Elastic bandage on the brush. Wrist bandages for athletes. Elastic bandage as a rescue

The part of the hand that is adjacent to the forearm is called the wrist. This is a pretty weak department. upper limb. Therefore, it is easily injured when carrying weights or hitting. The resulting injury does not violate the integrity of the bone, but is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the ligaments. To alleviate the condition of the hand, use a tight fixation with an elastic bandage.

Why do you need to put on a bandage?

The use of an elastic bandage allows you to fix the injured area when stretched before contacting a doctor. After the prescribed treatment, the bandage has a uniform supporting effect:

  • relieves stress;
  • eliminates pain;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes puffiness.

The composition of the special fabric includes special fibers that stretch well and hold the fixed joint. Elastic bandage on the wrist does not cause discomfort, suitable for repeated use. To develop a damaged joint, it can be removed, with the permission of a doctor, and an ointment can be applied.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage on the wrist?

Fixation brings a positive result in treatment if the correct bandaging technique is observed.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of extensibility of the material. A bandage of high or medium elasticity is used to fix the wrist after an injury. Low stretch material is used for preventive purposes only. Bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage should be carried out in compliance with the following technique for performing the procedure:

The dressing layers should overlap each other.
  • To fix the wrist joint, you will need a bandage no more than 1.5 meters long.
  • Bandage the damaged area in the absence of swelling. An angle of 30 degrees is suitable for fixing.
  • Bandaging starts from the narrower part of the damaged area to the wide one.
  • Gaps between layers should not be allowed, so each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one.
  • Bandage the wrist with moderate tension to prevent wrinkling.
  • Unwind the bandage outward, in this way the bandaging can avoid strong pressure.
  • It is necessary to apply a bandage on the hand from the fingers and end with the forearm.

Circular Bandage

The peculiarity of fixation lies in circular revolutions. The edge of the dressing should be clamped with the left hand, and with the right to make dressing turns. They are all done at the same level and superimposed one on top of the other, the bandage is fixed above the damaged area. The bandage should be on the arm for 3 to 10 days.


The spiral bandaging method allows you to wear a bandage for about a week with good fixation.

You can bandage the injured area, starting both from below and from above. In this case, fixation occurs first in a circular motion, and then oblique layers are superimposed. Each subsequent one closes the previous one by 2/3. Through the next 2 turns, the material is bent. As a result, the bottom and top of the bandage are reversed. This fixation is perfectly kept on the hand from 7 to 10 days.


The name of the bandage comes from the form of bandaging, which is similar to the number 8. The result is a tight fixation, which will greatly relieve pain. Start bandaging should be from the wrist, gradually descending to the hand. Having reached the lowest point of the hand, turning the bandage obliquely, you need to wrap it again. Bandage the limb should be carefully, until a strong fixation is obtained.

If, after applying the bandage, numbness is felt, the hand is uncomfortable, then the wrist should be bandaged

Wrist joints are the most vulnerable. Partly, because the hand has a very complex structure and consists of a large number of small bones, ligaments, cartilage.

Athletes get most injuries in the beginning. professional career when the loads increase sharply, but the body has not yet got used to them and has not had time to build up enough tissues that can withstand overloads. This applies primarily to the ligamentous apparatus. With a lack of nutrients, human tissues do not have time to grow, and sometimes the morphological structure of the body simply interferes. For example, if a thin-boned athlete with low muscle mass by nature decided to become a professional in a strength sport, then he will have to try very hard to look on par with his rivals, who can easily gain 10-20 kg during the set period. muscle mass. And ordinary food will not help here. God grant that health endure.

Therefore, along with nutrition correction, it is worth considering how to use hand bandages as additional funds protection.

What sports use wrist bandages?

Wrist bandage is a necessary element of sports equipment. It is mainly used by security officials - athletes who are engaged in power types sports:

  • Weightlifting;
  • powerlifting;
  • body-building;
  • boxing;
  • martial arts.

Bandages for hands are also used in gymnastics for training on uneven bars, rings, crossbar.

Loads in professional sports much more than amateur. Not to mention training from time to time, although in such a situation you can also get injured. Not practicing for a couple of months, and then giving it a full load is not serious and will not bring any benefit. It is better to use protective equipment and deal with small loads much more efficiently.

Professionals are not stopped by either pain or the period of rehabilitation after an injury. For them, the main thing is the result. And even better - a great result. Therefore, training bandages are the minimum that an athlete who decides that he is a pro should have.

