Pools for children from 2. Pool with mineral water almost in the city center. and more activities - no

  • Children are in the water with one of the adults;
  • The lesson is conducted by an instructor who works in the water;
  • You are offered a set of exercises and games aimed at getting used to the new aquatic environment, learning to swim, dive;
  • After class or during the session, you can visit the sauna.
  • The duration of the lesson, including visiting the sauna, is 45 minutes.

Family swimming lessons include:

  • Swimming, sauna, instructor, toys and ... splashes of happiness and a lot of fun!
  • For questions regarding the organization of PRIVATE LESSONS, please contact the administrator or instructor.


The cost of a single visit to the pool is 1000 rubles.

Calculation of the cost of a subscription for one month

Strict subscription:

4-5 lessons- the cost of each will be 750 rubles.

6-9 lessons- the cost of each will be 700 rubles.

10 or more classes - 650 rubles. for each.

4 zan. — 3,000 rubles. , 5 Zan. — 3 750 rubles. , 6 zan. — 4 200 rubles.

7 zan. — 4 900 rubles. , 8 zan. — 5 600 rubles. , 9 zan. — 6 300 rubles.

10 zan. — 6 500 rubles.

Soft subscription:

4-5 lessons- the cost of each will be 900 rubles.

6-9 lessons- the cost of each will be 850 rubles.

10 or more classes - no.

4 zan.— 3 600 rubles. , 5 Zan. — 4,500 rubles. , 6 zan. — 5 100 rubles.

7 zan.— 5 950 rubles. , 8 zan. — 6 800 rubles. , 9 zan. — 7 650 rubles.

* - Prices are subject to payment by receipt. When paying in cash immediately before the session, the cost of each visit higher by 50 rubles. Cash payment is not always possible.

With one baby in the water may be present one adult. If you want to swim with two adults, the cost of the lesson is doubles.

We currently accept payment via bank transfer.
You can download a receipt (details) for a bank transfer.

Subscriptions are valid for 1 calendar month. By purchasing a subscription, you agree to our rules.


If you are happy parents of two and (that's happiness!) More kids that you want to take to our pool, then discount for the second (and further) baby will be 100 rubles. for every lesson, in the event that both children attend a group with parents.

Do you enjoy swimming with us? Bring your friends, girlfriends and neighbors, we are all welcome! If they purchase a subscription from us, you will receive two free classes ! Ask friends to refer to the administrator for you and tell your name and surname.


A visit to the pool is made by appointment and prepayment for the entire calendar month.

To purchase a subscription, please:

  1. Sign up by our phone or through the website from the 11th day of the previous month for the selected sessions
  2. Pay for the corresponding number of classes by the 25th day of the previous month or by the date specified during registration
  3. Report the receipt number by our phone or through the website by the 25th day of the previous month or by the date specified during the registration.

In the event that you have paid, but did not report the payment on time, the seat reserved for you may be sold to other customers. At the same time, the schedule of your visit to the pool in the current month will be separately agreed with the administrator by phone.

The administration reserves the right to change the instructor any day without notice.

Coming to the pool for a session, do not forget to approach our administrator and show your subscription.


Maximum occupancy of the group is 10 children plus one adult for each. Sauna is included in the price. If you are unable to visit the pool for some reason, please notify us no later than 24 hours in advance by phone - the lesson will be saved and you can use it to visit the pool at another time in the current month, subject to availability. In the event that you buy a subscription for each subsequent month, the saved classes can be sailed in any month until the end of the season (the Center closes for the summer break). If you have not purchased a subscription for the next month, then the lessons saved in the previous month are not transferred to the next month, are not compensated and are not restored.


Maximum occupancy of the group is 10 children plus one adult for each. Sauna is included in the price. Classes missed through no fault of the Center, due to illness of the child or his parent, vacations, family events, vaccinations, without warning or with less than a day's notice, are not compensated and are not restored.

It is not allowed for one child to purchase two types of family swimming passes (strict and soft) in one calendar month.

On weekends open classes in family groups take place on the first and third Sundays and on the first and third Saturdays. On other days, we ask guides/assistant/guests to wait for swimmers in the locker room. This is in the interests of our youngest visitors - a large number of spectators distracts the little ones.

