What is carving skis. Everything you need to know about skiing before you go to the shop or rental shop. Long ski - short ski

skiing No wonder it's getting more popular every year. This allows you to follow physical form, in addition, a person receives a portion of extreme. The choice of ski equipment depends on the style of skiing. In recent years, carving has been especially popular, for which there is a separate story.

So called, which is characterized by movement along an arcuate trajectory with successive carved turns. This is achieved by tilting the knees in the direction where the turn will be made. When the speed increases, the hips deviate, and then the body. The method originated in the 1990s. last century and still does not lose popularity. Before that, the technique was available only to professional athletes.

Interesting! Until now, many mistakenly believe that the carving technique is used only in slalom. However, this is not the case and the way of turning on the edges is applicable in snowboarding.

The principle of technique is connected with the meaning of the word. Translated into Russian, "carving" means "cut". Moving on a prepared slope in special skis, you really have to turn often and sharply.

What are carving skis for?

Special skis are used for this type of skiing. Professionals can perform carved turns on classic ones, while beginners should choose the right model. The difference will be in stiffness, length and width.

The track must be prepared. The best option is a soft or hard surface, the snow should be shallow. Skis for such slopes are made "with a waist". This means that the attachment point is noticeably narrower than the ends.

About carving technique

Carving on skiing deserved popularity, because you can learn it, regardless of age and skill level. The style does not imply many movements from the skier, and the student will be able to demonstrate the first results after a week of regular training.

Style Features

There are 2 types of skiing:

  • along large arcuate turns;
  • fast and .

In the first case, you will need to develop a sufficiently high speed, and carving skis should be elongated, stiff and have a small diameter for better grip. The second method is more maneuverable and shorter skis are suitable for it.

It is worth training only on prepared small slopes without sharp descents. Often, hard flooring is used for this, on which a layer of snow is poured. In the natural environment, the tops of the mountains in the early morning will be a suitable track.

Process Nuances

During the descent, it is required to bend the right leg and simultaneously unbend the left, thus shifting the center of gravity to the hips. It is important to keep your legs parallel to the knees. The body rotates respectively to the right or left side depending on the direction of travel. To control the carves correctly, they need to be turned in the direction opposite to the center of gravity.

An experienced instructor will be able to suggest exercises to develop the correct technique.

In this case, the load goes immediately to two skis (in contrast to the classical technique, where only one is loaded). After a caving turn, 2 pronounced stripes remain on the snow.

Since the descent usually occurs at high speed, you need to be very careful, especially at first. With practice, the body will subsequently independently select movements.

In order for the movement to be smooth, it is very important to choose high-quality alpine skis.

If you want to learn carving, you can choose between two schools: European and modern. The first is based on many years of experience and uses a plow and an emphasis in training. Modern teaching methods consider the European school to be outdated and unnecessarily complex. In their methods, modern instructors use intuitive movements, helping skiers perform complex maneuvers without big physical activity. First, they study the semi-carving turn, gradually mastering all the nuances of the technique.

Carving skis

Carving skis are designed exclusively for skiing on groomed slopes. They are similar in shape to sports, but have their own differences:

  • greater softness on the deflection;
  • lower torsion stiffness;
  • increased level of comfort;
  • less "strict" than sports;
  • deep side cut.

The width of the middle part (waist) in such models ranges from 63-75 mm. The turning radius of such skis is from 10 to 19 m. Such parameters make it easier for the skier to enter the turn and allow him to pass it exclusively on the sharp side (edges). This makes the model versatile, suitable for various maneuvers on steep and gentle slopes.

It is customary to say that in the second half of the 90s. last century there was a carving revolution. Indeed, the appearance of this type of ski caused certain changes:

  • an increase in the number of skiers due to the fact that the training technique has been greatly simplified;
  • it's easier to control the speed on the slope;
  • fewer skiers began to go into snowboarding.

The optimal length of carving skis is determined from the calculation - 10-20 cm must be subtracted from the height of the athlete. Experienced skiers can use longer ones, beginners - short ones. The difference is in the angle of rotation.

The radii of amateur models are:

  • short 12-14 m;
  • medium 14-18 m;
  • long 18-23.

It is necessary to distinguish the length of the skis from their radius. The second indicator can be changed using a different slope during the descent.