Types of wrist bandages

Wrist bandages come in 3 types:




Distinguish wrist bandages for beginners and professionals. The former are more elastic, perform a supporting function and accustom the athlete to discipline in terms of the use of equipment. Weights and loads on initial stage not so large as to be detrimental to health. During this period, you can get by with wristbands.

The latter are designed to create strong compression in order to protect ligaments from tearing and increase weight performance. Therefore, the material of the wrist bandages is more rigid. Wristbands are ineffective here, as they tend to unfasten at the wrong moment. They are effective, but much more pressure is required to keep the athlete from injury. And the point here is not in the technique of performing exercises, but in exorbitant loads, which must be constantly increased. Many mistakenly assume that if the technical moment is observed, then bandaging of the limbs can be dispensed with. Experience comes with trauma, but more often than not, trauma comes alone.

There are bandages by size:

  • S is used for bandaging the hands of adults, as well as the feet of children;
  • M - in case of damage to the elbow and ankle joint of an adult, forearm; in children - with injuries of the knees, shoulder;
  • L and XL in adults is used for damage to the shoulder, forearm, lower leg, knee joint; in children, hips and heads;
  • XXL and XXL - head and thigh in adults and abdomen, pelvis and perineum in children;
  • 3XL - only in adults with injuries to the abdomen, chest, perineum and pelvis.

To determine the appropriateness of using an elastic bandage of one size or another is the responsibility of a sports doctor.

If metalworkers (those who work with iron in the gym) use dense bandages as a dressing, but shorter in length, then boxers use long thin wrist bandages on fingers and wrists. This is due to the fact that more layers need to be wound. They are more suitable for good fixation of the joint. The technique of winding a boxing bandage is also different.

How to wrap a wrist bandage

Step 1.

Turn your hand palm down and slide your thumb through the loop

Step 2

Wrap the wrist wrap around your wrist

Step 3

Tighten the wrist wrap around your wrist and secure with Velcro. Experiment to understand how tight the bandage needs to be tightened so that it does not hinder the movement of the brush during the exercises.

Step 4

After tightening and fixing the wrist bandage, pull your thumb out of the loop.

All is ready!

Mesh-tubular bandages

Elastic tubular bandage is made of elastic fabric in the form of a mesh. It has both synthetic and natural fibers in its composition. Used for any part of the body. Does not squeeze fabrics that allows them to breathe freely. Does not disturb blood circulation in the damaged area.

Can be used to apply a bandage on the hand and thumb, foot. In this case, the length should be such that the damaged area is immobilized and fixed. You may need up to 3 meters of elastic mesh-tubular bandage.

After winding, clamps should be used to fix the dressings. To do this, the end of the bandage is tucked under the previous layer and fastened with special metal clothespins.

The benefits of bandaging limbs during training should not be underestimated, since treatment after an injury is a much more expensive “pleasure”.

For dislocations of the wrist, the first action should be to find an elastic bandage. This material is much more effective than the usual gauze. Firstly, a gauze bandage is a one-time help, because it deforms when used. In addition, over time, it becomes uncomfortable for a person to wear such a bandage - it subsides and brings more discomfort than benefit.

In addition, with the help of such a tool, a gypsum tire is also fixed. With only one difference - this is done only on the second day after applying the gypsum, so that it dries. It is also an advantage that you can periodically remove the elastic bandage, if necessary, in order to apply medicines or ointments, and then reapply without losing the quality of the wrist fixation.

How to choose

Such a bandage does not deform, does not stretch and does not slip. It can be applied several times, washed and used over medications. Elastic bandages are mainly made of cotton with the addition of lycra, latex or polyamide. Depending on the percentage of components, they have different extensibility. To fix the wrist, bandages of medium or high degree are used.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the width and length of the elastic bandage. For the wrist joint, 1-1.5 meters is enough, a large length will interfere and overload the brush. The width can be any, but not very narrow, otherwise the joint will not be well fixed.

Previously, elastic bandages were fixed after application with a pin or by tucking the free end under the previous rounds. Now they are available with Velcro, clips or other methods of fixation. Self-adhesive elastic bandages are also popular among athletes.

We bandage correctly

If you decide to fix your injury with an elastic bandage, you should know a few basic postulates, without understanding which there is absolutely no point in fixing your wrist.