Attention! Rules for visiting the pool

Adults are required to change shoes and a hat. Our youngest guests from 0 to 1.5 years old swim STRICTLY in special disposable pool diapers.

The following information is required

  • for your child - the results of tests for I / worms and enterobiasis and a certificate from a pediatrician,
  • for you - the results of tests for I / worm and enterobiosis and a certificate from the therapist.

Validity of analyzes and certificates for both adults and children is 3 months.

We ask you to carefully monitor your kids while swimming and take them to the toilet or to the potty in time, and control diapers for the smallest ones. We monitor the purity of the water, so in case of contamination of the water with feces by your baby, be prepared to reimburse part of the cost of changing the water and canceling other sessions. The amount of the fine is determined individually, depending on the amount of the invoice issued by FOK Torpedo, approximately from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. According to sanitary rules, only swimwear and changeable shoes are allowed inside the pool. If there are a lot of viewers, we can ask them to leave - this is in the interests of your children.

The duration of the lesson, including the sauna, is 45 minutes.

What to take with you to the pool in groups with parents:

  • Certificates for everyone who enters the water (for an adult, permission from a therapist and test results for worm eggs and enterobiasis, for a child permission from a pediatrician and test results for worm eggs and enterobiasis, the validity of all certificates and tests with us is 3 (three) months);
  • Receipt of payment (for the first lesson);
  • Hats (except for babies with a short haircut);
  • Swimming trunks/swimsuit/diaper-panties for swimming babies;
  • Flip flops;
  • Towels

In this part of the “Early Swimming” article, we have tried to present as objectively as possible the view of Professional Coaches on this whole situation with over-early training, although everyone probably guesses that Professionals who are constantly brought children who are completely ruined (in terms of swimming skills) by previous non-professional learning.

Previous Chapter

Coaches about the general principles of training in the water with kids 2-3 years old

  • I really hope that our revelations will help many Parents avoid fatal mistakes in this matter.

    So what's next? - And then the classes either end, and then the baby loses all the acquired skills, or the process continues, and then, over time, it approaches the "fatal line": the baby approaches the age of 1.5 - 2 years (more about this "dynamics in time" - see on the page From zero to 4 years - PROSPECTS), and starting somewhere from this age, you already need to start working with children in a completely different way, and here, of course, there is already little primitive parent-instructor knowledge ( which was enough to wind in the bathroom with "eights"), tk. it's time to start purposefully weaning them from innate wrong habits and accustom them to the right ones.

    It is somewhere from 1.5 - 2 years that if you have been practicing since birth and have already moved to a large pool, you need to start slowly weaning from congenital "cycling" leg movements, and before that, of course, you should not let your baby do them, because . it is very, very difficult to wean them off.

    It's so difficult that it's practically impossible.

    * After all, if you allowed the appearance of strongly fixed incorrect swimming skills in the crumbs, then this is already practically irreversible and crosses out such prospects as: "Engage in a group with a conscientious qualified Coach", "Become a good swimmer" and "Regular swimming is better" life for health and fitness" :-(

    If you are lucky and the baby does not have strongly fixed incorrect swimming skills, then you need to slowly begin to master the "bubbles", i.e. exhale into the water, you need to start gradually “pulling out” the baby, moving towards the “stars” and “arrows” (see Video: Basic swimming exercises), ensuring that he can be relaxed, almost without movement, in the water, moreover, here it is especially important to achieve exactly the correct position of the body in the water (parallel to the surface of the water) -

