Classes in the pool for children from 3. Exercises for children in the pool. Cons of swimming for kids

Children should be taught healthy lifestyles from an early age. At the same time, it is important to take into account the age and needs of the baby so that classes do not turn into an exhausting necessity: this can discourage the desire to play sports for many years. The best option is to sign up for a swimming section for children in Moscow at the Swim & Gym fitness club.

The benefits of classes

Water exercises are optimal for children and adolescents, as they are characterized by low injury risk and virtually eliminate pain after training. Regular training in the pool:

  • develop lungs;
  • correct posture;
  • promote harmonious development;
  • relieve stress and muscle tension;
  • develop motor skills.

Pool Features

Comfortable swimming sports for children from 3 years old in Moscow are offered by the Swim & Gym fitness club. We took care of the safety of young visitors by equipping a modern small pool for training. Its maximum depth is 90 cm, which allows the child to quickly get used to the new environment and get maximum pleasure from classes.

No less attention is paid to the quality of water, which is monitored using the latest equipment, which makes swimming absolutely safe. Water purification is carried out using a three-stage system, including filters, a UV installation and mild chemical disinfection with a reduced content of chlorine-containing components.

Warm water (30-32°C) with soft lighting, as well as the use of various modern sports equipment will make swimming as comfortable and interesting as possible.

Children's swimming in Moscow at affordable prices

In the swimming center, groups of kids from the age of three are engaged. Visiting the pool several times a month will help strengthen the child's immunity, forget about colds and flu, instill in your son or daughter the basics of a healthy lifestyle. We guarantee the safety of classes and affordable prices. Individual lessons with a personal trainer are available. Call!

Cost: from 500 rubles/subscription lesson, from 600 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 1.5 months to 5 years

The Second Birth Family Health Center specializes in preparing families for gentle natural childbirth in maternity hospitals, and also teaches parents hardening methods and conducts swimming classes for babies. There are groups for babies up to 1.5 years old and baby groups. Children swim with their mothers in specially equipped pools. For example, in the pool Timiryazev classes are held in a special mini-pool for babies. And in general, they tried to take into account the needs of young swimmers to the maximum: in the locker rooms there are pots and changing tables; a multi-level water purification system is used, the temperature regime necessary for babies is observed (32-34 degrees Celsius).

2. Brightfamily Positive Lifestyle Center

m. Polyanka, Tretyakovskaya
Cost: 1,000 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,100 rubles/one-time lesson
Age: from 1.5 months

The main direction of the center's work is the soft parental practices of Birthlight (Bertlight), developed by the anthropologist and mother of 4 children Francoise Friedman. Practices include yoga classes, as well as early swimming training and aqua yoga for pregnant women using the Birthlight method. Children go swimming with their mothers. The program offers a gentle approach and special movement and relaxation techniques that aim to strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child. Classes are held in a pool designed specifically for children. The water temperature is maintained at 32-34 degrees. All instructors of the center have been trained in the UK and are holders of Birthlight diplomas.

3. Children's center "Dolphin"

6. Children's sports and health club "Semitsvetik"

m. Strogino, SC "Yantar"
m. Yugo-Zapadnaya, Olympic village, 2
Cost: 775 rubles/subscription lesson, 1,200 rubles/single lesson
Age: from 3 months

In the children's pool of the Yantar sports complex, kids are gently and gradually accustomed to water. Coaches use the Russian-Finnish method of training: games in the water, counting rhymes, songs and individual exercises according to a progressive plan. At the School, I believe that this is the most effective way to achieve the improvement of the skills of finding a child in the water; while the instructor monitors how their development proceeds. Interest in classes is stimulated by various floating devices - rollers, boards and toys. Each group has no more than 8 families. Both parents are encouraged to attend.
A branch of the School operates in the "Sports Complex Olympic Village - 80".

Any business requires a thoughtful approach to it. Swimming children in the pool is no exception, because it should be beneficial, and not become the cause of an aggravated illness. Even a seemingly harmless activity like swimming has its contraindications.

