2nd Olympic Games. When and where did the Olympic Games originate? The Olympic Games, like any strictly organized event, have their own specific traditions and rituals.

Only running competitions were held at a distance of one stadium (from the Greek stages = 192 m). Gradually, the number of sports increased, and the games became an important event for the entire Greek world. It was a religious and sports holiday, during which a mandatory "sacred peace" was declared and any military action was prohibited.

The history of the first Olympiad The period of truce lasted a month and was called ekecheiriya. It is believed that the first Olympiad took place in 776 BC. e. But in 393 AD. e. Roman emperor Theodosius I banned Olympic Games. By that time, Greece lived under the rule of Rome, and the Romans, having converted to Christianity, believed that the Olympic Games, with their worship of pagan gods and the cult of beauty, were incompatible with the Christian faith. The Olympic Games were remembered at the end of the 19th century, after they began to carry out excavations in ancient Olympia and discovered the ruins of sports and temple facilities. In 1894, at the International Sports Congress in Paris, the French public figure Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) proposed organizing the Olympic Games on the model of the ancient ones. He also came up with the motto of the Olympians: "The main thing is not victory, but participation." De Coubertin wanted that in these competitions, as in Ancient Greece, only male athletes competed, but women also participated in the second Games. Five multi-colored rings became the emblem of the Games; colors were chosen that are most often found on the flags of various countries of the world.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens. In the XX century. the number of countries and athletes participating in these competitions has grown steadily, and the number of Olympic sports sports. Today it is already difficult to find a country that would not send at least one or two athletes to the Games. Since 1924, in addition to the Olympic Games, which take place in the summer, Winter Games have also been organized so that skiers, skaters and other athletes who are involved in winter sports can compete. And since 1994, the Winter Olympic Games have been held not in the same year as the summer ones, but two years later.

The history of the first Olympiad is the most interesting facts.

Sometimes the Olympic Games are called the Olympics, which is incorrect: the Olympics is a four-year period between consecutive Olympic Games. When, for example, they say that the 2008 Games are the 29th Olympiad, they mean that from 1896 to 2008 there were 29 periods of four years each. But there were only 26 Games: in 1916,1940 and 1944. There were no Olympic Games - world wars interfered. The Greek city of Olympia today attracts crowds of tourists who want to look at the ruins of the ancient city excavated by archaeologists with the remains of the temples of Zeus, Hera and visit the Archaeological Museum of Olympia. otvetkak.ru

Five rings and the slogan "Faster. Above. Stronger” are some of the most recognizable symbols in the world. The Olympic Games are criticized for being politicized, pompous, expensive, doping scandals, but they are always eagerly awaited. The modern Olympic Games are 120 years old this year, but of course their history goes much, much deeper into antiquity.

According to one of the myths, King Enomai, the ruler of the city of Pisa, organized sports competitions for those who wanted to marry his daughter Hippodamia. Moreover, the conditions of these competitions were obviously losing - all because Enomai was predicted that his son-in-law would become the cause of his death. Young people lost their lives one after another, and only the cunning Pelops managed to overtake the future father-in-law in chariot races, so successfully that Enomai broke his neck. The prediction nevertheless came true, and the new king, in joy, ordered a sports festival to be held in Olympia every four years.

According to one version, the well-known word "gymnastics" comes from the ancient Greek "gymnos", which means "naked". It was in this form that ancient athletes participated in competitions, therefore, in those days, the organizers of the games significantly saved on sports uniforms. Some, such as wrestlers, were also rubbed with oil to make it easier to slip out of the enemy’s grip

According to another version, the Olympic Games were established by none other than the main ancient Greek superman Hercules. Having cleared the Augean stables, the hero not only did not receive the promised reward, but also received a royal kick in the ass. Naturally, the demigod was offended and after a while returned with a large army. Having destroyed the offender morally and physically, Hercules, in gratitude for the help, made a sacrifice to the gods and personally planted an entire olive grove around the sacred plain in honor of the goddess Athena. And on the plain itself he ordered regular sports competitions to be held.

