The child has a short inhale and a long exhale. Breathing with an extended warm exhalation. Developing the habit of quick relaxation

Various ways of breathing have been used for 6000 years for the specific regulation of the flow of energy and mental states that promote healing. They are based on a given duration of inhalation, pause and exhalation.

What are the different ways of breathing?

Different ways of breathing contribute to the activation of the chakras¹ and the implementation of energy exchange between them.

Having mastered various ways of breathing, a person can regulate his well-being, intellectual abilities, build relationships with others, increase efficiency and direct his energy in the right direction.

This skill is incredibly useful for those who are engaged in self-development, since through the activation of the chakras, various psychic abilities can be acquired.

What are the ways of breathing?

1. Inhalation is longer than exhalation or exhalation is shorter than inhalation - Manipura is activated.

2. Inhalation is shorter than exhalation or exhalation is longer than inhalation – Anahata is activated.

3. Breathing through the nose (inhalation and exhalation) - activates Ajna.

4. Breathing through the mouth (inhalation and exhalation) - activates Anahata.

5. Holding the breath after inhalation - activates Muladhara and Ajna.

6. Holding the breath after exhalation - activates Anahata and Muladhara.

7. A series of quick breaths or exhalations - activate Svadhisthana.

Simultaneous breathing through the mouth and nose (inhalation and exhalation) in the ratio of 50% mouth and 50% nose activates Vishuddha, Anahata and Ajna.

How do different ways of breathing affect us?

Exhale through mouth or nose

When inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, we gain energy in Ajna and transfer it to Anahata, this allows us to become more conscious² and balanced. If at the same time the exhalation is made twice as short, then this will additionally activate the press zone.

This way of breathing will give us the opportunity, being in an even and confident state, to communicate with people close to our hearts on a business and constructive wave.

Inhale twice as long as exhale

An even inhalation twice as long as an exhalation allows you to transfer energy from the heart zone - Anahata, to the groin area - Svadhisthana (sexual arousal).

child's breath

Let's remember how the child's breathing is built after he has cried for a long and "productive" time. During inhalation, the air is inhaled in portions (Svadhisthana), and the exhalation is longer than inhalation (Anahata).

What happens to the body with this way of breathing, and which chakras are activated? It turns out that thanks to such breathing, the emotional energy is redistributed by the body, from Svadhisthana (a series of dov-breaths) and passes into the softer sensual energy of the heart zone - Anahata (exhalation is longer than inhalation).

With inhalation, the child unconsciously collects emotional energy and transfers it to the sensory spectrum, that is, it calms down.

calm breathing

Calm breathing - activates Muladhara and Anahata without weakening other zones. Even with very strong excitement, we can calm down and come to a balanced state with the help of slow and even breathing, when inhalation is equal to exhalation, and the delay after inhalation is equal to the delay after exhalation.

If breathing is calm and even all the time, then the volume of energy increases and health improves. The opposite of calm breathing is agitated breathing (breathing like waves).

Excited breath

Excited breathing - activates the groin and heart zone, though at the same time weakens Muladhara and Ajna. Excited breathing can be called - rapid breathing without delay with short breaths - exhalations.

Rapid and shallow breathing

With a fast and shallow way of breathing, the muscles of two zones participate in the process - these are the zones of the heart and groin, that is, the sensual and emotional zones. The zones of the press - Manipura, and the heads - Ajna, do not take part in such breathing.

Accordingly, such breathing leads to a state in which you can:

  • wonderful to get rid of;
  • dance or be at the peak of sexual pleasure;
  • throw out everything that has boiled onto a suitable or just nearby object.

Naturally, with such breathing, it is difficult to make thoughtful and responsible decisions. After all, it is no coincidence that in such situations a person is told: “Pull yourself together” or “Breathe deeply” .

Both of these phrases are precisely aimed at activating the volitional zones, namely Manipura and Ajna. This allows you to move from an excited state to a state of working capacity, in which a person acts in the current situation as productively as possible.

unproductive breathing

One example of "unproductive" breathing is the "Heavy Lot" breathing. This breathing is present in situations where a person has been in a problematic state for a long time, and a constructive solution is not yet in sight.

"Heavy share" - breathing, in which a "heavy" breath with a sound similar to "Ha" falls into the area chest, and with a sad exhalation, the press area is compressed, and the shoulders are lowered.

If you translate such breathing from body language into the language of words, you get such phrases as: “This is a difficult situation, I can’t do it” or “Well, it happened to me again”, “I won’t succeed.”

constructive exhalation

A constructive way out is a conscious change in the structure of exhalation. The exhalation should become even and energetic and, what is very important, it is necessary to exhale with a straight back. Then this breath in the language of words will sound like this: “Although this situation is difficult, I will find the strength to solve it.”

So various ways breathing can be called productive or unproductive, only depending on how they prepare the human body for the passage (living) of a particular situation. If they help to solve it, then they are productive, if not, then, accordingly, they are unproductive.