A contraindication to swimming children in the pool may be:

  • Infectious skin diseases and viral infections.
  • Any disease in its acute form.
  • Renal and heart failure.
  • Congenital heart disease in severe form.
  • Individual contraindications (deviation in development).
  • Disease of the joints, dislocation of the hip joint.
  • Allergies.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Seizures.
  • Elevated temperature is not a contraindication to water procedures. One has only to limit himself to a bath and do without diving, so as not to increase the flow of blood through the vessels. A runny nose, on the contrary, is not a reason to refuse diving, but you should not visit the pool.

If there are no severe contraindications, but the child is sick, the load should be reduced for the duration of the illness. Reduce the number of repetitions of exercises for children in the pool without lowering the temperature of the water. If the load is reduced by 2–3 times, and no improvement is observed, then it would be reasonable to temporarily cancel bathing.

Carefully observe the child: if the baby begins to tremble, “goose bumps” are visible, the nasolabial triangle turns blue; or the little one is crying or screaming, it is better to stop practicing on the water. You can try adding hot water and rubbing the baby's skin with a terry towel, hugging him, soothing him. If the baby has stopped crying and is back to normal, try to continue bathing.

Exercises for babies in the pool

In utero, the future little man develops in the amniotic fluid. Therefore, it would be right to use these swimming abilities of him, which are already lost at 3-4 months of life, as basic for swimming lessons in the early stages after birth. The newborn adapts very quickly and feels absolutely comfortable in this environment. The swimming reflex, holding the breath during immersion in such a toddler is so fixed on the subcortex that with little effort on the part of the parents, after a few months, the newborn is able to dive and swim independently, without any help. He perfectly keeps on the surface and is able to swim under water for several seconds. It is only necessary not to interrupt training. A break of up to two months can lead to a complete loss of swimming skills. But the skills acquired in infancy remain with him for the rest of his life.

Strange as it may seem, swimming lessons give newborns an impetus to more rapid physical, physiological, and psychological development. In such babies, there is no increased tone of the flexor muscles, which is characteristic of babies in the first months of life. Changing the degree of temperature plays the role of hardening, enables the child to quickly adapt to the outside world and, as a result, is a preventive measure for the prevention of infectious and colds. Swimming has a positive effect on the activation of metabolic processes in the child's body, improving digestion, stimulating appetite. The baby gets pleasure from communicating with water. Exercises for babies in the pool improves the respiratory apparatus and brain function.

Currently, there are several methods and sets of exercises for children in the pool. They are different, but they fulfill the main task - to teach small, newborn babies to swim.

Before transgressing to the lessons, show the baby to specialists: a pediatrician, a neuropathologist and an orthopedist. If they have not identified contraindications, then training can begin. The first lesson can be carried out not earlier than 2-3 weeks of age, after the navel has completely healed. The best time to "train" is in the evening (several hours before bedtime). The last meal is 1.5 ÷ 2 hours before bathing (the baby should not be full). The water in the pool (bath) must be fresh and clean. To clean the pool itself, it is better to use ordinary soda. It is well washed off, does not cause allergic reactions, dermatitis on the skin surface of the baby. The temperature regime must be kept at 37 ÷ 38 ° C.

For the first time, try not to outbid the newborn. The duration of the first lesson is no more than 5÷10 minutes. Daily duration can be increased to five minutes, bringing up to four to five sessions per week for 45-50 minutes each. Swimming is quite a serious burden on the body, so before starting the lesson, you need to prepare the baby for it: do a little massage and warm-up. Any young mommy (or daddy) will do just fine with this.

Before starting the lesson, prepare a clean sheet and towel, napkins, baby soap, a thermometer, a watch, children's toys (such that they do not drown). It's just great if during the training period, in the background, pleasant, smooth music will sound.

Massage and gymnastics before swimming

Before starting the exercises for children in the pool, the newborn needs to be prepared by giving him a massage and doing some warm-up movements. This will take no more than 25 minutes. During the massage, do not use any oils. The baby's skin will become slippery, which is unacceptable in exercises for babies in the pool. The main movements in this case are kneading and stroking.