According to ancient historians, the first Olympic Games took place during the reign of King Ifit (about 884-828 BC). Ifit, the king of Elis, on whose territory Olympia was located, was very concerned about what was happening in the state and beyond. At that time, Greece was a seething cauldron, where many small scattered kingdoms were constantly at war with each other. Ifit went to Lycurgus, the king of Sparta, and said that he no longer wanted to fight, but wanted to organize sports competitions. Lycurgus liked the idea, the other warring rulers also agreed. As a result, Elis received a neutral status and immunity in exchange for the fact that once every four years nationwide sports tournaments would be held in Olympia. At the time of the games, all wars stopped. The Olympic Games rallied Greece, tormented by civil strife, which, however, did not prevent the states from fighting each other for the rest of the time before and after the games.

However, even ancient Greek historians were not sure of the exact date, so they considered the first Olympics to be competitions about which they had more or less accurate information. These games took place in 776 BC. e., and Koreb from Elis won the race.

The only type of ancient Olympic competition for the first thirteen games was running. Then - pentathlon, including running, long jump, javelin throwing, discus throwing and wrestling itself. Later added fist fight and a chariot race. The program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer and 7 winter sports, respectively 41 and 15 disciplines, depending on the season.

Much has changed since the arrival of the Romans. If before only Hellenic athletes could take part in the games, then after Greece was annexed to the Empire, the national composition of the participants expanded. In addition, the program added Gladiator fights. The Hellenes gritted their teeth, but had to endure. True, not for long - after Christianity became the official religion of the empire, the event, as pagan, was banned by Emperor Theodosius I. In 394 AD. e. the games were canceled, and a year later, many Olympic buildings were destroyed during the war with the barbarians. Olympia, like Atlantis, disappeared from the face of the earth.

Olympia today

However, the Olympic Games have not sunk into oblivion forever, although they had to stay in oblivion for fifteen long centuries. Ironically, the first step towards the revival of the Olympic Games was made by a church leader, the Benedictine monk Bernard de Montfaucon, who was very interested in the history of Ancient Greece and was convinced that excavations should be carried out at the site where the legendary Olympia used to be. Soon, many European scientists and public figures of the 18th century began to talk about the need to find her.

In 1766, the English traveler Richard Chandler discovered the ruins of some ancient structures near Mount Kronos in Greece. It turned out that the find was part of the wall of a huge temple. In 1824, the archaeologist Lord Stanhof began excavations on the banks of the Alpheus, then in 1828-1829 French archaeologists took over. In October 1875, the excavations of Olympia were continued by German specialists under the leadership of Ernst Curtius. Inspired by the results of archaeological research, public and sports figures gave lectures on the delights of the Olympic movement and the need for its revival. Government officials listened to them attentively and nodded in agreement, but for some reason they refused to allocate funds for the games.

And yet, finally, there was someone who managed to convince everyone: the Olympic Games are exactly what humanity needs. It was the French public figure Pierre de Coubertin. He was sincerely convinced that the ideas of the Olympic movement carry the spirit of freedom, peaceful competition, harmony and physical perfection. Coubertin found many supporters around the world. November 25, 1892 he gave a lecture in Paris "Olympic Renaissance", the main idea which was that sport should be international. Coubertin called his contemporaries the heirs of the great Hellenic civilization, which elevated the harmonious development of man, intellectual and physical perfection into a cult.

At the end of the 19th century, international sports movement gradually began to gain momentum. With the growth of cultural and economic ties between countries, international sports associations, organized international competitions. It was the perfect moment for the realization of Coubertin's ideas. Together with friends and associates, he organized the Constituent Congress, where supporters of the Olympic movement from all over the world were to gather. A meeting of two thousand delegates from twelve countries was held in June 1894 at the Sorbonne. It was there that a unanimous decision was made to revive the Olympic Games and establish the International Olympic Committee. At the same time, national Olympic committees were created. And it was decided to hold the first international competitions in 1896 in Athens. The Olympic Games were revived in the same place where they originated - in Greece.