Ways of breathing in various life situations

If this is a business-critical situation, then breathing should activate the volitional zones - the press, the head, and the coccyx zone.

If the situation is related to rest, then breathing should activate the zones of the heart and groin (less often the throat).

When a person breaks into a scream during a serious conversation (the groin area and the press turn on), then the solution of the issue, on which a lot of time and energy has been spent before, will only become more complicated.

After intensive physical activity(run, sports training, hard physical work) you need to breathe by activating those chakras that you want to control with your direct power, for example:

  • Ajna - equal inhalation and exhalation through the nose, without delay after exhalation, but with a delay after inhalation;
  • Anahata - exhalation through the mouth one and a half to two times longer than inhalation and with a delay after inhalation and without a delay after inhalation;
  • Manipura with a shorter exhalation bottom nose with the sound "HY", without holding the breath, etc.

How to consciously work with the breath?

Also key point conscious work with breathing is the continuity of the flow of air in the process of breathing - the connectedness of breathing, which indicates the absence of factors separating us from the real world.

When the respiratory-vocal passage closes, this triggers the fear of repeating past pain, physical or sensually emotional, even if its origins are in deep childhood. Unconscious fear prevents us from adequately and holistically perceiving what is happening, from making accurate, right choice and not make mistakes in response.

It must be clarified that interruption of breathing and cessation of breathing are completely different processes. The cessation of breathing is the moment of the highest sensitivity in the perception of the external world - if the cessation of breathing occurs after inhalation, or inner peace- if breathing stops after exhalation.

But at the same time, such a breath holding (without blocking the vocal passage) can be called an inhalation or exhalation slowed to infinity.

There is one very important secret - there is no "Bad" or "Good" breath and cannot be. Ways of breathing in various situations either help in solving them or interfere.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psycho-energetic center in the subtle human body, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (life energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

- Consciousness - a concept in modern psychology; is defined as continuous tracking of current experiences, that is, a state in which the subject focuses on experiencing the present moment, trying not to be distracted by past events or thoughts about the future (

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Serious breathing disorders can be caused by both external factors and serious diseases that require serious treatment. Usually this:

  • Lung diseases (influenza bronchopneumonia, tumors of the trachea and bronchi, the presence of a foreign body in the airways).
  • Allergic diseases (, mediastinal emphysema).
  • Brain diseases, both primary (craniocerebral trauma, cerebral vasospasm, thromboembolism) and complications (tuberculous meningitis, circulatory disorders).
  • Poisoning of various nature.

The following are the most common breathing disorders

noisy breathing

A respiratory disorder in which breath sounds can be heard from a distance. There is such a violation of breathing due to a decrease in the patency of the respiratory tract, caused by diseases, external factors, disturbances in the rhythm and depth of breathing.

Noisy breathing occurs in the following cases:

  • lesions of the upper respiratory tract, which include the trachea and larynx - stenotic breathing appears, or inspiratory dyspnea;
  • the formation of a tumor or inflammation in the upper respiratory tract causes stridor breathing, which is characterized by whistling and may be paroxysmal in nature. For example, seizures are caused by a tumor in the trachea;
  • bronchial asthma causes obstruction of the bronchi, resulting in wheezing, while exhalation is difficult - the so-called expiratory dyspnea, which is a specific symptom of asthma.


Apnea is the stoppage of breathing. This breathing disorder is usually caused by hyperventilation of the lungs during very deep breathing, as a result of which the level of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases, disturbing the acceptable balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. The airways are narrowed, the movement of air through them is difficult. In particular severe cases observed:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure to a critical level;
  • loss of consciousness preceded by convulsions;
  • fibrillation leading to cardiac arrest.

Violations of the rhythm and depth of breathing

Such respiratory disorders are characterized by the occurrence of pauses in the process of breathing. Rhythm and depth disturbances can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • incompletely oxidized metabolic products (slags, toxins, etc.) accumulate in the blood and affect breathing;
  • oxygen starvation and carbon dioxide poisoning. These phenomena are caused by impaired ventilation of the lungs, blood circulation, severe intoxication due to poisoning, or a number of diseases;
  • swelling of the cells of the nerve structures of the brain stem, which is caused by traumatic brain injury, damage (compression, bruising) in the brain stem;
  • viral encephalomyelitis causes severe damage to the respiratory center;
  • hemorrhages in the brain, spasms of cerebral vessels, strokes and other disorders of cerebral circulation.

Breath of Biot

Biot's respiration is mainly caused by lesions of the central nervous system, as a result of which the excitability of the respiratory center decreases. Such lesions are caused by shocks, stress, disorders of cerebral circulation, poisoning. Just as in the respiratory disorders described above, Biot's breathing can be caused by encephalomyelitis of viral origin. Cases of the occurrence of this form of breathing in tuberculous meningitis have been noted.

Biot's breathing is characterized by the alternation of long pauses in breathing and normal uniform respiratory movements without rhythm disturbance.

