Basketball training plan. Summaries of training lessons "basketball". Summaries of lessons on teaching the game of basketball

Synopsis of a training session on physical training for basketball players aged 10-12 (boys).

Skutina Anna Borisovna, teacher physical education.
Place of work: MOU "Secondary School No. 13" Vorkuta, Vorkuta, Komi Republic.
Material Description: the material will be useful for teachers of physical culture, teachers of additional education, schoolchildren (boys 10-12 years old). The work uses exercises to develop the general physical training. Some of the presented can be used by schoolchildren at home. As well as teachers of additional education in other game types sports.
Inventory and equipment: basketballs, racks, skipping ropes, stuffed balls, mats.
1. Teach the basics of basketball, improve individual elements.
2. Develop coordination of movements, speed, jumping ability, endurance and strength.
3. Cultivate mutual understanding, courage, determination, attention, team spirit, the ability to quickly assess the situation.
Preparatory part:
1. Construction. Setting the objectives of the lesson. Safety briefing - 2 minutes. (Attendance records, check of sportswear and shoes)
2. Walking and its varieties - 2 minutes. (Perform in a column one at a time, keep a distance. Watch your posture):
- on toes, the ball in the hands in front of him;
- on the heels, the ball in the hands above the head;
- back to front, ball behind
3. Running with special running exercises - 7 minutes. (Perform without acceleration, follow the breath)
- side step in the position of the defender (right, left side);
- with a high raising of the hip;
- with overflowing of the lower leg;
- backwards (look over any shoulder)
4. Walking - 30 seconds (Recover breath)
5. Outdoor switchgear - 8 minutes.
1. I.p. - Wide leg stance. Dribbling "eight" - 8 times. (4 times each side)
2. I.p. - stand legs apart shoulder width apart, the ball in front of you on outstretched arms. Release it, clap your hands behind your back and catch it - 6-8 times
3. I.p. - stand legs apart shoulder width apart, ball behind the back. Release it, clap your hands in front of you, turn to face the ball and catch it - 6-8 times
4. I.p. - stand legs apart shoulder width apart, the ball in front of you at knee level. Release it, clap your hands behind your back and catch it - 6-8 times
5. Simultaneous dribbling of two balls - 1 minute. (Standing still)
6. Each player has a ball. On signal, player A dribbles forward and player B dribbles backwards. On a signal, a change of direction of movement is made - 1 minute. (Perform in pairs)
7. Performing previously learned programs - 1 minute. (Perform in pairs, follow the correct execution)
8. I.p. - standing with their backs to each other. One player passes the ball back overhead and the other passes between the legs 8 times. (Perform in pairs. 4 times in each direction)
Main part:
1. Jumping on one leg - 3 minutes. (Perform with maximum amplitude. On the left, right leg)
2. Jumping "frog" - 2 minutes.
3. Walking "goose" step - 2 minutes. (Watch your posture)
4. Moving forward by jumping -2 minutes. (Push of two legs)
5. Jumping rope - 3 minutes. (3 sets of 60 reps)
6. Jumping over the bench with a stuffed ball - 3 minutes. (ball in hand)
7. shuttle run with dribbling - 3-4 minutes. (Start from different sp.)
8. Exercise "Wheelbarrow" - 3-4 minutes. (Perform in pairs. One holds the legs of the other in weight, under the knees or behind the feet)
9. Cross-country relay races with and without the ball - 5 minutes. (Make sure you follow the rules)
10. Dribbling with different speed- 5 minutes. (Perform on signal)
11. Transfers for speed in pairs - 5 minutes. (Count number of passes)
12. Rotation of a stuffed ball around the legs with a “figure of eight” - 1 minute. (Perform on the spot)
13. Passing a stuffed ball in pairs, from the side - 2-3 minutes. (From a position, standing with their backs to each other, 15 times in each direction)
14. Push-ups from the floor - 2 minutes. (multiple approaches)
15. Raising the torso - 2 minutes. (Perform on mats)
16. Performing the maximum number of passes of the ball into the wall in a certain time - 3 minutes. (at max pace)
17. Dribbling while sitting on the floor - with one finger, two, three, four, five - 3-4 minutes. (Change of dribble on signal)
Final part:
1. educational game 2*2, 3*3 - 15 minutes. (Follow the correct organization of the game)
2. I.p. - sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands in support behind. Inhale for one count and exhale for two counts - 2-3 minutes. (Recover breath)
3. I.p. - stand legs apart, shoulder width apart, ball at the top - 2-3 minutes. (Arms are straight, do not bend your knees)
1 - tilt, touch the left leg with the ball.
2 - i.p.
3-4 - also to the right.
4. Summing up - 1 minute. (Mark what turned out better, what you need to pay attention to)

