Bcaa 1000 instructions for use. Vsaa different brands

In capsules, what features the products of different manufacturers have, and a lot of other useful information.

Features of using BCAAs in capsules

BCAA amino acids in their pure form have a perceptibly bitter aftertaste. Therefore, by using them in the shell, in the form of capsules, you reduce the taste discomfort. The downside is the longer digestion time. After all, your digestive system has to first dissolve the shell, and only then does absorption begin.

Each athlete needs to drink BCAA in volumes depending on his body weight and the number of physical activities per day. A single dose of amino acids is always individual. It can fluctuate between 4 and 12 grams.

For example, your weight is approximately 80 kg. The workout lasts half an hour. The optimal amount of BCAAs is 5 grams before exercise and the same amount after them. With a longer duration of exercise, you can add another 5 grams of amino acids during exercise. With a weight of more than 80 kg, the dosage is increased (1 g / 1 kg of the athlete's body weight).

Capsules are convenient in that you know exactly how many amino acids will enter your body.

Single doses of BCAA amino acids per 50 kg of body weight:

  • Valine - 900 mg;
  • Isoleucine - 900 mg;
  • Leucine - 1800 mg.

Suppose you have capsules in which valine and isoleucine are 250 mg each, and leucine is 500 mg.

Let's calculate the norm with a body weight of 90 kg, using a simple formula for this:

50/1800 = 90/x, 1800*90/50 = 3240 mg.

How many capsules do you need to drink to get the norm? If one tablet contains 500 mg of leucine, then we divide the amount 3240/500 and get about 6.5 capsules.

Sports nutrition experts warn against using leucine alone. Such experiments on oneself lead to violations of protein metabolism.

BCAA of various brands

How to take BCAA capsules fromOptimumNutrition?

The complex is offered in three versions - 60, 200 or 400 capsules per pack.

Mega size (1000 caps) contains 500 mg leucine, 250 mg isoleucine and 250 mg. valine per serving. No "garbage" and harmful chemicals. Of the additional substances - microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin and magnesium stearate. This is a "shock dose" of building materials necessary for the athlete's body to recover from training and receive additional energy in the process.

The supplement is taken in 1-4 capsules. Maximum - three times a day. You can drink water, juice, milk, mineral water. It is believed that the optimal volume for an athlete is up to 80 grams per day.

If training is not planned for the day, the capsules are used after sleep, on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

How to take BCAA capsules? This complex has a ratio of 2:1:1. It is recommended to take it 1-2 times a day. For example, half an hour before training and immediately after it.

There are also combined additives, such as. This is a complex of 18 essential amino acids:

  • BCAA 10:1:1 (L-leucine, L-valine, L-isoleucine);
  • L-methionine;
  • L-aspartate;
  • Glycine;
  • L-alanine;
  • L-serine;
  • L-histidine;
  • L-tyrosine;
  • L-lysine;
  • L-asparagine;
  • L-tiptophan
  • L-proline;
  • L-threonine;
  • L-arginine;
  • L-phenylalanine;
  • L-cysteine.

This supplement not only replenishes the norms of amino acids required by the body, but also provides them with additional volume at times of increased stress. Growth provided muscle mass, protection of tissues from damage, their rapid recovery.

Video: How to take BCAA capsules

I think that if you are reading this review, you already roughly understand what these amino acids are and what they are for. There is a lot of information on the Internet now, so I will not dwell on the materiel. Let me just remind you that:

BCAA - these are essential amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine) that our body cannot synthesize on its own, respectively, it receives only with food, the maximum concentration, naturally, in food of animal origin.

I'm a little surprised by the popularity of the products Optimum Nutrition On the market sports nutrition. Yes, USA (although there are factories in the EU), Yes, quality but the effect leaves much to be desired. The biggest disappointment for me is, of course, their famous BCAA 1000 capsules. Of course, when there is nothing to compare with, then these capsules are a great thing, a salvation for actively exercising and losing weight. The capsule form seems to be a very convenient option. But this is all only at first glance.