  • - as an example, see "Video: Swimming girl 1.5 years old (Yul-asakura)":
  • - otherwise, the wrong skills will be fixed, and the child will become "ruined" for, and then, in the future, teaching him to swim normally will be so difficult even for an experienced professional Swimming Coach that, in fact, in fact, it will become almost impossible.
  • Another video to illustrate what has been said - A baby in flippers wildly "bicycles" with his feet, and his parents, apparently, are happy that they "teach him to swim":
  • Thank God, video cameras with underwater boxes have now become publicly available, and the results of all this mother's self-confidence can now be shown, as a warning to those mindlessly following in their footsteps.
  • For those who are interested in what exactly each parent can do himself, "promoting" his child exclusively in right direction, and not in a destructive one - we can advise you to read the rather long conversation that began on May 18 2008, 06:55 AM (many posts) of Trainer Shcherbakova Yu.M. with the user asakura (child 1 year 9 months) on the KID.RU Forum (see menu item "Forum") nevertheless, she irreversibly ruined the swimming skills of her Yul ... - see Plot No. 7 in the 17th part of the article.
  • ... - so why in the future it will become almost impossible to teach a child to swim well even with the help of a professional Coach?
  • Yes, because when you give your child to the pool to the Coach for group lessons at the age of 4, then it will turn out that all the other young swimmers who came from scratch, the Coach just needs to be taught, but your just like all the "ordinary" ones who came "from scratch" cannot be taught, tk. it must first be "learned", i.e. to wean from the incorrect swimming skills that have been ingrained in him "with mother's milk", which you have enthusiastically developed and consolidated for a long time.
  • And to solve this problem, you yourself understand, it is necessary, in addition to the very possibility of working with the baby for a long time individually, not only to have significant professional knowledge and extensive practical experience in this matter, but also + The trainer needs to invest an unrealistically large amount of labor.
  • Think about who will do it, correcting the consequences of your "enthusiasm"?! Do you have extra money to pay a professional Coach for a huge number of individual lessons to correct wrong skills? And is such a Coach in mind? - Moreover, you will need a Trainer not only professional and very experienced, but also very conscientious, because. As we have seen lately, more and more Trainers, realizing that they won’t be paid more for quality work anyway, start frankly hacking, maiming the trainees with fins and armlets - both in the format of group and in the format of individual lessons, which You can see, for example, in the following VIDEOS - see:
  • VIDEO: Individual Swimming Training for children 5 years old in fins in the Fitness Club
  • Probably, it is not necessary to explain how it is possible to retrain your child in practice, even by a very conscientious professional Trainer, in the format of our standard group classes with children from 4 years old and older, since here the Trainer is forced to focus on the average level of the group, and , therefore, it will turn out that those children who came "from scratch" will, step by step, following the instructions of the Trainer, acquire and consolidate the right skills, and your child will not follow the instructions of the Trainer, because. it will do everything exactly the same as it previously learned to do under your guidance, and as a result, you, seeing the absence of any progress, or simply take your child out of the pool forever (and, moreover, for sure, “blaming” the Trainer , which, in fact, is not to blame at all!), or your baby will continue to go to classes, while practically not progressing towards Technically Correct Swimming.

  • Moreover, we want to warn you right away that a good conscientious Coach will do his best not to take such a problematic child into his group, because. such young swimmers are already demanding exactly individual training and they will inevitably disrupt the classes of any group... in principle, they don’t care about their initial skills, the main thing for them is that the client “just walks” and that they are paid money for it.
  • It is precisely this whole perspective described above that is meant when we say: “Your child will NEVER swim technically correctly”, and if he is not taught to swim well, then most likely he will not, having matured, regularly go to the pool in order not to embarrass yourself with your swimming skills against the background of peers well trained by professional Coaches, i.e. "swimming in life", we can safely say that he has already "covered himself" :-(

In 99% of cases we have low-quality Extra Early Lessons

    But is it really all who have passed through early classes, all without exception "NOT Taught" ???

    Yes, almost everything! by 99%!

    And there are no exceptions?

    Well, why, they happen, but very, very rarely - the percentage of such lucky ones is almost equal to the error in the calculation, that is, in a certain sense, it is quite possible to say in the affirmative that there are simply no exceptions. In the same way as the fact that "Drunken conception does not misfire."

    Here, for example, on the next page From "zero" and beyond - PERSPECTIVES, see the first two Videos - on Video No. 1 there is Yul-asakura, who also demonstrates good skills to us in her 1.5 years, and on Video No. 2 - "Rogalin Bogdan 2.3 years" - pay attention to his movements in the water, firstly, and, secondly, how at 04:45 the child inhales / exhales to the side at his mother's command!

