Fitness in the workplace - inconspicuous exercises. Invisible gymnastics Invisible exercises

As you know, the most valuable, simple and effective recipes come to us "from antiquity". The hidden gymnastics of Vorobyov, whose roots go back to the 80s of the Soviet Union, can be attributed to the same wells of usefulness.

Since this very simple and effective gymnastics for weight loss was undeservedly forgotten, many years have passed. And only recently it has again become available to a wide segment of the population suffering from inactivity and sedentary work.

Vorobyov and his medalist gymnastics

This simple gymnastics complex was developed by military doctor Vasily Ivanovich Vorobyov. Colonel and candidate of medical sciences Vasily Vorobyov served as the chief nutritionist of the Armed Forces and worked as the chief physician of the Academy of Sciences. For his achievements and scientific inventions, he was awarded the highest military awards and gold medals.

Vorobyov developed his hidden gymnastics as a set of exercises for people of mental labor. Being a very simple and inconspicuous complex, Vorobyov's gymnastics still has no analogues in the world. This gymnastics was twice awarded the gold medal of VDNKh.

This complex is effective not only for the lung and, but also for getting rid of many diseases that occur due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. It is as relevant as possible for today - the age of computer technology and office workers ruining their health in front of monitors. In addition to harmony, gymnastics is the prevention and treatment of migraines, memory impairment, and other health problems.

There are no contraindications for Vorobyov's gymnastics.

How to do it and what is the effect?

The Vorobyov complex should be done every hour, but it takes only 6 minutes. It is easy to allocate 6 minutes of every hour in order to notice tangible changes in a few days: a tightened stomach and a surge of strength. And after 2-3 months, the effect of Vorobyov's gymnastics will no longer be possible to hide from others. And although the first days are the most difficult in terms of discipline, the efforts of will that you put in will pay off handsomely in a few months.

The Vorobyov complex can be performed while sitting at a computer, during a trip to public transport between household chores. The main thing is regularity.

Vorobyov gymnastics complex

  1. If your shoes are high heels or thick soles, remove them. Sitting up, raise your heels without lifting your socks off the floor. The legs are brought together and the back is straight. We repeat 40 times.
  2. Now we perform the previous exercise 40 times in the same way, but already raising the socks without taking off the heels.
  3. An exercise that can be done while sitting, standing and even on the go is the rhythmic tension of the gluteal muscles. Also perform at least 40 times.
  4. Abdominal muscle training combined with breathing exercises: by drawing in the stomach while inhaling and relaxing while exhaling, you can significantly tighten the press in 3-4 sets a day. The recommended number of repetitions is 15-20.
  5. Back muscle training is available sitting and standing. 40 times in a row we bring the shoulder blades to the spine with fixed shoulders.
  6. Clenching and unclenching your fists with your arms spread apart at shoulder level, you can not only stretch your fingers after working on the computer, but also give your back a rest. The main condition for performing the exercise is a straight posture. Repeat the exercise at least 40 times.
  7. Rhythmic turns of the head 180 degrees: look to the right, look to the left. Repeat 40 times.
  8. With a fixed back and shoulders, we stretch our chin forward. Repeating this exercise regularly 40 times per approach can significantly improve the contour of the face and reduce the risk of a double chin.

For a long time I somehow saw, in a paper magazine, a set of such exercises. And now I thought it was time to talk about them. People have relaxed after the New Year holidays, it is difficult to get to work. Here fitness will help - right at the workplace, and no one sees!

In fact, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym. And doing it at home is even more impossible. Because — sometimes things, sometimes cases, sometimes children are watching.

That's why people came up with fitness, directly from the workplace. I'm not talking about breaks - physical education minutes, but about private lessons. To tone the body a little.

Well, let's list what exercises can be done unnoticed by others. so that none of the employees pay attention, and the boss does not even know!

The most inconspicuous exercise is to strain some muscle group. You can retract the stomach, for example. Or strain gluteal muscles. If you do it carefully, no one will notice anything.

You can also quietly pull your toes towards you under the table. You can take turns, or you can pull both socks together. You can put your feet under a chair and raise your socks, then your heels, as if rolling your feet from heel to toe.

By the way, these foot exercises perfectly prevent night cramps, as well as restless legs syndrome. It is especially good to do these exercises towards the end of the working day.

Now hands. The hands can be imperceptibly clenched into a fist, while straining the fists, until the knuckles turn white. Squeeze several times, then relax and shake, like: "we wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired."

I note that the boss is unlikely to be against it if you do this with a small ball, using it as a carpal expander. You can also just twist your fists clockwise and then counterclockwise.

With these exercises, you, in addition, prevent "", especially popular among computer scientists. By the way, I advise you to pick up a mouse heavier. I recently changed the mouse, and the right hand has become completely different!

You can just put your hands on the edge of the table and put pressure on the table. Of course, if the table is strong, otherwise you will turn it over, God forbid, or break something. It really depends on the table.

Another interesting and practically invisible exercise. Bring your legs together and press your hips against each other. Then you can do the same with the ankles.

If you put your hands on your knees from the sides, then you can use the antagonist muscles to the previous exercise. To do this, on the contrary - push your knees apart, interfering with them with your hands.

Well, if you go to work in public transport, then any handrail turns into sports equipment. Pull them towards you or push. I hope that you will not break, and the muscles will tense up.

And in general, it would be great to persuade the boss to do physical exercises at least once a day. It is beneficial for both physical and mental health.

Everything that I wrote above also applies to those who work at home, for example, as a freelancer or just a translator. Try it, it's simple and incredibly useful!

And of course, such exercises help burn calories. That is, I want to say that these simple exercises will be very helpful if you want to lose weight.

A flat stomach is not just a toned and beautiful part body. Good developed muscles The abdominal press makes the waist thinner, the hips slimmer, and the figure more athletic and toned. In many women, and even thin-boned ones, the stomach has an ugly shape, it protrudes strongly. So it's not just about being overweight. The shape of the abdomen depends on the thickness of the fat layer and the condition of the muscles of the abdominal wall. The weakness of this muscle group leads to the formation of a protruding or sagging abdomen.

For most women and all obese people, strength training is not just a matter of choice. This is an absolute must to eliminate body fat. As long as they do not speed up the metabolism by increasing muscle mass, they will never be able to get rid of fat, even with regular aerobic exercise and proper nutrition. Of course, some amount of fat will come off, but you can get the result much better and faster if you exercise at least once a week. gym.

Believe it or not, it is strength training, not diet or aerobics, that is the most effective factor for a strong body. Download the press in the morning before meals or 2-2.5 hours after eating. Without receiving energy support from the outside, the body will be forced to burn the subcutaneous fat reserve of the pressed part of the body. When training the abdominal muscles, do not perform exercises with great tension, as this can lead to their divergence and the formation of a hernia. Also, do not repeat light exercises many times, this is ineffective. Repeat each exercise at least 16-20 times. Exercises are given on the principle - from easy to more difficult.