  1. We start light stroking from the child's foot, then the lower leg, the next thigh and move on to the hand, then the forearm and finish with the shoulder. Turn the baby on his stomach and stroke the buttocks and back with stroking movements. Flip onto your back. Stroke the tummy and chest.
  2. The second stage with gentle movements is kneading. We leave the sequence of kneading sections as in paragraph 1.
  3. Let's move on to "dry gymnastics."

First exercise. The newborn lies on his back. The masseur takes the child by the legs and begins to raise and lower them, imitating the movement of the legs with the swimming technique - crawl.

Second exercise. The position of the crumbs too. Now we imitate the movement of the legs when swimming with a breaststroke.

Third exercise. Position on the back. An adult, holding the baby by the handles, depicts swimming movements.

Swimming technique

The little man begins to hold his head on his own by the age of 3 months, so it must be remembered that in the first months it must be supported by an adult. Now you can proceed directly to classes.

  1. We start with walking. An adult holds the baby by the armpits and “move” the baby along the bottom of the pool. There should be some water in it. Reflexively, the child himself will begin to rearrange his legs.
  2. Walked a few meters, let the baby rest.
  3. Let's go swimming. In this exercise, we use all the same reflexes. The peanut pushes off the side of the pool with its legs and swims with the support of an adult. In this case, only the face should be above the surface (chest and ears under water).
  4. The position of the baby is on the back. Mom supports her head with one hand, her chin with the other. In this position, slowly and carefully swim along the trajectory repeating the figure eight.
  5. Turn baby on tummy. Mom's right hand lies under the left armpit, and the left supports the back of the head. And again we swim in eights, only now on the tummy.

During the training period, constantly keep the condition of the newborn under control. Give him occasional breaks. Talk to him constantly, he should feel completely safe. Try to carry out any exercise for children in the pool in a playful way. For example, not just swimming, but playing catch-up, relaxing, splashing with water, and so on. Turn on your fantasy.

Now you can start diving. Some parents are afraid to do this. But it's worth calming down. When performed correctly, these exercises are safe, but they are very beneficial.

diving technique

It is worth remembering a few basic, but very important rules. Never force your baby to dive. Diving always begins on inspiration and from a position - lying on your stomach. The main thing is that the baby is not afraid. He should receive only positive emotions from classes, then the expected result will come much earlier, and you will not discourage his desire to “communicate with water” in the future.

At the first lesson, you should not immediately break into diving. Its goal is to develop a reflex to the words - "Dive!". This can be done by saying the command and watering the baby's face with water. When, after hearing the command, the little one learns to hold his breath, then it will be time to move on to diving. They said the command, immersed him under water. They surfaced. Have a little rest. After 5÷6 months from the start of classes, the child will learn to dive on his own.

After classes

After completing the water procedures, if the parents want to introduce both an element of hardening and raising the baby's immune system, do not immediately wrap it up, let it dry on its own in the air at room temperature. It is better to carry it from the pool to the changing table with a covered head, slightly soaking the body with a diaper.

Only after all these procedures, the baby's skin can be lubricated with special cosmetics. It is not necessary to feed the baby in the next 15÷-20 minutes after bathing. He swallowed some water anyway. Give her time to come out and empty her stomach.

A set of exercises for children in the pool

Swim before walk - this motto should be adopted by all parents. Exercises for children in the pool are an excellent simulator for the entire child's body, but for a more even load on all muscle groups, it is worth considering a number of exercises that are most suitable for one or another age.

Children 1.5÷2 years

At this age, children usually do not know what “fear of water” is, so visiting the pool is perceived with a bang! If, nevertheless, such problems arose, contact the instructor, consult a pediatrician. This problem is solvable.

The suggested exercises for kids in the pool are great for the bath (some of them). The first few minutes are necessary for the baby to go through water adaptation, get used to the temperature difference. Play with him, let him pat his hands on the surface. This will allow the little one to warm up, calm down, get used to the water and the environment. You can jump a little "bunny". After that, you can safely move on to the main exercises.