Cheyne-Stokes breathing

A periodic form of breathing, in which the respiratory movements gradually deepen and become more frequent to the maximum, and then at the same pace move from rapid and deep breathing to a rarer and shallower one, with a pause at the end of the “wave”. After a pause, the cycle repeats.

This type of breathing is mainly caused by an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood, as a result of which the respiratory center lowers its work. In young children, such a violation of breathing is quite common, and disappears with age. In adults, it can be caused by:

  • violation of cerebral circulation (vasospasms, strokes, hemorrhages);
  • intoxication caused by various diseases or external causes (alcohol, nicotine and drug poisoning, chemical poisoning, drug overdose, etc.);
  • diabetic coma;
  • uremic coma that occurs with absolute renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hydrocephalus (dropsy);
  • exacerbation bronchial asthma, causing an attack of suffocation (asthmatic status).

Breath of Kussmaul

Pathological form of breathing, in which respiratory movements are rare and rhythmic (deep breath - forced exhalation). It is mainly manifested in patients with impaired consciousness caused by coma of various kinds. Intoxication, diseases that cause changes in the acid-base balance of the body, and dehydration can also lead to respiratory failure of this kind.


Type of shortness of breath. Respiratory movement in this type of respiratory failure is superficial, their rhythm is not disturbed. Shallow breathing calls for insufficient ventilation of the lungs, which can last for several days. It is mainly found in healthy people with strong nervous excitement or hard physical work and goes into a normal rhythm when the factors are eliminated. It can also be the result of certain diseases.

Depending on the nature of the disorder, it makes sense to contact:

  • see an allergist if asthma is suspected;
  • to a toxicologist in case of intoxication;
  • see a neurologist if you experience shock or stress;
  • see an infectious disease specialist if you have had an infectious disease.
  • traumatologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • oncologist;
  • somnologist.

In case of particularly severe respiratory disorders (suffocation, respiratory arrest), call an ambulance.

Few people think about how to breathe correctly: this process occurs uncontrollably, at the subconscious level. Meanwhile, there are chest, abdominal and combined types of breathing (diaphragm, stomach, both together), each of which is equivalent. For the formation correct breathing it is necessary to regularly perform a set of breathing exercises, but before that, evaluate how correctly you breathe (observe the frequency and rhythm when inhaling and exhaling).

Fundamentals of the formation of correct, deep breathing with the stomach and chest

Proper breathing is especially necessary in winter and during the transitional winter-spring period, during an influenza epidemic. According to experts, improper breathing significantly increases the likelihood of respiratory infections entering the body, which increases the risk of flu or colds.

Many people breathe by the type of shallow breathing: too often (the norm is 16 breaths per minute in a calm state) and shallow, from time to time holding inhalation and exhalation. As a result, the lungs do not have time to properly ventilate - fresh air enters only the outer sections, while most of the volume of the lungs remains unclaimed, that is, the air in it is not renewed, which is beneficial to viruses and bacteria.

The basis of proper breathing is an extended breath-pause-short exhalation.

Breath type. Determine exactly how you breathe: actively relaxing the stomach - abdominal type of breathing, raising and lowering the chest - chest type, combining both - mixed type of breathing. What kind of breathing is correct for the stable functioning of the body?

Thoracic breathing, in which the intercostal muscles are mainly involved in the act of breathing, nature has reserved for women. But men sitting over a pile of papers, in front of a TV screen or driving, also breathe in this unusual manner. The main thing is that the process of chest, abdominal or mixed breathing should be clearly debugged, which will require training.

How is proper breathing characterized?

Proper breathing is characterized by frequency and rhythm.

To determine the respiratory rate, sit comfortably, put a watch with a second hand in front of you, relax, straighten your shoulders. Count how many breaths you take in one minute.

14 breaths per minute - this is an excellent indicator of correct, deep breathing: this is how well-trained and hardy people. Taking in the air with a full chest, you let the lungs straighten out, perfectly ventilate them, that is, you make your respiratory system almost invulnerable to infectious agents.

14 to 18 breaths per minute - a good result. This is how most practically healthy people breathe, who can get the flu or SARS no more than 2 times a season.

More than 18 breaths per minute - cause for concern. With shallow and frequent breathing, only half of the inhaled air enters the lungs. This is clearly not enough to constantly update the pulmonary atmosphere.

The system for developing the correct rhythm of human breathing

The rhythm of correct breathing is the ratio of inhalation and exhalation, the arrangement of pauses in this cycle.

Long inhale - pause - short exhale. This is how people who are endowed with high performance breathe. Try entering a mobilizing breathing rhythm to feel energized and activate your defense system. The body is very wisely arranged: inhalation is an exciting factor, exhalation is a calming factor.

Short energetic breath - extended exhalation - pause. This rhythm acts like a sedative pill. With this rhythm nervous system relaxes the muscles, getting rid of internal tension. Have you begun to sigh often for no apparent reason? This body is trying to unobtrusively remind us - it's time to take a break, relax. Don't ignore his hint. Remember chronic fatigue weakens the immune system.