Sections: Sports at school and children's health


  • learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot and on the move;
  • teaching the technique of dribbling alternately with the right and left hand;
  • development motor qualities through relay races, with elements of basketball and basketball games.



  • educating the ability to perform collective actions.
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

Equipment: basketballs, stopwatch, whistle, racks.

During the classes


Organizational and methodical instructions

Preparatory part 12 min.
1. Construction. Greetings. Reporting Lesson Objectives The shoulder blades are flattened, look forward, the presence of uniforms, shoes, identification of patients
2. Walking, its varieties with a change in the position of the hands:

- on toes, arms to the sides;
- on the heels of the hands behind the head;
- roll from heel to toe

2 minutes. Maintain good posture, keep your head straight, do not slouch. Follow your breath.

Switch to normal walking. Command: "Normal walking - MARCH!"

3. Running at an average pace.

- side steps left side forward;
- side steps right side forward;
- normal running with transition to walking

2 minutes. Alignment in the column, keep your distance.

Monitor the correct execution of the side step, the leg is placed from the toe, hands on the belt, monitor the position of the body while running

4. Building for outdoor switchgear.
Starting position - feet shoulder width apart;
1-2-3 - rise on toes, arms forward up;
4 – initial position
4–6 times Inhale.
Starting position - the main rack;
1-2 - arms arched forward upwards, right leg back on the toe;
3–4 - starting position
6–8 times Climb up on your toes - higher.
Starting position - main stance, hands to shoulders;
1-4 - circular rotations with arms forward;
5–8 - the same back
6–8 times The circle is performed in full amplitude
Starting position - main stance, right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom;
1-2 - abduction of the right;
3-4 - the same with the left
6–8 times Arms straight

1-2 - torso tilt to the right;
3-4 - the same to the left
6–8 times The shoulder blades are brought together, the elbows are exactly to the sides, the back is straight.
Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt;
1 - tilt to the left;
2 - tilt forward;
3 - tilt to the right;
4 - starting position
6–8 times Don't bend your legs
Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on toes;
1-4 - on the left;
5–8 - on the right
4–5 times Jumping softly on toes
Main part 30 minutes.
1. Learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot 8 min. Formation in two lines. The teacher demonstrates several ways to pass the ball on the spot, combined with a short but understandable explanation.
- imitation of catching and passing the ball; Place your feet correctly (toes pointing forward), knees bent.

The arms are bent, the hands are directed forward to the sides.

– passing with two hands from the chest – catching with two hands; When catching, extend your arms, catch the ball with your fingers, bend your elbows, the ball to your chest.
- passing the ball with two hands with a rebound from the floor - catching with two hands. Catching after the rebound: bend your legs more, arms pointing down - forward, hands form a "funnel" to receive the ball
2. Teaching the technique of dribbling 8 min. Dribbling - the advancement of a player with the ball, hitting the ball on the floor with one or two hands alternately (dribbling).