Ways to use carving

This technique is best suited for descents from gentle slopes and is more often used for turns.

carving turn

The technique consists in turning a certain shape (arc-shaped). In order to perform the element correctly, you need to edge the skis and first dial the technique. It is necessary to enter the turn correctly, which is much easier to do on soft skis.

The most difficult part of the element is entering new turn, because it is associated with a rearrangement of the legs. It requires high level concentration and skill. If earlier carved turns were available only to professionals, since they required great speed, now with new skis it has become available to amateurs.

Having worked out the initial skills, you can start funcarving - a kind of style when you almost have to lie down on the snow at the turn.

Carving on hillocks

Four main parameters influencing the choice of skiing:

  1. Skier growth.

  2. skier weight.

  3. Skier style.

  4. Skier level.
This article is written so that a novice skier can get an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch necessary things as what kind of alpine skis are, what factors influence their choice, and what terms are found in the descriptions of alpine ski models.

What are skiing?

As you might expect, alpine skiing falls into several categories. The determining factor in this case is the level of technical and physical training skier.

In total there are 4 categories of division of alpine skiing:

  1. Skis for beginners

  2. Skis for advanced skiers

  3. Skis for skiers of an expert level

  4. Skis for athletes
Skis of each of these four categories, of course, have corresponding differences. For example, skiing for beginners always softer. They are easier to turn. The price of such skis is much lower than, for example, skis for athletes.

Alpine skiing for advanced skiers and experts are located on the same level, both in terms of price and technical specifications.

Respectively, skiing for athletes belong to the upper price category. They are designed for good technical skills, as well as good physical training of the skier. These skis are the most rigid and elastic.

Of course, specialized models of alpine skiing also exist. For example, such models include sports junior skis, women's skis and children's skis. Alpine skiing is also divided into different categories according to its purpose: there are skis designed for lovers of various levels:

  • universal skis

  • carving skis

  • off-piste skis

  • specialized sports skis
– skis for slalom, giant slalom, ski acrobatics freestyle, ski cross.

In order for the reader to avoid misunderstandings that lead to questions, we will tell him about the types of skis listed above.

Carving skis

These are modern alpine skis, which are designed for skiing on the preparatory slopes. ski resorts. Such skis provide the ability to ski in short or wide deep arcs. The average width of the middle part (waist) of a carving ski is on average 63-68 mm. Carving skis have a great contrast between the width of the nose of the ski, its waist and the width of the back. The radius of the side cutout of a carving ski is from 10 to 17 m. Thanks to this geometry, the carving ski easily enters a turn and gets the opportunity to pass the entire slope without sliding with the entire plane of the ski, “on the edges”. While skiing on carving skis, the skier evenly loads both skis, which cannot be said, for example, about the classic technique - with the load only on the outer leg to the turn. Carving skis are not suitable for skiing in deep snow, but as far as soft or hard (ice) groomed slopes, such skiing is fine for these skis. As for the purchase of carving skis, they should be chosen 10-20 cm shorter than the height of the skier. If skis are purchased for skiing in the mountains and require stability at high speed, it is possible to take skis 5-15 cm shorter than the height of the skier.

Fan carving, or rather, radical carving, is a subspecies of the carving skis described above. These skis have a very large contrast between the width of the tip and the width of the waist of the ski. While skiing on such skis, the skier almost lays down on the slope in a turn, and often even touches the slope with his hand. And in the turn the skier loads more inner leg to the turn.


These are alpine skis that are designed for off-piste skiing in the mountains. These skis are resistant to different conditions snow on the slope and passable in loose snow. They have a wider waist than carving skis: from 80 mm or more. The radius of the side cutout of the ski is approximately from 17 to 30 m. As for the purchase of freeride skis, they are chosen with a length of plus or minus 5 cm to height. You need to be careful, as freeride skiing requires no less than an expert level of skiing. In addition to being the widest freeride skis, they are also quite versatile and suitable for skiing on groomed slopes. The widest freeride skis have a waist of 90-110 mm, and they are designed for skiing on virgin lands, deep snow. Such skis (Powder) are selected as long as the height of the skier or up to 10 cm longer.

Universal alpine skiing (All-Mountain, Allround)

A kind of ski that provides the possibility of carving skiing both on prepared slopes and off-piste exits (on virgin lands, mounds, puffs). Such skis usually have a waist within 80 mm (from 68 to 80 mm). The length of universal skis should be the height of the skier or shorter by 10 cm.