I took Optimum Nutrition BCAA capsules 2-3 years ago, when I was constantly traveling, this format seemed convenient to me then. In general, there are two forms BCAA: powder and capsules . Capsules are available in quantity 60, 200 and 400 pieces.

So what do we have:

Black plastic jar with a sticker with a standard design of Optimum Nutrition. There is a protective film. I am amused by the inscription mega-size, although the capsules themselves are of the usual size. The gelatinous shell is white, it is good that without dyes, inside is a white powder.

Product cost:

Yandex market shows that currently the price of the smallest package 60 capsules (which I have in the photo in my hands) starts from 600 rubles. A couple of years ago, the cost of this jar was approximately 580 r. It is far from news that due to the crisis and the fall of the ruble, the price of sports nutrition ( which is mainly produced in EU and USA) has increased significantly in recent years. So if you find this product for 600 - very, very cool, mostly online stores offer this price. Don't forget to ask about shipping costs. By simple calculations, we obtain the minimum 10 rubles/capsule. Given that the serving is 2 capsules - 20 rubles for admission. At first glance, in principle, cheap. An inexperienced person may be very pleased with such a benefit.

But is it a good buy??

Let's see what we manufacturer advises:

Take 2 capsules between meals, 30-45 minutes before training or immediately after training.

However, take a look at these 2 capsules TOTAL 1 gram BCAA, that is, this is proud "1000" on the package. 1000 milligrams, Carl, milligrams!

For 2 capsules in this product:

leucine - 500 mg

isoleucine - 250 mg

valine - 250 mg

(standard scheme 2:1:1 ).

If you take this unfortunate thousand milligrams, you will honestly not notice any effect, since this well too little. I draw your attention to the fact that the dosage is not limited and the product does not have any side effects, because. contains only amino acids in its composition.

Any decent protein, even Gold Standard 100% Whey from the same Optimum Nutrition, contains 5.5 grams BCAAs. So this is not enough for me I am a fragile girl who is not going to set any records), I prefer to either add BCAAs in addition, or take a protein with a high content of BCAAs, for example, XPRO Nutrition Complex Whey Protein ( 6.7 grams per serving).

Imagine that for some such hypothetical reason you do not take protein, but do it very seriously, and you do not intend to eat chicken and steaks for 24 hours, but you also want not to lose muscle and even build new ones. Personally for me 7-8 grams of BCAAs after a workout - this is exactly what you need, although everything is selected individually. It turns out that to get 8 grams of BCAAs, you need to eat 16 capsules of this product, but do you want to swallow them in such quantities? Of course, you will prefer a powder and a product with a higher concentration.

Regarding MY EXPERIENCE with ON's BCAA 1000:

Did not like. Initially, of course, I tried to take it exactly as the manufacturer advises, i. 2 capsules in the morning, after training and in the evening (3 grams per day), of course, there was absolutely no effect, the muscles did not grow, they constantly hurt. It was then that I became concerned about how much I need in order to have an effective result. Thus, empirically, I reached 16 capsules after a workout, but this was already the second package, on which, in fact, I stopped. I decided that it was better to mess with the powder, even if you are on a trip, than to swallow a handful of capsules at once.

Capsules or powder?

I have also heard the opinion from trainers, familiar bodybuilders and sports nutrition sellers) that BCAA capsules digested much worse.. But let me. Logically, the shell should protect the product and deliver it to its destination. I think that the whole point is that 1 gram dosage is too low for a normal exercising person. Undoubtedly, these capsules ends very quickly. 60 capsulesNOT ENOUGH EVEN FOR 4 days.

Maybe the product itself is useless?

But no! As for my own many years of training experience, I can say with confidence that BCAAs are the foundation of the basics, just like protein(and protein without BCAA content is ineffective), and if it is also one-component, i.e. from one source, and even cheap ( soybeans/peas) - do not even look in his direction. Everything! And other sports nutrition products can pass by: creatine, carnitine, collagen etc..