Adapt the type and speed of dribbling to the situation

The teacher demonstrates the correct execution of dribbling, position when touching the ball and ball control. Combined with a concise and accessible explanation
- right and left hand;
- with a change of direction;
- with a change in the height of the rebound;
- with a change in speed.
Significant errors in dribbling: the hand is applied to the ball with a blow (slap); improper coordination of the work of arms and legs, inability to control the ball without constant visual control
3. Development of motor qualities. Relays:
- Students line up in two columns. On a signal, the ball is dribbled with the right hand with side steps with the left side forward, reaching the rack, change hands and continue to dribble with the left right side forward, the next participant receives the ball and repeats the same.
10 min. Pay attention to the position of the hand when dribbling the ball with the left hand
- Teams line up in a column one at a time on opposite sides of the hall. In front of each column are four players at a distance

1–1.5 m apart. On a signal, the first member of each column dribbles the ball around each player. Returns so. back and pass the ball

Dribbling can be done with the right and left hand, covering the ball from a passively or actively standing player
Game options:

– after tracing the players, perform three passes from the wall;
- after tracing the players, perform a throw on the ring;
- after tracing the players, perform three passes from the wall and a throw around the ring

Dribbling can be done either with the right or left hand, with or without visual control.
Final part 3 min.
Building in one line. Summing up the lesson. Announce and set grades for the lesson. Homework. Organized exit from the gym To mark the best, active students.

Training session plan

Group SOG-1 Date 17.09.2015

Location: Gym Bogolyubov secondary school

Topic: Improving Basketball Possession

Target: strengthening the health of those involved, to improve the efficiency of the body.

Tasks: 1. Formation of the feeling of the ball: improving the exercises with the ball in place and in motion;

2. Improving the technique of possession of a white ball (catching, passing the ball in pairs, throwing the ball from a place and on the move);

3. Education of collectivism, perseverance, diligence, strong-willed qualities.

Inventory and equipment:basketball balls 10 pieces per group; stopwatch.

Literature to prepare for the lesson:

  1. Comprehensive program physical education students in grades 1-11. Moscow, Enlightenment, 2006
  2. Physical Culture. Textbook for students in grades 5-7 of educational institutions. Edited by V.I. Lyakha, L.E. Lyubomirsky, G.B. Maxson. Moscow. "Enlightenment", 1997
  3. Young basketball player. A guide for trainers, ed. Yakhontova E.R. Moscow. "Physical culture and sport", 1987
  4. Special exercises for basketball players. Grasis A., Moscow, "Physical culture and sport", 1967
  5. Basketball. Concepts and analysis. Cozy B., Power F., Moscow, "Physical culture and sport", 1975

No. p / p
parts of the job

Program material content


Organizational and methodological instructions

Introductory part of the lesson

A) building. Safety engineering.

B) Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson to increase the level of motivation of student athletes

B) Warm up:

Exercises to prepare ligaments and muscles for training work (stretching)

7-10 min

1 minute

2 minutes

5 minutes

Draw to appearance dealing with

Stretching is considered complete when there is a feeling of "warmth" in the muscles

Main part

BUT) Formation of the feeling of the ball:
- shifting a b / w ball from right hand to the left (behind)
- overhead

Around the torso
- shifting the ball "eight" around the lower leg
- toss the ball up and catch it behind your back

Throw in front of you under your feet to catch behind your back

Pick up the ball from the floor to dribble (right, left)

Carrying the ball in front of you

Dribbling the ball under the feet of the "eight"

Dribbling the ball with the right (left) hand around the hall

Dribbling the ball alternately

B ) Improving the technique of possession of a white ball:

Catching and passing the ball with two hands from the chest in pairs on the spot (with a rebound from the floor)

Catch and pass with one hand from the shoulder
- two hands behind the head

Catching and passing with a lunge to the side with a rebound from the floor (right and left foot)

Ball dribblingpartner, jump stop, rotation around its axis, passing the ball with two hands from the chest

IN) Improving the throw in motion after two steps:

Throw after dribbling (right and left hand)

Performing a throw after winning back with a partner;

Center of the ring

G) Free throws in pairs. Two pairs work on one ring.