Sports alpine skiing (Racing)

These skis are also called racing skis. They are characterized by maximum rigidity in order to provide controllability at high speeds and under heavy loads. Athletes use racing skis on steep sports tracks. In turn, sports skis are divided into several subspecies:

  • slalom skis

  • giant slalom skis

  • ski cross-country skis

  • freestyle skis
Now consider each of these subspecies.

Sports slalom skis- These are elastic skis with a side cutout with a radius of approximately 7-15 mm. They have a great contrast between the width of the toe and the width of the waist. Slalom skis are chosen in length in the same way as carving skis: 10-15 cm shorter than the skier's height.

Sports skis for giant slalom and ski cross(their description can be combined) - these are hard skis, the side cutout of which is 17-21 m. The length of these skis should be the height of the skier or up to 10 cm shorter.

Skis for freestyle (Freestyle)- these are skis that are designed for acrobatic exercises in specially prepared ski parks. The skis are designed for ski jumping, acrobatics in the pipe and specially prepared hillocks (mogul track). Twin-type freestyle skis feature high-curved, rounded heels that allow for a back-first landing after a jump. Usually freestyle skis are universal for amateur skiing on any slopes.

How does the characteristics of the ski affect its behavior under the skier?

Wide ski - narrow ski

It is easier to ride on hard and icy slopes with a narrower ski. It is lighter, better goes on a bumpy, uneven track. More agile and "alive", as less effort is needed to change the edge.

In deep snow and virgin lands, a wider ski goes better. It does not "sink", is more stable in direction and more stable.

As for the tip width of a ski, the wider the tip, the easier it is for the skier to turn. Alpine skis with a wide toe are used mainly for carving.

Best for off-piste skiing with a wide waist. The wider the waist, the better the ski's handling on different snow surfaces and the easier the ski floats in deep snow.

A ski with a narrower waist turns easier.

Alpine skis with a wide heel are used for carving. The wider the heel, the deeper the arc at the end of the turn.

The sidecut of the ski is made large on slalom and carving skis. The radius of the arcs that the skier can ride is smaller depending on the depth of the sidecut. For example, on short slopes near St. Petersburg, a large cut allows you to make more arcs.

A shallow cut of a large radius is made on freeride skis.

For off-piste skiing, a ski with a high toe is better suited.

Flat-toe skis are designed for slalom on the sports track, for carving on prepared slopes.

Soft ski - hard ski

For beginner skiers, soft skis are better suited, as they begin to sag (“work”) at lower speeds and better absorb large terrain irregularities. Soft skis go better on puffy snow and virgin soil. Models of skis for beginners and for freeride on virgin soil are just soft skis.

On hard and icy slopes, hard skis hold better - they go “like on rails”. They more clearly lead the arc. They are more difficult to enter into the turn, but at the end of the turn they give all their energy. Rigid skis are designed for sports and carving on prepared slopes. They require a lot of both technical and physical training of the skier.

long ski- short ski

Longer skis are more stable at speed, more stable and easier to ride on virgin soil. They are suitable for long and wide trails, for "big mountains".

Shorter skis turn easier on the slope. They are more nimble, easier to go on icy, hard slopes, on uneven and bumpy tracks. These skis are suitable for skiing on short groomed slopes.

The design of modern skis.

There are 3 types of alpine ski construction, namely:


In a ski, like a sandwich, several layers of materials are connected, each of which “works”. The bottom and top layers usually provide stiffness, since these layers are made of rigid materials.

The upper, rigid layer acts as a constructive "carrier layer". The remaining layers are attached to it from below.

"Box" (Monocoque).

A modern type of construction, which is opposed to two traditional ones: “syndwich” and “cap”.

In this design, the middle of the ski is wrapped in synthetic materials or in a metal sheath on all sides. This provides greater torsional rigidity of the ski, that is, the ski does not twist under load. The middle of the ski is made of wood or synthetic materials.

Such a ski is more stable in a turn, less sensitive to uneven terrain and gently curves.

In the characteristics of the ski, a rather important place is occupied by vibration damping (damping of vibrations), which occurs in the ski. Micro-roughnesses are found on any slope. These are small bumps, traces of the "snowcat" or hard lumps of snow. During skiing, the ski experiences micro-shocks, as a result of which it begins to vibrate finely. At this moment, at the moment of vibrations, the toe and heel are not adjacent to the slope. Accordingly, contact is lost, and the controllability and reliability of the ski behavior are reduced. What determines the quality of ski vibration damping? – Her behavior at medium and high speeds. The better the vibration is absorbed, the more accurately the ski goes in an arc, the better it holds on a hard icy slope and behaves more stable on high speeds. Absolutely in all sports and expert skiing, attention is paid to the issue of vibration damping. Where will the greatest vibrations be present? - Rather, in cheap skis for beginners.