1. Legs at the knees bent, hands behind the head, lifting, tearing off the shoulder blades, inhale, lowering, exhale. Hands do not clasp elbows to the sides, head looks up. Works upper press. 3 sets of 25 rubles. We spring every 25th time. (pull up)

2. Lying on your back, hands under the buttocks, raise straight legs. On the exhale, we raise, on the inhale we lower, we do not raise our legs high. 50 times non-stop. You can start from 15-20. ( lower press)

3. Cross the legs at the knees so that a right angle is formed, hands behind the head, lifting with the separation of the shoulder blades, the breathing technique is the same. We do not bend our elbows. (all abdominal muscles work)

4. Legs under you (crossed as in Turkish). We perform lying, twisting 3 sets of 20 (upper and lower press work)

5. Legs at the knees are bent. Hands in the lock behind the head, alternately pulling the elbows to the prick, do not bend, stretch with the body. 2 to 50. (oblique muscles of the press work) If these recommendations are followed, in 1.5-2 months the abdominal muscles will get stronger and will hold the abdominal wall well.

Do not forget to regularly do invisible abdominal exercises - to retract and relax the anterior abdominal wall (repeat 8 times). In addition to exercise, it is also useful to rub the stomach daily. cold water, first from the right side (at waist level) to the left and vice versa, then in a clockwise circular motion. For heavy physical exertion, be sure to wear a support belt. It is also extremely necessary during pregnancy (special support belts that can be narrowed and expanded).

It is especially worth paying the attention of women to the fact that it is possible to start strengthening the abdominal muscles after natural childbirth only after 6-8 weeks, after caesarean section- in 2-2.5 months. With loads on the stomach for more early dates serious troubles can await you: divergence of sutures (for example, after a cesarean section or after sewing up the perineum when it ruptures), increased intra-abdominal pressure and omission of the walls of the vagina. Therefore, do not rush with physical activity, and during the recovery period, pay attention to the diet. And with weakened abdominal wall, especially during a sharp weight loss or after childbirth, it is also useful to rub the stomach with the following mixture:

decoction of rosemary (a tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water), 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of vodka and 1 tablespoon of table salt.

A few rules for training abdominal muscles:
- Never use weights. Weight forms voluminous muscles, and I don’t know a single person who would be happy with voluminous abs.
- Never train the obliques directly, especially if you have wide hips and wide waist. Developed obliques will visually make the waist even wider.
- During exercise, keep the press in constant tension. Carefully follow the technique of performing exercises. The result will be better if done 20 times, but correctly, than 50 times through the sleeves.
- Train with intensity. Some coaches advise you to spare yourself, they say that you can do everything half-heartedly. Of course, you can if you train for fun, but if you want a good result, then you will need to give all your best.
- If you have never trained before or start training after long break, start gradually, with one approach to the press, gradually bring to four.

Do massage with nourishing or anti-cellulite creams after gymnastics. Slimming massage aims to break body fat in the abdomen. It is best to do massage before gymnastics, as it helps the muscles to relax, which in turn has a beneficial effect on how they will respond to physical exercise. For massage, you can use a special massager or use improvised means.

How often to train the press? At least three times a week, maximum - at least every day.

You can fill the bed for the benefit of your figure. After all, the muscles continue to work, and if this is the case, then why not turn the cleaning of the bed into an exciting exercise that brings benefits?

1. When making the bed, connect the muscles of the chest, abdomen and back to the process. To do this, you first need to stand up straight.

washing your face

While washing, you can also do some exercises. After all, washing is associated with the tilt of the body, and if done correctly, you can get the maximum benefit from the usual hygienic procedure.

Bend over the sink, being careful not to slouch, lift your shoulders, or tuck your chin into your chest. After washing and wiping your face, do the following exercises:

1. Take the towel by the ends so that it sags, bring it to your chin and pull the fabric sharply to make cotton on the back of the chin. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

2. Stretch your hands with a towel in front of you, then lift and take as far as possible behind your head. Then lower your arms in a reverse motion and lock in front of you. Repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

in the bath

Did you know that the bath is not only for washing the body? There are many exercises to perform in the water, some of which can be done at home. After several weeks of regular water activities, you will be pleasantly surprised to find positive changes in body shape. The result will be similar to the fact that you have been doing... swimming all this time.

1. Grasp the washcloth between the soles of your feet and lift them up as slowly and as high as you can. Lock your legs in the highest position for 3-5 seconds, then relax and lower your legs. The exercise should be repeated at least 10 times.

2. Sit down and firmly grasp the edges of the tub with your hands. Then lift straightened legs. Slowly bend your right leg at the knee, then straighten it just as slowly. Now do the same with the other leg. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times for each leg.

3. Raise your right leg, straighten it and pull it towards you as close as possible by the knee, trying not to bend. Do the same with the left leg. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times for each leg.

4. Sit with your legs stretched out and grasp one of the edges of the tub with your hands. With the hand that is closer to the edge, pull the body to the side, while pushing with the other hand. Feel the tension in your muscles. Turn around and do the exercise on the other side of the body. The number of repetitions is 3 for each side.

5. Next exercise useful for the waist and abdominals. Sit down, raise your arms above your head and lean forward. Slowly return to starting position. The number of repetitions is 5-6.

6. Tie a towel around your head, grab the ends and pull forward while trying to tilt your head back. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck, the number of repetitions is 3. When performing, be careful: the ends of the towel should always remain in your hands.

7. Lean on the bottom of the bath with your feet, grasp its edges with your hands and, leaning, lift your body above the water. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

8. In the shower, give yourself a massage with jets of cool water. Massage should be performed clockwise in a circular motion.

9. In the pool, lean against the wall, straightening your back, and, holding your hands on the side, raise your legs alternately to your chest, bent at the knees.

Over time, the number of repetitions will need to be increased from 3-6 times to 10. But this can be done when you feel that your body is strong enough for a greater load.

Putting on socks, stockings, tights or shoes

Gymnastics can be practiced in the most seemingly ordinary situation, for example, putting on shoes, stockings or socks.

The main thing is to always remember that when doing even ordinary things, our body moves and this can be used to the benefit of the body.

1. Putting on stockings or socks, lean forward while lifting bent leg, and touch your hands to calf muscles. After that, you can put on a stocking (sock). In the same way, try to put on shoes.

Climbing up the stairs

good place to develop leg muscles is a regular ladder. Only master this simulator should be gradual, starting with a daily rise of 2-3 spans at an average pace. After a while, the rate of ascent and the number of spans can be increased. You need to train on the stairs, climbing the steps on your toes and in no case holding on to the railing.

