Wookieepedia Wookiee. Premature ejaculation remedy Wuka-wuka: its effect in bed. When to Use the Albright Node

The word Wookiee is translated from Shirivuuk, the native language of this race, as "People of the Trees". These creatures build their settlements right on the vroshir trees that grow almost everywhere. . Wookiees evolved from arboreal mammals. The Wookiee's language, Shirivuuk, is made up of a set of growling and groaning sounds, and remarkably, they cannot speak any language other than their native language, but they are excellent at learning to understand them.

Adult Wookiees are tall, over two meters tall, creatures covered entirely in fur in all shades of brown. Small Wookiees can grow up to 1 meter at birth. Albino Wookiees are rare, but have been heard of. However, the white color of the fur was a bad sign, as it is noticeable against the background of the fauna.

Wookies have menacing-looking claws that help them climb trees. Wookiee women have six breasts and breastfeed their children for about a year. Newborn Wookiees grow very quickly, in a year they learn to walk and perceive the world around them. The average lifespan of a Wookiee is about 600 years. Despite their bestial appearance, Wookiees are highly intelligent creatures. They have mastered many technologies, including hyperspace travel. Also, many Wookiees are skilled mechanics. As the old saying goes, "Give a Wookie a knife and send him out into the woods in the morning, by night he'll have a house to live in and a table to dine at."

One of the most famous Wookiee traditions is the debt of life. If someone saves a Wookiee's life, even if it's not a Wookiee, that Wookiee will dedicate his life to serving his savior and his family. The main Wookiee language is Shiriwook, which is also known as Wookiee speech. Wookiees can understand common galactic language, but due to the structure of the speech apparatus, they cannot speak any language other than their native language. Shiriwookie was extremely difficult for humans to understand, but one Wookiee, Ralrrachin, had a speech impediment that made his speech more intelligible to non-Wookiees. Two other Wookiee languages ​​are also known: Tikaran, the dialect in which the Wookiees communicated among themselves, and Xakzik.

Wookiees are known to be fierce fighters, preferring standard weapons such as blasters and grenades to melee weapons such as riik blades and powerful crossbows that the weaker species could not use. The Wookiee's furious fighting style gave rise to the word "wookin" which meant to render the enemy harmless using superior physical strength. According to the Wookiee code of honor, the use of claws in combat is prohibited. A Wookiee who used claws in combat was given the infamous title of "rabid fang" and expelled from the village. Upon reaching the age of twelve, young Wookiees underwent the Hrrtaiik ceremony. It was a kind of rite of passage into warriors and the transition from childhood to adulthood. Failure at Hrrtaik often ended in death.

Wookiees are believed to have originated with , part of the Kashyyyk system, although some evidence points to the fallacy of this judgment. Millennia before the rise of the Galactic Republic, Kashyyyk was part of the Infinite Empire. The planet's surface was reclaimed by the Rakata for agricultural use, but the collapse of their empire left the machines untouched, resulting in anomalous vegetation development.

Kashyyyk was later discovered by the Czerka Corporation, which enslaved the local Wookiees. They first named the planet "G5-623" and later, after polling shareholders, "Edean". Czerka's control of the planet ended in 3956 BBY, when enraged enslaved Wookiees, aided by Revan, overthrew the local leaders and drove the aliens from the planet. Some time later, Kashyyyk joined the Galactic Republic.

After the collapse of the Republic and the rise of the Empire, the Wookiees are once again enslaved. On the advice of the Trandoshans, the Empire decided to use the Wookiee's physical strength. Captured Wookiees were used for countless Imperial projects, such as the Mau Installation and both Death Stars. However, due to their attachment to their homeland, the Wookiees managed to escape from the Imperial garrisons in order to return to the forests and celebrate important holidays, such as, for example, Life Day.

After the battle for the Wookiees, they were freed by the forces of the Free Planets Alliance. Nagai also tried to enslave the Wookiees, but was under the protection of the New Republic, and the enslavers were driven back. Unfortunately, the Wookiees were not free for long. The Empire, licking its wounds, quickly regained control ofand enslaved the Wookiees again.

