What should be in any sports first aid kit? Sports first aid kit: a set of medicines for training and competition First aid kit for a children's football team

Injury aids

1. Coolants

In case you fail to fall and sprain a muscle or dislocate your leg, there should be a cooling gel in the first aid kit. It will help to anesthetize the damaged part of the body and reduce swelling. Also, a disposable cooling bag will do, which gets cold when shaken hard enough.

2. Elastic bandage

If there are injuries to the limbs, an elastic bandage will come in handy. It will securely fix the muscle, reduce the load on it and reduce the likelihood of a new injury.

3. Disinfectants

Of course, in the first aid kit there should be hydrogen peroxide or a small bottle of alcohol. If you get hurt during a workout, you can immediately carry out a disinfecting treatment. So that the wound does not remain open, you will have to rewind it with a bandage. Accordingly, the bandage should also be in your first aid kit.

4. Vitamins

In order for training to give a positive result and not harm your health, always keep vitamins B, C and E with you. With them, your muscles will become more resilient. Increase their resistance to injury. On top of that, with regular intake of vitamins, the recovery process after serious physical exertion will be significantly accelerated.

5. Warming agents

If you have ever suffered damage to muscles or joints, you cannot start a workout without first warming up the muscles. In such cases, you can use the ointment Kapsikam. It is applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​the body that was previously damaged and carefully rubbed into the skin. This procedure must be performed 5-7 minutes before the start of the workout.

6. Sports bandages and bandages

Looking at professional athletes, it is impossible not to appreciate their equipment. Beautiful tight suits and all kinds of accessories look really beautiful. Be that as it may, it's not just about beauty. Bandages help to avoid muscle strain and, accordingly, reduce the risk of injury. If your sports activities are associated with heavy physical exertion, put a few bandages in the first aid kit.

7. Callus patches

As you know, corns themselves do not pose a significant threat. Troubles can only arise if they are handled incorrectly. During sports activities calluses can occur quite often, so you need to use special patches. They will help to quickly neutralize the corn so that you can continue to move around, go to training and even attend competitions.

To properly assemble a sports first aid kit, you need to provide for all the nuances that may arise during training. Don't carry everything on this list with you. Take only what may be useful for your case. For example, if you run, focus on ankle bandages and disinfectants. For those who visit the gym, wristbands, bandages and bandages will come in handy. Gymnasts will definitely need freezing agents (in case of injury) warming gels (to increase muscle tone before training).

Everything you need to be safe and effective occupation sports you can buy online. Our online service offers a wide range of assistive accessories and first aid products. Go to the appropriate one and choose!

Sport is, of course, health, strength, agility, confidence, etc. But, unfortunately, these are also periodic injuries, small and not very much. Well, since these "problems" can not always be avoided, our store offers you the products of the "Athlete's First Aid Kit" department for this case.

Here are the tools and materials that help the athlete recover faster from injuries.


1. .

It is used as a means for instant short-term relief of pain and swelling, mainly during the fight. Safe when used wisely. Immediately after the end of the fight, it is necessary to consult a doctor with a hematoma (bruise), or start self-treatment (cooling compresses, ointments, rest, etc.).

Also, this group should include such useful things as, etc., which allow cooling the injured area for a long period in a gentle mode.

2. Bandages, braces, elbow pads, ...

The specificity of Taekwondo requires the athlete to pay special attention to the knee and elbow joints, as well as to the ankles. In the event of pain due to blows, stretch marks, dislocations, the joints must be provided with rest and a certain fixation. For such cases, we offer knee pads, elbow pads, ankle braces, as well as elastic bandages firms Mueler and Pharmacels, which are the world's leading manufacturers of medical equipment. Yes, it's not very cheap, but health is more expensive...

3. , .