At the bus stop

Leaving the house, do not rush to press the elevator call button, but go down the stairs on foot. And although during the descent the load on the muscles is three times less than during the ascent, it is still useful for the muscles of the legs. For example, going down the stairs from the ninth floor is approximately equal to going up several flights (3rd floor). Try to walk part of the way to work. To do this, you can get on the transport at the next stop, and until that moment go on foot, or get off the bus one stop earlier. And while waiting for a trolleybus or minibus, do a few simple exercises.

1. Straighten your back, raise your head and transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other, trying not to bend them. Shoulders should be pulled back.

2. Exhale, then draw in air through the nose and immediately exhale while drawing in the stomach.

3. Pull in your stomach, count to six, then relax.

In the office

If you are sitting at your desk, then during the working day you can perform a set of so-called invisible exercises that are completely invisible to others. For example, you can rest against a wall and feel how your muscles tense up. Such exercises are isometric and develop muscles no worse than we are used to. dynamic exercises or weight training.

You can perform isometric exercises, resting against any fixed object - against a doorway, a wall, a chair or a table top. The maximum muscle tension in this case should not last more than 6 seconds.

Each exercise should be repeated 4-6 times in a row, and the entire workout will take you about 5-10 minutes.

The following complex can be repeated every 1.5-2 hours.

1. Straighten up, sitting on a chair, take your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades together, straining dorsal muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax completely. The number of repetitions is 3-5 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, take a deep breath and draw in your stomach. Hold this position for 2 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

3. Sitting on a chair, clasp the seat with both palms from below and try to lift yourself up. Hold the position for 3-4 seconds, then relax completely. The number of repetitions is 5-6 times.

4. Sitting on a chair, squeeze the gluteal muscles. Hold the position for 4-6 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

5. Place your hands on the tabletop and press hard. Hold the position for 7-10 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

6. Sitting in a chair, relax completely and inhale 3-4 times through your nose, and then exhale calmly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

During the break, you can allow yourself to move more actively. For example, to develop a variety of muscle groups without using either an expander or dumbbells: your own muscles will perform the role of these projectiles.

7. With the elbow of the hand (right), rest against the stomach. In this case, the palm should be open, and the forearm and shoulder should form a right angle. Align the left palm with the right. Bend your right arm and try to overcome the resistance of the opposite arm. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times for each hand.

8. Connect the palms in front of the chest and move them to the right and left, overcoming resistance.

9. Rest your palm (right) on your chin. Trying to overcome resistance, turn your head to the right. Do the same to the left side with the other hand.

10. Rest your palm on your thigh and, overcoming resistance, lift your leg to the side up.

The following exercises develop a greater chest muscle which is especially important for a woman who is losing weight. After all, "burning" overweight, we must not forget about the need to strengthen and train your body. In particular, the chest should not lose elasticity. The exercises below should be performed 25 times in 4 sets.

11. Cross your arms so that the right palm rests on the left forearm, and the left palm on the right. Mentally concentrate and, tensing your muscles, push your forearms to the sides with your palms.

12. Stretch your arms forward and stretch, looking at your fingertips. Imagine that you need to push a large and heavy object, for which you put all your strength into the movement.

13. Put your hands behind your back, rest them on your buttocks and bend over, feeling how your whole body tenses.

14. Interlace your fingers, stretch your arms with their backs to your chest, and stretch well.

15. Holding onto the support, slowly lean back, gradually straightening your arms. Then let go of the support for a second and grab onto it again so you don't fall. The moment you release the support, the abdominal muscles will contract. Take the starting position and repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

16. Move the stool to the table so that your knees are under its cover. Counting to ten and resting your knees on the tabletop, slowly lean back until your body is in a horizontal position. At the same time, try not to lean on the floor and not to hold on to the legs of the stool. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise several times. This exercise can be performed without a table.

17. Sit on the edge of a chair, resting your hands on it. While exhaling, lift the body up, leaning on the hands and tensing the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Hold this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Do the exercise until tired. It helps to improve the condition of the muscles of the arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

18. Take the starting position, as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, tilt your back back. At the same time, stretch your legs forward. Hold this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise until the abdominal muscles are tired.

19. Sit on a chair, resting your hands on it, straighten your legs and lift them low above the floor. Perform the exercise "scissors", alternately crossing your legs.

20. Sit on the edge of a chair with your shoulder blades touching its back. Lower your arms along the body, stretch your legs forward and squeeze your knees tightly. Slowly raise your legs to a height of 30 cm from the floor, making sure not to push your knees apart. Inhale, rest your shoulders against the back of your chair, and as you exhale, count to ten. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

21. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately raise your arms, trying to reach as high as possible. This exercise develops lateral muscles. It should be done regularly and pull each hand for at least 5 seconds.

22. Inhale deeply, raise your arms and lean to the left. Take the starting position and lean to the right. Your movements should be strong and energetic. As you bend over, count to five. Repeat the exercise several times for each side.

23. Stand in a doorway with your back, heels, and head against the jamb. Raise your leg and rest it against another jamb so as to block the passage. Tighten your muscles as if you want to push open a doorway. At the same time, you should feel how tense lower muscles belly. Repeat the exercise.

24. Stand close to the wall, rise on your tiptoes and stretch up, counting to seven and at the same time resting your back against the wall. Repeat the exercise several times!

25. Do 13 squats while holding on to the back of a chair. Make sure your knees don't move apart. Spring on your toes, exhaling on each squat. Try to complete the exercise without interruption.

26. Sitting in a chair, straighten your back, raise your arms, tilt your head back and try to lean back as far as possible. This exercise should be repeated 10 times.

27. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Start walking in place, raising your legs as high as possible. Do this exercise for at least 3 minutes.

28. Starting position - standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, arms raised up. With a swing, lower your straight arms down and cross them in front of your chest, then take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

29. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides. Circular rotation of the body to the right and left. The number of repetitions is 30.

30. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your right hand along the body, rest your left against the wall. Rotate your torso to the right by pulling your shoulder back and down. Change hands and do the exercise on the left side. The number of repetitions is 20.

31. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put your right hand behind your back. Raise your left hand, put it behind your head and pull your right hand by the elbow. Perform the exercise for 10-20 seconds. The number of repetitions is 20.

Every woman would like to have even, rounded calves and slender hips. But, unfortunately, not all of the fair sex has legs. ideal forms. For some, they are too thin, for others, on the contrary, they are full. Women try to hide such shortcomings either with trousers or very long skirts. And one can only dream of mini-skirts or shorts, because such clothes emphasize the flaws of the figure.

Currently, experts in toning and shaping have developed a lot of exercises with which you can correct most of the shortcomings of the leg muscles. However, these exercises must be performed regularly, otherwise the classes will be of little use. The best are considered exercises related to lifting on toes. However, in order for these exercises to give the expected effect, they must be performed not on the floor, but standing on a step or, for example, on a thick book.