The first resumed games became the biggest sporting event of their time. The Greek authorities, inspired by the success, offered to constantly hold the games on their territory, but this clearly contradicted the spirit of internationalism, and the IOC decided to choose a new place for the Olympics every four years. Gradually, the attributes and rituals of the games appeared, which have now become familiar: the emblem and flag, the Olympic oath and talismans, the parade, the opening and closing ceremonies, the Olympic torch relay. It is already difficult to imagine these competitions without them.

Unlike ancient games, during which armed conflicts ceased, the modern Olympic Games were not held three times due to world wars - in 1916, 1940 and 1944. And the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich was overshadowed by a terrorist attack: Palestinian terrorists took the members of the Israeli team hostage. The release operation, due to poor organization, completely failed - eleven athletes were killed.

Since 1924, Winter has been added to the classic Olympic Games - Summer. At first the games were held in one year, but since 1994 the Winter and Summer Games began to rotate every two years.

In our country, the Olympic Games were held twice. The first Olympics took place in 1980 in the USSR, the second, Winter, in 2014 in Sochi. Hosting the games has always been very important for the prestige of any state, so there is always a tense struggle for the right to host athletes from all over the world. And, of course, there is a fight for medals - only the best representatives of their country go to the competitions. And although the games are considered individual competitions between individual athletes, the result is invariably determined by the amount of "precious metals" earned by the entire team. The funny thing is that according to the original plan of Pierre de Coubertin, these were competitions exclusively for amateur athletes, but now the Olympics are purely professional sports. And, of course, a spectacular show and big money - where without it?

The Olympic Games, the Games of the Olympiad are the largest international complex sports competitions of our time, which are held every four years. The tradition that existed in ancient Greece was revived at the end of the 19th century by a French public figure Pierre de Coubertin. The Olympic Games, also known as the Summer Olympics, have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of years during World Wars. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games were established, which were originally held in the same year as the summer ones. However, since 1994 the time of the Winter Olympic Games has been shifted by two years from the time of the Summer Games.

Ancient Olympic Games

The Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were a religious and sporting festival held in Olympia. Information about the origin of the games is lost, but several legends have survived describing this event. The first documented celebration dates back to 776 BC. e., although it is known that the games were held before. At the time of the games, a sacred truce was declared, at which time it was impossible to wage war, although this was repeatedly violated.

The Olympic Games essentially lost their importance with the advent of the Romans. After Christianity became the official religion, the games began to be seen as a manifestation of paganism, and in 394 A.D. e. they were banned by the emperor Theodosius I.

The revival of the Olympic idea

The Olympic idea did not disappear completely even after the ban on ancient competitions. For example, in England during the 17th century, "Olympic" competitions and competitions were repeatedly held. Later, similar competitions were organized in France and Greece. However, these were small events that were, at best, regional in nature. The first true predecessors of the modern Olympic Games are the Olympia, which were held regularly during the period 1859-1888. The idea of ​​reviving the Olympic Games in Greece belonged to the poet Panagiotis Sutsos, brought it to life by a public figure Evangelis Zappas.

In 1766, as a result of archaeological excavations in Olympia, sports and temple facilities were discovered. In 1875, archaeological research and excavations continued under German leadership. At that time, romantic-idealistic ideas about antiquity were in vogue in Europe. The desire to revive the Olympic mindset and culture spread fairly quickly throughout Europe. French baron Pierre de Coubertin (fr. Pierre de Coubertin) said then: “Germany unearthed what was left of ancient Olympia. Why can't France restore its old grandeur?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin

According to Coubertin, it was precisely the weak physical condition of the French soldiers that became one of the reasons for the defeat of the French in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. He seeks to change the situation by improving physical education French. At the same time, he wanted to overcome national selfishness and contribute to the struggle for peace and international understanding. The Youth of the World was to face off in sports, not on the battlefield. The revival of the Olympic Games seemed in his eyes the best solution to achieve both goals.