  • "Boat Motor"

The kid sits on the side and autumn actively begins to flounder with his legs, depicting the operation of the engine. Another option: lies on the stomach with the active support of the parents, and works with the feet. This is the basic movement for mastering swimming skills in the future.

  • "Harvesting"

The depth of the water should be such that when the baby squats, the water reaches no higher than the chin. This exercise for children in the pool will help to cope with the fear of water. Children need to collect toys scattered on the bottom. This exercise is easily upgraded as you grow older and depending on the preparation. You can complicate it by adding a lowering of the face into the water.

  • "Rain"

Sprinkle water lightly in the baby's face, let him do the same in return. This will make it possible to overcome the fear of the water element.

  • "Boat"

Supporting the torso, we shake the child, slightly immersed in water, like a pendulum. The legs should be straight and not reach the bottom. This gives the baby the opportunity to feel that the water can hold, you can even lie on it. The “boat” exercise can be done both lying on your back and on your stomach, try adding a “motor” movement.

  • "On the oars"

We bent our palms like a boat, we walk waist-deep in water, we begin to move our hands, imitating oars (spreading our hands, we push the water back with our palms).

  • "Watch"

This is a great exercise for kids in the pool, which will cheer up and calm the little one when he is upset and crying. We immerse it, holding it under the handles (up to the waist, or up to the shoulders) in the water and begin to slowly swing the pendulum or in a circle. The kids are usually happy with it.

At the end of classes, it is imperative to relax and restore breathing. This can be done if you simply blow on the surface of the water or pick up toys from the bottom again. After such relaxation, the child will get real pleasure. Do not forget that at this age they completely imitate adults, so do not be lazy to demonstrate all the movements, showing your personal example.

Children 2÷3 years old

Babies at this age are very often afraid of water, and older ones are often overly cautious. An adult needs to show patience and restraint - this fear will not go away immediately, because usually a child’s “rejection of water” is associated with some unpleasant memories or sensations (too cold or hot water, an unsuccessful dive ...) From here, your primary task is to teach the baby again love water.

Do not force them to do anything, arrange just a fun fuss. Let him forget his fear during the game. However, if mom is not confident in her abilities, you can seek help from a professional. This approach gives another positive moment. Children of this age tend to socialize, they want to play with their own kind. And a small group of kids on the course is no reason to get to know each other.

But you can not limit yourself in communicating with your baby and take everything into your own hands. When the stage of adaptation and fear has been successfully passed, you can begin to study.

A set of exercises for children in the pool of this age is not difficult. If the exercise does not have a name, come up with one with your child - it will be more interesting.

  • "The cat is washing"

The peanut scoops up some water with two handles and, exhaling, splashes it on his face. To get an exhalation at the right place in the exercise, ask to say something like “boo” at the time of splashing. It will be clearer to him what exhalation is and when it needs to be done.

  • "Bubbles in the palms"

Dial some water into the hands and try to hold them so that the water “does not run away”. Lower your mouth between your palms into the water and exhale. As clearly as possible, using an example, explain that the more air the little one takes into his mouth, the more fun bubbles he will get.

"Hot tea". Ask the baby to remember how to blow so that the tea cools down and is not so hot. Get plenty of air (the child takes a breath) and blow hard enough on the water.

  • "Breeze"

A slightly more complex interpretation of the previous exercise. It will not be necessary to blow on the surface of the water, but to adjust the toy that floats in the pool (for example, a boat, a bird) with the wind. The wind must be made strong so that each time the object swims an increasing distance.

  • "Crocodile" and "Duck"

Ask the child to draw these animals. He will have to dive first, holding his breath, as a duck does, or hide, as this is inherent in a crocodile. "Duck" - lower the face under the water, "Crocodile" - completely immerse yourself. Only the upper part of the face (forehead, eyes) should be visible above the surface.

Children 4÷6 years old

Children of this age are already quite independent individuals. Therefore, significant difficulties in the exercise should not arise. Consider the most familiar exercises for children in the pool.