32. Stand so that only socks are on the step (book), hold your hands on the chair. Slowly rise up on your toes, then lower your heels to the floor. During the exercise, do not lean your hands on the chair, but use them only to maintain balance.

33. Sitting on a chair, lift your sock, then tap it on the floor. Perform the exercise for 40-60 seconds for each leg.

34. Put your socks on the step (book), your heels should be on the floor. Rise up on your toes, bringing your heels together and spreading your toes. This exercise strengthens the tibia and calf muscles.

35. Put your socks on the step, heels on the floor. With your socks together and your heels apart, lift your shins. This exercise is designed to strengthen the tibial muscles.

36. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight, rest your hands on the chair. Lift your heels off the floor, hold this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Do 25 reps.

37. Stand up straight with one hand resting on a chair. Perform a squat while inhaling, while tensing the muscles of the buttocks. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 25 times.

38. Stand up straight, feet together, lean on a chair with your hand. Bend your leg at the knee, lift it up and slowly move it to the side, tensing the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Return to starting position. Perform 30 repetitions for each leg.

39. Stand up straight, feet together, lean on a chair with your hand. AT slow pace take your leg to the side, while pulling the sock towards you. Return to starting position. Do 40 reps for each leg.

Beautiful hands are also a good subject for reflection. After all, no figure will save if your hands look unsightly. No other parts of the body need so much care as women's hands. They get tired of a variety of homework, sensitive to the weather, besides, at a certain age, salts begin to be deposited in their joints. And in order not to lose the flexibility and elasticity of the joints with age, you can perform the set of exercises below. Hand gymnastics will take you only 5 minutes a day, but after such a warm-up, your hands will look graceful and become more mobile.

40. Clench your fingers into a fist, leaving your thumbs free. Do circular motions thumbs in one direction or the other.

41. Squeeze the hand into a fist with force, and then vigorously unclench your fingers. Repeat 10 times.

42. Fold your arms, pressing your palms tightly together, then open your hands at the wrist. The fingers should rest against each other. Do 10-15 times.

43. Lower your arms along the torso and completely relax them. Freely rotate the brushes, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Do 5-6 times.

44. Relax your hands and raise your arms up. Then shake them and take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

45. Embrace right hand fingers of the left hand and shake lightly. Do the same with the other hand.

46. ​​Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling, take them back. Do the exercise 30 times.

Now many of us work all day at the computer. The result of constant sitting is a stiff neck, worsening blood and lymph flow. So that you are not taken by surprise by health troubles, and the skin of your neck is always firm and elastic, do these simple exercises every day.

47. Starting position - sitting on a chair, slightly raise your head. Perform head turns to one side or the other. The number of repetitions is 10, the pace is average.

48. Sitting on a chair, raise your head straight, put one hand on your neck, support your chin with the other. Tilt your head back with an energetic, but unsharp movement, and then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise at an average pace, the number of repetitions is 5-6.

49. Starting position - sitting on a chair, head down. Perform slow circular movements of the head to the right and left for 1-2 minutes.

50. Sitting on a chair, put your elbows on the table, put your chin on the back of your hands. Slowly and firmly squeeze the chin with your hands, then release the pressure. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

51. Starting position - sitting on a chair, keep your head straight. Stretch your neck forward, trying to keep your body still. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times, the pace is medium.

After completing this set of exercises, you can whip your chin with the back of your hands to relax, then inhale deeply and exhale completely.

On the beach

Not everyone knows that lying in a deck chair or just on the sand, swimming in a river or the sea, you can carry out a set of exercises for the abdominals, so that your figure will change beyond recognition in a few weeks. Excess adipose tissue will be replaced by muscle, which means you will lose a few centimeters at the waist. But this will only happen if you follow the diet you have chosen. The exercises below will also help those who do not care about the problem. excess weight: After 3-4 weeks of regular exercise, you will be able to improve your physical shape, which will immediately affect the waist and stomach.

1. Lying on your back, raise your outstretched legs a few centimeters above the sand, then slowly move them first to the left, then to the right. After resting for a few minutes, lift your legs again and spread them apart. After that, repeat the exercise, raising your legs a little higher and increasing the range of motion.

2. Lying on your stomach, do multiple backbends and push-ups. Be careful to keep your shoulders and pelvis still.

3. Go into the water up to your waist and make a few swings back and forth, first with your left, then with your right foot.

4. Go into the water up to your chest, clasp your hands in a “lock” and evenly massage your stomach and thighs with water.

Go deeper into the water and, keeping afloat vertically, do the following exercises.

5. Stretch your arms in front of you and, bending your legs sharply, pull your knees as close to your stomach as possible, then slowly straighten your legs.

6. Raise your legs and stretch them forward. Touch your toes with your fingers and return to the starting position.

7. Go into the water up to your shoulders, put your feet wide, spread your arms underwater with your palms up and to the sides. Make turns with the body to the right, then to the left, increasing the range of motion from time to time.

8. Bend your legs and jump as high as you can in the water.

9. Put your hands on your waist and make circular movements with your hips.

10. Clasp your palms and move them up and down 3-4 cm from the stomach. Such water massage increases the tone of the abdominal muscles.

On the road

While traveling in public transport or waiting for it at a bus stop, you can do the so-called vibro-gymnastics. The following exercise from this series was developed by Academician A. A. Mikulin.

To perform it, you need to rise on your toes so that the heels are 1-2 cm off the floor, then immediately drop sharply to the starting position. The pace is fast: one concussion per second. After 30 times, you need to take a break for 5-10 seconds, and then repeat the exercise another 30 times. During the day, it is recommended to perform a series of exercises at least 3-5 times. Vibro-gymnastics is useful not only as a means of helping to get rid of extra pounds. She strengthens cardiovascular system and prevent thrombophlebitis.

Consolidating Skills

After 2-3 months of regular gymnastics, you can proceed to more serious exercises aimed at improving what has been achieved. At the same time, it must be remembered that intense training must be combined with proper nutrition. To do this, you should not increase the amount of food eaten, you just need to take care of the quality of the products entering the body.

So, for example, a woman weighing 55 kg should receive about 45 g of protein with food every day, a man weighing 70 kg - 55 g of protein. Moreover, it is important that together with animal proteins you do not get into the load extra fat. Therefore, it is best to stick to a certain, not very strict diet. It’s also not worth going too far: without proper nutrition, your body will quickly deplete its strength. You should also increase the load gradually until you reach the maximum.

Before embarking on any exercise, we recommend that you realistically assess your physical capabilities. At the same time, try to answer the questions, do you have a reserve of strength at the end of the day, how strong are your bones, do you have back pain, etc. It is important to take into account not only strong, but also weak sides of your body. Only in this case you will be able to choose the optimal training program for yourself and set a realistic goal.

