What is WorldSkills? WorldSkills - championship of working professions Championship of working professions worldskills



By 2025, Russia will face a labor shortage of 10 million people. In order not to lose competitiveness, by 2024 the country must move into the digital era, which both the authorities and business are talking about today. The key problem is the acute shortage of personnel for digital transformation. It is possible to grow them in the required quantity only by rebuilding the system of vocational education.

The Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)" sets new standards for modern working professions, changes the examination system in colleges and universities, and also acts as a link between employers and young employees. How the movement is changing the labor market in Russia - in the RIA Novosti longread.

Start. From Spanish workers to the digital economy

The WorldSkills International (WSI) movement originated in post-war Spain, which, like many countries at that time, was experiencing a shortage of workers. To revive interest in working professions, one of the initiators of the movement, Francisco Albert-Vidal, decided to hold a professional skills competition among young professionals. They learned about the competition from newspapers and traveled to Madrid from all over Europe at their own expense. I wanted to show myself and look at others.

photo MIA "Russia Today"

Simon Bartley, WSI President

“Albert-Vidal set himself three goals: to turn the competition participants into a role model for young people, to organize a meeting of expert and professional communities from different countries, and to give young professionals the opportunity to determine their position in the global labor market. All three goals remain relevant today.”

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Although the main mission of the movement has remained the same, changes in the labor market and the development of technology have created new challenges. Automation and the transition to a digital economy have created a need for a new type of workforce, whose abilities are measured by competencies, and not diplomas and certificates.

Now WorldSkills needs to train not just a young competitive professional, but a specialist adapted to modern realities, ready to work side by side with smart devices and robotics, and constantly expand their knowledge.

First steps. Labor shortage and labor market paradoxes

Russia joined the WorldSkills movement in 2012. At that time, technical schools and colleges, despite attempts at reform, still seemed to many to be the lowest educational level, which is passed only by those who failed to enter a university and who did not dare to take the exam.

Reforming the system of secondary vocational education was the first task that faced the Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)". This is an important difference between the Russian traffic model and analogues in other countries.

If the conditional SwissSkills (“WorldSkills Switzerland”) or WorldSkills France act primarily as a center for attracting young professionals and preparing them for the championships, then the Russian division of WorldSkills seeks to reform the entire education system.

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Educational institutions in the country are still struggling to adapt to the realities of the modern labor market. Outdated curricula, teacher training principles that have not changed over the years, conflicting standards and obsolete equipment have led to a natural shortage of staff.

In the 1990s, many educational institutions lost contact with enterprises. Graduates acquired abstract skills for an abstract future, often from a bygone past. As a result, having gone to work, they were forced to retrain.

photo MIA "Russia Today"

Petr Nekrasov, IEK representative

“Students learn montage with pictures. They can't saw, they can't mount. The company faced a shortage of qualified personnel in the electrical industry.”

Talks about the same problem CEO manufacturer of welding machines "Kemppi Russia" Evgeny Dmitriev.

photo "Kemppi Russia"

Evgenia Dmitrieva, General Director of Kemppi Russia, a manufacturer of welding machines

“College students were not prepared to work with our welding equipment. They asked to give them old transformer devices, because they were only familiar with such equipment.

Over the 5 years of WorldSkills' existence in Russia, the movement has been supported by dozens of partners. Among them are large state corporations such as Rostec, Roskosmos and Rosatom. They do not hide the fact that they are striving to enter the international market and are in dire need of personnel who would meet international standards.

Such specialists can be found among the participants of regional, national and international WorldSkills championships. State corporations also train specialists from the inside, relying on international professional training standards.

Another part of the partners are Russian representative offices of foreign companies, for example, robotics manufacturers Kuka and Festo. They not only need staff, but also try to popularize relatively new industries among schoolchildren and students.

To do this, together with WorldSkills, companies are opening robotic laboratories in the regions. Two years ago, the Russian representative office of Kuka was the first to introduce the Industrial Robotics competency into the WorldSkills line.

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The Union is trying to establish bilateral contact between educational institutions and companies.

photo MIA "Russia Today"

“We have a traditional gap between the employer and education, and the WorldSkills project is largely aimed at creating a bridge between business and the training system”

Preparing young professionals for the realities of the digital economy is another task that has not yet been solved. Together with the consulting company Boston Consulting Group, WorldSkills Russia studied the situation on the labor market in modern Russia. As the survey showed, at least 66% of enterprises fear that they will not be able to develop due to a lack of qualified specialists.