  • "Float"

Take a breath and do not breathe. Sit down. Grab your knees tightly in the water and pull them up to your chest. Tilt your head to your knees. The water will push the baby upside down with a float. The main thing is to hold out for a few seconds in this position on the water surface.

  • "Starfish"

Take a breath. Relax your body and lie on your back in the water, spreading your legs and arms in the shape of a star. You can't hold your breath. Otherwise, it will start to sink. Try to teach him not to be afraid of water when it floods his eyes. You need to breathe easily.

  • "Jellyfish"

It is necessary to lie face down on the surface, as opposed to the previous exercise for children in the pool, after holding your breath and relaxing. Lie down a little on the surface, moving, like a jellyfish, legs and arms.

  • "Dolphin"

Raise your arms at an angle up in front. Exhale. Push off from the bottom of the pool. Dive forward or sideways. Let him try to jump as high as he can.

Do not demand everything from the child at once. From the first time, he, most likely, will not succeed much. Calm down and support and in the near future an excellent result is guaranteed. Take your time. These simple exercises for children in the pool will allow, subsequently, to master any swimming technique. But in order for the effect to be maximum, classes should take place at least two days a week.

Children over 6 years old

If your baby has reached this age, then it is quite possible to think of a swimming section, where a professional instructor will help you master various styles of swimming. It is from this age that kids, if desired, begin to climb their sports Olympus. If sport is not your goal. You can pick up other exercises for children in the pool (also children's water aerobics).

At the age of 6, you can find a specialized group for comprehensive development for a disabled baby.

Exercises on the water and swimming have a positive effect on the general condition of the body: in addition to muscle tone, strong immunity, the child also receives a healthy appetite and sound sleep.

A set of exercises for well-swimming children

  • Standing up to your neck in water, do 15 circular movements with your hands.
  • Float a little, actively working with your legs and arms, as if you are drowning. A great exercise for burning extra calories and raising muscle tone.
  • Run, preferably deeper, water resistance will give the expected effect.
  • Periodically, in between workouts, do breathing exercises. Such gymnastics helps to restore breathing, strengthen the lungs and heart. Deep breath, dip your head. Try not to breathe for a while. Exhale slowly.

Communication with water is a unique opportunity to communicate with one of the most powerful elements of nature. Swimming, swimming, diving, we somehow feed on its energy. Such communication is useful for a person at any age, but if we talk about children, then an exercise for children in the pool is not just an opportunity to have a great time with their peers or with their parents. These exercises, in fact, lay the foundation for health, both psycho-neurological and physical, for the rest of his life. It's never too late to learn. If you don’t know how to swim yourself, start practicing with your child. To date, it is not a problem to enroll a child in the pool at any age, there are also specialized groups where a trained instructor will show and tell Van how to help your baby take the “first steps” in swimming. Do not get lost and do not be afraid - the health of your child is in your hands!!!

Infant swimming classes are held with parents. An experienced instructor is in the water.

We use a special technique. There are programs for different ages.

Our classes are not just bathing a child in the pool, but a set of various exercises aimed at the physical, emotional and intellectual development of the baby. These are educational activities on the water, which take place in a relaxed playful way and bring joy to children and their parents.

If your baby is already 3 years old, you can enroll him in the senior group, where children are trained under the guidance of a sports swimming coach. In these exciting play sessions, children learn the basic elements of swimming technique, learn to swim independently and receive the necessary preparation for learning sports swimming.

Groups are formed in accordance with the age and degree of preparation of the kids.

Individual training in the pool or at home is possible.

Classes are held in three pools in Moscow -

- The village of Nagornoye, on the territory of the park-estate. (SAO, SVAO, 1 km from MKAD, m. Altufyevo, m. Bibirevo, m. Medvedkovo)

- New Moscow Residential Complex Nikolin Park (m. Teply Stan) st. Nikolo-Khovanskaya, 26a

- Maryino area (SEAD m. Maryino, m. Bratislavskaya) st. Lublinskaya d.100

Watercolors in the Northern District (SVAO) pos. Nagornoye

Specialized children's pool with warm water (32-33gr), without hyperchlorination.