E) Control exercise:throws on the ring leaving the 3-second zone-the player throws the ball at the signal of the coach from an average distance around the ring, picks up the ball, moves to the opposite side, leaving the 3-second zone and also throws the ball into the ring. You have 30 seconds for the entire task.

E ) Mobile game "Ten Gears"

Students are divided into 2 teams. The rules are for one team to complete ten consecutive passes without dribbling. If the other team intercepts the ball, the score starts again, and everything else is according to the rules of basketball

G) Educational game

60 min

10-20 times
10-20 times

10-20 times
10-20 times

10 times

10-20 times 3 times

10-20 times

10-20 times

1 minute

1 minute

10 min

8-10 gears

5-8 times
5-8 times

10 times

Five times

10 min

3-4 times

3-4 times

3-4 times
5 minutes

3 min

10 min

10 min

Each student takes the ball;

at chest level;

to the height of straightened arms, changing the distance;
clockwise, against
without touching the floor

wide stance

Keep track of the brush

change hands

with a change of hands, start behind the back

keep your distance

change dominant hand

Remind the position of the body in the stance of a basketball player.

Brush work

Expose the elbow from the passive defender

Pay attention to jogging, raised elbow at shoulder level

Turn to footwork

Control the position of the elbow and hand during the throw

Make sure that the trainees leave the 3-second zone

Make sure that there is no dribbling, keep score of the game out loud.

Final part

A) Free throws. 10 shots each.

B) stretching.

C) Summing up the lesson.

10 min.

Control the elbow, hand, trajectory of the ball. Count only clean hits.

Each exercise is performed for at least 20 seconds.

Record the performance of each student-athlete.


80 min

Trainer-teacher Popov V.V.

Shubin Gennady Ivanovich
Position: teacher of physical culture, teacher-organizer of obzh
Educational institution: Municipal budgetary educational institution "secondary school Rytkuchi village"
Locality: Rytkuchi village
Material name: Methodical development and introspection of basketball lessons
Publication date: 02.11.2016
Chapter: additional education


View training session:
Physical Culture
Improving technical and tactical actions
UTG 1 year of study Shubin Gennady Ivanovich, p. Rytkuchi

Methodical development of a training session

Physical Culture
improvement of technical and tactical actions
Form of the lesson:
Motivation of the topic and form of the lesson:
the topic is chosen in accordance with the curriculum. The form of the lesson was chosen in order to consolidate and improve the previously studied techniques.
Lesson duration:
80 minutes
Location of the lesson:

Formation of motor skills, development of needs for strengthening and maintaining health.
Educational tasks:
1. Improving the game of basketball, with the development of all the skills and techniques learned earlier. 2. Systematization of ZUN on the technique of passing and dribbling on the spot and on the move.
Development tasks:
1. Development of “feeling for the ball” and coordination abilities. 2. Development of speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy.
Educational tasks:
1. Education of a conscious attitude to physical education, independence, activity, a sense of collectivism, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude to one's health.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Physics, geometry
Conduct method:

Criteria and methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of a lesson:
tracking the correctness of the exercise, the activity of students in the classroom.
Timeline of the lesson:

Organizational moment. Building with basketballs, duty report,

message of the topic and objectives of the lesson
- 1-2 minutes.

Warm up
- 15-18 minutes.

Work on the topic of the lesson
– 55-60 minutes.

Final part -
3-5 minutes.

Outline of a basketball training session.

