Star Wars. Cool racing. Portal of online games BOOM Game star wars on starships

In Game Star Wars- Starship racing you will have an exciting race on a starship. Star Wars heroes, when not at war, they race their flying ships. The winner will have eternal glory on all planets. Therefore, everyone wants to participate in these races and, of course, win. This is the first time for you, so you can also look at other planets where there is life, where different creatures live, both good and bad.

In this game you will meet with good creatures, you only fight with bad creatures, but no wars happen during the competition. You are the commander of the starship and now you must control it so that it does not break into smithereens. Control of the game Star Wars - Racing on starships is carried out with the help of arrows.

Be careful when turning, it's very easy to lose control when flying at breakneck speed. The competition is monitored by strict judges who keep order so that no one breaks the rules. If at least one breaks the rules, then he will be excluded without the right to reinstatement. Time is very important in this game, if you manage to get to the finish line quickly, you can beat the record in the game Star Wars - Starship Racing.

Control of the game Star Wars - Racing on starships is carried out with the mouse and keyboard

“They raged in a galaxy far, far away ...” - who among us does not remember that day in the 1980s when he first heard (saw) these lines from the famous movie saga? I personally then reviewed only the fourth episode three times - it was just a mega hit. No epic movie has spawned as many gaming products as Star Wars, since the "terminators", "alien" and "traitors" taken together could not kill that number computer games with the base SW tag, of which there are already several dozen. And one can only rejoice that the "greedy monopoly" in the field of StarWars game development remained mainly the studio Lucas Arts otherwise there would be too many such games ...

What genre niches were not occupied by games created in the Star Wars universe! You can offhand recall 3D shooters, space sims, where the pilot played both for the Empire and for the rebels, strategies and even games of a mixed genre. But the racing genre in Star Wars was first "tested" at the very end of the 1990s.

Many people know that the movie saga did not start from the very beginning, as it would have been written in a literary script, but much later, and they designated this first-born as the fourth episode. Of course, the fans were also waiting for the rest of the parts located closer to the beginning of the story. The public's long wait finally ended in 1999 when the first episode aired. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. After the release of the film, literally within a year, several games appeared with a long title, at the beginning of which there was always Star Wars: Episode I - ... From the duration of the film, the scenes of the deadly races of the "Riot" on non-standard futuristic vehicles (pods) were occupied. Of course, this episode can be watched if only for the sake of the beautiful actress N. Portman, but, in my opinion, the plot "core" here is the race, and it was they that were the basis of the game Star Wars: Episode I - Racer.

Well, how do you like this format of the game from the movie plot? The boy seems to be a preschooler by age, well, at best, a second grader, like a seasoned professional on a desert planet, he participates in deadly races over very and slightly rough terrain on some kind of car, consisting of two turbines, tied with incomprehensible plasma ropes. Everything would be fine, but that's just the speed at these races, don't be surprised ... 500-700 km / h, which is considered quite acceptable for a pod in the minimum sports configuration. You can imagine the feelings of a mother who, in a movie series, was forced to let her child go to such a competition, and then watched the whole murder in real time on a “tablet”. And the boy's name is Anakin Skywalker, and powerful Jedi inclinations help him win such races. Subsequently, as a result of his “ascent to success”, he will take a different name, but this will be a completely different movie episode ...

At first, a very exciting cutscene awaits you in the game - it deserves a separate description here. That cinematic scene of racing on Tatooine in the intro is almost completely recreated - which is not surprising, because when all three-dimensional models are stored by the developer, any scenes of the film can be completely duplicated, especially if it consisted entirely of computer special effects. Characters, fireballs, even their color schemes - everything is repeated perfectly! According to the plot, there is one charismatic character - the racer Sebulba, who is the main opponent of the young Skywalker in these races. Most likely, in the glorious sports past of this colorful alien, there are a lot of dishonest and very unsportsmanlike tricks that provided him with all kinds of race victories, celebrity and fame. Anatomically, his lower and upper limbs are functionally swapped, but this does not prevent him from professionally managing his racing machine and, most importantly, from doing serious dirty tricks to other racers. He is even able to hire for his "moral" support the robbers of Tatooine - the Tuskens, who will fire from their antediluvian "trilinear" fireballs of other racers. Note that in the movie episode, all viewers watch these dirty scenes in real time, but there is not even a single hint of at least a life ban for such "unsportsmanlike" behavior. This only shows one thing: “There is only one rule in Riot racing - there can be no rules at all!” - that's what sets the absolute "recklessness" of such competitions. Of course, Sebulba, along with his techniques, was also transferred to the game in detail.

The classic format of racing competitions in the game is quite simple. On one of the 8 planets, which certainly has its own specific natural conditions, a very difficult route has been built, which must be completed in three circles. First at the finish line - the biggest prize. With the prize money, you can repair and improve the technical equipment of your hearth by purchasing additional units in the parts store on Tatooine from a miserly shopkeeper. Even the one-eyed repair droids in the game are recreated with amazing accuracy. What are planets? Well, of course, planet #1 is Tatooine. It all started here, this is a kind of cradle for the very spirit of the entire Star Wars cinematic universe. The recommended track is "Bunt Classic": it completely recreates that scene from the movie, even Tuskens shooting from the rocks are available. The rest of the planets are already weakly or not at all connected with the movie saga. There is also the planet Barunda - humid equatorial forests; here the trails can wind strongly along the bends of the river. Planet Endo Prime - ice cliffs and caves, gorges, as well as spectacular ice jumps. The most difficult tracks are on the planet Ord Ibanna - everything happens in the sky there, it looks like very difficult multi-level soaring tracks with long jumps in numerous places of repair or "road" construction. There is also a colony for prisoners - Uvo IV, located on asteroids. There, the race routes are replete with various "podlyanki" in the form of flying blocks of stone, closing doors and other elements that significantly complicate the passage. The tracks are also divided into sequentially passable gradations according to the difficulty: tracks for beginners, semi-professional races, intergalactic tracks and international competitions. The last point, most likely, may be a blunder of translators, somehow out of status: international over intergalactic. At the beginning of any competition, a video is always shown in which the race is opened by some influential representative of the planet where the track is located. In the case of Tatooine, it is, of course, Master Jabba the Hutt himself. And on some tracks there are secrets - special inconspicuous branches along which you can cut the route very cool and buy time.