Mounting installation.

Some models of modern alpine skis already come with bindings. The rest of the hB ski models have a platform that allows you to install models of only certain types. If the ski does not have this special platform, any mounts for mounting on screws are suitable for installation. It is advisable to install mounts in service centers or special workshops at stores. These locations have special installation templates. ski bindings various manufacturers.

Firms that are the main manufacturers of mining lyzh.

  • Atomic;
  • Dynastar;
  • dynamic;
  • Elan;
  • extreme;
  • Fischer;
  • head;
  • Kneissl;
  • Nordic;
  • Rossignol;
  • Salomon;
  • Stokli;
  • Volkl.
The average modern length of amateur carving skis for a prepared slope is 5-15 cm shorter for men and 10-15 cm shorter for women for people of average weight. With more weight, we recommend longer or stiffer skis, with less - vice versa. If the skier prefers shorter turns in his skiing, i.e. his riding style is closer to the special. slalom or funcarving, then he needs the shortest possible skis. With faster skiing on longer arcs, longer skis are needed, up to the height of the rider. For those who like to ride off-piste on soft or broken snow, wider models from the group of universal or freeride skis are needed with a length of about height or more.
For children starting their skiing career, we offer skis 10-15 cm shorter than their height. If the child is already able to ski, then you can offer skis “in height” for growth or at the discretion of the coach.
In general, the size of skis is highly dependent on the specific model. If these are skis of classical geometry, then they are selected + 15 ... 30 cm in height. Modern skis of carving geometry are selected from -20 to +10 cm in height. Many manufacturers have special tables that simplify the selection of the correct size.

What is the turning radius of alpine skis. Carving skis.

In this video, we will talk about such an important characteristic of alpine skiing as the radius. It is also called turning radius, arc, etc. The essence is the same. To date, there are many models of alpine skis on the market with different characteristics, for different purposes, for people with different levels preparation. When choosing alpine skis, many people set the condition that the skis be carving. One thing needs to be done right here. important note. 99.9% of all skis today are carved. What is carving?

Carving(from English to carve - cut, cut) - a technique for skiing or snowboarding, which consists in performing successive carved turns by deflecting the knees in the direction of the turn. Carving involves a uniform loading of both legs of the skier, in contrast to the classical technique, in which the load falls on the outer leg to turn. Ideal carving does not involve side slipping of skis.

The carving technique appeared in the late 90s - early 2000s and almost completely replaced classical technique. Since it is much easier to learn from scratch. This coincided with the emergence of new materials and technologies that make it possible to make the skis wide enough and at the same time rigid in torsion (in the torsion bar). The appearance of such models of skis on the market has almost completely replaced classic skis, which did not have (or practically did not have) a side cutout.

Carving skiing technique imposes certain requirements on the equipment, namely, skis must have a difference in the width of the toe, waist and heel. This difference determines the presence of a side cutout on the ski. Any cut can be described by a circle, and the circle, in turn, is described by a radius. And since almost all (with the exception of rare special models) skis that are now produced by the ski industry have a difference in toe, waist and heel width, it is logical to say that all these skis are carving skis. They will differ in the size of this very radius. Conventionally, it is customary to consider a radius of 10-14 m short, 14-18 - medium, and more than 18 - large. We emphasize - CONDITIONAL!

And the last one is very important point, relative to the radius. The number indicating the radius of the ski does not mean that the ski will turn exactly along this radius (no more, no less). This should not be confused with the "minimum turning radius" in the performance characteristics of the car. On skis with a radius of 18 m, you can lay an arc of 15 m and 20 m, and even with equipment of 14 m, etc. The radius of alpine skiing is only a geometric indicator of a particular model, which shows how comfortable it will be to ski on arcs of small, medium or large radius.

You have firmly decided that there will be no happiness in life without skiing. We decided very well. Until now, winter has been just a cold, slippery season for you, and you have been looking forward to spring.

Main stand.

Now that you have purchased your own skis, everything has changed radically.