To determine if you have body fat can be very in a simple way. It is necessary to stretch one hand forward and pinch the skin on the lower part of the forearm with the fingers of the other. If the thickness of this layer is more than 1 cm, then there is excess fat in the body. But after doing gymnastics, muscle tissue may appear in place of body fat if the exercises were well thought out and regular.

Another step towards the perfect figure will be a clear definition of the purpose of the classes. Evaluate your physical data to find out what exactly needs to be corrected: where to “remove” the fat pad, where to pump up muscles, etc. After that, you need to find the appropriate set of exercises for each part of the body.

We recommend that you write down all the information about the changes that have occurred to you during the classes in a diary. For example, about the changing volume of the waist or calf muscles, body weight, as well as information about well-being. All this will help you understand how effective the exercises you have chosen to improve your figure are.

To on initial stage to determine how efficient your muscles are, you need to conduct a small test. To do this, stand with your back to the wall and slowly sit down so that you get an angle equal to 90 °. If you can maintain this position for a minute and a half, then your muscles are developed just fine. A sixty-second result speaks of good physical development; 30 seconds is also good. However, if you cannot hold out in this position for 20 seconds, then you have a serious gap in this area.

Also, push-ups provide data on muscle development. If you manage to push out only 5 times, therefore, your muscles lack strength, and it’s too early for you to start serious sports activities. 15 push-ups are considered a good result, and 25 speak of serious sports training.

Breathing exercises jian-fei

Jian-fei means "lose fat" in Chinese. With the help of Chinese exercises breathing exercises You can get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time. And in the future, you will achieve that your figure will become slim, health and well-being will improve significantly.

The jian-fei complex consists of three exercises - "frog", "wave" and "lotus". By doing a daily “wave”, you will get rid of an acute feeling of hunger, which will help to significantly reduce the amount of food, and you can easily follow a diet.

Usually, after reducing the diet, a person feels weak. But jian-fei gymnastics can save you from that. unpleasant symptom keeping you fit and healthy.


Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet straight. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest and take a deep breath in and out. While inhaling, you need to draw in your stomach and straighten your chest, and as you exhale, inflate your stomach and lower your chest. The movements of the abdomen and chest should be undulating. This is where the name of this exercise comes from. The frequency of inhalations and exhalations is close to the normal rhythm.

The “wave” exercise is performed only at the beginning of jian-fei gymnastics. Subsequently, they return to it only when thrill hunger.


To perform the frog exercise, sit in a chair that is high enough so that your thigh and lower leg form a 90° angle. Spread your knees shoulder-width apart, clench your left hand into a fist, clasp it with your right palm and place your elbows on your knees, resting your forehead in clenched hands. Close your eyes slightly, smile mentally, take a deep breath and relax, remembering the most good moments own life.

After relaxing and settling the emotional sphere, proceed to the next stage of the exercise. To do this, take a deep breath, mentally drawing air into the abdomen, and then slowly exhale through your mouth, feeling how the stomach becomes soft and relaxed. Then take another slow breath through your nose, move the air into your stomach and freeze for 2 seconds. After that, inhale briefly and immediately begin a slow exhalation.

The breathing cycle during this exercise should look like this: inhale, hold the breath, short breath and slow exhale. At the moment of “breathing”, the chest should not move: at this time, only the stomach rises and retracts, which resembles the breathing of a frog.

Exercise "frog" perform 10-15 minutes, and after it is completed, do not open your eyes for another 1-2 minutes. Then you need to raise your head with your eyes closed, rub your palms together, run them over your head, open your eyes, raising your hands up, take a deep breath and stretch.

During the period of especially intensive weight loss, this exercise should be performed for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day.


The lotus exercise can be done in the Buddha position or sitting on a stool, just like when doing the frog. Having taken one of the positions described, place your hands palms up one above the other, straighten your back, draw in your chest, lower your shoulders and chin, close your eyes and put the tip of your tongue on the bumps behind your teeth. Relax completely, take a deep breath and think of something pleasant. After that, thoughts should be focused on the regulation of breathing.

At the first stage of the exercise, which lasts 5 minutes, your breathing should be deep, even and light, and neither the chest nor the stomach should rise or fall.

In the second step, try not to think about inhaling, and as you exhale, relax completely, trying to make the breath soundless. This part of the exercise also lasts 5 minutes.

In the third stage, which lasts twice as long - 10 minutes, try not to control either exhalation or inhalation, and also do not pay attention to either the evenness or the depth of breathing.

Resting, exercising

Leisure really not just a vacation. It is also a means to tighten your muscles and even a way to get rid of extra pounds. After all, skiing, hiking in the forest or cycling not only give great pleasure, but also provide good workout for the whole body.


Skiing is one of the most accessible sports that can be practiced by people of various professions and age groups. During skiing, cardiac activity and respiration are activated, metabolism is accelerated, the body is freed from cholesterol, salts and lipoproteins. Besides, ski trip causes a lot of positive emotions in a person, it develops endurance, improves the figure and helps strengthen the nervous system.

Physical activity when skiing depends on many factors: the condition of the track, weather conditions, ski slip and terrain, as well as the duration and speed of walking and, of course, physical training.

It should be noted here that running and skiing are among the most difficult types of aerobic exercises, since almost all major muscle groups are included in the work, including the muscles of the arms, legs and the entire body. Therefore, skiing is considered not only a means to improve the figure, but also a great way to improve your health.


Swimming is also very efficient view load, in which all the main muscles of the body are involved. Swimming is preferable to "land" sports also because the muscles of swimmers are less prone to injury, since water greatly softens the effect on bones and joints. As for the state of the figure, swimming has a beneficial effect not only on it, but on the whole organism as a whole. At regular classes your figure will acquire sculptural forms, posture will improve, and movements will be light and plastic.

Staying in water increases energy expenditure due to heat transfer from the body. For example, when you stay in water for 4 minutes at a temperature of 24–25 ° C, your metabolism is accelerated by 60–75%, and breathing is doubled. Muscle effort due to water resistance also affects the energy consumption of the body, which is why experts so often advise those who want to lose weight to go swimming at least 2 times a week.

The intensity of the loads largely depends on the chosen style. So, when swimming crawl, a person receives greater loads than, for example, when swimming breaststroke or backstroke.

Running and brisk walking

When the figure begins to gain weight, blood stagnates in the tissues, which contributes to the formation of fat. If you regularly "accelerate" the blood, then the blood flow is restored, and the fat gradually dissolves. Probably, you need to tell how fat appears in general. Calories have nothing to do with it, because fat is not food, but a natural “warehouse”. Its formation takes place as follows: if a person ate too much and this excess did not have time to digest, then it moves through the body to some “quiet” place, where it is deposited in the form of fat “in reserve”. And if such “quiet” places are not touched for years, then whole layers of fat can form in them. Therefore, it is so necessary to actively move: for example, go for walks.