    Is this how you teach your kid? - for nothing and never! - and do not even dream! - for this, a deep knowledge of the Training Methods is necessary and + a decent Coaching experience that gives a "special coaching vision" that comes only with great practice - so to speak: "Sharp Coaching Eye" .. - and this same "Sharp Coaching Eye" Rogalin Bogdan's mother, of course, has it, but 99.9% of the rest of the Parents simply don't have it, and they only have some dubious knowledge from the Internet like "OBS" and a lot of unspent more (usually, just in direct connection with their youth) enthusiasm, nothing else! And with such initial final result all this parental "training" is already quite predictable .. - everything is already clear in advance, here, as they say: "don't go to your grandmother" ...

    Or, for example, here is another exception for you, which only confirms the rule: these are the children of our Coach Yu.M. The thing is that they were just lucky - their mother is a professional Coach and their father is also a Coach, Master of Sports of the USSR in Swimming, and they, working with children, from lesson to lesson, painstakingly taught them only the right skills, and methodically weaned from the wrong ones.

    But what, all the other Coaches-Instructors, are they all completely "bastards-pests" chtoli?

    No, well, why is it necessary that all polls are "hacks-pests"? - Although “it’s a sin to hide” and such, to put it mildly, is not at all uncommon in our time, but, basically, they simply lack special knowledge and experience, and, nevertheless, I really want to earn money on this business.

    Do you remember the conclusion of scientists? (see Part of the Article Opinion of Scientists) - If you forgot, then let's repeat it again:

    Classes must be held Only under qualified guidance" And " Only according to the established method»!

    And let me ask you: "Have you seen anywhere proposals for classes with crumbs, such a tender age," under qualified guidance "and" according to a proven methodology "? - Diplomas and all sorts of other pieces of paper that speak of the "quality" - are they ever posted on the Sites offering such Services to parents? Have you ever seen this anywhere? - and don't you guess why coaching Diplomas are not shown to Clients ANYWHERE? with such crumbs - excuse me, where are we? - Maybe you saw them somewhere? - Well, maybe you at least saw the correct swimming skills in those previously trained by these "teachers" or you again say that you so naive that they didn’t even think about it and simply naively believed that the great specialists who offered you services in this matter?

    Can you imagine, for example, the amount of experience and knowledge of various methods in the family of Coaches Shcherbakov, the amount and quality of labor costs they invested in the education of their sons? - What do you think, how much will it cost to develop really correct swimming skills in such small children, who can be trained only on unconditioned reflexes? And at the same time, think about this: Who, in your opinion, is able to pay for such a volume of labor costs (of such quality!)? - Abramovich? Potanin? Vekselberg?

  • And now let's see what quality of training we offer to ordinary people, telling them the duty "lures" about the super-health of their crumbs as a result of classes, but, for some reason, stubbornly silent about the most important thing here, i.e. about what kind of swimming skills the student will have as a result of these lessons.
  • Of course, when luring Clients to their classes, they are either not told anything about it at all, or they simply lie that the child, as a result, will have an excellent relationship with swimming for life, although in reality everything will be exactly the opposite. :-(
  • Let's still see who exactly is engaged in Early Swimming with all the other kids, who exactly teaches their parents "HOW THEY SHOULD TEACH THEIR CHILD TO SWIMM", while persistently instilling in them the idea that this is not only possible in principle, but and it’s not at all difficult to implement, but in fact, with such a simple method, these people simply expand and retain their client base.
  • But still, who are these "teachers"?:

A few words about the "quality" of our Infant Instructors

  • Let's finally think about how qualified the Nursing Instructors are, because most often they are, basically, just yesterday's "people from the street", at best with a secondary medical education, who have completed some dubious 10-day courses only to Get some paperwork, just in case. As an example, see the Announcements "About admission to the Training Courses for Infant Swimming Instructors" on the Internet or, for example, on the page Where do Instructors come from, where literally anyone is invited to become such an Instructor in just 10 lessons (theory + practice) and 11.450 rubles, more while promising discounts.

    Another category of these Instructors is the so-called "mommy-Gurus" like Lena Danilova (who dived the baby so that the doctors could hardly pump him out later, because there was water in the lungs), who sometimes have completely wild cases that just they rent a place in some pool and "teach" there inexperienced mothers and fathers, "healed" and lured, in fact, into a sect, how they themselves should "Teach their children to swim", deriving income from this. Do you think they, in general, care about the fact that the children who have passed through their hands will NEVER swim normally?

