Wrestlers look. Freestyle wrestling: the history of the species and related equipment. And we also have

Here they are, Heroes Great Russia, glorious warriors of the Russian land.
Ordinary Donetsk miners. Their grandfathers fought, now they are fighting, they are defending Mother Russia from the Kyiv Jew-fascist Bandera junta and from the mercenaries of the State Department.
You need to know them by sight, be proud of them, tell your children and grandchildren about them.
Below is a whole herd of these geeks: Russian fascists, who for some reason call themselves "fighters against fascism":

Alexander Barkashov, "Russian National Unity" ("RNE").

Pyotr Barkashov (son of A. Barkashov).

Pavel Gubarev, member of RNU. More about him.

Nazis from the right-wing Serbian movement "Serbian Action" ("Srpska Aktsiya")

Kirill Leonidovich Rimkus (Dekabrist88), also from St. Petersburg, the same Rusich gang (Vkontakte, photo).

Alexander de Krog Matyushin. Member of the Varyag gang. He considers himself an "Orthodox fascist" and the grandson of Hitler.

Neo-fascist, again, from St. Petersburg, Anton Raevsky. Member of the "Black Hundred" Played the role of "Odessa anti-Maidan" during the events in Odessa.

Another "Kharkovite" is Daniil Igorevich Chernykh from Belgorod.

Action from the gang "Batman".

Terrorist group "Muscovy"

Krivoruchko Victor, Krasnodar Territory. Member of the gang of neo-Nazi skinheads "Slavs". He was wanted in Russia and Ukraine. In Russia, he is on the list of extremists and terrorists. Detained by border guards in the Lugansk region, where he called for "fighting fascism." expelled to Russia, where he was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

Dmitry Buryak from Kharkov (Vkontakte page, photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4)

Kharkiv fighter against "Ukrofascists" Anatoly Yermakov.

And this is his Donetsk "colleague" in the "Orthodox Russian world", detective officer of the Kalinin penal colony No. 27 of Gorlovka Vladimir Romanenko:

One of the "fighters against fascism" at a rally in Donetsk:

Vladimir ϟϟVolgaϟϟ Werner.

Yevgeny Mazepin from Voronezh in a T-shirt with the image of Corneliu Zel Codreanu, a far-right Romanian politician, creator of fascist Legion of Archangel Michael, also known as the Iron Guard.

Alexander Alexandrovich Kobzev (Sasha1488), Krasnodar (Vkontakte page, photo)

Sergei Petrov from Chelyabinsk quotes the Nazi officer and writer Ernst Junger: " Our job is to kill, and it's our duty to do that job well!".

Ivan Okhlobystin, his father - a tanker of the Third Reich and his watch "I am a Rashist".

Kazan celebrates the anniversary of the "liberation" of Crimea from the "Ukrofoshizd":

Fighter "LPR", 40-year-old resident of Sverdlovsk, Luhansk region. Served 11 years for voluntary manslaughter. Trained in Yeysk, Russia.

Mikhail "Lesnik" Komoliatkin from Moscow thinks fascism is a "great idea" (

Wrestling guys can be a real nightmare for beginner jitters in their first couple of years... We all have that teammate who stands out from the rest of our sparring partners. Let's look at 6 basics in the fight against these guys.

6. They will definitely takedown you.

So trying to knock them off the rack is a waste of time and effort. As a result, they will knock you over, and even be on top in the mount. Wrestlers work on this all day long. Trying to stand up is challenging in the most disadvantageous way for you. Instead, try to take the fight to the ground in less risky ways, such as pulling your opponent into the guard. By "pulling into the guard" is meant to start working from below, looking for a comfortable sweep, try to get behind him, or go to some reception. There is a chance that your opponent will be confused if you attack from the "de la riva" or from the "spider guard". Of course, this can pass if your sparring partner-wrestler is not yet very familiar with jiu-jitsu, otherwise you will have difficulties.