Insufficiently clear rhythm of breathing with a periodic delay in inspiration or exhalation, combined with frequent and shallow breathing greatly increases the likelihood of getting the flu or. And not only. Incorrect breathing, in addition to complicating the work of the lungs, disrupts the accompanying movements of the diaphragm, which normally should improve and facilitate the activity of the heart, activate blood circulation in the organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

What breathing is correct: chest and abdominal types

To form proper breathing, a person needs to perform special exercises.

Special breathing exercise to develop abdominal breathing:

  • lie on your back, put your palms under your head and slightly bend your knees;
  • to train proper breathing with the stomach, you need to tighten the abdominal muscles, drawing in the stomach and exhaling air vigorously;
  • take a short pause until there is a need to inhale;
  • using the diaphragm, inhale, as if filling the stomach with air;
  • after a short pause, exhale, strongly drawing in the stomach.

By mastering chest and abdominal breathing and combining these skills into one whole, you will feel how much stronger your body will become. But do not stop there, continue to develop proper breathing - the basis of the foundations of good health.

Special breathing exercise to develop chest type of breathing:

  • lie on your stomach, straightening your legs and assuming the pose of a resting lion: slightly raise your chest, leaning on the palms and forearms of arms bent at the elbows;
  • straining the intercostal muscles, slowly take in a full chest of air so that the chest rises;
  • hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale briefly, relaxing your muscles and lowering your chest;
  • take a short pause, and when there is a need to take a breath, repeat the respiratory cycle from the beginning.

Full (mixed) breathing, in which the abdominal press, diaphragm and intercostal muscles simultaneously participate, is considered the healthiest. With such a system of proper breathing, not only the lungs, but also the intestines, the liver work like a clock, the resistance of the bronchi and nasopharynx to adverse effects increases. So no viruses will be scary.

It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of breathing exercises. You need to train in this way at least several times a day. It is best to do this outdoors while walking at a calm pace.

In the morning and afternoon, while walking, do simple breathing exercises activating the type full breath: extended breath (by 4-6 steps) with a pause (by 2 steps) and shortened, but active exhalation(for 2 steps). And in the evening before going to bed, breathe in a soothing mode: a short full breath (by 2 steps), an extended exhalation (by 4 steps) and a pause after exhalation (by 2 steps).

Remember that increased ventilation of the lungs without proper training can lead to excessive loss of carbon dioxide - you will feel dizzy, you can even lose consciousness. To prevent this from happening, exercise in a well-ventilated area, in the morning on an empty stomach or in the afternoon 3 hours after eating. Be sure to pause after each exhalation and gradually increase the time of classes: from 2-3 breathing cycles to 10-15 during one session.

You can not perform a full breath if you are on a gassed street when cars are scurrying around.

Special breathing exercise for training full breathing:

  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms along your torso. After exhaling the air, wait until there is a need to inhale;
  • counting up to 8 in the mind, slowly inhale through the nose, successively directing the air stream from bottom to top: first - into the stomach (while slightly sticking it out), then - expanding the chest, and then raising the shoulders. At the end of inhalation, the abdomen should be slightly drawn in;
  • exhale vigorously in the same sequence: first, relax the diaphragm and tighten the abdominal press, drawing in the stomach, then relax the intercostal muscles and lower the shoulders;
  • take a short pause, and when there is a desire to take a breath, repeat all over again. When taking a full breath, you need to slightly raise your head, and when you exhale, lower it a little.

The video "Correct Breathing" shows all types of correct breathing:

Special static exercises for the respiratory system

1. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Exhale completely, then slowly inhale through the nose, as if in full breath. Without pausing at the height of the inhalation, exhale through the lips, folded as if for a whistle, but without puffing out the cheeks. Exhale air in short, strong bursts, for which, during each air push, you should strain (pull in) the stomach and relax abdominal muscles and diaphragm. If the air shocks during exhalation are weak, the exercise loses its meaning. One breath is divided into three pushes.

This breathing exercise is useful for quick ventilation of the lungs after a long stay in a stuffy room.

2. Sitting on a chair. Taking a deep breath, slowly exhale through the nose, noting the duration of exhalation in seconds. In the process of training, the exhalation gradually lengthens (by about 2-3 s in each week of training), and it is necessary to finish the exhalation without much volitional effort.

3. Sitting or standing. Take an intermittent breath through the nose in 3-4 doses, that is, after each breath, make a small exhalation, and each subsequent breath should be deeper than the previous one. When the lungs are filled with air, after a short breath hold, exhale quickly, forcefully through a wide-open mouth. This exercise is for respiratory system must be done 3 times.

4. Standing without tension. Take an intermittent breath in 3-4 doses, accompanying each breath with a protrusion of the abdomen (the diaphragm goes down). Exhalation is done through the nose with jerks. With each push, the stomach is pulled in a little.