According to analysts, by 2025 Russia will face a shortage of 10 million people.

The trend is, in principle, characteristic of most secondary vocational education institutions in the world. The McKinsey study revealed a paradoxical situation: 50% of young people believe that the next stage of education after graduation increases their chances of finding a job.

Moreover, the majority of educational institutions (72%) believe that their graduates are ready for real work. However, only 43% of employers find specialists with the required skill level.

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Graduates of technical schools, colleges and universities come to enterprises with diplomas, grades and grades, but in fact diploma and certification are not confirmed.

photo of SC "Rosatom"

Alexey Ponomarenko, Director of the Center for International Programs of the Rosatom Corporate Academy

“An A in one college doesn't always equal an A in another. At the same time, it is extremely important that young people can perform
a specialist in a specialized task, which is often implemented on very expensive and high-precision equipment. Therefore professional
education should train specialists as quickly as possible with a flexible program and minimal costs”

Heads of educational institutions also drew attention to the imperfection of the personnel training system.

“The format for assessing the competencies of graduates needs to be changed, because the gap with the requirements of employers is growing”

Universities also notice the discrepancy between graduates and the demands of employers.

“Employer surveys show that the country's higher education system is lame. Graduates need additional training and retraining”

Launch. New standards for the real sector of the economy

Demo exam

In 2014, the requirement to bring Russian colleges up to international standards for training specialists took shape at the government level.

And two years later, in Russia, they decided to test the format of a demonstration exam using the WorldSkills method, a new state final certification system that allows you to test the skills of graduates in real production conditions.

The Ministry of Education and Science is already hinting that the technique may soon be officially approved as the main form of the GIA. The demonstration exam takes into account the real requirements of the labor market, and not conditional standards.

That is why the work of examinees is evaluated by independent experts from industry enterprises who are familiar with real requirements at work or in the office.

Mikhail Sivtsev, Director of the Department of Secondary Vocational Education and Development of Professional Competences, FEFU

“The traditional exam is conducted by a teacher who taught students himself. Basically, this is a format for answering theoretical questions. In accordance with the WorldSkills methodology, the student is examined by independent experts, and their practical skills are tested. The Test Project remains the same for everyone, so the luck factor is eliminated.”

The tasks for the demo exam are really hard to compare with the answers to the tickets. For several days, students perform the same tasks as participants in international WorldSkills competitions. Theory is kept to a minimum - it only reinforces the actions that need to be performed in real conditions on real equipment.

For some competencies, this bar is still too high. The head of WSR, Robert Urazov, calls the experiment with the demo exam in CAD engineering design at FEFU "educational hara-kiri." But on the other hand, such a model allows students to identify the missing skills - the so-called skills gaps. And schools, in turn, can adjust the curriculum while the system is being pilot tested.

"Demexam gives a clear picture of what equipment students need to prepare, taking into account the employer's requests"- notes Sivtsev.

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Thus, several problems are solved at once: the objectivity of the assessment, its adequacy, and the gap between the requirements of employers and the skills of graduates. Under these conditions, everyone wins. Educational institutions improve the training system, students develop skills for the real, not the abstract sector of the economy, and enterprises get access to a database of qualified personnel that meet all established standards.

Moreover, competencies are confirmed not by a diploma with grades in subjects, but by a Skills-passport listing specific skills - another WSR project. It indicates the modules that the student completed. The results of the participant are reflected in the graph, which also indicates the minimum and maximum valid results according to the standard.

Since January, more than 14,000 graduates of colleges and universities have already passed the demo exam. A pilot project on 73 competencies has started in 26 regions of Russia.

About 40 companies, including Rosatom, R-Pharm and IEK, have recognized Skills Passports as a tool for independent assessment of student preparation.

photo GK "R-Pharm"

Ivan Semyonov, Vice President for Human Resources and Organizational Development, R-Pharm

“Skills passports are an analogue of a pre-interview, which is conducted by an educational institution instead of an employer”

In some situations, demonstrating skills to international standards can cost a career. And here is one such true story.