Tape is, in fact, an ordinary adhesive plaster, only correctly made. Its main differences:

  • Leaves virtually no residue when removed
  • hypoallergenic (Latex Free series),
  • adheres well to both the skin and clothes,
  • comes off by "hands" (a number of models),
  • it can be both inelastic (inextensible) and elastic (of varying degrees of extensibility).

Separately, it is worth mentioning that belong to the class of elastic. Due to their special structure, they "know how to adapt" to the skin, leaving the damaged area with the necessary freedom of movement. This happens due to a special technology of applying hypoallergenic glue - in waves, due to which the surface layer of the skin rises, as it were, improving blood circulation and lymph flow.

A necessary addition to the teip is a teip. Undertape - a porous polyurethane lining material that is placed under a sports tape. It allows you to save the processes of sweating and the necessary heat transfer for the skin, and also eliminates the problem of removing the tape "with hair".

More about teips -

4. .

An essential item in special occasions! It happens (especially young athletes) you earn money by practicing some kind of blow or ligament, and at the end of the workout - here it is - a downed callus on the ball of the foot. The thing is extremely unpleasant, promising great inconvenience in movement, not to mention training or competitions.

An effective solution to the problem is the COMPEED wet callus patch. It can be applied directly to the wound, forming a "second skin" thanks to the use of a special hydrocolloid technology. Thus, firstly, the wound heals as quickly as possible, and secondly, you can not interrupt training process, because wet callus is securely covered with a medical plaster and there is practically no pain. Verified by personal experience!

5. .

Warming oil is used immediately before training or a fight.Being massaged into the athlete's muscles, it significantly increases blood circulation in them, preparing the muscles for possible critical loads.

Providing first aid for injuries and ailments requires a certain set of medicines and medicines. According to the requirements of SanPin, a first-aid kit in gym schools are an essential element of equipment. At the same time, the list of components is not specified in the document.

Obviously, the children's list of first aid products is somewhat different from the list of drugs provided for fitness clubs and gyms. You can focus on Order No. 266 of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia dated June 24, 1996, as well as on the recommendations of regional executive authorities and a full-time school health worker.

First aid kit for the gym: the exact composition

The order of the Ministry of Health has an appendix containing a list of drugs and medicines that must always be available. After using a certain tool, you need to as soon as possible replenish stock.

The nature of the injuries and injuries received by schoolchildren during physical education, playing football or swimming in the pool can be different. As Doctors insist, it is necessary to provide for any situation.

A first aid kit for school gyms must include the following first aid items:

  • Dressing materials (sterile and non-sterile bandages, cotton wool, adhesive plasters), with which you can bandage scratches or wounds;
  • Hemostatic agents (tourniquet);
  • Anesthetics (iodine or brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide) to treat wounds and cleanse them of bacteria to avoid infection.

First aid kit for the gym - a list by order of the Ministry of Health

  • Analgin.
  • Portable ice pack for bruises.
  • Sulfacyl sodium in solution.
  • Adjustable tourniquet to stop bleeding.
  • 3 types of bandages:
    • Sterile 10x5 cm;
    • Non-sterile 10x5 cm;
    • Non-sterile 5x5 cm.
  • Atraumatic dressing for the treatment of dirty wounds 8x10 cm.
  • Bactericidal adhesive plaster 2.5x7.2 or 2x5 cm (8 pieces).
  • Sterile wipes to stop bleeding with furagin treatment 6x10 or 10x18 cm (3 pieces).
  • Iodine 5% or Zelenka 1%.
  • Plaster 1x500 or 2x250 cm.
  • Elastic bandage 1 piece No. 1,3,6.
  • Cotton wool (1 pack 50 g).
  • Splints to help with fractures of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Scarf for immobilization of hands.
  • Cloth stretcher (folding).
  • Nitroglycerine.
  • Validol.
  • A device for organizing artificial respiration (tube) - 4 pieces.
  • Ammonia.
  • Activated carbon or polyphepan (2 pieces).
  • Corvalol.
  • Sweets - 50 g.
  • Mobile inhaler.
  • Scissors.

