What are the GTO norms for schoolchildren. Getting ready for work and defense! GTO at school. It is necessary? Important information for beginner athletes

Greetings, dear students and parents! Starting in 2014, among the “most daring and dexterous”, the introduction of physical training testing under the abbreviation TRP began. These three capital letters are familiar to those who studied in schools before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Why did our state decide to revive the readiness of everyone for work and defense, is the TRP at school mandatory for delivery, let's figure it out, because there are many supporters, but there are just as many opponents.

Lesson plan:

What is the GTO and why is it at all?

So, the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense", and that is how it is called today, goes back to 1931.

It was then that everyone decided that there was a need for patriotic education of youth, teaching schoolchildren military skills, testing the preparation of Soviet people for difficulties.

And the widespread physical training of hundreds of millions of Soviet citizens began, more than half of which could boast of the title of “GTO badge badge”.

It is worth noting that initially the applicants for the TRP badge were men from 18 and women from 17 with a satisfactory state of health, which was determined by the doctor. They had to complete 21 challenges, including running, high and long jump, throwing, pull-ups, swimming, cycling, driving, skiing, horseback riding and even rowing.

So just like that, they didn’t hand out “Ready for Labor and Defense” badges to everyone. There was also a theory on military affairs and history, the basics of physical education and the provision of medical care.

There was a gradation of standards. As I passed the complex, I received such a badge. There were gold, silver and bronze. The first insignia were cast from bronze, copper and brass, and covered with enamel on top. Later, after the 60s of the last century, they began to be "sculpted" in large quantities from simple aluminum. By the way, the badge was based on a project proposed by a 15-year-old student.

The “Soviet-style” TRP complex was established in 1972 and divided all applicants according to age:

  • The 1st stage was intended for 10-13-year-olds, they were called "Brave and dexterous",
  • The 2nd stage covered the age category from 14 to 15, it was the “Sports shift”,
  • The 3rd stage called "Strength and Courage" included those who had reached the age of 16-18,
  • The 4th step included adult categories: male 19-39 and female 19-34, they were called "Physical perfection",
  • in the 5th stage under the name "Vigor and health" included men 40-60 and women 35-55.

By 1981, a stage was also introduced for the smallest (from 7 to 9), called “Ready for Starts”.

Norms also differed according to the “health” groups. But it should be noted that all the "vigorous and healthy" who passed the 5th stage complex were awarded a prestigious gold badge.

Why did people pass the TRP? Well, firstly, in those distant times it was absolutely not fashionable not to be a patriot. Everyone tried to prove their ideology and significance for the life of their homeland. Secondly, the TRP badge becomes a pass to the columns of large-scale festive events and gave priority when entering educational institutions.

The revival of the physical culture past

As already mentioned, since 2014, the revival of the good old traditions began. They decided to involve everyone in mass sports and make them healthy. In March, a Decree of the President of Russia appeared, which served as the beginning of the development of a regulation regulating the modern complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. Then came the legislative and regulatory framework governing certification for physical education.

Among the documents that can be read for general concept, in addition to the above-mentioned main ones, - the Government's order on measures to stimulate the TRP complex and an action plan for its implementation, federal orders on the approval of the requirements for the implementation of standards and the procedure for testing.

And now about the most important thing! I immediately answer the numerous questions of parents: voluntariness is the very principle on which the TRP is based. There is no word "mandatory" in the text of the regulation on the VFSK. Only the personal desire of each can serve as a reason to be physically prepared and prove it to everyone around.

I immediately assume how many parents are now indignant in front of a computer screen: “But they force us!” “And they give us deuces!”, “But we can’t refuse!” I agree, there is such a minus in school education, as always, nothing surprising. All this for simple reasons:

  1. firstly, teachers are in a hurry to win high laudable marks from local authorities for actively promoting the decisions of the President, forcing “voluntarily-compulsorily” to pass tests,
  2. the second reason is the desire of school principals not to stand out from the crowd and quickly join the ranks of those who have already introduced the TRP into their school system and boast about their performance.

Therefore, again and in a good way: you have the right, but not the obligation, to confirm your readiness for work and defense.