5. Take a full breath through the nose. After a short pause (3-5 s), exhale through the mouth with the sound "s". Then again take a full breath through the nose and after a pause, exhale in jerks with the sound “fu-fu-fu”. Simultaneously with each sound "fu" draw in and relax the stomach. Shoulders are slumped. Run 3 times.

6. Breathing training with a gradual lengthening of inspiration. Breathing is performed under the mental account. The pause after inhalation during this special breathing exercise is equal to half the inhalation. Eight breathing cycles are carried out with a gradual lengthening of the breath (by counting from 4 to 8) and a short exhalation.

The best dynamic gymnastics exercises for proper breathing (with video)

These breathing exercises strengthen the muscles of the chest, abdomen and diaphragm and, like static ones, contribute to the development and consolidation of the skills of correct (full) breathing:

1. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. On an inhalation, lean back slightly, on an exhalation, lean forward slightly, bringing your shoulders together and lowering your arms down. Run 5 times.

2. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. After inhaling, simultaneously step forward with your left foot and tilt your head back a little; right foot on the toe. As you exhale, put your foot in place, lower your head a little. Do the same with the right leg. Run 5 times.

3. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Take a deep breath while raising your arms above your head and leaning back slightly. As you exhale, lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers without bending your knees. Run 3 times.

4. Feet together, hands on the belt. While inhaling, turn to the left, legs remain in place, arms spread apart at shoulder level. As you exhale, lean forward and to the left, take your hands back.

On the next inhale, straighten up and turn your torso to the right, spreading your arms to the sides at shoulder level. While exhaling, lean forward and to the right, take your hands back. On the next breath, straighten up, raise your arms up and exhale calmly while lowering your arms. Run 2 times.

5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Take a small breath. Exhaling slowly, lower your head to your chest, bring your shoulders forward, touch your knees with your hands, look down. As you exhale, raise your head, straighten your shoulders, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, look up, lower your arms. Run 3 times.

6. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands placed on the chest so that they feel the movement of the ribs. Do circular motions elbows forward and backward. Breathe evenly, without delay. Run 5 times.

7. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt (palms lie on the back, thumbs ahead). Do torso forward and backward, right and left. When straightening, slightly squeeze your back with your hands; while tilting, exhale, while straightening, inhale. Run 3 times.

8. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt (palms on the back, thumbs in front). Make circular movements with the middle part of the body and hips. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay. Run 10 times to the right and left.

9. Feet together, hands with clenched fists, lay behind the back (fists touch each other). Walk slowly, while inhaling, rising on your toes and trying to raise your hands behind your back, tilt your head back. As you exhale, put your feet on your feet, lower your hands, touch your chest with your chin. Run within 1 min.

10. Feet together, arms lowered along the body. While inhaling, bending back, take a step to the left (the right leg remains in place) and, raising your arms to the sides to shoulder level, describe small circles with them - from left to right and from right to left 6 times. Exhale to return to starting position. Do the same most effective breathing exercise by changing legs.

11. Feet together, hands on the back of the head, fingers interlaced. On an inhale, rise on your toes and bend back. As you exhale, lower yourself to your feet and, spreading your arms to the sides, lower them down. Run 6 times.

12. Sitting astride a chair facing the back, back straight, hands resting on the back of the chair. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend over and, pulling in your stomach, touch your hands with your face. Run 6 times.

Watch the video "Breathing Exercises" to help you better master the technique of breathing exercises:

An effective complex for proper breathing: types of oriental exercises

The complex of breathing exercises includes the so-called "cleansing breath" - the most important way of breathing yogis. As a rule, it completes any complex exercise or breathing exercises.

  • Stand up straight, legs together, palms pressed together, wrists slightly pressing on the stomach so that the palms are perpendicular to the body. Take a deep breath through the nose. Breathe as described for complete breathing. Hold the breath for a few seconds. The lips are folded into a tube. Cheeks do not swell. Then rhythmically, with strong, but sharp exhalations, expel the air. Make harsh sounds. Cheeks should not be puffed out. Don't exhale all the air at once. After a pause, when it lingers in the lungs for a moment, exhale with force all the remnants. It is important to feel this very power of exhalation, portions of the exhaled air must be felt.

This method of correct breathing technique cleanses the lungs and refreshes the human body, endows with a supply of vigor and health. An excellent option for relieving fatigue - both mental and physical.

Another type of breathing exercise is breathing to develop the voice. It helps to develop a beautiful, deep, sonorous, strong voice. This affects not only the euphony of our speech, but also the condition of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the larynx. The voice directly reflects general state person, and also shows how great the life force is in him. This technique is rather additional, rather than basic, since it affects very important and subtle matters, and without special, long preparation won't have the desired effect.

Performing this exercise for proper breathing, you need to take a slow and deep breath through the nose. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale powerfully, in one movement, with your mouth wide open. To complete cleansing breath so that the lungs come to a calm state.