So, I summarize:

  • When buying BCAAs pay attention to dosage.
  • By using enough BCAAs, you will see an amazing result, get rid of constant pain, notice a significant increase in muscle tissue.
  • There are also studies proving that the use of BCAAs can reduce the amount of adipose tissue in the body.
  • In general, BCAA I recommend to all sports lovers, but not Optimum Nutrition with their proud dosage of 1 gram.
  • If you still choose the Optimum Nutrition brand, I advise you to take a closer look at the powder form of the product.


It is very difficult to rate this product, because against BCAA I have absolutely nothing, I even love it, I constantly use it and strongly advise everyone. Thus, this type of sports nutrition, as BCAA I put 5 , Optimum Nutrition BCAA 1000 I put 1 , in total 3 points. All the best, especially the moderators

Optimum Nutrition products:

Optimum Nutrition Vitamins Opti-Vites universal vitamins;

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women vitamin complex for women;

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard the most popular protein.

    BCAA 1000 caps from Optimum Nutrition is a sports supplement that contains three essential amino acids s - valine, and isoleucine. They are not synthesized by the body and can only enter it from the outside, so taking the complex is the most in a simple way their replenishment.

    Description and composition

    Essential amino acids are the basis for the formation and growth muscle fibers, take part in many energy processes of the body. Their functions:

    • energy supply;
    • ensuring the growth of muscle fibers;
    • elimination of subcutaneous fat;
    • activation of growth hormone synthesis;
    • decrease .

    With regular intake of the complex, combined with training:

    • muscle mass increases;
    • problem areas are reduced;
    • body weight is normalized - the amount of fat decreases or muscle mass increases, depending on the chosen program;
    • increases the effectiveness of training and training time;
    • endurance increases.

    Valine, leucine and isoleucine make up about 65% of all essential in the body. Their timely replenishment at high physical activity is the key to success and proper extension muscle mass. The reception of the BCAA complex 1000 caps helps to solve this problem productively.

    With a single intake of two capsules, the body receives:

    • 5 grams of leucine, which provides protection and cell regeneration of muscle fibers, skin and bones, is involved in the synthesis of growth hormone and protein, and lowers blood sugar levels.
    • 2.5 grams of valine, which helps to speed up metabolism and muscle recovery, maintaining the required level of nitrogen.
    • 2.5 grams of isoleucine, which helps in the development of endurance by increasing the energy supply of muscles, accelerates the saturation of tissues with hemoglobin, and actively restores damaged cells.
    • Additional components - microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium sterol and gelatin.

    The high efficiency of the Mega Size BCAA 1000 complex is explained by the correct formula for the content of essential amino acids leucine-valine-isoleucine: 2:1:1.

    Packing Mega Size BCAA 1000

    Optimum Nutrition releases food supplement BCAA 1000 in the following forms.

    Number of capsules One portion Servings Per Container Cost, rubles Packing photo
    60 2 capsules30 360
    200 100 720
    400 200 1 450


    You should stop taking sports supplements in the following cases:

    • minor age;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • individual intolerance to the components.

    Methods of reception

    Mega Size BCAA 1000 is very popular with both experienced athletes and novice athletes. The capsule form of the supplement makes it easy to take and store.

    A single dose of BCAA 1000 consists of two capsules. During the day, the supplement should be consumed two or three times, with plenty of water. The recommended time is between meals. On training days, you should take the capsules in the morning, 30 minutes before training and 15 minutes after.

    Experienced athletes with busy training schedules consume BCAA 1000 in large quantities up to four and even six capsules at a time. But here you need to be based on the individual characteristics of the body. It is better to consult a trainer and a nutritionist.

Amino acids are the most important constituents of muscle tissue. It happens that they are simply not enough in the blood. In this case, the muscles and muscles of your body simply will not grow and often even recover. Therefore, during serious training it is simply necessary to replenish the muscles affected by microtraumas.

During intense training and sports loads the natural stores of glycogen in muscles and muscles are depleted. It is precisely amino acids that come to the rescue in this, which are not produced without outside help by the body, therefore they need to be obtained by the body only from foods and nutritional supplements.