In the New Republic Senate, the Wookiees were represented by Kerrytrarr, and became one of the most important members of the Inner Council. The planet was also heavily involved in trade, and the city of Tikkiiana became one of the largest exporters of computer technology. However, this made the planet an important target for agents of the Second Empire in 23 ABY. A task force led by Zekk raided Tikkiiana's facilities in search of equipment that could be useful to the Second Empire in its war against the New Republic.
During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Wookiees continued to serve the New Republic. After the liberation of Coruscant
it was a big holiday.

Translation: Arkrayne

Never upset a Wookiee.

Han Solo

Wookiee are woolly giants from the planet Kashyyyk. The most famous of them is Chewbacca, Han Solo's companion.

The planet Kashyyyk is a giant jungle, the closer to the earth, the thicker and more dangerous it is. Wookiees live in the upper levels of the forest and build their cities in the tangle of trees.

The Wookiee is a primitive species, but it easily coexists with advanced technology. They have developed a unique bowcaster weapon, a laser crossbow, while Wookiees easily use other weapons. The cities of Kashyyyk are the main suppliers of computer parts in the New Republic.

Adult Wookiees grow to over 2 meters tall and live for several centuries. They have highly developed regenerative abilities, allowing them to quickly recover from serious wounds. Wookies can understand foreign languages, but the peculiarity of the structure of the speech apparatus does not allow them to speak foreign languages.

One of the most famous Wookiee traditions is the duty of life. If someone saves Wookiees from death, they often dedicate their lives to their savior. For example, Chewbacca owes his life to Han Solo.

Tyvokka was one of the most respected members of the Jedi Council. He had a curved lightsaber.

Another Jedi among the Wookiees was Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca. He trained at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. The third Jedi was Kirlocca, who was a fencing instructor.

Wookiee, one of the most popular races in Star Wars Oh. Of course, they owe this to the legendary Chewie or Chewbacca, he deserves a separate story.

Chewbacca's concept art doesn't look so cute. We owe it to Stuart Freeborn, costume designer for the Star Wars trilogy, for Chewbacca's current look.

The drug Vuka vuka is in great demand among men who suffer from premature. It differs from other medicines in that it consists of plant components. The drug is a strong stimulant, it not only increases potency, but also helps to be more active during sex, so males see its effect in bed after a short time.

The composition and properties of the drug

Previously, many did not know where to buy this medicine, since it was produced in limited quantities. Thanks to the advancement in medicine, this drug is sold in pharmacies, so it is easy to get.

It consists of the following components:

  • Carissa root mixed with other herbs from Africa.
  • Securinega viroza.
  • Tree-like heteromorph.
  • Velvich's triumph.
  • Geeria reticulated.
  • Lactose.
  • calcium stearate.

All these components perform the following functions:

  1. Increase sexual activity.
  2. They relieve stress and affect the emotional state of a person.
  3. They make the stronger sex more resilient during intercourse.
  4. Contribute to normal ejaculation.
  5. Increase the duration of sex.
  6. They act as preventive components against impotence and infertility.

It is worth noting that this medicine for men is a dietary supplement, so it is worth drinking it with every meal.

Interesting! Wuka-wuka can significantly affect the penis without harming it.

Release form

Wuka-wuka comes in two forms:

  1. capsules,
  2. Tablets.

You need to store them in a cold place. To buy them at the pharmacy, you do not have to ask the doctor for a prescription.

Indications for use

Not everyone understands why this substance is prescribed. For the male it affects the durability and quality of erection, so it can be used before sex itself. Moreover, experts recommend this tool, in order to prevent men who have problems with the reproductive system. It is also useful when needed.

Doctors say that all components are harmless to the body, moreover, they are not addictive, like their other counterparts. What are the indications for use?

  1. Chronic prostatitis with various symptoms.
  2. Bad potency.
  3. In order to prevent, to improve male functions.
  4. Erectile dysfunction.