One of the best breathing exercises is holding your breath. This exercise helps develop the respiratory muscles and lungs. After repeated and frequent use of it, it is possible to expand the chest, which is very important for air and energy exchange processes. The lungs during this exercise are cleared, their ventilation improves. It is also useful in diseases of the stomach, liver. It is dangerous for hypertension, so it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to do it.

Can be done standing, sitting or lying down. Inhale through the nose - slow, full, as described for the full breath technique. Hold your breath while inhaling for up to 10-20 s. Feel your lungs fill with air. Forcefully exhale air through your mouth. All waste energy must come out, taking with it the negative that has been accumulated in it. Finally, calm the lungs with a cleansing breath.

Below is a video "Respiratory gymnastics exercises" to strengthen the body:

Method of simple breathing exercises: the possibilities of self-control

In the method of breathing exercises, there are several simple ways to determine the adequacy of physical activity.

Pulse rate. Most people get the most benefit from exercise if their heart rate during exercise is around 70% of their maximum. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

  • If you are 20 years old, then the maximum heart rate is 220 - 20 \u003d 200 beats per minute. Then 70% of the maximum will be 140 beats per minute.
  • With this pulse, the load will be most effective and safe.

Pleasant fatigue. If classes are pleasant, but you do not get tired, then the load is insufficient. If you get tired and there is no pleasure, then it is great. You should feel just a pleasant tiredness.

Conversational test. If you can freely carry on a conversation with someone during gymnastics for proper breathing, then your load is insufficient. If you can talk to yourself, then the load is good, but I would like to increase it a little.

Exercise for training the respiratory organs "Centimeter"

The set of breathing exercises includes the “Centimeter” exercise, which is suitable both for controlling the correctness of inhalations and exhalations, and for training the respiratory muscles (primarily intercostal), as well as the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This exercise also helps to increase the mobility of the intercostal and intervertebral joints.

According to the difference in the circumference of the chest at maximum inhalation and exhalation, the mobility of the chest is determined, which, for example, in adolescents is about 10 cm. If this difference is less, training is necessary - breathing.

This exercise for the respiratory organs is performed using a regular centimeter tape, which is applied at the level of the xiphoid process (on the skin or on a T-shirt), tightly fitting the chest. The ends of the tape are firmly held in the hands of either the practitioner himself or his assistant. It is good if the exercise is done in front of a mirror.

How to breathe correctly while performing the Centimeter exercise?

  • At the expense of "1-2-3" a deep, slow breath is taken through the nose, the ribs overcome the resistance of the tape. The ribs should, as it were, push the tightly wrapping tape, overcoming a fairly large resistance, to the maximum possible position.
  • At the expense of "1-2-3" the breath is held and the movement of the ribs stops. The tape continues to tightly fit the chest.
  • At the expense of "4-5-6-7-8-9" a slow, smooth exhalation is made through the nose or slightly open mouth. Ribs freely go inside as far as possible to the end. The tape at the same time tightly tightens the ribs deep into the chest.

Breath training exercise "Centimeter" is carried out 1-2 times a day (depending on the severity of the patient's bronchopulmonary process), in the morning and / or in the afternoon, for 15 minutes, an average of 15-20 respiratory cycles.

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Vegetovascular dystonia. Get rid forever! Nikolai Grigorievich Mesnik


It is based on the most common diaphragmatic breathing in which you have to "breathe in your stomach." To truly master it, one must figuratively imagine that the abdominal septum-diaphragm always exists only for inhalation, and the abdominal press for exhalation.

With the optimal functioning of these muscles, the stomach protrudes when inhaling - the diaphragm presses on internal organs thus massaging them. At this moment, the chest moves forward, increasing in volume. When exhaling, the abdomen shrinks - the abdominal muscles contract, the chest descends, and the diaphragm returns to its original domed position.

Practice shows that diaphragmatic breathing can be learned in a very short time. a short time. This can be done while lying down, sitting, and even while walking slowly. Let's say, initially take four steps to inhale and four to exhale. And only then try to exhale elongated.

For example, inhale for four steps, and exhale for five or even more of them. The main thing is not to forget to enlarge the stomach when inhaling, push the chest forward, and when exhaling, lower the chest and pull the stomach in and even press it to the spine. And do not inhale while it is pleasant. That is, without volitional effort.

It may not work out right away, but with sufficient perseverance, everything will quickly fall into place. When a little experience appears, one should try to make elongated exhalations through the mouth. This should be done delicately, slowly, as if trying to “warm up” the surrounding air with our breath, just as we warm our frozen palms. Therefore, this breath is called “warm”, “warming”.

It is good to carry out diaphragmatic breathing when you are on a trip for a very long time and finally you still have the opportunity to go out into the fresh air and just breathe. It relieves psycho-emotional arousal, pacifies.

Breathing with an extended warm exhalation should be combined with "mental representation" or visualization, which is built on active imagination, representation.

That is, one must mentally imagine that during an active breath, a huge portion of healing energy enters the body, which looks like ... a silvery rain or a thin blue stream - the associations are individual.