    Remember the sacramental "Saw, Shura, saw"? - So it is here: First there are "Slips" and "eights", "Baba sowed peas", etc. - which is not at all difficult, but then, as a rule, an outright scam begins: in order to keep their clientele further, they begin to simply tritely deceive parents, suggesting to them that teaching children to swim should happen this way, - incl. they use various "wrecking" swimming devices that reinforce the wrong skill in the child vertical position bodies in water, such as: circles, vests, sleeves on the hands, sleeves in shorts, noodles under the armpits, and, of course, the main attribute of fraudulent training, which is almost guaranteed to lead to "crooked learning" in the end, in terms of incorrect footwork skills - flippers, to which, of course, in no case should children be accustomed to, unless, of course, you want, in the future, good coach I took them to my group and they eventually learned to swim well.

  • Take a look at the VIDEO below for one of these "favorite tricks" () of those who do not know HOW TO LEARN TO SWIMMING CORRECTLY, and, therefore, develop the wrong skills in children with the help of such and similar "know-hows".
  • Children, as a rule, like any "water activities". Of course, any physical activity in the water is useful for the child (in terms of strengthening muscles), and he, actively moving in the water, to a certain extent, heals, unless, of course, everything is OK with the purity of the water - more about what threatens the crumbs with inhalation of vapors chlorine-containing reagents in indoor pools, read the information from the European Respiratory Journal, online and the opinion on this subject from the doctor of the American Mauo Clinic, that chlorinated water provokes very serious lung diseases - for example, such as Asthma and Bronchiolitis. + see information about the harm to the psyche from such activities in the same place.
  • Accordingly, without thinking about all this, parents are "simply crazy with happiness", seeing how their child happily masters the aquatic environment, how he grows and strengthens before their eyes day after day, etc., etc. And how do these parents know what, in the end, all this will then result in? How do they know that by putting on all these circles, fins, armlets, they simply "cripple" him, depriving him of the prospect of ever learning to swim well, and, accordingly, going to the pool all his life?
  • Very often, parents do this (accustom kids to various swimming aids) “at the suggestion” of unscrupulous and / or low-skilled Instructors, who, of course, just find it much easier to tell parents: “Put fins with armlets on the baby - and let him swim, train his legs "than to work with the baby "as expected", developing the necessary swimming skills from him, which is very, very time consuming and + of course, requires special knowledge that gurus moms and Infant Instructors simply do not have with 10-day courses behind their backs .
  • Read more about this wrecking "Type of Swimming Teaching" on the About the Quality of Teaching page.
  • Now, taking advantage of the illiteracy of parents, trainers - "hack-workers-pests" and older children massively "mutilate" fins and armlets, thus reducing the laboriousness of training for themselves - see for example: VIDEO: Teaching Children to Swim in Fins in a Fitness Club and VIDEO: How children are "crippled" with fins and armlets.
  • So what can we say about very young children - after all, the laboriousness of training with them is many times higher, if, of course, you seriously teach them the right skills, and not just "bathe in fins / armlets", fooling their Parents, spitting on the fact that in as a result, they, having matured and realizing that they are "crooked-floating", will begin to complex in front of well-trained peers and simply do not want to go to the pool anymore, so as not to be subjected to their ridicule.
  • Of course, such Coaches-Instructors ("cheeky pests") do not need all these difficulties associated with Teaching Kids the Right Skills at all, because it's so easy for them to earn their money (Easy Money). Well, really, why should they strain? - put flippers and armlets on the baby, put another armlet into her shorts - and that's it! - no problem!! - Oh, look, our baby is already swimming! What happiness! - After all, parents, as a rule, do not understand anything about the skills that their kids should develop as a result of classes, and, therefore, they are satisfied, and Coaches-Instructors, as a rule, about how someone else will swim there later the child and how and who will then retrain him, just don’t give a damn, because They already got their money!
  • Once again, many of these Trainers-Instructors ("hack-workers-pests") simply do not have the necessary (for high-quality education of kids) Professional Knowledge and simply do not know how to really teach babies to swim, because, as a rule, they are At best, they only have 10-day Courses behind them.
  • It's strange, but for some reason the parents just don't get it that the so-called. "Education of Babies / Newborns", like older babies, in our country has simply turned into some specific and very cynical business, the essence of which is simple and lies in the fact that "water" by the Pool is bought and rented in bulk, and then it is simply sold to people retail. + Still, of course, the price for "Instructor Services" is added, which in 99% of cases are unskilled. That's the whole business for you!