Topic: "Improvement of technical and tactical actions"

Purpose of the lesson:
Main tasks.
Educational objectives: 3. Improving the game of basketball, with the development of all the skills and techniques learned earlier. 4. Systematization of ZUN on the technique of passing and dribbling on the spot and on the move. Developing tasks: 3. Development of "feeling the ball" and coordination abilities. 4. Development of speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy. Educational tasks: 2. Education of a conscious attitude to physical education, independence, activity, a sense of collectivism, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude to one's health.
Conduct method:
individual, frontal, group, streaming, gaming.
basketballs, gymnastic benches, T-shirts of different colors, skittles, task cards for the development of game thinking, a whistle, a stopwatch.
Lesson content



I. Preparatory part:

(15-20 min.)

1.Building with


officer's report,

message topics and tasks


2. Warm up:
one). Walking: - on toes, the ball is overhead; - on the heels, the ball in front of you, on outstretched arms; - on the outer arches of the foot, the ball behind the back on outstretched arms; - the inner arches of the foot, the ball in front of you on lowered hands; Walking at a normal step with the transfer of the ball between the legs for each step. 2). Dribbling in motion: o dribbling the ball around the hall with a comfortable hand; o dribbling
1-2 min.

15-18 min.
2-3 min. 3-5 min. 1 circle Organized to start the lesson, check the conformity of the form of clothing and equipment. Pay attention to posture, the exact position of the arms and legs. Keep your back straight. It's easy to run. Monitor the work of the arms and legs. When dribbling, look ahead of you, at the playing field.
side steps right side forward; o dribble with side steps left side forward; o skipping the ball. 3). Breathing exercise on the go: o 1-4 steps - a smooth breath, rotation of the ball around the body to the left side; o 1-4 steps - smooth exhalation, rotation of the ball around the body to the right. 4). Outdoor switchgear with the ball:  I.P. - semi-squat, m. on the chest 1 - step with the right foot forward, left - on the toe, ball up, bend over 2 - i.p. 3- the same with the left foot; 4- i.p.  I.P. - half-squat, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand 1-2 - standing up, throwing the ball up and to the left over the head; 3-4 - catch with the left hand in the sp. 5-8 - the same back  I.P. - main stance, ball in front 1 1-Holding the ball in front of you, toss it over your head back and catch it behind your back with both hands. 2 2-hand movement toss up and return to the starting position.  I.P. - main stance, ball on the chest 1 - lunge to the right, arms to the side, ball in the ave. 2 - sp. 3-4 - the same to the left  I.P. - tilt forward, the ball is below, legs shoulder-width apart, half-bent at the knees "Eight" - transfers the ball around and between the legs in 1 circle 1 circle 1 circle 1-2 min. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. Keep a distance of at least 1.5-2 meters. Keep your back straight, slightly arching while passing the ball from hand to hand behind your back. look at the ball, arms straight, bend deeper look at the ball, catch the ball from above look at the ball, throw from behind with a brush. lunge deeper, arms straight
parallel stance, standing still.  I.P. - ball down 1-2 - squat ball forward 3-4 - sp. 5-8 - the same  I.P. - ball down front 1-Throwing the ball over you, turn 360 degrees and catch the ball. 2-The same with turning in the other direction.  I.P. – Ball down front 1- Throwing the ball over you, sit down, touch the floor with your hands and stand up.  I.P. - semi-squat, ball at the bottom, left foot in front 1- jump to change legs and pass the ball under the feet to the right hand; 2- jump to change legs and pass the ball under the feet to the left hand. 5. The game "Ball Tally" - two drivers must tumble the fleeing ball without releasing it from their hands. Dribbling is not allowed, only passes. Each salted person joins the drivers. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 6-8 p. 3-5 min. the ball lies on the open palm, try not to touch the ball with the leg, follow the ball squat deeper, the back is straight look at the ball, throw the ball high follow the ball, pass the ball with an open hand, keep the pace of jumping and passing The game is played all over the basketball court. You can't hit the head. The game continues until all the evaders have been tagged.