Vasily Shabarov, a student of the technical school, has passed several stages of the WorldSkills championships. He became the winner in the CNC milling competency at the 1st WorldSkills Russia Regional Championship in Leningrad region, and also participated in the national championship in Krasnodar. After defending his diploma, Shabarov got a job at one of the enterprises of the state corporation Rosatom. But he was expected by an ordinary level of salary and an ordinary complexity of tasks. No one took into account neither the certificates, nor the recommendations of the technical school, nor the results of participation in the WSR movement.

Vitaly Manzuk, Deputy Director of the Kirov Polytechnic College

“We invited the management of the enterprise to test Shabarov's competence at our site in the format of a demonstration exam. We have prepared workplace so that Shabarov can express himself to the fullest. He had to turn a milling part according to the assignment from any international WorldSkills championship at the choice of the factory workers. As a result, we settled on a competitive part from the 2015 World Championship in Sao Paulo. Vasily Shabarov spent 4 hours more than WS standards allow, but he coped with the task"

The part created by him was checked by the representatives of the enterprise in the central measuring laboratory. The result differed from the ideal set by the drawing in only three sizes out of more than 60 and only by 3-4 microns. An ordinary employee Vasily was transferred to another workshop with more modern equipment and a more complex level of production tasks.


Skills-passport is more trusted by international experts. Konstantin Dolgikh, a graduate of the First Moscow Educational Complex, passed a demonstration exam in cooking and took part in several WorldSkills championships.

Now the pastry chef is getting additional education technologist in the culinary field and works in the French restaurant Ladurée in Moscow. So far, Dolgikh holds the position of a cook, but in the near future he should be promoted to the position of demi chef de party (an analogue of a shift foreman).

Konstantin Dolgikh, Pastry Chef at Ladurée Restaurant

“When I got a job at Ladurée, they looked at my resume, the results of the championships and the demo exam. The chef of the restaurant is French, and they have a very developed WorldSkills movement. When he found out that I participated in the championships and received a Skills-passport, he liked it. They took me right away"

photo MIA "Russia Today"

Robert Urazov, General Director of the Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)"

“Diplomas are becoming an anachronism. Now, even in consulting companies, the Big Four do not look at the diploma, but only take into account skills. We started the Skills Passport project to create a clear training benchmark and an understandable tool for recognizing skills in the education system.”

Vitaly Manzuk, Deputy Director of the Kirov Polytechnic College

“Who is, for example, a CNC machine tool adjuster? It turns out that today he is an engineer, and a worker, and a technologist-programmer, and a metrologist. We need to move away from the opposition of the concept of “technical engineer” to the integration of qualifications for specific competencies”

Future. Futurology and digitalization

The classification of competencies is another problem of the Russian professional training system. Representatives of many technical schools and universities admit that today specialties no longer have such clear boundaries as before. A conventional CNC machine operator can today control several machines in a factory at once and actually manage the production process. The new technological order is changing the very format of professions, and most of them receive a digital dimension.

WorldSkills Hi-Tech

In November, 31 competencies were presented at the IV National Championship of working professions in high-tech industries WorldSkills Hi-Tech in Yekaterinburg, but only four of them retained an exclusively analog part.

photo MIA "Russia Today"

Robert Urazov, General Director of the Union "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)"

“Even in welding there was a Robotic Welding module. Now the future is being born in the championship. A picture of the workplace that will arise in a few years appears.


In parallel with the Hi-Tech direction, WorldSkills Russia is also creating other clusters of competencies. One of the areas of work is a kind of futurology, an attempt to predict what skills and professions specialists will need in the near future and how existing specialties will change.

The super task is to avoid the appearance of the class extra people whose abilities will be unclaimed in the digital economy.

state autonomous vocational educational institution of the Leningrad region "Bor agro-industrial technical school"

Organizational and methodological support

competitions for young professionals WorldSkills .