  • And business is business, and he only thinks about increasing his income, well, at least, not about how someone’s baby will swim in the future and how someone will retrain him there. And all this, of course, in the end, directly rests on the question "Will or will not all these children have Regular Swimming throughout their lives", which, ultimately, is "Child Health". - For more on this, see Part of the Article: Why you need to teach a child to swim well.
  • Well, think for yourself: If you yourself don’t think about HOW exactly your baby will be taught to swim in the end, then do you really think that someone else will worry about it ??!, despite the fact that cunning crooks are well aware of experience that none of the Parents will ever be interested in the original documents of the supposedly very experienced "Coaches" and "Instructors", as, by the way, the Methodology for conducting such classes with crumbs (in terms of its correctness and scientific validity), nevertheless they know that here, in fact, it’s just a “tundra” inhabited by some kind of “Papuans who believe in any miracles”, who traditionally do not ask unnecessary questions and seem to be specially created precisely in order to demonstrate to the world the correctness of the statement “People always eat everything ".
  • Basically, alas, on parents who want to teach their baby to swim from birth, they just stupidly make money, and they, as you know, don’t smell ... - for this reason, “interested people” and shamelessly promote this topic wherever they go look..
  • Young mothers, especially being "in a state of serenity and happiness", are insanely trusting, and, of course, they blindly believe all these charlatans-instructors, who have become adept at wiring, like Timofey Zenin's mother or like Elpida ("I thought that in the pool they know how need to be taught"), so to scam gullible Parents with stories about the upcoming super-recovery of their baby - this is for experienced scammers, as they say, "just spit"...
  • - IN this moment, Parents are just happy that they seem to teach their baby to swim well and take the right steps in this direction - see as an example: Video: Moms teach children to swim.
  • Now Parents are blinded by "good goals", and, not knowing even the minimum basics of this in business, they simply do not understand that such activities, incl. and in swimming facilities, "these are still flowers for now," and that, inevitably, "berries will be ahead," moreover, oh, what bitter berries!
  • * "Bitter berries", as you already understood, will be in the form of a "crooked-floating" child who, having matured, will not go to the pool, so as not to be disgraced there against the background of well-swimming peers and not be subjected to their ridicule.
  • Young mothers, even "in a nightmare" cannot imagine all this, but if you want / don't want, but cause-and-effect relationships will still, over time, take their toll, and the price of all this today's joy from amateur (as well as with the help of unqualified Instructors) Learning to Swim a baby, alas, will be exactly like this: a child will NEVER swim normally and, accordingly, will not regularly go to the pool all his life ...
  • Here, by the way, is one typical young swimmer - take a look:
  • This kid's mom writes a post 13-Jul-2009 06:44 pm in the LJ community "in_swimming", asking people to help with advice and tell her what to do with this young swimmer now, how to teach him to "raise his head for sigh." At the same time, she tells us about exactly how they taught him to swim: “We moved him farther and farther from the side, as a result, in one breath, he swims a distance of two lanes wide”, “shovels to something closer to grab and take a breath."
  • Well, what can I say? - Well, just a "brilliant" technique! But this is the very "typical" Firs Methodology that most Parents use!
  • - For more information about this whole story, with commentary by our Coaches, and other similar videos, see the Video page: Parents taught their children to swim.

Yul-asakura lies relaxed on the water

Toddler cycling wildly

Typical incorrect swimming skills in a 3-year-old child

Reception "Sleeve in shorts"

The debut of Maria Mironova in the cinema - h.f. "Volga-Volga"

I often hear about how useful it is to visit the pool. But in our entire city there are only 3 pools that children from 6 years old can go to. But what about the kids? And what about mothers who want to engage in baby swimming and harden the kids? An alternative has appeared - fitness clubs with swimming pools. I was puzzled by the choice of an instructor and a suitable pool for the younger Stepan and attended one class. Kids from 1.5 to 2 years old swam with their mothers. The activity is intense and interesting for the kids. I decided to describe the course of the lesson and some water games. By the way, some are suitable for the bath.
At the age of one and a half to two years, children get used to water (unless, of course, you have not visited the pool since birth and did not swim with babies), overcome hydrophobia, harden. Being in the pool for the first three to five minutes, it is necessary for the child to adapt to the temperature difference, warm up. You can play for this. The game is wonderful, in which the baby claps his hands on the surface of the water, as if greeting the water. An adult at this time can wet the back and tummy.
Then, you can walk in small and larger steps, saying “Little legs go more expensive, big feet run along the road" and jump like bunnies.

