Ural dumplings about the night hockey league match. "Ural dumplings" will play hockey with Olympic champions

Coward does not play hockey! Today, Sverdlovsk politicians, Olympic champions and showmen proved this to a large crowd of spectators. On the ice arena KRK "Uralets" in charity match the clubs were crossed by the Olimp team of the famous biathlete Anton Shipulin and the Titan team of the head of the administration of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Sergei Perestoronin (the head of the region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, could not participate in the match due to a working trip).

The spectator stands were almost completely filled. Still, it’s not every day that you see stern ministers wearing full hockey equipment instead of a jacket and tie. In addition to the officials on the ice, Vladimir Shakhrin, Vladimir Begunov, "Ural Pelmeni" Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Sergey Isaev and many others fought for the victory.

So, the teams warmed up and are ready to fight. The start is given, the audience roared, supporting the hockey players. Shouts are heard from the stands, more in support of individual players than the team as a whole.

- Brekotkin, hit! Rozhkov, click the club, - shout the men from the middle of the sector.

In the first period, Shipulin's team put pressure. It is logical, because in the composition of the "Olympus" most of the famous athletes who are not accustomed to yield ever. Titan's game is not going well, and by the middle of the first period, the puck from the stick of biathlete Artem Gusev "opens" the gates of officials.

- The goal against Titan was scored by Artem Gusev! - the commentator sums up under the approving roar of the stands.

The starting period was no longer marked by a productive game. However, this did not reduce the tension of the game. With each attack of any of the teams, the audience whistled and screamed as if the Russian team was playing here against the Norwegians.

During the break, the lead singer of the Chaif ​​group Vladimir Shakhrin and the actor Dumplings Dmitry Sokolov took to the ice. The showmen staged an express hockey match in felt boots. Volunteers, of which there were many, were divided into two teams.

– The yellow jerseys were chosen by Dmitry Sokolov himself. He explained his choice by the fact that he looks like the sun, - the host joked before the start of a friendly quick match.

Volunteers, meanwhile, showed no less will to win than eminent rivals. In a tough fight (after all, the players were wearing boots on slippery ice), the team of Dmitry Sokolov won, who, by the way, scored one goal.

- I would check Sokolov for doping, in my opinion, he took something, - Shakhrin remarked annoyed, but kindly after the game.

After the hockey match in felt boots, both Sverdlovsk stars decided to go to their seats through the spectator stand, and Sokolov even managed to treat himself to popcorn from one of the locals.

By that time, the rested hockey players returned to the game. As soon as the second twenty-minute period started, the game was stopped. A bullet was appointed for the bandwagon at the gates of Olympus. Implementation was entrusted to the adviser to the Minister of Sports of the region Alexander Sivkov, with which he coped brilliantly. Sivkov kept the goalkeeper in suspense until the very end, took the puck far away and only at the last moment, with a perfected movement, threw it into the Olymp goal. The score was equalized to the screams and whistles of the fans.

But after a few seconds, the Titan was disappointed. Again, a penalty was awarded for violation of the rules, but already in response, at the gates of Perestoronin's team. The Olympians were once again brought forward by number 17 Dmitry Chukreev, a public figure and executive director of the Russian Ski Racing Federation.

The second twenty minutes continued to keep the audience in suspense. Teams now and then created dangerous moments at the gates of the opponent. The period ended with a goal "in the locker room" of "Titan". 3:1 in favor of Shipulin's team.

As soon as the final period began, the ice again began to melt under the hockey players' skates. Literally a minute later, the "titans" demolished the newly released goalkeeper of the "Olympus" Konstantin Tsidvintsev. They demolished it along with the gates - the linesmen had to put the gates back in place for a long time. And then again the game was stopped for breaking the rules. Another bullet at the gates of Olympus. The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region Anatoly Nikiforov undertook to implement, but Tsidvintsev was at his best and repulsed the opponent's attack. The account has not changed.

Three and a half minutes before the end of the meeting, the champion in cross-country skiing, Ivan Alypov, from a sharp pass to the "piglet", throws another puck into the gates of "Titan". The spectators roar, the tension grows, and a few seconds later, Sergei Tushin, deputy head of the administration of Yekaterinburg, realizes the throw from the assist of Anatoly Nikiforov. The score is already 4:2 in favor of Olimp, but there are still more than three minutes to go, and Perestoronin's team has a chance. For violating the number of players (one of the "Olympians" got off the bench before the replaced player stepped on it), Shipulin's five was fined. The responsible mission for the implementation of the next bullet was placed on the shoulders of Sergei Perestoronin, but, unfortunately, he failed to deceive the goalkeeper. But it was last chance"titans" to approach the opponent. The match ended with a score of 4:2 in favor of Anton Shipulin's Olimp team.

After a short rest, the competitors lined up for the awards. Minister of Sports of the Sverdlovsk Region Leonid Rapoport thanked the participants for their zeal to win.

– I want to remind you that all the money raised here today will go to charity on behalf of all of us and on behalf of the Anton Shipulin Charitable Foundation. On them we reconstruct sports ground at the orphanage in Pervouralsk. Thank you all for doing this good deed with us. And we are starting to prepare for revenge from tomorrow, - said Rapoport.

The players of both teams exchanged pennants, and the winner, that is, the Olympus team, received a passing hockey cup"All-Star Game", with which athletes and showmen made an honorable circle around the Uralets ice arena.