It is important to note that while taking this medication, you can drink alcoholic beverages. They do not affect the physical condition of a person, so the worker's ability to work does not decrease.

Important! This tool is suitable for anyone, regardless of age.

Wuka-wuka: instructions for use

Since the remedy is used by both men and women for different purposes, you need to know how to drink this food supplement.

Instruction for use:

  • Drink only during meals.
  • The daily dosage is no more than two tablets.
  • The therapy lasts about a month.
  • Before you finish the course of therapy, go to the doctor.
  • If the patient uses capsules, then the duration of the course of treatment is halved.

To understand how many pills to drink, you need to decide on the goal pursued. For example, if you want to get a stimulating effect, take 5 tablets at a time. Guys don't have to worry about getting addicted to this drug, it's harmless.

Advice! To determine the dosage and duration of treatment, be sure to consult a doctor and he will tell you how to take the pills, taking into account the characteristics of your body.

If women use this medicine, the instructions for use do not change.

How much the dietary supplement costs depends on the form of release of the product, tablet or capsule. As a rule, the price of capsules is much lower, so there is more demand for them.

Interesting! A lot of men have been cured by this remedy alone. Its effectiveness is evidenced by numerous positive reviews, both from scientists and from patients.

Contraindications and side effects

Scientists have not found any side effects drug, however in very rare cases, a person may experience an allergic reaction to the constituent components. It is manifested by a rash or hives on the skin, which disappears after a short period. Allergy is one of the reasons why you need to consult a doctor.

Since there are no synthetic substances in the medicine, there are simply no contraindications. Although there are no contraindications for men, they are for women. This product is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.

For reference! There have been no cases of overdose yet.

More about the drug

Vuka Vuka copes very well with chronic prostatitis, it softens and eliminates the inflammatory process and improves blood circulation. It is also used by those who have heightened anxiety in sexual relations.

It should be remembered that if you have had a stroke, a heart attack, or you have cancer, this medication should be drunk only under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes you have to take a break and allow the body to adapt to this medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages

The dietary supplement has a vegetable basis, thanks to which any organs in the body do not suffer. Its main advantages are:

  • Dodging the sexual functions of the stronger sex.
  • Get rid of the prostate.
  • Removal of inflammatory processes in the male reproductive system.
  • Thanks to periodic courses of treatment, the effectiveness of the drug increases.

To improve the quality of sex, the medicine is taken before sexual intercourse itself. Many men have cured premature ejaculation and got rid of the discomfort at the time of bed sex.

The disadvantages include the fact that the popular remedy is not sold on the Internet, but still it is in any pharmacy.

Drug analogues

There are many analogues of this drug, which are similar in composition and have an identical effect. These include:

  1. Andropower.
  2. XL - super capsules.
  3. Verona.
  4. Red root.
  5. Testalamine.
  6. Lamin Vision.
  7. Spermaplant Evalar.
  8. Tribusti and others.

Do not forget that although there are various replacements that resemble Wuka Vuka, they have their own contraindications and side effects, so carefully study each nutritional supplement. It is best to seek help from a qualified specialist, he will help you choose inexpensive and effective replacements.

What is important to consider when choosing a drug?

Don't buy cheap fakes, very often in pharmacies you can see a similar dietary supplement, but the main components are far from the same as those of Vuk Vuk.

Look at the expiration date on the packaging and on each plate, it should not exceed three years from the date of manufacture. Be very careful and check everything carefully, as sometimes there are underbodies.

If you use the drug correctly, then it has an immediate effect on the body, while not having side effects. It should be remembered that self-medication can end badly, so do not experiment on yourself.


Wookiees are one of the most physically strong sentient races in the galaxy from the planet Kashuuk. Coupled with physical strength and other innate abilities, Wookiees also show unusual talent in learning new technologies, repairing complex mechanisms, and engineering. The average lifespan of a Wookiee is several hundred years.