Of the important units, one can single out an onboard repair droid (the "R" key), an accelerator and a cooling system. But you can also improve the steering performance as the game simulates a slight delay in steering response. This will be especially critical on some circuits where precise cornering performance is more important than the performance of your car.

Racers in the game is present with a couple of dozen alien races. It makes no sense to list all this "zoo" - you need to see it yourself. Each rider's pods are unique in their appearance and technical specifications. If you want to change the character or "apparatus" - please, at any time. During the high-speed "overtaking" of the next participant in the race, he can not only loudly shout something in his "bird" language at your back, but also "bounce" from the heart, especially near massive obstacles. It may not be worth unnecessarily denigrating most honest racers, but it has been experimentally established that Sebulba definitely has such skills in this game.

The graphics are very bright. Classic 3D on graphics accelerators of that time looks just great here. On the scale of the maps, the sensations of crazy speeds of 600 km/h and more are physically transmitted with guaranteed authenticity. The sounds are 5+, and the best gameplay music for the player should be the squealing of turbines of various pods, accompanied by squeaking, chirping and growling of racers of various races from the Star Wars cinematic universe, but a special uplift awaits you when driving along the tracks past the numerous stands where the audience just roars wildly with delight.

Yes, at the heart of the game Star Wars: Episode I - Racer the simplest formula is laid down: "Recklessness of tracks & Madness of speed". Here we can confidently state: the creative power of the entire Star Wars movie saga was such that, having first tried themselves as developers of a racing computer game, Lucas Arts immediately released the best that could only be expected in the racing genre, and this is very significant. And the range of a rather noticeable spread in the values ​​of estimates from various systems ratings for SW Racer: from 60/100 to 95/100. Based on my own experience related to the passage of the subject of this description, I can confidently say that when the hair starts to move from the exciting gameplay on the head, this is automatically equivalent to a 100/100 rating for any systems and criteria for evaluating computer games. This masterpiece has been presented on our website for a long time, and everyone can get acquainted with the best representative of the racing games genre at the end of the glorious 1990s. Hope I didn't exaggerate too much...

Alternative description - Tie Pilot

What Star Wars: Pod Racer? It's pod racing at breakneck speeds! Remember the first episode - a twenty-minute racing scene. Remembered? Now you have the opportunity to feel yourself in the shoes of racing heroes. And this is not an exaggeration. At high speeds, the tower is demolished more abruptly than anyone there NFS or test drive. Try maxing out Top Speed ​​and Accelerate and you'll understand. But first things first.

The gameplay is quite standard - you need to try to come to the finish line before the rest of the rivals. Depending on the occupied place a certain amount of money is given to the hands, which can be spent on pumping hearths. You can improve your "fireballs" speed, traction, engine cooling - everything is as it should be. You ask: what is so unusual here? Nothing. It's just a quality Star Wars racing game. Pods differ from cars only in that they can soar and squeeze out at 600 km / h. With all of the above, it can be said that SW: Racer- the usual race, of which there are already many on the gaming market. But let's not jump to conclusions. The fact is that this is a really good and high-quality racing. Models of pods, detailing of tracks - everything looks pretty decent for 1999. And how the feeling of speed is conveyed - this must be seen! Already here Pod racer will plug any modern car simulator into the belt.

The sound was teleported here straight from the cinema and television screens (or rather, the speakers), so that, in principle, it cannot cause irritation. Music is from there. The plot is as simple as 2x2=4, there is no point in dwelling on it in detail.

The game has a certain "spirit" of the first episode, so if you liked the movie, you can safely download it. If you like good races with futuristic vehicles - also highly recommended. You will not regret.

Description of the flash game

Star Wars. cool racing

Racer Rush Star Wars

One day, in a galaxy far, far away, they decided to hold intergalactic races. Then, it became a tradition and many were just waiting for the time for cool stellar races to come. Residents from different planets take part in them to compete in speed, agility and attentiveness. This time, you can also take part in this race, in the online game "Star Wars. Cool racing". First decide on the rider. You have three options. Will it be Anakin Skywalker - a gifted blue-eyed boy (in the future - a Jedi), Sebulba - a representative of the Dug race or a representative of the planet Hoth?

If you have chosen a hero, choose yours vehicle and a corporate flag from the possible options. Here you will see the most unusual and most powerful machines for such a competition. In the best traditions of Star Wars. Pay attention to the technical indicators of transport, rather than to appearance. This way you increase your chances of winning. In the race, you can choose the type of track: sprint, drift or something more difficult, you choose. When the race starts, overtake the rest of the participants and finish first. Test your skills in the galaxy in the most dangerous races!