BCAA caps by Optimum Nutrition

BCAA 1000 caps Optimum Nutrition contains the main essential amino acids valine, leucine, isoleucine. They will help to achieve maximum results from sports activities and training, while restoring muscle tissue and filling their deficiency, as an alternative to BCAA caps is written in this article.

How to take BCAA caps

It is desirable to take BCAA amino acids in capsules after training loads on the body, due to best time for the growth and regeneration of body muscles.

Each Optimum Nutrition BCAA capsule contains 500 milligrams of essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine).

A notable advantage of BCAAs from Optimum Nutrition is that they are completely natural sources. They do not contain chemical impurities, which means maximum benefit and rapid absorption.

Daily intake of BCAA 3000 milligrams (6 capsules)

BCAA amino acids They are used as the main source of muscle energy. With their 3 essential amino acid complex, they give you all the muscle benefits you need, as each Optimum Nutrition BCAA capsule contains the most powerful anabolic amino acid complex. The BCAA amino acid complex is very light and easy for the body to assimilate. Do not forget that it is necessary to use amino acids only at the prescribed dosages, in order to avoid side effects. Such as too much stress on the kidneys.

Take BCAA 1000 Caps 20 minutes after your workout, morning and evening. BCAAs from Optimum Nutrition still have side effects from overdoses, but its benefits are undoubtedly worth it to use amino acids correctly and correctly and get both the result and the pleasure from sports activities professionals and sports enthusiasts.

Getting a good result from training, striving for an increase in muscle mass, shaping the relief, getting rid of excess fatty tissue or even increasing strength - all these are the goals that bodybuilders set for themselves. The components of success for them are: training process, correct and balanced diet and taking supplements to enhance the effect. Pick up perfect option sports nutrition is not an easy task.

What is better to choose?

Optimum Nutrition's Mega Size 1000 BCAA Amino Acid Complex is one of the most popular options. It is popular with both professionals and beginner bodybuilders.

They choose this complex for:

  • high quality ingredients;
  • convenient release option for both storage and consumption;
  • good reception performance.

Athletes take this supplement Mega size 1000 caps to accelerate the recovery processes of the whole organism, as well as stop the destructive process of catabolism. Such supplements successfully allow the activation of protein production.

Important! Only supplements can provide a sufficient increase in muscle mass, since the BCAA marking amino acids essential for humans are not produced by the body. "Mega Size 1000 from Optimum Nutrition" provides accelerated replenishment of reserves and, of course, a quick approach to the goal.

The result of taking

From the complex of amino acids there will be a lot of effects:

  • increase in muscle mass. This property of the supplement is a priority for athletes, especially before competitions;
  • reduction in the volume of adipose tissue in the abdomen and femoral zone;
  • providing muscle fibers with the required energy reserves and protecting them from destruction processes. During the period training complex amino acids are consumed by the body very actively. The main thing is to take the BCAA complex from Mega size 1000 caps in time, which allows you to avoid the occurrence of a negative effect;
  • acceleration of the production of growth hormone;
  • normalization of the processes of nitrogen intake into the body;
  • maintaining body weight at an optimal level;
  • increase the efficiency and time of training;
  • obtaining additional energy, strength and endurance.

Universal Amino 2700 is a graded lactalbumin amino acid supplement. It has a beneficial effect on the body, restores it after exhausting training using heavy weights, supplies the necessary microelements and vitamins for muscle tissue growth.

Features of taking these amino acids

Taking BCAA amino acids allows you to achieve excellent results.

Important! The supplement must be taken correctly. This is the only way to get what you want.

  • 2 to 4 capsules per day should be taken;
  • the number of receptions should be from 1 to 3;
  • drink such an additive as Mega size 1000 caps with water. It is also possible to drink another drink.

Important! The most effective supplement will be if it is taken after training. In the event that there is no training, you should take the supplement, namely Mega size 1000 caps, in the morning and evening.

Professionals need to take from 60 to 80 grams a day, but you need to take into account the personal characteristics of the human body.

Becoming successful in bodybuilding is not that difficult. A balanced diet is important, as well as the intake of BCAA amino acids at the right time.

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