So, bandaging the joint should be done as follows:

  • We determine how long the latch is useful to us. So, for example, in order to properly bandage the wrist, we need 1-1.5 meters of an elastic bandage;
  • We select the tool according to the parameter "degree of extensibility". Both medium and high stretch options are suitable for us;
  • An elastic bandage must be applied to the injured limb sutra, when it has not yet undergone swelling, or after the person has rested. It is necessary to fix the fabric at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • The bandage is applied from narrow places to wide ones. Therefore, you need to control exactly where the dislocation occurred, and fix it from the spirit of the sides, starting from the narrower side;
  • Bandaging of the joint should be done with uniform tension, so that wrinkles do not form in the process;
  • The imposition of an elastic bandage, rolled up, must be done only outward and as close to the skin as possible, which will avoid excessive overstretching, as a result of which excessive tissue compression will occur;
  • It is important that with each turn of the fixing tissue you overlap the previous turn by at least a third;
  • If you make two turns in succession, it is necessary that there is not a single skin gap between them;
  • The minimum tension should be in the lower sections, so as the joint is fixed, you must loosen the tension;
  • It is necessary to start bandaging, starting approximately 15-20 centimeters before the lesion. Therefore, in order to fix the carpal joint, you need to start with the fingers and complete the bandage in the middle of the forearm.

Not everyone knows how to apply an elastic bandage on the wrist. Therefore, the first procedure should be performed by a doctor. He will advise the most suitable way dressing, teach how to adjust the degree of tension of the bandage.

In case of serious injuries of the joint, when it is required to apply a tight bandage, bandage the hand from the base of the fingers and almost to the elbow. To do this, you need to take a longer elastic bandage - 2-2.5 meters. This will ensure stability in the bandaged joint and prevent re-injury.

Start bandaging from the base of the fingers - from the area more distant from the heart. This will help prevent swelling. The turns of the bandage are applied, overlapping the previous one by 50%. At the base of the hand, you need to hold a bandage between 1 and 2 fingers. Then - around the wrist joint. Having reached the elbow, you need to continue bandaging in the opposite direction. The bandage should be tight, but not disturbing blood circulation. The correctness of its imposition can be determined by the condition of the fingers.

With lighter injuries, as well as to protect the joint during increased loads, you can bandage the wrist with an eight-shaped bandage. Start putting it on inside wrist. It is necessary to make several turns, overlapping each previous round by half. Then, on the back of the hand, a bandage is laid between 1 and 2 fingers, then through the palm and again to the wrist.

After several turns around the joint, a bandage is carried out along the palm between the thumb and forefinger. The pattern of the bandage at the same time resembles a figure eight. You need to repeat these movements several times to fix the joint.

General rules

  • Allows you to bandage the wrist several times.
  • It is resistant to deformation.
  • The patient can independently wrap the injured limb and perform subsequent dressings.
  • There is the possibility of complex therapy using gels, applications or compresses.
  • One dressing with a self-fixing bandage is equivalent to 20 bandages with analogues.

To correctly apply a medical device, you must:

  • Take a stretchable strip 100 cm long.
  • Start from the thinnest place without edema.
  • Fix each round of elastic tape at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • To avoid wrinkles, it is necessary to bandage evenly stretching the fabric.
  • Subsequent whorls should overlap the underlying layer.
  • Avoid gaps between layers.
  • To fix the carpal joint, it is necessary to bandage the fingers of the upper limb and, rising up, finish the manipulation in the middle of the forearm.

Cross-shaped, or eight-shaped, bandaging is fixed with circular rounds, then the bandage is crossed several times, forming a figure eight. Such a bandage completely immobilizes the distal portion of the upper limb, excluding movement in the damaged joint. This speeds up the recovery of its functions, prevents re-injury.

Bandage algorithm:

  1. The skin in the joint area is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  2. A napkin is applied to the damaged area.
  3. Creates a comfortable position for the hand.
  4. The first two fixing girths are made.
  5. In a circular motion, the bandage is applied around the wrist towards its rear.
  6. Each round overlaps the previous one by half the width of the bandage.
  7. A half-turn is made in the palm area, then the bandage is removed towards the elbow.
  8. One move is crossed.
  9. Re-bandaging is carried out in an upward direction.
  10. The bandage is secured with a pin.

Elastic bandage is medical procedure Therefore, you can use it only after consulting a doctor. After all, it is impossible to simply bandage the wrist when pain occurs or after an injury. In some cases, for example, with severe destruction of the joint or with a fracture, this treatment method is not used.

It is important to know how to properly apply an elastic bandage. There are certain rules, non-observance of which can lead to complications and circulatory disorders:

  • you can not bandage the wrist if severe swelling has developed;
  • bandage tours impose from a narrow place to a wide one;
  • be sure to grab 15-20 cm on each side of the joint, but the fingertips should remain open;
  • when bandaging, each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one by a third;
  • there should be no folds on the bandage;
  • it is necessary to maintain constantly the same tension of the bandage;
  • roll out the roll with the outer side to the skin;
  • if after the procedure the bandaged wrist continues to hurt, there is a pulsation or coldness of the fingers, you need to remove the bandage and apply it again with less tension;
  • You can not wear such a bandage all day or leave it overnight.