Initially, the program as an experiment took root in 12 regions and by 2015 became popular among municipal workers and deputies. "Ready for anything" in their government positions were to become a good example for the population.

At the second stage of implementation, since 2016, schools began to test the TRP complex, starting at the age of 6 years. The age limit was 29, the rest could take part without taking into account the results.

Today, everyone at all levels can apply for the delivery of TRP standards.

What can be donated and to whom?

Introduced on September 1, 2014, the TRP complex covers the category from 6 to 70 and older and includes testing of physical development and skills:

How to declare yourself and what will it give?

You can declare your abilities and pass the tests yourself by registering on the GTO.ru website.

To do this, you need an active e-mail box, where you will receive a message to activate your account. Prepare data - date of birth, address, phone number, education data, and photo.

When registering students in grades 1-11, parents fill out documents with their data. You can take the norms in one of the testing centers, which will be preferable for you, you can also choose the dates for passing the standards.

How to pass to those who do not have a computer? Although this is a rarity today, nevertheless: a non-computer who wants to become a member of the program can visit the testing center and apply on paper.

What does the GTO give today? In addition to receiving the TRP badge, which today is made in three versions - gold, silver and bronze, in competitive conditions you prove to yourself and others your strength, perseverance and determination.

For many Russian children, these norms have become an opportunity to earn extra points to the Unified State Examination when entering the universities of the country. Their number should not exceed 10, usually they give 1-3, but sometimes this is a real chance to slip on the budget.

In addition, you will confirm the norms for several years - you can count on the gratitude of the President in the form of a special insignia. Some of Russia's leading enterprises promise adults additional vacation days, but this, again, is not yet an employer's obligation, but only a right.

Well, are you ready for work and defense? Shall we shake our health and show the children a contagious example?

Inspirational video for you

Data on specific TRP standards for young schoolchildren will soon appear on the blog. Do not miss! There are already data on the control standards for physical education for, and classes on the blog. Look!

Sports achievements to you!

In 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation developed and adopted a number of documents aimed at recreating the TRP complex: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 540, Regulations on the TRP, Decree of the President on the TRP.

These documents define the goals, objectives, principles, content, structure and methodology for implementing the RLD complex.

The purpose of the TRP complex– increasing the life expectancy of the population through systematic physical training.

A task- mass introduction of the TRP complex, coverage of the training system for all age groups of the population.

Principles– voluntariness and accessibility of the training system for all segments of the population, medical supervision, taking into account local traditions and characteristics.

The structure of the complex includes 11 stages, for each of which types of tests and standards for their implementation are established for the right to receive a bronze, silver or gold badge in the first seven of them and without awarding a badge in the remaining four, depending on gender and age. In addition, for each stage, the necessary knowledge, skills and recommendations for the motor mode are determined.

  1. Boys and girls from 6 to 8 years old.
  2. The same from 9 to 10 years.
  3. The same from 11 to 12 years.
  4. Boys and girls from 13 to 15 years old.
  5. The same from 16 to 17 years.
  6. Men and women from 18 to 29 years old.
  7. The same from 30 to 39 years.
  8. The same from 40 to 49 years.
  9. The same from 50 to 59 years.
  10. The same from 60 to 69 years.
  11. The same is over 70 years old.

The methodology for introducing the TRP complex includes the development of regulatory documents, the implementation of an action plan developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the creation of testing centers, the organization of testing in competitive conditions, the moral and material incentives for those who have fulfilled the TRP standards (delivery of marks, taking into account the presence of the TRP mark upon admission to an educational institution, the appointment of a higher scholarships with a gold badge).

The TRP standards cover 40 types of tests, but in each of the 11 steps, it is sufficient to complete 3-8 tests with the right to choose a test option to obtain a certain mark. For example, in order to receive a gold badge for boys aged 16-17, he needs to complete six mandatory tests, of which half have 2-4 options, and two out of five optional tests, some of which have 2-4 options. To obtain a silver badge in this category, it is enough to complete 7 tests, and a bronze badge - 6 tests. But the selected tests for awarding the appropriate sign should make it possible to assess the strength, flexibility, speed and endurance of the test person.