It enters the body through the head, neck, reaches the center "qi" (balance center) - located 3-5 cm below the navel; clockwise twists there, and then, during an extended exhalation, taking all the diseases with it, it goes out through the legs into the ground.

You can imagine the organs of your body, blood vessels, etc. An atlas of human anatomy can help with this art. It is recommended to view some of its sections in order to recall them later in your memory. That is, visualization, or mental representation, is entirely related to the imagination.

As has been repeatedly noted above, the whole world consists of energy, and our thoughts, figurative representations are also a manifestation of certain types of energies. Therefore, having learned to see your body with inner vision, you can not only renew it, but also restore it after some kind of disease. Skills come gradually.

You just have to practice a little: inhalation - the energy flow entered the body through the head, reached the center of "qi", spun clockwise, and then, on exhalation, along with the diseases, went out through the legs. After two or three days, with 15-minute sessions, diaphragmatic breathing is completely restored.

Little should be said about affirmations- mental pronunciation of certain words, expressions, formulas that leave a strong mark in the body, thereby contributing to its recovery.

For example, for people with high blood pressure during an extended warm exhalation, it makes sense to say: “The vessels expand, expand, expand. Blood pressure going down, going down, going down."

Or, with VVD of a cardiac or mixed type, you can say: “My condition is improving, improving, improving. I feel a big rush in me vitality". That is, affirmations with visualization are integral components of the psychophysical technique.

Under the term "visualization" psychologists understand a way to achieve a positive result through the mental representation of a particular visual image. But the most important thing is that the human brain cannot distinguish between a consciously created image ("the code" healthy person) from the image of a real ("the code" disease). Therefore, cultivating "mental representation" or visualization, reinforcing it with affirmations, man suffering! VSD will definitely weaken "the code" diseases, forming "the code" a perfectly healthy person.

From the book The Science of Breathing Indian yogis author William Walker Atkinson

CHAPTER VI BREATHING THROUGH THE NOSTRILS AND BREATHING THROUGH THE MOUTH One of the first lessons of the science of breathing of yogis is devoted to learning to breathe through the nose and to overcome the usual habit of breathing through the mouth.

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Respiration Respiration is a complex and continuous biological process, as a result of which the body consumes free electrons and oxygen from the external environment, and releases carbon dioxide and water saturated with hydrogen.

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31. Vesicular breathing. Bronchial breathing Noises that occur during breathing are divided into physiological (or basic) and pathological (or additional). The main noises include vesicular breathing, heard over the entire surface of the lung tissue, and

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1. Vesicular respiration: mechanism, physiological and pathological variants. Bronchial breathing, its characteristics, varieties, mechanism of formation Noises that occur during breathing are divided into physiological (or basic) and pathological (or

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Exercise 4 Full breath with solar exhalation "ha" Lie down in shavasana or take any pranayama position that is comfortable for you. Breathing is done only through the nose. Exhale the air completely from the lungs, drawing in the stomach to enhance the effect.

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Exercise 5 Full breath with lunar exhalation "tha" This exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, except for exhalation. With the lunar exhalation "Tha", the air first of all leaves the upper part of the lungs, then from the middle and, finally, from the lower part of the lungs. It is believed that

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Any, even a slight deviation from the norm in the process of breathing is a reason to contact a medical institution for help. There are many factors that can affect the respiratory process. It can be lung diseases, allergies, diabetes or brain diseases.

Respiratory failure is a huge risk of oxygen starvation, which is fraught with the development of other pathological processes in the body and brain.


Physicians distinguish three types of violations:

  • Obstructive. This type is characterized by the fact that the patency of the paths through which air passes is disturbed, that is, a limited amount of oxygen enters the body.
  • Restrictive. The reasons for the development of this type include pulmonary interruptions, that is, problems with the expansion of the lungs. As a result, they work almost at the limit of their capabilities, their ventilation is difficult and gas exchange is disturbed. This condition is also dangerous oxygen starvation.
  • The mixed type is characterized by the causes of appearance that are inherent in the two previous types.

Causes of Restrictive Violations

Respiratory dysfunction in this case leads to a decrease in lung capacity, a person is not able to absorb a large amount of oxygen. This is manifested in the fact that a person is not able to hold his breath for a long time, it is difficult for him to engage in even light sports, shortness of breath appears.

There are two provoking factors: intrapulmonary and extrapulmonary. In the first case, internal pathological processes that occur directly in the lungs act as a provocateur. In the second case - external factors or mechanical impact.

extrapulmonary type

The appearance of this type is associated with factors that did not arise in the lungs themselves. This condition can lead to:

  • excess weight and obesity;
  • mechanical shocks, fractures of the ribs and compression of the chest, for example, after an accident;
  • cartilage ossification;
  • problems with the digestive tract, most often characteristic of infants;
  • impaired mobility of the ligamentous-articular apparatus in the lung region.

Intrapulmonary form

Inside the lungs can also occur due to external factors, but occurring inside the body. In such cases, the lung tissue is poorly stretched, and therefore the process of their expansion becomes more complicated.

