Classes with a coach stretching on the twine. Stretching: stretching exercises. Studio for effective stretching "On the twine"

The portal contains information about where you can sign up for stretching classes in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular destinations, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Stretching is a thoughtful and integrated approach that helps stretch muscles and ligaments, and generally increase the flexibility of the body. The definition of this direction is taken from in English, in which the word "Stretch" is translated into Russian as "stretch" or "elasticity". Thus, the name itself describes the main function of training. In dancing, stretching plays a very important role - many elements look very beautiful in the performance of flexible dancers, including those who are able to sit on the splits.

Why do you need stretching courses?

Despite the fact that many people think that stretching is a buildup of the body in order to be able to sit on the twine, this is far from being the case. During training, a huge number of exercises are used to stretch the muscles of the back, neck, and legs. Techniques that help increase deep muscle stretch and joint flexibility are also in demand. Of course, there is also a split stretch for beginners, when a positive result is visible from workout to workout.

Stretching training involves alternating exercises with short-term muscle tension followed by relaxation. This removes excess muscle direction, strength is restored - just a few minutes are enough for a good rest. To a very important points include a change in the intensity of loads, activation of the most different types stretch marks and their combination with each other, due to which almost all muscle groups are involved in the process.

The advantages of stretching include its proximity to natural movements: stretching the back, arms, legs. Muscle stimulation increases joint mobility, elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Movements become smoother and more attractive. This also has a positive effect on dancing - it becomes easier to perform complex elements, and amazing plasticity appears.

Stretching stretching in Moscow - the benefits of classes

Regular exercise before or after dancing will help the body prepare or relax after strenuous activity. In addition, the following benefits can be noted:

  • Stimulating effect on the circulation of blood and lymph in the body.
  • The final stretching session after a full session helps to restore the muscles by returning them to their original length from a contracted state.
  • Stretching lessons help to relax the muscles, so you can reduce the likely pain caused by stress or nervous tension. As a result of training, mental stress can be significantly reduced.
  • By conducting regular stretching lessons, you can maintain the elasticity of the muscles, supply them with high-quality blood and nutrients.
  • Stretching for beginners will be useful for improving posture and acquiring an attractive slimness. This is due to the strengthening of the muscular apparatus, increasing the flexibility of the body.

Do not forget that some dances require special flexibility from the dancers. That is why stretching classes are so in demand in dance schools.

Stretching lessons and stretching classes in Moscow

The high relevance of stretching training has led to the fact that almost every dance studio is ready to offer its students full-fledged classes. Our portal contains phone numbers and addresses of dance schools in Moscow, which have stretching lessons. The tables show the prices for a one-time lesson and the cost of subscriptions, so you can quickly compare price tags and choose the best institution. In absentia, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the lessons and the qualifications of teachers by studying reviews of stretching lessons in dance schools.

Trinity Dance School invites you to stretching classes in Moscow! Such trainings will also be useful for those who are already involved in dancing or sports at our school.

Stretching (otherwise stretching, stretching) is an exercise to improve stretching and strengthen all muscle groups and ligaments. Stretching first became widespread in the 50s in Sweden, and 20 years later it was already actively practiced by athletes around the world. In addition, this system has been approved by scientists around the world.

A set of exercises used as part of stretching allows you to strengthen muscles, improve coordination of movements, stimulate blood circulation, support the functioning of joints, relieve stress and fatigue, and reduce injuries. If you have already tried to lose weight through fitness, but had to give it up due to injuries, then stretching is just what you need to get in shape without “side effects”.

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Sign up for our stretching classes in Moscow right now!

Many experienced dancers have come to the conclusion that stretching is the most effective method prevent injury, maintain mobility and relieve stress. Another positive thing is that stretching relieves muscle pain after training.

Stretching workouts have a positive effect on the health of a professional dancer. We especially recommend doing stretching for dancers of such styles as modern jazz, stripplast, go-go, jazz-funk, waacking, hip-hop and many others.

Stretch after warm-up. So you can deepen the stretch without injuring the muscles and ligaments.

Warm up before stretching

When you stretch after a workout, the muscles are already warmed up and no additional warm-up is required. If you decide to arrange a separate stretching lesson, first do a few exercises:

  1. Joint warm-up: twist the joints, make tilts and turns of the body.
  2. 5-7 minutes of cardio: running or jumping jacks, rock climber, running in place with high knees, .

After you warm up a bit, you can start stretching.

How and how much to stretch

With the help of these exercises, you can arrange an independent stretching lesson and stretch all the muscles of the body well. However, this will take about 60-90 minutes. For a quick stretch, choose one or two exercises for each muscle group involved in the workout.

To stretch your muscles well, linger in each pose for 30 seconds to two minutes. You can remain still or gently bounce. Sudden movements are fraught with injury, so leave them for another sport.

We will give exercises for stretching from top to bottom: neck, shoulders and arms, chest and back, abs, buttocks, hips, shins.