Recommendations for the motor regime establish a scientifically based minimum weekly period of time. necessary for the performance of each type of physical education. This approach to testing ensures maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of the tested person, climatic and ethnic characteristics of the area of ​​his residence.

The documents developed by the Government took into account half a century of experience in the development of the TRP complex in the USSR and made significant adjustments to it in accordance with modern achievements in physical culture and sports, their impact on the physical condition of a person.

The idea of ​​developing TRP standards with the aim of organizing a mass physical culture movement, strengthening the health of the population, its preparedness for solving the problems of economic development and ensuring the country's defense capability was first published in Komsomolskaya Pravda in May 1930.

The initiative of the Komsomol members was supported by the government of the USSR and in March 1931 the first draft of the TRP complex was approved. It contained one step out of 15 standards of public physical exercises that improve health and instill useful skills in Everyday life. The popularity of the introduced complex grew exponentially.

Already in the first 1931 of the introduction of standards, 24 thousand people were awarded the TRP badge. In 1932, the second stage of standards was adopted, their number increased to 22, and 465 thousand people received TRP badges. In 1933, 835 thousand people fulfilled the TRP standards. In 1934, schoolchildren aged 14-15 were awarded TRP badges for fulfilling 16 norms for physical culture and sanitary training, BGTO badges for conducting classes and refereeing in sports games, the total number of those awarded with badges is 2.5 million people, and participation in the physical culture movement takes twice as much.

Since 1935, the TRP badges have become winners international competitions, sports societies and sections on various types sports at industrial and agricultural enterprises, in educational institutions.

In 1937, in several sports (light and weightlifting, boxing and wrestling, gymnastics, fencing and shooting, gymnastics, swimming, skating) a category system was introduced, after 2 years more than 100 thousand athletes received the first, second and third sports categories.

In 1939, a new, more progressive BGTO and GTO complex was developed with a smaller number of norms, combining mandatory norms with norms at the choice of an athlete, which contributed to the development of sports specialization. The new standards had 2 levels (“passed” and “excellent”). The GTO stage "excellent" for the standards of choice corresponded to the 3rd sports category. When moving to the next older age group, the TRP standards were retaken in accordance with the established standards for this group.

During the Second World War, millions of athletes trained by the TRP complex, agility, strength, endurance, speed, skills in throwing grenades, shooting, overcoming obstacles, the ability to swim, skiing were allowed to as soon as possible become highly skilled warriors.

A long break in the development of TRP standards, due to the war and the elimination of post-war devastation, led to the need to improve the system physical culture in the country. Therefore, in 1972, a new TRP complex was introduced, which was aimed at the prevention of occupational diseases, the introduction of HOT, the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction, and the strengthening of labor discipline.

To this end, mass construction of sports infrastructure was planned, the introduction of new TRP standards into the curricula of educational institutions, a system of moral incentives for the training of TRP badges was introduced. Educational institutions, pre-war training organizations, organized and voluntary groups of physical training were involved in the implementation of the TRP complex, sport sections. Passing the TRP standards for young people of draft and pre-conscription age was mandatory, for other age categories it was voluntary.

In terms of structure, the new complex included 2 stages of the BGTO (1st stage for primary school students, 2nd stage for grades 4-8), 2 stages of the TRP (1st stage for young people from grade 9 to 18 years old, 2nd stage - from 18 to 27 years old) and a voluntary all-round TRP complex for ages from 10 to 60 years old.

The BGTO and TRP standards of the 1st and 2nd stages were divided for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women), as well as according to the requirements for awarding a gold or silver BGTO or TRP badge. For example, a boy of grades 1-3, in order to receive a gold badge of the BGTO of the 1st stage, had to run 60 m in 10 seconds, 1000 m in 4.5 minutes. and 6 times to pull up on the high bar. In addition to these 3 standards, he was required to: perform a “good” gymnastic complex for 32 counts, swim 50 m and (for snowy areas) run 1 km on skis in 7 minutes.