II. Main body: (55-60

1. Improvement

dribbling and throwing.
1) Circle game. Children are divided into two teams (one ball per team). The game is played as shown in the picture. With dribbling, they go the distance and attack the ring from two steps to hit. After the ball hits the ring, having caught the ball, they pass the baton to another by passing the ball. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. 2) Slalom dribbling relay. Children are divided into two teams (one ball per team). The game is played as shown in the picture. On a signal, the players begin to dribble with a stroke, then attack the ring from two steps until they hit, dribble the ball back in a straight line and pass the baton to another.
2. Improvement

passing the ball on the spot and in

1) Passing two balls in threes. The players are arranged in a triangle. Two of them have balls. Player 2 passes to player 1, and he back to player 2. Player 3 passes to player 1, he back to player 3. At the whistle, the players change places so that each player works in the place of player 1. 2) The same, but player 1 after passing the ball jumps over the gymnastic bench on two legs. At the signal of the coach, the players change
7--12 min.
3-5 min. 3-5 min.
20-25 min.
3-5 min. 3-5 min. Dribble the ball with a comfortable hand, look at the ring while dribbling. The team that finishes the exercise first wins. When touching the skittles, the player must put it in place.
places. 3) Passing two balls in sixes on the spot. The players are positioned as shown in the picture. 1 and 2 are holding balls. On signal 1 sends 3, 2 - 4, etc., as shown in the figure. Players 1 and 2 need to be especially careful, because after the pass they should immediately receive a pass from the players on the other side. At the signal of the coach, players 1, 2 change places 3, 5, and then players 3,5 change places 4,6. 4) Transfer of two balls in sixes with a change of place. The players are positioned as shown in the picture. Player 1 passes the ball to player 2 runs to his place, 2nd - to 6th and takes his place. Simultaneously with player 1, player 3 also acts, then - 4, etc.
3) Improvement

in t o m a t i o n o d i o n

d in y x



come out"


groups (senior)
1) Students are divided into groups of four - two attackers and two defenders. The forwards perform passes between themselves, then one of them makes a dash to the basket, trying to get a pass from a partner and score the ball into the ring. Defenders interfere, trying to intercept the ball. 2) A group of four people (younger ones) work on dribbling without visual control in front of a homemade simulator for 3-5 minutes. 3-5 min.
5-10 min.
3-5 mins 3-5 mins Watch the movement of the balls carefully. After the pass, the ball should be expected from behind at the same time as the movement. The exercise is performed using all the baskets available in the gym. Forwards must change position in relation to the basket and alternate between themselves in the execution of jerks. Pay attention to the false movement when exiting to the basket. If the ball is scored, then the attackers continue to fulfill their role. If the defenders have intercepted the ball, a change of roles follows. Find two numbers covered by a basketball

4. Game development

Students are given task cards to develop game thinking. Students in pairs must solve four tasks with game situations on one sheet.
5. Educational game
1) The group is divided into two teams, they play basketball without dribbling (3 minutes), with dribbling (4-5 minutes).
5 minutes

10-15 min.
Players must play through the passes and attack the ring. After the pass, you need to open up to receive the pass. It is allowed to make one hit on the floor to pick up the ball or during the transition to attack the ring from two steps.
III. Final part:

(5-7 min.)
1. Improvement in throwing the ball into the basket from three points. Students are divided into two groups of six people. Everyone has a ball. Everyone shoots from the point to the basket, picks up the ball and moves to the next point. 2. Summing up the lesson 3. Homework: perform an exercise for the development of speed-strength qualities: 40 seconds - lifting the body, 40 seconds - push-ups from the floor, 2 sets with a rest between them 3 minutes. 4. Organized departure from the hall.
4--6 min.
3-5 min. 1 minute. 1 minute. The exercise is carried out in the form of competitions between groups "Who will score 8 goals sooner". Evaluate the activity of children in the game, the use of passes on the spot and on the move, the accuracy of passes, technically competent movement and passing the ball to a partner in the game.
Player 1 dribbles the ball in the opponent's half of the court (Fig.