At a congress held June 16-23, 1894 at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), he presented his thoughts and ideas to the international public. On the last day of the congress (June 23), it was decided that the first modern Olympic Games should be held in 1896 in Athens, in the parent country of the Games - Greece. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded to organize the Games. Greek became the first president of the Committee Demetrius Vikelas, who was president until the end of the 1st Olympic Games in 1896. Baron became general secretary Pierre de Coubertin.

The first Games of our time were indeed a great success. Despite the fact that only 241 athletes (14 countries) took part in the Games, the Games were the largest sporting event ever held since ancient Greece. Greek officials were so pleased that they put forward a proposal to hold the Games of the Olympiad "forever" in their homeland, Greece. But the IOC introduced a rotation between different states, so that every 4 years the Games change the venue.

After the first success, the Olympic movement experienced the first crisis in its history. The 1900 Games in Paris (France) and the 1904 Games in St. Louis (Missouri, USA) were combined with the World Exhibitions. Sports competitions dragged on for months and almost did not enjoy the interest of the audience. Almost only American athletes participated in the Games in St. Louis, since it was very difficult to get from Europe across the ocean in those years for technical reasons.

At the 1906 Olympic Games in Athens (Greece), sports competitions and results again came out on top. Although the IOC initially recognized and supported these "intermediate Games" (just two years after the previous ones), these Games are not now recognized as Olympic Games. Some sports historians consider the 1906 Games to be the salvation of the Olympic idea, as they prevented the games from becoming "meaningless and unnecessary".

Modern Olympic Games

The principles, rules and regulations of the Olympic Games are defined by the Olympic Charter, the foundations of which were approved by the International Sports Congress in Paris in 1894, which, at the suggestion of the French teacher and public figure Pierre de Coubertin, decided to organize the Games on the model of the ancient ones and to create the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

According to the charter of the Games, the Olympiad “…unite amateur athletes of all countries in fair and equal competitions. In relation to countries and individuals, no discrimination is allowed on racial, religious or political grounds ... ". Games are held in the first year of the Olympiad (4-year period between games). The Olympiads have been counted since 1896, when the first Olympic Games took place (I Olympiad - 1896-99). The Olympiad also receives its number in cases where games are not held (for example, VI - in 1916-19, XII-1940-43, XIII - 1944-47). The symbol of the Olympic Games - five fastened rings, symbolizing the unification of the five parts of the world into Olympic Movement, so-called Olympic rings. The color of the rings in the top row is blue for Europe, black for Africa, red for America, in the bottom row yellow for Asia, green for Australia. In addition to Olympic sports, Organising Committee has the right, at his choice, to include demonstration competitions in 1-2 sports not recognized by the IOC in the program. In the same year as the Olympics, since 1924 the Winter Olympic Games have been held, which have their own numbering. Since 1994, the dates for the Winter Olympic Games have been shifted by 2 years relative to the summer ones. The venue of the Olympics is chosen by the IOC, the right to organize them is granted to the city, not the country. Duration no more than 15 days ( winter games- no more than 10).

The Olympic movement has its own emblem and flag, approved by the IOC at the suggestion of Coubertin in 1913. The emblem is the Olympic rings. The motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger). The flag - a white cloth with the Olympic rings, has been raised at all the Games since 1920.

Among the traditional rituals of the Games:

* lighting the Olympic flame at the opening ceremony (the flame is lit from the sun's rays in Olympia and delivered by the torch relay to the host city of the Games);
* pronouncing by one of the outstanding athletes of the country in which the Olympics takes place, the Olympic oath on behalf of all participants in the games;
* pronouncement on behalf of the judges of the oath of impartial refereeing;
* presentation of medals to the winners and prize-winners of competitions;
* raising the national flag and performing national anthem in honor of the winners.