5. Painful on the legs

When fighting a strong wrestler, especially one who has no experience in wrestling, try submissions more often. You can pump up your arms, legs, and the rest of your body, but you can't pump up your ankles, they always remain vulnerable. If your opponent wears wrestling shoes, this should serve as a signal for such actions, since the pain on the legs is even more painful in shoes. Remember the fight between Dan Henderson and Frank Shamrock? Think now of Frank Mir against Brock Lesnor, in which Mir had a great knee lever, and Brock, with all his pile of muscles, could not resist anything.

4. Strength and functional training of wrestlers at a high level

Wrestling is a very tough and demanding sport. If you come across a freestyle wrestler, the chances are high that he is more powerful, more enduring and has more developed explosive power. This is because their workouts are heavily focused on standing and dynamic, they constantly train their legs, this gives them the ability to make sharp explosions. Do not try to go to them in the forehead. If they start pushing with force, don't reciprocate. Rely more on strategy and on your technique. If you try to fight back with force, you will most likely get tired earlier, and then you will have problems.

3. Be prepared for a constant struggle

As soon as you give a wrestler a bit of a break, he will immediately begin to get out of the disadvantageous position. This is also a factor in their endurance and physical training. You should try to give them a reason for such actions as little as possible. Keep your position steady, always be ready to react.

2. Wrestlers hate being on their backs.

By nature, wrestlers are not used to being on their backs. They just hate it. Each time they are on their back, they will explode and try to get out of this position. At this point, a lot of mistakes happen. Respond to the opportunities that open up in front of you at the very moments when they start to fuss. Or try to exhaust your opponent by doing so.

1. Wrestlers give back more often

We all know that former wrestlers are more likely than others to give back. Take advantage of this opportunity. When you're behind your opponent's back, this is the perfect chance to land a choke. The body triangle, when you are behind your back, is a very beneficial option in order to hold on, as well as apply strong pressure on the stomach and ribs. This will help to bring down the breath of the opponent.

Translation: Timur Beisikenov

And we also have

From the definition of "Mighty, smelly and hairy" for guys who are engaged in freestyle wrestling, only the first part is applicable. Sweaty, with a shaggy head and uncut nails, they will not let you out on the carpet (not to mention the freestyle wrestling championship). And this is not a whim of judges, but safety requirements. Freestyle wrestling with her techniques is not a joke for you. If you want to win, you will have to learn to be neat and clean.

prolong youth

Freestyle wrestling with its techniques develops speed of reaction and swiftness of movements - qualities that, according to scientists, are inherent in young people. Over the years, all processes in the body slow down, and you yourself become more “inhibited”. Freestyle wrestling will keep you young longer.

You become more dexterous

To develop dexterity, it is not necessary to learn to juggle or walk a tightrope. Freestyle wrestling is also suitable for this (see the freestyle wrestling video below). In training, you will learn a lot of freestyle wrestling techniques that you will have to apply in the correct sequence, quickly switching from one to another. And that is dexterity. Surely, you will find its use not only on the carpet, but also in everyday life.

Freestyle wrestling world championship, 2010

Develop all the muscles at once

Weaklings have no place on the carpet. Just imagine what power is needed to knock down and immobilize an opponent! See how it usually happens (freestyle wrestling tournament):

Freestyle wrestling, video.

Freestyle wrestling is not arm wrestling, it’s not enough to pump up individual muscle groups. You will need evenly developed muscles of the entire body. You'll see: you'll look like an Apollo much sooner than you win your first freestyle wrestling tournament.

Develop your intuition

You will learn to intuitively feel the opponent, you will know in advance what kind of trick he will throw out in the next minute. No telepathy - only mindfulness. With its help, by the way, you can neutralize not only sports, but also any other opponents - competitors at work, rivals in your personal life, etc.

stop doubting

Do you often have trouble making decisions? Freestyle wrestling will give you confidence. Ask any coach and he will tell you: moral stability is the key to victory, and “pumping” your faith in victory is no less important than muscles. Over time, these qualities will manifest themselves in your non-sporting life - you will learn to quickly realize what you want and make the right decisions.