When walking or running, the main thing is shoes, they should be comfortable. While walking, focus your attention on the feet: mentally observe how they relax, how the muscles of the legs gradually warm up, become warmer, and after that they themselves carry you where you want. If before that you did not go in for sports, then the feeling of warmth does not come immediately, but only 10-15 minutes later. But if it appears, then you will never confuse it with anything, because immediately after that you will begin to enjoy walking.

You don’t need to walk too fast, you should choose the pace like this: first you walk in the way that is most comfortable, and a few minutes later you speed up the pace a little so that the pleasure borders on a feeling of exertion. The most important thing is not to overdo it at the beginning of classes. For the first time, a kilometer walk is enough. And overweight women are recommended to take 5-6 peas of Arnica 6 before and after a walk - a homeopathic remedy that relieves muscle fatigue. Then the next day, the legs will not “whine”.

As for clothing, since walking is designed to warm the muscles, it means that clothing should be warming, that is, trousers or tights, but not shorts. Shoes - sneakers; definitely not too thick socks. Do not try to warm up the whole body at once: you need to start with the legs. After a walk, you should rinse your feet with warm water, because in the process of walking a certain amount of toxins came out, so they need to be washed off urgently so that they are not absorbed back. After the water procedure, lubricate the legs with cream. And we will please the owners of vascular networks and varicose veins with the fact that you will part with these by no means cosmetic shortcomings very soon.

The advantage of walking over other aerobic exercises is that it can be practiced anywhere and as much as you like, regardless of the degree of fitness of the body. In the process of walking, almost all the muscles of the body work, the heart contracts rhythmically, the lungs are well ventilated, metabolism is normalized, etc.

The basis of the effect of sports walking is an accelerated step. For a healthy person, brisk walking does not present any difficulties, but the energy expenditure is low. For example, walking 6 km per hour, you will spend only 400 kilocalories, and to compensate for the losses, you need to eat only 100 g of sour cream.

But this fact should not confuse anyone, since in the process of walking the work of the cardiovascular system is activated and metabolic processes are accelerated in the body. So race walking is one of the most reliable means for weight loss. To increase the effectiveness of this method, it is necessary to increase the distance traveled and the pace of walking weekly.

Walking speed is set depending on how you feel: you need to start walking from 5-10 minutes a day, and after 3-4 months, the duration of walks should increase to 2-3 hours. The frequency of walks is 1-2 times a week. In Japan, there is another rule: 10,000 steps a day. And the Japanese, with their inherent punctuality, daily measure the norm. Perhaps that is why there are so few obese people among the inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

Experts divide walking into several types, differing in their characteristics:

Very slow walking - 60-70 steps per minute (2.5-3.0 km per hour);

Slow walking - 70-90 steps per minute (3.0-4.0 km per hour);

Average walking - 90-120 steps per minute (4.0-5.5 km per hour);

Fast walking - 120-140 steps per minute (5.5-6.5 km per hour);

Very fast walking - more than 140 steps per minute (over 6.5 km per hour).

Nowadays, for untrained people and people suffering from obesity, a whole program of increasing the load has been developed, limiting the pace of walking within the average (Table 2).

table 2

The scheme of increasing the load when walking

Every healthy person who does not have strict contraindications to walking, regardless of age, can easily bring the pace of walking to fast. By the way, about an hour of walking at a fast pace is practically the Japanese norm. And to develop an easy and graceful gait, experts recommend performing exercises made up of a variety of walking methods:

Normal walking with arm swings and high knees (for 30-60 seconds);

Walking with arms swinging on toes (30-60 seconds);

Walking with hands on the belt on the heels (30-60 seconds);

Walking in a semi-squat, hands on the belt (for 30 seconds);

walking with high rise straightened legs and swinging arms (front step, 30 seconds);

Walking in a semi-squat, arms extended in front of the chest (for 30 seconds);

Walking on straight legs in a cross step, hands on the belt (for 30 seconds);

Walking on straight legs in a cross step, straight arms raised above the head (for 30 seconds);

Walking sideways on toes, hands on head (for 30 seconds);

Normal walking (within 30 seconds);

Walking on stripes or marked tracks with different hand positions (for 30-60 seconds);

Walking on a narrow and wide area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport (beam, gymnastic bench, etc.) and with various options movements of the legs and arms (straight, sideways, back; arms extended to the sides, forward, laid behind the back, etc.; within 30–60 seconds).

Now let's talk about running. Most people who need aerobic exercise choose running only because you can almost always find a suitable place close to home - a park, a square, a road with a small road traffic and so on. In addition, many people know that people who regularly go in for jogging, in the most as soon as possible there is a whole series of positive changes in the body. This applies to both physique and health. Runners noticeably strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems and develop a variety of muscle groups. In addition, jogging, even at the initial stage, does not require any special physical preparation or serious skills.

Of course, jogging is much more efficient than walking, but an untrained person, and even burdened overweight, she simply won’t be able to do it for a long time: it’s better for such people to start with walking. And after physical form is restored, it will be possible to switch to jogging.

But even quite healthy people should not get carried away with long and fast runs. At first, you need to alternate running and walking, after which, without increasing the speed of movement, gradually reduce the walking time. Not earlier than after 3 weeks of such training, you can increase your running speed and reduce walking distances to a minimum. If during the training period you experience shortness of breath, and during the day there is a breakdown and drowsiness, the load should be reduced.

By the way, when jogging, you do not need to copy techniques Olympic champions. Feet should be placed on a full foot, straight, followed by the transfer of weight from heel to toe.


Cycling is just as good for muscles as walking or jogging. medium speed, providing the maximum training effect, is a speed of about 25 km per hour. At home or in the gym, instead of a bicycle, an exercise bike is successfully used.

This type of physical activity increases the mobility of the leg joints, develops endurance and has a beneficial effect on a variety of muscle groups. In addition, exercising on a stationary bike or cycling differs from jogging and walking in that in the first case, the load on the joints and bones is much less.

Roller skating

Inline skating at 16 km/h is the equivalent of jogging at 8 km/h, scientific research shows. However, without special training such results are not easy to achieve. You need to train almost continuously and carefully monitor that the muscles of the legs and arms are constantly working. In this case, the frequency and strength of heart contractions should be close to optimal. If you roller skate exclusively downhill, the aerobic effect is significantly reduced.