Bandage Features

It is important to elastic bandage with a dislocated wrist, it was constantly on you during your active movement. If you are just relaxing at home, you will not have such a need. Even better, if you uncheck this commit and do light massage injured limb. It must be done starting with the hand and ending with the elbow.

If you do everything right, after the fixation is completed, your fingers should turn a little blue, but after you continue your movement, they will restore their color again. But you should not tighten it too much on the elbow joint, because this can disrupt blood circulation, and therefore you can get a very unpleasant swelling.

If within half an hour after applying the fixative you feel a slight numbness or a feeling of pulsation, you bandaged the bandage too tight and you need to bandage it. Between removal and new application, you need to lie in bed, create an elevated position for the wrist, and then perform a light massage of the surrounding area.

It is important not to forget that the effectiveness of the bandage will largely depend on the technique of applying the bandage to the joints. Therefore, it is imperative that even in a bandaged state, all joints can perform their direct functions - they do not slip, do not fold, and the bandage fixes the damaged joint.

The bandage on the wrist joint is applied quite simply - it starts with a couple of turns around the most damaged joint. Next, the bandage is applied along the back of the hand, after which it is passed through the gap between the index and thumb. After that, the latch is returned to its original position.

Wrist straps

An elastic bandage is the most affordable means of joint immobilization. But recently it is possible to fix the wrist not only with its help. There are many types of such devices on the market. They differ in material, degree of extensibility and even color. Athletes prefer to buy special sports bandages. They are better and denser, last longer and have special Velcro or fastenings.

You can also purchase an orthopedic wrist brace. Many of them are also available in the form of an elastic band. But it is usually short and wide. In addition, such retainers sometimes look like a half-glove that covers the hand to the base of the fingers. They are made of a dense stretchable material, equipped with comfortable Velcro. Therefore, fixing the joint with their help is much more convenient.

If you apply such a bandage correctly, you can reduce pain and speed up recovery after an injury. This method is good to use at elevated physical activity to avoid dislocation or sprain.

The elastic bandage makes it possible to prevent possible damage from sports loads, as well as reduce pain manifestations if a joint injury occurs. Proper dressing contributes to the rapid healing of connective and muscle tissues. Others need to be able to perform dressings, because further physical activity hands.

Why is it necessary?

Elastic bandages are useful for various diseases and pathological conditions of the wrist, where fixation and compression are necessary. The reasons why a compression bandage is needed are as follows:

  • sprains or dislocations;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery on the joint;
  • stress relief in the wrist joint;
  • elimination of pain in the hand;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • thrombosis prophylaxis.

Tight fixation is useful due to moderate compression of the wrist and is used for the following diseases:

General rules

The elastic bandage is made from cotton. A piece of fabric is a ribbon in which rubber, lycra and polyester threads are woven. The advantages of this product are as follows:

Fibers are woven into this fixing cut that can stretch and return to its previous shape.

  • Allows you to bandage the wrist several times.
  • It is resistant to deformation.
  • The patient can independently wrap the injured limb and perform subsequent dressings.
  • There is the possibility of complex therapy using gels, applications or compresses.
  • One dressing with a self-fixing bandage is equivalent to 20 bandages with analogues.

To correctly apply a medical device, you must:

  • Take a stretchable strip 100 cm long.
  • Start from the thinnest place without edema.
  • Fix each round of elastic tape at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • To avoid wrinkles, it is necessary to bandage evenly stretching the fabric.
  • Subsequent whorls should overlap the underlying layer.
  • Avoid gaps between layers.
  • To fix the carpal joint, it is necessary to bandage the fingers of the upper limb and, rising up, finish the manipulation in the middle of the forearm.

Skill and skill are required before bandaging an injury to the wrist joint. So it will take a little practice.

There are several types of wrist bandages that are performed with an elastic bandage. The main ones are shown in the table:

An elastic bandage for wrist injuries promotes recovery, provides reliable fixation of the affected area for a long time. The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of products. Before choosing a stretch tape, you need to pay attention to the footage, width and stretchability. The duration of wearing the bandage is prescribed by the doctor. With classic sprains, experts recommend wearing an elastic strip during the daytime, and removing it for a night's rest. Periodically, the product should be washed without the use of synthetic detergents, drying should be done on a flat surface away from heating appliances.

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How to bandage your wrist with an elastic bandage?