Since 1932, the host city has been building the "Olympic Village" - a residential complex for participants in the Games. According to the charter, the Games are competitions between individual athletes, and not between national teams. However, since 1908 the so-called. informal team standings- determining the place occupied by teams by the number of medals received and points scored in competitions (points are awarded for the first 6 places according to the system: 1st place - 7 points, 2nd - 5, 3rd - 4, 4th - 3, 5th - 2, 6th - 1). The title of Olympic champion is the most honorable and desirable in the career of an athlete in those sports in which Olympic tournaments are held. The exception is football, since the title of world champion in this sport is much more prestigious.

In Paris, in the Great Hall of the Sorbonne, a commission has gathered to revive the Olympic Games. Baron Pierre de Coubertin became its general secretary. Then the International Olympic Committee (IOC) took shape, which included the most authoritative and independent citizens of different countries.

The first Olympic Games of modern times were originally planned to be held at the same stadium in Olympia, where the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece were held. However, this required too much restoration work, and the first revived Olympic competitions took place in Athens, the capital of Greece.

On April 6, 1896, at the restored ancient stadium in Athens, the Greek King George declared the first modern Olympic Games open. The opening ceremony was attended by 60 thousand spectators.

The date of the ceremony was not chosen by chance - on this day, Easter Monday coincided in three directions of Christianity at once - in Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. This first opening ceremony of the Games laid two Olympic traditions- the opening of the Games by the head of state where the competitions are held, and the performance of the Olympic anthem. However, such indispensable attributes modern Games like a parade of participating countries, a lighting ceremony Olympic flame and the recitation of the Olympic oath, was not; they were introduced later. There was no Olympic village, the invited athletes provided themselves with housing.

241 athletes from 14 countries took part in the Games of the I Olympiad: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary (at the time of the Games, Hungary was part of Austria-Hungary, but Hungarian athletes competed separately), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Italy , USA, France, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden.

Russian athletes were quite actively preparing for the Olympics, but due to lack of funds Russian team was not directed to the Games.

As in ancient times, only men took part in the competitions of the first modern Olympiad.

The program of the first Games included nine sports - classical wrestling, cycling, gymnastics, Athletics, swimming, bullet shooting, tennis, weightlifting and fencing. 43 sets of awards were played.

According to ancient tradition, the Games began with athletics competitions.

Athletics competitions became the most massive - 63 athletes from 9 countries took part in 12 events. The largest number of species - 9 - was won by representatives of the United States.

The first Olympic champion was the American athlete James Connolly, who won the triple jump with a score of 13 meters 71 centimeters.

Wrestling competitions were held without uniform approved rules for wrestling, there were also no weight categories. The style in which the athletes competed was close to today's Greco-Roman, but it was allowed to grab an opponent by the legs. Only one set of medals was played among five athletes, and only two of them competed exclusively in wrestling - the rest took part in competitions in other disciplines.

Since there were no artificial pools in Athens, swimming competitions were held in an open bay near the city of Piraeus; the start and finish were marked with ropes attached to the floats. The competition aroused great interest - by the beginning of the first swim, about 40 thousand spectators had gathered on the shore. About 25 swimmers from six countries took part, most of them are naval officers and sailors of the Greek merchant fleet.

The medals were played in four types, all heats were held in "freestyle" - it was allowed to swim in any way, changing it along the distance. At that time, the most popular swimming methods were breaststroke, overarm (an improved way of swimming on the side) and "trend-style". At the insistence of the organizers of the Games, the program also included an applied type of swimming - 100 meters in sailor's clothes. Only Greek sailors participated in it.

In cycling, six sets of medals were played - five on the track and one on the road. track racing were held at the Neo Faliron velodrome specially built for the Games.

In the competition for gymnastics eight sets of awards were played. The competitions were held on outdoors, at the Marble Stadium.

In shooting, five sets of awards were played - two in rifle shooting and three in pistol shooting.