After the match ended, the fans did not let go of the stars for a long time. "Ural dumpling" Andrey Rozhkov for a long time wearily shouted "And-and-Igor" into the cameras of mobile phones of the crowd of local children.

Unique hockey match will be held next Sunday in Yekaterinburg. In one team there are stars of sports and show business, their opponents are officials of the regional government. Expected on ice rink will be the head of the region.

Instead of skis - skates, a stick replaces a rifle. This is not a terrible dream of Anton Shipulin, he is just quite seriously preparing for the "Star Game" - hockey. There are no questions about the form of sports, the number eleven took for himself, apparently, from the resemblance to ski poles. He moves on skates as if he is running away from Fourcade on ski run, quickly and easily, and already decided on the role. Anton Shipulin, Olympic champion in biathlon: “Since I am still a “teapot”, I am not supposed to go on the attack yet, so I play defense. In fact, I myself see that I’m not playing very well, but we will try.”

The All-Star Game in this format is being held in the Middle Urals for the first time. Well-known athletes, Olympic champions, will take to the ice, however, most of them watched hockey only on TV. The stars of show business - a trio of "Dumplings" - Isaev, Brekotkin, Rozhkov. Promised to go on the ice and Vladimir Begunov from the Chaif ​​group. The team of the regional government headed by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region will resist this dream team.

So far, amateur athletes from the White Wolves club act as sparring partners of the stars in training. In one of the episodes, Shipulin was almost hit on board, they came to their senses in time that they had an Olympic champion in front of them: “It is clear that there is absolutely no skating technique. We, too, probably, would hardly be compared with them on skis. It’s not so much hard to play as we just try to be more careful.”

The stars should also work on mutual understanding on the court: at the beginning of the meeting, it was limping on both legs. One got the impression that the stellar players, by their example, show what the decay of particles into molecules looks like, who does not know - they move randomly. Dmitry Chukreev, Executive Director of the Ski Racing Federation of the Sverdlovsk Region: “It is clear that there is still confusion. Some guys just came from training, got on skates. Now, in ten minutes, we'll figure it out, we'll play."

Words and deeds really didn't match. Ten minutes later, the Brownian movement ended, even the goals went. The Alypov - Dementiev team was especially zealous. Both skiers, both winners Olympic Games in Turin. Their mutual understanding on the court and scoring talents would be envied by Malkin and Ovechkin. The secret to the success of both athletes is simple: they spend as much time on the ice as on the track. Ivan Alypov, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in cross-country skiing: “We have an intended combination, we scored both goals out of two, so the ski combination works. In fact, there is still a lot of work to do, but we are not trying to show a super game, but just having fun.

Of the entire star cast that will take to the ice on Sunday, only skiers were present at this training session. "Dumplings" adhere to the rule "The one who can't do anything trains." However, next weekend they will definitely appear on the site. The All-Star Game will take place on May 24 at 15:00 at the Uralets KRC. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to the orphanage.

Alexander Kesel

All over the Internet, the news about the collapse of everyone's favorite "Ural dumplings" is walking. Once one of the best teams KVN has been entertaining viewers with its humorous show of the same name for 9 years. But what is happening now in the group? This assumption began to emerge a long time ago, but it was refreshed by the absence of part of the team at the July concerts.

Ural dumplings broke up due to the continuation of old conflicts in 2018

Due to internal conflicts in the group, a huge hype broke out about the collapse of the Ural dumplings. It started back in 2015, before which Sergey Netievsky was the director of the team. And in the same year, the comedy group tried to fire Netievsky because, in their opinion, he began to devote less time to the project.

As a result of this conflict, the subsidiary of the ex-director wrote a statement to the police to bring to criminal liability next director Sergei Isaev. As a result, by a court order, the team's decision to change the director was declared invalid. But still, since 2016, the captain of the team Andrey Rozhkov began to occupy this post.

But in 2018, this post was transferred to Natalia Tkacheva, which in turn shows Rozhkov’s attitude regarding participation in the activities of the team.

Ural dumplings fell apart due to a new project by Rozhkov and Myasnikov in 2018?

The news about the collapse of the Ural dumplings is fueled by the emergence of a new solo project called Your dumplings. The main reason for the excitement of the fans was the absence of part of the team at concerts held in the cities of the southern part of the country. Andrei Rozhkov and Vyacheslav Myasnikov, having deviated from the team, began their own tours.

But on this moment the new show does not live up to the expectations of the artists. With difficulty collecting part of the rented hall, comedians hold concerts with a positive attitude, only joking about their situation. One of the main reasons for the lack of full houses is the price of a ticket, it bites the wallet of those who want it. It remains only to guess whether he will return to his team or continue his solo activities forever.

The myth about the collapse of the Ural dumplings in 2018 was dispelled

Upon learning of the collapse of the Ural dumplings, Yulia Mikhalkova hastened to refute the existing misunderstanding. After reading in the newspaper that the team fled, the star of the show told the public about her surprise. According to her, the team is still together and is not going to scatter. And the absence of participants can be explained by other projects in which they are involved.

Many are sure that the news of the collapse of the humorous team arises as a result of the continuation of the conflict with Sergei Netievsky. The parties have been suing for a long time for the right to own the releases of the Ural dumplings show, which have been presented by the team on the STS channel since 2009. The conflict is still not resolved and the parties have not yet come to a decision as to who should own the brand.

Since it often happens that internal disagreements may not be disclosed to the public, remaining within the team, one can only hope for the words of Yulia Mikhalkova regarding the integrity of the team.