The part of the hand that is adjacent to the forearm is called the wrist. This is a rather weak section of the upper limb. Therefore, it is easily injured when carrying weights or hitting. The resulting injury does not violate the integrity of the bone, but is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the ligaments. To alleviate the condition of the hand, use a tight fixation with an elastic bandage.

Why do you need to put on a bandage?

The use of an elastic bandage allows you to fix the injured area when stretched before contacting a doctor. After the prescribed treatment, the bandage has a uniform supporting effect:

  • relieves stress;
  • eliminates pain;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes puffiness.

The composition of the special fabric includes special fibers that stretch well and hold the fixed joint. Elastic bandage on the wrist does not cause discomfort, suitable for repeated use. To develop a damaged joint, it can be removed, with the permission of a doctor, and an ointment can be applied.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage on the wrist?

Fixation brings a positive result in treatment if the correct bandaging technique is observed.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of extensibility of the material. A bandage of high or medium elasticity is used to fix the wrist after an injury. Low stretch material is used for preventive purposes only. Bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage should be carried out in compliance with the following technique for performing the procedure:

The dressing layers should overlap each other.

  • To fix the wrist joint, you will need a bandage no more than 1.5 meters long.
  • Bandage the damaged area in the absence of swelling. An angle of 30 degrees is suitable for fixing.
  • Bandaging starts from the narrower part of the damaged area to the wide one.
  • Gaps between layers should not be allowed, so each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one.
  • Bandage the wrist with moderate tension to prevent wrinkling.
  • Unwind the bandage outward, in this way the bandaging can avoid strong pressure.
  • It is necessary to apply a bandage on the hand from the fingers and end with the forearm.

Back to index

Circular Bandage

The peculiarity of fixation lies in circular revolutions. The edge of the dressing should be clamped with the left hand, and with the right to make dressing turns. They are all done at the same level and superimposed one on top of the other, the bandage is fixed above the damaged area. The bandage should be on the arm for 3 to 10 days.


You can bandage the injured area, starting both from below and from above. In this case, at first, fixation occurs in circular motions, and then oblique layers are superimposed. Each subsequent one closes the previous one by 2/3. Through the next 2 turns, the material is bent. As a result, the bottom and top of the bandage are reversed. This fixation is perfectly kept on the hand from 7 to 10 days.


The name of the bandage comes from the form of bandaging, which is similar to the number 8. The result is a tight fixation, which will greatly relieve pain. Start bandaging should be from the wrist, gradually descending to the hand. Having reached the lowest point of the hand, turning the bandage obliquely, you need to wrap it again. Bandage the limb should be carefully, until a strong fixation is obtained.

If, after applying the bandage, numbness is felt, the hand is uncomfortable, then the wrist should be bandaged

An incorrectly fixed bandage will quickly weaken, the limb will hurt. Therefore, they bandage the arm, bent at the elbow and slightly retracted from the body. If everything is done correctly, the fingertips may immediately take on a bluish color, but after moving the hand, the color disappears. The elastic bandage is used only during movement, it is untied at rest.

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How to bandage an arm, hand, shoulder, elbow

Spiral bandage for one finger

  • The first round of the bandage is applied in the lower part of the forearm near the wrist joint.
  • The bandage is stretched along the back of the hand to the terminal phalanx of the injured finger and wrapped several times in the direction from the fingertip to the base.
  • The finger is wrapped in such a way that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one by a third.
  • The bandage returns through the back of the hand from the base of the finger to the wrist.
  • The final round is performed a little higher than the initial one around the forearm.
  • Thus, you can bandage several fingers at the same time.

Eight-shaped bandage on the brush

  • Bandaging begins similarly to the previous bandage - the first round is performed around the forearm near the wrist.
  • On the back of the hand, the bandage is lowered to the fingers and a coil is made at their base.
  • On the back of the hand, the bandage is returned to the wrist, thus, as it were, forming a figure eight.
  • A new turn is made around the wrist, again a turn around the base of the fingers, and again the bandage is returned to the wrist.
  • The last loop is done around the wrist.
  • The bandage is fixed on the forearm.

Turtle elbow bandage

  • Converging bandage - bandaging begins above and below the elbow, crossing the bandage on the most convex part of the elbow joint, completely covering it.
  • Divergent bandage - bandaging begins from the area of ​​the elbow joint, diverging in opposite directions, the bandage crosses in the elbow cavity.