Causes of this type of disorder include:

  • Insufficient amount of surfactant, which allows normal expansion of the alveoli. A decrease in its amount may be associated with smoking tobacco or drugs, or with regular exposure to dust in the lungs.
  • Decreased ventilation of the alveoli, or atelectasis, which may occur, including against the background of a small amount of surfactant.
  • Tumors or cysts in the lungs. This problem can only be solved by surgery.
  • Fibrous formations, for example, proliferation of connective tissues.
  • Pneumonia, pulmonary edema.


As a rule, for experienced specialists, there are no problems in making a diagnosis by external signs, as well as in determining the type of respiratory disorder.

With a restrictive form, the patient is observed. If the violations have already taken a chronic form, then the patient may feel worse, fatigue and restless sleep will appear.


In addition to eliminating the provoking factor, oxygen therapy can be carried out, that is, air supply directly to the lungs. To improve the condition, a visit to the pool, water aerobics, breathing exercises and the most ordinary walks in the fresh air are recommended.

obstructive form

Violation of the rhythm of breathing of this form most often occurs against the background of brain lesions. To date, there are a number of symptom complexes and conditions in which breathing problems are observed.

Or a big breath. Such a syndrome manifests itself in the fact that although a person breathes evenly, the inhalation is always noisy and very deep, like exhalation. Such breathing is typical for diabetics and people with renal insufficiency.

Cheyne-Stokes breathing. It is characterized by alternating hyperpnea and apnea. Patients present with gas alkalosis and hyperventilation. Respiratory failure can be observed in the presence of the following pathological processes:

  • congestive processes in the lungs;
  • hypoxemia;
  • pseudobulbar syndrome;
  • cerebral infarction;
  • trauma and ischemic brain damage;
  • supratentorial tumors and others.

Syndrome of central neurogenic hyperventilation. The condition is characterized by hyperpnea, that is, breathing very deep and fast, about 25 times in 60 seconds. Such breathing often occurs in the presence of a midbrain tumor, characteristic of a coma.

Apneustic breathing. In such cases, elongated sighs are observed, and then the breath is held. The condition is characteristic of ischemic stroke, may occur with hypoglycemic coma, or with severe meningitis.

Breath of Bioto. Such a violation of breathing can replace the previous form. In such cases, there is an alternation of rhythmic breathing with long pauses. It can appear against the background of brain damage, with severe intoxication, meningitis, and a state of shock.

Chaotic breathing. This is actually a chaotic process, with prolonged apnea attacks, which after some time can lead to a complete cessation of breathing. There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of such a problem: hemorrhages in the cerebellum, traumatic brain injuries, tumors and other diseases.

Cluster or group periodic breathing. The most common cause of such breathing is Shy-Drager disease. It is characterized by irregular pauses between respiratory movements.

Atonal, terminal or gasping breathing. The rhythm of breathing is rare, breaths too, besides convulsive. Such a symptom often accompanies cerebral hypoxia or is present with damage to the medulla oblongata. With such a pathology, there is a high risk of complete respiratory arrest while taking narcotic or sedative drugs.

Such an anomaly appears if the lumen of the trachea and larynx narrows. The patient makes hissing and hissing sounds when breathing. Respiratory failure can manifest itself in the presence of goiter or traumatic brain injury, and diphtheria croup.

Inspiratory dyspnea - characteristic of bilateral lesions of the lower parts of the brain stem.

Nasal breathing disorder

In a normal state, a person should breathe symmetrically, silently, evenly and quietly. Inhalations and exhalations should be full, without the need to breathe through the mouth. There are two reasons that lead to pathological changes in the function of the nose:

  • local, that is, associated with pneumatization of the paranasal sinuses;
  • general changes, that is, in violation of blood circulation.

As a rule, nasal breathing disorders are accompanied by headaches, a constant feeling of fatigue, a decrease in concentration, ear discomfort, and sinusitis.

Violations can occur with anatomical deformities, for example, if the septum or nose pyramid is curved. Such problems are often the result of an incorrectly performed surgical operation or appear as a result of an injury. In such situations, surgery may also be recommended - septoplasty, that is, correction of the curve of the nasal septum.

Infectious diseases can trigger neurovegetative-muscular dissociation, as a result of which the mucous membrane suffers from excessive blood supply, and this is shortness of breath. This symptom complex is removed with the help of intranasal blockades. Doctors recommend the use of homeopathic remedies, for example, "Traumeel S", in conjunction with laser treatment, procedures for irrigating the nasal cavity with drugs with active minerals. A fully completed course of treatment (at least 10 procedures) allows you to avoid surgical intervention in the work of the respiratory system.

Violations of their functions should be avoided. To do this, you need to stop smoking, monitor own weight and prevent obesity. Immunity should be constantly maintained, vitamins should be taken, nutrition should be adjusted and unhealthy foods should be abandoned. Try to prevent infectious and bacterial diseases, avoid injuries and, of course, spend more time outdoors.