Morozova Mila Valentinovna, methodologist

GAPOU LO "Bor Agro-Industrial College"




Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Main part

    The concept and significance of competitive pedagogy in vocational education ….... 5

    WorldSkills movement: general information, goals and objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

    The structure of the preparation and holding of a professional skills competition using the WorldSkills methodology …………………………………………………….….…. eleven

    Organizational and methodological support of competitions for young professionalsWorldSkillsin the Bor Agro-Industrial College ……………………………………... 14

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 20

List of used sources …………………………………………………………………..…21


The cardinal changes that have taken place in recent years in the economic, social and cultural sphere of society, every year pose more and more complex tasks for the system of Russian vocational education, put forward new requirements for the qualities of a modern worker: achievable employee motivation, the ability to work in a team and the benefit of the team, the ability to solve non-standard tasks, the ability to take responsibility, the ability and desire to learn, high performance. In this regard, the quality of vocational education is considered not only at the level of mastering specific professional competencies by students, but also at the level of mastering culture. professional activity, constant professional and personal self-development and self-improvement.

“One of the principal tasks of the state is the development of vocational education. It is necessary to increase the prestige of working specialties, in general, the social value and significance of skilled labor” - from a speech by Vladimir Putin.

In a message to the Federal Assembly on December 4, 2014, the President Russian Federation a clear, unambiguous signal was given aimed at developing the system of training workers: “By 2020, at least half of the colleges in Russia, training in the 50 most demanded and promising working professions should be conducted in accordance with the best world standards and advanced technologies ...”

At present, the quality of professional training of future specialists in a particular area of ​​professional activity is becoming very relevant, primarily for the specialist himself, and is determined by the degree of his competitiveness in the labor market.

Preparing future specialists for effective labor activity- a key characteristic that includes the ability to quickly adapt in the workplace, possession of general and professional competencies, as well as sustainable motivation for successful professional activity. 1

One of the ways to solve this issue can be competitions of professional skills, which help to successfully solve the problems of improving the quality of training of specialists, allow you to create a favorable environment for the development of intelligence, improvement of professional skills, development of professional and __________________________________________________________________________________________
1 Koksharova M. Yu. Conducting professional skills competitions using the WorldSkills methodology on the example of pedagogical specialties // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". - 2016. - T. 46. - S. 192-201. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2016/76511.htm.

creative thinking of students, contribute to the formation of the experience of creative activity in the professional field.

Recently, professional skills competitions have become more relevant, because. are a reliable and well-tested tool for the development of the profession and raising its social status. And with the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards, Professional Standards, WSR standards, as well as the creation of a regional competence center, the involvement of students in international movement WorldSkills and participation in professional skills competitions using the WorldSkills methodology have become not only vital, but also a matter of honor for any professional educational institution.

The purpose of this work: organizational and methodological support of WorldSkills competitions for young professionals in the Bor agro-industrial technical school.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary:

    reveal the concept and significance of competitive pedagogy in professional education;

    study the history of development, basic concepts and documentation of the Worldskills movement;

    get acquainted with the structure of the preparation and holding of the competition of professional skills

    describe the experience in organizational and methodological support of Worldskills competitions for young professionals in the Bor agro-industrial technical school.


Most people, including teenagers, have an inherent desire for rivalry, priority, and superiority. Approval of oneself among others is an innate human need. He realizes this need by entering into competition with other people, the result of which, very often, determines his status in society.

Competitive Method is a method based on the inclusion of components in the educational process. Competitive Methodprovides for the use of the competitive beginning as a subordinate learning goal. Its defining feature is the comparison of forces in the struggle for superiority, for the highest possible achievement. objectcompetitive activitycan be not only the result, but also the quality of the performance of the action. Installation on competitive activity encourages students to show their strengths to the maximum.

Great potential opportunities for increasing creative activity, inherent in the competition, were also identified by K.D.Ushinsky, P.P.Blonsky, K.N.Wentzel.

Usagecompetitive pedagogy in professional educationallows you to form competencies, bringing learning closer to professional activity, activating the formation of professional motivation.FROMcompeting with each other, students quickly master the experience of social behavior, develop physical, moral, aesthetic qualities.

As part of participation in competitions of professional skills, participants receive information that they normally learn in weeks and even months, and in some cases they cannot receive it at all in the traditional educational system. In addition, competition is an opportunity to exchange non-formalized, implicit knowledge.

Competitive activities create for its participants unique pedagogical conditions for effective learning, acquiring the necessary competencies within a strict time frame of competitive selection and training programs.