The only thing left is to learn how to manage skis. There is nothing complicated about this, the cycle of lessons below is quite sufficient for self-learning the basics.

For successful learning, you must not miss anything, perform all the exercises to automatism, and monitor possible mistakes.

We are sure you will succeed.

First steps.

The warm-up is carried out in buttoned boots, without skis and sticks. Skiing is also a sport. And immediately giving a load to “cold” muscles is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

It is optimal to take 8-15 minutes to warm up, the colder it is outside, the longer. Exercise is no different morning exercises, but it is recommended to carry it out from top to bottom, from head to toe, with an emphasis on rotational and swing movements.

Extra very useful exercise: running in a small circle with a turn and running in the opposite direction along the clap of the leader. It “warms” well, teaches a quick reaction, the legs get used to the boots.

After warming up, the inner boot “kneads” on the leg, so the clips must be additionally tightened. The boot should be tightened as tightly as possible, but there should be no discomfort.

We remind you that the pants are over the boot, inside the boot there should be only a long sock made of thin thread.

Fold the skis with the sliding surface towards each other. The ski feet should take an X-shaped position. Put the skis on your shoulder with your toes forward and hold with one hand closer to your toes. The front fastening should be over the shoulder. Take both sticks in your free hand to maintain balance.

We put on the skis - evenly, without skew, insert the toe of the boot into the front mount and press hard, but without impact, on the heel. The fastener should close with a characteristic click. If it does not click, it means that it is crookedly inserted or snow has stuck to the sole. We remove the ski by pressing the pedal on the rear mount with a ski pole or other boot, remove the snow with light sliding strikes of the sole against the front mount or with a ski pole.

The place of the exercise is the plain. Yes, skiing is mountain, but we will climb the mountain a little later. Skis are shod, poles in hands, straps of poles are not to be worn. Skis hip-width apart, parallel to each other.

We lie down with the shin on the tongues of the boots. The tibia should be nearly vertical to the slope. The body is tilted forward. Hands are raised parallel to the slope, slightly bent at the elbows, fists slightly wider than shoulders. The sticks should be parallel to the shins. This odd body position is called the "Main Stance (OS)".

Almost all ski controls are based on changing the Center of Gravity (CG). With proper stance, the VU should be approximately above the front mount. If the stance is wrong - initially wrong, all attempts to make a turn will be unsuccessful.

Most of the errors and crashes in further skating, regardless of the class, are connected precisely with errors in the OS. Alpine skiing is controlled from socks. Therefore, the feeling of pressing the lower leg on the tongue of the boot should ALWAYS be present when skiing!

If you feel pressure calf muscle on the back of the boot - the OS is lost, the skis are uncontrollable, you need to “catch up” with the skis by moving the body forward.

Main Rack (OS) in the picture:

1. Lines of the back, lower leg and ski poles should be parallel.
2. Watch where to go!
3. The CG must be in front of the front mount, not above the rear! The back and lower back should be in a straight line, the lower back should not stick out or lower!
4. Don't give up! Hands have weight + work as a lever, with lowered hands the CG will go back, then see point 3.
5. Press the shin on the tongue of the boot!
6. The position of the skis is at the width of the hips, not narrower and not wider at any moment of movement. As the legs grow, so let them stand.

Fundamentals of movement.

Exercise number 1.
Herringbone climb.
We turn to face the elephant, spread the ski toes as wide as possible. We make sure that the backs of the skis do not cross at the same time. Stick sticks outside the skis!
We put the skis on the inner edges. Leaning with both sticks on the slope, we take a small step up the slope. We put the other foot, move the CG forward, rearrange the sticks.

The trail from the rise should resemble a Christmas tree with the top down. The herringbone climb is used in more gentle areas than the ladder.

Exercise number 2.
Climbing ladder.
We stand across the slope, the skis are parallel, we rest against the slope with sticks. We bend our knees to the slope, the skis become on the edges. We stick the upper stick higher up the slope, transfer the CT to the lower ski, lift and rearrange the upper ski 15-20 cm higher.

We transfer the CT to it and attach the lower ski, followed by a stick. The trail from the skis should resemble a ladder. During the ascent, it is necessary to keep the skis on the edges continuously to avoid slipping down.

Exercise number 3.
U-turn on a slope by stepping over.
Exactly the same as on the plain, but with a few details. We stand across the slope. We rest with sticks down the slope, turn the body also down the slope, put the skis on the edges.