With the proclamation of the Empire, the Wookiees fell on hard times. The Trandoshans, an aggressive race whose home planet was in the same star system as Kashuuk, suggested that the Empire use the physically strong Wookiees as slaves. Imperial military forces quickly subjugated the planet and its normally peaceful population. Wookiees began to be transported to work camps scattered across the galaxy. These slaves were used in many projects, including the construction of both Death Stars. But the Wookiees could not surrender so easily, a few resistance groups waged a guerrilla struggle on Kashuuk. The Empire did not allow the Wookiees to leave their home planet freely, and the Trandoshans, with their hunting culture, caught the fugitives with ease. Because of this, hostile relations still flare between the two races.

Wookiees are humanoids tall, with a body completely covered with hair. Eye and coat color can vary from light brown to black. Wookiees have claws at the ends of their legs and arms, which they use to climb trees. The use of these claws in combat is considered unworthy in Wookiee culture and is strictly forbidden.

Wookiees are known for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are intensely devoted to their family and friends and to those to whom they owe their lives. Whoever saves a Wookiee's life gains his loyalty and friendship until the latter's death. Wookiees believe that only by sacrificing their lives to save a friend can they repay such a debt. Chewbacca was bound to Han Sol by such a "duty" and fulfilled it by dying to save his family.

Wookiees also have a fiery temperament in all things concerning their honor and can get into a very angry state. An angry Wookiee can easily rip off an opponent's limbs. Because of this, many consider Wookiees to be aggressive and dangerous, when in fact, they are very peaceful and honest creatures.

Despite living in seemingly primitive environments on their home planet, the Wookiees are a technologically advanced race. They have developed many instruments that are a unique legacy of their culture. For example, the laser crossbow, a widely used weapon among the Wookiees. Despite all the advances, Wookiees prefer to use simple tools to solve mundane tasks.

Wookiees communicate with each other using a language consisting of barks, growls, howls, etc. The structure of their throat and vocal cords does not allow them to communicate using BASIC. For the same reason, people find their language difficult to use. The main dialect spoken on the planet is Shyriiwook, "the language of the forest people". There are also a large number of other dialects, such as Xaczik, used by the Wookiees who live on the Wartaki Islands. Because imperial officials considered all Wookiees to be the same, they could use their own dialects to transmit important information resistance fighters.

In Star Wars Galaxies, Wookiees will make extensive use of their mechanical skills, physical strength, and power.

Wookiee names usually consist of one word and sound about the same: Chewbacca, Woosurra, Lowbacca, Snoova, Carryfarr, etc.



Tall, furry humanoids native to the planet Kashyyyk. Despite their monstrous strength and susceptibility to fits of bestial rage, Wookiees are intelligent, loyal, and trusting. best qualities Among the Wookiees, bravery and nobility are considered. They are not belligerent, but become ferocious and deadly when angered or threatened. During the Galactic Civil War, the Wookiees were enslaved by the Imperials. The exploits of Chewbacca, a Wookiee loyal to the Alliance, greatly contributed to the defeat of the Empire.

Planet: Kashyyyk.

Growth: 2 - 2.3 m.

Diet: omnivorous.

Character: fierce, loyal and noble, but subject to fits of anger.

Peculiarities: significant physical strength and heightened senses.

Detailed description

Kashyyyk, home of the Wookiees, is a planet covered in lush vegetation. Wookiees live in the upper tiers of their endless forests in homes high up in the strands of huge wroshir trees. Wookiee cities are hundreds of huts connected by wooden platforms, hanging bridges and ropes. Although Wookiees may seem primitive, they are actually very technical and easily learn how to fly starships, repair instruments, and use modern weapons.

The average Wookiee is over two meters tall and has a lifespan several times that of a human. In addition to physical strength and keen senses, Wookiees have strong regenerative abilities: serious wounds heal over them in a few days. Wookiees also have claws, which are only used for climbing trees, never in combat.