Additions to the main composition

Executive authorities and school health workers recommend expanding the list of funds that a first-aid kit should contain in the school gym according to SanPin.

What should I buy in addition to the standard set?

  • Instead of outdated remedies for poisoning ( Activated carbon) you can use more modern ones (Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum, etc.).
  • To help with allergic reactions, antihistamines (Suprastin) should be added.
  • Scroll Supplies should also be increased by adding disposable gloves, a thermometer, paper masks, tweezers.

The composition of the first-aid kit of a sports doctor has been significantly expanded, since a health worker can provide professional medical care on the spot.

Storage rules

A sports first aid kit for first aid at school should be kept out of the reach of students. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to mass poisoning with pills.

Since the first aid kit contains a composition that does not require cold storage, it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. However, it is necessary to create conditions suitable for drugs:

  • Protection from direct exposure to sunlight;
  • Inaccessibility to children;
  • Dryness.

The optimal solution is a wall-mounted metal box that is locked with a key.

It is desirable that, in addition to the stationary version, the school has a second mobile first-aid kit for sports events. To control the completeness of the composition, the shelf life of drugs and compliance with storage conditions, a responsible person is appointed. This is usually the school doctor or health worker.

A universal sports first aid kit with a standard composition in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health is sold in online and offline pharmacies.

What should always be at hand? We collect a mini-first aid kit in the gym.

Sports activities have already firmly entered the life of a modern person. Fitness, bodybuilding, yoga, Pilates - in sports complexes You can find a huge number of workouts for every taste and physical abilities. When starting training, it is important to remember that even small loads on the body can lead to injuries. And although in gym there must be a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines, it is advisable to have your own supply of medicines on hand.

What kind of injuries can you get in the gym?

When packing a bag for the next workout, first of all, everyone remembers sportswear, shoes, towels and shower products. However, a mini first aid kit for the gym should also be a must on this list. To know what to fill it with, you should imagine in advance what injuries are typical for the gym.

    Bruises, sprains are the most common injuries familiar to many novice amateur athletes. In most cases, this happens when the exercises are performed incorrectly, while exercising on a treadmill. As a result, swelling and pain appear at the site of injury.

    A pinched nerve threatens those who, with unprepared muscles, are trying to complete several approaches. complex exercises or drastically increases the load.

    Dislocations in the shoulder, elbow or knee joints are familiar to many fans of track and field athletics. Such injuries always cause severe pain, swelling and bruising.

The composition of the mini first aid kit for the gym

When choosing the filling for a sports first-aid kit, you need to immediately understand that many components are not required here. So, what should always be at hand?

    Cooling ointment for bruises and sprains provides local anesthesia and stops swelling (, Bengin, solution, Reparil);

    Warming ointments are necessary to prepare the muscles for physical exertion. But even using them, you need to warm up before starting a workout (, Capsoderm,);

    Antiseptics are needed at hand almost always, and even more so in training. For ease of use, it can be in a sealed package.

    It is necessary to fix the muscle, reduce the load on it and thereby prevent possible injury.

Is it possible to avoid injuries in training? Even an experienced coach is unlikely to be able to guarantee this, but following certain rules will significantly reduce the risk of injury.

    The main physical activity should always be preceded by a warm-up, which prepares and warms up the muscles of the body. Pay attention to its quality. The warm-up should be long and include warm-up exercises.

    Increase the load gradually, the same rule applies to the number of approaches.

    Trying new exercises should only be under the supervision of a trainer. First you need to master the technique of execution, and only then you can perform the exercise yourself.

    Be sure to wear special sportswear and shoes. Sneakers should firmly fix the foot to avoid accidental dislocation.

  1. Personal sports equipment must be of high quality, from trusted manufacturers.
Exercise is important for maintaining good health and slim figure. To physical exercise gave only positive and cheerfulness, take care of your safety in the gym.