Professional skill competitions not only give students the opportunity to evaluate their strengths, assert themselves, show their professional knowledge and skills, improve in their chosen profession, but also allow employers to find talented "cadres" for themselves.

International non-profit movementWorldSkills and its championships are world famous and biggest competition, in which young skilled workers, students of universities and colleges as participants under the age of 22, as well as well-known professionals, specialists, masters of industrial training and mentors - as experts evaluating the performance of competitive tasks, today, is one of the most promising areas for internships for teachers and professional growth and development of the student.

WorldSkills Championships are also a platform for the professional community, where the best practitioners from different countries exchange experience and determine the directions for the formation of modern international standards in the areas of production and social sphere represented at the competitions. Holding championships is impossible without the participation of business partners, which ensures an increase in the status of companies in international markets, forms their image as organizations with high social responsibility.


WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement whose goal is to increase the prestige of working professions and develop professional education by harmonizing the best practices and professional standards around the world through the organization and holding of professional skill competitions, both in each individual country and around the world as a whole.

WorldSkills mission: "Developing professional competencies, enhancing the prestige of highly qualified personnel, demonstrating the importance of competencies for economic growth and personal success"

Regional Focal Point . en/ techcom/ description- konkursnykh- task/

Expert Blog WSR Leningrad region : http:// expertswsrlo. blogspot. en/

In this article, I want to talk about the WorldSkills Russia professional skills competition, which was held in Moscow on November 1-4 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. I took part in the "Web Design" competency. The narration will be from the point of view of the participant.

About the competition
WorldSkills is a competition that aims to identify professionals in a particular field. The competition has its origins in WorldSkills International (WSI), an international non-profit association.
The open championship was held in Moscow for the second time. Participation in the competition is free. Age of participants from 18 to 22 years old, students in colleges or universities. 14 competencies were presented in Moscow, more than detailed information can be viewed on the official website.
The competition lasts 4 days: in the first half of the day, opening, then competitions, on the final day - summing up and closing. The main feature of the competition is that the competition takes place on a site open for viewing by everyone.
About web design competence
This competency is related not only to web design, but also to web development in general. (I think this is due to the translation, design is also translated from English as development). 24 contestants from different regions of Russia took part in the competence. To get into the top ten, you had to know: the basics of web design, HTML, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, working with Ajax.
The Test Project was divided into 3 modules, each of them is designed to be completed during the day and focused on individual features and web development technologies. All modules are not linked. For some of them, a set of source files is provided for performing tasks. More details about the modules below. For each day of the competition (they lasted 2.5 days), a new task was presented, some consisted of two parts - A and B. The first part, according to the conditions, must be completed before the lunch break, the second - before the end of the day. After completion of the module, the work was evaluated by experts. For each day, a specific execution plan was provided.
The Internet was available on a dedicated computer with a time limit: each participant could use it no more than twice for 5 minutes per module (unused time was burned). Phones, notebooks and teaching aids use was prohibited. There was little documented information in Russian, and extensive information was provided only in English.
About myself
To talk in detail about the competition, first I'll tell you a little about myself. I am a 4th year student of a Moscow college, studying in the specialty "Applied Informatics". AT curriculum there is a discipline "Internet Technologies", which teaches the basics of HTML, CSS and PHP. The basics that I had after the studied discipline would not have been enough for me to break even into the top ten. So I got deeper knowledge in this discipline on my own, studying web technologies from videos, manuals and articles.
Now about the competition
First day of competition
We (participants) arrived at the site in the morning and were instructed in safety. There was a drawing of lots for jobs at computers between the contestants. Then there was the grand opening. Then all the most interesting began, that is, the competition itself. On this day, it was necessary to implement the first module. We were introduced to the evaluation criteria for the module: points were given for each criterion fulfilled. In the first module, you had to do:
  • “Redesign of the VVC website, at least 2 pages, for the main page, and for the page with functionality;
  • Prepare an analysis of the old design, indicate its shortcomings and solutions in the new version;
    Prepare a sitemap and applied color palette;
  • Design pages for mobile devices with a narrow 480px screen.