The TRP multi-athlon complex was divided into winter triathlon and summer all-around for boys and girls (boys and girls, men and women) of various ages. For example, winter triathlon for boys and girls aged 10-11 included ski race at a distance of 1 km, pulling up on the crossbar and shooting from air rifle.

The collapse of the USSR and the transition Russian Federation market conditions led to changes in all aspects of the country's life, incl. development of physical culture and sports. In Soviet times, in some sports, Russia successfully competed with the leaders of professional Western sports (hockey, football, figure skating, weightlifting, gymnastics, etc.). Other sports in the USSR were not cultivated at all ( professional boxing, wrestling without rules, etc.). There was no involvement in sports clubs countries of foreign stars and coaches. Unfortunately, along with the lag behind the market countries in some areas, those areas in which the USSR was significantly ahead of these countries were eliminated. The half-century history of the development of the TRP complex fell into the number of these thoughtlessly liquidated areas.

Careful and detailed development of the TRP standards, carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014 in accordance with the medical standards of the motor regimen for each age, will allow the resumption of mass physical culture movement in the country, improve physical fitness and increase the life expectancy of the population.

Nowadays, society does not attach due importance to physical education lessons at school. Someone thinks that there is nothing interesting and useful in physical education lessons at school and it is better for the child to take additional lessons, while someone is just too lazy and he/she does not go to these lessons out of principle. An even more frightening trend is the fact that the promotion of a lifestyle in which sport has an important and fundamental role has come to naught in our country. That is why it is necessary to understand and realize what is the usefulness of physical education lessons at school.

Approximate standards from grades 1 to 11


boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Run 30 m (sec) 6,1 6,9 7,0 6.6 7,4 7,5
“Shuttle run” 3x10 m (sec.) 9.9 10.8 11,2 10.2 11,3 11,7
Skiing 1 km. 8.30 9,00 9,30 9.00 9,30 10,0
Cross 1000 m. (min., sec.) without time without time
Standing long jump (cm) 140 115 100 130 110 90
Medicine ball throw (cm) 295 235 195 245 220 200
Throwing a small ball 150g (m) 20 15 10 15 10 5
Throwing at a target from 6 m 3 2 1 3 2 1
Jumping rope for 1 min. 40 30 15 50 30 20
Raising the body for 1 min. 30 26 18 18 15 13
Hanging pull-ups (times) 4 2 1
Hanging pull-ups (times) 12 8 2
Sitting Forward Bend (cm) 9 3 1 12,5 6 2

Exercises Grade 2, approximate standards


4×9 m, sec 12,0 12,8 13,2 12,4 12,8 13,2
3×10 m, sec 9,1 10,0 10,4 9,7 10,7 11,2
Run 30 m, s 5,4 7,0 7,1 5,6 7,2 7,3
Running 1.000 meters

without regard to time

Standing long jump, cm 165 125 110 155 125 100
80 75 70 70 65 60
70 60 50 80 70 60
Pull-ups on the bar 4 2 1
23 21 19 28 26 24
Squats (number of times / min) 40 38 36 38 36 34
12 10 8 12 10 8

Exercises grade 3, approximate standards


3×10 m, sec 8,8 9,9 10,2 9,3 10,3 10,8
Run 30 m, s 5,1 6,7 6,8 5,3 6,7 7,0
Running 1.000 meters

without regard to time

Standing long jump, cm 160 130 120 160 135 110
High jump way of stepping over, cm 85 80 75 75 70 65
Jumping rope (number of times / min.) 80 70 60 90 80 70
Pull-ups on the bar 5 3 1
Throwing tennis ball, m 18 15 12 15 12 10
Lifting the body from a supine position (number of times / min) 25 23 21 30 28 26
Squats (number of times / min) 42 40 38 40 38 36
13 11 9 13 11 9
6 4 2 5 3 1