Classes in the game pool

Let's move on to the main part of the lesson. I suggest using next games in water:
- "Motor". The child, sitting on the side, actively flounders his legs. Or a variant of active work with legs, lying on the stomach (with the support of parents). The exercise is basic for mastering the technique of leg movement.
- "Harvesting". Children collect toys from the bottom of the pool. The depth when squatting should reach the chin. Effectively helps to overcome the fear of water. The exercise is easy to upgrade, as preparedness grows, lowering your face into the water.
- "Rain". Gently sprinkle water on the child's face. You can also get hit back. Exercise allows you to overcome the fear of getting water in your face.
- "Boat". We support the child by the body and swing like a pendulum. Legs should be straight, not touching the bottom. These are the first sensations that you can lie on the water. The boat can be performed lying on your back or stomach, as well as adding a “motor”.
- "Vesla". We walk in waist-deep water, and with our hands we perform movements similar to movements with oars in water, as if pushing the water back with our palms. We study the possibility of water "repel".
- "Watch". Great exercise which will definitely help if the baby bursts into tears. We lower the child into the water to the waist, or to the shoulders, hold it under the arms and begin to swing. The kid will definitely have fun.
At the end of the lesson, children need to relax, restore breathing. You can simply blow on the water, or collect toys from the bottom of the pool again. You can, supporting the child under the waist and head, shake a little on the water. Each time the baby will relax more and more.
Do not forget that at the age of one and a half to two years, children imitate their parents with pleasure and it is extremely difficult to perceive by ear. So your personal example, your demonstration should prevail in the classes.

Kid 1-3 years old and swimming: learning to dive

According to many modern pediatricians, it is necessary to start teaching a child to swim as early as possible, preferably from 3-4 weeks of age. But what if, for one reason or another, the baby has to be taught to swim at a later age, when he already has some thoughts of his own, and possibly fears?
Without a doubt, a child can make friends with " big water» at any age, even in the period from 1 to 3 years. One of the most important points here becomes the ability to dive. It is necessary to teach this tricky craft for the baby gradually, breaking the whole process into stages.

I stage "Inhale-exhale". You can start exercising at home near the most ordinary basin of water. The basic rule here is to inhale for one count, exhale for three counts. It is better to explain this crumb in game form, for example, "drive" a toy sailing boat from one end of the basin to the other, blowing into its sails.

Stage II "Breath-holding". Showing the little one how to hold his breath is not all that needs to be done at this stage. You also need to practice diving. Not in the literal sense of the word - for starters, take a handful of water and, commanding “Dive! Hold your breath!”, throw some water in the child’s face. The exercise can be repeated 6-7 times in a row for several days.

Stage III "Immersion". After a week of training, you can put a new toy on the bottom of the basin (it is better if it is something rubber, and not a dinosaur robot, for example) and ask the baby to dive after it, taking air into the lungs and holding his breath. As a signal for action, the mother should call out a familiar command, hold her breath and plunge her face with her eyes open into the basin, setting an example for the child.

Stage IV "Exhale under water." It is very important to learn how to exhale air underwater. As in the first stage, we take in air in one count, then we lower our head into the water and cheerfully blow bubbles, exhaling in three counts.

Stage V "Float". A few weeks after the start of classes, you need to start doing an exercise called "Float". Show the baby what position he should take in order to turn into a “float” - squat down, clasp his knees with his hands, pressing his head to his chest. So, the baby is squatting in a tub of water. According to the traditional command "Dive!" it should take in air, take the “float” position and sink to the bottom of the bath. On the count of three, the child should straighten up and, as you exhale, raise your head above the water.