Tennis competitions were held on the courts of the Athens Tennis Club. Two tournaments were held - in singles and doubles. At the 1896 Games, there was not yet a requirement that all team members represent one country, and some couples were international.

Weightlifting competitions were held without division into weight categories and included two disciplines: squeezing the ball bar with two hands and lifting the dumbbell with one hand.

In fencing, three sets of awards were played. Fencing became the only sport where professionals were also admitted: separate competitions were held among "maestro" - fencing teachers ("maestro" were also admitted to the 1900 Games, after which this practice ceased).

The culmination of the Olympic Games was the marathon. Unlike all subsequent Olympic competitions in marathon running, the length of the marathon distance at the Games of the I Olympiad was 40 kilometers. The classic length of a marathon distance is 42 kilometers 195 meters. The Greek postman Spyridon Louis finished first with a result of 2 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds, who became a national hero after this success. Except Olympic awards he got a gold cup, established by the French academician Michel Breal, who insisted on the inclusion of marathon running in the Games program, a barrel of wine, a voucher for free meals throughout the year, free tailoring of dresses and use of hairdresser services throughout life, 10 centners of chocolate, 10 cows and 30 sheep.

Where will the fire of the next Olympics be lit? Will Asia become the center sports competitions? These are questions that everyone wants answered. South Korea, the 2018 Olympics - these components have come together in a single whole, which promises a lot of interesting things.


Recently closed Winter Olympics in Sochi. Behind the ups and downs, joy and broken hopes. Only life does not stand still. If the Russian organizers breathed a sigh of relief and went on a well-deserved rest, then in distant Pyeongchang, on the contrary, the preparation work is just beginning. How to coordinate preparation activities? What grandiose changes await the Russian football infrastructure? Will new stadiums be built and laid ski slopes? What, besides carnivals, will Brazil please us in 2016? Many new prospects and tasks are set before humanity by preparation for competitions at the planetary level. Are we ready to deal with them? The construction of Olympic facilities is a serious test for any country. The higher the bar, the more requirements. You can't stop half way. How is the preparation going, what difficulties do the organizers face? Let's try to figure it out.

Why Pyeongchang

Only on the third attempt did South Korea achieve the desired result. Previous applications ended in fiasco, and Vancouver and Sochi celebrated the victory. Finally, the whole world found out where the 2018 Olympics will be. Kim Jin Sun has been appointed President of the Organizing Committee. In Sochi, the Olympic functionary studied ways to manage infrastructure and adopted the experience of Russian colleagues.

What do we know about South Korea? This Asian country is developing rapidly. Today, the sports infrastructure has excellent ski slopes and sports facilities. This greatly simplifies the preparation for the games. A peculiar climate will allow athletes to compete and get a charge of vivacity and health. Clean mountain air will contribute to setting new Olympic records. The region is subdivided into mountainous and coastal clusters. Communication between them will be supported by trains. In addition to sports facilities, the country has many attractions that guests will appreciate. South Korea, the 2018 Olympics is a fateful event that will allow this Asian country to further strengthen itself in the world community. Therefore, Pyeongchang was chosen for the honorary role of the host of the winter 2018.

When and where will the Summer Olympics take place?

No one will know when and where Summer Olympics 2018, because the time interval between is 4 years. After the grand sports festival in London in 2012, the venue for the next was South America for the first time. The country of carnivals and fun - Brazil - will meet guests from all over the world in the summer of 2016. The preparation is not without difficulty. The biggest problem will be transportation. Terrain features limit fast travel to Olympic park. Brazilians are laying a new metro line to minimize the time spent by everyone who wants to visit the spectacle. This task is complicated by the fact that when laying the subway line, you have to break through solid granite. In addition to the new branch, communication will be supported by new bus routes. The Maracanã stadium, which is supposed to be the venue for the grand opening and closing, is rather outdated. It is currently undergoing a complete renovation. Also new life the velodrome should also light up. The organizers promise to bring it in line with all Olympic requirements. But the venue in 2020 will again be Asia. Tokyo - this city expects fans. Unlike Pyeongchang, where the 2018 Olympics will be held, the country of new technologies, Japan, will meet everyone at the Summer Olympics.