Neck Stretching Exercises

Tilt your head back, stretching the front of your neck. From this position, tilt your head to the left. For greater effect, place your left palm on right side head, but don't push too hard.

Place your right hand on the left side of your head. Tilt your head forward and to the side, increase the pressure with your hand.

Repeat on the other side.

Place one hand on the back of your head and the other on your chin. Lower your head by doing double chin. At the same time, the neck remains straight, the back of the head tends upward. You should feel it at the back of your neck, especially at the base of your skull.

Shoulder Stretching Exercises

4. Stretching the front of the shoulders

Put your hands behind your back, grab your wrist with the other with one hand. Bend your elbows and lift your wrists higher. Push your chest forward and feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders.

5. Stretching the middle part of the shoulders

Grasp the opposite elbow with your hand, press your shoulder towards you and pull it down. Repeat with the other hand.

6. Stretching the back of the shoulders

Grasp the right hand with the left above the elbow, press it to the body and straighten it, lower the right shoulder down. With your left hand, pull your right hand up, lifting it with your elbow. Feel the tension in the back.

Repeat with the other hand.

7. Triceps stretch

Go to the wall, lift your left elbow up, put your forearm behind your back. Lower your left shoulder blade down. To check that it has really dropped and will not rise during the stretch, place your right hand below your left armpit.

Repeat on the other side.

8. Biceps stretch

Grasp the door handle, rack or other support, turn your back to it. Turn your arm with your elbow up and move the body slightly forward.

Repeat with the other hand.

This pose allows you to simultaneously stretch the triceps of one arm and the front of the shoulder of the other. Bring one hand behind your back from above so that the elbow looks up, and the second from below - the elbow looks at the floor. Try to connect your wrists at the level of the shoulder blades.

Change hands.

10. Wrist extensor stretch

Sit on your knees, put your hands in front of you so that the backs of your hands touch the floor, and your fingers are pointing towards each other. Gently shift your weight onto your hands, stretching your forearms. To enhance the effect, try clenching your fists.

Chest Stretching Exercises

11. Stretching the chest in the doorway

Come to the doorway, lean on the jambs with your elbows and push your chest forward, pectoral muscles.

Put your hand on the wall, lower your shoulder and turn around in the opposite direction. Repeat with the other hand.

Back stretching exercises

Stand next to a rack, simulator or other support, turn your left shoulder towards it. With your right hand, grasp the rack high above your head, move your pelvis to the right and down, stretching the entire right side body.

Repeat on the other side.

14. Stretching the muscles of the lower back

Sit on the floor, move your right leg forward, left leg back. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle or slightly more. Place your right hand on the floor, raise your left hand above your head. Pull the left leg down and back, tilt the body forward and twist towards the right leg.

Change legs.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Grab your shins with your hands inside, put your wrists on your feet. Lean forward as low as possible.

Sit on the floor with your buttocks touching your heels. Bend forward, lie on your knees with your stomach and stretch out your arms.

Get on all fours, then tilt your pelvis back and up so that your body looks like an angle. The arms and back should be extended in one line, the knees can be bent, and the heels can be torn off the floor. The main thing is that the back remains straight, without rounding in the lower back.

Grab a low horizontal bar and hang freely, relaxing your body. Feet must remain on the ground. Relax them, slightly bend your knees.

Lie on the floor on your back, arms along the body, legs straight. Raise your legs and then throw them over your head. Hands rest with elbows on the floor, hands support. Do not lean on the neck, the fulcrum is the shoulders.

Stretching exercises for the press

Get on your knees, push your chest up, lengthening your spine, and then lean back with your hands on your heels. Try to bend in the chest. Do not throw your head back, look up.

Lie on the floor on your stomach, put your hands under your shoulders. Push yourself up, the pelvis rises, the legs remain on the floor. Lower your shoulders, bend in the thoracic region.

Stand up straight with your feet together. Raise your arms and join your palms above your head. Bend in the thoracic region and tilt the body back. Tighten to eliminate a strong deflection in the lower back.

Stand up straight, raise your arms above your head, interlock your fingers and turn your palms up. Stretch up and lean first to one side and then to the other side.

Lie on the floor on your back, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Move your pelvis to the left, lift left leg, bending it at the knee, take it by the right leg and try to put your knee on the floor. Turn your head to the left and relax.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Butt Stretching Exercises

25. Lying stretch

Lie on the floor on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees. Place the ankle of the left foot on the knee of the right. Press the knee of the right foot on the left to deepen. Repeat with the other leg.

Get on all fours, put the ankle of the right foot on the knee of the left. Push your pelvis back to deepen the stretch. Repeat with the other leg.

27. Sitting stretch

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, straighten your back. Bend one leg at the knee, grasp the shin with your hands and press it to your chest. The lower leg should be parallel to the floor, the forearms lie on top and press it to the chest, one hand covers the other.

Repeat with the other leg.

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee at a right angle and move forward, take the other back and straighten. You can lean forward and place your forearms on the floor.

If you find it difficult to perform this pose on the floor, try placing your foot on a raised platform.