The pool has a circulating water treatment system (recirculating water exchange) with continuous cleaning and disinfection of water

Children's pool dimensions 5 x 12 m. Depth 120 - 150 cm.

In the pool area there is a Finnish sauna equipped with a Harvia heater and chromotherapy.

Filling is done with water from the water supply network. Water quality meets the requirements of SanPin “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control". We control three groups of parameters:
1. Physical (transparency, color, smell, temperature)
2. Chemical (pH, content of chlorides, sulfates, aluminum, ammonia, residual chlorine, iron)
3. Bacteriological (total count of bacteria, content of pathogenic bacteria)

The locker rooms are equipped with changing tables and playpens.

The pool is great for activities with small children from 2 months

The pool has a comfortable play area, places to relax and a tea room where you can eat and feed your baby.

The cost of classes in the subscription is 700-800 rubles, one-time 900 rubles, individual from 1800 rubles.

Watercolors Teply Stan

Children's pool in New Moscow is located at: m. Teply Stan, st. Nikolo-Khovanskaya, 26a

Swimming pool with warm water. Dimensions: 3 x 7 m. Depth 70-90 cm.

The water temperature is 32-33 degrees. The air temperature is 33-34 degrees.

Water purification system: recirculating water exchange with continuous water purification.

In this pool, group and individual lessons are held for babies from 2 months to 3 years old with parents,

swimming lessons for children from 3 years old without parents.

Classes are held in small groups (no more than 5 pairs of baby + parent).

The dressing room is equipped with changing tables and an arena.

The cost of classes in the subscription is 600-800 rubles, individual 1800 rubles.

Visits by appointment

We are waiting for your kids in our classes!

“The fact that a baby can swim is one of the facts confirming the limitless possibilities of a child”(Masaru Ibuka, "It's Too Late After 3")

The well-known Japanese teacher and psychologist Masaru Ibuka, in the book “It's Too Late After Three” (which we wrote about), shares a sensation that occurred in 1965 at the International Conference of Women Athletes in Tokyo. Chairman Rize Dim then spoke for the first time about teaching swimming to children under one year old. Before her eyes, a five-month-old baby learned to swim in the pool in 3 months. And he could “hold out” on the water for more than 6 minutes. This was another proof that all human capabilities and talents can be developed within a year.

We have chosen 7 centers in Moscow where you can swim with your baby under the guidance of a professional instructor. The selection criteria were, firstly, the experience of the instructors of the center, secondly, the characteristics of the water in the pool, and thirdly, the cost of classes.

1. Family health center "Second birth"(3 branches, you can choose)

Age of children: 1.5 months. – 3 years, 4-5 years

Water purification system: multilevel, with water disinfection ultraviolet

Cost: a one-time lesson with a trainer - 600 rubles, a lesson in a subscription - from 500 rubles. (from 3 or more classes)

2. Center for early development and preparation for childbirth« Dolphin» (6 branches, you can choose)

Age of children: 1.5 months - 4 years, 5 - 7 years.

Water purification system: multi-level ()

Cost: one-time lesson - from 700 rubles. (you can check here for each branch

3. Center"Magic Child"(street Bakuleva, 5)

Age of children: 2 months. - 4 years

Water purification system: multilevel, with ozonation

Cost: one-time lesson - 1000 rubles, a lesson in a subscription - 700 rubles.

4. Center« duckling» (Avtozavodskaya st., 21, Torpedo swimming pool)

Age of children: 2 months. - 4 years; 4 - 6 years;

Water purification system: hypochlorination, permanent filtration due to water circulation

Cost: a one-time lesson with a trainer - 900 rubles; subscription 4 lessons - 2800 rubles.

5. Positive Lifestyle Center Bright Family(Staromonetny lane, building 18)

Age of children: 1.5 months. – 3 years, 4-7 years

Water purification system: three-stage (ultraviolet water treatment, hypochlorination and quartz-sand filters)

Cost: a one-time lesson with a trainer - 1100 rubles.