You can carry your girl in your arms longer

Do you think freestyle wrestling is a sport in which the strongest wins? Not always. Most often, the most enduring wins. Energetic and aggressive wrestlers quickly run out of steam and lose. Here's an idea for you: in addition to training on the mat, make it a rule to carry your girlfriend in your arms more often, using her as a projectile. It will be pleasant for her, and it will be useful for you.

By the way, girls are also fond of this type of martial arts, and there are many of them. There are even various tournaments and freestyle wrestling championships for women. Here, see what it looks like:

Freestyle wrestling, video.

Remain intact and almost unharmed

"Single combat without weapons, beatings and all sorts of fights," - this is how the old man Dahl described freestyle wrestling. To this day, in this type of martial arts, the use of blows, painful and suffocating techniques is strictly prohibited. And this means that the probability of getting injured in freestyle wrestling is still lower than in a number of other martial arts. And, of course, if you regularly train on the carpet, the chance of getting hit by street hooligans is generally minimal.

5 facts about freestyle wrestling:

1. The most titled freestyle wrestler is Alexander Medved. He became a three-time Olympic champion, a seven-time world champion, and a multiple winner of various tournaments and championships in freestyle wrestling.

2. A forbidden technique in freestyle wrestling is the "scissors" lock (when the wrestler's legs are crossed around the opponent's neck).

3 . The wrestler's outfit is an open leotard, as well as soft wrestling shoes on the legs. For women, a simple addition is a special T-shirt that protects the chest.

4. Weight limit for wrestlers - 75 kg (this is due to the fact that freestyle wrestling consists of blocking movements and endless clamps).

5. The highest number of points - five - is awarded for throwing an opponent in the air (see video about throws in freestyle wrestling above).

The history of freestyle wrestling dates back several centuries. It originated in England and was later popularized in America. At the same time, the most titled athlete in this discipline today is the Russian - Alexander Medved.

Freestyle wrestling is one of the most popular martial arts. The main task of athletes is to put their opponent on the shoulder blades. To do this, in the arsenal of fighters there are various tricks, the most popular of which are throws, grabs, trips and coups. Unlike a similar discipline - Greco-Roman wrestling- in freestyle, leg grabs are allowed, and in general the lower limbs are much more actively involved in the duel.

History of freestyle wrestling

The exact year of the appearance of this type of martial arts. The first mention of such a sport dates back to the 18th century. Information was found in historical sources that at that time in England there was a fight in which the opponents were allowed to use the legs. That is why, to this day, Foggy Albion is considered the birthplace of freestyle wrestling.

Later, something similar appeared in the United States of America. There, this sport was called "catch-as-catch-can", which literally means "grab what you can." And it was in America that the rules were developed over time, according to which fights are fought at the present time. By the way, in Russia freestyle wrestling was called “free-American amateur”.

Freestyle wrestling entered the Olympic program for the first time in 1904. Not surprisingly, those Games were held in America in the state of St. Louis. And since at that time this discipline had not yet received wide international recognition, all the athletes participating in the Olympics were Americans. It was then that a record was set that is already impossible to beat. All medals went to citizens of one country.

Freestyle wrestling had an unfortunate period of time when it was excluded from Olympic program. It was in the period 1906-1912. The fact is that the Europeans at that time had not yet mastered this discipline, and knowingly give gold medals to US citizens Olympic Committee didn't want to. As a result, instead of freestyle at the Games, they fought according to Greco-Roman rules.

But International Federation freestyle wrestling appeared only in 1951. Since then, the world championships in this sport have been held every year. In 1980, another significant event took place - women's freestyle wrestling was recognized. It became the third Olympic martial art after taekwondo and judo.