Related articles: Children

Swimming is an ideal sport for babies. It strengthens muscles, hardens the body, makes children strong and resilient. And after the pool, children sleep well, and parents can relax. Collected for you 6 the best swimming pools Moscow, where you can go swimming with the smallest.

"Ocean" - a new swimming pool for infants swimming, located near the metro station "Kievskaya". You can park right at the front door of the pool - no problem with bags and strollers. "Ocean" has everything necessary for comfortable training in the water with swimmers aged from 2 months to 4-5 years. The bowl of the pool is really spacious, because. there are no group classes in the pool. The water temperature is 33 degrees.

Classes are a combination of a game form and simple exercise. The program is selected for each child individually, based on his characteristics. Ocean specialists recommend that moms or dads participate in classes, this will help the baby feel calmer and strengthen the emotional bond between parent and child.

For those who are worried about cleanliness and sterility: the water in the pool is filtered by sand filters and is constantly updated, the disinfection process is controlled by European automation. The room itself is equipped with a powerful ventilation system that provides a six-fold air exchange, so it is never stuffy in the "Ocean".

The address: Moscow, Berezhkovskaya nab., 20, building 45

Kievskaya metro station

Age: from 2 months

Price: individual sessions in a subscription - from 2,100 rubles. (one-time - 2,500 rubles), a pair lesson in a subscription - from 3,000 rubles. (one-time - 3,500 rubles)

Club "Rebirth"

Classes with babies in the "Second Birth" are built on the same principle as with adults: warm-up, exercise and relaxing part. During the session, the kids adapt to the water and perform exercises suitable for age and individual characteristics. During the breaks between blocks, hardening is provided: first, mothers and babies warm themselves in the sauna, and then pour cool water over the children. All exercises and procedures are performed in a playful way. The main condition is the desire of the child. No violence, just pleasure.

The address: st. Listvennichnaya alley, 12B (metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya")

st. Kosinskaya, 12-b

st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 18

Rabochaya st., 53

Age: from 1.5 months

Price: one-time visit from 750 rubles / 30 minutes

Aquaclub "Nemo"

The pools of the club are small, because Nemo specializes only in individual lessons. Programs depend on the age of the child, his health and psychological characteristics. Facilities for kids here are warm water, a good play area, and for parents there is a pram room, changing tables, and a coffee break area.

The address: st. Kirovogradskaya, 36 (Prazhskaya metro station)

st. Vinokurova, 24, building 4 (Metro Akademicheskaya)

st. Myachkovsky boulevard, 16, building 1 (Maryino metro station)

Age: from 1.5 months

Price: one-time lesson - 1,400 rubles / 30 minutes

Subscription: 5 000 rubles

Aquaclub "Sea for children"

The author's methods of the club's teachers are based on the comprehensive development of kids - in the classroom, children learn to distinguish colors, shapes and sizes, listen to poems and songs, and at the same time learn to swim. After just a few lessons, babies confidently float on the water and fearlessly dive. A session in the aqua club lasts longer than in many other clubs and pools - an hour and a half.

On the basis of "Sea for Children" is open International Association support and development of early swimming, where thematic courses for parents and training of coaches are held.

The address: Malygina street, house 1 building 2

Age: from 0 months

Price: one-time visit - 1,400 rubles / 1.5 hours

Subscription: from 3 200 rubles

Bright Family Positive Lifestyle Center

The center practices the Birthlight technique, created by Francoise Friedman in the UK. In her developments, she used the principles of yoga and water practices of the Indians of South America, which help the child to feel the joy of movement and comfort from being in the water. The technique is also aimed at creating an active emotional connection between the child and the parent, the ability to trust each other and listen to your body.

All trainers at the center are certified Birthlight™ teachers. They may also work with children with developmental disabilities.

The address: Staromonetny lane, 18

Age: from 1.5 months

Price: one-time lesson with an instructor from 1,400 rubles / 50 minutes

free visit from 900 rubles

subscription from 6 400 rubles

Children's pool "Octopussy"

Octopussy has both individual and group (up to 5 people) classes. A small number of people in the group allows you to pay attention to each kid, the pool coaches say. Despite the fact that individual classes in Octopussy are held without the participation of moms or dads, a training system is also practiced here. early swimming Birthlight (joint swimming).

The address: 16th Park, 51

Age: from 1 month