The entire module took 4 hours.
I completed the module according to all the criteria, and I had time left, but, unfortunately, there was no material for the second module, so for me the first stage was completed.
Second day of competition
It is logical to assume that today it was necessary to implement the second module. This module was divided into part "A", which had to be done before the break, and part "B". Each part took 4 hours.
In part "A" it was necessary to implement:
  • Layout of 2 layouts: main and functional pages;
  • Pure JavaScript slider with at least 3 slides. The difficulty of moving slides was evaluated.
UPD: Layouts:

Alas, here I managed to make up only 2 layouts.
In part "B" the task sounded like this:

“Unfortunately, the previous developer lost the style file, so you need to recreate the main page of the site-catalog of the museums of the capital. According to his latest posts, the site should have a “slider”, a table with visit statistics and a menu with sections.”
From the source files, an HTML layout was given, an empty style.css and script.js. It was possible to edit only style.css and implement a slide change in script.js.
Here I also managed with the whole module.
Third day of competition
This day was the most exhausting, both emotionally and physically. The third module had 2 parts, but parts "A" and "B" could be done at the same time. The entire module took 6 hours to complete. The most points were given for the completion of this module.
In the third module, the task sounded like this:
“You will be provided with HTML and CSS files and various images. Your work will not be judged on design criteria, HTML and CSS. Please note that the layout contains redundant functionality. You should leave only those functions that you are required to implement.
Your task is to create a flexible Framework with the given functionality. By lunchtime, you should have created a generic PHP Framework and by the end of the day, you should have finished the rest of the client front-end functions.
Task description:
  • For site guests
    • View articles, comments and list of attractions on a city map.
    • Possibility to register (no email confirmation required).
  • For registered users
    • Drawing up a list (route) of your walk around Moscow, “dragging” sights from the map to the waybill and back for deletion;
    • Manual sorting of waypoints must be present;
    • View selected attractions on the map;
    • Possibility to publish comments to sights;
    • To confirm his comment, the visitor must use the CAPTCHA mechanism.
  • For administrator
    • Possibility of authorization using login and password and end of the session.
    • Ability to add a point of interest by dragging a marker from the add form to the map and remove it by dragging a marker from the map to the trash.
Be sure to use the features of open libraries. Technologies such as Flash, Silverlight or pure JavaScript will not be evaluated."

Here I have implemented:
  • as the organizers of the competition say, a framework;
  • made authorization and registration of the user through Ajax;
  • adding a comment with a captcha, also via Ajax;
  • adding and removing points of interest from the itinerary by dragging and dropping with jQuery, also via Ajax.
I didn’t have time to make the “admin panel” and sort the sights in the waybill.
I did not take a prize, although I got into the top five. Most importantly, I expanded and systematized my knowledge, identified my weak spots and outlined further directions for improvement. Due to the limited access to the Internet, the preparation was thorough, the documentation was studied to such an extent that in case of a problem you immediately know where to look, although the Internet was not useful to me during the competition. I believe that such competitions are needed, first of all, for students to improve their skills, find out what you are capable of and what is worth pulling up, meet new people and prove yourself in business. Maybe these competitions will be just as valuable for employers who are looking for valuable personnel. It seems to me that there are few students whose professional area of ​​interest is not limited to the teaching program, and who are able to put the acquired knowledge into practice. I have a year to fill in the gaps in my knowledge. I hope to compete for a higher place next year.

On the eve of WorldSkills Competition 2019: how open source software has changed in 10 years

We are very proud to be involved in Russia's entry into the international WorldSkills movement. Another important achievement was the victory for the right to host world WorldSkills competitions Competition in the summer of 2019. These events played a key role in the development of the domestic vocational education, changing the approaches, educational programs and attitudes towards colleges throughout the country.

On the eve of the WSC-2019 Championship, we want to once again remind you of the values ​​of worldskills, which are shared and promoted by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It is the value content of the movement - self-realization, skills and competencies, professionalism and respect for work - that is the reliable foundation of the WorldSkills global expert community.

WorldSkills in the world

WorldSkills (Worldskills) is an international social movement, which unites people all over the world who want to change something. Its main mission is to create conditions for people who want professional self-realization.

There is a non-profit organization "WorldSkills International", which performs the functions Olympic Committee: its task is to hold the World Cup every 2 years.