Spike shoulder strap

  • The first turn of the bandage is done around the shoulder.
  • The bandage is carried out in a downward direction along the front surface chest.
  • The bandage is started behind the back under the armpit of a healthy shoulder.
  • Crossing the bandage is performed in the region of the deltoid muscle.
  • The next turn goes again around the shoulder, then the chest with a crossing on the deltoid muscle.
  • The bandage is fixed after the shoulder joint is completely bandaged.

ATTENTION! The information provided on this site is for reference only. Only a specialist in a particular field can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Learning how to properly adjust an elastic bandage on the wrist

Almost every day we are injured, then we cut our finger, get a bruise, or dislocation. But whatever the damage, every injury must be taken seriously. For example, with a cut, you can treat the wound with an antiseptic, apply a cold compress to the bruise, but what to do if the wrist is dislocated? In order to solve this problem and help in eliminating the pain syndrome, an elastic bandage is applied to the wrist.

Retainer Features

A bandage is very often used by weightlifters to rewind their knees. This protective method helps to prevent injury. Elastic bandage is a modern type of bandage. It makes it possible to regulate the tightness of the applied bandage, make a quick bandage, does not crumble on the sides, as it is made of good raw materials.

Now the fixing bandage is used very widely. In addition to sports (powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletics), it is also used in Everyday life. The bandage must be in the driver's first aid kit, at home, in order to immobilize the injured limb in case of injury.

The self-fixing bandage has a latch for easy fastening, there is no adhesive base. Consists of 70% cotton, facilitating the penetration of air to the skin. The bandage saves in the case when it is necessary to urgently fix the affected area before the arrival of the paramedic. A bandage is used for applying to the hands, ankles, legs.

When, after applying the fixative, you feel discomfort, numbness, this means that the bandage is fixed tightly and it should be bandaged. The effectiveness of bandaging depends on correct technique procedure. It is necessary to ensure that the joints in a bandaged form perform the functions assigned to them.

What is it needed for?

An elastic bandage is useful for various diseases where fixation and compression action are needed:

  • Rehabilitation in case of injury;
  • For recovery after surgery on the joints;
  • Removal of stress from the bone joints;
  • Elimination of pain syndrome in the pathology of the spine;
  • Fight against puffiness, varicose veins;
  • thrombosis prevention.

The use of the fixative is determined by the following influences:

  1. When stretched. As a result of a microrupture of the tendons, traumatic edema and pain are observed. The imposition of a bandage is aimed at stabilizing the articular structure, limiting mobility, and reducing the inflammatory process.
  2. At fracture. In this case, immobilization of the damaged joint is provided. The latch provides reliable fastening, keeps a tidy look for a long time. It is used to reduce swelling, due to the partial unloading of the joint, an elastic bandage will be effective.
  3. With varicose veins. Used bandaging lower extremities to prevent the progress of varicose veins. Simultaneously with complex therapy, the specialist will select the optimal degree of extensibility of the bandage for the treatment course of varicose veins.
  4. For dislocations of the wrist, a fixing bandage is used. It has the following advantages: does not slip, does not stretch, does not change shape. It can be removed after a while, so that the limb rests, apply ointment, gel without losing the fixation of the wrist.

Indications for use

A dressing agent is used for:

  • orthopedic disease;
  • Varicose veins;
  • sports injuries;
  • dislocations;
  • bruises;
  • Edema, thrombophlebitis.

The advantage of an elastic bandage is its dense base, stretching property, good fixation, repeated use. Used as remedy not deformable. Good fixation is needed by individuals involved in different types sports: tennis players, volleyball players, weightlifters, gymnasts, basketball players, etc. Such exercises lead to increased movement, microtrauma, and the formation of degenerative changes in the wrist.

Depending on the risk factor for damage to the limb, wearing a bandage is indicated for individuals who have suffered an injury in the carpal region. Elastic bandage is used to limit unnecessary movements of the wrist joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis in the hand requires fixation of the wrist joint. This process will speed up recovery, relieve pain, swelling, and immobilize the limb. The fixing bandage is used in the treatment of inflammatory and arthrotic processes of the affected elements of the musculoskeletal system.


The product has no absolute contraindications. But there are some features in each patient that interfere with the use of a bandage:

  • Skin disease (dermatitis);
  • A malignant tumor in the area of ​​wearing a specific model;
  • Destruction of the joint structure.
  • Personal intolerance.

How to apply?

How to properly bandage a joint? To do this, it is enough to look at the schemes developed for bandaging an injury. But first of all, let's get acquainted with the technique of applying the retainer.