Exercises grade 4, approximate standards


3×10 m, sec 8,6 9,5 9,9 9,1 10,0 10,4
5,0 6,5 6,6 5,2 6,5 6,6
Run 1.000 meters, min 5,50 6,10 6,50 6,10 6,30 6,50
Standing long jump, cm 185 140 130 170 140 120
High jump way of stepping over, cm 90 85 80 80 75 70
Jumping rope (number of times / min.) 90 80 70 100 90 80
Pull-ups on the bar 5 3 1
Ball throwing, m 21 18 15 18 15 12
Lifting the body from a supine position (number of times / min) 28 25 23 33 30 28
Squats (number of times / min) 44 42 40 42 40 38
15 14 13 14 13 12
Pistols, based on one arm, on the right and left legs (number of times). (m) 7 5 3 6 4 2

Exercises, grade 5

boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
Shuttle run 4 × 9 m, sec 10,2 10,7 11,3 10,5 11,0 11,7
Run 30 m, s 5,5 6,0 6,5 5,7 6,2 6,7
Run 60 m, s 10,0 10,6 11,2 10,4 10,8 11,4
Run 300 m, min, s 1,02 1,06 1,12 1,05 1,10 1,15
Run 1000 m, min, s 4,30 4,50 5,20 4,50 5,10 5,40
Run 2000 m

Without regard to time

Cross 1.5 km, min, s 8,50 9,30 10,0 9,00 9,40 10,30
from visa, times 7 5 3
Pull-ups on the low bar from hanging lying down, times 15 10 8
Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position 17 12 7 12 8 3
Raising the body from a supine position, arms crossed on the chest for 1 min, times 39 33 27 28 23 20
, cm 170 160 140 160 150 130
Long jump with a run, cm 340 300 260 300 260 220
High jump with a run, cm 110 100 85 105 95 80
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min, sec 6,30 7,00 7,40 7,00 7,30 8,10
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min, sec

Without regard to time

  • Simultaneous stepless running
  • herringbone climb
  • Descent into the "gates" of sticks
  • Plow braking

Ski technique

Exercises, 6th grade


4×9 m, sec 10,0 10,5 11,5 10,3 10,7 11,5
Run 30 m, s 5,5 5,8 6,2 5,8 6,1 6,5
Run 60 m, s 9,8 10,2 11,1 10,0 10,7 11,3
Run 500 meters, min 2,22 2,55 3,20
, min 4,20 4,45 5,15
Running 2.000 meters

without time

Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 13,30 14,00 14,30 14,00 14,30 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 19,00 20,00 22,00
Standing long jump, cm 175 165 145 165 155 140
Pull-ups on the bar 8 6 4
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 20 15 10 15 10 5
10 6 3 14 11 8
40 35 25 35 30 20
46 44 42 48 46 44

Exercises, 7th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,8 10,3 10,8 10,1 10,5 11,3
, With 5,0 5,3 5,6 5,3 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,4 10,0 10,8 9,8 10,4 11,2
Run 500 meters, min 2,15 2,25 2,40
, min 4,10 4,30 5,00
Run 2.000 meters, min 9,30 10,15 11,15 11,00 12,40 13,50
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 12,30 13,30 14,00 13,30 14,00 15,00
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 18,00 19,00 20,00 20,00 25,00 28,00
Standing long jump, cm 180 170 150 170 160 145
Pull-ups on the bar 9 7 5
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 23 18 13 18 12 8
Forward bend from a seated position 11 7 4 16 13 9
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 45 40 35 38 33 25
Jump rope in 20 seconds 46 44 42 52 50 48

Exercises, 8th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,6 10,1 10,6 10,0 10,4 11,2
, With 4,8 5,1 5,4 5,1 5,6 6,0
Run 60 m, s 9,0 9,7 10,5 9,7 10,4 10,8
Run 1.000 meters, min 3,50 4,20 4,50 4,20 4,50 5,15
Run 2.000 meters, min 9,00 9,45 10,30 10,50 12,30 13,20
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 16,00 17,00 18,00 19,30 20,30 22,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 190 180 165 175 165 156
Pull-ups on the bar 10 8 5
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 25 20 15 19 13 9
Forward bend from a seated position 12 8 5 18 15 10
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 48 43 38 38 33 25
56 54 52 62 60 58