Wookiees speak Shyriiwook, a language consisting of bellows, growls, roars, whoops and creaks (to get an idea of ​​shiriiwook, it's better to watch the Trilogy than to read this article - translator). They can understand other languages, but have limited audio abilities and only speak their native language.

Wookiees are psychologically resilient, love their planet, and are strongly connected to animals, plants, and other natural creatures. Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca, proved that there were Wookiees capable of using the Force.

Wookiees value morality, courage, empathy, and loyalty. Very few Wookiees will willingly betray friends or family, although Vargi, Chewbacca's brother-in-law, once helped a group of slavers who tried to enslave the people of Kashyyyk. A typical Wookiee custom is the life debt, an oath of allegiance to anyone who saves a Wookiee's life. When Chewbacca was freed from slavery by Han Solo, he made such an oath to his savior and risked his life many times to protect his friend. Finally, the Wookiees believe that their deeds - best reward and do not value medals and other material symbols of bravery or achievement.

Traditional weapons Wookiee is a crossbow and a riik blade. The latter, which is a long machete, is both a terrible weapon and a valuable relic. Each Riik Wookiee blade has individual marks that speak of the strength, honor and courage of the owner.

Behind the scenes

According to Walter Murch (Walter Murch - Germans, correct me - translator), the word "Wookiee" appeared on the set of "THX 1138" (if anyone can explain to me what this movie is, I would be grateful - it's the same). The film featured mutant dwarfs - Shell Dwellers. When recording additional dialogue for the film, one of the actors inserted a phrase in which he called one of the shellfish "Wookies". As it turned out, the voice actor wanted to play a prank on his friend, the Texan Ralph Wookie (LucasArts is silent about the name of the prankster - the translator). Lucas, learning about this, began to call the Wookiee shellfish. Subsequently, this name was transferred to large shaggy humanoids from the Star Wars universe.


Full face


With a crossbow

In fishing, all stages of preparation are important, the outcome and effectiveness will depend on them. Often, when incorrectly or unreliably connected connections failed at the most inopportune moment. Today we will talk about how to knit the Albright knot correctly. It is used when connecting the shock leader with the main line, braids and main line, in a word, this is the most famous and used Rabat knot. See the diagram and step-by-step photos in our article.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting with a photo

For experienced fishermen It's no secret that the biggest load and the probability of a break on the nodal connections.

Most often, breaks occur:

  • When connecting dissimilar lines (braids and multifilament lines)
  • At the anchor point to the hook
  • For tying the leash and the main line

The most important role in the fight is played by the reliability of the knot. It will be a shame to miss the fish when it is about to be in the cage. To use the connection at home and on the pond, be sure to learn its diagram.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Albright knot ready


  1. Make a loop from one end
  2. We pass the second free end into the created loop
  3. We bring the threaded end to the base of the loop
  4. Bend around the base of the loop
  5. Wrap this end around the loop 10 times.
  6. We pass the remaining end into the loop
  7. Having previously moistened, we begin to slowly tighten the connection
  8. Cut off excess protruding material
  9. Ready.

When to Use the Albright Node

  • Attaching the shock leader to the line
  • Tying lines of different diameters. A leash of smaller diameter is knitted with the main fishing line.
  • Connection of dissimilar materials (monoleski with a cord, fluorocarbon and others). It also has excellent tensile strength when connected with Albright.
  • For connecting homogeneous materials (line-line, wattle-wattle).

Each of these points, as we have already said, shows the highest results in reliability. This is one of the main knots that every fisherman should know.

What are the advantages of this connection

  1. Slip. Due to its compact size, it easily passes between the throughput rings without creating additional interference. This affects the casting distance of the tackle. The Albright knot is good for that, so it is often used when connecting torn parts of a fishing line or braid.
  2. Reliability is the second plus, for which he became one of the favorite and used fishing knots. Giving maximum, almost 100% guarantees of reliability.
  3. Knitting speed. Simplicity and short knitting time is also a definite plus. For example, when it is necessary to tie a shock leader of a smaller or larger diameter to the main line, Albright is indispensable in such a situation.