The mechanism of WorldSkills is the holding of competitions through which communities are formed and developed: through the interaction between the participants of the competitions and experts, as well as the communication of the contestants among themselves on the competitive platform. It is this effect that mainly brings changes to the system of vocational and vocational education in Russia. Expert communities are emerging. They produce the most valuable content - content for college education programs. Thanks to participation in WorldSkills, approaches to the formation and educational programs themselves in Russian colleges have changed radically over these 7 years.

WorldSkills Competition Format

WorldSkills competitions are, first of all, a unique, large-scale event with the participation of delegations from most countries of the world! Hosting such an event is a great organizational task, an honor and responsibility that is not inferior to any other global competitions, finals of world championships and championships. It is not for nothing that the WSC is also called the Skills and Competences Olympiad, comparing the WorldSkills movement with the Olympics.

At the heart of the world championship, of course, are competitions for the official competencies of the WS movement, selected according to the criterion of the greatest popularity. Thus, the formation of a competitive agenda is a kind of rating of in-demand professions and tracking the dynamics of those competencies that are losing popularity under the onslaught of automation and new technologies.

An important part of the event is the congress and exhibition part, during which the WorldSkills global community, in discussions with representatives of government, business, local territories and industries, predicts the development of certain skills and competencies.

Also, during the preparation for the WSC, the participating countries initiate a large number of social and public projects, which are considered during the two-year preparation period by the WSI Directorate, agreed by the WSI Board of Directors and finally approved at the current General Assembly as part of the next championship program. Some events, such as One School One Country, are becoming traditional and are already part of the mandatory part of the World Competitions (WSC).

Preparations for the next World Championship are already starting at the current WSC. At the business part of the event, tasks for the movement and challenges in modern secondary vocational education (VET) are formulated, which form the agenda of the business part of the upcoming championship. This is the responsibility of the Official Delegates from each WSI Member Country who make up the Strategy Committee. At the competitions themselves, WSI standards and tasks for the next championship are formed through the assembled expert communities. This is the task of the Technical Delegates from WSI Members and the WSI Technical Committee.

WorldSkills Competition Principles (WorldSkills Standard)

For achievement maximum effect The following competition conditions must be met:

  • Competitions must be public, i.e. they can be freely visited by all interested persons,
  • Competition rules and conditions must be uniform and equal for all participants,
  • Test tasks and assessment criteria must be known in advance,
  • All selected criteria must be evaluated during the competition. This is allotted no less than 16 and no more than 22 hours of pure competitive time (practice has shown that this is the most optimal time for a reliable assessment of the competencies of participants),
  • The maximum possible number of specialists and experts should be involved in the process of evaluating the criteria,
  • The result evaluation system should be unbiased (preferably electronic) and based on primary information received from each expert.

In the so-called. The WorldSkills standard includes the regulatory documentation of the competition, namely: Technical Description (TD - Technical Description), Test task (TP - Test Project), Evaluation Criteria, Infrastructure List, Competition Site Plan with Equipment (Layout) and Technical Requirements security (Health & Safety).

WorldSkills Competition Experts

The role of experts in the organization of competitions is very high. An expert is a person who has certain competencies: knowledge of his profession, knowledge of WS standards and regulations, knowledge of the competition procedure, participation in the preparation of a test task and in determining the evaluation criteria.

Experts form expert communities. The Chief and Deputy Chief Experts are selected at the end of the current competitions for the next Competitions. Prior to that, all experts participating in the current championship, immediately after its completion, form changes to the current standards and form preliminary Tasks for the next championship. On the basis of these documents, the newly elected Chief and Deputy Chief Experts for each profession, together with the Technical Directorate, change the regulations for the upcoming Competitions. A year later, they are joined by Technical Delegates, who are appointed by the Jury Presidents according to their respective competencies. From this moment, the Skills Management Team is formed, which already determines the exact regulations and tasks. Six months before the Competition, they get together on the site as part of the Competition Preparation Week (CPW - Competition Preparation Week) and make final decisions on the venue, the readiness of the site, all the shortcomings of the site, etc. In the last six months, newly appointed experts from countries/regions who have expressed their desire to participate in Competitions in this skill.

At CPW, the list of competencies (professions) for which the Competitions will be held is finally determined. If by this moment a sufficient number of participants have not registered for the skill, then the skill is removed for the next Competition, and one of the Presentation takes its place. There is a natural rotation and a kind of popularity rating.