Water procedures

Any water procedures can be called without exaggeration the most pleasant method of body shaping. What happens at this time in the body? First of all, rejuvenation of the skin, which after a bath or shower becomes smooth, elastic and silky. In addition, water procedures increase blood circulation in peripheral vessels. In general, human skin is an ideal object for hydrological treatment, which has a beneficial effect not only on the outer integument, but also on the entire body. In combination with various medicinal components, ordinary water can help a person regulate metabolism and get rid of many chronic diseases, including obesity or excessive thinness. In addition, baths and showers help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Water procedures are useful for both overweight people and those who have a lack of body weight. At home, the most affordable procedures are contrast showers and baths. It is advisable to take a shower daily, each time rubbing the body with a washcloth or brush. Massage in combination with cold and hot water “accelerates” the blood, improving the blood supply to the skin and making it smooth, young and elastic.

Sea salt baths

In order to improve the condition of the body, take baths with sea salt. It is rich in minerals that have a healing effect. They improve the functioning of many systems, normalize metabolism and have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

For one bath, you need to take 350 g of natural sea salt and dissolve it in water at 36-37 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is 10-12 procedures with obligatory breaks of 24 hours.

Honey baths

Honey baths have a beneficial effect on metabolism and the condition of the skin. These procedures strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory organs and the musculoskeletal system. Honey removes slags, radionuclides and toxins from the body. Of the contraindications - only individual intolerance and pregnancy.

For one procedure, you will need 250 g of liquid honey, which can be dissolved in cold, cool, warm or hot water. Hot honey baths are not recommended for hypertensive patients, as well as for people suffering from angina pectoris, nervous exhaustion, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and hemophilia.

You can take a bath both reclining and sitting. In the first case, you need to put a rubber pillow under your head. Throughout the procedure, care must be taken to rib cage in the region of the heart always remained above water. The water level should be: for men - at the level of the nipples, for women - no higher than the mammary glands.

Before taking a honey bath, the body should be thoroughly washed with soap, and then rinsed with clean water. Procedures should be carried out every other day, and after each bath, rest for half an hour.

hot tub

A hot honey bath is considered a powerful remedy, so it should be taken no longer than 10 minutes. Hot bath water should be 40°C. At this temperature, the vessels expand well, even those located deep under the skin. This enhances blood circulation and increases perspiration. The latter contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body, normalization of the lungs and heart, increase blood pressure and body temperature.

warm bath

A warm honey bath is taken a little longer than a hot one - 10-15 minutes. At the same time, the water temperature should not be higher than 37-39 ° C. Like hot, warm honey bath improves metabolic processes in the body and normalizes digestion. This procedure also improves sleep, relieves pain and muscle tension, and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Experts especially recommend warm honey baths for neurosis and diseases of the endocrine system.

cool bath

For a cool honey bath, the water temperature should be 20-30 ° C, but it should not be taken longer than 1-5 minutes. The fact is that honey in combination with cool water has a strong tonic effect. This procedure normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Cool honey baths are usually prescribed for mental disorders, "sluggish" neuroses, as well as for alcoholism and impotence.

cold bath

The water temperature for a cold honey bath should not exceed 20 °C. This procedure has about the same therapeutic effect as a cool bath. The duration of the procedure is 1-5 minutes.

Bath and sauna

The main active principle of the bath is hot steam, under the influence of which the blood supply to the skin and muscles increases, blood vessels expand, the heartbeat quickens, metabolic processes accelerate and the body's need for oxygen increases. Bathers note profuse sweating, due to which the skin is cleansed, and toxins and other harmful metabolic products come out of the body. The latter promotes the resorption of body fat, which makes it easier for people who regularly visit the steam room to maintain body weight at the proper level and even “lose” excess weight.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to use the bath as a means for losing weight only after consulting with your doctor. It is within his competence to exclude contraindications and determine how effective bath procedures will be in your case.

Currently, two types of baths are widely used: sauna (Finnish bath) and Russian bath. They differ from each other in temperature in the steam room and air humidity. So, in a Russian bath, the air temperature ranges from 55 to 70 ° C with an air humidity of 80–90%. In a Finnish bath, the air is much drier: only 15%, and the temperature, on the contrary, is above 70, but not more than 90 ° C. The high air temperature in the sauna is tolerated quite easily due to the low humidity. And in the Russian bath, due to high humidity, sweating is somewhat limited.

In the sauna, the bathing procedure is more intense, so you can’t bathe with a broom there: the load on the heart increases. Not every person can withstand a massage under the influence of high temperature. This procedure is recommended to be carried out approximately 10-15 minutes after you left the steam room.

Using a bath as a therapeutic measure requires compliance with certain rules, otherwise you can cause serious harm to your body. Before visiting a sauna or a bath, you do not need to eat up, but you should not bathe on an empty stomach either, just as it is not recommended to bathe shortly before bedtime. You need to enter the steam room of the Russian bath after you have doused the body (only the body, not the head) with warm or cool water. You need to enter the steam room of the Finnish bath with a dry body. In both cases, a woolen or felt hat should be put on the head to avoid overheating.

The time spent in a steam room of a Russian bath is usually from 5 to 7 minutes, the time spent in a steam room of a sauna is at least 10 minutes. In the second case, the exit time is easy to determine by the copious separation of sweat.

After visiting the steam room, the body needs rest. To do this, you need to sit in the dressing room, wrapped in a sheet. Drinking or eating is not recommended. If you are thirsty, rinse your mouth with cool water. Water or tea can be drunk only in the most extreme case, and even then no more than 200 ml.

On a bathing day, we generally do not recommend drinking more liquid than usual. And it is completely unacceptable to drink beer or other alcoholic beverages after visiting the steam room. In this case, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases, which reduces the therapeutic effect of the bath procedure.

Another question, to which few people know the correct answer: how many times do you need to go to the steam room? Everything is individual here, but remember that the body does not need overload either. It is better for beginners to limit themselves to 1-2 visits, after which every time they take breaks for 15 minutes. If you decide to go to the steam room for the second time, then this entry should not exceed the previous one in time.

But, despite the therapeutic effect, visiting the bath is not useful for everyone. Those who are overweight or obese should consult their doctor. The same can be said about older people. Those who have Chronical bronchitis or have lung disease, especially tuberculosis. Hypertensive patients and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or thyroid pathologies, heart disease, etc. should discuss the load with the doctor.

Sex and weight loss

Sex is a concept very close to the concept of "fitness", so they can be considered phenomena that are closely related to each other. Scientists have been trying for decades to figure out how modern man manages to survive in an atmosphere of work rush, malnutrition and polluted environment. And now, by experience, they proved that sex is perhaps much more useful than any sports training.

The pulse rate of a sexually aroused individual increases to 150 beats per minute. This can only be compared to the state of a sprinter when he runs on a treadmill.

A similar phenomenon occurs under the influence of oxytocin, a hormone that controls the tone of the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, and outside of it, the work of all muscle tissue.

At the time of orgasm, the concentration of this hormone in the blood increases by about 5 times, which causes an increase in pressure and an increase in heart rate (2 times). That is why sex is the prevention of cardiovascular disease no worse than exercising on simulators. Other "love hormones" - testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone - reduce the risk of heart disease.