Exercises, grade 9


4×9 m, sec 9,4 9,9 10,4 9,8 10,2 11,0
, With 4,6 4,9 5,3 5,0 5,5 5,9
Run 60 m, s 8,5 9,2 10,0 9,4 10,0 10,5
Run 2.000 meters, min 8,20 9,20 9,45 10,00 11,20 12,05
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 15,30 16,00 17,00 19,00 20,00 21,30
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 210 200 180 180 170 155
Pull-ups on the bar 11 9 6
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
Forward bend from a seated position 13 11 6 20 15 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 45 35 40 35 26
Jump rope in 25 seconds 58 56 54 66 64 62

Exercises, 10th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,3 9,7 10,2 9,7 10,1 10,8
, With 4,7 5,2 5,7 5,4 5,8 6,2
Run 100 m, s 14,4 14,8 15,5 16,5 17,2 18,2
Run 2 km, min 10,20 11,15 12,10
Run 3 km meters, min 12,40 13,30 14,30
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,40 5,00 5,30 6,00 6,30 7,10
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,30 10,50 11,20 12,15 13,00 13,40
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,40 15,10 16,00 18,30 19,30 21,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 26,00 27,00 29,00 without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 220 210 190 185 170 160
Pull-ups on the bar 12 10 7
3 2 1
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
10 7 4
Rope climbing without legs, m 5 4 3
Forward bend from a seated position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 40 35 40 35 30
Jump rope in 25 seconds 65 60 50 75 70 60

Exercises, 11th grade


4×9 m, sec 9,2 9,6 10,1 9,8 10,2 11,0
, With 4,4 4,7 5,1 5,0 5,3 5,7
Run 100 m, s 13,8 14,2 15,0 16,2 17,0 18,0
Run 2 km, min 10,00 11,10 12,20
Run 3 km meters, min 12,20 13,00 14,00
Cross-country skiing 1 km, min 4,30 4,50 5,20 5,45 6,15 7,00
Cross-country skiing 2 km, min 10,20 10,40 11,10 12,00 12,45 13,30
Cross-country skiing 3 km, min 14,30 15,00 15,50 18,00 19,00 20,00
Cross-country skiing 5 km, min 25,00 26,00 28,00 without regard to time
Cross-country skiing 10 km, min without regard to time
Standing long jump, cm 230 220 200 185 170 155
Pull-ups on the bar 14 11 8
Lifting a coup in an emphasis on a high crossbar 4 3 2
Push-ups in an emphasis lying 32 27 22 20 15 10
Tilt forward from
sitting position, cm
15 13 8 24 20 13
Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the uneven bars, times 12 10 7
Forward bend from a seated position 14 12 7 22 18 13
Lifting the body in 1 min from a prone position (pres), times 50 45 40 42 36 30
Jump rope in 30 seconds 70 65 55 80 75 65
Jump rope in 60 seconds 130 125 120 133 110 70

Many parents believe that physical education teachers at school are people who have nothing to do with sports or sports education. It is immediately important to note that this statement is fundamentally not true. First of all, it is necessary to realize that today, without being a professional athlete in the past or a person with a sports education, it is almost impossible to get a job in a school as a physical education teacher. This fact indicates that all those children who will be engaged in physical education at school under the supervision of a specialist practitioner or theorist (depending on the type of teacher’s previous activity) will at least be able to achieve good results in certain sports disciplines, if they want to .

It is very important that people attending physical education classes develop motivational qualities in themselves. If we compare in ordinary life people who paid attention to sports and those who never wore sport suit, then the difference in life motivation is visible to the naked eye. People involved in physical education, and therefore the majority of those who attend physical education classes at school, are much more successful, since even in their school years in physical education classes they develop such qualities as determination and overcoming themselves.

According to statistics, those who do not attend physical education classes on a regular basis are twice as likely to get sick during flu epidemics than those who regularly attend physical education classes. As a result, those who get sick more often have more problems with academic performance, due to the fact that they attend fewer classes at school. It would seem that skipping classes at school and unwillingness to attend physical education classes at first sight are in no way connected. However, if we trace the causal relationship described above, it becomes clear why it is so important to go to physical education classes and not look for excuses for ourselves to once again sit on the bench, while classmates pass standards or just play sport games.