A qualitative assessment also requires a minimum regulated number of experts. The number of experts may exceed the number of participants. Often this is even welcome, because it allows for a higher objectivity of refereeing.

SMTs form the Skills Management Plan (SMP) - the breakdown of experts into groups, the judging order, the time of the competition and other detailed information for the upcoming Competitions.

When I was offered to fly to Sakhalin to make a report about the WorldSkills championship of working professions, I could not refuse. I have already visited one edge of Eurasia with a floating nuclear power plant, but I did not want to miss the opportunity to visit the other edge. In addition, it was interesting to see how the region differs from the rest of Russia and compare the organization of the event in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with Yekaterinburg, where I have already filmed. Click on the link.

In the photo above, by the way, one of the competencies is aesthetic cosmetology. It was unusual to see a beauty salon a stone's throw from carpenters and electricians. But first things first.

Let me briefly remind you what WorldSkills is. It was originally a national vocational training competition that originated in Spain in 1947 after the Civil War to promote blue-collar jobs. The idea turned out to be good, and over time the competition turned into the international non-profit association WorldSkills, which has held 44 international championships to date.

Photos from the opening of the championship in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Rapper L`One, who became the ambassador of the WorldSkills World Championship, which will be held in Kazan in 2019, spoke at the opening of the championship.

On the this moment the organization consists of 77 countries that participate in international competitions every two years, and many of which host domestic national championships.

In Russia, competitions begin with regions where attestation competitions are held at the level of schools or universities in specialized specializations. The best get to regional competitions, and their winners go to the national championship. The victory in the Russian WorldSkills championship gives an opportunity to get into the team that will be represented at the international championship.

Just in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, from August 8 to 12, the final of the VI National Championship "Young Professionals" WorldSkills Russia-2018 was held, at which more than 700 participants from all over Russia aged 16 to 25 competed in their professional skills in 63 competencies, among which were not only the working professions familiar to us, such as carpenters, builders and auto repairmen, but also landscape designers, roboticists, beauticians and even bartenders.

In this list, you can see all the competencies of the championship. Write in the comments in which of them you consider yourself an expert.

If the last championship in Yekaterinburg was called WorldSkills Hi-tech, it was attended by 300 contestants and it was more specialized, then this time the number of participants was 700 and there were competencies that I had not seen before.

Here compete in the skill of wallpapering.

Nearby joiners make furniture.

And specialists in industrial automation bring symmetrical order when wiring cables.

There were no welders either.

Auto repair shops are located in separate pavilions.

In another tent, bricks were laid into beautiful structures, roofers showed how to lay the roof, and tile specialists made drawings for speed and quality.

There were competencies in which knowledge was required in sciences inaccessible to me, such as reverse engineering and mechatronics

The professionalism of the contestants is assessed by experts who monitor how the participants perform tasks.

In such a competence as restaurant service, any visitor to the championship could check the competence of waiters and even bartenders himself, which I took advantage of.

The bartender prepared a non-alcoholic cocktail for me.

And at the table I ordered a dish and drank some wine.

As experts told me, initially the contestants are given a difficult task that cannot be completed 100% on time. This is done so that the competitors do not have the same results.

Future hairdresser

In the baking and confectionery competencies, the participants made real masterpieces.

Unlike international competitions, which are held every 2 years in odd years, in Russia the championship reveals the best in different specializations every year, and the number of competencies can be supplemented. The next WorldSkills International Championship will be held here in Kazan in 2019.

This is the competence of preschool education, for future kindergarten teachers

And here are the future primary school teachers.


Well, the most unexpected thing I saw was aesthetic cosmetology. But also quite a working profession.

Many industrial enterprises in Russia support the championship, as their potential employees compete here, and those who have especially distinguished themselves receive a certificate of employment.

The organizers of the final of the VI National Championship "Young Professionals" WorldSkills Russia-2018 were the Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce "Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia)", the Government of the Sakhalin Region, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation.

Head of WorldSkills Russia Robert Urazov.

The organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the championship was headed by the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako.

leaders medal count according to the results of the competition, the teams of Moscow, Tatarstan and the Moscow region became.

If you have a production or service that you want to tell our readers about, write to Aslan ( [email protected] ) and we will make the best report, which will be seen not only by readers of the community, but also by the site