People who have sex 2 times a week have better health than those who neglect it. Regular sex protects women from possible breast cancer, and men from prostate cancer. Sex affects the emotional state of both sexes, as the release of hormones at the time of sexual intercourse promotes relaxation and has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Sexual intercourse can be called a kind of training in a fitness center, because during it almost all the muscles of the body are involved. However, there is no need to flatter yourself on this score: fitness and sex, of course, are interconnected, but, unfortunately, they do not exclude each other. Sex, of course, is an energetic activity, and not only: it brings a lot of positive emotions. But in order for sex to completely replace necessary for a person physical exercise we would have to make love for several hours a day. And all this without changing the posture and without slowing down the pace.

In addition, not too many calories are “burned” during sex: only 4 kilocalories per minute, or 250 kilocalories per hour.

Average people make love for about 5 minutes a day, spending less than 25 kilocalories on it. The same amount of energy is spent when climbing two flights of stairs. Even the prelude to sex requires much more energy.

Clothing and various devices for weight loss

In order to have a slim, toned figure and beautiful skin, you need to eat right and exercise regularly. Suppose everything is decided with food, but what if household chores and work do not leave time for sports? As a result, the muscles weaken, the skin gradually loses elasticity, and very soon women come to the conclusion that open or tight clothes are not for them. The solution to this problem can help medical clothing - modern devices for weight loss.

Medical belts

Medical belts are made of delicate cotton and woolen fabric, which is placed inside. This is necessary so that there is no allergy or irritation.

The belts have a physiotherapeutic effect and a warming effect, thanks to which those who wear them gradually lose weight. In addition, the medical belt stimulates blood circulation, relieves intestinal colic, kidney and rheumatic pain, as well as pain associated with diseases of the spine.


Slimming shorts are a real achievement in the field of body shaping. According to the statements of manufacturers, they help to solve not only the problem of excess weight, but also the problem of cellulite. And all without any effort on the part of their owners. It is enough to wear shorts during sports activities or even just at home during cleaning, and the result will not keep you waiting.

The action of the shorts is based on the fact that they are made of a special material that creates the effect of a sauna. Thanks to this, the skin is leveled in problem areas, blood circulation and lymph flow improve, which softens fatty deposits. Slimming shorts can also be used like regular shorts: they perfectly tighten the buttocks and stomach, improving the shape of the body.


The category of "underwear for weight loss" includes shorts and underpants that do not create the effect of a sauna. This underwear fits well and does not restrict movement due to the fact that the material used in the manufacture is denser than for ordinary underwear. "Burns" fat special impregnation, consisting of caffeine and seaweed extract. In the process of movement, these substances are absorbed into the skin, dissolving fat deposits. Regular wearing of such underwear gives a very good results: in a month a woman can get rid of a few extra pounds.

Soap and plaster for weight loss

Homeopathic soaps and plasters are not as popular as medical underwear, but they should not be neglected. In its action, the patch is no worse than any fat burners, especially if it is combined with physical exercises.

With regard to soap, we can only say that its use improves blood circulation in the deep subcutaneous layers, helps to saturate them with oxygen, get rid of wrinkles and cleanse the skin. When using soap additional funds skin rejuvenation are rubbing the body with a sponge or a non-rough washcloth, as well as alternating cold and warm water.

Today, the vast majority of residents of large metropolitan areas suffer from diseases caused just with lack of physical activity. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called hypodynamia. Diabetes, obesity, diseases of the heart and circulatory system, curvature of the spine - this is not the whole list of disorders that presents us sedentary image life...

Even those individuals who would like to cultivate a sports lifestyle do not always have time for this. It was for such a modern busy person that this a set of invisible exercises that are available to perform outside the gym or your own home:

  • I) in transport,
  • II) on the street,
  • III) and even in the workplace.

At the same time, even the most inquisitive and observant colleagues will never think of what you in fact doing…

Various hidden exercises.

In previous articles of our fitness website, we have repeatedly touched on the topic of “combining business with pleasure”: training in the office or on the way to work and other variations. This topic is very popular and in demand. Among the people we interviewed, approximately 20% of respondents practice hidden physical exercises at work and at work, or in any other place suitable for them:

  • someone keeps in the office kettlebell,
  • someone presses carpal expander on the way from home to work,
  • someone, finding a free minute, does inconspicuous Kegel exercises. Moreover, the number of adherents of this particular technique is constantly growing both from the female and from the male half of the population of our planet ...

As you can see, hidden exercises are incredibly popular. Apparently, their whole relish lies in the fact that we, becoming stronger, healthier, sexier and more beautiful, in fact save our personal free time, so necessary for us for other needs, for example, for the same active training ...

So, the list we have in our asset called: “invisible physical exercises at work and outside the gym” today will be supplemented with new movements focused on working out the press and muscles of the torso. You will learn how to train your stomach right in front of the eyes of the uncomprehending colleagues, right under the noses of the most furious and fastidious Boss...

But, first, as has been repeatedly said in numerous articles on our website “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian”, each workout must be started with a warm-up. Of course, you will not be able to complete the entire cycle of warm-up movements intended for this. However, there is still a way out of this situation:

  • You can run up a few floors and back down,
  • or take a short run after the departing bus,
  • well, or other options of a similar plan ...

When the muscles warm up, you can go directly to training. To work on your abdominals, do the simplest, but at the same time extremely effective exercise. It is best to perform it while sitting on a chair or office chair. To do this, you need to straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest and back, and also tighten your buttocks. After that, very deeply draw in the air and then exhale at the same time drawing in the stomach as deep as possible.

At the same time, your diaphragm should hardly rise. To achieve this, inhalations and exhalations should be carried out rhythmically in a cycle, without holding the breath. The effect is achieved due to the tension that occurs in the abdominal muscles. To obtain tangible results, it is worth performing at least 50 retraction cycles at a time.

The next movement is for training lower third abdominal press. It is performed in a sitting position on a chair or armchair. You need to straighten up and place your hands behind you so that the hands are directed forward and the palms are looking down. Then, bending your knees, move them. Exhaling, raise your legs a little and try at least for a couple of seconds fix this position. To achieve a noticeable effect, it is recommended to perform 30 approaches.

The exercises described above are intended to keep the abdominal muscles in good shape in between the main (classic strength) workouts. This means that, most likely, they will fall on your work time. Feel free to perform them at your workplace, because health and beauty are above all!

It is also useful to keep in mind that almost no strength training can do without the participation of the abdominal muscles. physical movement. So try increase overall physical activity:

  • walk more often than by car or public transport,
  • give preference to the stairs rather than the elevator,
  • lie less on the couch or sit in front of the TV,
  • be more active and energetic in daily life.