We move the back of the upper ski up the slope, the skis should stand in a V-shape. In small steps, we alternately move the backs of the skis. The toes of the skis should always be at a small distance from each other.

The greater the distance between the backs of the skis, the more stable the position. You only need to rearrange the heels, socks - do not tear them off the snow.

We move until the moment when we are again across the slope. You need to repeat the exercise several times, clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise number 4.
Direct descent.
It is carried out on a very gentle slope, always with a long roll-out or counter-slope.
- We climb the slope with a "herringbone" or "ladder", we stand across the slope.

- Leaning on sticks, we put the skis in parallel.
- We take the main stance, start moving.
- Hold the main rack to a complete stop.

Exercise number 5.
Coordination and balance exercise
The same sliding in a straight line, but in motion we alternately raise one leg and continue sliding on one ski without losing the main stance.

Exercise number 6.
Sliding with change of direction.
The same sliding in a straight line in the main stance, but adding a few steps to the side. In the process of sliding, we raise one leg, put it a little in a groan and continue to move on this ski, raise the other leg and put it on. The skis must run parallel.

Raise the entire ski, not just the toe. Again, do not lose the main rack! If the skis “spread” and the toe rises, this is a mistake, the CG has moved back.

Exercise number 7.
Coordinating movements.
During a straight descent, we perform the same exercises for coordination of movements as on the plain - we take out the front bindings with our hands.

When performing this exercise, it is important not to squat, but to bend the body at the waist in the right direction. After each "getting" we take the main rack.

Exercise number 8.
Turning from a straight descent by stepping.
In a straight descent to turn left raise left leg and rearrange its toe to the left by 15-20 cm.
- We put the right foot.
- We continue to rearrange the skis until the turn across the elephant.
- We continue to move until a complete stop.
- Repeat the exercise several times in different directions.

Exercise number 9.
Body and arms in the main stance.

1. Sticks should be parallel to the shins.
2. The knees should look along the skis. You can't bring your knees in!
3. The distance between the toes of the skis is visually 10-15 cm, between the heels - as wide as possible.
4. Elbows do not touch the body, fists never fall below the waist.
Do not stick out your elbows to the sides - “we don’t wear watermelons!”

Exercise number 10.

The venue is a very gentle slope with a long rollout or counterslope.

- We climb the slope "herringbone" or "ladder".
- We stand across the slope.
- We move the sticks down the slope.
- We turn the body down the slope.
- Stepping over (small steps) we turn the skis along the line of the water slope. - The first step is with the top ski!
- Leaning on sticks, we take the “plow” stand by slipping.
- We remove the sticks in the position of the main rack.
- We begin the movement with a slight tilt of the body forward.
- During the movement, we part the heels to the sides.
We notice how the speed changes with these vertical movements.
- We try to achieve complete control over the speed of movement, but do not stop.
- At the end of the descent, we widen the backs of the skis and take the body back a little. It should be a pretty abrupt stop.
- Hold the plow to a complete stop.

We repeat the whole exercise several times until automatic.

A - the distance between the backs of the skis is large, the speed is low.

B - the distance between the backs of the skis is less, the speed is higher.

C - stop. The distance between the backs of the skis is greater than A.
The body is tilted back a little.

Braking and stopping with a plow is your lifesaver in the most difficult and unpredictable moments.
Even great masters use the plow in extreme cases. There are cases in which nothing but a plow can slow down, for example, a narrow road in the forest, an icy area, transporting cargo.

Exercise number 11.
Right turn with a plow (initial carving).
1. The venue is a very gentle slope with a long rollout or counterslope. We accept the “plow” position in the main stance and begin to move down the slope.
2. During the movement, the load on both skis is uniform. The knees will look at the tips of the skis, you can’t bring your knees together!
3. Smoothly transfer the CT to the left leg.
We bend the hip, knee and ankle joints.
Yes, the ankle needs to be bent!
The boot should bend.

4. Press the foot of the left foot on inner part boot (i.e. load the left foot). We are trying to get the knee to the toe of the ski. Of course, this is impossible, but the direction of the load must be exactly there.
5. The correct position of the body in the turn according to the picture:

The red lines are drawn at an angle equal to the slope of the slope.
The lines of the shoulders (1), arms (2), hips (3), knees (4), ski toes (5) should be parallel to the slope and to each other.
6. The right leg is relaxed, as the entire weight of the body is on the left leg. The task of the right leg is to hold the “plow” position, as in the picture.
7. The load on the left leg should be constant.
8. Do not try to help the left leg turn by forceful rotation of the heels, shoulders, hips. Will not help. The ski cannot turn instantly. Just stand on it and wait. Will definitely return.
9. We turn until the ski is across the slope. We slide a few more meters to the stop.