If all of the above arguments are not convincing enough, then a small experiment should be conducted. The student is required to compare his state of health for two months. Let him not go to sports at school for one month and sit on the bench. In another month, you must attend all physical education classes and follow all the instructions of the teacher. Each day of these two days, it is necessary to leave an entry in a special diary in which the student will leave his impressions of well-being and general condition organism. After two months, reread the diary and compare your entries. Surely the conclusions for many will be amazing, but what they will be can be found out by conducting this experiment.

Of course, it is rather difficult to call modern school physical education perfect. Yes, and there are many reasons for this. But if you approach this lesson more carefully, consider what the teachers offer, do not try to dodge and hide somewhere in the gateway, then in the future it will be possible to express many thanks to the teachers for this.

Now let's move away from high-profile phrases and try to figure out what is the real benefit of being in the gym, or on sports ground. First of all, it's a matter of physiology. A growing young organism requires mobility in order to be able to disperse blood throughout the body. That is why children are at recess and demolish ceilings in corridors or classrooms. And the more you try to keep them in the strictest discipline, the louder they will scream at recess.

Physical education lessons are designed to balance this imbalance. Properly built physical warm-up allows you to disperse excess energy throughout the body. In this case, there is no overwork, as well as the danger of stretching or other kind of injury. Moreover, thanks to the active exercise there is a moral recharge of the body, when the brain is temporarily disconnected from complex mathematical calculations, or thoughts about a literary plot, allowing a person to refresh his thoughts. In the future, this helps to cope with complex tasks that have been left to you in the end.

Among other things, physical education sometimes allows a person to show hidden talents, which in a different environment he will simply be embarrassed to show. After all, here, in fact, everyone is equal and everyone is on an equal footing, when few people will joke about your success. But an experienced teacher will be able to assess the potential and develop it in the future. This is how future football players, volleyball players, basketball players, and athletes manifest themselves. Many after visiting the gym want to develop themselves, improve their bodies and improve their health. And this is precisely what is valuable in school physical education, as a source of limitless opportunities in the future.

Since 2014, the Ready for Labor and Defense complex has been operating in the country. For the second time since the beginning of the revival, the TRP standards and tests have changed. The last change occurred on January 1, 2018, when amendments were made to the TRP-norms. In the article you can find out the new TRP standards for 2018, download tables for all ages with tasks and indicators.

Successful performances Russian athletes at international championships, the adoption of the Olympics and the World Cup in the country gave impetus not only to propaganda professional sports. Ordinary citizens of the country began to do more physical education and healthy lifestyle life. The state decided to support the health of the nation by building playgrounds, sports clubs, and the revival of the TRP complex was chosen as the flagship of the sports movement. The standards that exist today are somewhat different from the norm of the TRP of the Soviet era. As before, the achievement of all indicators is encouraged by a badge and privileges. What standards did the TRP prepare in 2018 and how do the TRP standards for women and men differ?

The sports evaluation complex is over 80 years old. For the first time, the Komsomol proposed to introduce a system of control over the physical training of citizens in 1930. In the radio address, it was proposed to encourage each person who passed the norms with a badge. The program officially launched in 1931, along with the established preparatory classes on the basis of universities, vocational schools, military and other organizations. Initially, one degree of evaluation of the subjects and a badge of one dignity were used. Later, 2 and 3 degrees appeared, which made sense in the future physical development and health promotion. There was a category of children from 10 years old who were awarded a special award "Ready for work and defense." The development of the movement continued until 1991. The collapse of the USSR pushed into the background physical education compatriots, and the TRP standards have lost their meaning.

TRP standards

The first approved norms concerned only men over 18 and girls under 17. Both groups were divided into 3 age categories:

  • Men (women) - from 18 (17) to 25 years;
  • From 25 to 35 (32) years;
  • Over 35 (32) years old.

Everyone was offered 21 tests, of which 5 were mandatory, the rest were optional. The citizen was preparing for running, throwing grenades, long jumps, pull-ups. There were swimming, horseback riding, hiking skills. Among the theoretical issues are the ability to provide first aid, knowledge from the field of physical culture and sports achievements.