Bandaging is carried out as follows:

  1. To apply a bandage on the wrist, a bandage 1-1.5 meters long is required. Next, the product is determined by the characteristic of the degree of extensibility.
  2. It is superimposed on the damaged area, while there is no edema. Fixed at a 30 degree angle.
  3. Adjusts from wide to narrow. According to the damage zone, bandaging begins just from the narrow side.
  4. To avoid wrinkles, you need to wind evenly with tension.
  5. The imposition is made in the outside, in order to avoid overstretching, squeezing soft tissues.
  6. With each turn, it is worth making movements so that the fixing fabric overlaps the previous layer. It is very important that there are no gaps on the skin.
  7. From the affected area, you should start bandaging with a distance cm. To fix the carpal joint, you need to wind from the fingers of the limb and finish in the middle of the forearm.

circular bandage

They begin to apply a fixative, holding the edge of the material with their left hand, and making a couple of rounds at the same level with their right hand. Thus, having reached the end of the damaged area, fix the bandage with a special fixative. Turnovers should lie one on top of the other, blocking it completely. Apply to the carpal region, lower leg, neck. They wear a bandage from 3 to 10 days, it is allowed to remove it for applying medicine, treating a wound, changing the fixing matter.

spiral bandage

It is superimposed from circular moves, but in an oblique direction, while the previous move is overlapped by the next one by 2/3. The injury is bandaged from the bottom up or vice versa. When applied, a kink is allowed, the thickness may differ from the tightness of the fit.

Every 2 turns, bends are made along the vertical line. A bandage is directed obliquely in the kink zone. adheres to thumb edge of the bandage, roll out the head of the product and bend it towards you so that the upper end becomes the lower one and vice versa. This dressing is worn for about 1-1.5 weeks.


It has such a name according to the course and form of bandaging (it moves, as it were, along the number 8). In case of injuries to the area of ​​the wrist joint, this tight bandage is used for fixation. The first revolutions start from above, are superimposed above the wrist, then go down to the back of the hand.

After that, the dressing returns in the direction obliquely to the wrist joint. Manipulations are repeated several times until the wrist is accurately fixed. After all, the end of the bandage is divided into 2 parts and tied at the joint. The period of wearing the bandage is 5-14 days. It can be removed when a person feels numbness of the limb, an unpleasant sensation so that the hand rests.

Video "How to apply an elastic bandage on the wrist?"

You can find out how to bandage the wrist joint in the next video and try to do it at home.

How to bandage hands (hand)

You have learned the technique of strikes and are eager to fight. But before putting on gloves, you must protect your hands and fingers. For this, special bandages are used. Bandages will be the first layer of your hand protection. Bandages tightly fix your wrist, finger bones and hand, support them in a certain position, giving the most compact and comfortable shape.

There are two types of boxing bandages on sale: elastic and cloth. Elastic bandages perfectly follow the contour of your hands and fix better. But they are also very easy to pull the brush, thereby disrupting the blood flow. Therefore, the best choice would still be cloth. In most cases, kickboxers bandage their own hands. When bandaging, it should be borne in mind that the tape should not strongly tighten the brush in the unclenched position, but at the same time it should be well compressed in the position of a clenched fist.

Let us consider in detail the two main ways of bandaging hands: “simple” and “advanced”. I don’t see the point in describing it in words, it will be clearer from the pictures.

The advantage of the "simple" method is that it is quick and easy to remember, so it is definitely suitable for beginners.

The figure shows the “simple” way of bandaging hands.

For those who want to seriously practice kickboxing, it is better to learn how to bandage hands in an advanced way right away.

The photo shows a step-by-step bandaging of hands in an advanced way.

In fact, there are many ways to bandage the hands, and as your professionalism in kickboxing develops, you will choose the most optimal and convenient for yourself. The main thing is that the hands remain unharmed!

For professional fighters, this operation is handled by an assistant who uses more complex bandaging methods. Often a medical bandage is used. To achieve High Quality execution, it is pasted over with strips of medical plaster with a width of 8 mm to 20 mm and different lengths. This application allows you to keep adjacent turns of the bandage in place for 12 rounds.

About the author

Master of Sports in kickboxing. He fought 80 fights of which he won 75. Coaching activities I have been doing since 2003.

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New letter with the right questions


Hand bandaging is of course necessary both before training and before a fight. Eugene, if I do it purely for myself, is it possible, instead of bandaging my hands and boxing gloves, just put on gloves for hand-to-hand combat(leggings)? After all, they (gaiters) also protect the joints of the fingers and fix the hand.

In training, performing exercises, it is not necessary to bandage your hands. But work in pairs and on shells (bags, pear, etc.) requires hand bandaging. Hand-to-hand combat gloves do not fix the hand and knuckles well enough. If you train for yourself, so to speak without fanaticism, then it is acceptable. Good luck to you, Dmitry, in independent training!