What decision should be made: I - attack the ring yourself; II - pass the ball to player 2;


training session
in basketball Shubin Gennady Ivanovich
from. Rytkuchi
Self-analysis of a basketball lesson

Lesson topic:
Improvement of technical and tactical actions.
Purpose of the lesson:
Formation of motor skills, development of needs for strengthening and maintaining health.
Main tasks.
Educational objectives: 1. Improving the game of basketball, with the development of all the skills and techniques learned earlier. 2. Systematization of ZUN on the technique of passing and dribbling on the spot and on the move. Developing tasks: 1. Development of "feeling the ball" and coordination abilities. 2. Development of speed-strength qualities, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements, accuracy. Educational tasks: 1. Education of a conscious attitude to physical education, independence, activity, a sense of collectivism, respect for opponents in the game, a conscious attitude to one's health. The lesson was held with a training group of the 1st year of study, according to the payroll of the group, 12 people were present. Lesson type - combined. This lesson is an intermediate lesson on the topic "Technical preparation". IN thematic planning 116 hours are allotted for this topic. In previous lessons, students practiced the skills and techniques of playing basketball. In this lesson, the material on the technique of passing and dribbling the ball in place and in motion, studied earlier, is worked out, and new exercises are introduced to develop the “feeling of the ball” and coordination abilities. In subsequent lessons, students will continue training in passing techniques and dribbling on the spot and on the move. The topic of the lesson corresponds to the educational and thematic plan and the program requirements of sports training for the Youth Sports School "Basketball" as amended. Yu.M.Portnova, V.G. Bashkirova, V.G. Lunichikin. - M. Soviet sport, 2008. Students are ready for the lesson, the appearance corresponds to the form of the lesson (sports uniform). The gym is ventilated, sports equipment is prepared for each student. Children are physically developed, the psychological characteristics of children correspond to the age characteristics of students (adolescence). When conducting classes, the interests and inclinations and individual characteristics of children are taken into account, according to their age. The lesson consisted of III stages:
1. Preparatory part. 2. The main part. 3. Final part. The lesson began with the construction and with the report of the duty officer. When getting acquainted with the goals and objectives of the lesson, emphasis was placed on consolidating the previously studied material and practicing the technical and tactical actions of playing basketball. When organizing the educational activities of students, the problematic nature of educational tasks was posed through the conscious fulfillment of the tasks set. The preparatory part of the lesson lasted 17-20 minutes, ball dribbling exercises were used, various game exercises with basketballs: dribbling in a circle with the right and left hand; in walking and running, dribbling with side steps, dribbling without visual control, general developmental exercises with balls during which all muscle groups were involved. These sets of exercises were used mainly in order to warm up the body well, as a means of general training and as an introduction to the main part of the lesson. I used the show method, which was accompanied by an explanation educational material. From the first minute of the lesson, the students worked with basketballs, which contributed to the development of coordination abilities. In the preparatory part, the exercises were performed by in-line and frontal methods using the entire usable area of ​​the gym. To activate the motor and cognitive activity, the game "Talking with the ball" was held. The main part of the lesson lasted 55-57 minutes. During the transition to the main part of the lesson, breathing exercises were used, which contributed to the restoration of breathing and at the same time solved an important health problem - stabilization of the respiratory muscles. The main part of the lesson included the implementation of exercises to improve dribbling and throwing the basket, improving passes on the spot, in motion with changing places, and developing the interaction of players. The students improved the skills of passing the ball, dribbling the ball with a subsequent throw into the basket in a more complex form - in group interactions close to the game situation. The tasks used frontal, in-line, group methods of organizing training. In order to develop mental activity in the intervals between games, the children were offered test task cards for solving tactical situations. The construction of the lesson corresponded to didactic principles:  from simple to complex;  from theory to practice;  Conscious attitude to exercise. During the lesson, I used the basic principles of organizing activities:  the principle of relying on the individual characteristics of each student,  the principle of self-development,  the principle of integrity was applied in solving educational problems, where the positive capabilities of each student were encouraged, assisting the student in solving the problem. The final part of the session included an exercise in perfecting basket shots, which gradually brought the group to a more relaxed state. The results of the lesson were summed up with an analysis of the fulfillment of the tasks set.
Throughout the lesson, I used methods of stimulation and motivation. The style of communication with students is trusting, built on mutual respect. The students showed resourcefulness, the ability to interact in pairs and groups. During the training, students were motivated to attend classes: they love basketball, they have mastered the technical and tactical actions. When performing tasks, it can be traced that students receive satisfaction in their personality-oriented needs, which are expressed in the use of the acquired skills and abilities not only within the lesson, but also in physical education lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.. When organizing the provision of a training session I paid attention to:  the integrity of the use of forms of organization of those involved;  the integrity of the use of time in class (explanation, demonstration, exercise, active rest);  compliance with safety regulations (interval, distance). The solution of the developing task was carried out taking into account the functional state of students, the combination of load with active recreation. When solving the educational problem, attention was paid to discipline, interaction in a team when performing group exercises. I tried to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and develop such qualities: self-confidence, independence, a sense of collectivism, mutual respect, a conscious attitude towards one's health. Individual work is traced through the planning of the workload, which corresponds to this stage of preparation, the implementation of control over the prevention and correction of errors. The work done is in line with the objectives. The tasks of this lesson work for the future, as the acquired technical and tactical skills will be used in the basketball training game. Due to the variety of forms and methods of building training, students have an increased interest in further basketball lessons, this is evidenced by the fact that the majority of the guys in this group are part of the school's basketball, volleyball and football team. All stages were logically interconnected, which contributed to a holistic perception of the lesson material. In general, all the planned tasks and the goal of the lesson were achieved. Thanks to the continuity of training sessions, it was possible to accustom children to discipline and organization, instill the skills of cultural behavior, cooperation, develop needs for health promotion, and apply ZUN in practice. I believe that the democratic style of communication, favorable socio-psychological conditions contributed to the creation of a benevolent atmosphere and a situation of success in the lesson, which ensured the success of learning and assimilation of the educational material of the lesson by students.