Stretching exercises for the front of the thigh

Calf stretching exercises

48. Stretch against the wall

Rest the toe of your right foot against the wall, take your left foot a step and a half back. The feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the left leg is straight. Try to reach the wall with your right knee, while the muscles of the left leg will be stretched.

Change legs.

Stand close to the wall. Put your right toe on the wall, take your left foot a step and a half back. Bend your left leg at the knee, increasing the stretch. Change legs and repeat.

Sit on the floor, stretch your straight legs in front of you. put one foot on the thigh of the other. Grasp the foot with the opposite hand and pull the sock.

Change legs.

/ Stretching: stretching classes

About direction

Have you always dreamed of doing splits or have you envied someone who does it with ease? Do you dance and want to make your body more flexible and your movements more refined? Would you like to learn how to perform complex tricks that are impossible to perform without good flexibility? Then our 5Life dance school in the center of Moscow is waiting for you and your children for stretching! Teachers of a high category will help you achieve a good stretch and liberate the body. Stretching is a great way to learn how to control your body, get rid of many ailments. You can do it at any age! Within a month after class, you will learn about those abilities of your body that you did not even know about! After two or three months of training, you will be able to sit on the twine. We are waiting for you to 5Life school for stretching!

What do you need to get started?

To start doing stretching, no prior knowledge is required. physical training. Training starts from scratch with the most simple exercises. Gradually, from lesson to lesson, step by step, your body will become more obedient and more plastic. Flexibility will appear, stretching will improve. If desired, and regular exercises, you can even sit on the twine.

Benefits for the body

The benefits of stretching cannot be overestimated. After all, the mobility of the joints, the elasticity of the ligaments and the plasticity of the muscles are the most important components of the general physical health person. It is no secret that these indicators deteriorate with age. We become less flexible, the risk of injury increases when physical activity. Therefore, regular stretching is so important to restore and maintain excellent physical condition. For girls, stretching is also a great way to achieve the coveted twine!

Stretching (Stretching) is a complex exercise aimed at developing the flexibility of your body, increasing muscle elasticity, eliminating bodily "clamps", correcting posture, and also - for those who wish - achieving certain sports results (stretching for twine, for "Biehlmann", etc. .d.).

  • In stretching classes, we do not learn to dance, this lesson is entirely devoted to gymnastics and relaxation - we simultaneously train our body and learn how to relax properly.
  • Stretching classes are simply necessary for those who are engaged in pole dance, as well as others power types sports: only good stretch can salvage "clogged" muscles during training and help avoid stoop, body asymmetry and other traditional problems that athletes face.
  • In the process of training, the muscles are not only stretched, but also “pulled up”, acquire the necessary tone; joints become more mobile. leaving excess fluid, are eliminated congestion in organism; during training, an intense fat burning process takes place - as a result, you become slimmer, and this always turns out to be a pleasant surprise 😉
  • In stretching classes, the coach works with each student personally, i.e. he stretches you or gives you assignments in strict accordance with your level of training - so you can come to any group, even if you have never done anything before!

In our School you can attend regular stretching classes or choose a special course for yourself "Sit on the Twine in 3 months!", upon completion of which we will issue you a "diploma" on the completion of the relevant training. You can do stretching just for yourself, not chasing results and not rushing anywhere, or purposefully stretching on a twine, on a bridge, etc. under the guidance of the best teachers. In any case, positive results from training will not keep you waiting!

Stretching allows you to:

  1. Improve coordination of movements, posture, get rid of muscle pain, clogged muscles, feelings of tightness and stiffness in the body.
  2. Realize the dream of twine (one or all three;), achieve other sports results that require good stretching.

SIDE EFFECTS: Having started stretching, it is very difficult to stop: the longitudinal twine is followed by the transverse one, the horizontal one by the vertical one, then the “Russian” twine on the pylon… 😉

We guarantee:

  1. Using only proven and safe stretching techniques and techniques that do not harm your body.
  2. Training in stretching, taking into account your individuality and your personal goals - you yourself, together with the trainer, determine the desired result from the training and the pace of its achievement.

Approximate structure of the Stretching lesson:

  1. Warm-up (warm-up) for more effective stretching.
  2. A set of exercises for consistent stretching of all muscle groups.
  3. Special blocks of exercises aimed at achieving specific results: twine, bridge, “ring”, Biellmann, etc.
  4. A block of exercises for relaxation, stress relief and harmonization of the internal state.

*POLE STRETCHING*– Stretching with the Pole is a type of stretching in which the pole is used as an auxiliary tool for stretching exercises. This is an exclusive development of our School! The direction is especially relevant for those who are engaged in pole dance, because. allows you to adapt the stretching program to the pole dance training program as much as possible. Many of the movements and poses used in the Pole Stretching class can be used in the process of pole dancing with little or no changes (for example, vertical splits on the pole, descending into the pole with access to the longitudinal and transverse splits, various positions for stretching the back based on pylon, etc.).