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How to apply an elastic bandage on your wrist

Dislocation and subluxation of the bones of the wrist involves the use of a fixing bandage, which creates optimal conditions for the speedy restoration of normal anatomical relationships between the structural elements of this area. Fixation of the elements of the joint and adjacent areas at the stage of conservative treatment can be carried out using a gauze or elastic bandage.

Medical elastic bandage has a number of undeniable advantages:

Ensures a secure fit

Maintains a constant level of compression;

Creates optimal conditions for microcirculation in the area of ​​injury;

Allows you to regularly apply ointments and other dosage forms to the skin surface;

Makes it possible to carry out hygienic measures in this area.

Choosing a compression bandage

Before fixing the wrist with an elastic bandage, you need to purchase this medical device. In the pharmacy network, you can see elastic bandages of various lengths and extensibility.

For tight bandaging of the wrist, an elastic bandage should be preferred, the length of which is at least one and a half meters, while it is best to choose an elastic bandage of high extensibility, although a bandage of medium extensibility can also be used.

How to apply an elastic bandage on the wrist: the rules

In order to properly apply an elastic bandage on your wrist, you must follow simple recommendations:

1. Fixation of the wrist with an elastic bandage should be carried out in the morning or after rest, so that the injury area is not swollen.

2. Before applying the bandage, it should be rolled up.

3. Bandage the wrist should be from a narrower area in the direction of a wider one.

4. The rolled bandage is best unwound directly on the surface of the skin, this will provide an optimal degree of compression and will make it possible to avoid wrinkles and excessive squeezing of the tissues.

5. During bandaging, it is important to try to maintain a constant degree of tension on the elastic bandage.

6. Each subsequent turn of the bandage should overlap the previous one by at least one third.

7. The maximum tension of the elastic bandage should be noted in the lower parts of the limb.

8. The appearance of numbness in the hand within half an hour after the imposition of a fixing bandage on the wrist indicates excessive compression and requires re-bandaging.

How to apply an elastic bandage on the wrist: technique

To ensure the necessary degree of fixation of the anatomical formations of the hand and carpal joint, it is important not only to perform the manipulation correctly, but also to know how to bandage the wrist with an elastic bandage with technical point vision. Before bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage, the edge of the bandage located at an angle of 30 ° should be fixed with circular rounds.

The wrist joint should be bandaged in the direction from the fingers to the middle of the forearm.

How to wrap an elastic bandage around an athlete's wrist

Most often, wrist bandaging is carried out by boxers and weightlifters, while elastic bandages for sports are used. Each athlete prefers one or another bandaging technique, which can change during training. It should be noted that before bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage, it is necessary to fix the loop on thumb, and the first rounds are performed on the lower part of the palm.

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  • The first round of the bandage is applied in the lower part of the forearm near the wrist joint.
  • The bandage is stretched along the back of the hand to the terminal phalanx of the injured finger and wrapped several times in the direction from the fingertip to the base.
  • The finger is wrapped in such a way that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one by a third.
  • The bandage returns through the back of the hand from the base of the finger to the wrist.
  • The final round is performed a little higher than the initial one around the forearm.
  • Thus, you can bandage several fingers at the same time.

Eight-shaped bandage on the brush

  • Bandaging begins similarly to the previous bandage - the first round is performed around the forearm near the wrist.
  • On the back of the hand, the bandage is lowered to the fingers and a coil is made at their base.
  • On the back of the hand, the bandage is returned to the wrist, thus, as it were, forming a figure eight.
  • A new turn is made around the wrist, again a turn around the base of the fingers, and again the bandage is returned to the wrist.
  • The last loop is done around the wrist.
  • The bandage is fixed on the forearm.

Turtle elbow bandage

  • Converging bandage - bandaging begins above and below the elbow, crossing the bandage on the most convex part of the elbow joint, completely covering it.
  • Divergent bandage - bandaging begins from the area of ​​the elbow joint, diverging in opposite directions, the bandage crosses in the elbow cavity.

Spike shoulder strap

  • The first turn of the bandage is done around the shoulder.
  • The bandage is carried out in a downward direction along the anterior surface of the chest.
  • The bandage is started behind the back under the armpit of a healthy shoulder.
  • Crossing the bandage is performed in the region of the deltoid muscle.
  • The next turn goes again around the shoulder, then the chest with a crossing on the deltoid muscle.
  • The bandage is fixed after the shoulder joint is completely bandaged.

ATTENTION! The information provided on this site is for reference only. Only a specialist in a particular field can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.