Football Challenges 2018

Everyone knows how many spectacles and positive emotions the Olympics can offer. In football, 2018 will be marked by the holding of the World Cup in Russia. Mundial, as you know, is not inferior in terms of entertainment. The geography of this event will amaze with its scale. Football battles will be hosted by Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and Yekaterinburg. And although 2018 is still 4 years away, preparations are proceeding at a rapid pace. Sports arenas in cities are in various stages of mobilization. A completely new concept is being developed for the Luzhniki stadium. Construction is already underway in St. Petersburg. In some cities, preparation is at the level of drafting projects. Architects take into account the peculiarities of each region. The landscape, remoteness from other objects, the possibility of transport communication are considered. For example, in St. Petersburg the stadium will be located on an island. Accordingly, there is a need for an interesting and extraordinary solution to the transport issue.


Funding will be provided by the operating budget (FIFA Organizing Committee). The second component, on which the lion's share falls, are the funds allocated by the host country. This includes investor funds. Even a special budget program has been created, consisting of 11 sections. The organizers promise free travel for fans, as well as visa-free entry into the country. Russia will once again show its high level of organization of such events after Sochi. The FIFA World Cup in Russia will be a spectacular sequel sporting events in PyeongChang, where the 2018 Olympics will be held. It is no secret to anyone that holding competitions of this level is an important mission. CEO Aleksey Sorokin assured the Organizing Committee that Russia would cope with this honorable task perfectly. The preparation committee consists of 48 people. By 2018, their number should increase to 2000.


Nothing brings nations together like the joint efforts to prepare for sports competitions. In 2016 in Brazil, where the next Summer Olympics will take place; 2018 - in Russia, where the World Cup is waiting for us; and 2018 - in South Korea, where skiers and biathletes clash in battles - everyone is preoccupied with the same problems. The main one is the timely completion of construction. In Pyeongchang, projects of 6 new sports facilities are at the stage of completion. Infrastructure construction has already begun. Mountain resort Alpensia, where it is planned to hold competitions in cross-country skiing, biathlon, luge, bobsleigh, skeleton, has always been different high level service. There are 6 ski slopes here different levels. The jumping board offers an amazing view of the future In Hwen Park, the opening and closing of the Olympic Games are planned. Giant slalom competitions will be held in Enhepen. In addition, all fans will be able to visit the winter sports museum.


In Brazil, the difficulty arose with the choice of construction site. locals oppose the demolition of their homes and relocation to apartment buildings. Architects and organizers are having a hard time convincing people that the Olympic district, built using the latest technologies, will become one of the best after the Games. the most beautiful places cities. In addition, the local population will have new jobs. Engineers are struggling with the organization of treatment facilities at the site of the construction of future facilities. In recent years, the ecological state of the multi-million metropolis has deteriorated significantly. The place where rowing competitions will be held is called the garbage lagoon. Turning this corner into a paradise requires ingenuity and professionalism. Global partners make a big contribution to the construction of new facilities Olympic Committee. One example is DOW. By introducing innovative technologies, construction specialists turn sports infrastructure into fairy tale. Asian Olympics 2018, where the battle will take place at 7 winter activities sports and their varieties is no exception.


It does not matter which sport is more like this or that person. Will it be a kind of summer or winter Olympics. Or maybe a hot battle of football players at the next World Cup. Where will the 2018 or 2020 Olympics take place. Everyone understands that competitions of this level are primarily designed to unite peoples, consolidate joint efforts, and learn from each other's experience. Children of all countries will be happy with the new stadiums. Perhaps this is where new ones will grow. Olympic champions. And already they will inscribe new names in the legendary chronicle in golden letters. And although everyone knows the famous motto of the Olympics "The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation", I would like to wish everyone exactly victory!