Basketball training session for GNP-1 (girls)

(trainer-teacher MOUDOD "DYuSSh" Alexey Anatolyevich Golendukhin)


Tasks: 1. Teaching the technique of movement, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, throwing, picking up the ball.2. Development of coordination, speed, speed-strength qualities.3. Education of activity, independence, collectivism.

Lesson type: Educational. Quality control, consolidation and generalization of the studied, conclusions. Consistent study of educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№70.Class date: 02/09/2011 Lesson time: 16.05-17.35 Conduct method:

Location: Gym of MOU "Secondary School No. 23", Glinskoye village

Inventory: Basketballs, stands.

Time spending: 90 min.




basketball training session

for a group of students of the 8th grade of Lyceum No. 180 "Polyforum", Yekaterinburg city

contestant: trainer-teacher MOUDOD "DYuSSh" Rezh, Sverdlovsk region

Alexey Anatolievich Golendukhin

Target: Training in the skills of mastering the elements of the technique of remote throws in basketball.


1. Teaching the technique of movement, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, passing, throwing, picking up the ball, group interactions before throwing. Improving the technique of shots from the game.

2. Development of coordination, speed, speed-strength qualities, strength qualities.

3. Education of activity, independence, collectivism.

Lesson type: Combined. The occupation of generalization, systematization, testing and correction of knowledge and skills. The study of educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№1.

Class date: 04/25/2011 Lesson time: 09.10-09.50

Conduct method: Frontal, group, streaming, individual, gaming.

Location: Sports hall of Lyceum No. 180 "Polyforum", Yekaterinburg

Inventory: Basketballs, dribbling stands, basketball backboards.

Time spending: 40 min.