Exercise number 12.
1. We load the right leg.
The ski at the expense of carving geometry begins to “cut” the turn. We lead the turn to a position where the lower ski becomes across the slope, the field of which we smoothly attach the upper (left) foot so that the skis become parallel.

Gently move the top ski forward, being careful not to tear it off the snow. In no case do not lift the toe of the upper ski - this will lead to the rear rack and fall.

Do not let the loaded (right) ski slip, do not try to break the ski from the arc that it leads, by force or jerk. When moving along the traverse, we tilt our knees slightly towards the elephant so that the skis move on the edges.

By picture: Movement in the plow (1) diagonally across the slope; by attaching the upper leg we go out on parallel skis in the main stance (2); knees slightly inclined towards the slope (3); both skis go on the edges, the load on the lower ski (4) prevails.

Exercise number 13.

In the picture: The whole turn consists of two phases:

Phase 1. Left turn:
- We load the inside of the right ski (1) - turn to the left (2).
- We unload the right ski (3) by equalizing the pressure on both skis to enter the water slope line.

Phase 2. Right turn:
- We load the inside of the left ski (4) - turn to the right (5).
— Unloading left ski by equalizing the pressure on both skis to enter the line of water slope.
Both phases are done smoothly, without the use of physical force and jerks.

The unloading phase is needed in order to connect the “right” and “left” turns into one “snake”.

Let's do it again!!! Very important!!!

— Having accepted starting position, we start the turn.
- To do this, we load and gradually turn the outer ski (right) to the turn onto the inner edge.
- The inner ski remains unloaded, continuing to move in the “plow” position.
- From this it turns out that by loading the right ski, you will turn left.
- And vice versa: loading the left ski - you will turn right.

Perform turns as many times as necessary until automatic in movements. You should feel, and not think, which leg is left-right and where the boot has the inner and where the outer part.

Important: in all phases, do not bring your knees together, do not lose the main stance, load only !!! the inside of the boot, maintain all parallels.

If you do everything right, you will get a piece of a real carved, carved turn.

The lower ski should leave behind a characteristic trace - a smooth thin arc.

If there is a smudge - the ski is not on the edge, slips, or you are trying to turn it by force.

Don't stress.

Alpine skiing takes an honorable second place in the universal ranking of pleasures. But in order to get this pleasure, you need to relax, by analogy with the first place in the rating.

Below is a video prepared by experienced ski instructors, which covers all the steps and aspects of training, from carrying skis to dealing with a difficult situation. In these films, you will look at the choice of equipment and equipment, initial training, plow turns, traverse and sliding turns.
MAIN! Tasks, exercises, examples that you will find in these films will help you to do the workouts on your own in the future.

Ski school of the resort "Bukovel"

Ski school of the resort "Sorochany"

CHILDREN who already know something and can show their skills!

Skiing is a pleasant activity that improves health and allows you to get the most out of skiing. snowy slopes. Such popularity leads to the emergence of new styles of skating. Carving skis are soft equipment that can be used to move down the slopes for beginners and professionals.

Carving is a skating technique that is characterized by a congress along a trajectory. The technique looks like the skier tilts his knees in the direction of the turn. With an increase in the speed of movement, the athlete rejects the hips, then the body. The history of the direction begins at the end of the 20th century and so far its popularity has not faded.

The word carving means "to cut". A feature of the style is the implementation of a large number of sharp turns. In carving, the load is distributed evenly on both legs of the athlete, while the classic descent differs in the distribution of weight on the outer leg from turning. Therefore, knowing what skiing for carving is is useful information for any skier.

The advantages of the skating method are obvious: the uniform loading of both limbs does not allow them to get very tired, and good speed adds adrenaline. A variety of cut turns are semi-carving.

What are carving skis for?

Many amateurs ask: “what are carving skis?”. Carving skis are a device for descent along ski slopes, which makes it easy to enter sharp turns and ride on edges. The difference between special and classic equipment is the soft design of the former. Therefore, such models are chosen by beginners and athletes.

