quality company, then you can quickly install everything. This is a fairly simple procedure, the main thing is to carefully follow each step. Now you know how to set up a bike computer.

I bought a cyclotech i 6 bike computer last year, the settings went wrong, and I lost the instructions. Help me please! Send instructions! Thanks in advance to all who respond!!!

There are no instructions anymore, I'll try on my fingers
Two buttons - left and right. You hold down the left. A flashing text appears. You set the units of measurement with the left button: miles (MPN) or kilometers (KMN). You press the left. Wheel circumference setting. exhibiting right first number - you press the left, etc., until you enter the entire number. You press the left - the time menu, you expose it in the same way. If before that I chose kilometers - the format is 24h, if miles - 12 hours. You press the left button - the menu of the odometer, the distance traveled. Here you leave on zeros, probably, you press the left several times until you exit the setup menu (a big 0 appears on the screen). Setup completed.
Manage everything on the right button. Press once, the following screens appear: trip distance, trip time, maximum trip speed, odometer (total distance travelled), clock. You hold down the right button - the numbers start flashing and the data is reset (except for the time and odometer).
Look like that's it