Currently, in addition to the Americans, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan are considered the strongest teams in freestyle wrestling. By the way, athletes from our country first participated in the Olympic Games in 1952. And on the first attempt, Soviet athletes managed to win gold medals. By the way, the most titled athletes today are also Russians Alexander Medved and Buvaisar Saitiev. They have three Olympic gold, but the Bear is also a seven-time world champion. But Saitiev won the world championship only six times.

Equipment for freestyle wrestling

There are not so many items of clothing in freestyle wrestling. First of all, these are special shoes called. These sneakers are made of synthetic materials, with a special outsole that provides a secure grip on the court and Velcro instead of lacing. On the this moment professional athletes prefer . This is a Japanese brand that has been one of the leaders in the production of sports equipment for many years.

In addition to shoes, the “freestyle wrestlers” also have: shorts and a T-shirt connected into a single set. Athletes themselves call these clothes “second skin”. Clothing tightly fits the body, almost weightless, and does not allow rivals to grab onto it.

Even earlier there was a special handkerchief in the outfit, with which they wiped sweat or even blood. But today, special tampons are used for these purposes.

2015-06-11 10:04:58 +0300

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Dagestan peoples

Dagestan is called the Land of Mountains, the Land of Languages ​​(many peoples live here) and the Land of Wrestlers. Regarding the number and level of Dagestan wrestlers, there is even a playful saying "Throw a stone into the crowd - you will become a master of sports, throw two stones - you will become a European champion, throw a handful of stones - you will become an Olympic champion."

Jokes, jokes, but this land has raised many champion wrestlers. Dagestan overtakes all countries of the world in the number of gold medals at the world championships, the wrestlers of this mountainous region have already brought 43 medals of the highest standard to the republic's sports “piggy bank”.
Since ancient times, wrestling has been in Dagestan not just a sport, but a way of life. Life in the harsh conditions of the highlands required stamina, endurance, remarkable strength, will and perseverance from Dagestan men. These same qualities were always indispensable during the frequent conflicts here with uninvited "guests".
Dagestan pahlevans (heroes) have always been held in high esteem, the most famous of them can be considered Mamma Makhtulaev, better known under the pseudonym Sali-Suleiman. It was not for nothing that he was called the "Invincible Lion of Dagestan", he even brought the fight with Ivan Poddubny himself, who was a friend of the Caucasian wrestler, to a draw.

Dagestan "freestyle wrestlers" seriously declared themselves in the middle of the last century, when Surakat Asiyatilov rose to the highest step of the podium of the absolute championship of the USSR. His example inspired many Dagestan boys, since the 60s a real "wrestling fever" began in the republic. Since those days, the names of Dagestan wrestlers have been thundering all over the world.

Speaking about the Dagestan wrestlers, one cannot say about the strong local sambo school. Dagestan wrestler Khabib Nurmagomedov is one of the strongest UFC fighters. Last year, he went to the weigh-in before the fight in a T-shirt with the inscription "If SAMBO was easy, it would be called jiu-jitsu." The fact that this tournament was held in Brazil, the birthplace of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, gave a special piquancy to the situation.

Ossetians and Dagestanis have been figuring out for many years which of them are still the best wrestlers. "Freestyle wrestlers" of North Ossetia entered the wrestling Olympus in the middle of the 20th century. Since 1952, they have become the strongest in the championships of the RSFSR six times in a row. The 1958 championship was held in Vladikavkaz at the Spartak stadium. Needless to say, the Ossetians did not let down the hopes of their countrymen, at that championship they won as many as seven gold medals.
Ossetian wrestlers still remain in the cohort of the best wrestlers in the world today. Wrestling in Ossetia is incredibly popular and is not going to give up. Hundreds of thousands of boys come to training sessions every day.
Wrestling traditions in Ossetia are also strong because in its history, as well as in the history of Dagestan, there were also legendary heroes. The most famous is Kanukov Temirbolat (Bola) Dudarikoevich. His height was 2 meters 28 centimeters, and his weight was 220 kilograms. He repeatedly defeated the most titled wrestlers of his time. At the same time, Bola was distinguished by modesty, did not boast of his victories, and, observing traditions, never went naked to fights. After many victorious exits to the world wrestling arenas, Bola returned to his village. He died in 1922.