Important! Carving - controlling the weight of your body, distributing the load and balancing when passing sharp turns.

To learn this, there are ski schools. For training there is a covered slope, instructors give skiers tasks, exercises. The training period is subject to video filming. Such methods teach the skier how to maneuver in snowy areas. Before learning the technique, they are trained in a semi-carving turn.

In addition, there is a theory guidelines supported by expert advice. These methods help the slalom fan improve in new ways.

The slalom equipment has large cutouts that reduce the likelihood of edge slip when climbing steep descents.

Features of skis big difference between the toe and heel. This shape allows you to descend on the edges without sinking onto the plane of the runners. Depending on the riding technique, speed, turning radius, there are varieties of equipment.

Criteria for choosing universal carving skis: what to look for?

When choosing ski equipment, pay attention to the parameters:

  1. Great contrast between toe, midfoot and heel. Its average width is 65 mm. This difference allows the skier to enter turns at high speed, to glide across the snow only on the edges, without relying on the entire plane.
  2. The height of the skier is of great importance. Choose equipment 10-20 cm shorter than the athlete's height. There are ways to calculate the size of skis, knowing the parameters of the skier.
  3. The sidecut radius is the most important criterion for the selection of ski equipment. This indicator determines how steep the skier's turns will be. A small radius allows the slalomist to easily get into turns and move well. For carving, this is of great importance. The large radius is designed for smooth descent.

Fan carvings have a huge difference between the middle, toe section. The descent style is characterized by the skier entering the turn practically lying down. This technique involves a load on outer leg closest to the turn. Autocarving - stand out with a special design. Deep side cutouts allow you to confidently and quickly pass the most difficult turns.

Width of universal skis

The width of universal skis ranges from 70-100 cm. This value is more equipment for prepared slopes, but smaller size freeride equipment. With an average indicator, the equipment provides easy entry into turns at high speed, as well as a comfortable descent on virgin soil.

Technical versatility and sidecut

Classic models should not only be standard in terms of surface, but also suitable for different styles of riding. To achieve such goals, the developers came up with a special side cutout, on which the skier energetically enters turns and calmly moves along smooth slopes.

Thus, the engineers managed to make a model with a wide middle part and a progressive side cutout. The resulting reduced side radius allows for quick turn-in on hard downhills, while the wide rear end provides smoother gliding on flat and gentle terrain.

turning radius

Radius refers to the minimum distance a skier can turn. turning radius in universal skis is from 15 to 16 meters. Such an important parameter must be selected according to the type of slope on which the athlete will ride and according to his riding style.

Rocker on universal skis

Rocker - the reverse deflection of the ski, located near the rise of the toe or heel of the skier. Such a bend is noticed when examining the equipment from the side. Rocker Need:

  • simplification of the initial moment of rotation;
  • soft glide on uneven surfaces, raised toe smooths out all bumps;
  • stable handling in wet and loose snow.

Rocker skis make a smooth arc of the turn and help the skier go through all the turns easily and naturally, without spending a lot of effort on them.

How to distinguish a carving turn

A carving turn is characterized by the movement of the rear ski following the front ski, avoiding slippage. This technique allows you to maneuver on steep descents without slowing down. After making a turn, the skier leaves two clear lines on the snow.

This style involves tilting the slalom skier's body in the direction the skier is turning. And in fan carving, the slalomist practically touches the snow.

The goals in sports and amateur entertainment are quite different. For athletes, a quick descent on snow-covered slopes is important, for beginners - the pleasure of winter holidays with maximum safety and comfort.

Therefore, in carving there is a well-established training system, which involves cutting glide without braking from the very first lesson. The main thing in training is constant speed control.

Experts advise following these guidelines:

  1. Beginners are advised to start by looking for a gentle slope so that there are few people on it. Before practicing "carved turns", the amateur should learn how to tip the skis, enter turns with a sufficient radius.
  2. Special skis should be soft with sharp edges, paying special attention to the depth of the sidecut.
  3. The complexity of the technique lies in the need to apply pressure on the inner edges. Thus, the skis will turn sideways. The control on the descent is carried out by the knees.
  4. Beginners are advised to choose equipment with small radii.

Any model of ski equipment is picked up in the sports shop. The company is an official dealer of popular winter sports equipment brands. The rating of the goods presented in the catalog is high and allows every novice carver or professional with extensive experience to choose high-quality equipment for themselves.