The second stage of the competition appeared in 1932 and included 25 tasks, 11 of which were practical. Emphasis was placed on fencing, diving, a springboard, the passage of a military camp. If the first stage could be passed relying on self-control, then the second level required a system and seriousness of training.

Major changes took place until 1972. Then the steps were correlated with age and a scoring system was introduced. The number of age categories increased to 5. Each of them had compulsory disciplines:

  • Orienteering;
  • Throwing a grenade;
  • 100m run

In connection with the scoring, bronze, silver and gold badges were established, as well as separate awards for children and older people.

TRP today - reasons for the revival and relevance

2014 was again a turning point for the complex. Its practical use was revived by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The goals of "Ready for Labor and Defense" were:

  • Formation of the need for systematic sports;
  • Increasing the level of physical fitness of citizens;
  • Health promotion;
  • Creation of new opportunities for fulfilling the need for physical activity;
  • Promotion of children's and youth sports;
  • Creating a motivational reason for passing the TRP norm.

Third step

The category is characterized by an increased number of tasks to get the badge. Now you need to fulfill 8 standards. Pneumatic shooting is also added and camping trip. More information about the rules of the group can be found.

The fourth and fifth stages of the complex

Children aged 13-15 must complete 6 compulsory exercises. Twisting on the press (sitaps) was added to them, and long jumps moved from selective tasks to required ones. TRP standards for a 15-year-old boy are indicated in

Quantitative values ​​of the tests of the "Ready for Labor and Defense" (RLD) complex, which allow us to assess the versatility (harmony) of the development of the main physical qualities and skills according to age levels and gender. Standards are measured in minutes, seconds, meters, centimeters and the number of times depending on the type of test. They are divided into mandatory tests (tests) and optional tests.

For each successfully completed standard, participants are awarded, as in big sport, medals. These medals are called insignia. Insignias come in bronze, silver and gold denominations at each age level.

The TRP standards can be fulfilled by any citizen of the Russian Federation who belongs to the main health group on the basis of a medical examination.

What to do to comply with the TRP standards?

If you want to comply with the rules of the TRP, you need to follow a few steps.

Step 1. You need to register on the site http://gto.ru. Registration is quite simple. You need to enter your personal details, email address, address of residence, your education, add a photo, and indicate your preferred sports. A confirmation code will be sent to the specified email address, which must be entered in a specific field.

Be sure to provide a valid email address when registering. An email with a verification code will be sent to your email.

Step 2 You need to fill out an application for implementation.

Step 3 You need to get a medical clearance. You need to go to your doctor and get a certificate for admission to physical activities.

Step 4 Complete challenges and increase your stamina.

Watch the videos to ensure that you follow the guidelines before completing the guidelines.

Step 5 Upon successful completion of the standard, you will be awarded a badge of distinction of the dignity you deserve.

TRP standards for women

For each age group and for each gender there are standards. For example, for women there are 6 age levels:

  • TRP standards for women 18-29 years old
  • TRP standards for women 30-39 years old
  • TRP standards for women 40-49 years old
  • TRP standards for women 50-59 years old
  • TRP standards for women 60-69 years old
  • TRP standards for women 70 years and older

TRP standards for women 18-29 years old

In this table, the interval of 18-29 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Trials for women aged 18 to 24 and 25 to 29. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

TRP standards for women 30-39 years old

In this table, the interval of 30-39 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Trials for women aged 30 to 34 and 35 to 39. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

After completing the test, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 40-49 years old

In this table, the interval of 40-49 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Trials for women aged 40 to 44 and 45 to 49. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

After completing the test, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 50-59 years old

In this table, the interval of 50-59 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Trials for women aged 50 to 54 and 55 to 59. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

After completing the test, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 60-69 years old

In this table, the interval of 60-69 years is divided into 2 more intervals. Trials for women 60 to 64 years old and 65 to 69 years old. There are mandatory tests and optional tests.

After completing the test, you will receive a bronze, silver or gold medal.

TRP standards for women 70 years and older

This table tests for men and women over 70 years of age. Elective and mandatory tests. For each successful test, the participant will receive a reward: a bronze, silver or gold medal.

Take part and win medals!