Ossetia is unique in its kind. There is a village here, included in the Guinness Book of Records - Nogir. From here came four Olympic champion, one of them is triple.
To date, the total number of world champions and Olympic Games originally from Ossetia has already "exceeded" 60 people.


Azerbaijan has an ancient wrestling history, people have always loved wrestling here. The national Azerbaijani type of wrestling is called gulesh. This type of folk wrestling is mentioned in the film "Don't be afraid, I'm with you", where Lev Durov's hero San Sanych, before the start of training, says: "By the way, I took a lot from your folk wrestling gulesh."
Among the Azerbaijani wrestlers there are many "freestyle wrestlers" and "classics". Famous Azerbaijani wrestlers Ibrahimpasha Dadashov, Makhyaddin Allahverdiyev (three-time world champion) and others successfully competed at allied and international competitions.

After the Great Patriotic War Greco-Roman wrestling actively developed in Azerbaijan. The first world title in the championship held in Mexico in 1978 was won by Arif Niftullayev. In 1980-1990 Azerbaijani wrestler Mahaddin Allahverdiyev won the title of three-time world champion.

The victorious path of the Azerbaijani school of wrestling continues today. Thus, both Azerbaijani wrestlers returned home from the London Olympics with medals.

Iranian wrestlers are not inferior to Dagestan ones in terms of the number of world championship gold medals collected. This can partly be explained by ancient wrestling traditions. So, one of the most popular national sports in Iran is varzeshe zurkhane, martial arts Persians, which is already more than 3000 years old. Of course, this wrestling for the Iranians is more than just a sport, it is a system for educating real Iranian heroes.

Those who practice varzeshe-zurkhane are called pahlevans (Persian hero). Classes are held in the "house of power" - zurkhan, in a round recess, fenced with benches. Since ancient times, such "pits" have been used by pahlevans in order to provide temperature control during training. Today it is more of a tribute to tradition. The main projectile for training Iranian heroes are two maces. They vary in weight. From three to 180 kilograms. Pahlavans perform various (mainly swing) movements with them. Training in this type of wrestling is saturated with ritual. It includes a warm-up, a ritual dance. All this is accompanied by Persian music with rhythmic accompaniment of drums. Conducts classes morshed and miandor. These two people are the main ones in the "house of power". The morshed announces the start of classes, reads a prayer, the miandor shows the movements to the pahlevans.

Iranian wrestlers are recognized as one of the strongest in the world today. From London, the Iranian team brought 6 medals, half of which are gold.

Wrestling in Mongolia is a national sport. Children, and adults, and old people fight there. The type of folk wrestling developed in Mongolia has its own ritual, rules and specific features: fights are not always limited in time, no weight categories. This type of wrestling gives the Mongols an excellent base for development in other wrestling disciplines, especially in freestyle wrestling and sumo. 68th great champion Yokuzana - Asashoryu - Mongol (Dagvadorzh), the second Yokuzana Hakuho is also Mongol (Davaazhargal), the third Harumafuji is also Mongol (Byambadorj).

often win Mongolian wrestlers and in traditional Olympic sports fight. Thanks to its "freestyle wrestlers", already at the second Olympics (1978, Mexico City), in which Mongolia took part, the country took fourth place in the overall standings in terms of the number of medals. Local newspapers enthusiastically wrote: "Under the tread of the boots, with the toes of the Mongolian athletes, the fighters of the Great Genghis Khan, the ground of the Olympic Stadium collapses!".